Coniferous plants: classes, types of coniferous trees. Coniferous plants: their distribution and main characteristics Kawaii plants

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to breathe in a coniferous forest? I want to inhale and inhale this air. How easy it becomes for the body, what kind of physical and spiritual uplift do you experience when you leave the coniferous forest?

Forest healer

The coniferous forest is a natural doctor. The air in such a forest is literally disinfected by coniferous plants. It is an established fact that the air in a coniferous forest contains eight to nine times less bacteria than in birch groves.

Phytancides are biologically active substances formed by plants that kill or inhibit the growth and development of bacteria, microscopic fungi, and protozoa.

Horia Varla


1 kg of dry matter of spruce and pine needles contains the following vitamins:

To 12 mg 20 mg
R 900-2300 mg 2180-3810 mg
IN 1 8 mg 19 mg
IN 2 7 mg 5 mg
IN 3 16 mg 28 mg
RR 142 mg 29 mg
AT 6 1.1 mg 2 mg
H 0.06 mg 0.15 mg
Sun 7 mg 8 mg
as well as cobalt, iron, manganese and other minerals

The needles contain carotene up to 320 mg/kg. Depending on the season, its content varies slightly.

Ellen Denny

The use of needles is the very secret of the strength of Siberians.

Recipe for vitamin infusion for the prevention and treatment of colds and beriberi:

30 g of needles, rinse with cold water, pour 150 ml of boiling water. Boil for 40 minutes in summer and 20 minutes in winter, keeping the lid closed. Then strain, drink during the day for 2-3 doses. Honey or sugar can be added to the decoction to improve the taste. In the spring, you can drink an infusion or decoction of young spruce branches or cones. This is a good remedy for the prevention and treatment of colds, scurvy.

Milton Taam

In medicine

Conifers are widely used in both traditional and folk medicine.

For the preparation of ointments, tinctures, oils and many other preparations, all parts of the plant are used: bark, needles, cones, pollen, branches.

Preparations based on coniferous plants are used in the treatment of such diseases as: neuralgia, pyelonephritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, insomnia, arthritis, recovery from strokes, bronchial diseases.

In nature, there is a Yew plant valuable for oncology. The substance Paclitaxel is isolated from it; this substance effectively fights some types of cancer.


For twenty years now, pharmaceutical companies have been using Tees to create drugs for cancer. For example, preparations based on yew berry are successfully used in the treatment of diseases such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer in women, prostate cancer in men, cancer of the large intestine and its various parts, lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, stomach cancer, both in men and women, during hormone therapy.

In Europe, conscientious gardeners, cutting yew hedges, hand over the cut material for its further use in pharmacology.

Trees are centenarians

Until recently, Methuselah was the oldest tree. Methuselah is a representative of the species Pine spiny intermountain. Scientists believe that this coniferous plant sprouted 4846 years ago, which is more than 2800 years BC.

Not so long ago, another surviving tree was discovered in Sweden: Old Tikko. The age of which, according to approximate estimates, is 9550 years.

If you pay attention to the lists of the most ancient living trees, then conifers are impeccable leaders. There are 21 trees over 1500 years old, of which 20 are conifers.

Karl Brodowsky
View Age Name Location Note
Norway spruce 9550 Old tikko Sweden Conifers
Pine spiny intermountain 5062 unknown USA Conifers
Pine spiny intermountain 4846 Methuselah USA Conifers
spiny pine 2435 CB-90-11 USA Conifers
Ficus sacred 2217 unknown Sri Lanka Deciduous
Western juniper 2200 Bennett Juniper USA Conifers
Balfour pine 2110 SHP7 USA Conifers
Lyell larch 1917 unknown Canada Conifers
Juniper rocky 1889 CRE 175 USA Conifers
Western juniper 1810 Miles Juniper USA Conifers
soft pine 1697 BFR-46 USA Conifers
soft pine 1670 ERE USA Conifers
Balfour pine 1666 RCR 1 USA Conifers
soft pine 1661 unknown USA Conifers
soft pine 1659 KET 3996 USA Conifers
Thuja western 1653 FL117 USA Conifers
Balfour pine 1649 BBL 2 USA Conifers
Cypress nutkansky 1636 unknown USA Conifers
Taxodium double row 1622 BCK 69 USA Conifers
Thuja western 1567 FL101 Canada Conifers
soft pine 1542 unknown USA Conifers

Does not sink in fire and does not burn in water

During forest fires, coniferous cones, igniting, turn into incendiary projectiles that “shoot” at a distance of up to 50 meters, which, on the one hand, contributes to the spread of plants, but also to the spread of fire.

Jonathan Stonehouse

However, Sequoia is perhaps the most fireproof representative of conifers. Sequoia absorbs moisture well, thanks to the thickness of the bark up to 30 cm and its fibrous structure, which in its normal state easily crumbles. However, despite its fragility, Sequoia bark has an amazing property when it is exposed to high temperatures or when exposed to open fire, the bark becomes charred and forms a kind of thermal shield-shield. The principle of this shield is somewhat similar to the thermal protection system on returning spacecraft.

Construction material

We all have heard that Venice is built on larch pillars.

Indeed, larch wood belongs to the type of building materials that are not subject to decay. But not many people remember that our “Window to Europe”, the city of St. Petersburg, was also built on piles of larch, which was also used in the construction of Tsaritsyno and Odessa.

