Set up a bath. Planning and arrangement of the bath: what to look for first

Proper arrangement of the bath will make the rest comfortable and extend the life of the building. High-quality finishing and careful selection of the interior will protect wooden materials from dampness and insects, rotting and mold, and a person from burns and allergies.

The choice of material for finishing

Finishing masters advise using linden. This is an affordable raw material that does not heat up at a temperature of 80-120 degrees above zero, so it does not burn the skin. Wood absorbs moisture well and does not dampen.

The pleasant honey aroma of linden and healing properties will create a cozy atmosphere in the room and have a healing effect on a person. A delicate light shade of wood will harmoniously fit into the interior.

Never use pine. When heated, it releases resins, which will make it impossible to stay in the steam room. Do not use wood-based boards or linoleum for interior decoration of the steam room and washing. Materials emit toxic substances that are harmful to health.

Fiberboard and chipboard are also toxic when heated. In addition, they are flammable and swell strongly when absorbing moisture. Such materials are not applicable for finishing a washing or steam room, however, they are suitable for arranging a relaxation room, a terrace or a summer kitchen in a bathhouse.

Eurolining is the best material for lining a bath. The thin, smooth panel improves air circulation and levels the walls. Environmentally friendly wood does not emit harmful substances and improves human well-being.

Choose lining linden profile "Softline". The smooth and soft lines of the slats will make the room neat and refined. A simple tenon-groove fastening principle will speed up installation. You can easily install the lining yourself.

Insulation and cladding of walls and ceilings in the bath

After you have bought the materials, let the lining settle in the bath for 1-2 days. Then get to work.

Preparatory stage

Putty the bumps and dents on the walls and ceiling. By the way, lining has an excellent quality of leveling the walls.

Creating a crate

If you lay the lining without a frame, then the walls may turn out to be uneven and will last less. The crate is made of bars of the same size, which are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other.

We spread the insulation

Between the bars, continue the film or foil with an overlap of 5-10 cm thick. It will protect the insulation from moisture. Then lay mineral or basalt wool on top, which will perfectly insulate the room.

To prevent heat from escaping, do not leave gaps and gaps between the cotton slabs. Place a thin layer of cross-linked polyethylene on top of the insulation and secure with strong adhesive tape.

Installation of lining

The lining is laid horizontally or vertically, depending on taste preferences. The vertical method will allow you to warm the air up to 100-120 degrees above zero. It will visually stretch the walls and increase the height of the ceilings. The horizontal method characterizes faster and easier installation. It will provide high-quality ventilation and increase the life of materials.

In both cases, laying starts from the corner. To fix the lining, clamps, nails and self-tapping screws are used. Remember that they should only be stainless galvanized. Otherwise, brown spots will appear on the walls.

Wall and ceiling treatment

In order for the lining to serve for a long time, the surface is varnished and painted, flame retardants and antiseptics. Means will protect wood from scratches and insects, dampness and rotting, mold and fungus, open flame.

Finishing the floor in the steam room

In the steam room, it is better to raise the floor by 15-20 cm, this will improve the thermal insulation in the room. For flooring use edged board or tile.

  • The boards are laid on wooden logs as tightly as possible to each other. The edges of the boards are best rounded so that small gaps remain. This will facilitate cleaning and speed up the runoff of water. Boards are fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • The tile is not afraid of dampness and is not subject to rotting, like wood. To lay tiles, first make a screed and level the surface. The tile is placed on a special glue and the seams are treated with a special moisture-resistant mixture. It will not allow moisture to get under the lining and form mold. Remember that for tiles it is necessary to make a wooden shield so as not to slip.

Installation of windows and doors in the bath

As a raw material for windows and doors, it is also better to choose linden for the same reasons. Wood withstands high temperatures, does not burn or dampen.

The size of the windows should be selected depending on the purpose of the room. In the steam room, it is better not to install a window at all. If there is such a need, then choose a small window to minimize heat loss. Choose windows with heat-resistant glass!

Install a large window in the dressing room and rest room. It will give a lot of light, visually increase the space and simplify ventilation. To keep the heat in the room longer, place the window closer to the floor and install double frames.

