Do-it-yourself seasonal decoration of a group in a kindergarten. Ideas for autumn decoration of kindergarten and school How to decorate a group in autumn with your own hands

Kindergarten decoration in autumn. Master class with step by step photos

Master class on creating crafts with children “Autumn Leaves Panel” with a step-by-step photo

Vlasova Irina Timofeevna, educator of the highest qualification category
GBOU gymnasium No. 1409 in Moscow

Master Class designed for educators, parents and children

The bright colors of the leaves sparkle -
The wind blows - they fly around ...
Like butterflies, the leaves flutter,
Spinning in the sky, flying, flying
They lie on the ground like a motley carpet
They rustle under our feet
Everyone is talking about the autumn soon ... (Gerasimova D.)

Relevance. Fallen leaves crunch underfoot in autumn... What a pity for this yellow-red fading beauty, crumbling and trampling into dirty earthen paths. Here is a leaf of a birch - gently yellow, serrated, in an alder - ribbed, but in a mountain ash - a family of long leaves on a thin stem. Let's take them home, consider them carefully with the children and make beautiful autumn crafts, applications. After all, each of us is able to see bright living images in nature and show imagination and imagination. And besides, to create comfort in the room with your own hands ... And, you see, the mood of everyone around depends on this.
So, let's try to decorate the interior with handmade crafts made of colored paper. This does not require too much time and large financial costs. It is enough for adults and children to have only a desire and a positive attitude in work. Although the lesson in creating a three-dimensional panel is quite interesting, but at the same time painstaking; and requires perseverance, patience, imagination, paper skills.
Target- to draw the attention of adults to joint creativity with children (creating a panel of leaves with your own hands).
1. Learn to create images of autumn leaves
2. Develop fine motor skills of hands, a sense of color and shape,
3. Strengthen the skills and abilities of working with scissors,
4. Cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature
5. Show perseverance and accuracy in work.

For work we need the following materials and tools: simple pencil; A3 cardboard; double-sided paper of yellow, orange, red, green colors; gouache; brush; water, water cups, paper napkins; stationery knife; thick paper for drawing (for drawing or watercolor); scissors; satin ribbons 3 cm wide; transparent line.

1. For the panel, you need to make blanks in advance - autumn leaves.
PAINTED LEAVES can be done in different visual techniques. For example, for those who like to draw, we offer to perform a simple and entertaining technique - drawing in the technique of spreading paint "on a wet sheet". To do this, we will prepare gouache paints, paper, a glass of water, a brush for work.

2. On thick sheets of paper, draw images of leaves with a simple pencil or use ready-made templates.

3. And now the most important thing is to moisten the sheet correctly. You need to find a middle ground: too dry a sheet will not allow the paint to spread beautifully. If there is too much water, the paint will spread over the entire sheet. The sheet can be moistened with a thick paint brush or sponge. The dampened sheet can be secured to thick cardboard with paper clips or adhesive tape so that it does not wrinkle when it dries.

4. You need to draw on a wet sheet with light touches with the tip of the brush. If the paint does not spread, then you did not moisten the sheet enough. If the paint spreads shapelessly very strongly, then there is too much water. Excess water can be removed with a dry brush or sponge. You need to paint on a wet background only with the tip of the brush.

5. Let the paint dry completely.

6. On the resulting tinted paper, draw the leaves and cut them out.

7. We draw the "veins" of autumn leaves.

8. LEAVES IN ORIGAMI TECHNIQUE. Fold a sheet of double-sided colored paper in half. Attach a template to the fold line and circle it with a pencil, cut it out with scissors. Got a maple leaf.

9. From the fold line, fold the maple leaf "accordion".

10. SLOT LEAVES. Fold colored paper in half, cut out leaves of different shapes; use a paper cutter to make "slots".

11. Put the cut out autumn leaf on colored paper (optional).

12. Beautiful bright leaves turned out.

13. PANEL FROM LEAVES. We take a sheet of A3 cardboard, cut out a ring with a diameter of 20-25 cm, a width of 3-4 cm. We will need materials for decoration: satin ribbons 3 cm wide, nylon ribbons 5 mm wide.