A water supply system was made from larch in some monasteries of the Arkhangelsk province, such as the Artemievo-Verkolsky Monastery or the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery.

And in the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore you can see the Big Shigir Idol, whose age, according to rough estimates, is 9500 years. It is made entirely of larch and perfectly preserved.

But such representatives of conifers as juniper are distinguished by their durability, its wood is very decorative and is used in inlays, or decoration.

There are cases that when drilling wells or wells for the extraction of water, they found well-preserved sequoia wood.

Wealth of nature

Amber is a fossil resin. Resin is the air-curing secretion of many plants, released as a result of normal processes or damage to the plant.

The world's only industrial enterprise for the extraction of amber is located in the Kaliningrad region of Russia. Amber deposits in the Kaliningrad region make up at least 90% of the world's.

Michael S. Engel

Inclusions are often found in amber, called "inclusions" - arthropod insects that adhered to a drop of resin did not drown in it, but were covered with new portions of resin, as a result of which the animal died in a quickly solidified mass, which ensured good preservation of the smallest details.

Sheila Sund

Coniferous forests are distributed over a huge part of the land. Due to their wide distribution, they, along with tropical forests, are the lungs of our planet. The increase in temperatures has led to the spread of pests, massive deforestation, fires, all this leads to the death of forests. In turn, this leads to environmental degradation.

It may take a year to destroy a forest, and years to revive it. The dying of the forest means the dying of life, and not only for the animals that live in it, but in the end for humanity, which is already facing this problem.

Despite the high prevalence of pine crops in coniferous forests, natural spruce forests (Piceeta abietis) grow in the altitudinal zone of 1200-1650 meters above sea level, where the forest litter mainly consists of layers of immature humus. Such plantings were especially well formed in the conditions of the Marmaro crystalline massif and the Chernogorsk ridge. Here spruce forms pure plantations over large areas.

Fir-spruce forests (Abieto-Piceetum) were formed on very acidic, poor, but with a high proportion of fine earth, mainly on waterlogged soils in the mountain fir-beech belt. Under such habitat conditions, the beech is not competitive.

In some places on the border of the forest, cedar pine (Pinus cembra) and larch (Larix decidua) grow. Relic cedar-fir and larch-cedar-fir plantations are under protection in the Kedrin Reserve and on the slopes of Mount Popadya.

Mountain pine (Pinus mugo), green alder (Alnus viridis) and Siberian juniper (Juniperus sibirica) form almost completely pure thickets throughout the area with an undergrowth that varies depending on the properties of the substrate, exposure and other habitat factors.

douglas green

(Another name: pseudo-hemlock green) (genus "Douglas")

The tree is up to 125 m high and 5 m in diameter. It lives 500-800 (1500) years. It was brought to the territory of Russia in 1827. The trunk is straight, columnar, full-wood, cleared of branches by 55-75%, and therefore gives a large yield of clean lumber. The crown is dense, broadly cone-shaped or broadly pyramidal, pointed. Branches are irregularly ring-shaped. The needles are perennial (up to 8 years), placed spirally on elongated annual shoots. The age of maturity of Douglas reaches 10-20 years. Bears fruit annually. This breed is moderately whimsical to heat. Big frosts, heat, late spring frosts, long droughts and dry winds are poorly tolerated.

Siberian larch

(Genus "larch")

The tree is 30-37 meters high and 80-160 cm in diameter. It lives 400-500 years. The trunk is straight, full-wood, cylindrical, highly delimbed. The bark of young trees is thin, in old trees it is thick, deeply fissured, red at the turn. The crown at a young age is narrow, at an older one it is wide. The needles are 2.5-5.0 cm long and up to 1 mm wide, placed singly, spirally. On shortened shoots, the needles are collected in bunches of 25-60 pieces. In space it blooms from 12-15 years. Cones are 1.5-3.0 cm long and 18-35 mm thick. The root system is strong (strongly developed main tap root and deep lateral ones). This breed is much demanding on light, frost-resistant, winter-hardy and heat-resistant. Not whimsical to soil fertility.

European larch

(Genus "larch")

Photo of European larch

The tree is 25-45 m high and 80-100 (160) cm in diameter. It lives 450-500 years. The trunk is straight (sometimes saber-curved from below), full-wood. In young trees, the crown is narrowly conical, pointed, and in old trees it is irregular in shape. Longitudinal shoots are bare, thin and yellowish-brown. The needles are 1-4 cm long and 1.5 mm wide, light green, with a sharp yellowish tip. Needles appear in March-April, turn yellow and fall off in autumn. Propagated by seeds. Fruits in 15-20 years and repeats every 3-5 years. Very light-loving breed. Relatively frost-resistant and winter-hardy. Windproof, tolerates air pollution well, is not demanding on moisture and soil.


(Another name: common spruce, European spruce) (genus "spruce, fir")

The tree is 30-45 m high and up to 1.5 m in diameter. It lives 250-300 (500) years. The trunk up to 1/3 of the height is almost cylindrical, slender. Dead branches do not fall off for a long time. The bark is thin. The crown is dense and compact. The needles are shiny, hard, prickly, 2-3 cm long, and up to 1.5 mm wide. The cones are hanging, cylindrical, 10-15 cm long and 3-4 cm in diameter. In the wild, it bears fruit from 15-20 years. Harvest years repeat every 4-7 years. Seeds ripen in the year of flowering. The root system is superficial, but on loose soils the lateral roots are deep. Shade-tolerant, moderately whimsical to soil fertility.

