What to do with old doors? How to make a stylish and comfortable Vinyl table and wallpaper out of an old unnecessary door.

If you need to change the front doors to a private house or apartment, do not rush to get rid of the old doors, especially if it is a solid wood product. An old door can always be used in the interior of a house as an original decor or a new piece of furniture. From a massive front door, you can make a large dining or desktop table in vintage style!

Materials for work:

  • unnecessary old door, preferably made of wood;
  • a frame from an old table with legs or separately 4 legs made of wood or metal;
  • fixing material;
  • glass (optional);
  • varnish, paint (optional).

How to make a table from an old door?

Step 1. First, remove the door from its hinges. Carefully inspect it and think about what kind of table you will make from it. If the door is in very poor condition, it is advisable to put it in order: remove the old paint, sand it, varnish it or paint it. If the appearance suits you, you can only clean the wood and remove excess fittings. The beauty of old wooden doors is in their retro appearance with traces of time.

Step 2 After the appearance of the door-top is brought to mind, attach it to the base. As legs, you can use a frame from another table, pre-purchased wooden or metal legs, a reel from an industrial cable, stacks of books or magazines, metal water pipes, and much more. If you're renovating your home, you're sure to find interesting material to reuse.

Step 3 If the surface of the door is uneven, with carvings and patterns, then it makes sense to lay a tempered glass or transparent acrylic (plexiglass) top on top of the door for ease of use of the table. Otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain cleanliness and dust.

Pay attention to the different options for the table from the door below. The final design depends only on your imagination and the options available. It is also advisable to take into account the style of the interior in which it is supposed to put a table out of the door. Boho-chic, eclectic, country, loft or industrial elements in the interior will help to harmoniously fit such a table into the environment. As a rule, tables from doors are installed in private houses and cottages.

A large selection of external entrance doors instead of the old ones in the online store https://holz.ua/dveri/vhodnye/naruzhnye/

If you have replaced an old wooden door with a new one, then this master class is for you. Do not throw away a door that has served its purpose. It can still last quite a long time. For example, you can make an excellent table out of it, which can be used for home, workshop or garden.

It will take

  • Interroom hollow door without relief naturally.
  • Boards for legs and contour around the table.
  • Wood paint and brushes.
  • Putty and primer on wood.
  • Self-tapping screws and nails.
  • Sandpaper.
Woodworking tools, manual or mechanized.

Making a table from a door

It is necessary to clean the door by removing all traces of grease, old paint. You can use a grinder for this or we clean it the old fashioned way by hand with coarse sandpaper.
The door itself is thin for a countertop. And to give the table a more serious look and add strength, we will surround the door around the perimeter with a wider board.
We cut the boards.

We make cuts at an angle of 45 degrees.

We nail the boards with nails simply by joining the corners together.

It is not necessary to use solid boards here, it is quite possible to make long sections of several small boards. The tabletop is ready.

There should be straight edges. We sand all sharp corners under a small radius.

We nail the longitudinal guides and pre-cut legs made of square timber. We attach the legs of the table to the screws. Fixation comes from other directions.

The hole from the handle must be sealed on the reverse side of the steel.

We close the piece of plywood or other material and put it on glue on wood.

For a hole on the front side, you need to cut a plug, because it is not very good to fill a large hole with putty.

We clean the entire table from burrs and small irregularities. Putty and primer all the cracks, especially the hole from under the handle.

After drying, you can walk again with fine sandpaper. It is better to take the table out into the open, as there is painting ahead.

The definition of "unnecessary things" is not very correct. For some, old furniture, a washing machine or a sewing machine are really of no interest and look like rubbish taking up space in an apartment. For urban living conditions, this is true. But! When you have a dacha, then the source of irritation (old, unnecessary things) with a certain amount of imagination and the presence of some building tools and skills can, if not get a second life for its intended purpose, then at least serve as a source material for creating the necessary attributes of a dacha life.

And as an example, we will tell you in detail how to make an excellent table for relaxing in a suburban area out of an old door with your own hands.

Master class on a table from an old door

There are a lot of options on how to make a table from an old door. And first of all, you need to decide what you want to get in the end. That is, would your table be:

  • kitchen;
  • lunch;
  • coffee;
  • utility table (workbench) in the country workshop and so on.

Where and how will it be installed? In the premises of the dacha itself or in the open air (in the gazebo or in the open air).

Will this piece of furniture be portable or stationary (installed without the possibility of further movement).

In what geometric shape and style direction to make a table? The initially rectangular shape of the door (or even several) allows you to give the countertop a shape:

  • square;
  • circle;
  • oval;
  • triangle;
  • and, of course, the standard-classical - rectangle.

