Bad guy. Harmful male and female habits

It's a strange story. By and large, we all dream "not to drink, not to smoke, and always love me". But I think some of us can recall an exemplary dialogue that takes place in a biography:

“I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t swear, I lead a healthy lifestyle,” the man says proudly.
Goodbye, we have nothing more to talk about.

And the point here is not at all that the man’s phrase in itself does not inspire confidence, it is alarming. If we omit self-hypnosis about a healthy lifestyle, it becomes clear that there is something attractive in men who know how to drink beautifully. Just let's immediately mark the boundaries - we are not talking about those who consume alcoholic beverages without measure.

How many times have we looked at a man sitting in a bar with a glass of whiskey and a cigar? It is unlikely that his friend enjoyed the same popularity with a glass of cabbage juice, biting this drink of the Gods with a carrot. And languid movie characters in hats (and without hats too) with a cigarette in their mouths or with a glass of brandy (I immediately recall the images embodied Johnny Depp,Mickey Rourcome and Jack Nicholson) - let the scoundrels and villains, but still shrouded in an attractive veil ... And how can one not lose one's will?!

"Bad" guy Johnny Depp has always attracted the attention of ladies. Frame from the film "From Hell"

And how sometimes it was pleasant for us to keep company with our chosen one and drink a few cocktails together during a vacation on some exotic coast? Remember those crazy nights when he jumped in the summer rain with a bottle of champagne, climbed onto the benches and shouted words of love to you. Or - it was just after two bottles of African shiraz for two - you waltzed together along empty lanes at minus 20, not noticing that it was insanely cold and, in fact, it was deep winter outside. And when he came to you at 5 in the morning from a drunken party, without money, but with a huge bouquet of flowers and practically fell into your arms with apologies? Haven't there been similar stories?

In all this there is the ability to receive pleasure, which so attracts women in a man. If a man loves and wants to have fun, this, at times, is insanely attractive. His relaxation, confidence in the future (would he drink on Thursday if he wasn't sure of himself?!), carelessness in his movements and aesthetics in the choice of an alcoholic drink. Well, isn't it erotic when a man understands whiskey and studies the bar list for a long time not in order to choose cheaper, but in order to choose! And then, with obvious pleasure, he tries the chosen drink, savoring it and enjoying it.

Isn't it luxurious when your joint morning starts at three in the afternoon and you go to a restaurant for "breakfast". And at this hour it is quite difficult to do without champagne. And then again to do crazy things and laugh until colic in the stomach.

You can continue indefinitely - such moments are the answer to the question of why we like drinking men.

But if we dispel the eroticism of tobacco smoke and the fumes of morning alcohol, then we can find more weighty arguments in defense of why we are greedy for men with bad habits.

First of all If a man knows how to enjoy life, then he can drag you into a whirlpool of pleasures. But, most importantly, you understand that you delight him, also being a source of pleasure, beauty and joy. It may be fleeting, but it's still fair.

Secondly if a man understands wines, whiskey, champagne, or even has a collection of something at home, then this indicates some financial solvency. Indeed, for such a hobby, funds are needed, otherwise how will he be able to try all the variety of varieties of different years of the spill in order to opt for something specific?

Thirdly Men are also sometimes shy. And there is nothing wrong with that. It’s just that sometimes “for courage” they need to take on their chest much more than we do. And only after “five to fifty” they may lose their fear of telling you “something important” or taking a step towards you. Sometimes even just call and make an appointment!

Fourth, after all the same "seven to thirty" for some representatives of the stronger sex, fantasy begins to work perfectly. You will definitely not get bored with such a gentleman. Stop the watering machine to drive it home, buy all the roses in the tent, sing a song for you from the stage in the karaoke club, changing the text “for you”, offer to go on a trip “right now” and immediately go for tickets, quite real to him.

Fifth, which is already there, we are also not sinless. And when you want to relax and drink a glass of wine, we are not very interested in seeing how the companion of this evening stoically drinks green tea and looks askance at you.

At sixth, strong drinks often help to break down the wall of misunderstanding and bring two strangers together. I once recommended to friends: “to avoid an unsuccessful and boring date, always carry a bottle of port with you.” Of course, it was a joke, but in every joke, as you know, there is truth. What if you can not talk to your companion? Or are you yourself so tense with excitement that all your facial muscles have cramped? Correctly. The only choice is to drink together.