14. Wrap the paper ring with satin ribbons.

15. It turned out a bright frame for the panel.

16. Attach the leaves to the ring frame by adjusting the length of the fishing line.
- crafts from cones for children
- do-it-yourself crafts from acorns
- autumn crafts from chestnuts
- how to draw autumn

This time we will talk about autumn paper crafts. We will tell you how to make autumn leaves from paper and wax crayons, wicker leaves from colored paper, we will teach you how to make autumn lanterns and a pumpkin from an old book. From this article, you will also learn how to fold origami mushrooms and, using our master class, you can decorate the room with an original autumn panel.

1. Autumn crafts. Origami

Autumn paper leaves

We want to tell you about an interesting way to make autumn leaves from melted wax crayons (wax pencils). To make this fall DIY craft you will need:

wax paper
- wax pencils
- grater

Grate wax crayons of different colors (yellow, red, orange, brown) on a grater (coarse or fine). Spread the resulting multi-colored shavings between two sheets of wax paper, cover with a sheet of plain paper on top. Iron the resulting "pie" with an iron at low power so that the chips melt.

When the paper has cooled, using the maple leaf stencil, draw the leaves on it by placing the stencil under the paper. Cut them out.

Now they can be used for the autumn decoration of a kindergarten or apartment.

2. DIY autumn crafts. Autumn crafts for kids

braided leaves

This is the kind of autumn beauty out of paper that the Country of Masters website offers to make. For a detailed master class on making this autumn craft for children, see the link >>>>

And these are paper leaves that are easier to make for the autumn decoration of a kindergarten or apartment group.

You can make wicker not only autumn leaves, but also apples.

Also, these are some pretty rugs.

3. Autumn crafts. Origami paper maple leaves

And here you can see how to color the leaves with paints and felt-tip pens >>>>

Another version of autumn lanterns resembling a pumpkin in shape. For detailed instructions on how to make this autumn paper craft, see the link >>>>

By attaching ropes to the lanterns, you can hang them from the ceiling, and you can also turn them into pumpkins by adding twigs and leaves. Such paper pumpkins will take their rightful place in the autumn design of a kindergarten group or apartment.

6. Autumn crafts in the kindergarten. Autumn crafts for school

Pumpkin is a very beautiful, truly autumn vegetable. Real pumpkins, arranged around the apartment, add an autumn mood to the house. And since we are talking about this vegetable, we will tell you about another craft on the theme of autumn. A pumpkin can be made not only from colored paper, but also from an old, unnecessary book. For a detailed master class on making this autumn craft, see the link >>>>

7. Autumn decoration of the kindergarten. Autumn decoration of a kindergarten group

Continuing the topic of voluminous paper crafts, we will share another useful link >>>>

These bright, festive vegetables, fruits and mushrooms are made according to the same principle as the New Year's balls from the following article >>>>

On the Bulgarian site you will find another interesting paper craft - a fungus made using the origami technique. See link >>>>

8. Autumn decoration of the apartment. Autumn interior design

Autumn picture-application

To make this autumn panel you will need:

Canvases on a stretcher (3 pcs.)
- tree branches
- cardboard base from used toilet paper rolls
- colored thick paper (cardboard)
- glue gun

Work plan:

1. Flatten the cardboard base from toilet paper a little so that it takes the shape of a leaf in the cut.

2. Cut it into leaves about 1 cm thick. Use a glue gun to stick them on colored cardboard.

3. When the glue dries, cut out the leaves along the contour.

4. Stick the twigs and leaves on the canvas with a glue gun.

9. Autumn crafts for kindergarten. Autumn crafts for school

We will finish our review article on autumn paper crafts with two very unusual paper bag crafts.

Paper bag tree

For a detailed master class on how to make this autumn craft for kindergarten, see.

