The better to heat a private house. What heating is the most economical or what is more profitable to heat a private house? The main criteria for choosing a heating system

Many would like to buy housing outside the city. However, when building a private house, various problems arise. One of them is how to heat a country house. Most often, there is no possibility to connect to the central heating on the land plot. So, you have to think about what type of autonomous heating to use.

Ten years ago, every owner of the house tried to connect to the gas supply in order to heat the room with gas. Now the situation has changed. There are alternative ways to heat the building. Constantly rising prices for the usual coolants. Space heating costs have not only increased, they have increased exponentially.

Modern owners are armed with both the old "grandfather" and the most advanced heating technologies.

After the end of the heating season, the owners of private houses calculate the cost of heating the house. Many people think about how to change the heating system, because there is an alternative. We will describe several options for heating private buildings.

Stove heating with wood

If the house is built away from gas mains or you do not want to pay for an expensive coolant, you can arrange a heating system with wood. This option is ideal from an environmental point of view and does not harm the health of residents. How does a wood burning stove work?

The principle of operation of this design is simple and clear. You buy a stove, put firewood in it, set it on fire. Firewood burns and heats the stove equipment. The stove gives off heat, the air in the room warms up.

Despite the apparent primitiveness of the design, this heating option has a number of advantages:

  • the oven heats up quickly;
  • there is no need to buy and install pipes, radiators, pumps;
  • the design is reliable, designed for long-term operation, it is difficult to damage it;
  • firewood can be purchased cheaply.

Modern heating stoves bear little resemblance to well-known potbelly stoves. The design of the furnace is designed so that the installation gives off a lot of heat and can work for a long time from one load.

The structure of the boiler for firewood.

A boiler can be built into the wood-burning heating system. When choosing a boiler, it is better to dwell on a pyrolysis type design. Heat will be generated as a result of combustion of pyrolysis gases. This type of boiler equipment can function without electricity.

How does a solid fuel boiler work? At high temperature and in the absence of oxygen, the burning fuel decomposes into generator gas and solid waste. In this case, it is possible to achieve maximum heat transfer from fuel combustion.

Now about the disadvantages of this type of building heating:

  • the furnace installation is quite large, you have to think about where to install it; the equipment weighs decently, so you won’t be able to install the oven yourself;
  • next to the house it will be necessary to provide a covered room for firewood, it is important that the wood supply is enough for the heating period;
  • combustion products from improper operation of the furnace device can be hazardous to health;
  • when heating with wood, it will be necessary to provide for a chimney device;
  • the stove will heat the room unevenly.

With the help of coal

Many private houses are located far from the gas pipe. Buying firewood in some regions is more difficult than coal. You can purchase equipment that runs on solid fuel. Boilers designed to burn coal have sensors to control the heating temperature. The use of coal will reduce the amount of harmful substances that appear as a result of combustion.

When choosing firewood or coal, you should decide in advance where and at what prices you will buy fuel.

Boilers for solid fuels consist of a furnace in which the process of coal combustion takes place, a heat exchanger where the coal is heated, and a grate. The heat exchanger can be made of cast iron or steel. Depending on this, cast-iron or steel boilers can be found on the market. What is the preferred material? Steel boilers are slightly cheaper. Why? A cast iron boiler will last longer. As for reliability, these structures are difficult to damage.

The advantages of coal furnaces include durability and high heat transfer. The heating system does not require electricity. It is clear that coal will have to be purchased in advance and a room for its storage provided.

Using electricity

The better to heat a country house when there is no gas and electricity, we have already told. If the building is connected to electricity, you can use electricity for heating. The building will not be heated by electricity, but by hot water. And electricity will heat the water.

How to equip such a heating system? First of all, you should buy a boiler in which water will be heated. Electric boilers can be designed for different capacities, have one or more circuits. If the system is with one circuit, then the water is heated only to heat the house. When there is a second circuit, water can be heated for a bathroom or kitchen. Sometimes two boilers are installed in parallel. In the summer, one of them can be turned off. The second will heat water for domestic needs.

Types of boilers

For residential buildings, wall and floor electric boilers can be purchased. The latter have more weight and size. Therefore, they are installed only on a horizontal surface.