Spruce or European spruce (Picea abies) is the dominant tree species of the alpine and subalpine belts in the Alps and northern taiga. In the forests of Montenegro, there are optimal growing conditions for it. It can reach an age of 500-600 years, a height of 60 meters and a diameter of 2 meters. Its crown is cone-shaped or pyramidal, and the external shape is very different and is determined by the type of branching. Depending on the location of the branches - hanging, brush-like. The slender, column-like crowns of pines in the higher belts of Montenegro are striking. Thanks to such crowns, they do not experience a large snow load.

Young needles appear here, depending on the height above sea level, from mid-May to early June and grow for 5-7 years. Strict conditions in the upper belts determine some features in the biology of pine. So, in the lower belts, abundant harvests are repeated after 3-6 years, and high in the mountains - only after 6-9 years. Also, with height, both the size of the cones and the weight of the seeds decrease. A thousand pine seeds weigh only 5-8 grams.

Siberian spruce

(Another name: spruce) (genus "spruce, fir")

The tree is 25-30 m high and 0.7-0.9 m in diameter. It lives 250-300 years. View close to the previous one. The crown is narrow and dense. Stems are straight. Poorly de-knotted. Shoots are relatively thin. The needles are 10-15 (20) mm long and 1 mm wide. Blooms in June from 20-25 years. Hanging cones. According to environmental indicators, it is close to the common spruce. But more frost-resistant, cold-resistant and drought-resistant.

Scotch pine

(genus "pine")

Tree 25-40 m high and more than 1 m in diameter. Lives up to 350 (600) years. The needles of the steam room come out of the leathery brown sheath, 4-9 cm long (it all depends on the age of the tree) and up to 2 mm wide, linear-spiral placed on the shoot, hard, prickly. Above: dark green, below: bluish-green from a wax coating. The needles live 2-3 (8) years. Seeds ripen in the fall of the next year after flowering. Cones are solitary or sit in 2-3 pieces, oblong-ovate, shortly sharpened, 3-7 cm long, 2-4 cm in diameter. Cones open in March-April. For example, one hectare of an old pine forest yields 4-15 kg of seeds. Fruits annually, but fruitful years only after 3-4 years. Scotch pine is a very photophilous breed, as evidenced by the openwork crown. The trunk is cleared of knots. About competition: it is easily replaced by more shade-tolerant and fast-growing breeds. It is not demanding on soil fertility and moisture. The breed is frost-resistant and cold-resistant.

Banks Pines

(genus "pine")

The tree is 18-25 m high and 50-70 cm in diameter. It lives up to 120 years. The crown is of medium density, compact, and in old trees it is wide-spreading, liquefied. Trunks are often lopsided, often forked and gnarled. Coniferous steam room, 2-4 cm long and up to 1.5 mm wide, twisted, bent. Banks pine bears fruit from 5-7 years old annually and abundantly. Cones are lateral, sessile, 2-3 (7) each, oblong-oval, strongly curved. The root system is strong. The breed is frost-resistant and drought-resistant, more shade-tolerant than Scots pine. A fast-growing breed, but growth stops at 40-50 years old.

Weymouth pine

(genus "pine")

The tree is 30-35 (50) meters high and 120-150 cm in diameter. It lives 220-270 years. This breed was brought from North America in 1705 by the Weymouths. The crown is broad-pyramidal, dense. Shoots are thin, greenish. Stems are straight. Highly de-knotted. The bark on trees up to 30 years old is thin, in middle age it is lamellar, and in old age it becomes thicker. The needles are linear, 6-11 cm long and up to 0.5 mm wide, in bunches of 5 pcs. Needles live 2-3 years. Weymouth pine blooms in May. The cones ripen in the fall of the next year. Fruits in 15-25 years (depending on the growth conditions of the tree). Harvest years repeat in 2-5 years. The cones are hanging, slightly bent. The breed is not very demanding on fertility and soil moisture. It tolerates moist soils and even flowing swamps, where the root system is superficial, windiness can be observed. Requires moist air. Moderately sensitive to light.

mountain pine

(genus "pine")

A creeping tree species mountain pine (Pinus mugo), common in the subalpine zone. Individual specimens of mountain pine reach the age of 350 years. In height, the trunks grow up to 12 meters with a diameter of up to 25 cm. Traditional medicine uses mountain pine in the treatment of various colds. Before World War I, there was even a small factory in Montenegro to extract essential oils from it.

Mountain pine often forms dense thickets up to 3 meters high over large areas, almost impenetrable by humans. This, according to legend, was used by a young shepherd who had to tend the sheep of a wealthy peasant. There was a condition: none of the sheep should be torn apart by wolves. The shepherd drove the sheep to Hoverla, where there were pastures surrounded by dense thickets of pines. Natural protection worked - not a single sheep was lost. In the autumn he drove all the sheep into the valley and asked for this the rich man's daughter as his wife. The old one agreed. So the mountain pine helped the young shepherd not only keep the whole flock intact, but also find a wife.

European cedar pine

(Another name: European cedar) (Genus "pine")

The tree is 20-27 m high and 100-130 cm in diameter. It lives 500-600 (1000) years. The trunk is straight, poorly cleared of knots. The bark is smooth when young, then becomes thick and fissured. The crown in youth is dense, cone-shaped, and then pyramidal and wide-cylindrical. Needles of 5 pieces, cones are located at the ends of the shoots, erect. The root system is wide, powerful, even on stony soils they penetrate deep into the ground. Breed wind-resistant, grows slowly. Demanding on soil moisture, quite shade-tolerant.

