Cook beef tongue. boiled beef tongue

Today we will tell you how to cook beef tongue at home, how long it takes to cook the tongue and what sauces and dishes will complement the taste of this non-everyday meat dish.

Beef tongue is rightfully considered a delicacy. It belongs to the offal of the first category of quality. The tongue has a high nutritional value, low cholesterol content, is a dietary dish, normalizes metabolism and strengthens the immune system due to the content of iron, protein, vitamins B and PP, zinc. The color of a fresh, high-quality and unfrozen tongue is purple or pink. The structure of the tongue consists of muscle tissue covered with dense rough skin.

How to cook beef tongue correctly

It is considered universal and is suitable for a variety of cold and hot appetizers, aspic, salads and hot dishes. You can use the tongue as cold cuts with various sauces: with mustard, sour cream and garlic sauce, serve with a side dish or vegetables. A lot of variety with the use of beef tongue, as it gives a delicate expressive taste and is good in combination with many products.

The main thing is to know how to cook beef tongue and how to boil beef tongue for cutting:

  1. Leave the beef tongue in cold water for 30 minutes before cooking. This is necessary for easy cleaning of the tongue from various contaminants. After soaking, carefully clean from dirt with a kitchen knife, cut off the fat and film, and rinse with cold running water.
  2. Place a large pot of cold water over medium heat and bring to a boil. It should be borne in mind that when cooking, the beef tongue will swell and increase by about one and a half times, so you need to take the largest pan. If the tongue is large enough, you can cut it in half.
  3. Add dry spices - bay leaf, parsley and allspice. Spices will give the tongue a piquant taste and aroma.
  4. You should not add salt at the beginning of cooking, as salt will harden the tongue.
  5. Reduce the heat to low and put the tongue in the pan. Do not boil the tongue in boiling water, as it will turn out to be very hard and rubbery, and the broth will not be transparent.
  6. Depending on the weight, age of the animal and size,cook beef tonguefrom 2 to 4 hours. If the weight of the beef tongue is about 1 kg, then cook for 2 hours, if more than 1 kg, then - 3 hours. Do not forget to periodically remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
  7. To check readiness, pierce the tip of the tongue with a kitchen knife or toothpick. If it is easily pierced and clear juice is released, it means that the tongue is ready. You should not digest the tongue, it can lose its useful and gustatory properties and delicate structure. Regularly pierce the beef tongue while cooking, thus checking readiness.
  8. After cooking, we shift the beef tongue into a deep bowl with cold water. This is necessary to remove the skin from the tongue.
  9. After the skin is removed, return the tongue to the pot with broth, add salt, onions, herbs and carrots in cubes.Cooking beef tongueover low heat for about 20 minutes.
  10. Cool the finished tongue and cut across the fibers into thin slices, slices or straws.
  11. Cooked beef tongue can be stored in the refrigerator, pre-wrapped in cling film or foil, and used in subsequent preparations.

Step-by-step recipe for the correct preparation of beef tongue. How to cook how much to cook beef tongue.

There are many different dishes with beef tongue. It goes well with vegetables and pickled mushrooms, tastes great when stewed in creamy sauces, besides, the tongue can be salted or baked. You can serve the tongue as a cold or hot dish. Due to the low beef tongue can be included in the diet menu.

beef tongue salad recipe

Cooking salad with beef tongue
Time consumption - 25 min.
Number of servings - 4.
Ingredients for salad with beef tongue:

  • 1. 400 g beef tongue.
  • 2. 280 g of fresh mushrooms.
  • 3. 400 g oyster mushrooms.
  • 4. 360 g shiitake mushrooms.
  • 5. 60 ml of olive oil.
  • 6. 200 g cherry tomato.
  • 7. 1 onion.
  • 8. 4 chicken eggs.
  • 9. 100 g of arugula.
  • 10. Salt.
  • 11. 100 g of mayonnaise.
  • 12. 200 g pickled cucumbers.
  • 13. Greens.