Water (sometimes antifreeze) enters the boiler. Here, electrical energy is converted into heat. The liquid heats up and expands. The water pressure increases, the liquid independently moves through the pipes to the heating radiators. Batteries warm up and heat the building. The water is cooled and returned to the boiler for heating again. The system has a closed cycle.

In some cases, you can install a boiler with a forced circulation system. This will require an additional pump and expansion tank.

If a water heating system is not installed, but the electricity is connected to the building, other heating options can be provided. Now you can buy various types of heaters powered by electricity. Most often used oil coolers. They consume little electricity and are safe to use.

Infrared heaters are also used indoors. But they can only warm certain parts of the room. This type of heating will save electricity. Often this type of heating is used in summer cottages.

Infrared emitters a couple of years ago caused distrust. Now the situation is just the opposite. It turned out that this type of radiation does not pose a threat to health. Moreover, these rays help to cope with colds.

Precautionary measures

When heating buildings with a heater, you need to learn the basic precautions:

  • do not dry wet clothes on the heater;
  • make sure that the wire does not lie on flammable objects;
  • try not to use too long extension cords;
  • do not leave the heater on at night.

If you heat a building with wood (charcoal), you should also follow these rules:

  • there should be no combustible substances near the red-hot stove;
  • near the stove door, the floor should be made of an iron plate; if sparks fall on linoleum or wood, this will lead to a fire;
  • As a result of combustion, hazardous substances are formed, a working ventilation is required so that the combustion products can escape the building.

Along with electricity, thermal energy has become for us an expense item, if not the main one in utility costs, then definitely significant. Along with the Europeans, we are starting to get used to the comfort temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. It is unlikely that the language will turn to call such a temperature comfortable. But if you heat your household at your own expense, then for a couple of three, or even five thousand rubles a month, you are ready to get used to dressing warmer while under your own roof. If you have central heating, then it has not been as cheap as you would like for a long time, there are no miracles and we have to pay for the received CHP or boiler energy, pay in full and even with a delta. After all, salaries must be paid, and it is necessary to provide a chain of intermediaries with profit, to cover the heat losses that occur in poorly insulated and extremely long highways, inherited for the most part from the Soviet Union. In this case, we finally have the opportunity to install heat meters, they are quite affordable, and besides that, we stop paying for losses, and pay only for what we consume.

Sooner or later, I think we will have to deliberately or forcedly forget about these benefits and remember about the heat supply of individual houses or small groups of houses with individual boiler houses. To date, there are not many housing projects relying on main heat carriers. All housing with the prefix comfort or elite is designed already with its own boiler room, in most cases a gas boiler room. Today, the presence of main gas almost automatically means the presence of heat obtained from this gas. In terms of price, this is the cheapest fuel for heating purposes and it has no competitors.

But there is not a big nuance, is it possible for you to get this type of fuel, and if so, for what means to get it. In some areas, gas connection bills negate all the benefits of this type of heating. Everything is in the power of the monopolist and he asks for as much as he sees fit, thank God that gas prices are regulated more centrally and the issue of tariffs is a painful and political issue. Tariffs for gas, including, most likely, will soon show us their marathon, but today they are out of competition in terms of heating.

And what should we do if our house is conditional 100 m 2, although we, like no one else, strive for huge dwellings, often amounting to hundreds of squares, many of which we cannot afford. And so let's take our living area of ​​100 square meters. From numerous sources, we reduce the need for heat 0.1 kW / h per m2, that is, for heating a house of 100 m2, we need a heat source with a capacity of 10 kWh, taking into account the efficiency of the boiler and with some margin it can be either 12 kW or 9 kt . If we decide to heat with electricity, then this is an 8-9 kW electric boiler, in the case of a wood-burning appliance, it is rather a 12 kilowatt device.