There is also a lot to be said for the design. Very popular today are items made in vintage style. Vintage - design decoration with a mixture of various techniques and decor trends, most often antique.

In general, everything is limited only by the imagination of the master himself. For the first time, we will not set difficult tasks and tell you how to make a dining table for the whole family out of an old wooden door with your own hands.

Drawing up a drawing of a future design

The creative process (otherwise, the transformation of an unnecessary door into a stylish table cannot be called) begins with a sketch and drawing of a future design. And it doesn't matter if you don't know how to draw - see the photo. A sketch is needed for a complete picture of the final result of labor and the possibility of adjusting and correcting individual details and elements. Well, the drawing is a graphical representation of the same parts, indicating their technical parameters:

  • width;
  • length;
  • height;
  • fastening method and the like.

Required Tool

To implement the drawing of a dining table from an old wooden door, you will need the following tools:

  • wood saw or electric jigsaw;
  • electric drill (screwdriver);
  • grinder - in the case when the grinder is not available, it is easily replaced by special nozzles for working with wood, installed on a conventional drill or angle grinder (angle grinder, grinder);
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • pencil (marker);
  • a set of sandpaper;
  • brushes;
  • solvent;
  • paint (varnish);
  • wood screws of various lengths;
  • fastening corners.

Table from an old door for a summer residence - step-by-step instructions

All work on the manufacture of a country dining table with your own hands from an old door leaf can be conditionally divided into four stages.

  1. Preparation of the component parts of the table in shape and size (tabletop, legs, spacers - crossbars);
  2. Preparation of finished elements (grinding);
  3. Assembly of the structure;
  4. Table design (painting, fixing style elements).

First stage

First of all, prepare the door leaf for work. Remove now-unneeded door handles, hinges, screws, nails, trim strips, and more.

Depending on the sketch, you can use the legs from an old table as tabletop supports or make them yourself from boards (timber). With the source material for the legs, proceed in the same way as with the tabletop. Be sure to dry both sources to natural (room) humidity.

Mark the future shape of the countertop on the door leaf and carefully cut it into the desired shape. Do the same with the leg boards. If the support posts are made in a cross shape (photo), prepare a crossbar or spacers.

For old racks from other furniture, such work is not required. Their height can be adjusted in the last step.

Stage two

It is most convenient to grind parts separately. By changing the grit size of the abrasive on the nozzle and sandpaper, carry out the initial cleaning of the surfaces mechanically (with a grinder). Thus, you will remove the original protective and decorative composition from the paint (varnish). Carefully inspect the part and, if necessary, fill up old holes, cracks, etc. special putty for wood (preferably matching the color of the material).

After the composition dries, sand all surfaces again, changing the abrasive number. Prime the resulting surface with a protective liquid. It can be furniture primer or ordinary stain. The stain performs the same protective functions as the primer, while highlighting the wood pattern, giving it a certain color tone during subsequent varnishing.

If you plan to paint the table, then you should not bother with the selection of putty by color. Instead of a primer, you can use a more liquid diluted base paint. Again, after waiting for drying, we carry out the last grinding of the surface to remove the microlint raised by the soil (mordant) and obtain an absolutely even and smooth surface of the dining table from the old door.

Third stage

The assembly of the individual parts of the table is carried out in accordance with the previously drawn up technical drawing and instructions for fastening the elements.

The final stage of work - the fourth

After checking the assembled structure for stability and horizontal position relative to the floor (corrected by sawing the legs to the desired length), you can paint or varnish the table with a finishing layer. Depending on the conceived style design, decorative elements are attached to it in the desired sequence.

After the paint has dried, your new table from the old door is ready!

The recent trend is the extension of the "life" of things and their secondary use in completely unexpected roles. For example: a bathroom cabinet made from an old suitcase, a chic rack made from a guitar body and similar ideas give scope for creative imagination, pushing you to create unusual household items from ordinary junk.

New life for an unwanted door

Today we invite you to create one of these trendy things: a table from ... a door that has served its time. Moreover, the options for making tables can be different, as well as the types of doors. The main thing we need is inspiration, a minimum of tools and some auxiliary materials.

Dining table from a deaf interior door

How to make a comfortable dining table out of an old door if its surface is usually uneven? There is nothing simpler: such a flaw can be easily turned into a stylish "highlight". For this we need:

  • 4 table legs (you can take from the old one) and wood screws for fastening them;
  • 2 glass according to the size of the panels (recesses in the surface of the door);
  • Transparent sealant or glue for glass and wood;
  • Grinder (or sandpaper of medium and fine grit);
  • Acrylic paint of a suitable color, varnish, wax paste.

