Read the story while the clock strikes a summary.

Prokofieva Sofia

While the clock is striking

S. Prokofiev

While the clock is striking


The king woke up.

First of all, out of habit, he felt his head. Did you check if the cap had moved on its side at night? God forbid, did he fall off his head?

And only after making sure that the cap was tightly pulled over his ears, he sighed with relief, threw back the covers, sat up and swung his legs out of bed.

The curtains were drawn tightly. The marble columns fading into the semi-darkness looked like pillars of mist. At the head of the bed, a jeweled gold crown gleamed dully.

To the right of the king, on a huge bed with crooked pig legs, the queen snored sweetly.

Oink-oink! .. - she said in a dream. - Oink! .. - Perhaps she dreamed of piglets. But most likely it was the usual royal snoring. The blanket, embroidered with gold, rose and fell at regular intervals. But the queen was nowhere to be seen in bed. Her head was not visible on the pillow.

There was another bed next to the queen's bed. But already smaller, on golden bird paws. The princess slept on this bed.

Chick-chick! .. - she whistled in a dream. Perhaps she dreamed of chickens.

But there was no sign of the princess in bed either. There is a dent on the pillow, and under the folded blanket - emptiness.

Let's just say that the king was not at all surprised. He was completely calm. He knew perfectly well that his wife and daughter had not disappeared at all, but were sleeping peacefully in this quiet morning hour.

Well, my dear little friend, the time has come for you to stop being surprised and to know that you are not in an ordinary kingdom, but in the kingdom of the invisible. Yes Yes! In this amazing country, both the king and the queen, the princess, all the ministers and courtiers, all their numerous relatives - even cousins ​​​​- all wore invisible caps. The palace was securely guarded, but no one had ever seen the guards. An invisible cook in the royal kitchen operated a ladle, and an invisible hairdresser carefully curled the curls of an invisible princess.

The king went to the window and pulled back the heavy curtain. The morning sun flooded into the bedroom, as if it was just waiting for it. Warm living rays slid up the columns, made the precious crown shine, a colored light was lit in each stone. Finally, the rays, having subsided respectfully, illuminated the portrait of the king in a heavy gilded frame.

A sunbeam fell on the king's face and froze. Why is there some kind of sunbeam, which, in truth, is just a crafty speck of light! Everyone, everyone who saw the portrait of the king, really froze in place.

The fact is that the king was surprisingly, extraordinarily handsome. Everything in his face was astoundingly beautiful. And there is simply nothing to say about the eyes. The eyes of the king were clear, bold, proud, intelligent, generous and a little thoughtful.

Next to the portrait of the king hung a portrait of the queen. One had only to look at the portrait of the queen once, and one could immediately understand that she was the very first beauty in the world. Without any doubts! Those shining eyes, that delicate pink blush... Ah! - exclaimed everyone who saw this portrait, and fell silent, unable to utter a word from admiration.

There was no portrait of the princess in the bedroom yet. But a hook had already been driven over the bed of the princess, like a bent finger sticking out of the wall. The court painter has not finished her portrait yet. But even without that, everyone knew that the princess was the prettiest girl in the kingdom.

In all the halls of the palace, in all the galleries, everywhere, there were still many portraits of court ladies and ministers.

The ladies struck with the sparkle of their eyes, silk eyelashes and thin waists, the ministers - with courage and nobility.

Well no! Where there! The artist still could not convey our amazing beauty, the invisible ones sighed. - Oh, if we could take off our hats, that's when... But it's forbidden. This is strictly prohibited. You all, of course, read the royal decree? Whoever removes the cap from his head - off his head! And it's all because of our subjects. Because of this simple poor people. Here listen. They say that once a poor fishmonger, to her misfortune, she did not want this at all, she saw one court lady without an invisibility cap. What happened? The poor thing is blind. And her neighbor, who, unfortunately, was somewhere nearby, crooked in one eye. Now you understand why we hide our divine, beautiful faces from these unfortunate people! After all, what freaks they will seem to themselves! They will simply die of envy and despair ... But on the other hand, think about what it is like for us? Eternally hide your beauty! Always wear a hat. Try to wash your hair without removing the invisibility cap. What if you have a sore throat? No, no, you can't imagine how much torment we endure. And all just because we love and feel sorry for these miserable ugly people!

The king woke up.

First of all, out of habit, he felt his head. I checked: did the cap move to one side at night? God forbid, did he fall off his head?

And only after making sure that the cap was tightly pulled over his ears, he sighed with relief, threw back the covers, sat up and swung his legs out of bed.

To the right of the king, on a huge bed with crooked pig legs, the queen snored sweetly.

“Oink-oink!” she said in her sleep. - Oink-oink! .. - perhaps she dreamed of piglets. But most likely, it was the usual royal snoring. The blanket, embroidered with gold, rose and fell at regular intervals. But the queen was nowhere to be seen. Her head was not visible on the pillow.

There was another bed next to the queen's bed. But already smaller, on golden bird legs. The princess slept on this bed.

“Chick-chick!” she whistled in her sleep. Perhaps she dreamed of chickens.

But the princess was also nowhere to be seen. There is a dent in the pillow, and under the folded blanket there is emptiness.

Let's just say that the king was not at all surprised. He was completely calm. He knew perfectly well that his wife and daughter had not disappeared at all, but were sleeping peacefully in this quiet morning hour.

Well, my dear little friend, the time has come for you to stop being surprised and to know that you are not in an ordinary kingdom, but in the kingdom of the invisible. Yes Yes! In this amazing country, the king, and the queen, and the princess, all the ministers and courtiers, all their numerous relatives, even cousins, all wore invisibility caps. The palace was securely guarded, but no one had ever seen the guards. An invisible cook in the royal kitchen wielded a ladle, and an invisible hairdresser carefully curled the curls of an invisible princess.

The king went to the window and pulled back the heavy curtain. The morning sun flooded into the bedroom, as if it was just waiting for it.

A sunbeam fell on the king's face and froze. Yes, there is some sunshine! Everyone, everyone who saw the portrait of the king, really froze in place.

The fact is that the king was surprisingly, extraordinarily handsome. Everything in his face was astoundingly beautiful. And there is simply nothing to say about the eyes. The eyes of the king were clear, bold, proud, intelligent, generous and a little thoughtful.

Next to the portrait of the king hung a portrait of the queen. One had only to look at the portrait of the queen once, and one could immediately understand that she was the very first beauty in the world. Without any doubts! Those shining eyes, that gentle pink blush...

There was no portrait of the princess in the bedroom yet. The court painter has not finished her portrait yet. But even without that, everyone knew that the princess was the prettiest girl in the kingdom.

In all the halls of the palace, in all the galleries, many more portraits of court ladies and ministers hung everywhere.

The ladies amazed with the sparkle of their eyes, silk eyelashes and thin waists, the ministers - with courage and nobility.

- Well no! Where there! The artist still could not convey our amazing beauty, the invisible ones sighed. “Ah, if we took off our hats, that's when ... But it's forbidden. This is strictly prohibited. You all, of course, read the royal decree? Whoever removes the cap from his head - off his head! And it's all because of our subjects. Because of this simple beggar people. Here listen. They say that once a poor fishmonger, to her misfortune - she did not want this at all, accidentally saw one court lady without an invisibility cap. And it is necessary! The poor thing is blind. And her neighbor, who, unfortunately, was somewhere nearby, crooked in one eye. Now you understand why we hide our divine, beautiful faces from these unfortunate people! After all, what freaks they will seem to themselves! They will simply die of envy and despair...

But isn't it time for us to go back to the royal bedroom and see what's going on there?

– Ha-ha-ha! The king suddenly laughed.

The golden blanket stirred, and the pink one slid to the floor. The queen and princess woke up.

- It is too early! Why are you awake? the queen asked indignantly.

- Sleep? Sleep on a day like this? the king exclaimed excitedly. - Well, well, my dear! Have you forgotten that today will finally bloom ...

- Invisible flower! The king smacked his lips in pleasure.

- And in the evening there will be a ball! I love dancing so much,” the princess clapped her hands.

“Of course, my beauty,” the queen said tenderly.

- Dance! In such heat, you bastard! muttered the little Forest Gnome, peering out of the mouse hole. I'm just suffocating here. Whether it's on my hill, overgrown with daisies ...

The Forest Dwarf, wise man and philosopher, has again hid in the mouse hole. A year ago, the Forest Dwarf snuck into the palace out of curiosity. I thought about wandering the halls for an hour or two. But it was not there! The narrow hole was immediately caulked, and the poor Dwarf remained in the palace.

The bedroom windows were tightly closed. It smelled strongly of roses and lilies of the valley. And yet ... it still smelled of something completely mysterious and incomprehensible. This smell was unlike any other smell in the world.

However, the king did not even think to open the window. And outside the window, streams of fresh wind were sorting through the leaves and flowers. Bright birds sat on the branches and sang colorful songs. But behind the thick glass, neither the wind nor the singing of birds could be heard.

“Why didn’t the invisible flower bloom for so long?” the princess asked petulantly. “You would have ordered it, daddy, to bloom whenever you wish.”