Korean cedar pine

(Another name: Korean cedar) (Genus "pine")

The tree is 30-35 (60) m high and up to 2 m in diameter. It lives 400-700 years. The crown is of medium density, broadly cone-shaped, lowered low. The trunks are straight, moderately tapered, poorly cleared of knots. Shoots are not thick, green. The needles grow in 5 pieces in rare bunches. Length 7-15 (20) cm, and width up to 1 mm. Seeds are gray-brown. Contains 65% fat. Harvest every three years. The breed is slow growing. For example, at 20 years old, the height reaches only 3 meters. Frost-resistant, shade-tolerant.

Siberian cedar pine

(Another name: Siberian cedar) (Genus "pine")

A tree up to 35 m high and up to 180 cm in diameter live up to 500 years. The trunk in plantations is cylindrical, straight, slightly tapering, and in open spaces it is tapered, strongly thickened in the lower part. The crown is dense, ovoid or oval spreading, wide. Branches of the first order depart from the trunk at a right angle. Blooms in June. Cones are upright. Fruiting occurs at 25-30 years. Most of all in 80-180 years. It reproduces with the help of rodents and birds. This breed is not demanding on fertility and soil moisture. Frost-resistant and cold-resistant, relatively shade-tolerant. Poorly tolerates pollution.

Crimean pine

(genus "pine")

The tree is 25-30 m high and 70-90 (110) cm in diameter. It lives 250 (350) years. The crown at a young age is dense, pyramidal; in old age - flat umbrella-shaped. The needles are steam room, 10-18 cm long and up to 2.5 mm wide. Needles live 3-5 years. Crimean pine blossoms in May. Seeds ripen in the third year. Cones are sessile. Natural renewal is not always successful. The breed is drought-resistant, heat-resistant, photophilous and smoke-resistant.


(genus "yew")

There are few plants that are as often mentioned in legends as the yew (Taxus boccata). There must be something special about this tree, which can live for more than 5000 years, the wood of which does not rot for centuries and sinks in water like a stone. At the age of 100 to 150 years, yew trees reach a height of about 10 meters and a diameter of 20 to 25 cm.

Previously, yew was very common, as evidenced by the name of the river Tisza. For its valuable timber, yew was heavily cut down in 1400-1700. Because of the decorative, hard and decay-resistant wood, furniture, dishes, jewelry, and even cannonballs were made for the castle in Khust. Yew wood was expensive and the local population, obviously, paid their tribute to them.

In Greek mythology, according to Pliny and Dioscorides, the yew was considered the tree of death. This is true, because almost all parts of the yew, with the exception of the edible red flesh of the fruit, are highly poisonous. The constituent parts of the toxin are now used in medicine in the treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system and tumors.


(Another name: European fir) (Genus "fir)

Tree height 42-50 (60) g., diameter - 1.5-2.0 m. Lives 350-450 (700) years. The trunk is straight, columnar, full-wood, highly delimbed. The bark up to 50-60 years is smooth, thin, light gray. The crown is dense, sharp-pyramidal or cone-shaped in youth. In the older one, it is cylindrical. The needles are 12-30 mm long and 2-3 mm wide, flat, hard, straight or slightly bent. Dumb at the top. Needles live 8-10 years. White fir bears fruit from 30-40 years. Cones 10-18 (25) cm long and 3-5 cm in diameter, erect. The root system of a tree on light soils is taproot, and on heavy soils there is no taproot. Poorly tolerates low temperatures, dry air and soil, high heat. And also the breed is sensitive to late spring frosts.

On the territory of Russia, white fir (Abies alba) forms mainly mixed stands with the participation of fir and beech, less often elm and ash. Fir can reach 500-600 years of age, 65 meters in height, 2 meters in diameter. The crown of young trees is predominantly cone-shaped, later becoming cylindrical. In old trees, the growth of the trunk slows down significantly compared to the growth of the upper beech branches, and therefore, the top of their crown acquires a flattened or nest-like shape. Unlike spruce, whose cones hang down, cylindrical fir cones, up to 20 cm long, stand straight on the branches, like candles. After the seeds ripen in late September - early October, the cones quickly disintegrate after the first frosts and only rods remain, which can be seen on the branches of trees for several more years.

Evergreens decorate the garden and heal the air. Often, in case of ailments, walks through a coniferous forest or a park area are recommended. These are hardy and beautiful trees, but in the garden they feel a little different than in the wild. Despite their unpretentiousness, you still need to pay attention to them and provide care.

Coniferous plants for a garden and a summer residence

All coniferous plants are highly decorative, look great in group and single plantings. With a rich green color, they provide year-round attractiveness to the garden. However, not all conifers are evergreen. There are among them those who shed their leaves for the winter. But for most representatives, the renewal of the needles occurs imperceptibly: a new one immediately grows in place of the fallen one.


Tall conifers can play a major role in garden design. They serve as a background for other plants, spectacular in compositions with deciduous trees and shrubs. Often they are the solo plant of the garden. The small size of the plot is not a reason to abandon tall conifers. In order to decorate the local area for many years, it is enough to plant one tree. In 10-15 years, it will become an accent in the garden, invariably attracting attention.