Glasses can be left removable - niches under them can be decorated, each time slightly changing the look of the tabletop; glass can be glued with sealant or glue, smoothing the joints with tile grout.

It remains only to rub the countertop with wax to improve performance. A stylish and comfortable table for your kitchen is ready.

"Vintage" table

Another option, how to make a dining table out of an old door, is similar to the one described above, but there are some differences in the preparation of the countertop:

Stylish double door table with glass

An original coffee table from an old door can be obtained if the door consists of two narrow glazed doors (photo 7).

However, the design of such a table is universal for any doors, and its manufacture will take very little time - and even less money.

Approximate dimensions of a coffee table from an old double door: 700x1000 mm, height 600mm - however, these dimensions may vary.

To make it, we need furniture corners (4 pcs.), 4-8 confirmations, acrylic putty and opaque acrylic paint.

The finished table can take its place in the living room - becoming a real stylish decoration of the room design.

In one of the issues, we talked in detail about how amazing vintage interior items can be made from old wooden doors. Including - tables (dining and coffee, for relaxing on the terrace and home office). And here we offer to learn how to make such tables with your own hands.

The compilation includes 3 workshops, as well as new inspiring ideas on this topic, which can be a source of inspiration.

The guides vary slightly in level of difficulty and also in outcome (including style). Choose and create a unique table from an old door that you will not find in any store!


master class number 1. dining table from an old door in country style

Materials and tools:

old natural wood door leaf, 2 light wood table supports (e.g. FINVARD beech from IKEA), fine sanding stone, primer and white acrylic paint, brush, paint roller, screwdriver or screwdriver.

Remove the old paint from the door or varnish, then carefully sand the canvas. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth to remove any accumulated dust. Fill in any irregularities if necessary.

Before painting, apply a primer and then apply the first coat of paint. After it dries, sand again, remove dust and paint a second time. It is more convenient to paint the even part of the canvas with a roller, the protrusions and ends with a brush. You need to paint on both sides.

Choose a smoother side of the door, and attach supports to the back. A country-style dining table is ready to receive your guests!

Tip: Looks especially nice with mint-colored wooden chairs, try painting them too.


master class number 2. do-it-yourself table from an old door (modern style)

This method is somewhat different from the previous one in terms of technology and is possible in two versions - (1) more laborious or (2) even simpler than in master class No. 1. We will describe the first one, because it is the one that guarantees the best result. And then (for those who do not like complexity) we will offer a simpler option.

You can also choose different supports. If you are guided by IKEA (look in the "workplace" section), you can choose ODVALD black (suitable in color, but without a lower shelf) or FINVARD (with a shelf, but you have to paint, because they are only white and beech).

Materials and tools:

simple modern style wooden door leaf, 2 table supports (see above), sanding paste, spatula, sander, airbrush, black satin acrylic wood paint.

Clean the door of dust, lay it on a horizontal surface and apply sanding paste with a spatula, trying to completely fill in the bumps and holes from the handles and the keyhole.

When the paste is dry, sand it down with a machine (preferably) or a fine stone (acceptable). Wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust. Repeat with the second side.

Coat the canvas on both sides and table supports (if required) with paint using an airbrush. After drying, connect the resulting countertop with the supports.

As you already understood, the role of a grinder can be played by your hands in alliance with a grinding stone.

And the staining stage can be replaced by gluing a black vinyl film (matte, with a light wood texture).

If you don't want to mess with coloring at all, buy IKEA ODWALD black supports.


master class number 3. handmade desk from an old door

This method has some affinity with the master class number 1. But there are significant differences, and the main one is the purpose of the table. Now you will learn how to make a desk from an old door.

Materials and tools:

old door, tempered glass 5-6 mm thick (according to the size of the door leaf), 2 cabinets with drawers HELMER red from IKEA (made of powder-coated steel), self-tapping screws for wood (for connecting the tabletop and pedestal supports), drill, screwdriver.

Do all the steps described in the master class No. 1 with the door leaf until it is connected to the supports.

In the upper part of both cabinets, mark the joints with the tabletop and drill 4 holes in each. Install the tabletop door on the cabinets from which the boxes were removed. Connect with self-tapping screws, threading them from the inside of the pedestal body through the holes and twisting into a tree.

Lay the glass on top of the resulting desktop.

If you want more decorativeness, lay out beautiful pictures, photographs or pieces of interesting textures (for example, fabrics, etc.) in the recesses of the canvas, and only then cover with glass.