Seventh physiology also plays a role. Most men in a lightly drunk state in bed can work wonders, while the process itself is noticeably prolonged. A certain female egoism is already playing here, since in this situation you have much more chances to reach the final than he has.

Eighth, by the behavior of a drunk man, you can learn a lot about his character. If after drinking he becomes aggressive, irritable, makes scandals, then it’s better not to even continue communication: one day he won’t need alcohol to show aggression. And if he turns into a teddy and affectionate bear, then, most likely, in life he is gentle and kind.

But it is worth remembering a very important point: the pleasure of alcohol quite often ends - as it is not difficult to guess - alcoholism, both yours and men's. Therefore, it is not worth abusing and provoking a man to drink. Although what I am teaching you here, you yourself know everything ...

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 21 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Unfortunately, it is not easy to learn to recognize dangerous men - you must be able to listen to your instincts and trust them when your new acquaintance says or does something that makes you feel threatened and dangerous. Dangerous men behave in such a way that in their behavior one can notice the conviction that their actions are justified and legal. In addition to the above, keep in mind that dangerous men may not have any intention of physically harming you, instead they will harm you emotionally, sexually, and may even commit a crime against you.


Watch for risky or dangerous behaviors

    Listen to your instincts and learn to recognize dangerous men. A dangerous man looks just like one who is not going to harm you or anyone else. The danger he poses doesn't have to include a physical threat - he can be a financial, spiritual, emotional, or sexual danger to you.

    • Control is a dangerous sign. If a man is trying to control you spiritually, economically or emotionally, this is a red flag. Also beware of lies that he can use to reinforce his dominant position.
  1. Push a man away from you if his actions or words tell you that she is dangerous. Although society has taught you to be polite and accommodating if a man is dangerous, and you have discovered this, you have the right to act rudely, since you need to give a decent response to his superiority over you.

  2. Once outside at night, take preventive measures. If you're walking through an empty parking lot or a dark street, place your keys between your fingers; squeeze them into a strong grip if you meet a stranger. If he's following you, look for open stores or any establishments where you can get help. If you plan to use protective equipment, you must be sure that it will work (in any climate, in any weather, etc.).

    • As a means of protection, we recommend using a gas spray. Choose one that works powerfully, for a long time and accurately. A good spray can be incredibly traumatic for an attacker.
  3. Change your habits in choosing partners. If you have been involved in an unhealthy relationship in the past in which a man hurt you, try to find out what attracts you to such men and work on changing these behaviors to healthier ones.

    What do psychotherapists look for?

    1. Look for signs of a dangerous man before getting involved in a relationship. In short, attention should be paid to the presence in the past of a man of rapidly developing relationships, to the features of his history, to whether the man had several relationships in parallel, to his mechanism for choosing a girl and to his behavior patterns.

      • Resist his attempts to speed things up. Dangerous and pathological men usually start new relationships with a clear goal in mind. They want "immediate intimacy" and therefore may begin to victimize you (impose the role of a victim).
      • Explore his past. Check out his criminal history. Find out if he has had mental health problems and episodes of domestic violence or aggression directed at his partner.
      • Ask your boyfriend about his past relationships. If he decides to talk about his previous girlfriends, listen very carefully. Men who don't like being alone create a lot of side-by-side relationships, so your boyfriend might already be in a relationship with another girl or girls!
      • Pay attention to consistent, persistent patterns of behavior. Dangerous men with pathological disorders behave in the same way with all the new women they start dating.
      • Look up information about your boyfriend's former partners. If he was with a girl who is also emotionally unwell, trust your intuition and back off.
    2. Study this type of men: emotional predators, looking for a woman to be a parent, having a hidden life, emotionally unavailable, violent, mentally ill, have problems with addictions, always sticky and obsessive. Such men have a mental pathology, and if it has not yet been diagnosed, the psychotherapist must examine them and draw the appropriate conclusions.