Juniper Skyrocket

Evergreen conifers are an excellent choice for creating hedges, decorating rock gardens and rockeries

Vigorous shrub, notable for its cone-shaped crown. At the age of 10 years reaches 3 meters in height. In landscape design, it is most often used in single landings and as a vertical element of group compositions. With a tree height of 5–7 m, the diameter of its trunk is at least 1 m.

Sun-loving, does not tolerate shading. Prefers fertile, breathable soils. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, has a powerful root system. The needles are small, with a bluish tinge. Suitable for growing in urban areas.

In recent years, Hupsi spruce has been considered a favorite of gardeners.

A representative of tall conifers, with a luxurious cone-shaped crown with blue needles. Grows up to 15 m tall, unpretentious and hardy. The diameter of the trunk of an adult plant can reach 5 m. It is distinguished by the rigidity of the needles, therefore it has the second name "prickly".

Strong spruce branches are able to withstand a significant snow load. The tree tolerates the difficult conditions of the urban environment well, it is recommended for planting in parks and other recreation areas. Remarkably high growth rates: annual growth of at least 20–30 cm. In the garden, it is most spectacular in single plantings. The quality of the soil is undemanding, does not tolerate waterlogging.

The columnar crown of the thuja Brabant allows the plant to be used as a hedge

In the Russian climate it grows up to 3.5 m. It is not suitable for landscaping areas in regions with a dry climate. Moisture-loving, tolerates air pollution well. Recommended for creating hedges in cities and towns. Thuja Brabant can be planted in both sunny and shaded areas of the garden.

The tree is evergreen, the lower branches are located almost at ground level. The needles are bright green in color, medium hardness. The crown is narrow-pyramidal, dense. On average, it grows by 10 cm in width and 30 cm in height per year. The fruits are brown cones 8–12 mm long, oval in shape with a broadening at the base. Looks great in single and group plantings, recommended for the formation of alleys and hedges.

The difficult Russian climate is not a hindrance to the growth and development of fir One-color

Known as a tree with beautiful needles, a dense pyramidal crown, oval cones of dark purple color 80-120 mm long. The Monochrome Fir needles are much larger and brighter than those of other members of the genus. The average length of the needles is 70 mm. A distinctive feature is the same color on both sides. Fir grows up to 40 m tall with an annual growth of 15–20 cm.

It grows well on sandy loam and loam, prefers well-lit places. It is highly drought-resistant, recommended for planting in the southern regions. Among all types of fir, it has a reputation for being the most hardy and resistant to adverse environmental factors.

European cedar pine looks good and takes root near water bodies

A close relative of the Siberian pine, which is often confused with cedar due to its external similarity. It grows up to 25 m high, the trunk diameter of an adult plant is 100–150 cm. Shade-loving, but can grow in sunny places. The needles are long, elastic, dark green with a bluish tint on the back of the needles.

The European pine blossoms in June, the fruits are dark brown cones. This tree is a long-liver, its average life expectancy is 300–500 years.

Canadian yew needles are sickle-shaped

Shade-loving tall plant growing up to 2.5 m tall. The needles are thick, dark green, longer at the base of the branches than at the top. The crown is pyramidal, up to 2 m in diameter.

Good for molding. The plant is frost-resistant, with an annual growth of up to 5 cm. The bark, branches and needles are poisonous due to the presence of a toxin alkaloid. The wood is hard and durable.

Undersized (dwarf)

Dwarf conifers for the garden are the product of many years of selection by specialists from different countries. Plants of this type are rare in nature. Low conifers are one of the spectacular plants for the garden, and at the same time the most problematic. The reason is that with the wrong choice of landing site, dwarfs can give a good annual increase. The plant in this case may be taller than specified by the standard.

The golden needles of the thuja Amber Glow change shade depending on the time of year

Low-growing shrub with a spherical crown and golden needles. The average height is 80–90 cm, annual growth is within 5–6 cm.

To preserve the decorative properties, the shrub must be planted in sunny areas of the garden. In the shade, the needles take on a green tint.

Amber Glow has good frost resistance, but requires shelter for the winter. The bush looks great as a soloist and in composition with flowers and deciduous plants. Recommended and heather gardens.

Thuja orientalis Aurea Nana can be grown in containers to be used in decorating terraces

An evergreen tree with a beautiful ovoid crown, dense and branched. Feature - pointed crown. Grows up to 170 cm tall. The annual growth is 5-6 cm. The crown diameter is 80-90 cm. The needles are golden-green in the warm season, in winter - with a bronze tint.

The plant is unpretentious, grows well on any soil, except for stony and heavy clay. Prefers well-lit places, moist air-permeable soils.

Possibility of landing in partial shade. For the normal development of the plant requires regular watering. A small thuja is suitable for the formation of low hedges, in urban conditions it is grown as a border.

Thuja western Caespitosa

In 1923, thuja Caespitosa was discovered in the greenhouse of the Irish Botanical Garden in Dublin, its origin is unknown.

One of the shortest coniferous plants, reaching a height of no more than 40 cm. The crown is dense, cushion-shaped, semicircular in shape. Differs in low intensity of growth: by the age of 15 it is a tree 30 cm high with a crown width of 35–40 cm. The branches are erect, the needles are dense.