“A flower cannot be ordered, my child,” said the king regretfully. “Flowers live according to their stupid laws. And yet, still... Once every ten years, the invisible flower blooms. And then we make new invisibility caps.

“But why do we need new invisibility caps?” the princess asked. “You, me, and Mommy already have caps. We even have spare caps.

“Ah, my child, you see… We need… But you won’t understand it. And besides… Shh!.. This is a state secret. The main thing is that caps are needed for ... But you won’t understand this either.

“How can I get out? thought the Forest Gnome meanwhile. - Soft loose earth, tender roots, a little higher - grass. And daisies. Pink and white. And my little house with a porch, a door and a lock on it. How much charm in all this. And leave it all to look at this cold indifferent palace? Oh, how severely I am punished! The dwarf chuckled softly. - Here's another bad luck, I seem to have lost my handkerchief again ... "

- Ouch! And I see you, daddy! the princess suddenly said.

- What?! What?! Can not be! the king gasped.

He rushed to the mirror. And - oh horror! In the sunbeam, among the golden dust particles, flickering with sparks, some kind of muddy cloud floated.

- What a misfortune! groaned the king. And yes, today is...

“I see you too, Mommy,” said the princess. “Not as good as Daddy, but I still see it.

The queen squealed and dived under the covers.

- Why is this trouble, why? she sobbed.

- Why, why! – with annoyance mimicked her king. - And because, my dear, that invisibility caps have not been washed for five years. And from the dirt, you know, they lose their magical properties. Immediately, my joy, get out from under the blanket and take on the laundry!

“And what about your court ladies?” They themselves wash their invisibility caps. Why are you worse than them?

- Worse?! I'm better than them! And... and that's why I can't wash them. Besides, besides, I don't even know how it's done.

“It seems that the linen is first ironed and then put into the water,” the princess said uncertainly.

“No, no,” said the king irritably. - You're confusing everything. First, the laundry is rubbed with soap. Then they stroke. And then they throw it into boiling water.

Sofia Prokofieva. While the clock is striking

OCR Palek, 1998

Chapter 3

It was early morning. The sun rose, and all the houses in the city

one side became warm and pink. Sharp spire above the tower

flashed and lit up for hours, and a small round cloud

fell on him like a golden ring.

A random ray somehow made its way into a gloomy dark room

royal palace. He ran confusedly along the wall and froze,

illuminating a huge black wardrobe. The closet was high, up to the ceiling.

Just like a small house. If it were taken out into the street, in it

some poor family might well have settled in. Heavy

the black cabinet, just in case, was still chained to the wall by two

long iron chains.

Near the black cabinet stood a tall, stooped man with

with terrible eyes and a large soft nose, something like

shoe. His eyes were the color of dead gray ash, but under

something burning shone with this ashes, like deeply hidden

hot coals. He was dressed in green velvet

in some places burnt through, in some places covered with muddy spots.

A nasty, big-nosed boy sat on a chair next to him and chatted

crooked legs. You could immediately guess that this was the father and

son. Yes, it was Ceblion, the Chief Keeper of Royal Fragrances.

and his son Tseblionok.

The Keeper of Smells leaned over to the black cabinet and inserted

large patterned key in the keyhole. Cabinet doors long

creaked and opened. All cabinet shelves were lined with different

vials. There were bottles decorated with glass lace,

with gold stoppers and bottles of coarse glass, stoppered

just a crumpled piece of paper.

The Keeper of Smells took one vial from the shelf and brought it to

the nose of Ceblionk.

Well, okay, okay, son, don't dangle your legs, don't

relax," he said. - My joy, tell me what it is

Ceblionok reluctantly sniffed at the vial.

My treasure! Good girl! exclaimed with glee

Smell Keeper.

And what's that? he asked, bringing another

Looks like flower soap. Probably the Minister of the Clean

Belya, - Ceblionok grumbled, wrinkling his nose.

Perfectly! Amazing! -- Keeper of Smells delighted

rubbed his hands. He wanted to stroke Ceblionk on the head, but he

I was afraid that he would start dangling his legs again. - Oh you, my

treasure! Well, what is this?

Not violets, not fish giblets ...

What you! said the Keeper of Smells anxiously. --

Ceblionok, dear, well, concentrate, I beg you, smell

good! You are so smart and capable!

The zeblionok sniffed the air with a whistle, and said nothing.

Well, what are you! exclaimed Ceblion in anguish. -- This is

Well... It's the smell of our king. The greatest smell in our

kingdom. How much effort did I spend to create this

extraordinary scent! I taught you, remember? Can you feel it smell

something mysterious and incomprehensible - so this is the king! My

darling, let's do it all over again.

You, my little friend, of course, are very surprised why

did the invisibles need all those perfumes? Why did they need

locked in a black closet? And in general, what are all these secrets and

secrets, locks and constipation? A moment of patience, now I'm everything to you

So. As you already understand, invisible people could not see

each other. And so, in order not to confuse the king with the minister, but

queen with some court lady, each has an invisible

had their own special spirits.

Noble invisible men, barely opening their eyes, poured out

half a bottle of perfume. Those who are poorer were obliged to rub

lemon peel buttons or eat a raw onion on an empty stomach.

The most dangerous disease in the kingdom was considered a runny nose. More

would! Just imagine! A cold invisible man could pass

past the king himself and not bow to him. He might even hurt him

elbow. And really, what could possibly happen?

Ceblion paced the room thoughtfully. Thanks to his

amazing nose, like a shoe, he best distinguished

smells and for a hundred steps could recognize any invisible person. All

the invisible ones hated him and secretly did all sorts of things to him.

dirty tricks. Yes, there were many worries, even more troubles, and

At the same time, he received a very meager salary.

But it was not for the sake of money that Ceblio endured all this. The fact is that

the king promised to give him two hats: one for him, the other for

his son. To get caps was the biggest dream of his life.

Often at dusk, having finished his day's work, he sank into

deep armchair and dreamed of invisibility caps.

Oh, caps, caps!

In dreams they flew before him like two magical birds and

whispered something tempting to him. He held out to them trembling

greedy hands, but caps disappeared. Caps are power.

Caps are wealth! As soon as he gets them, everything will be

otherwise, everything will immediately be different ...

In the meantime, he opened the closet every morning and taught his son

distinguish smells.

Ceblion stretched out his hand and pulled out a pretty

bottle. A round cork was decorated with a pink glass bow on top.

The bottle looked like a little girl. zeblionok greedily

sniffed the bottle with the pink bow.

It smells of lilies of the valley,” he said, and licked his lips. --

A princess!

Smells. "My treasure, you'll see when you're a little

When you grow up, you will certainly marry a princess.

Yeees! ' whimpered Ceblionok. - No matter how!

The princess is the most beautiful girl in the world, and you see

what a nose!

My treasure, as soon as you put on the invisibility cap,

all this will lose all meaning. No you marry

princess, I promise you this.

I promise, I promise,” muttered Ceblionok. -- And you,

folder, nose even bigger. Ugh, that's disgusting to look at!

My nose is my bread ... - said with a guilty look

The Chief Guardian wrinkled his huge nose with his fingers. -- How

Otherwise, can I make money?

Ceblion smiled his terrible, disgusting smile. He

tenderly pulled his son to him, pulled his hair away from his ear with his hand

Be patient a little more. If only I could get these

caps! You'll see... What do invisible people have besides beauty? All

they are stupid as fuck. And I... well, you know my price. Believe me

the princess will be yours, yours ... The main thing, son, is to be able to

cheat and get a better life...

At that moment, someone knocked softly on the door. Main

The keeper leaned over the keyhole and sniffed.

The smell of wax, he whispered. "It's a Polished Boot."

I wonder what news he brought...

Polished Boot was one of the invisible guards.

Well? asked the Chief Guardian impatiently, opening

Blossomed, the invisible flower has blossomed! Wow, how handsome!

Shined Boot whispered.

And the Great Gardener?

Asleep. He did not sleep for a whole week, he watered every hour

invisible flower. Poor old man, he's so tired. And now he's sleeping.

Okay, okay, go ahead.

The Keeper of Scents slammed the door and laughed. Laughter was

strange, as if the blood boiled and gurgled in his chest.

At last...' said Ceblion hoarsely, looking tenderly at

on the son. I have almost given up hope of seeing you.

ever invisible.

The Keeper of Scents took out a large pair of scissors from his pocket. He

clicked them as if he wanted to cut off a piece of air. His movements

became impulsive, impatient.

I must hurry, he said. - I beg you, put

in place of all vials and vials. You know if even one

the bottle will be lost, everything will go topsy-turvy in the kingdom.

Here's another, and I don’t think about it, ”Ceblionok grumbled displeasedly.

The Keeper of Odors spread his hands helplessly.

I don't have a second of time," he said pleadingly. --

I have to get into the White Tower before the Great Gardener

woke up. The main thing - do not forget to properly lock the cabinet with

spirits. Do you hear?

"Wow, what a stupid boy," Lesnoy shook his head.