If the power is more and more less clear, then it is not easy to decide on the type of fuel. This issue is serious and requires accessibility assessment. If you live in an area surrounded by logging, lumber production or yourself in this field of activity, then of course your option is wood, it will be firewood or wood briquettes, euro firewood is up to you again based on availability and cost. It is also worth paying attention to such type of fuel as pallets. Let's just say that if the boilers, they are called by the way TT, are solid fuel and they are simply a great choice, they are basically omnivorous and you can heat them with both firewood (briquettes, euro firewood) and coal and even peat, briquetted of course. Heaters are not divided into a couple of types, some work like fireplaces or stoves and are suitable for small and adjacent rooms or like boilers with a water circuit. In the case of TT devices, you need to imagine that in the case of permanent residence, you need to be ready to combine your activities with the activities of a fireman and a loader sometimes. But there are, of course, machines that may not require your attention for a whole day, and sometimes for several days. These include devices that work on pallets, wood chips, small sized coal, coal automatic machines. But all of them are not very cheap - from 200 thousand rubles today is August 18, sometimes they are very capricious about the quality of fuel.

And by analogy with coal and wood, it is possible to heat with diesel fuel.

This is more expensive in terms of fuel, cheaper or equal to the cost of budget TT boilers. Diesel devices are very unpretentious and practically do not require attention. Some users do not turn off such boilers all year round and do this only for infrequent service. Most of them are universal and when changing the burner they can burn main gas or bottled gas. The topic of fuel for such burners is open and is not limited to buying diesel at a gas station, although this is an option when you suddenly feel impatient and do not need to order a fuel truck or a dump truck with pallets. With an increase in the values ​​on the refueling display, there are options for acquiring fuel, so to speak, alternative ones. For example, quite tolerable quality fuel obtained from waste oil, waste oil, for example, is distilled into fuel that satisfies even diesel engines of imported cars with its quality and characteristics, so that it is quite suitable as fuel for a diesel burner.

The next type of fuel that allows you to heat your home is liquefied gas, propane, for example, the familiar bottled gas, it can be in conventional cylinders or in huge containers, the so-called gas tanks. These same gas tanks are very expensive, and the larger they are, the more expensive. For example, a gas tank on an ordinary trailer, mobile up to 600 liters, can be purchased from 150 to 270 thousand rubles, and a gas tank for 6000 liters will cost, depending on whether it is underground or ground, about 400 thousand. And even if you decide to install a gas tank, then you need to look for a gas supplier, preferably one who does not really want to deceive you, he will deceive anyway. The first thing to do is to refuse the gas tank maintenance service, this is superfluous and the reaction to your refusal will tell you a lot. Secondly, we should not forget about such an effect as bottling up the container, liquefied gas is a mixture of gases, such as propane or methane with necessarily butane gas. Butane burns a little differently than propane and at low temperatures already at minus one degree it turns into a liquid state. To make it return to a gaseous state, it must be heated, these are already expenses and the heating system also costs money. In addition to butane, believe me, at the bottom of the tank you will find just banal water and, perhaps, you will also pay for it a couple of times at the price of fuel. Do not forget about the danger of gas leakage, it is not a good habit to find holes and accumulate in them, accumulate, for example, in your well or well. Boiler facilities are often arranged above the well. Also, I don’t think it makes sense to mess with 50 liter cylinders, this is a constant search for refueling these cylinders and, by the way, rather slow refueling, frequent 100% change will lead to leaks.
Heating with electricity. Cheap, probably the cheapest and most affordable equipment.

If your home is more than a hundred meters, then you will need additional power and it’s good if they are allocated to you. You may need a three-phase network. Capricious to the quality of the current and the network in particular. If your neighbors are also heated from the outlet, then you all may not have enough and the voltage in the network will drop. The cheapness of the heating device, the boiler, is more than offset by electricity tariffs. So, as a backup source, the option is not bad, for example, if you turn on the heating during the second tariff, which, as a rule, is half the price of the main one. It justifies itself as a backup or even an emergency source of heat.

It is still too early for us to consider such an option as a heat pump, if abroad the governments of countries in every possible way promote and generously subsidize “refrigerators on the contrary”, then in principle such devices will never be able to pay off in our country due to the enormous cost also additionally burdened by customs duties. The idea is interesting, but it has an extremely low efficiency, a large amount of work in terms of installation, and a high cost. In the future, we will still see the development of this segment, maybe it will absorb something new, and we will see a hybrid with high efficiency and an acceptable price.
Hydrogen heating, promoted by an Italian company, and even, in my opinion, they have already gone on sale, has a development prospect, but so far it is expensive and arguably profitable, due to the high price of hydrogen production. The energy spent on obtaining hydrogen does not make it possible to obtain free fuel from water.