      • Keep a close eye on such a man, especially if he is able to quickly understand your needs and satisfy them. Emotional predators are able to instantly identify your needs and vulnerabilities.
      • Listen to your instinct. Have you met a man who wants you to satisfy all his needs? Such a man wants a parent and will use you to take care of himself.
      • Learn the history of this man. Note issues such as criminal behavior, children or illnesses he kept secret from you, women you never heard from him about, dangerous habits, addictions or hobbies.
      • Trust your instincts if you meet a man who fulfills some obligations to another woman, but swears that he is "almost" finished with her. This man is looking for a woman who has trouble keeping boundaries.
      • Be especially careful if you suspect that you are facing a man of the so-called "Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde" type. His negative side comes out when he needs to reassert his dominance. At such moments, he is able to hit, shame, cause physical harm, make you feel guilty, decide to damage your property if this forces you to return to him.
      • Listen to your instincts if you find yourself in a relationship with a man suffering from some form of addiction. His addiction doesn't have to be drugs or alcohol; it could be addiction to pornography, thrills, sex, or just being in a relationship.
      • Pay attention to your feelings. For example, if you feel like you've given everything to this relationship, you may be dealing with a pathological "sticky".
    • If a man constantly makes you feel indebted to him, as if he is doing you a huge favor, be careful. No one should force anyone to experience such feelings for a long time.
    • If the conflict has resulted in a flash of anger, be careful. This can be a serious warning, a wake-up call that tells you that you have contacted a dangerous person.
    • If your family, colleagues or friends start telling you that your boyfriend is dangerous, listen to what they have to say.
    • Avoiding your obligations to a man can be a daunting task. It won't necessarily be dangerous, but it can get you in trouble. Make a decision when the relationship should end and then just move on.


    • If you have already been involved in a dangerous relationship and have been abused, you should know that when you decide to end this relationship, a great many dangers await you.
    • If a man blows up a scandal out of a minor incident, reacts disproportionately sharper than the significance of the problem, easily loses his temper, etc., then such a man is probably mentally unstable and capable of tough behavior.

As the old Russian proverb says: men must be protected. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question - how to do it? And for this you need to know what is harmful for men.

It's bad for men to go shopping.

It turns out that this is bad for men's health. So a survey of Londoners showed that standing in line causes rage in every fifth Englishman. It even leads to an increase in pressure, which is extremely dangerous. In choosing purchases, the opinions of men and women are not compatible: men are interested in the device and quality, and women are interested in color and style.

sedentary lifestyle, which is bad for men.

Physical activity protects men from ulcers. After examining 11,000 subjects, American scientists found that duodenal ulcers often occur in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. And very rarely in physically active men. This study was conducted at the University of South Carolina. In men who run at least 16 km during the week, the risk of ulcers is 2 times less. The reasons for the process are not fully understood. Perhaps - the level of stress decreases, the immune status increases.

In boys, the right half of the brain develops first.

In girls, on the contrary - the left. That is why boys begin to speak a year later than their peers, and at school they read and write worse. But the boys are better oriented in space, thanks to the developed right hemisphere.

Men need more oxygen.

Men breathe less frequently and more deeply than women. Therefore, in gassed cities, the lungs of men are at greater risk. They get more harmful substances than women.

A single bed is the way to a man's health.

Everyone knows that married men live longer than bachelors. However, according to doctors, it is time to reconsider some family values. The tradition of sharing a bed with a wife came from poor commoners. Whereas aristocrats always had separate bedrooms. According to doctors, this is very useful for the psychological health of men.

Stress is more dangerous for men.

No matter how strong our stronger sex is, it is less stress-resistant. In women, stress causes sleep disturbance, irritability, bad mood - not so scary. Much more detrimental stress for men. Its consequences are gastric ulcer, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, ischemia. It turns out that dental chairs were designed specifically for men. Initially, the patient was simply seated on a stool. If women tolerated the treatment well, then men simply fell from it from fear and pain.

Men - cry! This is quite a masculine thing.

Why do men not cry or do it very rarely? Well, firstly, from infancy, they constantly hear that it is not masculine. And secondly, their nervous system is so arranged. The ability to cry at the right time is a kind of valve that works automatically for women. When you cry, endorphins are released - this dulls the feeling of pain and helps to calm down. So in men, this valve is inoperative, which leads to the accumulation of negative emotions, to an increased risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Ibuprofen hurts manhood

Long-term use of ibuprofen, according to scientists, can lead to male infertility. This drug reduces testosterone levels, leading to a decrease in the number of spermatozoa. This conclusion was made by scientists from Denmark and France.

Ibuprofen is often and long-term used for chronic pain and arthritis. Studies by scientists and observations of people who use ibuprofen have led to the conclusion that these men have lower testosterone levels, reduced sexual activity, worsened mood, and a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Male smokers are more likely to suffer from peripheral atherosclerosis.

