A message about the tsunami of the 21st century. The most terrible earthquakes of the XXI century

Tsunami (Japanese) - sea gravity waves of very large length, resulting from the shift of extended sections of the bottom during strong underwater and coastal earthquakes or as a result of volcanic eruptions and other tectonic processes. Tsunami waves propagate at high speed - up to 1,000 km/h. The height of the waves in the area of ​​their occurrence varies between 0.01-5.00 m, but near the coast it can reach 10 m, and in unfavorable relief areas (wedge-shaped bays, river valleys, etc.) - it can exceed 50 m .

January 31, 1906 An earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale struck off the coast of Colombia and Ecuador, hitting the US West Coast and Japan as well. The resulting tsunami killed about 1.5 thousand people.

February 3, 1923 An 8.5 magnitude earthquake hit Kamchatka. It was the latest in a series of earthquakes during the winter of 1923. Most of these earthquakes triggered tsunamis in the region. The tsunami on February 3 was especially powerful. Significant damage was also caused to the Hawaiian Islands.

February 1, 1938
An earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale off the coast of Indonesia sent a tsunami to the islands of Banda and Kai. There is no data on casualties.

November 4, 1952 As a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale that occurred near the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, a tsunami hit the Hawaiian Islands. The amount of material damage caused was about 1 million dollars.

The tsunami also caused the destruction of several cities and towns in the Sakhalin and Kamchatka regions. On November 5, three waves up to 15-18 meters high (according to various sources) destroyed the city of Severo-Kurilsk and caused damage to a number of neighboring settlements. According to official figures, 2336 people died.

March 9, 1957. on the Andrianov Islands, Alaska, there was an earthquake measuring up to 9.1 points. It led to the formation of two tsunamis, the average wave height reached 15 and 8 m, respectively. More than 300 people died as a result of the tsunami. The earthquake and tsunami were accompanied by the eruption of the Vsevidov volcano, which had been "hibernating" for about 200 years.

May 22, 1960. An earthquake measuring 9.5 on the Richter scale hit southern Chile, causing a tsunami. In Chile, Japan, the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, about 2.3 thousand were killed, more than 4 thousand were injured, about 2 million people were left homeless. The amount of material damage caused was more than 675 million dollars. For a long time, this tsunami was considered the most powerful and destructive of those recorded.

March 28, 1964
in Alaska, 120 km southeast of Anchorage, an earthquake measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale struck, causing a tsunami. 125 people died. The amount of material damage caused was about 311 million dollars.

February 4, 1965 As a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.7 on the Richter scale that occurred on the Rat Islands (Alaska), a tsunami hit Shemya Island (Aleutian archipelago).

September 5, 1971 in the Sea of ​​Japan, 50 km from the southwestern coast of Sakhalin, an earthquake occurred. It received the name Moneronskoye after the island of the same name, which turned out to be near the center of the earthquake. The intensity of the shock in the source was estimated at 8 points, in the settlements located opposite the source, the strength of the earth shaking was equal to 7 points. On the southwestern coast of Sakhalin, the maximum wave height of 2 m was recorded in Gornozavodsk and Shebunino. There was no information about casualties and destruction in the media.

December 12, 1992 An earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale destroyed a significant part of the islands of Flores and Bali, located on the territory of Indonesia. The earthquake caused a tsunami with a wave height of up to 26 m. 2 thousand 200 people died

December 26, 2004
an earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean, near the western coast of the northern part of the island of Sumatra. An earthquake measuring 8.9-9 points provoked a tsunami that immediately hit the islands of Sumatra and Java. The wave height reached 30 m. The total number of deaths - according to various sources, from 200 to 300 thousand people. More exact figures have not been established so far, since many bodies were carried away by water. To date, it is this tsunami that is considered the most destructive in history.

Tsunami waves spread not only across the Indian Ocean, but also the Pacific, reached the coast of the Kuril Islands.