Thuja western Danica

With regular pruning, the crown of Danica's thuja becomes thick

Dwarf thuja, characterized by extremely slow growth. By the age of 20, it reaches 60 cm in height and the same in crown diameter.

In the warm season, the needles of the tree are bright green, with the onset of cold weather it acquires a brown tint. Recommended landing in places protected from the wind, in partial shade.

For the winter, the plant needs shelter, and in the summer protection from sunburn. The root system is superficial, in the first two years after planting regular watering is required. The trunk circle of the thuja is recommended to be mulched in order to retain moisture.

In modern gardens, thuja western Hoseri is widely used due to its unusual crown shape.

Evergreen undersized thuja, bred by Polish breeders. It has a spherical dense crown.

The plant is multi-stemmed with dense scaly needles, changing green to bronze-brown by autumn. The tree is frost-resistant, but in the first 3–4 years after planting it needs shelter for the winter.

It tolerates crown molding well, has a small annual increase. Recommended planting in well-drained fertile soils. Tuya Hoseri needs regular watering.


Creeping conifers are otherwise called creeping. The most common area of ​​application in landscape design is the decoration of gardens and adjacent territories as a "prickly lawn". Some types of juniper are horizontal and reach a height of only a few centimeters and are used as ground cover plants. From creeping conifers of medium height, spectacular evergreen borders are arranged.

The ground cover juniper Blue Chip has a high winter hardiness.

Juniper horizontal Blue chip is one of the most popular varieties of creeping conifers. A plant with small and dense needles of silver-blue color. It grows rapidly, forming a continuous prickly carpet.

The shrub is characterized by an average growth rate, by the age of 10 it reaches 20 cm in height with a crown width of 30–50 cm. The shoots grow evenly in different directions, the tops slightly rise above the ground level.

Juniper Blue chip is a powerful air purifier that heals the atmosphere within a radius of 10 m from the place of growth. Widely used for decorating rockeries and rock gardens, it feels good on stony soils.

It is drought-resistant, but watering is necessary to obtain a high decorative effect. The soil should be well-drained, stagnant moisture is undesirable. Light-requiring, recommended for planting in rocky gardens, decorating retaining walls and small hills.

The branches of the flat crown of the juniper Green Carpet are tightly pressed to the ground

Dwarf juniper Green Carpet has soft, dense light green needles. The shoots are arranged horizontally, intertwined with each other, covering the ground with a dense fluffy carpet. By the age of 10, it grows up to 20 cm tall. The crown is wide and flat, up to 150 cm in diameter. Planting on sandy and calcareous soils, sandy loam is recommended.

The plant thrives in full sun, but prefers partial shade. During the summer heat, sunburn is possible. It lends itself well to molding, after which the crown becomes thicker and more beautiful.

Not a single weed survives under the dense carpet of Green Carpet juniper branches.

Frost-resistant juniper Prince of Wales is unpretentious to the soil

The undersized creeping juniper Prince of Wales grows up to only 15 cm in height. In this case, the diameter of the crown reaches 250 cm.

Effective in group and single plantings, recommended for rocky hills and rock gardens. Differs in high winter hardiness, does not freeze out in the conditions of Siberia and the Far East. When used as a ground cover plant, the recommended planting pattern is 2–3 bushes per 1 m 2.

In the first few years of life, the crown has a cushion shape, later creeping shoots grow. Fruits in small cone-shaped berries. In the warm season, the needles are green with a bluish tinge, in winter it acquires bronze tones.

In the hot period, the common juniper Depressa Aurea needs abundant watering and sprinkling of the crown.

The undersized coniferous shrub of Depressa Aurea is characterized by high growth rates among creeping ones. Annual growth up to 15 cm. The maximum height of an adult plant is 50 cm, the crown diameter is 200 cm.

The branches are slightly raised up, the tips hang down to the ground. The needles are dense, golden-yellow in color, brown tones begin to prevail over time. In the cold season it becomes brown. The plant is undemanding to the quality of the soil, winter-hardy, grows well in shade and partial shade.

The slow-growing variety of juniper Golden Carpet was bred by breeders in 1992

Juniper horizontal Golden Carpet is one of the popular creeping plants for decorating rock gardens, garden compositions and forming coniferous flower beds.

The height of the bush does not exceed 15 cm, the diameter of the crown is 150 cm. The needles are dense, golden in the upper part of the shoots, and yellow-green in the lower part, facing the ground. It is recommended to plant in places well lit by the sun: in the shade this plant loses its decorative effect. It grows well in any soil, but prefers moist and well-drained.

Photo gallery: conifers in landscape design

Coniferous plants are widely used in landscape design, not only because of their decorative effect. Representatives of this group are distinguished by good winter hardiness, shade tolerance, saturate the air with healthy phytoncides.

Dwarf forms of conifers are popular in the design of alpine slides

Dwarf species will enliven and decorate a rocky hill. The crown of these plants tolerates pruning well and keeps its shape for a long time. As an accent, 1-3 medium-sized conifers are planted, emphasizing the decorativeness of the rock garden.

A lawn is often used as a background for a coniferous composition.

A composition of conifers with a cone-shaped and spherical crown is an adornment of any site. These plants blend well with deciduous trees and shrubs.

When combining conifers and flowers in a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of plants to the soil

Single plantings of conifers give flower beds a note of presentability. With bright green needles, they emphasize and shade the beauty of flowering flower beds.