This disease can be identified by the following signs: pain in the joints of the lower extremities when walking, which disappears when you stop. This indicates the presence of plaques in the artery. Which can lead to heart attack and stroke. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination.

Some habits inherent in a certain sex deliver considerable annoyance to the other. What infuriates women in men, and men in women?

Male bad habits

No, of course, I really love most men in general, and my own husband in particular. However, sometimes you really, really want to complain about their bad habits. No, I'm not talking now about smoking or the obsessive desire to "bite your nails." Although these are also bad habits. I'm talking about those that are annoying in men. Especially when you live next to them.

1. They come home late

Before the advent of mobile phones, the classic phrase of a woman was: I already warmed up dinner three times! With the advent of mobile phones, by the way, the situation has changed little. They still come home late and never warn about it! Either they have a meeting, then they will meet with friends, then the subway has broken down. In general, there is always a reason! The fact that I am sitting at home like a faithful dog and waiting for him is of little interest to anyone. Women's share is

2. Discussing women

And even in the presence of their halves. It's impossible to walk down the street. Not only will he turn his neck on the first long-legged beauty that comes across, but he will also begin to reason out loud. Sincerely expecting that I will support this conversation! Thank you, at least it still does not compare publicly. I don’t even want to think about what they talk about among themselves in a male company.

3. They scatter their things everywhere

It would be nice to just scatter it, which, however, is already disgusting in itself. So he also starts each morning by asking: Where are my socks? Where is my shirt? I always say this: Where I took it off yesterday, there it lies now. Pouting, offended, says that I'm grouchy. An attempt to force them to remove their things is perceived with hostility. And when I get tired of all this, and I fold the sweaters in neat piles, hang up my trousers and shirts, the whining starts to get even worse. Well, where did you put my things? Why are they clean, ironed and stacked?

4. Play computer games

All men need to relax after work. In our advanced age of high technology, most often they choose computer games for these purposes. Shooters, racing, football, strategy, well, or whatever, who likes it? Why? As an answer to this question, you can write a dissertation! In short, it is because they want to assert themselves somewhere else. Feel like Schumacher, Kaka or the Lord of the world.

5. They love to lie on the couch.

The second most popular way to relax. Well honey, I'm so tired. I won't wash the dishes. Let's sit on the couch. Oh, don't you want to? Do a lot? Well, then I'll go alone. Of course, if I sit with him, the house will turn into who knows what in two weeks! I won't survive this.

6. They don't like doing chores around the house.

The main reason for the two previous points. And a bunch of other problems. There is also a purely male work in the house. For example, drill a hole, drive in a nail, or wash a dirty stove. To achieve that it was executed right here and now is unrealistic. You have to coax, persuade, shout, use tricks and even deceit. Well, it's actually easier to do it yourself. Only I prefer to press, otherwise they will get used to it, relax.

7. They love to get together with a purely male company.

“Darling, you will be bored there”, kiss on the cheek and goodbye for at least the whole evening. And even for a couple of days, if their "company" goes fishing, hunting, to a country house with a friend, and so on. Of course, in retaliation, I will gather my female guard. And we might even go to a strip club and have some fun. But I, in fact, somewhere in the depths of my soul love him very much. And I would like to sit with him alone, a purely mixed female-male company. I think we could find something to do...

8. Too emotional where they shouldn't be.

For example, they yell in a wild voice when ours score / do not score. And when I talk about what a goat my boss is, they nod sleepily in response. It turns out that a herd of men chasing a ball around the field is obviously more interesting than me and my problems.

9. They carry food

When I'm cooking. It doesn't matter if it's a meatloaf or a birthday cake. Everything you need to get into, everything you need to try. And if he also finds something really tasty, then destroy it in the bud before serving the dish on the table. Just have time to drive away like an annoying fly.

10. They snore in their sleep

Loud, raucous. And nothing helps. No pushing (pushing someone like that), no whistling ... So you have to stay up half the night! And by the way, we both have to work in the morning.

In fact, the list of bad male habits is endless. And each has its own set.

Women's bad habits

The first place is occupied, oddly enough - Smoking. Women's habit, annoying and unacceptable to many men.