There are, of course, some more exotic ways of heating, such as burning used oil and even car tires and other waste and, frankly, garbage. There are many environmental issues related to this topic, although in a number of countries the problem of garbage and heating has been quite successfully solved. And it seems that the prospect of heating, and perhaps the generation of electricity, will be associated with waste, because there are a lot of them, they really interfere, so to speak, and so far do not cost anything.

Equipment for burning the same waste oil is quite expensive, for example, only a German-made burner will cost under 100 thousand rubles and this is without a boiler, but the price of fuel covers all costs.

Type of fuel

Weight/price per liter

The price of 1 kg of fuel

Calorific value of 1kg per kWh.

The cost of 1 kW

Need per year per 100m2

Fuel costs per year.

Pallets, ruff briquettes,

Peat, briquettes

Liquefied gas

Diesel refueling

Diesel not refueling

Uh second rate

When choosing a heating system and specifically what you will heat, you also need to take into account such factors as convenience and storage, fuel storage. Firewood must be chopped and stacked in the required quantities in a woodpile, pallets require a dry, ventilated room, coal accompanies a large amount of coal dust, gas leaks, diesel fuel smells if spilled, electricity can generally give you an electric shock, be careful.

All letters above are absolutely personal opinions of congenial people, an excellent group of companies Eurasia-Cable LLC, Elkab-Ural LLC, Elkab LLC. We will be happy to advise you any day and help you make the right decision to purchase only the highest quality cables and wires.

On the map of our homeland there are places where gas supply is not available. In this case, alternative heat sources are used. What are the ways and options for heating a country house without gas?


Wood and coal are an efficient heating method for rural areas. They have long been used to heat village houses. The advantages of the option are affordable raw materials at low prices. Disadvantages - the need to regularly maintain the fire, free space for storing firewood, the need to purchase and install a stove, boiler, and other consumables.

Electric heating

Electric heating has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Economical heating of a private house without gas is possible only with proper design and installation of equipment.

Note. To determine how effective the technology is for a particular facility, it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations of heating and resource consumption in accordance with SNiP standards.

The advantages of the method include: minimal costs for installing appliances, no chimney and boiler room are needed. When heating rooms in this way, carbon monoxide is not formed, there is no risk of harmful emissions if the system breaks down. Despite all the advantages of the technology, it cannot be said that the method is the best way to heat a house without gas.

What is known about the cons. Electricity costs vary by region. The option may not be economically viable. An important drawback is the complete dependence on power sources. When the electricity goes out, the system stops heating the house.

Alternative energy sources

Heat pump

The equipment allows to receive low-grade heat from air, soil, rocks and reservoirs. The technology has been used in Europe for decades.

The advantages of the option are free heat sources. The use of technology allows to reduce heating costs. For every 2-3 kW of electricity spent on the operation of a heat pump, up to 6 kW of thermal energy is released. Savings are especially relevant, with the regular increase in tariffs, which is observed in the housing and communal services industry.

And yet, it cannot be said that this is the best option for how to heat a house without gas and electricity. An important drawback of the technology is the high cost of equipment. The cost of a heat pump is from 100 to 400 thousand rubles. Another unpleasant feature of the equipment is a decrease in efficiency at temperatures below -10º C. In addition, the area for feeding the equipment cannot be planted with plants, and its area must be several times larger than the size of the building itself.

Solar collectors

The equipment works autonomously. This is a big advantage over dependent technologies. The collector converts solar energy into thermal energy. This is one of the best ways to heat your home cheaply without gas. During the operation of the equipment you will not have to pay.

Cons of technology

1. high cost of the collector $500-1000;
2. water heating only up to 60º C;
3. periodic replacement of the storage tank;
4. failure to provide 100% heat.

Note. A complete transition to heating a house without gas and electricity using a collector is impossible. The equipment is used as an additional source of heat to reduce heating costs by 40-60%. With the onset of cold weather or in windy weather, you will additionally need a water pump to disperse the water in the pipes. When the climate worsens, the collector stops working at full capacity.