For a bath, it is necessary to install at least two doors - the entrance and the door to the steam room. In addition, the layout may require a door to the rest room, shower room and other rooms.

There are three types of doors that are suitable for a bath or sauna:

  • Deaf (completely wooden) - a great option for the main entrance;
  • Glass - made of heat-resistant glass, suitable for rest rooms and steam rooms;
  • Combined - wooden doors with a glass insert are suitable for a shower room or a rest room.

The choice of the type of door and window depends on the tastes of the customer. The company "Bath Furniture" presents a catalog with a wide selection of windows, doors and fittings of various configurations and sizes.

Shelves and furniture for the bath

The final stage will be the installation of shelves, benches and other pieces of furniture and interior. Shelves - the main element for arranging convenient placement in the steam room. As a rule, shelves are placed in the form of steps in 2-3 tiers. There may be more rows. But keep in mind that the distance between the lower level and the floor must be at least 80 cm.

Also for the arrangement you will need benches and benches. Carefully consider the quality control of such products. Items should not creak or wobble. Choose a smooth surface free of knots, burrs and roughness.

Cooperage products will make your stay in the bath comfortable and enhance the healing effect. Items are designed to store and use water. The company "Bath furniture" offers:

  • mugs and ladles
  • buckets, tubs and bowls
  • pouring devices
  • covers.

To arrange a dressing room or a relaxation room, choose tables and benches, deck chairs and armchairs, furniture sets. Don't forget about accessories. You will need hangers, a mirror, cabinets or drawers.

Comfortable furniture and accessories will transform the premises. They will allow you to relax as much as possible and enjoy outdoor recreation, have a great time in a friendly company.

Self-construction and arrangement of a bath is a difficult, but quite feasible undertaking. First of all, the owner must choose the right material for the construction of the bath.

Start by choosing a suitable location for the building. The following recommendations will help you with this:

Before starting any construction activities, prepare a bath project.

Determine the optimal size of the structure. One vacationer should account for at least 5 m2 of the total building area. For example, if you are building a bathhouse for 4 people, its area must be at least 20 m2.

The standard bath consists of a steam room, a washing department, a dressing room and a rest room. Set the dimensions and features of the spatial placement of the listed premises that are convenient for you.

Prepare the following drawings:

You can make all these drawings yourself or find them in an open source. In general, the projects of log baths remain almost the same. If you have the desire and sufficient budget, order the preparation of drawings by a professional.

Materials for building a bath

To build a bath from a bar, you will need a whole set of different materials and devices, namely:

  • beam. Traditionally, a material with a section of 150x150 mm is used;

  • floor boards. The best option is a four-meter edged board 15x5 cm;

  • ceiling boards. Usually used lining with a width of 10 cm and a thickness of 2 cm;

  • materials for interior decoration. Lining is perfect;

  • vapor barrier material. The best option is modern vapor barrier films;

  • waterproofing material. If possible, use penofol. Polyethylene film is also suitable;

  • ceiling heater. Mineral wool materials are well suited;

  • sheet asbestos. With it, you isolate the wooden elements of the building from high temperatures. Insulation sheets must be fixed to the walls near the sauna stove. Also, wooden elements installed in close proximity to the chimney need insulation;

  • bulk materials for arrangement. The set is standard: cement, sand and gravel;

  • material for finishing the roof. Focus on your preferences. The main thing is that the roof of the bath looks good surrounded by the roofs of other buildings on the site;

  • insulation for interventional space. Use jute. Tow and moss are also suitable.

It is best to start building a bath in the spring, because. after the completion of the main activities, the wood will need to be left for a six-month "wintering". During this time, the material will dry and give the required shrinkage.

Buy cement immediately before construction begins.

Bath construction guide

The work is carried out in stages - from preparing the construction site to equipping the bath with various accessories.

First stage - Site preparation

Clear the construction site of all sorts of debris, shrubs, large roots and, in general, everything that can interfere with the foundation construction stage.