Dwarf peeking out from under the closet. How many times can one repeat

and also. He settled himself under an armchair, in his half-dark room.

it was impossible to see. - Think about locking the closet. This is indeed

as easy as shelling pears... How I used to love locking up my house on the hill

daisies when I went for a walk. Key said:

"Zwin!" and turned in the keyhole.

The little Dwarf took a comb out of his pocket and began

gently comb your beard. After all, he was waiting for breakfast

Mrs. Round Ear herself. And she always has such a mink

order, it's nice to see! ..

Ceblion threw a large ornamental key into his son's hands and

hurried out of the room.

He took a few steps along the dark gallery and suddenly

ran into a little negro, who, unfortunately, looked out from under


Oh, it's you, Brush! he hissed. - You're always confused

under your feet.

The Negro was frail, frail, and so thin that his ribs

stuck out like piano keys. Zeblion kicked him hard, but

the boy didn't even moan. Apparently, he was afraid that for this he

hit even harder.

Ceblion walked up to a low oak door, bound with brass. This is

There was a door leading to an underground passage. invisible guards,

who knew Ceblio well, silently let him through.

Ceblion descended the broken, uneven steps. Somewhere

drops of water were falling steadily, as if counting minutes. far away

crackling, shone a torch, reflections of a reddish flame

darted across the sooty ceiling.

Ceblion ran through the underground passage and began to climb

worn white marble steps. In the gap between the stones

rays of the sun penetrated. In the cracks lay motionless green

lizards. Opened emerald eyes and again plunged into

warm dream.

Ceblion, panting, climbed to the very top of the White Tower. There

on the marble slabs of the floor, spreading a shabby cloak under him, lay

old man. He slept soundly, sometimes smiling faintly in his sleep. This was

Great Gardener.

The face of the Great Gardener was earthy, and his hair and

the beard looked like grass dried up by the sun and winds. But he

smiled a childlike smile. That's how a man smiles

when he manages to create what he has dreamed of all his life.

Above the Great Gardener, throwing on him a through patterned

a shadow, a snow-white flower bent. What if he grew up in

a simple clay pot? This flower shone and shone. Everyone

its petal curved and quivered like a tongue of cool

flame. It was the invisible flower.

Butterflies, bees and

dragonflies. But as soon as some butterfly landed on

flower, as she immediately became invisible.

The Keeper of Scents tiptoed over to the invisible flower.

Oh, I should have put on my night shoes, he thought.

When you do things during the day that are best done at night,

night shoes should always be worn."

Ceblion tried not even to look at the Great Gardener,

so as not to wake him with his terrible look.

But the Great Gardener slept very soundly. Don-n-n! Don-n-n! --

loudly, as if warning of something, the round clock chimed on

city ​​tower.

But the Great Gardener still did not wake up, because he

very, very tired.

Ceblion bent down and cut off the invisible flower under the very

root. The scissors clanged like a wolf's mouth, and instantly

With trembling hands, Ceblio seized

the invisible flower and, stealthily, went to the stairs.

Chapter 4

If you, my little friend, by some miracle climbed

to the gallery that runs along the palace, then he would pull himself up on his hands and

looked into the high lancet window, you would see a large

royal hall.

Huge chandeliers hung from the stucco ceiling, looking like

crystal spiders. Countless candles flickered, dripping with wax.

The royal throne sparkled brightly with gilding and precious stones.

Marble steps covered with a scarlet carpet led up to it.

Nothing to say, beautiful! Real royal palace

You would decide. "But why is it empty here?" The candles are burning and

nobody here.

But in this you would be mistaken, my dear!

In the great royal hall, one could simply suffocate with

habits. The smell of forty-five different

garden and field flowers. Plus, they had a smell.

dogs, sour cabbage soup, lemon peels, gunpowder, horse sweat, dry

raspberries and fresh fir cones.

But most of all in the hall smelled of something mysterious,

mysterious and completely different. This means in

hall were not only ministers and court ladies, but also himself

King Invisible. Great.

Above the royal throne hung a misty cloud, or

a bunch of fog, faintly resembling the outlines of a human figure ...

Yes, it was the king. Let's not hide, he was in

disgusting mood. He sat and bit in annoyance

nails. The queen did not want to leave the bedroom at all.

I've got a headache, the queen groaned.

curtains. The bedroom became so dark that the queen could not understand

She sits with her eyes open or closed.

The king stamped his foot impatiently.

Where the hell is the Minister of Clean Linen? Send for him

captain of the invisible guards!

At that moment, the doors to the hall opened wide,

hurried steps and someone, fragrant with floral soap, fell on

kneel before the throne.

Well?! the king asked excitedly. cloudy cloud

leaned forward.

I swear by the basin and the trough, Your Transparency... Phew!..

I'll catch my breath for a minute and report everything in order, - puffing,

said the Minister of Clean Linen. - We found her. Just

the way you wanted.

The king let out a sigh of relief, but he immediately turned into

incredulous growl.

Did you do everything as I ordered?

I swear by soap and soap dish! hastened to reassure the king

invisible minister. - Everything is done exactly as you wished.

order. I placed invisible guards everywhere: on

market square, in the bushes, under every balcony. I told them

wash your ears well and eavesdrop with all your might. And they

Found! And she really doesn't want...

He doesn't want to wash your hats," the Minister picked up.

Pure linen. -- Great idea! After all, the one who does not want

wash them, does not want them ...

Steal! all the courtiers exclaimed in unison.

What a deep thought!

I am amazed!

And I am amazed!

dark and suspicious. He held out a transparent hand, and fingers

it moved like the tentacles of a jellyfish. - Is it in my

kingdom found a woman who did not want to wash

invisible caps? BUT? It's hard to believe. Maybe there's something

lies? Some kind of trick? Or maybe even... a conspiracy?

What are you, Your Majesty, what are you! - hastened to calm down

king's minister. "It's just a simple beggar girl!" AT

wooden shoes, with stupid wooden brains. She is sitting in

basement near the trough and cries in three streams. Ha ha ha! Silly

curly girl!

Ah, well ... - The king sat comfortably on the throne,

pulled down the lace cuffs, reminiscent of unsteady sea foam. --

Perhaps there is nothing to worry about. The girl won't even realize what

she erases the treasure. So that...

At that moment, the double doors opened and the hall entered.

Smell Keeper. Behind him, almost resting his nose on his

back, with a sullen look trudged Tseblionok.

In the hand of the Chief Guardian, something faintly glowed, illuminating everything

around with a flickering ghostly light. It was an invisible flower!

Something inexpressibly sad was seen in the bend of his thin

petals. Yes, and he shone somehow tiredly, as if from the last

forces. One might think a little more - and his radiance

will fade.

Your Invisible Majesty! - loud and solemn

Zeblion proclaimed. His eyes softened. Nose flushed. --

I am happy to be the first to tell you the happy news.

Finally... the invisible flower has blossomed!

There was confusion. Usually courtiers at the sight

The Keeper of Smell fled to the corners, but this time they

surrounded him with a dense fragrant ring.

Invisible flower!

And he looks so simple!

What do you understand about invisible flowers! He looks like

little crown!

Yes Yes! On a small luminous crown!

Ah, cutie!

Ceblion stepped closer to the throne and held out the flower into the void.

The king jumped up. His ragged breathing was heard.

A colorless cloud, swirling, hung over the flower.

Ah... is it really an invisible flower? Suddenly it's just

any ordinary flower? A wretched flower with some crappy

glades? How can you prove to me that it's him?

Prove? Ceblion blinked in confusion. To tell the truth

speaking, he did not expect such a question at all.

Yes, yes, to prove it,” hissed the king. - I know you!

I see right through! And I see your invisible cunning too! If you are

me... Then I you, for what you me...

The scentkeeper's nose turned visibly green.

Ceblionok,” he hurried feverishly. -- My boy,

give me something small. Well, at least your...


I don’t have it,” grumbled Ceblionok. - I forgot at home.

What? Handkerchief? screeched the king. - runny nose

me in the palace? Betrayal! Treason!

Handkerchief! Horrible! We don't even know what it is

Looks like it's being ridden!

Oh, what are you, soup is cooked in it!

No, green handkerchiefs grow in the forest on such

prickly bushes!

It was the courtiers who pretended not to know what


I swear on the battlefield!!! roared the Minister of War. --

Favorite saying of my soldiers: keep your nose and gunpowder dry!!!

and a crack appeared on the ceiling, like a dry tree.

The Keeper of Smells realized that he had blundered a monstrous stupidity, and

his nose turned even greener.

Well, give me something small! At least something...

Ceblion called out helplessly, turning in different directions.

But the courtiers were silent. They were terribly pleased that

Ceblion got into such a nasty story.

Here! - said Ceblionok and threw at the feet of the Keeper

Smell the key to the black cabinet. - I don't have anything else.

Ceblion hurriedly bent over the key. He pressed lightly

invisible flower stem. A sad elongated drop, similar to

tear, flashed and fell on the key.

The key is gone.

Your Most Serene Transparency, - choking with excitement,

Ceblion said. "I hope you haven't forgotten?" The first two

The courtiers, pushing and scratching each other with invisible orders,

rushed to the flower.

Let me see him!

Move over! I want to sniff it!