Salad preparation with beef tongue

  1. Initially, the beef tongue must be boiled. Then it is cut into strips.
  2. The legs are removed from the mushrooms. Mushroom caps are cut into large pieces.
  3. Shiitake mushrooms are boiled, but not completely. They must be in a semi-finished state. A mixture of mushrooms is fried in a pan with the addition of olive oil, salt and pepper.
  4. Lightly salted cucumbers are peeled and cut into small slices.
  5. Tomatoes are cut into quarters. The onion is cut into half rings.
  6. The egg must be hard-boiled and the protein separated from it. It is cut into strips.
    Prepared salad ingredients are combined, mixed with arugula, salted and seasoned with mayonnaise.

The salad is laid out in a bowl on a plate, decorated with arugula leaves, and halves of the yolk are laid out on the sides.

Beef tongue is considered not only a very useful product, but also a real delicacy. In order to maximize the taste of the offal, while retaining all its useful properties, it is important to be able to cook it correctly. The subtleties of cooking beef tongue will be discussed in more detail in this article.

Offal selection

The maximum benefit from cooked beef tongue can only be obtained if it is of good quality.

Therefore, when buying an offal, it is important to follow some recommendations.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention and evaluate the appearance of the language. On the surface of the product, the presence of gray plaque or spots is unacceptable, which will indicate its staleness. As for the color of the offal, it can vary from pink to purple. If the color of the product is very pale, then this indicates that it has previously been frozen and thawed.
  • To the touch, the by-product should be dense and elastic. If, when pressed with a finger, a depression forms on the surface of the product, which does not disappear after a few seconds, then this indicates that the product is not fresh.
  • From the offal should come the characteristic smell of beef meat. Extraneous flavors will talk about staleness or improper storage of the tongue.

Unfortunately, not all methods of checking the quality of a product can be applied when choosing it. After buying a tongue at home, you can make a small incision on it, from which juice will definitely stand out. The liquid should be clear and appear in small amounts.

Abundant juice secretion will indicate that the tongue was previously frozen. A cloudy liquid indicates a violation of the temperature regime of offal storage. If a few drops of blood stand out along with a clear liquid, there is no need to be scared. The presence of blood indicates that the beef tongue is very fresh.

General principles of preparation

To make the boiled tongue soft and juicy, it is important to pay special attention to preparing the product for cooking. Before cooking, the offal must be left in chilled water for thirty minutes. Such manipulations will remove dirt from the surface of the product. After soaking, the offal must be washed under running clean water and all films, fat and salivary glands removed from its surface.

The tongue must be boiled in a large bowl, as it changes significantly in volume upwards during the cooking stage. It is allowed to divide the tongue immediately before cooking into portioned parts. It is not recommended to immediately salt the offal and the water in which it will be boiled. Salt will not have the best effect on the taste and texture of the offal - it will become dry and hard.

Before putting the tongue into the water, it must be boiled and the heat reduced to medium. After laying the offal, you need to regularly remove the foam from the surface of the broth.

To properly cook the tongue, it is important to monitor the time of its preparation.

An overexposed offal will lose its taste characteristics and beneficial properties, and will also become tough. Checking the product for readiness is quite simple: to do this, you need to pierce it in the thickest part with the tip of a knife or other sharp object. If completely transparent juice oozes out of the puncture, the offal can be considered cooked.

Salt is poured into the pan with the product 20-25 minutes before the end of cooking. After twenty minutes, the tongue will absorb the salt and all the flavors, after which the boiling procedure can be completed. At the beginning of cooking, chopped onions, favorite roots and seasonings can also be added to the pan to the tongue.

How much time to cook?

The time of boiling the offal primarily depends on the method of its preparation. In order to boil offal, you can use not only a pan, but also a double boiler, slow cooker or pressure cooker. The weight of the product also affects the cooking time.

An offal weighing more than one and a half kilograms is cooked in a saucepan until cooked for quite a long time - up to four hours. A product of a smaller mass is cooked for about three hours.

In a slow cooker, both small and large beef tongue cook quickly enough. The cooking time will be two hours, regardless of the selected cooking mode. It is worth noting that offal from beef can be boiled in two modes: boiling and stewing.

In a double boiler, beef tongue will cook a little longer - two hours and thirty minutes. The cooking time of the offal in a pressure cooker will be exactly two hours. If a small tongue is cooked in a pressure cooker, it will take only an hour and a half.


Recipes for cooking beef tongue differ insignificantly from each other. Cooking is always based on the general principle of processing and boiling offal. The difference lies in the utensils used, as well as the use of additional ingredients that will affect the flavor characteristics of the finished tongue.