The second stage - Pouring the foundation

Attach the batten boards to the rafters. Lay hydro, heat and vapor barrier materials, the insulation of the bath is one of the most important elements of its construction, the quality of the built bath will directly depend on this. Install your chosen roof finish.

Prices for various types of timber

Fourth stage - Interior fittings

Start by arranging the necessary communications.

You should take care of the installation even at the stage of creating the foundation. To do this, outside the boundaries of the bath, create a pit or a drainage well connected to the bath with a pipe laid with a slope.

After completing the arrangement of the sewer, make the floor. It can be concrete or wood. Concrete floors are usually tiled. This coating is more durable.

The wooden floor is traditionally made leaky. The technology is extremely simple: logs are installed, floor boards are nailed to them with some clearance. You can also create a small hatch for drains and close it with a perforated grate. The floor in this case should be made with some slope. As a result, moisture from the floor will enter the hatch, and from there it will be discharged through a pipe into a drainage well or pit.

In order for the wood to last as long as possible, carefully ventilate the bath after each visit.

Insulate the ceiling and walls of the building using suitable moisture, heat and vapor barrier materials. Install doors and windows. Connect plumbing and electricity to the bath. Install the necessary electrical appliances.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation materials

Fifth stage - Furnace and shelves

Choose the design of the shelves at your discretion. They are built in the same order: first, a support frame is mounted from a strong beam, after which boards are nailed to the supports.

The oven is also up to you. You can lay out a traditional one, install a convenient metal unit or a modern electric heater.

Heavy furnaces require the mandatory arrangement of an individual foundation. At this point, everything is also determined in a separate order, taking into account the characteristics of a particular furnace.

Prices for various types of stones for furnaces

Stones for stoves

Step Six - Optional Accessories

In conclusion, you will only have to supplement your country bath with various kinds of accessories, namely:

  • brooms;
  • wooden mug for adding water;
  • buckets;
  • various kinds of wooden gratings, etc.

The internal arrangement of the additional premises of the bath is at your discretion.

Successful work!

Prices for bath and sauna accessories

Bath and sauna accessories

Video - Do-it-yourself bathhouse in the country

If you are the proud owners of a country house or cottage and have not yet got yourself a small sauna in the garden - it's time to do it! A small bath is perfect for owners of small plots who have to save literally every meter of free space. However, the lack of space is not a reason to refuse relaxing, and even useful bath procedures, because there is a place for a modest bath in almost every area. Moreover, a small bathhouse is in no way inferior to a large one, and in some aspects it even has advantages.

Firstly, the construction and arrangement will cost less. Secondly, you do not need an exorbitant amount of fuel in order to heat it to the desired temperature. In addition, you will also save time if you suddenly come up with the idea to take a steam bath. A small bath can be built on a light foundation, and a small neat building will look much more harmonious in a modest area and will not distract attention from the main house. Let's look at the main secrets and features of the arrangement of small baths, in which experts will help us homify.

What can you save on?

What can and cannot be saved on when building a bath? Most importantly, refrain from using suspiciously cheap materials that often do not differ in quality, because you do not want to poison yourself with toxic fumes? In addition, give up materials that are not intended for the construction and decoration of bath rooms, cheap wiring and unprotected lamps, because health is above all. Otherwise, why then build a bath at all?

As a heater, you should choose those whose fibers are not chemically connected and will not emit hazardous substances, for example, basalt wool, because it is not combustible and has good insulating properties. Another one. Another suitable material is penofol - a porous synthetic material sprayed with foil.

In addition, you can save money if you install a stove without an external firebox. This way you will spend less firewood, and the water tank should be installed on the chimney. You can also save on the foundation: it is better to choose an inexpensive and removable foundation, which can be easily and quickly changed to another if necessary.

Build a low roof, keep the ratio of width and height one to three. Thus, you will spend less materials on the psotroika, and on the construction of the chimney.