July 17, 2006
The tsunami hit the southern coast of the Indonesian island of Java. According to various estimates, from 600 to 650 people died from the natural disaster, 120 were missing. 1,800 residents of the coast were injured. The natural disaster left 47,000 people homeless.

In the resort town of Pangandaran, the tsunami destroyed almost all the hotels located on the first line of the coast.

September 29, 2009 An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 triggered a tsunami off the coast of the island nation of Samoa in the Pacific Ocean. The total death toll on the islands of Western and American Samoa exceeded 140 people.

February 27, 2010 As a result of an earthquake of magnitude 8.8 that occurred in Chile, a tsunami threat arose for Japan, the Kuriles, Sakhalin, as well as the Philippines and Indonesia.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Tsunamis are one of the most terrifying natural phenomena. It is a wave formed as a result of "shaking" the entire water column in the ocean. Tsunamis are most often caused by underwater earthquakes.

Approaching the coast, the tsunami grows into a huge shaft tens of meters high and falls on the coast with millions of tons of water. The largest tsunamis in the world caused enormous destruction and led to the death of millions of people.

Krakatau, 1883

This tsunami was not caused by an earthquake or a landslide. The explosion of the Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia generated a powerful wave that swept along the entire coast of the Indian Ocean.

Residents of fishing settlements within a radius of about 500 km from the volcano had practically no chance of surviving. Victims were observed even in South Africa, on the opposite coast of the ocean. In total, 36.5 thousand people are considered dead from the tsunami itself.

Kuril Islands, 1952

The tsunami, triggered by a magnitude 7 earthquake, destroyed the city of Severo-Kurilsk and several fishing villages. Then the inhabitants had no idea about the tsunami and after the earthquake stopped they returned to their homes, becoming victims of a 20-meter high water shaft. Many were swallowed up by the second and third waves, because they did not know that a tsunami is a series of waves. About 2300 people died. The authorities of the Soviet Union decided not to report the tragedy in the media, so the disaster became known only decades later.

The city of Severo-Kurilsk was subsequently moved to a more elevated place. And the tragedy became the reason for the organization in the USSR of a tsunami warning system and more active scientific research in seismology and oceanology.

Lituya Bay, 1958

An earthquake of magnitude over 8 triggered a huge landslide with a volume of more than 300 million cubic meters, consisting of stones and ice from two glaciers. To them were added the waters of the lake, the shore of which collapsed into the bay.

As a result, a gigantic wave was formed, reaching a height of 524 m! She swept through the bay, licking the vegetation and soil on the slopes of the bay with her tongue, completely destroyed the spit that separated it from the Gilbert Bay. This is the highest tsunami wave in history. The banks of the Lituya were not inhabited, so only 5 fishermen became victims.

Chile, 1960

On May 22, the consequences of the Great Chilean Earthquake with a force of 9.5 points were a volcanic eruption and a 25 m high tsunami. Almost 6 thousand people died.

But the killer wave did not rest on this. With the speed of a jet plane, she crossed the Pacific Ocean, killing 61 people in Hawaii, and reached the coast of Japan. Another 142 people became victims of the tsunami, which arose at a distance of more than 10 thousand km. After that, it was decided to warn of the danger of a tsunami, even the most remote parts of the coast, which may be in the path of a deadly wave.

Philippines, 1976

A powerful earthquake caused a wave, the height of which does not seem to be impressive - 4.5 m. Unfortunately, the tsunami hit the low-lying coast for more than 400 miles. And the inhabitants were not ready for such a threat. The result is more than 5 thousand dead and about 2.5 thousand missing without a trace. Almost 100 thousand residents of the Philippines were left homeless, and many villages along the coastline were simply completely washed away along with the inhabitants.