Let me go! Let me, let me touch it. One


The invisible flower swayed. The bottom sheet came off and disappeared into

someone's invisible hand. An invisible tinkled under someone's foot

Key! I beg you! Watch out key! shouted desperately

Smell Keeper. - Oh, get away from me! Do not touch

But the invisible courtiers hung on his arm, trying

bend her down.

What? shouted the king indignantly, jumping up from

throne. - Get out! Get away from my flower! Under fear of death

executions do not touch it!

The courtiers recoiled, backed away, grumbling softly and viciously.

Ceblio stood in the middle of the hall, blocking the flower with his palm, as

burning candle.

And you, my Keeper of Smells, ordered the king,

immediately go to your laboratory and start cooking

elixir of invisibility. Immediately, do you hear? I no longer intend

wait a minute!

With great pleasure! Ceblion bowed low and,

backing away, he left the room.

Son, find the key! he shouted, turning from the threshold.

It looks like he flew off under the throne. I heard him tinkle.

Find the key!

But at this time, one of the invisible men, out of annoyance, pinched painfully

Ceblion by the ear. Someone else gave him a good slap.

They are fighting! ' squealed Ceblionok in a sharp voice. --

Look for the key yourself!

And Ceblionok rushed after his father with all his might.

I can't stand mess. What a manner to throw everything and

scatter! grumbled Mrs. Round-Ear. With their

with nimble, nimble paws, she felt under the throne an invisible

key. - Perhaps, in my mink for him there is a cozy

place. I'll have to show it to the Forest Gnome. Invisible

key! Still a curiosity, whatever you say!


It was a small room with a heavy door. The windows were closing

cast lattices and from this the sky seemed checkered. In this

The most important and secret meetings always took place in the room.

Everything here breathed mystery. The thick carpet drowned out the footsteps. On the

carpet instead of a pattern was woven with one word "Shh!". For everyone

carpets hung on the walls too. "Shh!" was woven on each.

It seemed, "Shh!" floating invisibly in the air.

There was a strong smell of gunpowder and something else in the secret meeting room.

mysterious and like nothing else. How can you guess my

little friend, that means the king and minister were here

Your Invisible Majesty!!! barked the Minister of War.

Ts-s-s! the king hissed angrily. - What do you have

Yes! If in the morning the king looked like a cloud, now he

more like a thundercloud.

I want to know when the clean caps will be ready! -- in

the king spoke in annoyance. "Send the Minister of Clean Linen!"

Let him know immediately...

The Minister of War darted sideways out of the room. The king looked at

your hands.

Oh, he groaned.

Hands floated in the air like two evening wisps of mist above

Damn it! Why are all queens so white? --

he muttered. “To put it simply, they were dirty. I can't even

look in the mirror - I immediately start to get nervous. And when I

I'm nervous, I'm just unable to take important state

Hurried steps were heard, the sound of spurs. The door swung open.

The King sniffed impatiently. So it is, it smells like gunpowder,

flower soap. Well, more dust. This is the Minister of Laws. He is whole

reads old books for days. Laws, laws, tens of thousands

books, so that it is full of dust. However, there are rumors that

he collects dust with a broom in all corners and pours it on himself.

How will you figure it out? The only trouble is that from this smell itches in

nose and throat tickle...

Happy to report, Your Majesty! - from the threshold

reported the Minister of Clean Linen. -- Everything is wonderful! Girl already

washed your hats and hung them on a line to dry.

Any half an hour, and you will get a clean hat!

Ah! said the king with relief, and rubbed one

a transparent trickle of mist against another. -- Finally Well, in

In that case, let's get started.

Ts-s-s! - all the invisible ministers hissed at once -

The mystery, the invisible mystery above all.

The door was firmly closed by the Invisible guards Naphthalene and Sour

The cabbage soup standing outside the door leaned against the wall out of boredom.

Now they will confer for two hours, no less, or even more

longer, - Naftalin yawned with boredom.

And Onion, the youngest and most curious, squatted down

and pressed his ear to the keyhole He heard familiar voices

KING My fine ministers! If you think that your

beautiful heads sit firmly on your beautiful shoulders, then you

you are wrong. You are deeply mistaken. The people are restless. no further

how today these freaks demanded to be shown arshin

beauty And this already smells of rebellion, my ministers, that's what it is

smells. Meanwhile, the royal treasury is empty. This means you have to...

WAR MINISTER (deafeningly). Fight!!!


WAR MINISTER. I swear by a direct hit "! No wonder I

today I dreamed of such a pretty victorious war"

KING War, of course, is not a bad thing ...

MINISTER OF WAR Much better!!! Let's attack the Land of the Blue

Piglet, or whatever it is called! Let's take away their magic

crystal brush!" Why are they all like little kids !!! Not

realize what a treasure they have!!!


Onion, who was squatting under the door, heard

last words, groaned sadly and slid to the floor.

They want to attack the Land of the Blue Piglet! -- in

he whispered desperately. -- What is this?..

The country of the Blue Piglet bordered the kingdom from the south

invisible. We lived there, to put it bluntly, poor. But this is for the time being

time. Until one artist named Tube found in the attic

his shack a crystal brush. Among all the rubbish stood on

in the attic is an old grandfather's chest. And at its very bottom, under

he found this crystal brush in a bunch of junk. She was before

that transparent, just a miracle that he noticed her. Tube --

a joker and a merry fellow by nature - took a crystal brush,

laughed and drew a blue pig. He has a different paint

was not at hand. And the blue pig: "Oink-oink!" -- yes and

came to life right before his eyes.

Gee! - said the artist Tubik. He began to walk from

city ​​to city, and behind him, not lagging behind a single step, grunting from

pleasure, the blue pig was running.

If he sees a tube of hungry children, he will immediately draw

crystal brush pie on a dish. Eat while it's hot!

To whom he will draw a horse and cart, to whom he will draw a new roof with a chimney, and

smoke from the chimney. This is where life took a different turn. Blue

the piglet did not lag behind his master, always there, rubbing

about his feet, and sometimes even started dancing to amuse

people. Everyone forgot what their country was called before, but with a smile

said: "We don't know what others think, that's their business, but we

like our Country of the Blue Piglet!"

So that's what they have in mind ... - repeated with anguish Repchaty

Let them attack whoever they want, groaned Sour Soup.

didn't hear. I have been deaf in my right ear for a long time. I can't hear with my left ear

nothing since birth.

I don’t know any piglet,” he said in a barely audible voice.

Naphthalene. - Piglet? Sorry I haven't met. I don't have the honor

know who it is...

KING. We need to seize, take away the crystal brush. When

we will take possession of it, we will draw only gold, gold,

WAR MINISTER. And I will guard and guard her. I swear

powder keg.

MINISTER OF LAW (in a hissing whisper). But this pathetic

mazilka, this Tube, can draw guns. And to them also

core, and then...

WAR MINISTER. We must attack slowly, unexpectedly,

suddenly!!! Choose a quiet night when the clouds close the month and...

KING (with irritation). Until "cheers" is still far away. And what,

if my people do not want to go to war in the Land of the Blue

Piglet? If the soldiers refuse to shoot? BUT? What then? Necessary

come up with something so-so that my stupid people want

fight with them. Think, my fair ministers, well


The meeting room was surprisingly quiet. onion

Onion pressed his ear so hard against the door that it


All that could be heard was how the ministers snorted heavily and contritely

sigh. From time to time someone slapped his forehead with the words:

"I think I've figured it out!" But then he hastily added: "No,

It probably won't work!"

KING (impatiently). Well! Speak, Minister of Laws. And then

huddled in a corner, I can't even smell you.

MINISTER OF LAW (uncertainly). Maybe do so. Your

Transparency?.. We will attack them, but we will say that they are attacking us

attacked. So did many famous kings. About it

written in different books.

KING. Not good. Everyone will soon know the truth, and it will only be

worse. (With a hidden threat.) I'm waiting, my ministers!

MINISTER OF CLEAN LINEN (timidly). Hmm... Of course I don't know...

But maybe put it this way: artist Tube of all residents

smeared with paint from head to toe. So we went to them

war to wash them well. Cultural mission, your

Transparency! Don't say anything, nobly, eh?

KING (briefly). For little kids and fools!

The Minister of Clean Linen coughed guiltily and fell silent.

WAR MINISTER. I am a simple person! I swear by the barrel

gunpowder!!! It is necessary to write on our banners: on one -

"Rob", on the other - "Take away!!!". It's also good to write:

"Stuff your pocket"!!! Yes, under such banners, everyone is happy

go to battle!!!

KING (viciously). Under such banners only

robbers and thieves! Think, my ministers! I order, think!

The king jumped up and ran around the room, waving

transparent hands and clenching gray fists.

MINISTER OF LAW. I spent the whole night reading books. swallowed

dust. head something...

MINISTER OF CLEAN LINEN. Until the morning I counted the bars of soap...

KING (furious). To hell with soap bars! Brainless fools. Not

you can think of ways to deceive my people. Hey call here

Ceblion! Now, immediately!

Sour Shchi ran after Ceblion, he knew where he was

to find. Onion crouched on the floor in anguish.

How so? he whispered, barely audible.

