Notes for the wall newspaper for the new year. New Year's poster for school - ideas and ways to implement them! Examples of original images

The new year is approaching, which means that it is time to think about how to decorate a kindergarten, school and your home for the New Year holidays. Already decided how? There are many options, but it is best to do something with your own hands. The wall newspaper for the new year 2017 - the year of the rooster - is a great option for this idea. It is not difficult to do it, and if difficulties arise, then the templates will help to fix everything. In order not to waste time in vain, let's move on to a small lesson.

And so, let's start inventing a wall newspaper. To do this, we need a white sheet of paper, pencils or paints, depending on how you are going to color the wall newspaper.
At the first stage, we make a beautiful inscription: Happy New Year! Further below we sign the numbers: 2017.

We invent or find New Year greetings on the Internet and write them under the congratulatory inscription. And on the sides we write New Year's verses in beautiful handwriting.

It's time to decorate the wall newspaper. Let's decorate the top first. To do this, draw branches of a Christmas tree with cones, toys and tinsel. We did so, but you can do it your way, as you like.

Now we decorate the bottom of the wall newspaper. We decided to put New Year's characters there, because without them a holiday is not a holiday. So we draw down the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. And to make it more fun, we add drawings of a snowman and a symbol of the year - a rooster.

Now our wall newspaper is ready! You can hang it on the wall and enjoy the holiday.
The following video will help you draw
poster for new year 2017:

Now that's all. Happy New Year!

Do you need to make a New Year's wall newspaper? And you don't know where to start? Then stay with us and find out everything. Our ideas and templates will help you prepare your school wall paper for the year of the rooster.

So, so - have you done your homework yet? Which task? But didn’t they tell you in kindergarten and at school to make a wall newspaper for the new year 2017 with your own hands? New templates for the wall newspaper will help you complete the task and get five for it. Our authors have collected the most useful and interesting information so that you can easily do everything quickly and efficiently. And so, let's look.

To start making a wall newspaper, you need to think about the rules for yourself that will help you do everything efficiently and quickly. For example, you must clearly know what will be on your version of the wall newspaper. We have a plan that might work for you. Let's get a look.

1. The first is a beautiful inscription at the top in the middle. The inscription is a kind of table of contents, like a book. Here you can think about what to write. For example, like this: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Or on a larger scale: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017! Decide for yourself, we did this:

2. Next, we need to think about what inscriptions will be made on the wall newspaper. These are poems, congratulations, riddles or toasts. You can choose everything, but then the question is where to put it all? We offer to dwell on congratulations and poems. Congratulations can be written directly under the numbers 2017, and poems can be placed on the sides. Approximately like this:

At the same time, we highlighted the place where congratulations are written. Move on.

As you can see, we have decorated the top of the wall newspaper. Branches of a Christmas tree with toys were drawn in the upper corners. And near the inscription there are twigs with cones. Now let's decorate the bottom.

4. Our wall newspaper is almost ready, but it lacks the main characters of the new year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees and the symbol of the year - the rooster. Let's fix the situation.

Pustunchik knows the secrets of the perfect design of the New Year's wall newspaper and today he will be happy to share them with you, my friend.

The first step is to create a layout for the New Year's poster-newspaper. Take a draft and conditionally indicate on it the title, articles and illustrations that you plan to place in the newspaper. Pay attention to the size of each component: articles should not be too small, and headings should not be too large. Now, barely noticeable, do the same on whatman paper.

Whatman A1 is best for a New Year's wall newspaper. If this is not found, you can glue several sheets of A4.


So that the New Year's wall newspaper does not look “empty”, you can tint whatman paper by making an interesting background.

Paper will look spectacular if:

1. Dip a dry brush into the paint and apply it with a poke on the paper,

2. Make strokes with a dry brush,

3. Make a tone with a toothbrush by spraying paint from it on paper,

4. Take some paint on your finger and leave prints on paper.

Applications look cool on the wall newspaper. You can make clippings from magazines, make voluminous snowflakes, Christmas decorations, etc., and it would also be a great idea to print out coloring pages, color them in and stick ready-made drawings on the wall newspaper.