Features of bath buildings

The Russian bath was traditionally made of wood, but such structures can be quickly built from any building blocks. A classic bath consists of a dressing room, a relaxation room, a sink and a steam room, but if you have to save space, you may have to give up some rooms. The dressing room is an entrance hall, as well as a dressing room in which visitors leave their clothes. In addition, fuel is often stored in the dressing room. In the relaxation room (often the largest in the bath) it is customary to relax after bath procedures, drinking aromatic tea. A cooling tank is located in the sink, if the dimensions of the room allow, a small pool can also be equipped. The steam room is the heart of the bath, in which a stove-heater is installed, which heats the air to the desired condition.

Environmentally friendly materials in the construction and design of a home is one of the main wishes of a modern person. In this regard, wood is still one of the most popular building materials. Natural wood has unique qualities: it establishes an optimal balance of moisture and heat in the house, saturates the air with essential oils, thanks to which it acquires antiseptic properties. That is why it is so pleasant to be in a room where wooden logs are used. And country-style design creates a full-fledged image of a "village house" filled with sun, fresh air and landscapes of untouched nature.

Distribution of space in a small bath

At the stage of designing a bath, it is worth considering the correct distribution of space in the room. In order to save money, the dressing room and the rest room can be combined into one large room. Then it will fit a table, a samovar, and benches or stools for family and friends. It is better to use wooden furniture and without any frills, especially since fabric or leather becomes unusable from constantly high humidity in the premises. The volume of the rest room should be calculated according to the formula that one person should have 2-3 square meters of free space. The same applies to the size of the sink. The steam room can also be made smaller, 1.5-2 square meters per person is enough. If there is one small window in each room, this will help save on electricity when taking bath procedures during the daytime. True, it is better to have windows slightly above average height, 185-190 cm from the floor.

Arrangement of the rest room

If your basement has room to roam, consider a small lounge where you can unwind after a bath. Take care of the source of warm, diffused light to create a cozy atmosphere. Complement the room with a cozy sofa or a pair of easy chairs. On a small table it is convenient to place a teapot with cups for fragrant tea. In order for the furniture in the recreation area not to become unusable due to high humidity, it is important to provide the room with a good ventilation system. As we already mentioned, give up too pretentious interior and a lot of accessories.

Consider loading the stove from the break room, as this is a more convenient place to store firewood and won't need to be brought into the steam room.

Making a small bath

Do not forget that your mood and how comfortable you will feel will depend on the interior design of the bath. A small bath does not imply a lot of details; it is better to choose a simple and concise style. In addition, a large number of interior items will eat up an already small space. It is almost impossible to find a better finish than natural wood. It looks good, is practical, and also has a good effect on health. Remember to use the same type of wood in the dressing room and steam room to avoid temperature differences. The best bathroom furniture made of aspen and poplar with no sharp corners and rough surfaces. If finances allow, the tree can be supplemented with spectacular natural stone or salt blocks.

tiled stove

A traditional tiled stove is a delight for the eyes. Such a stove, although it will cost a lot, will last more than one year. Facing made of natural wood not only retains heat in the bath, but also has a beneficial effect on the body, depending on the type of wood. Basements are ideal for use as saunas or baths due to their small footage and lack of windows.

Interior for relaxation

Elegant, stylish and very relaxing interior. Designers have tried to create an atmosphere that will set you up for relaxation. This project has a comfortable bathroom, a wooden sauna and a separate relaxation room where you can drink herbal tea and chat with friends. Turquoise lighting and mosaics were added to soften the black and white, as well as unusual curtains on the windows.

Minimalistic bath

The main task set by the customer of the interior is to create a modern, clean and minimalistic, but, despite this, cozy space in the house from a bar. The architecture of the house was designed in parallel with the interior. First of all, the internal space was created, its accents, and only then, on the basis of this, the shell of the house. For a house made of timber in this interior, the tree is not very striking. This became possible due to the coating of the timber with a white stain and the use of large color planes. Coziness and softness to the interior, made mostly in cold colors, are given by the presence of textiles and natural materials, a warm shade of bleached wood and bright accents.

