Bath tub. Which log cabin is better for a bath, or Issues of designing and organizing a “light steam”

Not a single country house is complete without a bathhouse with a good steam room and vigorous heat. And if you don’t have it yet, then you are probably wondering how to do it all yourself and with minimal loss of time and money.

In addition, if you have finally decided to erect a bathhouse on your site, then you will definitely think about how to choose a log cabin for a bathhouse so that it lasts for more than one decade.

Without a good Russian bathhouse, a country residence ceases to be so attractive.
And in the steam room you can relax with friends, get free relaxation and enjoy the smell of fresh wood.

When choosing a finished log house for your future building, the first thing you should pay attention to is the type of wood. This is one of the most significant moments in the construction of a bath complex of any size.

Choosing wood

If you don’t know which log house for a bath is best for you, you should pay attention to some points of lumber:

  1. The species and characteristics of wood for the steam room and the entire design of the bath - service life, resistance to insects and atmospheric phenomena, ease of assembly, thermal insulation properties;
  2. The dimensions of the log cabin for the bath - depends on the scale of the future structure and external environmental factors, as well as climate;
  3. Useful properties of a tree depending on its breed (described below).

Now it is easy to purchase log cabins for baths in a complete set based on the desires and possibilities. It remains only to assemble it into a single whole and carry out finishing work. Each element of the future building is numbered and you can see everything at the place of purchase.

Tip: if you find small cracks on the logs, then you should not be afraid and refuse such material.
This is the result of wood shrinkage, which is inevitable.
It is dried logs that should be used in construction, as other material will be subject to rotting and shrinkage, which will entail many negative aspects.

Main types of wood

The main types of wood used in construction include:

  • pine,
  • cedar,
  • larch,
  • aspen,
  • linden,

Each of the breeds has its own properties, which you should pay attention to:

  1. Density;
  2. Rigidity;
  3. Viscosity.

The price for one or another type of wood may be different. So, for example, pine is the most affordable for any layman, and cedar is naturally more expensive.

Larch belongs to coniferous species and is 2 times more expensive than the same pine, as it has a number of advantages - strength, medicinal properties, non-shrinking material, etc.

Aspen practically does not require interior decoration, as it does not emit resins, unlike conifers. Easy to handle and light weight.

Tip: if you are looking for cheap wood species for your log house, then pine and aspen are optimal.
It is these rocks that are easily assembled and processed, and also undergo little deformation during shrinkage.

How to put a log cabin for a bath

For those who have decided to build their own bathhouse on their own and have already decided on the site, as well as found the dimensions of the log cabins for the bath, which suit them in all respects, then it's time to move on to work.

Guide for home masters

We will talk in more detail about how to assemble a log cabin for a bath without involving specialists with our own hands. In fact, this is a rather troublesome job that requires attention.

To begin with, you will need to prepare a thorough plan and strictly adhere to it in the future. If a log house is bought ready-made or made to order, then all logs are already numbered in advance and this will simplify the process.

If you decide to make a log house with your own hands, you will have to put down the numbering, starting from the lower crown and up to the very roof.

Here is a small guide for beginners and not only:

  1. Before laying, all wood must be treated with an antiseptic.. The ends are recommended to be treated with tar or lime. This will protect the wood from insects and rot.
  2. On the finished foundation, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing and strengthen the wooden slats there. It is on it that the first crown will be installed.

Tip: when laying the first crown, the logs should have a slightly larger diameter than for the rest.

  1. During the laying of the timber, it is necessary to carry out. To do this, use red moss, tow, wait, flax fiber and other organic heaters.

After all the procedures carried out, you can safely proceed to the installation of the roof and subsequent work on finishing your bath.

Tip: do not forget that it is carried out not in one, but in several stages - during assembly and after shrinkage of the entire structure.
Most often this is done after about a year.
Also remember that the height of the log cabin for the bath should initially be 10 - 12% higher than the final version.
This is due to shrinkage of the entire structure and shrinkage of wood.

If you decide to build a log cabin for a bath yourself, then your family team must have at least one professional carpenter. This will help you with fixing some of the bugs in the log locks and speed up the whole process.