Be quiet, - Naftalin pushed him with his elbow. -- I do not know anything,

I don't understand, I can't hear anything...

Past them, striding large and stretching his nose forward, he quickly passed

Ceblion. As he walked, he wiped his hands on a rag. Rag

thrown into a corner, went into the secret meeting room, slammed

a door. Naphthalene picked up the rag, shook it, and carefully folded it.

Mr. Ceblion will ask, where, they say, is a rag, and here she is

here, intact, if you please, if you please ...

CEBLION. Very simple, Your Grace. We must gather everyone

who shouts that in the Land of the Blue Piglet it is better than here.

All to one. We know them. Everything is written in my secret

little book. Send them all to the Land of the Blue Piglet. And

instruct them to conclude with the artist Tube, he is there for all of them

rules, eternal peace!

KING. What?! You're crazy, Ceblion!

CEBLION (gently). And send assassins with them

invisible caps. Such pretty pretty killers. They are

they are slowly slaughtered there with knives. And we will publicly announce

that they were killed on the orders of the artist Tubik. The people will

outrage and...

KING (delighted). Excellent! Well, you are clever, Ceblion!

CEBLION (very calmly). It would also be nice, your

Invisibility, so that there are no doubts among the people,

slaughter our ambassador in the Land of the Blue Piglet!

KING. Great idea! So we'll do it.

WAR MINISTER (deafeningly). What?! After all, this is my brother!

My sibling!!! Have mercy, Your Beautiful Invisibility!!!

Have mercy!!!

There was a bang on the floor. It was the Minister of War who fell to his knees.

He groaned loudly. Grinding his armor, he crawled on his knees to

KING (impatiently). Okay, I'll give you mine.

country palace, just stop yelling. Will it comfort you?

WAR MINISTER (sobbing). And... and your gray horse in

apples!!! It's such a loss!!! Irreparable!!! Beloved brother!!!


CEBLION. Your Transparency, I'm sorry, I must hurry.

The invisibility elixir is almost ready. He boils on such a weak

spark. I left my son to look after him.

intermittently, all trembling with excitement.

CEBLION. So I hope ... The first two caps ... Me and

son... As you promised...

KING (with importance). I gave you my royal word!

The Keeper of Smells ran past the invisible guards,

on the go, out of habit, with a whistle, drawing in air.

Eh, - Onion whispered with anguish. - Oh, brother

Naphthalene, I'm tired of all this. I am disgusted with myself. At first somehow

I got used to my smell, but now I can’t look at the onion.

Longing takes. Yes, not only in this matter ... Throw it somewhere

that damn cap and...

Naftalin clanged his teeth loudly.

Shut up, Onion... Yes, for such words... Remember

poor old Pinecone. He told someone that he no longer

wants to wear an invisibility cap. Where is he now? no one about him

knows nothing. However, I don't know him, I've never seen him.

I don't want to know...

Invisible ministers trotted past them one after another. They are

whispered angrily and enviously:

Well, you can't please! Well, this damned sly

Ceblion. Well, trickster!

Only the King and the Minister remained in the secret meeting room.

Wars. The king stopped in front of the map, examining the country

Blue Piglet. The country drawn on the map looked like

surprisingly trusting and peaceful. Not a single city surrounded

stone wall. Blue rivers flowed joyfully. And if

listen, in the dense emerald forests whistled softly

Boom, boom, bang! - rubbing his hands maliciously, muttered

king. - Oh, shoot, kill! Who attacked us? Boom Boom!

No one is visible! Tara-rah! Oh oh! We took away the crystal

brush! We're dying, we're dying! Bang bang bang! Oh, all of us

killed! Boom!

This king imagined how the soldiers in

caps of invisibility attacked the Country of the Blue Piglet.

Eh!!! breathed the Minister of War.

He finally made up his mind. He approached the king as close as possible and

whispered as quietly as possible. As quiet as possible.

Your Beauty, will you give the cap to Ceblion?

After all, he is such a villain! If he has a hat...

Certainly. After all, I gave him my royal word, - with

the king said solemnly.

The Minister of War grunted in annoyance.

But he is such a sneak!!!

Don't persuade me, it's useless.

Your Super Transparency! After all, he!

It's decided, don't you dare argue with me. kings never

deceive their subjects. But... - The King is quiet

laughed. “But first we will measure Ceblion and his son

yardstick of beauty. And if it turns out that Ceblion is enough

Handsome?! Now the Minister of War laughed. From his laughter

the carpets swayed. Dust flew off them. It could be thought that

carpets are smoking. - Why, he is a freak, which are few! Ha ha ha!!!

Now he will not see the cap as his nose!!! Although his nose

so long that he, perhaps, perfectly sees it !!!

Ha ha ha!!!

Dust swirled in the room. Sour Shchi pinched his nose so as not to

sneeze, and at that moment felt a strong push in the back.

Prokofieva Sofia

While the clock is striking

S. Prokofiev

While the clock is striking


The king woke up.

First of all, out of habit, he felt his head. Did you check if the cap had moved on its side at night? God forbid, did he fall off his head?

And only after making sure that the cap was tightly pulled over his ears, he sighed with relief, threw back the covers, sat up and swung his legs out of bed.

The curtains were drawn tightly. The marble columns fading into the semi-darkness looked like pillars of mist. At the head of the bed, a jeweled gold crown gleamed dully.

To the right of the king, on a huge bed with crooked pig legs, the queen snored sweetly.

Oink-oink! .. - she said in a dream. - Oink! .. - Perhaps she dreamed of piglets. But most likely it was the usual royal snoring. The blanket, embroidered with gold, rose and fell at regular intervals. But the queen was nowhere to be seen in bed. Her head was not visible on the pillow.

There was another bed next to the queen's bed. But already smaller, on golden bird paws. The princess slept on this bed.

Chick-chick! .. - she whistled in a dream. Perhaps she dreamed of chickens.

But there was no sign of the princess in bed either. There is a dent on the pillow, and under the folded blanket - emptiness.

Let's just say that the king was not at all surprised. He was completely calm. He knew perfectly well that his wife and daughter had not disappeared at all, but were sleeping peacefully in this quiet morning hour.

Well, my dear little friend, the time has come for you to stop being surprised and to know that you are not in an ordinary kingdom, but in the kingdom of the invisible. Yes Yes! In this amazing country, both the king and the queen, the princess, all the ministers and courtiers, all their numerous relatives - even cousins ​​​​- all wore invisible caps. The palace was securely guarded, but no one had ever seen the guards. An invisible cook in the royal kitchen operated a ladle, and an invisible hairdresser carefully curled the curls of an invisible princess.

The king went to the window and pulled back the heavy curtain. The morning sun flooded into the bedroom, as if it was just waiting for it. Warm living rays slid up the columns, made the precious crown shine, a colored light was lit in each stone. Finally, the rays, having subsided respectfully, illuminated the portrait of the king in a heavy gilded frame.

A sunbeam fell on the king's face and froze. Why is there some kind of sunbeam, which, in truth, is just a crafty speck of light! Everyone, everyone who saw the portrait of the king, really froze in place.

The fact is that the king was surprisingly, extraordinarily handsome. Everything in his face was astoundingly beautiful. And there is simply nothing to say about the eyes. The eyes of the king were clear, bold, proud, intelligent, generous and a little thoughtful.

Next to the portrait of the king hung a portrait of the queen. One had only to look at the portrait of the queen once, and one could immediately understand that she was the very first beauty in the world. Without any doubts! Those shining eyes, that delicate pink blush... Ah! - exclaimed everyone who saw this portrait, and fell silent, unable to utter a word from admiration.

There was no portrait of the princess in the bedroom yet. But a hook had already been driven over the bed of the princess, like a bent finger sticking out of the wall. The court painter has not finished her portrait yet. But even without that, everyone knew that the princess was the prettiest girl in the kingdom.

In all the halls of the palace, in all the galleries, everywhere, there were still many portraits of court ladies and ministers.

The ladies struck with the sparkle of their eyes, silk eyelashes and thin waists, the ministers - with courage and nobility.

Well no! Where there! The artist still could not convey our amazing beauty, the invisible ones sighed. - Oh, if we could take off our hats, that's when... But it's forbidden. This is strictly prohibited. You all, of course, read the royal decree? Whoever removes the cap from his head - off his head! And it's all because of our subjects. Because of this simple poor people. Here listen. They say that once a poor fishmonger, to her misfortune, she did not want this at all, she saw one court lady without an invisibility cap. What happened? The poor thing is blind. And her neighbor, who, unfortunately, was somewhere nearby, crooked in one eye. Now you understand why we hide our divine, beautiful faces from these unfortunate people! After all, what freaks they will seem to themselves! They will simply die of envy and despair ... But on the other hand, think about what it is like for us? Eternally hide your beauty! Always wear a hat. Try to wash your hair without removing the invisibility cap. What if you have a sore throat? No, no, you can't imagine how much torment we endure. And all just because we love and feel sorry for these miserable ugly people!

But isn't it time for us to go back to the royal bedroom and see what's going on there?

Ha ha ha! The king suddenly laughed. Triumph, barely contained joy could be heard in his laughter.