Papua New Guinea, 1998

The consequence of the July 17 earthquake was a giant underwater landslide, which caused a 15-meter wave. And so the poor country suffered several blows of the elements, more than 2,500 people died and went missing. And more than 10,000 residents lost their homes and livelihoods. The tragedy was the impetus for the study of the role of underwater landslides in the occurrence of a tsunami.

Indian Ocean, 2004

December 26, 2004 is forever inscribed in blood in the history of Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and other countries on the coast of the Indian Ocean. On this day, the tsunami claimed the lives of about 280 thousand people, and according to unofficial data - up to 655 thousand people.

The underwater earthquake caused the appearance of waves 30 m high, which hit the coastal areas within 15 minutes. The large number of deaths is due to several reasons. This is a high degree of population of the coast, lowland areas, a large number of tourists on the beaches. But the main reason is the lack of a well-established tsunami warning system and poor awareness of people about security measures.

Japan, 2011

The height of the wave that arose as a result of a nine-point earthquake reached 40 m. The whole world watched with horror the footage on which the tsunami dealt with coastal buildings, ships, cars ...

The disaster caused the death of more than 25 thousand people. But the main consequence of the Japanese tsunami is a global radiation threat associated with damage to the reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

The reason for the mass death of people and the destruction of nature can be not only natural disasters. The editors of the site bring to your attention the most frightening man-made disasters that shocked the world. In addition, terrible epidemics often begin in the territories flooded by the tsunami, entailing the development of diseases and claiming the lives of people.
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Every year, the number of natural disasters in the world increases, on average, by about 20 percent. Such a disappointing conclusion was made by experts of the International Federation of the Red Cross Society. Most of all, the organization's specialists are concerned about the sharp increase in the number of deaths as a result of earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods. Over the past 10 years, the death rate in disasters has increased from 600 thousand to 1.2 million people a year, and the number of victims has increased from 230 to 270 million. Natural disasters cause disasters and cause enormous damage to the world's population. According to the UN, in the last 20 years alone, the elements have claimed more than 3 million human lives on our planet.

Which natural disasters cost residents the most?

Earthquake in Japan in March 2011

The earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March 2011 can only be compared in scale with the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, when Tokyo and Yokohama were almost completely destroyed. In total, the disaster claimed the lives of more than 15,800 people and left more than half a million inhabitants of Japan homeless, and the coastal territories of the eastern part of the island of Honshu were devastated. But the catastrophe of 2011 was worse not only because of the destruction caused by the elements. The earthquake provoked an accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. The economic damage amounted to $243.9 billion.

2008 Sichuan earthquake

The 2008 Sichuan earthquake killed more than 69,000 people, making it one of the largest earthquakes in human history. More than 4.8 million people were on the street, more than 1.5 million homes were damaged or destroyed, and economic damage exceeded $190 billion.

Hurricane Katrina 2005

The economic damage amounted to $108 billion. According to the American National Hurricane Center, Hurricane Katrina became one of the most devastating natural disasters in the history of the United States. More than 1.2 million homes were damaged or destroyed. New Orleans and surrounding areas were flooded. More than 1,800 people have died and more than 600,000 have been forced to leave their homes. Marauders raged in the city, and in order to restore order, the authorities even had to bring the National Guard into the city.

Hurricane Sandy 2012

The economic damage amounted to $ 50 billion. The hurricane affected not only the States, but also seven countries of the Caribbean region. A total of 132 people died and 305,000 houses were either destroyed or severely damaged.

2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was a truly international disaster. The economic damage amounted to $ 34 billion. It affected 15 countries and claimed the lives of more than 250 thousand people (not only local residents, but also tourists). There is still no exact data on the number of victims. Particularly affected were Indonesia (near the coast of which tremors were recorded), India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Maldives. The element affected mainly not very developed countries, so the economic damage was not as huge as, say, from the earthquake and tsunami near the island of Honshu 7 years later.

The deadliest natural disasters have been

The earthquake in Haiti that occurred on January 12, 2010 at 16:53 local time. About 3 million people were affected by the disaster, and the death toll reached about 316,000.