Pay special attention to the title. Here are a few ways in which the heading can be positioned relative to the text.


Winter holidays suggest relocations of comic winter riddles. Think about it. Pustunchik made sure that your New Year's wall newspaper was meaningful, full of many winter poems and interesting things. Read useful information about the New Year holidays and their heroes, and use the materials to create a unique holiday newspaper poster:

Here is an example of a New Year's wall newspaper that you can print for a festive evening.

The newspaper consists of 8 parts A4. The finished New Year's poster will be A1 format.

But still, a hand-made wall newspaper is much more interesting and lively. The symbol of 2019 is the yellow earthen Pig. Drawn on a poster, it can solve the design problem. Surely among the students there will be a talent to prepare a drawing with a simple pencil, and there will always be hunters to decorate such a work.

Print Templates

If there is absolutely no time, there are sketch drawings for this. It will be easy for gifted children to redraw such posters. When there are no such talents, templates can simply be printed out and schoolchildren can be added to pleasant work.

Collaboration while coloring drawings will unite many children. These wall newspaper samples are suitable for all ages of children from kindergarten to high school students.

Wall newspaper for primary school children

The Year of the Pig falls on New 2019, which means we draw a wall newspaper with the symbol of this year. This will amuse little schoolchildren, and will give guests and visitors a sense of humor. To begin with, we sketch the drawing with a simple pencil, this will facilitate the work.


  • a large piece of drawing paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • brushes and paints.

How we do:

  • We unfold a piece of paper, and with a simple pencil we mark where the heroine of the picture will be located.
  • Depending on its size, we take a round object to outline it.
  • We draw two circles on whatman paper, one at the top for the head, the other a little lower.
  • We connect them with smooth lines, erase the rest of the already unnecessary strokes with an eraser (see photo with sketches).
  • We paint the cheeks on the upper circle, we also remove the extra contours.
  • Now with the help of a pencil we add pig ears to the formed head.
  • Somewhere from the middle of the body, lowering down, we draw a leg with a hoof, we show the other a little because of the body. We try to horizontally equalize the level of both front legs.
  • We draw the hind limbs divorced to the sides, we get a Pig-gymnast sitting on a twine.
  • On the muzzle we make sketches of a patch and eyes.
  • We finish the pupils, make a few strokes under the eyes, nostrils on the penny and a smiling mouth.
  • Draw a spiral tail on the back.
  • We paint the symbol with paints.
  • Near it we draw and draw several frames for inscriptions and wishes.
  • At the top, in large letters, in festive colors, we write “Happy New Year 2019” through the entire newspaper.
  • We hang the finished poster on the wall. This design will add mood to children, teachers and parents who come to the celebration.

Wall newspaper for middle school students

This design of the poster is suitable for children in grades 5-8. They will already be able, without the help of adults, to make a festive wall newspaper with their own hands, step-by-step drawings will be a hint. In the middle we depict everyone's favorite Santa Claus, he sits in a sleigh and holds a horse by the bridle, which rushes this simple but fabulous transport carrying a New Year's character and a bag of gifts.


  • whatman;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paints or colored pencils.
  • Do you love making DIY Christmas decorations?

How we do:

  • With a simple pencil, we divide a sheet of paper into four parts.
  • On the left, in the lower square, we draw the runners of the sleigh (see photo), we install the frame of the transport itself on them, if desired, we change the shape at our discretion.
  • On the next lower part, according to the size of the animal, we mark the circles where the horse and its head will be depicted.
  • With the same pencil, we denote the shape and location of the legs with a thin broken line.
  • With smooth bends we connect the upper body, moving to the hind legs.
  • Since the horse is visible only from the side, we draw one ear, below the eyes and a nostril. Gradually we select the whole head, how and where to place it, we are guided by the laid lines that separate the sheet of drawing paper.
  • Now we cling to her magnificent tail and mane, outline the front and back legs, end them with hooves. We remove the extra lines with an eraser.
  • On the bottom of the square, which is located above the sleigh, we make two vertical lines, the location and size of Santa Claus. Carefully draw out the shape of his head, hats and fur coat collar.
  • We lower the smooth line of the back into the sled, and hide the hand in the mitten in the wide sleeve of the clothes.
  • Select the face with the beard of a fabulous old man.
  • Now we finish drawing the second hand, which is in the background, the fur descending from the collar, and the belt.
  • We outline the parts of the harness around the neck and head of the horse, lower the sticks to which it is attached to the sleigh. We put the reins into the hands of Santa Claus.
  • Draw a saddle on the back of the animal. We attach small details and various designs to the transport, and most importantly, we put a bag with gifts in the middle of the sleigh.
  • Then at the top we make a large inscription of New Year's greetings, below along the edges we draw frames for wishes, their shape does not matter.
  • Just right to use paints or pencils.