Water heating

Popular technology allows you to effectively heat the premises of a private house. Are you considering how to heat a house if there is no gas? Take a look at hot water. Heating bills can turn out to be small, however, you will have to spend money on installing equipment, pipes, batteries, a tank, a pump. The technology allows the use of several energy sources:

The disadvantage of panels is expensive fuel (electricity).

How to save on heating?

A simple solution will significantly reduce heat loss. We are talking about high-quality insulation of walls, door blocks and window openings. This will reduce heat costs by up to 50%.

Of all the ways to heat a house, the most economical is gas. In places where there are no appropriate communications, other options are chosen. By clicking on it, readers will find out how cheaper and more profitable it is to heat a house with gas or electricity. Today it is economical to heat cottages with coal. Fuel is available. It is inexpensive. There are automated coal-fired equipment for sale. Its price is 1.5-2 times cheaper than heat generators.

What is the best way to heat a house if there is no gas? If the room is used as temporary housing, on short visits, a heater can be used. Among the well-known models, oil specimens are more often chosen. A fairly economical and safe option is an infrared heater. The method is suitable for heating one room, not the whole house.

It does not matter how to heat the house in cold weather - it is important to cover its heat loss.

So, cold weather outside the window and the temperature in the house begins to drop. In order for the temperature in the house to be comfortable in cold weather, each dwelling should have a heat generator. What acts as a heat generator - a boiler, a furnace or a heat pump, is not so important. It is important that its capacity is enough to cover the heat loss of the house in winter.

Well, when the "overboard" temperature drops to -30C and -40C, it's time to "wind the pot" to its fullest. How to heat a house in cold weather - this is the question that any owner of a private house sets himself. We will consider it from the point of view of practice.

What is the best way to heat a house in terms of convenience

What is the best way to heat a house? It doesn't matter what, as long as this fuel is available to you and affordable. What is the point of giving advice or gas to those people to whom neither one nor the other resources are available.

Of course, it is better to heat the house with gas - natural (main), which enters your house through a pipe. This is the most convenient and cheapest type of fuel at the moment. And even after the government introduces social norms for gas, this type of fuel will still remain the most affordable for people.

Of course, the most convenient type of fuel is natural gas.

How to heat a house in winter if there is no gas near your site or the cost of connecting to a gas pipe goes off scale for 1,000,000 rubles? Next in convenience, but not cheap, is electricity. The most hassle-free energy source, you do not need a lot of money to install equipment. But a lot of money will be needed to pay your electricity sellers - the power company in your area.

What is the best way to heat a house if there is no gas, and the allocated electricity for your household does not exceed 5 kilowatts? The next option in terms of convenience is this. Before the start of the season, a tank with diesel fuel is brought to you and 3-5-10 tons of diesel fuel are poured into your container, depending on the capacity of your boiler and the area to be heated.

If this is not the case and you yourself go to a gas station with canisters, then this option can be compared with heating with used oil. The same process of assembling shareware fuel. Only a mining burner costs a little more than a diesel burner. The cost of a diesel burner is 15-25 thousand rubles, the cost of a burner for waste oil is from 60 thousand rubles. But fuel costs you almost nothing.

Next in terms of ease of use are pellets. A pellet boiler will require a one-time load of fuel before the season if you have a large pellet bin with a volume of 10-20 cubic meters with pneumatic supply.
If this is not the case, then you will have to regularly load the pellets into the bunker. It's good if you have an extended pellet bin for 600-800 kilograms. If the standard is 200 kilograms (they are usually put on the basic configuration of pellet boilers), then you will have to approach the boiler with bags of pellets every day). And believe the practice, loading pellets every day to a level above your head and pouring pellets into the bunker is not an occupation for the weak.

Next in terms of ease of use are firewood and coal. Do you want to be a stoker or stoker in your own house? Then this option is for you.
There are, of course, coal-fired boilers such as Carbobot and wood-fired convective and which allow you to approach boilers and stoves less often.
However, calibrated washed coal for Carbobot needs not only to be specially prepared, but also to be obtained from somewhere in your area.
And pyrolysis ovens are not as good as they say in the brochures sellers of ovens.