December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, known in the scientific world as the Sumatro-Adaman earthquake. The epicenter of the tremors was an area near the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The tsunami that followed aftershocks claimed the lives of nearly 230,000 people in 14 countries.

Cyclone Nargis, Myanmar, which was Myanmar's worst natural disaster on May 2, 2008, killed about 146,000 people and left 55,000 people missing. The death toll may be higher, but the Burmese government, fearful of adverse political repercussions, has understated the numbers.

2008 earthquake in Kashmir, Pakistan on October 8, 2005. About 75,000 people have died, according to official Pakistani government figures, while international experts estimate the death toll at 86,000. The tremors were also felt in neighboring countries such as Tajikistan, Afghanistan, western China, and the Indian part of Kashmir, where about 1,400 people died. The earthquake was a consequence of the growth of the Himalayas.

Earthquake in Sichuan, China on May 12, 2008, also sometimes referred to as the Great Earthquake. According to official figures, about 69,197 people died. This earthquake is considered the deadliest in China, after the 1976 earthquake in Tanhan province, where about 240,000 people died.

A major earthquake hit off the east coast of Japan this morning. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the magnitude of the tremor at 14:46 (08:46 Moscow time) at a depth of 24.4 km, 373 km from Tokyo, was 8.9. 20 minutes after the first in the same area, new shocks followed - magnitudes from 5.5 to 7.1. The death toll is estimated at around 1,000.

Experts have already named an earthquake. Tsunami warnings have been issued in the Kuril Islands (where waves can reach 3 m), in three coastal regions of Sakhalin, where evacuation of the population has already begun, and in almost the entire Pacific region - from Alaska to Latin America.

And last month, a massive earthquake nearly destroyed New Zealand's second-largest city, Christchurch. According to the US Geological Survey, the epicenter of the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 was in close proximity to Christchurch, at a depth of four kilometers. Most of the buildings were seriously damaged, sidewalks and roads were covered with cracks. The earthquake occurred at the height of the working day, when many were at work, and classes were going on in schools. At least 65 people became victims of the disaster.

Haiti, 2010

On the thirteenth of January, two powerful earthquakes within a few minutes occurred a few miles off the coast of Haiti, their magnitude was 7 and 5.9, respectively. In the capital of the Republic of Port-au-Prince, as a result of two tremors, several buildings collapsed. More than 120 thousand people died.

Indonesia, 2009

In October, a series of strong earthquakes occurred in Sumatra (Indonesia). According to the UN, at least 1.1 thousand people died. Under the rubble were up to four thousand people.

On the night of April 6, a devastating earthquake of magnitude 5.8 occurred near the historic city of L'Aquila in central Italy, killing 300 people, injuring 1,500, and more than 50,000 were forced to flee their homes.

Pakistan, China, 2008

At the end of October, in the Pakistani province of Balochistan, an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale with an epicenter 70 km north of the city of Quetta (700 km southwest of Islamabad) killed up to 300 people.

And in May, in the province of Sichuan, in southern China, 92 km from the administrative center of the province - the city of Chengdu, a powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.9 occurred, which claimed the lives of up to 87 thousand people, 370 thousand were injured, five million people were left homeless . After the main earthquake, more than ten thousand repeated tremors followed.

The Sichuan earthquake became the strongest in China after the Tangshan earthquake (in 1976), which claimed about 250 thousand lives.

Peru, 2007

On the fifteenth of August in Peru, 161 km from the capital Lima, there was the strongest earthquake in recent years. As a result of tremors with a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale, cities along the entire southern coast of the country were affected. At least 519 people were killed, and about 1,500 people were injured. Almost 17 thousand people were left without electricity and telephone communications. The cities of the south coast, Chincha Alta, Pisco, Ica, as well as the capital Lima, suffered the most.