Here are some tips to help you get the job done:

  1. Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with all the technical points and choose the best assembly option. To do this, you can get advice from your more experienced friends or better from specialists.
  2. Logging should take place best in winter. In order to distinguish a winter forest from a summer forest when buying, it is enough to drop iodine on a tree. If the color has not changed, then the forest is summer, while winter should change colors a little.
  3. Before assembly, it is necessary to carefully check the fit of the logs and the quality of the cutting in the corners. Gaps up to 15 mm are considered acceptable for assembly “in a bowl” or “in a paw”, and for corners no more than 5 mm.
  4. You should also pay attention to the marking of logs. This will simplify the whole process and each element will not be lost during the work, but will be in its place.
  5. Before laying the first crown, it is necessary to apply the building level in order to achieve an even horizontal.

  1. The best option for logs for a log house is logs with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm and a edging width of 15 cm.
  2. Wooden dowels 60 cm long are used as connecting elements, which gives greater stability and strength to the entire structure.


This will delight you and your guests, and the experience gained will be useful in the future. In the video in this article, you can see many points that are useful for beginners. Build your bath and be satisfied with your own work!


The preliminary decision to use a log house for the construction of your country house is fully justified. Log cabins are available, they are quickly assembled, with proper assembly they hold heat well and can be lived in all year round. However, not all log cabins are the same, and in order to choose a truly high-quality log cabin, you need to understand the basic concepts of manufacturing, felling and the production of log cabins, as well as understand what types of log cabins exist.

Choosing the right log house for yourself, that is, choosing a log house that will not only please the eye, but also serve for many years.

How to choose a log house for yourself at the place of felling

When choosing a log house, it is important to know where the log house is being cut. For example, if a company offers log cabins in Moscow and the Moscow Region, this most likely does not mean that the log cabin is being cut in this area. Please note that log cabins cut above the 55th parallel, in the so-called "northern" forests, are considered correct.

Types of log cabins

By definition, a log house is a prefabricated wooden structure made and assembled from long pieces of wood. The elements from which the frame is assembled can be logs with a diameter of 160-280-400 mm or a wooden beam with sections of 150 × 150 mm and more. Depending on the elements used to assemble the log house, we distinguish three types of log house:

  • Log cabin from logs of manual felling;
  • Log cabin from a bar;
  • Log house made of industrially rounded logs.

Log cabin

A log house made from hand-cut logs is made from solid trunks of coniferous (spruce, pine, cedar) or deciduous (alder) species. The logs of this type of log house are distinguished by a small difference in the diameter of the log along its length (log run-off), which is why they distinguish the butt (wide bottom) and the top of the hand-cut log. A log cabin is cut and assembled with alternating butts and peaks. This type of felling requires manual straightening, and sometimes additional felling of locks and grooves of supplied logs.

You can live in a log cabin in 1-2 years after assembly, and this is at best. For a year, a log house is settled from logs, and only after a year can the first caulking (sealing of gaps) of the log house and its finishing be carried out.

Log cabin

A beam for a log house is a puff, glued or solid wooden product with a textured section close to a rectangle in section. The cross section of the beam is such that when assembling a log house from a beam, the adjacent crowns of the log house are fixed not only with locks, but also with a profile along the length of the log. Such log cabins are delivered as a designer, completely ready for assembly, with the exception of holes for dowels: wedges fastening the beams in adjacent log crowns.

You can live in a log cabin made of glued laminated timber immediately after assembly. You can live in a log cabin made of a solid bar of natural moisture for the next season, after it dries naturally.

Log house from logs

The rounded log is made from wood, all the same, coniferous or hardwood, with processing along the entire length of the log on an industrial machine. Thanks to the processing, the log along the entire length becomes a single diameter. Log cabins made of rounded logs are distinguished by their elegant appearance and somewhat simplified assembly. Such log cabins are delivered ready-made, completely ready for assembly, with the exception of holes for dowels: wedges fastening logs in adjacent crowns.

Finishing in a log house made of rounded logs can be carried out a year later, after its shrinkage by 1/25 of the height. You can live after finishing.

What are winter log cabins

In advertisements, the concept is often found, a log house for winter felling. This is a professional concept regarding the season for harvesting timber for a log house. For example, you need a chopped bath in Moscow and the Moscow region. You need to order a log cabin of a bath at the end of summer, so that it is cut down in the winter, and collected in the spring. You need to understand that no one cuts log cabins in the Moscow region. Wood is harvested closer to the north of the country. It is believed that the best wood for a log house should be harvested in winter, from the end of autumn (the first frosts) to the beginning of spring (the first thaws). It is in winter that the fermentation of juices in the wood subsides and the life of bacteria freezes. Winter forest wood, dry, with a minimum amount of moisture. It is worth noting that peeling (barking) of logs (removing the bark) should be carried out immediately on the plot, before they are delivered to the felling site.