The golden blanket stirred, and the pink one slid to the floor. The queen and princess woke up.

It is too early! Why are you awake? the queen asked indignantly.

Sleep? Sleep on a day like this? the king exclaimed excitedly. - Well, well, my dear! Have you forgotten that today it will finally bloom ...

Invisible flower! The king smacked his lips in pleasure.

And in the evening there will be a ball! I love dancing so much. The princess clapped her hands.

Of course, my beauty, - the queen said tenderly.

Dance! In such heat, you bastard! muttered the little Forest Gnome, peering out from under the chair. - I'm just suffocating here. Whether it's on my hill, overgrown with daisies ...

Look, disgusting! the queen was indignant. - Just no words! I ordered the maids to slap this Dwarf with a wet rag. And he's here again!

But the Forest Gnome, the sage and philosopher, has already hidden in the mouse hole. A year ago, the Forest Dwarf snuck into the palace out of curiosity. I thought about wandering the halls for an hour or two. But it was not there! The narrow hole was immediately caulked, and the unfortunate Dwarf remained in the palace.

The bedroom windows were tightly closed. It smelled strongly of roses and lilies of the valley. And yet ... it still smelled of something completely mysterious and incomprehensible. This smell was unlike any other smell in the world.

However, the king did not even think to open the window. And outside the window, streams of fresh wind were sorting through the leaves and flowers on the trees. Bright birds sat on the branches and sang colorful songs. But behind the thick glass, neither the wind nor the singing of birds could be heard.

Why didn't the invisible flower bloom for so long? - capriciously asked the princess. - You would order it, daddy, to bloom when you want.

Ouch! And I see you, daddy! the princess suddenly said.

For a moment, the bedroom was surprisingly quiet. A fat fly with a yellow round belly flew from corner to corner. In the silence, her buzzing was deafening.

And I see, - the Forest Gnome whispered, but, fortunately, no one heard him.

What?! What?! Can not be! the king gasped.

He rushed to the mirror. And-oh, horror! In the sunbeam, among the golden dust particles, flickering with sparks, some kind of muddy cloud floated.

What a misfortune! groaned the king. - And rightly so, today...

Something long, narrow reached for something round - it was the king who grabbed his head with his hands.

And you, Mommy, I see too, - said the princess. - Not as good as daddy, but I still see.

The queen squealed and dived under the covers.

Why this trouble, why? she sobbed.

- "Why, why!" - with annoyance mimicked her king. - And because, my dear, that invisibility caps have not been washed for five years. And from the dirt, you know, they lose their magical properties. The last time they were washed by my nurse. She died a month ago. She also came up with an entertainment for herself - to die just when it was time to wash the hats. Ah, this human ingratitude. But there is nothing to do. Immediately, my joy, get out from under the blanket and take on the laundry!

And what about your court ladies? They themselves wash their invisibility caps. Why are you worse than them?

Worse?! I'm better than them! And... and that's why I can't wash them. Besides... besides, I don't even know how it's done.

It seems that the linen is first ironed, and then put into the water, - the princess said uncertainly.

No, no, - the king objected with irritation. - You're confusing everything. First, the laundry is rubbed with soap. Then they stroke. And then they throw it into boiling water.

How complicated it all is, the queen groaned. “But it seems to me that they first hang him with a rope. It is most important. I think it's best if the princess does it!

What are you, mom, I'm still small! the princess exclaimed indignantly. - Thought it too! Is it possible to wash at such a tender age?

Chapter 1
Extraordinary incidents in the royal bedroom

The king woke up.

First of all, out of habit, he felt his head. I checked: did the cap move to one side at night? God forbid, did he fall off his head?

And only after making sure that the cap was tightly pulled over his ears, he sighed with relief, threw back the covers, sat up and swung his legs out of bed.

To the right of the king, on a huge bed with crooked pig legs, the queen snored sweetly.

“Oink-oink!” she said in her sleep. - Oink-oink! .. - perhaps she dreamed of piglets. But most likely, it was the usual royal snoring. The blanket, embroidered with gold, rose and fell at regular intervals. But the queen was nowhere to be seen. Her head was not visible on the pillow.

There was another bed next to the queen's bed. But already smaller, on golden bird legs. The princess slept on this bed.

“Chick-chick!” she whistled in her sleep. Perhaps she dreamed of chickens.

But the princess was also nowhere to be seen. There is a dent in the pillow, and under the folded blanket there is emptiness.

Let's just say that the king was not at all surprised. He was completely calm. He knew perfectly well that his wife and daughter had not disappeared at all, but were sleeping peacefully in this quiet morning hour.

Well, my dear little friend, the time has come for you to stop being surprised and to know that you are not in an ordinary kingdom, but in the kingdom of the invisible. Yes Yes! In this amazing country, the king, and the queen, and the princess, all the ministers and courtiers, all their numerous relatives, even cousins, all wore invisibility caps. The palace was securely guarded, but no one had ever seen the guards. An invisible cook in the royal kitchen wielded a ladle, and an invisible hairdresser carefully curled the curls of an invisible princess.

The king went to the window and pulled back the heavy curtain. The morning sun flooded into the bedroom, as if it was just waiting for it.

A sunbeam fell on the king's face and froze. Yes, there is some sunshine! Everyone, everyone who saw the portrait of the king, really froze in place.

The fact is that the king was surprisingly, extraordinarily handsome. Everything in his face was astoundingly beautiful. And there is simply nothing to say about the eyes. The eyes of the king were clear, bold, proud, intelligent, generous and a little thoughtful.

Next to the portrait of the king hung a portrait of the queen. One had only to look at the portrait of the queen once, and one could immediately understand that she was the very first beauty in the world. Without any doubts! Those shining eyes, that gentle pink blush...

There was no portrait of the princess in the bedroom yet. The court painter has not finished her portrait yet. But even without that, everyone knew that the princess was the prettiest girl in the kingdom.

In all the halls of the palace, in all the galleries, many more portraits of court ladies and ministers hung everywhere.

The ladies amazed with the sparkle of their eyes, silk eyelashes and thin waists, the ministers - with courage and nobility.

- Well no! Where there! The artist still could not convey our amazing beauty, the invisible ones sighed. “Ah, if we took off our hats, that's when ... But it's forbidden. This is strictly prohibited. You all, of course, read the royal decree? Whoever removes the cap from his head - off his head! And it's all because of our subjects. Because of this simple beggar people. Here listen. They say that once a poor fishmonger, to her misfortune - she did not want this at all, accidentally saw one court lady without an invisibility cap. And it is necessary! The poor thing is blind. And her neighbor, who, unfortunately, was somewhere nearby, crooked in one eye. Now you understand why we hide our divine, beautiful faces from these unfortunate people! After all, what freaks they will seem to themselves! They will simply die of envy and despair...

But isn't it time for us to go back to the royal bedroom and see what's going on there?

– Ha-ha-ha! The king suddenly laughed.

The golden blanket stirred, and the pink one slid to the floor. The queen and princess woke up.

- It is too early! Why are you awake? the queen asked indignantly.

- Sleep? Sleep on a day like this? the king exclaimed excitedly. - Well, well, my dear! Have you forgotten that today will finally bloom ...

- Invisible flower! The king smacked his lips in pleasure.

- And in the evening there will be a ball! I love dancing so much,” the princess clapped her hands.

“Of course, my beauty,” the queen said tenderly.

- Dance! In such heat, you bastard! muttered the little Forest Gnome, peering out of the mouse hole. I'm just suffocating here. Whether it's on my hill, overgrown with daisies ...

The Forest Dwarf, wise man and philosopher, has again hid in the mouse hole. A year ago, the Forest Dwarf snuck into the palace out of curiosity. I thought about wandering the halls for an hour or two. But it was not there! The narrow hole was immediately caulked, and the poor Dwarf remained in the palace.

The bedroom windows were tightly closed. It smelled strongly of roses and lilies of the valley. And yet ... it still smelled of something completely mysterious and incomprehensible. This smell was unlike any other smell in the world.

However, the king did not even think to open the window. And outside the window, streams of fresh wind were sorting through the leaves and flowers. Bright birds sat on the branches and sang colorful songs. But behind the thick glass, neither the wind nor the singing of birds could be heard.

“Why didn’t the invisible flower bloom for so long?” the princess asked petulantly. “You would have ordered it, daddy, to bloom whenever you wish.”

“A flower cannot be ordered, my child,” said the king regretfully. “Flowers live according to their stupid laws. And yet, still... Once every ten years, the invisible flower blooms. And then we make new invisibility caps.

“But why do we need new invisibility caps?” the princess asked. “You, me, and Mommy already have caps. We even have spare caps.

“Ah, my child, you see… We need… But you won’t understand it. And besides… Shh!.. This is a state secret. The main thing is that caps are needed for ... But you won’t understand this either.

“How can I get out? thought the Forest Gnome meanwhile. - Soft loose earth, tender roots, a little higher - grass. And daisies. Pink and white. And my little house with a porch, a door and a lock on it. How much charm in all this. And leave it all to look at this cold indifferent palace? Oh, how severely I am punished! The dwarf chuckled softly. - Here's another bad luck, I seem to have lost my handkerchief again ... "

- Ouch! And I see you, daddy! the princess suddenly said.