Indonesia, 2006

At the end of May, a 6.2 magnitude earthquake on the island of Java in Indonesia killed 6,618 people. The city of Yogyakarta and its surrounding areas suffered the most. Tremors destroyed about 200 thousand houses, seriously damaged the same number of buildings. About 647 thousand people were left without a roof over their heads.

Pakistan, Indonesia, 2005

On October 8, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Pakistan was the strongest ever recorded in South Asia. According to official figures, more than 73,000 people died, including 17,000 children. According to some estimates, the death toll was more than 100 thousand people. More than three million Pakistanis were left homeless.

In March, off the coast of the Indonesian island of Nias, located west of Sumatra, there was a powerful earthquake measuring 8.2 on the Richter scale. About 1300 people died.

Indonesia, 2004

In late December, one of the most powerful and destructive earthquakes in modern history occurred off the eastern coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The tidal wave caused by this earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale hit the coast of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia. The total number of victims in the countries affected by the tsunami is still not exactly known, however, according to various sources, this figure is approximately 230 thousand people.

Iran, 2003

In December, the largest earthquake in the last ten years hit southeastern Iran. The strength of the first tremor was 6.7 points on the Richter scale, and the second was somewhat weaker - about 5 points. The epicenter of the earthquake was located several tens of kilometers from the large city of Bam. The consequences were catastrophic: up to 90% of the buildings were destroyed. In addition, the city's utility networks were badly damaged - electricity, water and telephone communications were cut off. About 50 thousand people became victims of the elements. Earlier, in February, an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale occurred in the Xinjiang Uygur region of China. About 300 people died.

Afghanistan, 2002

In March, a powerful earthquake hit Afghanistan. The strength of the shocks reached 5 - 6 points on the Richter scale. As a result, more than one and a half thousand people died and more than four thousand were injured.

Earlier in June, a powerful earthquake hit South America at night. The epicenter of the tremors was in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru. The magnitude of the earthquake here was 7.9 on the Richter scale. A magnitude 6 quake was felt in southern Peru and northern Chile. The major cities affected were Arica in Chile and Arequipa in Peru. The earthquake lasted only one minute. However, during this time, the elements dealt a terrible blow. About 50 people were killed, more than 550 were injured.

In the same month, a strong earthquake occurred in Iran. The force of the tremors was 6.3 on the Richter scale. The epicenter was located in the village of Buin Zohra. As a result, about 500 people died and 1,500 were injured.

Before the ingression, the transition of Neptune to its abode, the sign of Pisces, there is one month left. The exact transition date is February 3, 2012. In astrology, Neptune is associated with the elements of the ocean, large seas, tsunamis.

Tsunami (Japanese) - sea gravity waves of very large length, resulting from the shift of extended sections of the bottom during strong underwater and coastal earthquakes or as a result of volcanic eruptions and other tectonic processes. Tsunami waves propagate at high speed - up to 1,000 km/h. The height of the waves in the area of ​​their occurrence varies between 0.01-5.00 m, but near the coast it can reach 10 m, and in unfavorable relief areas (wedge-shaped bays, river valleys, etc.) - it can exceed 50 m .

The number of victims of the tsunami that occurred off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra in October 2010 exceeded 100 people, more than 500 were missing. The waves that wiped out several villages along the Indian Ocean coast of the islands displaced four thousand people.

An earthquake of magnitude 8.8 that hit Chile on February 27, 2009 triggered a tsunami, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. According to official figures, 279 dead have been identified.

On January 31, 1906, an earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale occurred off the coast of Colombia and Ecuador, which also affected the West Coast of the United States and Japan. As a result of the resulting tsunami, about 1.5 thousand people died.

On February 3, 1923, an 8.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Kamchatka. It was the latest in a series of earthquakes during the winter of 1923. Most of these earthquakes triggered tsunamis in the region. The tsunami on February 3 was especially powerful. Significant damage was also caused to the Hawaiian Islands.