These simple tips will help you choose a log house for yourself and it will serve you for many years.

In this article, we will help you make a choice of material for a log house (log or cylindering), wood (pine, spruce or aspen), cutting method (in a bowl or in a paw). We sell log cabins with free delivery and unloading * - see the price list, and we also treat the rounding with protective impregnation. We recommend installing rounded log cabins as the best option - even and beautiful.

We make wooden log cabins from ordinary sanded logs, from planed logs, from round logs and from timber.

Log- This is an ordinary felled and skinned log. Pros - the top layer of wood is preserved, the most durable, which protects the core. The log house has a traditional look both inside and outside. Such a log house can be cut down both in a bowl and in a paw.

planed log- an ordinary log processed by a manual planer. Pros - it has a beautiful appearance, it is lighter inside the bath. Cons - less protected from the weather, protective treatment is required. The cost of such a log house is higher, because. manual work is used. Such a log house can be cut down both in a bowl and in a paw.

Do you need a five-wall?

The five-wall is the fifth wall inside the building. In the bath, it serves to separate the washing and steam compartments. In the house - to strengthen a long wall, separate the residential and non-residential parts of the house or divide the house into apartments. For log cabins, less than 3×5, it does not make sense, because the size of such a log house is already small, the fifth wall will reduce the internal dimensions to critical ones. If desired, the wall in such a log house can be made of a thick board (block), bars or boards with a heater between them.

Discussion of the article

The classic Russian steam room, a log cabin, was built from different types of wood. Previously, the selection criteria were the availability of wood in a particular region, the ease of processing the material, its reliability and durability.

The level of development of logistics has made available any, even exotic materials, woodworking technologies have also gone far from traditional methods. The importance of choosing the type of wood for the construction of residential buildings, saunas and baths remains unchanged.
It is worth noting that now the choice of lumber for construction is not limited to a log, today log cabins are assembled from the following materials:

  • rounded log;
  • profiled timber;
  • glued lumber, log or timber.

Modern glued timber is distinguished by increased strength, high-precision equipment guarantees the geometric accuracy of forms, there will be no cracks and gaps between the logs in the log house.
Nevertheless, the properties of wood are crucial, because each type of wood has a unique fiber structure, density, moisture resistance and heat transfer parameters. When answering the question which tree is better for building a log cabin for a bathhouse, the climate in the region is also taken into account.

Practicality and economy: what kind of wood to order the construction of a bath?

Timber today is used in low-rise suburban construction as the main building material, they are also used for finishing work. For the construction of residential buildings and baths, the wood of coniferous and deciduous trees is used, the following species are most in demand:

  • pine;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • Linden.

They also build baths from cedar and oak. The wood of these species has unique properties, log cabins made of it are extremely reliable, durable, they do not have to be processed either from the outside or from the inside. But the cost of a steam room made of cedar or oak logs is unusually high; such buildings are rarely ordered.
The most economical and practical option for a bath in a suburban area can be called a log house made of pine. Being the most common type of trees in Russia, pine is used as a raw material for the production of demanded wood. This is a light and soft material, easy to process, does not require a foundation of increased strength.

A spruce log or timber is also a building material suitable for building a log house. With parameters similar to pine, spruce has wood of a light golden hue that does not darken over time. In general, spruce and pine lumber is often used in construction, which is largely facilitated by their relatively low cost.

The need for sheathing and processing the log cabin of the bath

Wood of such breeds as spruce, pine and larch, with all its advantages, has a significant drawback - a large amount of resin. At temperatures typical for bathing procedures, the resin is abundantly released on the surface of the tree, which can cause discomfort, even burns. In addition, the aroma of pine needles is not pleasant and healthy for everyone.
For a log house, the material for which was coniferous wood, there is a need for sheathing and processing inside. From the inside, it is better to cover the log house with hardwood lumber with high moisture resistance. In addition, it is convenient to lay the necessary communications between the walls and interior decoration.
In addition to the reasons listed above for sheathing and processing a log house, there is also the need to insulate the structure, which is especially relevant for our latitudes. In the question - how to insulate a log cabin for a bath, one should be guided by the purpose of the structure, the features of its operation.