- What?! What?! Can not be! the king gasped.

He rushed to the mirror. And - oh horror! In the sunbeam, among the golden dust particles, flickering with sparks, some kind of muddy cloud floated.

- What a misfortune! groaned the king. And yes, today is...

“I see you too, Mommy,” said the princess. “Not as good as Daddy, but I still see it.

The queen squealed and dived under the covers.

- Why is this trouble, why? she sobbed.

- Why, why! – with annoyance mimicked her king. - And because, my dear, that invisibility caps have not been washed for five years. And from the dirt, you know, they lose their magical properties. Immediately, my joy, get out from under the blanket and take on the laundry!

“And what about your court ladies?” They themselves wash their invisibility caps. Why are you worse than them?

- Worse?! I'm better than them! And... and that's why I can't wash them. Besides, besides, I don't even know how it's done.

“It seems that the linen is first ironed and then put into the water,” the princess said uncertainly.

“No, no,” said the king irritably. - You're confusing everything. First, the laundry is rubbed with soap. Then they stroke. And then they throw it into boiling water.

“How complicated it all is,” moaned the queen. “But it seems to me that they hang him on a rope first. It is most important.

- Hang up? Then, perhaps, entrust the laundry to our executioner? the princess suggested. - He knows how to hang.

Oh, how naive she is! the king muttered through his teeth.

“A princess must be naive!” The queen pounced on him. Anyway, the girl is right. We must find some court lady and order her ...

“There is nothing to say, it’s a great idea,” the king got angry. “What does she have to do to fool us? Steal our hats! And if it is invisible, how are we going to look for it?

“Then maybe hire some other woman who doesn’t have an invisibility hood?”

- Oh, shut up, please! This is also dangerous.

“So we won’t dance tonight?” the princess whimpered.

The little Dwarf moved forward so as not to disturb the velvet-skinned mouse from sweeping its mink. I must say that they lived quite peacefully in a mouse hole and often stayed up past midnight, discussing all the palace news.

The mouse's name was Mrs. Round Ear. She was very neat, and everything in her mink shone. Every morning she gave the Forest Dwarf a clean handkerchief.

Suddenly the king slapped his forehead loudly. Miss Round Ear nearly dropped the hot coffee pot.

- Invented! Invented! exclaimed the king triumphantly. - That's an idea! Truly a royal idea. I figured out how to find a washerwoman! She will wash our invisibility caps. And she won't steal them because... But shh! It's a state secret!

The king rang the bell and shouted loudly:

“Call the Minister of Clean Linen to me!”

Chapter 2
Tatty comes to town

"Hey girl, get out of my way!"

Tatti barely had time to jump aside. The heavy hooves of the horses clattered against the pavement. The large carriage with shining windows stopped.

At the same moment, a whip whistled through the air. Tatty screamed in pain. She felt as if she had been cut in half.

Someone in the carriage laughed and moved.

“Look, what a funny village girl! a female voice said with a sneer.

“What stupid round freckles! – answered the second voice.

Tatti raised her head and peered into the carriage. But there was no one in the carriage. The carriage was empty. Tatty saw crimson velvet cushions, gold-embossed leather.

Then Tatti saw that there was no coachman on the box. The ends of the reins hung in the air and moved in the void, as if alive.

But Tatty was not at all surprised. After all, it was not the first time she had been in the city. Besides, she was in too much pain. Especially when she moved her shoulder blades.

“Nothing…” Tatti whispered. - Nothing, before the wedding will heal.

Of course, Tatti had no intention of getting married at all. After all, she was only eleven years old. But Aunt Beer Mug liked to say so. She was the owner of the Three Acorns Inn. The tavern was just opposite the house where the Tatti brothers lived. When the girl came to the city, she ran into the Three Acorns tavern every time. Aunt Beer Mug used to sit her down on a low bench, and she always had something tasty for Tatty.

Tatti quickly ran down the dark lane and out into the marketplace. Here was the noise of voices, the jingling jingle of coins. Pale women sold ruddy apples, and thin old women sold fat pigs.

Wealthy townswomen walked between the rows with an arrogant look. Behind each is a servant girl with a large wicker basket.

Suddenly, a man in striped clothes jumped onto a wooden platform. He blew loudly on the blazing trumpet. The sun hung on the chimney like a golden drop.

The striped man spat on the platform and shouted:

- Listen! Listen! Listen! The king invites a laundress to the palace to wash the royal invisibility caps! Any woman with a clear conscience, who knows how to wash dirty linen, can become a royal washerwoman today. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! The smile of the king, wealth, honor awaits you! A gold coin for each washed hat!

The crush began. The young maid scattered the apples, and they bounced and rolled across the cobblestone pavement.

- Oh, you're rubbish! - the hostess, an angry broad-shouldered woman with green earrings in yellow ears, waved at the maid. - Pick them up quickly, otherwise you will taste the whips. I'll be late for the palace because of you, you stupid girl!

- Daughters! My lazy girls! shouted the fat shopkeeper, looking around. - Where are you? Leave your laziness at home and run to the palace!

Tatty was pushed, thrown, twirled and twisted so that she was dizzy. Finally she flew out of the crowd and found herself just in front of her brothers' house.

Tatti gasped and clutched her cheeks. From the house pulled dreary cold and silence. The windows were criss-crossed and boarded up with rough boards. Withered flowers were visible through the dusty glass. There was a heavy lock on the door.

- What is this? Tatti whispered in horror.

Suddenly, someone pulled her hand. Tatty looked back. Beside her stood Aunt Beer Mug. She dragged Tatty across the street to the Three Acorns Inn.

This early morning the tavern was still empty. But Aunt Beer Mug led Tutty up the steep stone steps into the cellar and bolted the door.

“Listen, my girl,” she said, looking pityingly at Tatty. “Just don’t cry. Tears make girls ten times dumber, and nothing more. And you need to be very smart and courageous now. Because your brothers are thrown into prison by order of the king.

Tatti covered her face with her hands and burst into tears. Her narrow shoulders trembled. And the curly hair that shone in the light of the lantern had faded.

- Well well well! said Aunt Beer Mug sadly. - Of course, the invisible ones are very beautiful. Who argue! However, they are very cruel. Their hearts are not nearly as beautiful as their faces...

The patter of tiny paws was heard, as if someone had scattered dry grain on the stone floor. A gray mouse jumped out of the corner and disappeared somewhere under the barrels.

That mouse again! Aunt Beer Mug shook her head. - It's scurrying around all over the place. Although, to tell the truth, I have never seen such a nice mouse in my life. The back is just velvet. And the ears seem to be sewn from gray silk, and even on a pink lining.

How could Aunt Beer Mug know that this was not a simple mouse at all, but Mrs. Round Ear herself. She liked to be aware of all the city news.

But Tatti paid no attention to anything and wept so hard that even her wooden shoes were full of tears.

Auntie Beer Mug brushed aside her hair, which was stuck to Tatty's wet cheeks, and finally said:

“It happened already a week ago. At night ... Yes, yes, just as the clock on the tower struck three times. I woke up and thought: “Why is the clock on the big tower beating so anxiously and sadly?” So. At three o'clock in the morning, the Minister of War himself came to your brothers. Of course, it cannot be seen, but it cannot be heard. After all, our Minister of War has the loudest voice in the kingdom. Lord have mercy, what a voice! And he said this: “Our king needs a lot of new invisible caps!!! You are the best weavers in the kingdom!!! You alone know the secret of matter that has been worn for a hundred years and does not tear!!! You will weave fabric for new invisible caps!!! And the king will pay you well for this, rest assured!!!” And your brothers answered: “We will not weave matter for new invisibility caps! We know invisible. Don't expect any good from them!" I heard it very well, because in the dark I ran across the street and hid under the very window. Then the Minister of War will bark: “Take them!!!” Then everything in the house began to fall and break ... And now your brothers are locked in the Black Tower. People are afraid to even talk about it. A secret underground passage leads to the tower. Nobody knows where he is. The Black Tower has many doors, entrances, exits, long intricate galleries. The tower is guarded by invisible guards. Don't cry so bitterly, Tatty! From tears, the girls get sick and stupid ... Well, what should I do with you?

But Tatti just burst into tears. Even the hem of her skirt is so wet, even wring it out. The velvet mouse looked at her from the corner with great sympathy and also wiped a tear from her nose with a thin paw.

“Well, here it is,” said Aunt Beer Mug. - Stay with me. You will help me bake cakes. I will give you six soft pillows, and in the morning I will let you lie in bed longer.

But Tatty shook her head.

“Thank you, Aunt Beer Mug,” she said. I will go back to the village. My heart will break if I walk past my brothers' house every day. Even if I close my eyes. No, I can't, I know myself. I can't, that's all.

Tatti left the Three Acorns Inn. She looked at her brothers' house, and her heart really almost broke.

The square was empty. Buyers fled, and sellers dispersed. A tall woman with green earrings in yellow ears ran past Tatti.