“I don’t like it when a girl smokes cigarettes like LD or Java, but if she still smokes, let it be Vogue or something like that”

In principle, one could understand their skepticism about this if most of them did not smoke themselves. But, apparently, there are still traditional idealists in this world. And that's not bad.

The second irritating factor is women's lack of grooming and sexuality, when a woman does not take care of herself: she bites her nails, puts on some unfeminine and tasteless outfits that resemble a tracksuit or bathrobe.

Men also cannot stand the fact that a woman smells of sweat.

The third place is occupied by the banal "women's stupidity". That is, it is also a misunderstanding of certain, elementary things, constant “braking”, eternal tediousness.

The fourth place is a continuation of the third: it is annoying when a woman sticks with these nonsense, i.e. asks stupid, in a masculine opinion, questions, often demands something. “I am annoyed by the moment when I, busy with some important business, begin to be distracted.

Moreover, instead of understanding this and leaving, the woman tries to find out to the end what’s what, when she doesn’t want to answer her question, and there’s nothing to say, and there’s also no time to rant with her. ”

Questions like: “What are you thinking about now?” By the way, not only men are annoyed; some themselves, without suspecting it, can “blurt out” something that makes the girl just confused and nervous.

As a result, we get that a man cannot stand obsession, tediousness and exactingness on the part of women.

“It’s very annoying when my wife starts demanding gifts from me so that I always give them to her, regardless of whether there is a holiday. But, when I give her a souvenir or a plush toy, there are tantrums, tears and surprise, they say, if I have money, then the gifts should be significant. So - all these are fairy tales that "women" need only attention.

Fifth place is a counterbalance to the second, i.e. if before that we said that men don’t like it when young ladies don’t take care of themselves, then here it’s just the opposite - pretentiousness annoys. Especially if it is out of place: for example, if a lady puts on a short skirt and heels, leaving, for example, for nature, for barbecue, it will look very stupid.

Vulgarity and excess of cosmetics can also be attributed to this category.

Men appreciate modesty and naturalness in a woman more.

Plus, besides, vulgarity is manifested not only in clothes, but also in behavior, conversation: for example, men can’t stand it when a woman swears (although they themselves often allow themselves various obscene expressions in her presence).

On the sixth, not thriftiness and neglect of housekeeping are completely stuck.

"I love flowers. It's nice when there are a lot of plants at home, but I would like my wife to water them more often, and, in general, watch how they grow.

You can talk about the "junk" in the rooms, especially in the bathroom for hours: a huge number of different jars and pots with all sorts of junk, toys, bunnies-animals - some kind of kindergarten!

On the seventh sit girlfriends and intimate conversations with them. Men do not like it when a bachelorette party starts discussing all sorts of “nonsense” and, especially, making jokes about the youngest person.

Eighth place is free for shopping. Oh! The eternal theme, well, men do not like all these shopping trips, especially when it comes to buying underwear or household items. “You can go to a car dealership, but for groceries or something else - no, it’s you yourself ...”

On the ninth, such habits that are unbearable for men are firmly entrenched: this is causeless panic, nervous twisting of hair, communication with gays and their exaltation, the manner of sleeping, and besides, teeth to the wall, constant tears and sentimentality for every reason. In general, this is already becoming a feature of every woman, and men consider these features as shortcomings.

And, finally, the tenth place is also a set of habits - shortcomings that poison men's lives. This is both a pessimistic attitude and girlish confusion, laziness, frequent lateness.

“I hate it when she starts to take her anger out on me, as if I were a scapegoat. I constantly fall under her hot hand and there is practically no living space left on me. And such girls are found in our villages.

Well, we end, probably, with the habit of repeating everything non-stop and walking with anyone and anywhere at night, constant weight loss or a great zhor.

Yes, yes, and men are far from angels! Here is a rating of the most harmful Zodiacs of men. Find yourself if you are a man. And girls, by the way, are also useful to know what to expect.


If you happened to meet an Aries on your life path, you can run to the pharmacy in advance for antidepressants. This representative of the sheep family, with his stubbornness and selfishness, manifested with childish spontaneity, can bring you to the grave in no time. Even if he knows that he is wrong, he will still argue, just out of principle. He always has his own opinion on any subject, even one in which Aries is poorly versed. Sharp outbursts of aggression and bouts of bad mood are the decoration of this sign. True, it departs as quickly as it flares up.