When choosing a heater, you should pay attention to the following parameters: resistance to temperature extremes, water-repellent properties, the absence of harmful chemical compounds in the composition.

A log house is a building with an original, original architecture. In order not to disturb its natural configuration, the bath can be painted on the outside. This will protect the building from the aggressive effects of the external environment, the bath will acquire aesthetic completeness. The market of paints and varnishes offers a large selection of environmentally friendly dyes.
Another reason for cladding and interior decoration of the bath is the specificity of this structure. Inside the steam room, a microclimate is created, which is characterized by high air temperature and humidity. A contrast is created between the external and internal state of the atmosphere, cladding and finishing will protect the load-bearing structures from these influences.

Cutting a log house from a bar into a warm corner

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An economical and durable option: the choice depends on the cost of the material

When considering what kind of forest to cut for a bath, you will have to find a compromise between the quality, reliability, durability of the material and its cost. It is better not to save on lumber, it is worth ordering a dry log with a high class of processing.
Our ancestors took exclusively a butt log for a log house. This timber is obtained from the lower part of the trunk, from the root to the lower border of the crown. There are almost no knots and other defects in these logs. For the manufacture of modern glued logs and beams, boards of the highest grade are used.

When choosing an economical and durable version of a log cabin for a bath, you will have to take into account a number of parameters and characteristics of wood species, compare their cost, take into account the need for sheathing and interior decoration.
So, a coniferous bath will cost less, but will require additional costs for finishing work. A frame made of linden, which has long been considered a “bath tree” in Russia, will cost more, but it will be possible to save on sheathing. True, the lime log house is whimsical in operation.
All natural lumber has its advantages and disadvantages, they can also be skillfully combined in the construction of a bath. The decisive factor in choosing the materials from which to build a log cabin for a bath will be personal taste preferences and planned budget costs.


How to choose the right log house? Log thickness, wood species and felling methods

It is quite difficult not to get confused in the abundance of offers on the wooden construction market, and therefore, today we will talk about how to choose a log house and what you need to look at first. Our company is professionally engaged in the design and cutting of prefabricated log cabins. Our team has gathered true masters of their craft who have been engaged in their work for more than a dozen years, which guarantees the highest quality of our products.

We work on the territory of the Central District of the Russian Federation and in the North-West. Also, it is possible to build a log house under the order, according to an individual project.

PRICES for log cabins (2020)

The size Paw. Bowl.
3x3 39 000 rub. 69 000 rub.
3x4 53 000 rub. 88 000 rub.
4x4 74 000 rub. 110 000 rub.
4x5 90 000 rub. 130 000 rub.
5x5 110 000 rub. 150 000 rub.
6x5 130 000 rub. 162 000 rub.
6x6 150 000 rub. 172 000 rub.
  • The height of the log house is 2.5m.
  • Installation 40% of the cost of the log house.

planed log

PRICES for log houses (2020)

The size Paw. Bowl.
6x6 195 000 rub. 223 000 rub.
6x7 210 000 rub. 237 000 rub.
6x8 233 000 rub. 261 000 rub.
6x9 247 000 rub. 275 000 rub.
6x10 261 000 rub 289 000 rub.
7x7 233 000 rub 261 000 rub.
7x8 247 000 rub 275 000 rub.
7x9 261 000 rub 289 000 rub.
7x10 275 000 rub 303 000 rub.
8x8 261 000 rub 289 000 rub.
8x9 275 000 rub 303 000 rub.
8x10 289 000 rub 316 000 rub.
9x9 289 000 rub 316 000 rub.
9x10 313 000 rub 340 000 rub.
10x10 326 000 rub 354 000 rub.
10x11 340 000 rub 368 000 rub.
10x12 354 000 rub 382 000 rub.
11x11 354 000 rub 382 000 rub.

The kit includes floor and ceiling beams (round timber)

  • The height of the log house is 3m.
  • Installation from 40% of the cost of the log house. Depending on the number of cuts (walls) and complexity, the cost will increase.

planed log- a log that has been processed with an electric planer.

After processing, the logs have a uniform woody light beige color.

The price of log cabins from planed logs is 10% more expensive than from debarked logs.