Classic way

For cooking beef tongue according to the classic recipe, a large enameled pan is used.

In terms of products, in addition to the language, the following components are used:

  • one small onion;
  • celery or parsley root;
  • two bay leaves;
  • two carrots;
  • five peas of fragrant black pepper;
  • salt is added to taste.

The by-product is soaked in chilled water for thirty minutes, cleaned of contaminants and dipped in an enamel pot with water. The contents of the container must be boiled, after which the liquid is drained. A clean liquid is poured into the pan and the offal is put into it again.

In addition to the offal, chopped onions, favorite roots, as well as bay leaves and a few peas of fragrant black pepper are placed in the container. After the broth boils, the fire must be reduced to a minimum value and the product should be cooked at a gentle boil for two hours and thirty minutes. Twenty minutes before removing the pan from the heat, the broth must be salted.

In a slow cooker

Boiling offal in a slow cooker is much easier than cooking it on the stove. During the cooking process, you do not have to periodically remove the foam and check the readiness of the product. It is also necessary to put onions, carrots, bay leaves and black peppercorns in the broth.

Onions and carrots do not need to be chopped. In this case, you need to salt the water immediately, and not twenty minutes before the end of cooking. It is also recommended to put two peeled garlic cloves in the broth. After laying all the ingredients, you must turn on the cooking mode for ten minutes.

After the specified time, you need to open the lid of the multicooker, remove the foam and set the “cooking” or “stewing” mode again for two hours.

If the tongue is massive enough and cooked whole, then the cooking time can be increased by another thirty minutes.

In a pressure cooker

The process of cooking the tongue in a pressure cooker is similar to the method of cooking in a slow cooker. In this case, the time will differ. It will take only an hour and a half to prepare an offal of a small mass.

  • one small onion;
  • one stalk of celery;
  • one carrot;
  • fragrant black peppercorns;
  • salt to taste.

One liter of water is poured into the pressure cooker bowl, the tongue, chopped vegetables and seasonings are laid. Offal is prepared in the "languishing" mode from one and a half to two hours, depending on its mass.

In a double boiler

Steam cooking allows you to cook not only very tasty, but also healthy dishes. In addition to taste characteristics, all useful substances will be preserved in the offal as much as possible. For steam cooking, you will need the following components:

  • beef tongue weighing no more than 700 grams;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • a mixture of Provence or Italian herbs;
  • salt and black ground pepper to taste.

To make the tongue as juicy as possible, it is recommended to boil it wrapped in foil. The by-product is cut into portioned pieces with a thickness of not more than ten millimeters. The foil is also cut into small plates, each of which is sprinkled with aromatic herbs.

Each piece of tongue must be placed on a separate plate of foil, sprinkled with lemon juice, sprinkled with salt and wrapped. The by-product is laid out on the grate of the double boiler and cooked for one and a half hours. If the tongue has more weight or is cooked whole, the cooking time will increase to two and a half hours.

How to remove the skin from the tongue after cooking?

It is quite easy to clean the offal after boiling it. The skin will peel off the surface of the tongue well if you resort to one trick, which is to sharply cool the product. After cooking, the tongue must be placed in cold water and the colder it is, the faster and easier the skin removal process will be.

The skin on the chilled offal must be slightly incised with a knife. Using the tip of a knife, the skin is pried off and removed from the tongue with smooth movements.

The cleaned offal can be cut into portions or put away for storage.

How and with what to serve?

Various hot or cold dishes are often prepared from boiled offal. Also, the tongue can act as an independent snack. Hot offal can be served with a side dish of vegetables. The easiest way to serve beef tongue is to use it for cold cutting along with sausages, smoked and jerky.

If the offal will be served as a separate dish, then a sauce must be prepared for serving. For example, you can make a dressing from apples, sour cream or mushrooms. To prepare applesauce, you will need a couple of apples, a small piece of butter, half an onion and 150 milliliters of low-fat cream.

How much to cook the tongue?

It is best to cook the tongue with a moderate boil under the lid. The average duration is 2 hours, however, if the tongue is large, it may take longer, up to 3 hours. Readiness is easy to determine. We pierce with a knife or fork, if it passes freely, without effort, and a clear broth (and not a gray cloudy liquid) is released from the puncture site, then you can remove the pan from the stove.