On February 1, 1938, an earthquake measuring 8.5 on the Richter scale off the coast of Indonesia caused a tsunami to hit the islands of Banda and Kai. There is no data on casualties.

On November 4, 1952, due to an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale near the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, a tsunami hit the Hawaiian Islands. The amount of material damage caused was about 1 million dollars.

The tsunami also caused the destruction of several cities and towns in the Sakhalin and Kamchatka regions. On November 5, three waves up to 15-18 meters high (according to various sources) destroyed the city of Severo-Kurilsk and caused damage to a number of neighboring settlements. According to official figures, 2336 people died.

March 9, 1957 on the Andrianov Islands, Alaska, there was an earthquake measuring up to 9.1 points. It led to the formation of two tsunamis, the average wave height reached 15 and 8 m, respectively. More than 300 people died as a result of the tsunami. The earthquake and tsunami were accompanied by the eruption of the Vsevidov volcano, which had been "hibernating" for about 200 years.

On May 22, 1960, an earthquake measuring 9.5 on the Richter scale struck southern Chile, causing a tsunami. In Chile, Japan, the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, about 2.3 thousand were killed, more than 4 thousand were injured, about 2 million people were left homeless. The amount of material damage caused was more than 675 million dollars. For a long time, this tsunami was considered the most powerful and destructive of those recorded.

March 28, 1964 in Alaska, 120 km southeast of Anchorage, there was an earthquake measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale, which caused a tsunami. 125 people died. The amount of material damage caused was about 311 million dollars.

On February 4, 1965, as a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.7 on the Richter scale that occurred on the Rat Islands (Alaska), a tsunami hit Shemya Island (Aleutian archipelago).

On September 5, 1971, an earthquake occurred in the Sea of ​​Japan, 50 km from the southwestern coast of Sakhalin. It received the name Moneronskoye after the island of the same name, which turned out to be near the center of the earthquake. The intensity of the shock in the source was estimated at 8 points, in the settlements located opposite the source, the strength of the earth shaking was equal to 7 points. On the southwestern coast of Sakhalin, the maximum wave height of 2 m was recorded in Gornozavodsk and Shebunino. There was no information about casualties and destruction in the media.

On December 12, 1992, an earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale destroyed a significant part of the islands of Flores and Bali, located on the territory of Indonesia. The earthquake caused a tsunami with a wave height of up to 26 m. 2,200 people died.

On December 26, 2004, an earthquake occurred in the Indian Ocean, near the western coast of the northern part of the island of Sumatra. An earthquake measuring 8.9-9 points provoked a tsunami that immediately hit the islands of Sumatra and Java. The wave height reached 30 m. The total number of deaths - according to various sources, from 200 to 300 thousand people. More exact figures have not been established so far, since many bodies were carried away by water. To date, it is this tsunami that is considered the most destructive in history.

Tsunami waves spread not only across the Indian Ocean, but also the Pacific, reached the coast of the Kuril Islands.

On July 17, 2006, the south coast of the Indonesian island of Java was hit by a tsunami. According to various estimates, from 600 to 650 people died from the natural disaster, 120 were missing. 1,800 residents of the coast were injured. The natural disaster left 47,000 people homeless.

In the resort town of Pangandaran, the tsunami destroyed almost all the hotels located on the first line of the coast.

On September 29, 2009, a tsunami occurred off the coast of the island nation of Samoa in the Pacific Ocean as a result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3. The total death toll on the islands of Western and American Samoa has exceeded 140 people.

On February 27, 2010, as a result of an earthquake of magnitude 8.8 that occurred in Chile, a tsunami threat arose for Japan, the Kuriles, Sakhalin, as well as the Philippines and Indonesia.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources.

An astrologer's comment.

In the formation of strong shocks in the ocean, causing powerful catastrophic tsunamis, has always taken part vibration of Neptune.