Cutting methods

A log house is primarily a prefabricated structure made of logs. Logs are harvested in the forest and are classified according to the way they are cut. There are basically two such methods.

The first implies the location of the connecting elements from the ends of the log (this is called with the remainder). The end result is a log house that is economical in terms of material consumption. Useful area with this method of felling remains more. Of the minuses, it can be noted that more attention will have to be paid to the thermal insulation of the corners, and the structure itself must be rigidly fixed to the foundation, as it has less stability.

In the second method, which is called “into a cup”, the connection is located at a distance from the ends of the logs, which makes it possible to achieve greater strength and stability of the log house. This method involves a greater consumption of material, but it is most often used for felling log cabins. The advantages of chopping "in a cup" are more than disadvantages and they are as follows:

  • Prevention of natural shift of logs in the walls;
  • Joints at the time of shrinkage of the log house are easier to seal;
  • The production process is becoming more technologically advanced;
  • It is possible to get rid of the gaps at the junction of the crowns to each other.

Log thickness

Answer the question "Does the thickness of the log affect the properties of the structure?" The answer is unequivocally yes, it does. The thing is that the thermal insulation and stability of the future building directly depend on the thickness of the logs, whether it is a two-story house, a bathhouse or just a household. a building like a cowshed or barn. Therefore, first of all, rely on your own funds. In practice, if in winter the temperature outside the window drops below -40 Celsius, it is advisable to take logs with a diameter of more than 18 centimeters (if it is spruce or pine) and more than 22 centimeters (if it is oak). Again, here we consider the example of a residential building. This is in case you want to save money.

  • (up to -40C you need a log of 28 centimeters (taking into account drying out - at least 32 cm.));
  • (up to -30C you need a log of at least 24 centimeters, and taking into account drying out from 28 cm);
  • (up to -20C, use a log from 20 centimeters, taking into account drying out (32 cm.).

Logs for assembling log cabins have one more parameter - the width of the groove. It should be 2/3 of the diameter, while the height of the log will be 3/4 of the diameter.

wood species

In modern wooden construction, coniferous material is most often used. Such wood is highly durable, and rots little, partly due to the fact that it contains a lot of resin. Now, the wood of the following species is mainly used:

  • Larch
  • Pine

Buildings made of larch have been practiced on the territory of our country since ancient times. Larch logs are characterized by the fact that they are almost not subject to decay. At the same time, the features of this material make it possible to build truly centuries-old buildings from it, and over time, the structure will not collapse from moisture, for example (as happens with wooden buildings made of wood of other species), but will only become stronger. A larch house can stand for at least 100 years, there is only one problem - it is a very expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford.

Spruce, on the other hand, is distinguished by a looser structure of the material, unlike pine, for example. A house in which spruce logs will be used in the construction must be carefully processed (which will protect against fungus and slow down decay). Spruce forest has a lower thermal conductivity, which allows you to make the house out of if warmer (unlike pine). This is a fairly budget material, and spruce houses are most often found where there is no other wood.

Pine is the most used type of wood in Russia. It grows in almost every corner of the country, and it grows quite a lot, and therefore it is used everywhere. A pine log house is inexpensive, and it is not difficult to transport it. Over time, pine buildings change shade slightly and become darker.

Cedar, as a material for building a one-piece log house, stands apart. This is a truly noble and elite tree species. Its high cost is justified by durability and strength. This excellent material is not only durable and comfortable, but also environmentally friendly: cedar releases useful substances that generally improve the microclimate in the house, have a positive effect on immunity and improve the well-being of residents.

Ultimately, the most popular choice of wood species for a home is a combination of several types of wood. For example, the lower crowns of the future dwelling are best made from larch, but the walls and other elements are made from spruce, pine or any other wood.

How to choose a log house for the house? Results

First of all, accept for yourself that it is worth choosing a log cabin for winter felling. The most preferred option is logs felled after frost for baptism. At this moment, the least methyl alcohol remains in the structure of the tree, due to which the log is oxidized. Therefore, it is best to take a finished log house in winter.

Carefully inspect the log house for large areas of rot and cracks. In no case should cracks pierce the log through and through. You can do it yourself by arriving at the production site. Most often, you should pay attention to the way the trunks fit to a certain size, the duration of shrinkage and drying (information about which the seller is obliged to provide) and the cut of the tree.