When to add salt?

Salt is best added in the middle of cooking. Culinary practitioners believe that if you add salt from the very beginning, the tongue will turn out tough. And if you add salt at the end of cooking, then the meat will turn out fresh.

How to clean beef tongue from the skin?

Before use, the beef tongue must be cleaned of the outer hard skin. To make it easier for yourself, immediately transfer the cooked hot meat to a bowl of cold water (you can hold it under a stream of cold running water) and leave it for 3-5 minutes. As a result, the skin is removed easily, like a stocking.

Total cooking time: 4 hours
Cooking time: 2-3 hours
Yield: 8 servings


  • beef tongue - 1 kg
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 6-8 pcs.
  • allspice - 2 pcs.
  • cloves - 2-4 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste

How to cook beef tongue

Before you start boiling the tongue, it must be soaked in cold water for about half an hour. Soaking will remove the dirt better. Carefully scrape it with a knife from the entire surface.

After the preparatory work, we place the beef tongue in a saucepan or in a saucepan. Pour boiling water, put on maximum heat and quickly bring to a boil. The first broth must be drained as soon as it boils - this will help get rid of the remaining contaminants.

We add peeled carrots and a large onion (whole, peel can be removed or left), as well as a few peas of black and allspice, a couple of cloves and a bay leaf to the stewpan. Pour boiling water over and put back on the fire to boil.

The tongue should boil weakly, under the lid, at first do not forget to remove the foam. After about an hour, you need to add salt - determine the amount to taste, the water should taste salty, even on the verge, since part of the salt will absorb the meat during cooking.

After 2-3 hours, when the tongue is completely ready (the knife should go into it like clockwork), we take it out of the broth and immerse it in a bowl of cold water. You can add a few ice cubes. We stand it for a couple of minutes and peel it off the skin, moving in the direction from the base to the tip.

Cool the cleaned beef tongue completely, cut off the fat, salivary glands and all that is superfluous. Then we use it for slicing or cooking other dishes. If you need to keep the tongue until the festive feast, then it is best to keep it in the broth in the refrigerator. The broth itself, as a rule, is not used in the future, it is simply poured out.

Before slicing, the tongue must be cooled properly, at least a couple of hours, then it will be cut thinly and neatly, it will not crumble. Mustard and horseradish are traditionally served as an addition to the meat plate. Bon appetit, friends!

I hope that now that you know how to cook beef tongue properly, you will cook dishes with it more often. . And you can also cook a delicacy.

Beef tongue is a delicious, tender, nutritious delicacy that is used as an independent dish - in the form of a favorite snack for many, present on almost every holiday table, served with horseradish or mustard, as well as in many salads and other snacks. It is usually sold fresh or frozen.

Compared to other similar offal, such as pork or lamb, beef, the recipe of which we will consider in this article, has a greater nutritional value. Tongue is considered a dietary food that is recommended in many common diets for various ailments. For example, due to the fact that it contains a large amount of iron and protein, the use of the tongue is necessary in case of anemia, as well as in the recovery period after surgery. In addition, it is recommended for the nutrition of lactating and pregnant women and children who especially need enhanced replenishment of these essential elements for the body. A large amount of B vitamins and zinc also add value to the beef tongue. 100 grams of the product contains the daily value of vitamin B12 and 40% of the daily value of zinc. And, of course, this is not all of its useful properties, but this is already enough to understand how useful it is to include this delicious product on the menu.

Recipe: Boiled Beef Tongue

First you need a tongue and water. Pour the required amount of water into the pan and put it on fire. The recipe for "Boiled" begins with the preparation of the main product - the tongue. It must be thoroughly washed under running water. Excessive zeal is not necessary - the layer covering it will be completely removed after cooking.

Place your tongue in the already hot water. It would be useful to put onions, carrots, celery in a pan. The boiling tongue will absorb their aroma with pleasure, acquiring an amazing shade of taste. All these seasonings must be washed and cleaned, but it is not necessary to cut them finely. Onions just need to be peeled and placed in the broth as a whole, carrots cut into large pieces.

Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce it to medium and leave to cook, now for a long time. Cooking time for beef tongue - 2.5-3 hours. The recipe is also suitable for cooking a more tender, veal tongue, but the cooking time will be reduced to about 2 hours. Readiness should be checked, as when cooking meat, piercing the tip of the tongue with a fork. When the tongue is ready, the fork will easily pierce it. 30 minutes before the end, salt the water to taste and add peppercorns and bay leaf to it.