Considering the ongoing invasion, the transition of Neptune to its abode, the sign of Pisces, - correspondence - the world ocean, underwater earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis, storms, large-scale floods from April 4, 2011, - the final ingression of Neptune into the sign of Pisces, - February 3, 2012, - an increase in dangerous shocks in the ocean with subsequent tsunamis, until 2025-2026, the ingression of Neptune into the sign of Aries.

The line of Neptune is projected onto:

Australia, Papua New Guinea, Sulawesi Island, Caroline Islands, Philippines, Taiwan Island, Japan, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, Hawaiian Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. In the Western Hemisphere to Canada - the Nova Scotia Peninsula, the island of Newfoundland, Brazil - near the cities of Natal, Pernambuco.

In 14 studied horoscopes of the strongest tsunamis, there is a direct or indirect connection between Neptune and Pluto:

1. Sextile - 8 horoscopes.

2. Connection - 1 horoscope.

June 15, 1896: The Sankriku Tsunami hits Japan. A 23-meter tsunami wave of colossal destructive force hit people who had gathered on the shore on the day of a religious holiday, and claimed the lives of more than 26,000 people…”

3. Indirect connection of Neptune with Pluto, through major aspects from the Sun, Moon or Mercury - 5 horoscopes.


since November 7, 2010, after the turn of Neptune into a direct movement, the Neptune-Pluto sextile began to form in the current period.

Aspect area - Neptune-Pluto - 2011-2033.

In the indicated regions, on the line of Neptune and Pluto, during periods of intense interaction, ingressions and reversals of the planets of the solar system, a band of powerful tsunamis will pass.

The Pluto line is projected onto:

India, Indonesia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Central America. Since 2012 on the Atlantic coast of the USA.

Japan has passed a draft law on tsunami protection.

TOKYO, June 10 - RIA Novosti, Ksenia Naka. Japan's lower house of parliament on Friday unanimously passed a bill on additional tsunami protection measures to help avoid or mitigate damage from the disaster, the Kyodo news agency reported.

The draft law notes the insufficiency of the currently existing measures and protection system. At the state level, it is planned to conduct tsunami studies, create a new warning system and urgent evacuation of the population in case of a threat of disaster. The bill provides for the revision of plans for the construction of cities and industrial facilities, taking into account the threat of a tsunami.

In addition, in memory of the strongest tsunami of 1854, November 5 will be celebrated as Tsunami Protection Day. The earthquake that occurred on November 5, 1854 on the southeastern coast of Japan, with a magnitude of 8.5, and the tsunami that followed, whose height in some places reached 15-16 meters, claimed, according to some reports, the lives of more than 8 thousand people. According to legend, on this day, an old man from a village located in the current Wakayama Prefecture saved all his fellow villagers from inevitable death. His house was on a hill. He noticed a giant wave rising into the sea. She was moving at such a speed that he would not have had time to go down and warn the inhabitants. Then he donated the most valuable thing he had - stacks of rice. He set fire to them, the inhabitants saw the fire and rushed to his house to help. And only when they reached the top of the hill, they saw what danger threatened them.

Japan has the world's fastest tsunami warning system. During the March 11 earthquake, the first threat alert was issued while the tremors were still ongoing.

However, the downside of the early warning was the accuracy of wave height calculations, as this requires additional data and time. As a result, on March 11, many residents of the northeast coast most affected by the elements only managed to hear a warning about a three-meter tsunami, and the clarifications and warnings that appeared later that in some areas the wave height could exceed 10 meters were not heard. This was fatal for most of the 15,000 dead: more than 92% died from the tsunami, and not from the earthquake itself.

In addition, detailed flood hazard maps based on past earthquake and tsunami experience for all coastal areas failed to take into account the unprecedented magnitude of the earthquake and tsunami. Because of this, some residents believed that their homes, more than a kilometer away from the seashore, were safe in the event of a tsunami and did not rush to evacuate.