The poster for the New Year 2019 will be very beautiful. Working together will bring children together and give them a festive mood.

Wall newspaper for high school students

For the New Year's wall newspaper of high school students in 2019, we will consider several holiday templates, they are for every taste.

Such posters can be printed, designed in your own way and made inscriptions:

  • In the middle of the poster, beloved Santa Claus is holding a frame in which we write holiday greetings and wishes. Around the edge of the leaf, the paws of a coniferous tree flaunt with a wreath, snowflakes are clearly visible on them. In the upper part of the picture, a clock peeps through the branches, and below, in bright red hats with pompoms, two cute little animals.
  • Gentle poster in a blue tone that gives a cheerful mood. Its top is filled with large openwork snowflakes, under them in multi-colored balls is a congratulatory inscription "Happy New Year!". Below on both sides are cartoon Santa Claus with a bag of gifts and a Snow Maiden. They stand on the snow-covered ground, and near the fairy-tale heroes there is a cheerful snowman.
  • The following template depicts a snowman holding out branch arms to a gift brought to him by a boy in a New Year's costume. A cheerful puppy runs after him.
  • The leaf along the edge is painted over in a gentle tone, then a frame of snowflakes goes on almost the entire poster, the entire middle is free for writing. Down in the foreground, on one side, is a teddy bear in New Year's costume, holding a colorful toy in its paw. On the other side of the tree, dressed up with colorful balls, gifts are laid out around it. In the top corner there is a pinned sock with surprises.
  • The poster is visually divided into two parts. On one side, a knotted colorful bag is depicted in the entire background. In the foreground, Santa Claus is sitting on the snow. The other part is filled with a template sheet lined with stripes for notes, at the bottom in the form of a stamp, the same only a reduced fairy-tale old man.
  • Against the backdrop of the winter night sky and snow-covered hills with fir trees, Santa Claus flies in a sleigh with a red nose and cheeks, behind him is a huge bag with gifts. He holds the bridle of animals invisible behind the poster and merrily chases them.
  • In the upper corner of the sheet there is a cuckoo clock, parallel to the other part, a congratulatory inscription. Below, on both sides, on the snow-covered ground, there are Christmas trees decorated with toys, gifts laid out under the trees. In the center in the foreground is a cartoon Santa Claus, next to him sits a puppy in a red hat with a pompom. There is enough space for congratulations, let's show imagination.
  • The whole poster has a clear winter night sky. In the background, almost across the entire template, there is a huge bright moon. On its upper part, you can see the silhouettes of a sleigh harnessed by reindeer, in which Santa Claus sits. The night luminary illuminates snow-covered firs and endless hills of fields. A snowman stands in the foreground, he escorts the wagon and waves a branch-arm to it.

Among our traditional New Year's decor, do-it-yourself themed posters and wall newspapers should be included in a special category. Most often, such jewelry is made in kindergartens and elementary schools (1-3 (4) grades), as well as in grades 5-8. High school students, as a rule, prefer not to draw, but to print ready-made templates for New Year's posters, which are filled with poems and congratulations by hand. Especially relevant are thematic wall newspapers with drawings of holiday symbols. For example, a wall newspaper for the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar) can be decorated with images of a yellow (earth-colored) pig, which is the patron animal of this year. Next, we bring to your attention a selection of ready-made templates and step-by-step master classes with photos of New Year's wall newspapers with your own hands.