Russian steam room with wood burning stove

The building material was Siberian cedar. The technology of joining logs is a Norwegian gun carriage. This is a method in which the log is cut from two opposite sides. Such a connection is very durable, and the house as a whole perfectly retains heat. The average log diameter in our project is 300 mm. OWNHOME designers decided to combine the features of traditional oriental luxury with classic European design in this project. This made it possible to avoid the hackneyed interpretation of a wooden house as some kind of old Russian tower or a hunter's lair. As a result, a fashionable solution in the fusion style was obtained, which the customer liked. In the pre-bath area there is a mini-pool with ice water, decorated with a panel of natural onyx and lined with white marble. In addition, there is a massage table also made of natural onyx.

Carving is one of the main decorative elements of the house. It is used throughout the entire space of the complex, which allows you to create a single ensemble, diversify the texture, add luxury. Carving with oriental ornaments adorns doors, stairs, loungers in the steam room, bar counter and other elements of the house. It should be noted that depending on the background on which it is located, a different effect is achieved. For example, in the bar, the thread is highlighted, on the doors it is located on a neutral background, and on the stairs it is transparent, which facilitates the design.

exotic hammam

If you dream of something more exotic than a Russian bath and are not too limited in funds, try hosting a Turkish hammam. The Turkish bath is not as hot as a regular bath or sauna (temperature ranges from 30 to 55 degrees), ideal for people who do not like or cannot tolerate high temperatures. In addition, the hammam has surprisingly beautiful interiors: walls, floors and vaulted ceilings are usually decorated with amazing mosaic patterns.

Buying a log house for a bath is half the battle, it is important to properly equip the interior. How to do this and what to pay special attention to, read our article.

Floors in the bath

Particular attention is paid to the floors in the bath due to the fact that they are constantly in a humid environment, where many materials become unusable very quickly. In this regard, it is recommended to lay two types of floors in the bath: concrete (in the steam room and washing room) and wood (in the locker room and rest room).

The concrete floor has a number of advantages, which include such as fire safety, ease of pouring and subsequent maintenance, durability, reliability and practicality. The concrete floor does not require special drying after each use of the bath, it is easy to clean, it is enough just to equip drains in it.
Arrangement of a concrete floor can be carried out on the ground or on logs. In the first case, the floors are poured into a recess in the ground, on which a drainage layer, a waterproofing agent, a reinforcing mesh, sand, and finally, a cement-concrete screed are placed in layers.

The entire sewerage system is laid in the thickness of the filler floor. The disadvantage of a concrete floor is its low temperature relative to the environment, but this can be easily remedied by laying a "warm floor" system into it.

In the second case, a lag system is mounted from the bars, and a draft floor from the boards. And already on the floor is laid a multilayer "pie" of - and waterproofing, reinforcing mesh and finishing flooring.

Arrangement of the steam room of the bath

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bath allows, then a pool will be equipped in it. It can be indoor (covered) or outdoor (open).

Immersion in cool water contributes to the hardening of the human body. External pools are recommended to be equipped with a canopy.
If the bath occupies a small area, then it is quite acceptable to equip a small font with cold water in it.

Shower room in the bath

Of course, you can do without a shower in the bath, using a ladle and a tub. But if you are planning a modern and comfortable bathhouse, then you cannot do without a shower in it.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure the arrangement of the drain in the bath, water supply and drainage system.
For a bath, it is best to use metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes, from which the plumbing system is mounted. The supply system will be directly connected to the water supply system of the house, and the drainage system can be brought into the home sewer, or may have its own water discharge channels. The second case is preferable, because by introducing the outflow from the bath into the general sewerage system, you will have to turn to the services of sewage equipment more often.

The washing room itself can be a shower cabin purchased in specialized stores, or a place for taking a shower equipped on its own.

Rest room in the bath

The arrangement of the bath from the inside would not be complete if we did not stop at the design of the rest room.

In terms of area, this room should be at least 8 sq.m (better, of course, if the area is much larger). There is a table and seats in the form of chairs or benches. It is here that people relax and communicate after the steam room, and therefore the interior should be conducive to this.
The walls of the rest room, as a rule, are decorated with clapboard made of such wood species as birch, linden and coniferous.