When creating a composition from conifers, the tallest specimens are placed in the background

A frequently used technique is a combination of medium and tall conifers with creeping ones. In this way, a spectacular piece of taiga is created in the garden.

Coniferous plants tolerate curly haircut well.

The art of crown formation will help to create a plant of unique beauty in the garden. It will become the highlight of any composition, emphasize the respectability and well-groomedness of the site.

Coniferous ornamental plants adorn the garden path all year round.

Low conifers with a spherical crown are original prickly flower beds, most spectacular in single plantings. This technique can be used in the design of garden paths and paths.

Tall conifers can delimit garden compositions

Tall conifers are an excellent backdrop for rock gardens and rockeries, rocky areas, flower beds.

Coniferous plants are widely used in landscaping parks

Tall and dwarf conifers are an essential element of large-scale compositions. They look great against the backdrop of manicured lawns.

Coniferous hedges are not only beautiful, but also functional.

Linear plantings of tall conifers help to zone the site, create a spectacular, but passable barrier.

A skillful combination is the main requirement for creating a complex landscape composition of coniferous plants.

A flower bed of plants with different crown shapes is highly decorative. Caring for conifers is simple, regular watering and pruning is enough.

Video: coniferous ornamental plants on the site

Evergreens feel good in many climatic zones of Russia. To create durable garden compositions, it is important to choose the right variety of coniferous shrubs or trees, taking into account the requirements of a particular species to the effects of external factors.

Decorative and coniferous shrubs are widely used in the formation of landscape design. They differ in endurance and beautiful appearance.

We invite you to find out what are the most common coniferous trees and shrubs that can be grown in various climatic conditions.

Coniferous trees: names and photos

Next, you see the names of what coniferous trees are that can grow in many regions of our country. There are many photos of coniferous trees from various angles. We hope that the names and photos of coniferous trees will help you make the right choice of seedlings for your garden.


Flat needles are usually white or gray on the underside. Most species grow too tall for the average garden. The exceptions are the blue-gray Arizona Fir (A. arizonica) ‘Compacta’ - 2 m and the dwarf variety Balsam Fir (A. balsamea) ‘Hudsonia’ - 30 cm.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Cedar of Lebanon (C. libani) is too large for the average garden, but there are dwarf and weeping varieties such as 'Nana' and 'Sargentii'. Atlas cedar (C. atlantica) ‘Glauca’ 3 m high has blue-green needles, and Himalayan Cera (C. deodara) also has hanging shoots 3 m high - a lower grade ‘Golden Horizon’.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

A very popular genus. There are dwarf varieties for rockeries and tall trees for a large garden. Lawson's cypress (C. lawsoniana) is the most popular species; has many varieties - ‘Elwoodii’ (turns blue in winter), ‘Minima Aurea’ (golden, dwarf variety) and ‘Lane’ (golden, columnar).


  • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

Cupressocypress has replaced Lawson's cypress in coniferous hedges. It withstands heavy pruning. K. Leyland (C. leylandii) reaches a height of 10 m if it is trimmed, and a height of 20 m if left uncircumcised. Cut the hedge 3 times from late spring to early autumn.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Tie young trees to pegs and do not cut. There are columnar K. evergreen (C. sempervirens) 3 m high, and K. large-fruited (C. macrocarpa), also 3 m high, with a conical crown shape. Its popular yellow variety is ‘Goldcrest’.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

This tree can grow in a country estate, but not in the average garden. It is one of the few deciduous conifers. In winter, it stands with bare branches, and in spring, bunches of needle-like leaves appear on them. European larch (L. decidua) in adulthood reaches a height of 25 m or more.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Norway spruce (P. abies) is a traditional tree. Serbian spruce (P. omorika) has a narrow conical crown, Norway spruce ‘Nidiformis’ is a 30 cm high dwarf with a flat top. There are also other colors - Prickly Spruce (P. pungens) is blue, and Eastern Spruce (P. orientalis) ‘Aurea’ 3.5 m high with yellow needles.


  • Location: definitely sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Most pines are too tall but there are slow growing and dwarf varieties. Scotch pine (P. sylvestris) has a number of cultivars, and Black pine (P. nigra) is a good tree to plant alone. Dwarf varieties include Mountain Pine (P mugo) 60cm tall and Weymouth Pine (P. strobus) ‘Nana’.

Coniferous shrubs: names and photos

And now get acquainted with such a magnificent group of plants as coniferous shrubs. On this page you see the names and photos of coniferous shrubs for landscape design. The photo of coniferous shrubs shows various types of site design. The names of coniferous shrubs are given in common usage.


  • Location: best sunny
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Japanese cryptomeria (C. japonica). Green leaves turn reddish-brown in winter. K. Japanese has a height of 6 m, but in maturity it can reach 25 m. ‘Elegans’ 3 m high has pinnate foliage; ‘Vilmoriniana’ is a popular dwarf variety for the rocky garden.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

There are many types - creeping, such as Horizontal Juniper (J.horizontalis); medium-sized shrubs like M. medium (J. media) ‘Pfitzerana’; and tall trees such as Juniper virginiana (J. virginiana) ‘Skyrocket’. You can find junipers with green, grey, blue or yellow leaves.


  • Location: sunny or partial shade
  • Reproduction: acquisition of new plants

Slow growing conifers. Yew berry (T. baccata) 2 m high is a popular species for hedges. Variety ‘Fastigiata’ has a narrow-columnar shape of the crown; ‘Repandens’ is a 60cm tall dwarf. Yew medium (T. media) ‘Hicksii’ forms rounded bushes.