Why didn't I mention gas holders and other conditionally autonomous sources of gas heating? Because for the cost of installing equipment it is easier to pay an entry fee for connecting to the main gas and generally forget about problems with filling a gas tank.

The cheaper it is to heat the house in winter

We examined the better to heat the house in terms of convenience. Now let's see how cheaper it is to heat a house in winter, starting from small sub-zero temperatures and ending with real frosts.

The cheapest type of fuel is free fuel. Of course, absolutely free fuel does not exist. You spend money and your personal time on fuel delivery. However, if we abstract from the cost of delivery, then we can call.

Sawdust, lumber trimmings, used packaging cardboard, paper and pulp production waste, straw, bagasse, waste oil - all this fuel costs nothing. You just need to find its sources and organize delivery. If you succeed, you can heat your house in winter for free (conditionally of course).

If your stove allows you to burn anything in it, then your option is free fuel.

How to heat a house without gas

How to heat a house in winter if the “blue fuel pipe” does not fit your site and is unlikely to fit in the near future? Otsatetsya do not hang up your nose and decide how to heat the house without gas in the winter.

Let's go in order (according to the degree of appreciation):

  • firewood / coal,
  • used oil,
  • pellets,
  • ground heat (heat pump),
  • diesel fuel,
  • electricity.

Here is such a "gentleman's set" in case Gazprom forgot about you and does not want to remember.

Heated area of ​​the house during the cold season

There is one option that will reduce the cost of heating your home. The effective heated area of ​​the house is the area of ​​those rooms in which you will maintain a comfortable temperature from +18C to +22C.
The effective heated area of ​​the house may include bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room. In other parts of the house - pantries, boiler rooms - you can keep the temperature at a level of + 8C to + 12C. In vestibules and fuel storage it is possible to keep the temperature from +5C to +8C.

Thus, you can greatly reduce the cost of heating the house as a whole, just by lowering the constant temperature in those rooms where you are not constantly.

Close some of the rooms in the house for the winter - and your heating costs at home will decrease.

To begin with, I would like to note that the most effective today is a gas heating system. If for some reason it is not possible to install it (for example, there is no gas line in the country house), give preference to electric heaters. Next, we will consider the most economical electric heating systems for a private house and apartment.

Why electric heaters?

You will immediately ask yourself why the classic water or stove heating of rooms is not considered? The answer is simple - this is due to the fact that installation work and maintenance for about the same money will be minimized.

Now we will provide several reasons why it is obvious that the best and most economical heating system for a private house is electric.

  1. Heaters powered by electricity are silent, do not require additional resources (coal, firewood, liquid fuel) and, moreover, do not pollute the atmosphere. This suggests that in a private house it is not necessary to have a place in the utility block for fuel, to make a chimney and, moreover, to soot every year. It is enough to connect the system to the network and enjoy the heat.
  2. Installing an entire electric heating system does not require a huge initial investment. For example, the installation of a water heating main is carried out once. A project is being created, all pipes, radiators, a boiler, as well as additional automation are purchased. To do part of the work (for example, in one room), and if you have money, you will not be able to complete the project over time, and if you do, then many problems will arise. It will be necessary to drain the water, crash into the finished highway, etc. In the case of electric heaters, everything is much simpler. You can install equipment in each room separately as you earn money. At the end of spring, buy convectors for the bedroom, later - for the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
  3. Today there are many ways. Of course, this option requires considerable costs, but be sure that over time they will pay for themselves. The installation of economical as well as solar panels on the roof of the house is popular.
  4. , a boiler or even a convector can be done with your own hands, significantly saving money on calling the master.

As you can see, electric heating in a private house really outperforms alternative options, so installing such a system is quite profitable.

To your attention, a video example of creating a cheap and at the same time effective autonomous system:

Homemade Economic Battery Electric Heating System

Heating system options

So, consider the existing equipment that will make electric heating in the house economical and cheap.