It is this wood that exudes, when heated, the aromas of wood, which have a calming effect on the human nervous system. Floors are recommended to be covered with special non-slip tiles or decorated with specially prepared wood.

Everyone perceives the dacha in different ways, for some it is a way to relax after a working day in the garden, for others it is an occasion to gather with friends, for others it is just a Saturday tradition. But in any case, a bath in the country is a real miracle that every summer resident dreams of. Therefore, this article is devoted to how to make this dream come true, i.e. build your own bathroom.

Bath design

The first step towards the realization of this dream is the creation of a bath project. It depends on him what the bath will be, so it is necessary to approach this stage very responsibly.

The project must contain the following information:

  • Building dimensions;
  • layout;
  • Location of doors and windows;
  • Structural features of the structure;
  • What materials will the building be built from?

If you can build a bath with your own hands, then it is better to entrust the implementation of the project to professionals. True, you can use a ready-made project that best suits your wishes.

You can find some of these projects on our building portal. However, before giving preference to any of them, you should think in advance what kind of bath you want to see on your site. It can be a small building with a washing room, a dressing room and a steam room for one or two people, or vice versa, a whole bath complex in the country, which may include, etc.

Design nuances

To avoid mistakes during the design of the bath, the following points must be considered:

  • In order for the steam room to be convenient and comfortable, you need to plan it correctly. According to experts, the area of ​​a steam room for 2-3 people should be about 10 square meters.
  • The height of the steam room should be 2-2.2 m. A lower ceiling is inconvenient, and a higher one leads to wasted energy and longer heating of the room.
  • Windows and doors should preferably be small. In addition, a high threshold should be set, although this will create some inconvenience, it will seriously reduce heat loss.
  • When performing the interior decoration of the steam room, resinous wood should not be used.

If you bought a plot for a summer residence without buildings, then this does not mean that it will not come to the construction of a bath soon.
Country houses from block containers are a great way to equip the site.
After installing such a house, which happens very quickly, you can take your time and do it.

Place for a bath

Also at the design stage, before you make a bath in the country, you should carefully consider its location on the site. The best option would be to build it near the reservoir, which will allow you to plunge after the steam room in cool water.

In addition, it is desirable that the bath is not visible from neighboring areas or the street. If it is impossible to withstand such a condition, then it is possible to artificially make a green fence from shrubs and trees.


Any building materials are suitable for the construction of a bath, however, a bath built of timber or logs is considered traditional. I must say that the choice largely depends on the budget of the project, since the price of different materials can vary significantly.

Since the process of building a wooden building is fundamentally different from building a brick building, we will further consider both options.

Construction of a bath from a bar


As with any other construction, the construction of a bath from a bar begins with a foundation. Since the structure will be relatively light, the foundation can be made columnar, provided that the ground is solid.

The foundation is done as follows:

  • The first step is to prepare the construction site for further work. To do this, remove debris and remove the top layer of soil.
  • Then markings are applied to the soil surface in accordance with the project. All dimensions of the future structure must be double-checked several times in order to avoid mistakes.

In the photo - a columnar foundation

  • Further, at the corners of the building and at the junction of the inner walls with the outer ones, holes should be dug to a depth of about 30 cm. The diameter should correspond to the size of concrete blocks or flat stones that will be used as pillars.
  • After that, the same pits are made for the posts, on which the lags will rest.
  • Then the bottom of the pits should be covered with a layer of sand about 10 cm thick and carefully compacted.
  • Next, blocks or stones are laid, which should rise 25-30 cm above the soil surface. It is important to ensure the correct location of the pillars - the foundation surface should be located in the same horizontal plane.
  • At the end of the work, the surface of the blocks is covered with waterproofing material. Most often, ruberoid is used for these purposes.

erection of the box

After the foundation is ready, you can start building walls.