- Oh, you little bastard! she called to her thin maid. “You were picking apples that you spilled yourself!.. It was because of you that I was late to the palace.” All the rich townswomen ran to be hired as royal washerwomen! Look at this country girl. She, too, will now rush there. Still would! She also wants to get a royal smile and everything!..

Tears of grief and resentment burst from Tatti's eyes with such force that they did not even wet her cheeks. Tatty clenched her fists and stamped her foot.

- Yes, I ... - she could not stand it, she shouted, - yes, I would rather die, die, than I will wash your nasty stupid hats!

And suddenly Tatti felt that her legs had left the ground and that some rough, invisible hands were squeezing her.

- Finally found! Tatty heard a gloating voice. “That’s exactly what we need!” Hey, over here!

- Very unsightly! another voice said doubtfully. - Yes, and bad! Skin and bones.

“Nothing, this one will do,” snapped the third.

- Ai! Tatti screamed and tried to break free. But ruthless hands dragged her into the alley.

- Ouch! shouted Tatty.

Her legs dangled in the air. The wooden shoes slipped off their feet and were left lying on the square. From a distance they looked like two sad ducklings.

- My shoes! shouted Tatty. - What are you doing? I have no other…

Evil hands shoved her into the open doors of the carriage. Following her, the shoes flew into the carriage through the air of their own accord.

Someone flopped heavily next to Tatty on the seat.

The doors slammed shut and the carriage moved off.

Chapter 3
Black cabinet

It was early morning. The sun rose, and all the houses in the city on one side became warm and pink. The sharp spire above the clock tower flared and lit up, and a small round cloud descended on it like a golden ring.

A random beam somehow made its way into the gloomy dark room of the royal palace. He ran confusedly along the wall and froze, illuminating a huge black cabinet. The cupboard was heavy, high - up to the ceiling, and besides, just in case, it was also chained to the wall with two long iron chains.

Near the black cabinet stood a tall, round-shouldered man with terrible eyes and a large, soft nose, somewhat resembling a shoe.

His eyes were the color of dead gray ash, but beneath that ash something burned, like deep-buried hot coals. A nasty, big-nosed boy was sitting on a chair next to him, dangling his crooked legs. You could immediately guess that they were father and son. Yes, it was Ceblion, the Chief Keeper of Royal Fragrances, and his son, Ceblionok.

The Keeper of Scents leaned over to the black cabinet and inserted a large ornate key into the keyhole. The closet doors creaked and slid open. All shelves of the closet were lined with different bottles. There were bottles decorated with glass lace, with gold stoppers, and bottles of coarse glass, stopped up with just a piece of crumpled paper.

The Keeper of Smells took one of the vials from the shelf and brought it to the nose of Ceblionk.

“Well, okay, okay, son, don’t dangle your legs, don’t get distracted,” he said. - My joy, tell me, what is the smell?

Ceblionok reluctantly sniffed at the vial.

- My treasure! Good girl! exclaimed the Keeper of Smells with delight.

- And what's that? he asked, bringing another vial to the nose of the Ceblionk.

“Looks like flower soap.” Probably, this is the Minister of Clean Linen, - Ceblionok grumbled, wrinkling his nose.

- Perfectly! Amazing! The Keeper of Scents rubbed his hands in delight. Oh, you are my treasure! Well, what is this?

- Not violets, not fish giblets ...

- Smell one more time! said the Keeper of Odors with concern. “Ceblionok, dear, well, concentrate. I beg you, take a good sniff! You are so smart and capable!

The zeblionok sniffed the air with a whistle and made no answer.

- Well, what are you! – with chagrin exclaimed Ceblion. – It's… It's the smell of our king. The greatest smell in our kingdom. How much effort I spent to create this extraordinary smell! I taught you, remember? You feel it smells of something mysterious and incomprehensible - it means that this is the king! My beloved, well, let's repeat everything from the beginning ...

Of course, you are very surprised, my little friend, why did the invisibles need all these perfumes? Why was it necessary to lock them in a black closet? And in general, why all these secrets and mysteries, locks and constipation? Wait a minute, I'll explain everything to you.

As you already understand, the invisibles could not see each other. And so, in order not to confuse the king with the minister, and the queen with some kind of court lady, each invisible man had his own special spirits.

Noble invisibles, barely opening their eyes, poured half a bottle of perfume on themselves. Those who were poorer were obliged to rub the buttons with lemon peel, or eat a raw onion on an empty stomach, or fill their pockets with fir cones.

Ceblion paced the room thoughtfully. Thanks to his amazing shoe-like nose, he distinguished smells best of all and could recognize any invisible person at a hundred paces. All invisible people hated him and built all sorts of dirty tricks on him on the sly. Yes, there were many worries, even more troubles, and at the same time he received a very meager salary.

But not for the sake of money endured all this Ceblio. The fact is that the king promised to give him two caps: one for him, the other for his son. To get caps was the biggest dream of his life.

Often at dusk, having finished his day's work, he would sink into a deep armchair and dream of invisibility caps.

Oh, caps, caps!

In dreams, they flew before him like two magical birds, and whispered something tempting to him. He stretched out trembling, greedy hands towards them, but the hats disappeared. Hats are power! Caps are wealth!

In the meantime, he opened the closet every morning and taught his son to distinguish smells ...

Ceblion reached out his hand and took a pretty vial from the top shelf. A round cork was decorated with a glass bow. Ceblionok sniffed greedily at the bottle with the pink bow.

“It smells like lilies of the valley,” he said, and licked his lips. - A princess!

- Yeees! Ceblionok whimpered. - No matter how! The princess is the most beautiful girl in the world, and you see what a nose I have!

“My treasure, as soon as you put on the invisibility cap, all this will lose all meaning. No, you will marry a princess, I promise you that.

"I promise, I promise," grumbled Ceblionok. - Tired of...

At that moment, someone knocked softly on the door. The Chief Guardian leaned over the keyhole and sniffed.

“Smell of wax,” he whispered. - It's a Shiny Boot. I wonder what kind of news he brought.

Polished Boot was one of the invisible guards.

- Well? the Chief Guardian asked impatiently, opening the door.

- Blossomed! The Invisible Flower has bloomed! Wow, how handsome! Shined Boot whispered.

“And the Great Gardener?”

- Asleep. He did not sleep for a whole week, watering the invisible flower every hour. Poor old man, he's so tired. And now he's sleeping.

- All right, all right, go.

The Keeper of Smells slammed the door.

“Finally…” said Ceblion hoarsely, looking tenderly at his son. “I have almost given up hope of ever seeing you invisible.

The Keeper of Scents took out a large pair of scissors from his pocket.

“I must hurry,” he said. - I beg you, put all the bottles and vials in their place. You know, if even one vial is lost, everything in the kingdom will go topsy-turvy.

- Here's another, and I won’t think about it, - Ceblionok grumbled displeasedly.

The Keeper of Scents spread his hands helplessly.

“I don’t have a minute of time,” he said pleadingly. “I have to get into the White Tower before the Great Gardener wakes up. The main thing - do not forget to properly lock the cabinet with perfume. Do you hear?

“Wow, what a lazy boy,” the Forest Gnome shook his head, looking out from under the closet. “Oh, how I used to love locking up my house on Daisy Hill when I went for a walk. The key said: "Zvin!" - and turned in the keyhole.

The little Dwarf took a comb from his pocket and began to carefully comb his beard. After all, Mrs. Round-Ear herself was waiting for him at breakfast! ..

Ceblion threw a large patterned key into his son's hands and hurried out of the hall.

He took a few steps along the dark gallery and suddenly almost ran into a small, thin negro child, who, unfortunately, looked out from under the stairs.

- Oh, it's you, Brush! he hissed. “You always get in the way.”

Ceblion kicked him hard, but the boy didn't even groan. Apparently, he was afraid that for this he would be hit even harder.

Ceblion walked up to the low oak doors, bound with copper. It was a door leading to an underground passage. The invisible guards silently let him through.

Ceblion ran through the underground passage at a run and began to climb the worn-out steps of white marble. The rays of the sun penetrated the cracks between the stones. Green lizards lay motionless in the cracks. They opened their emerald eyes and fell back into a warm sleep.

Ceblion climbed to the very top of the White Tower. There, spreading a shabby cloak under him, lay an old man. He slept soundly, sometimes smiling faintly in his sleep. It was the Great Gardener.

The face of the Great Gardener was earthy in color, and his hair and beard resembled grass dried up by the sun and winds. But he smiled a childlike happy smile. This is how a person smiles when he manages to create what he has dreamed of all his life.

A snow-white flower leaned over the Great Gardener, casting a through patterned shadow on him. He shone and glowed. Each of its petals curved and trembled like a tongue of cool flame. It was the invisible flower.

Butterflies, bees and dragonflies swarmed above him in a colorful cloud. But as soon as some butterfly landed on a flower, it immediately became invisible.

- Don-n-n! Don-n-n! - loudly, as if warning about something, the round clock on the city tower chimed.

But the Great Gardener still did not wake up.

Ceblion bent down and cut off the invisible flower to the very root. The scissors clanged like a wolf's mouth and disappeared instantly. Ceblion grabbed the invisible flower with greedy hands and stalked towards the stairs.