Boiler use

, which will heat the water in the home heating system, warming up the room, is the first, least efficient option. Of course, on the Internet you can see a bunch of information that talks about economical boilers that can reduce consumption by up to 80%, but all this is nonsense. The only option to reduce costs is to install thermostats and various automations, which will turn on only when the temperature in the room drops, as well as at certain times of the day. All other talk about new product designs or reduced power is just a publicity stunt. If you buy a small capacity boiler, it will take more time to heat water for heating the house, so that's what it will come out with.

Using IR panels

A smarter solution and likely the most cost effective. The fact is that these products do not heat the air in the room, but certain objects (floor, walls, closet), from which heat is transferred in the future. If in the previous version hot air rises to the ceiling and immediately cools down, then in this case the heat is directed to the floor, which is more reasonable (people do not walk on the ceiling).

This diagram shows the effectiveness of an economical heating system for a private house:

You see everything for yourself, so there is nothing more to prove. It should only be noted that IR devices can work more efficiently if you add thermostats to them. One controller is enough to control three heaters in the economical heating system of a private house. We talked about that in a separate article.

Using convectors

Many manufacturers convince that the electric convector effectively heats the room and at the same time spends a small amount of electricity. Of course, the question is debatable, because, in fact, the principle of operation of products is similar to the version with radiators (air rises). The advantage of convectors is that their installation and connection is not difficult. In addition, the heating of the heating element is about one minute, which is undoubtedly faster than in the case of water radiators.

Among the other advantages of electric convectors are:

  • low cost (from 2 to 10 thousand rubles);
  • fire safety (which is especially important when);
  • you can gradually build up the heating system (one convector for a room is not enough, buy another one and connect it to the network without any problems);
  • attractive appearance;
  • trouble-free operation during power surges (also relevant in the private sector);
  • compact dimensions.

The use of warm floors

We analyzed the reviews of buyers who used this option and saw that most people are satisfied with the purchase. The main thing is to additionally install a temperature controller to make economical electric heating in the house with your own hands.

Installation of a warm floor

Another modern and efficient way to economically heat your home is to use electric heating mats. They are laid under the floor covering and warm the room through the floor. As a result, warm air rises, completely warming up the room. It is better to install a warm floor system in combination with an additional source of heating, for example, infrared panels.

Speaking about the heating mats themselves, I would like to highlight the products of EKF. You can choose heating mats exactly for your conditions - ready-made kits vary in size and power. Thermomats EKF can be controlled by a mechanical or electronic thermostat, which can be programmed on/off for a week. In addition, I would like to highlight the full shielding of current-carrying wires, due to which there is a uniform heating of the floor surface. You can find out more about EKF heating mats by clicking on the link:

Which option is better to avoid?

We talked about cheap and efficient economical heating systems for a private house, but I would also like to note the most costly options that need to be avoided. The top of the ranking is occupied by oil coolers. They are all known for having high power, so when working in winter, you can see a noticeable increase in electricity consumption.

Not only do these products have high power, but also their heating efficiency is very weak. For example, an IR panel of the same dimensions and the same power will make the house warm faster, so it’s better to give preference to it.

In addition, the infrared heater is installed on the ceiling or wall, thus it does not take up free space, which cannot be said about electric radiators.

Another non-recommended option is fan heaters. These devices not only burn oxygen, but also “chase dust”, besides, they are noisy. The effectiveness of their use is not too great, because. between the ceiling and the floor, the temperature may differ by several degrees, despite the fact that the power of the products is high (from 1.5 kW).

How to improve efficiency and reduce costs?

Simply buying an economical electric heater and installing it in a country house is only half the battle. At the same time, it is far from a fact that as a result of the work you will be able to verify the significant efficiency of the economical heating system made. The reason for this may be poor thermal insulation of the room. All kinds of cracks, gaps in the windows and even the absence of insulation on the walls contribute to the rapid cooling of the room. It has been proven more than once that with high-quality insulation of walls and ceilings, heating efficiency can increase up to 80%, although this figure usually reaches 40%.

Another important nuance is the use of automation. For example, if there is no one at home all day (everyone is working), then there is no point in heating the rooms. It would be more correct to install a controller that will turn on the heaters an hour or two before your arrival. This time will be enough to fully heat the premises.