The instructions for doing this work are as follows:

  • The erection of walls begins with the laying of the first crown of timber 20x20 cm. Before laying it, the beam must be treated with an antiseptic and resin, which will ensure its safety for a long time. Before fixing the beam, you should make sure that its location is horizontal.
  • To fasten the beam, it is necessary to make a tenon-groove connection, which can be made with a conventional saw, as shown in the diagram. In addition, metal corners and self-tapping screws can be used to strengthen the structure.
  • After laying the first crown, the floor lag is installed. The traditional option is to insert them into the beam of the first crown, however, this significantly complicates their replacement, which will be needed sooner or later. Therefore, it is more expedient to attach the logs to the first crown using metal corners and self-tapping screws.
  • Internal wall beams can be cut into external walls using a tenon-and-groove connection.

  • Next, heat-insulating material (tow) is laid on the first crown and the second row is mounted from a bar 150x150 mm, also treated with an antiseptic. The connection of the crowns with each other is carried out with the help of spikes (dowels). To do this, a hole is drilled through the upper crown to the middle of the lower crown and a spike is inserted. Installation of dowels is carried out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other.
  • After the walls are erected, window and door openings are cut with a chainsaw.
  • After that, the floor beams are laid, and the truss system is installed in accordance with the building project..
  • The final stage is the installation of roofing material and laying the floor.. After that, the arrangement of the bath in the country is carried out, which we will discuss below.

This completes the main stage of work.

Construction of a bath from bricks or blocks


The construction of a brick bath in a country house also begins with the construction of a foundation. Since the building will be heavy, the foundation must be solid.

You can execute it like this:

  • As in the first case, you first need to prepare and mark the site.
  • Further along the perimeter of the outer walls, trenches are dug to a depth below the level of soil freezing. The width of the trenches depends on the thickness of the walls.
  • Further, a sand cushion 15 cm thick is laid on the bottom.
  • After that, the formwork is installed and reinforcement with steel bars is performed. As a rule, reinforcement is a metal frame made of reinforcement, fastened together with wire.

  • After that, the formwork is poured with concrete. At this stage, it is necessary to ensure the horizontal level of the foundation.

An important point in the construction of the foundation is the preparation of concrete, since the strength of the structure depends on it. To prepare high-quality concrete, you will need the following ingredients:

All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

erection of the box

After 28 days, when the concrete has gained strength, you can continue to build a bath in the country.

The work is done in the following order:

  • As in the first case, before the walls are erected, the foundation is waterproofed with a roofing material.
  • Next, bricks or blocks are laid on a cement-sand mortar. When laying each row, it is necessary to check the horizontal position of its location using the building level.
  • In accordance with the project, at the stage of erecting walls, it is necessary to provide window and door openings. A jumper must be laid over each opening. As a rule, concrete beams are used for this.
  • After the walls are erected, the floor beams are laid and the roof truss system is performed.

On that, the construction of the box is completed.

Bath arrangement

So, the building is ready, now it remains to figure out how to equip a bath in the country. Of course, doors and windows should be installed first. Then you need to pay attention to the steam room.

Arrangement is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, logs are laid and a wooden floor made of resin-free wood is laid.
  • Next, insulation is performed, especially if the building is built of brick or blocks. To do this, slats are nailed to the walls, between which mineral mats are fixed, after which foil insulation is mounted. Then the walls are sewn up with linden clapboard.

  • The next step is to make shelves from linden or abash. Shelves are stuffed from hotel rails, between which there should be a distance of several millimeters.
  • The final stage of work is the implementation of lighting. For the steam room it is necessary to use special hermetic lighting fixtures. In this case, the switches must be located outside it.

If there is no electricity in the country house, then renting a diesel generator for the country house will help solve the problem of power supply.

After the steam room is ready, you should purchase equipment for a bath in the country. The most important element is the stove-heater. Of course, it can be laid out of brick, but this is quite a difficult job, so it's easier and safer to buy a finished product.

As for the arrangement of the rest of the premises, the interior of the bath in the country depends on individual preferences. Most often, the bath is decorated in the Russian style, however, you can use more modern options.


A bath in the country is available to almost every summer resident, so it is quite possible to build it yourself. The most important thing in this case is to strictly observe the technology at each stage of construction in order to avoid mistakes. The result of such work will be a comfortable and safe steam room that will delight its owners for many years.