When there is no doubt about the degree of readiness, turn off the fire, pull the finished tongue out of the water and place it in a bowl filled with cold water. After the tongue has been lying like this for a while, the skin covering it will easily come off if you pry it off with a knife. Clean the tongue completely and place it briefly back into the fragrant broth in which it was boiled.

That's the whole recipe! Boiled beef tongue is completely ready. Now you can cool it and cut it into slices, serve it as an appetizer on its own, or start preparing a dish that will contain it.

Tasty and nutritious beef tongue is rightfully considered a delicacy. Before cooking, cooks are advised to soak this offal in cold water, and then boil it with salt and spices for several hours. It is easy to cook not only salads from this meat, but also aspic, and the tongue can also be served as an independent hot dish.

Beef tongue: cooking secrets

Before starting cooking, pour the tongue with cold water and wait 30-40 minutes, so the tongue is easier to clean from dirt. Then you need to clean with a knife, remove mucus, dirty particles, blood residue, and rinse again under running water. Before cooking, it is permissible to marinate the tongue in wine, a weak solution of vinegar or a mixture of herbs.

Tongue must be cleaned of hard skin

Pour 2-3 liters of water into the pan, put on the stove and bring to a boil, then put the tongue inside. It is necessary to cook the offal for at least 2.5 hours over low heat, periodically removing the foam. The degree of readiness is determined by a puncture with a knife or fork. If clear juice stands out, the dish is ready. You need to salt the tongue at the end of cooking, so it will remain soft and juicy, then you need to add bay leaf, peppercorns and peeled vegetables. This will add flavor to the meat. As soon as the tongue is ready, it is transferred to a separate container with cold water for 2-3 minutes. The skin can then be easily removed.

Boiled beef tongue is indispensable in dietary nutrition; it is recommended to include it in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, children, those who have a low level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as patients after surgery. This product makes delicious snacks, salads, hot dishes. It is served with various sauces, stewed, fried, cut, etc.

Beef tongue with mushroom sauce

This recipe can be served as a cold appetizer or as a hot dish. For cooking, you need to take:

1 beef tongue weighing 900-1200 g; - 1 onion; - 4 cloves of garlic; - 1-2 bay leaves; - 10 g of turmeric; - 500 g of champignons; - 15 g of flour; - 80 g of butter; - salt; - ground black pepper; - fresh herbs.

Put the beef tongue in a pot of boiling water and cook for about 2.5 hours, then add one onion, 4 cloves of garlic, bay leaf, parsley, spices. Cook for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat, drain the liquid.

Mustard and horseradish go well with beef tongue. Leftover broth can be used to make soups or frozen in molds

Cut the washed champignons into plates, fry over medium heat with the addition of 20 g of butter for 2-3 minutes. Pour flour into a dry frying pan, add the remaining oil, fry until golden brown. Pour 200 ml of the broth left over from the tongue there, stir until the liquid boils. Then strain through a sieve and mix with mushrooms.

Peel the tongue from the skin, cut into thin slices and pour over the sauce, serve on the table on a large flat dish, decorating with herbs to your liking.

Stuffed beef tongue

This dish will be an exquisite decoration of the festive table. To prepare it you will need:

1 kg of beef tongue; - 1 onion; - parsley root; - peppercorns; - bay leaf; - salt; - 100 g of wheat bread; - 1 chicken egg; - 20 g of flour; - 40 g of butter; - 50 g sour cream; - 50 ml of broth; - salt.

Dip the cleaned and well-washed offal in boiling water, after 2.5 hours add vegetables and spices, then cook for about 15 minutes more and remove. Put the meat in cold water for 2-3 minutes, remove the skin. Cut the boiled tongue lengthwise. Take out part of the pulp with a knife, scroll it through a meat grinder along with bread. Mix the mass with the egg, pepper, chopped herbs, salt.

Carefully place the minced meat inside the tongue, tie it in a circle with cooking string and place it in a deep heat-resistant form that fits the size. Then grease the top with melted butter and place in the oven, cook for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. During cooking, pour the tongue every five minutes with the broth in which it was cooked.