In this lesson, the topic "Deciduous and Coniferous Trees" will be considered, which will help students learn about two groups of trees - deciduous and coniferous. Consider their distinguishing features.

Lesson: Deciduous and coniferous trees

As you know, each tree has its own distinctive features. Leaves are one such feature. Sheet- This is one of the main organs of the plant, performing the function of respiration and nutrition. The leaves of trees are very diverse in shape and size.

Birch has small carved leaves.

Linden leaves are shaped like a heart.

Oak leaves will expand at the top of the leaf.

Maple has a wide leaf plate with pointed ends.

Rowan has a complex leaf, on the central petiole there are up to 15 small leaves.

Complex leaf and chestnut. Slightly pointed leaves are connected at the top of the main petiole.

Birch, mountain ash, oak, maple, linden are deciduous trees. They have their own distinctive features.

1) The presence of leaves.

2) In autumn, the color of the leaves changes.

3) All deciduous trees shed their foliage. This phenomenon is called leaf fall.

A large number of treesform a deciduous forest.

Let's get acquainted with some representatives of deciduous trees.

The most powerful tree in the forest is considered oak. Our ancestors considered oak a sacred tree. The height of the oak is about 50 meters, the life expectancy is 500 years. But there are centenarians for more than a thousand years. Ripe on oak trees in autumn acorns.

These are rich and nutritious fruits. The squirrel loves to eat acorns, and will hide them in a hollow in reserve. The forest bird jay is also a lover of delicious fruits. Wild boars also rush for acorns, because they need to accumulate fat in order to survive the winter.

Our ancestors knew: a lot of acorns on oak - for a harsh winter. Wheat should be sown when the oak leaves unfold. And oak is considered a symbol of power and strength. Oak wreaths were awarded to the bravest warriors.

People say about cowardly people: "It trembles like an aspen leaf." In fact, the aspen leaf trembles from the slightest breath of wind. This is due to the structure of the petiole . The aspen petiole is very thin and long, even in calm weather, aspen leaves rustle quietly. In the spring, before the leaves appear on the aspen, earrings appear. People say: "Fluff flew from the aspen, go to the forest for a boletus."

These are mushrooms that love to grow under the aspen. The caps of these mushrooms resemble the autumn color of aspen leaves.

What tree is this riddle about?

Takes from my flower

The bee is the most delicious honey.

And everyone hates me

Remove the thin skin.

This is Linden. Fragrant fragrant linden flowers attract bees. And it is not for nothing that bees produce linden honey, it has healing properties. Our ancestors went to linden for bast. This is the inner part of the cortex. Thin strips were removed from the tree and bast shoes were woven. Linden wood is very soft and white. Furniture, dishes and musical instruments are made from it.

The second group of trees is coniferous. Needles are modified leaves. Coniferous trees include spruce, cedar pine, fir, larch. A forest of coniferous trees is called coniferous. Unlike deciduous trees, coniferous trees do not shed their needles in autumn, so their other name is evergreen.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The crown of the tree descends to the very ground, so it is dark and damp in the spruce forests. Spruce forests are called spruce forests. Spruce roots are located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, from a strong wind, spruce trees fall, forming impenetrable thickets and windbreaks. It looks like a spruce branch with cones. Cones are oblong.

Spruce is a very interesting and useful tree. Its wood is used to make musical instruments and paper. Coniferous trees emit special substances, they fill the air with a pleasant aroma and purify it. How much joy the green beauty brings to the house on New Year's Eve!

Pine is a coniferous tree. The crown of the tree is at the very top, so it is light in the pine forests. Such a forest is called pine forest. The pine has powerful roots, so it is not afraid of strong winds. And pine can grow on rocks and ravines. It looks like a pine branch with a cone.

Pine needles are longer than those of spruce. Needles grow on a branch two together. Cones are short, rounded.

There is a tree with unusual properties among coniferous trees - this larch. Like spruce and pine, larch has needles; in autumn, larch turns yellow and sheds needles like leaves, which is why it is called larch. In the spring, young needles reappear from the buds.

If there are both coniferous and deciduous trees in the forest, such a forest is called mixed.

Trees are the lungs of our planet. By absorbing harmful substances, trees release air and oxygen. Leaves hold fumes and soot. Trees need to be protected.

In the next lesson, the topic "Autumn in the life of plants" will be considered. In the course of the lesson, we will learn about the most important seasonal changes that occur with almost all plants. Let's see how autumn manifests itself, and then find out the role of autumn in plant life.

1. Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. The world around 1. - M .: Russian word.

2. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: Education.

3. Gin A.A., Faer S.A., Andrzheevskaya I.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: VITA-PRESS.

1. Describe deciduous trees.

2. Describe conifers.

3. Guess the riddles.

1. I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I am growing very straight - in height.

If I'm not at the edge,

Branches only at the top. (Pine)

2. You will always find her in the forest -

You go for a walk and you will meet:

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

3. In this sleek box

Bronze color

Hidden little oak tree

Next summer. (Acorn)

4. Who knows what kind of tree this is?

A relative has a Christmas tree

Non-thorny needles.

But unlike the Christmas tree -

Those needles are falling off. (Larch)

5. Takes from my flower

Bee is the most delicious honey.

And yet they offend me

The thin skin is torn off. (Linden)