Beautiful wall newspaper Happy New Year 2019 for kindergarten - printable templates (8 sheets)

Most often, educators, not kids, are engaged in making beautiful wall newspapers for the New Year in kindergartens. Sometimes children take part already at the final stage, for example, by coloring ready-made posters. And since teachers in kindergarten always have little time, for the most part they prefer to use ready-made templates for posters and beautiful wall newspapers for the New Year, which can be printed. You will find options for such thematic blanks that are ideal for a kindergarten in the following selection of photos.

Ready-made templates of beautiful wall newspapers for the New Year 2019, which can be printed for kindergarten

Original wall newspaper Happy New 2019 Year of the Pig for elementary school - step by step lesson with photo

In elementary school, students are already actively involved in the creation of original wall newspapers for the New Year 2019. Most often, these are fairly simple posters depicting New Year's symbols. For example, the New Year 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Boar and therefore the image of a pig can be safely used in the design of posters. Read more about how to make an original wall newspaper for the New 2019 Year of the Pig in elementary school in the next master class with a photo.

Necessary materials for the original wall newspaper for the New 2019 Year of the Pig in elementary school

  • whatman
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • paints and brush

Step-by-step instructions for the original wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 Pigs for elementary school

  1. Since the main symbol of 2019 is the pig, its image can be used as the central picture on the poster. First of all, we designate the location of the boar and make a blank of its silhouette.

  1. Let's move on to drawing the details. First, draw the forelimbs and hooves. Then we add the characteristic sharp ears to the animal.

  1. We turn to the drawing of the hind limbs. To make the wall newspaper more fun, let's draw a pig sitting in a twine. Add details to the muzzle of the animal.

  1. We are engaged in drawing small details, as shown in the following photo.

  1. We decorate the finished drawing with paints.

  1. We frame the place for holiday wishes. We add a congratulatory inscription "Happy New Year 2019!". Our New Year's wall newspaper for elementary school is ready!

Cool wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 Do-it-yourself pigs to high school - a step-by-step master class for grades 5-8

For high school for the New Year of the Pig 2019, students in grades 5-8 can draw a cool wall newspaper on their own without the help of teachers. For example, use as the central image of the main character of the holiday - Santa Claus. The next master class describes step by step how to draw a cool wall newspaper for the New 2019 Year of the Pig with your own hands to a high school with the image of Santa Claus.

Necessary materials for a cool do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 Pigs for high school

  • whatman
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • eraser
  • paints or colored pencils

Step-by-step instructions for a cool wall newspaper for the New Year of the Pig with your own hands to high school (grade 5-8)

  1. As mentioned above, Santa Claus will be depicted on the New Year's poster, but not simple, but rushing on his magic cart with gifts and congratulations. The first step is to divide the drawing paper into 4 identical parts visually and mark these boundaries with a simple pencil. Then, in the lower left corner, draw the base of the wagon runners.

  1. In the same lower left corner, we begin to draw the wagon itself, as shown in the next photo. Then, in the lower right corner, we make blanks for body parts for the future horse.

  1. We draw the wagon in more detail. We begin to make out the silhouette of the horse, drawing the torso and head.

  1. Then we move on to drawing the hooves, mane and tail of the animal.

  1. On the border of the lower and upper left squares, we begin to draw the head of Santa Claus, who is sitting in a wagon.

  1. Add the back and sketches of the arms, as in the next photo.

  1. We complete the image of Santa Claus by drawing the details of clothing and facial features.

  1. Add parts of the harness and reins.

  1. We complete the chosen image with the image of a bag with gifts and details of the New Year's cart.

  1. At the final stage, we add a congratulatory inscription "Happy New Year!", And also make out a place for wishes. After that, you can proceed to decorate the wall newspaper with paints or colored pencils.

DIY wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig - ready-made templates that can be printed

If there is very little time to prepare for the holiday, then as an alternative to a self-drawn wall newspaper, you can use ready-made poster templates for the New Year of the Yellow Pig 2019, which can be printed. As a rule, such a format does not require almost any time costs. It is enough just to print an already decorated and fully designed poster and fill it with good wishes. As congratulations, beautiful poems and prose dedicated to the upcoming New Year holidays are ideal. The best examples of ready-made wall newspapers (templates) for the New 2019 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, which you can print with your own hands, can be found below.