Taurus believes that he can do whatever he wants, and if so, why bother? He is always pleased with himself. Even in the case when there is nothing to be proud of, in general. Taurus considers his exorbitant stubbornness to be the hardness of the character of a real man, stinginess takes for reasonable frugality, and a tendency to pessimism - for a realistic perception of the world.


No sign of the Zodiac has such a gift to turn everything upside down, like Gemini. You won’t get bored with them, but already in the second week of intensive communication you will feel like a sprinter among the stayers, hopelessly lagging behind the rest and tortured to death. If you can handle Gemini and their mind-blowing tendency to change (given that you are not a Gemini yourself), then you should erect a monument. They hang out here and there, they love to powder their brains and scoff. The future with them is more than unreliable, but the present is funny. Do not expect fidelity from the Gemini, it is worth turning away - they are already flirting with might and main with your girlfriend.


This bore and whiner in every girl is looking for the continuation of her mother, and if she finds her ideal, she will certainly try to marry. Cancer - an active lover of the family hearth and comfort - will bring his wife to the grave ahead of time with his eternal claims about how to properly wash dishes, feed his beloved cat and cook an omelet. Marriage with Cancer is ruined youth.

a lion

Fixated on his own person, Leo does not notice anyone around except himself. Well, maybe even those who admire him. He is arrogant and considers himself too generous to remember insults and promises. The royal person loves to spend money, lead an idle life and surround herself with beautiful girls. Insanely jealous, quick-tempered and touchy. He himself cannot stand if he is jealous, because he cannot even admit the thought that someone can consider him his property. He should always be in your first place, and if you suddenly reschedule your date for another day because of the need to visit a sick aunt, you may be mortally offended. What the hell, auntie?


This is a terrible pedant. He (it would be more correct to say “she”) will plague you with trifles and notations. Virgo will grumble that there is a lot of cholesterol in the oil, and fried food is very harmful to the stomach. He is lazy to the point of disgrace, but considers himself hardworking, as he sometimes sways to do some little things. He is tense with emotions, he is very wary of love.


Scales are suspicious, secretive and petty. They are irritable and can vent their anger at the first thing that comes to hand if things do not go the way they would like. They come up with various non-existent problems for themselves, and then solve them for a long time. They have many friends, but really trust almost no one.


A nasty, corrosive and vindictive scorpion gets annoyed all the time if something is not done the way he thinks is right. Constant nit-picking and a gloomy look, capable of almost driving waist-deep into the ground with its weight, will drive anyone crazy. And when this insect starts to be jealous, it won’t seem enough to you. He does not count money, but he remembers very well how many times they forgot to rejoice at his gift.


He doesn't lie. But only because his essence cannot stand lies. He does not lie even when it is inappropriate to tell the truth. If he catches you in a lie - expect trouble. Sagittarius is madly jealous, but he does not miss a single skirt. Even his inherent sense of humor is not able to compensate for his shortcomings.


Capricorn - stubborn for all two hundred and absolutely not amenable to persuasion. Even if he agrees with you, then either your opinions coincide by chance, or he simply does not want to “throw pearls in front of pigs.” In the latter case, be sure - in the depths of his soul he does not doubt his innocence. Capricorn is still a bore, he can hardly endure noisy fun parties and in general can be lost to society if educational work is not done with him. However, to convince, as was said earlier, is almost unrealistic, therefore it is better to put pressure on his interest and bring him to some idea very carefully so that Capricorn decides that this is his own thought. Capricorn is ambitious, believes that he knows life, and therefore he can lecture you for hours on how to live, and especially how to spend money. So it's best to keep the little joys of your shopping to yourself.


Aquarius loves to dream and plan something grandiose, but his energy and patience are rarely enough to even start. He will promise you a lot of everything - and at the moment of the promise, Aquarius himself believes that he will fulfill his plan - but you do not believe his sweet words. In serious matters, it is better not to rely on Aquarius, and even more so, you should not dream in order to place responsibility for something on his courageous shoulders, rely primarily on yourself.


Do you need a normal guy, confident and firmly on the ground, and not hovering somewhere in the clouds? Then you've come to the wrong place. Fish live in their own worlds, according to their own laws and, as a result, they are absolutely not adapted to real life. Pisces are children at heart, they are indecisive, unusually sensitive, and they need to be constantly taken care of, otherwise they may disappear due to their lack of independence.