Mushrooms from paper bags

And with such mushrooms from paper bags, you can decorate a summer cottage, a kindergarten site or a courtyard next to the house.

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

Other publications on the topic of this article:

It is to this design that it is easy to tie decorative elements. It is placed inside jars and lit. Paper garlands Such garlands are also sold.
In autumn the weather is often changeable. One device can be enough to fill several jars at once.
When the glue dries, the jars need to be tied with twine or ribbons. We made a flock of birds out of black cardboard and attached it to the ceiling.
To do this, paint the acorns themselves or hats with acrylic paint. Having dealt with where the garland will be located, it is necessary to resolve the issue of its height.
You have seen this many times. Kindergarten group design
It is placed inside jars and lit. It remains only to make the number of threads that will be required in order to decorate the entire room. Paper pom-poms Pom-poms are fluffy little clouds of different sizes that will decorate any holiday.
Maybe most adults look at this concept as just a group room, and their eyes are more often attracted: Having chosen a photo frame from acorns as an option, how to decorate a group in kindergarten by autumn with your own hands, it will be useful to know that the product can easily acquire any color.
The fishing line is pulled to the end of the sheet and the other end is fixed on the reverse side. A great option on how to decorate a group in kindergarten by autumn with your own hands is to make a garland of autumn leaves.
Can be supplemented with figures from balls. Another option for decorating the interior is autumn lanterns resembling a pumpkin. Photo frame of acorns How to decorate a group in kindergarten by autumn with your own hands, if not with a frame of acorns? Clouds can be blue or white.
It is desirable that it be wooden. In the article we will discuss the design of a kindergarten group on the theme of autumn. Decoration with balloons kindergarten Troitsk
It will look festive if you make an image of an autumn girl and decorate her dress with leaves, rowan berries, and decorate her head with a wreath of autumn flowers, sunflowers. Then the jars are completely covered with glue. Volume on the ceiling Ceiling decoration almost always looks impressive. Leaves hanging on threads at different heights If you have time, cut out autumn leaves and attach them to the false ceiling at different heights.
A basket of cones will successfully fit into any interior, whether it's a group in a kindergarten or even a kid's nursery. It can no longer be used to create a garland. The teacher probably has accumulated a lot of photos with children from a variety of events. Therefore, for the autumn interior, we advise you to pick up balls of yellow and orange flowers, as well as glue them with leaves or hang them together with the appropriate garlands. It is to this design that it is easy to tie decorative elements. You can also order fountains of airy yellow, green and orange balloons. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there are no spots on them. This is our collective work, which we have placed at the front door of the group. In addition, the leaves will need to be dried a little. There are a lot of ideas for decorating a backdrop on my site. Making a kindergarten site with your own hands

A beautifully designed group in kindergarten will allow children to feel comfortable, show more interest in the world around them, and look forward to visiting kindergarten. correct and beautiful seasonal group decoration in kindergarten or decorating a group for the holidays brings a lot of joy to children, especially if they take part in making decorations. Today, there are many ways to do DIY decoration, for example, decorate a group based on its name. If the name of the group is "Asterisks" or "Rainbow", you can draw posters with the image of stars, come up with emblems, pictures for lockers or beds, make stickers on towels, etc. In a word, design the group in the same style on the topic of the name.

Autumn group decoration in kindergarten

In autumn, many children come to kindergarten for the first time, so that their adaptation can be faster and easier. arrange a group in kindergarten in the fall bright crafts and drawings.

  • For example, you can hang dried leaves of trees under the ceiling, or cut them out of multi-colored paper, you can also cut mushrooms, apples, viburnum. Involve the children in this or ask them to draw pictures about autumn, how they walk with their mother in the park, they will be interested in helping you, and such a joint design of a group in kindergarten with their own hands will bring even more benefits.
  • Hang autumn garlands of leaves, lanterns in the form of pumpkins or fly agarics on cabinets or cornices.
  • Make little men out of acorns, matches and plasticine and build a real "City of Acorns".
  • On the walls you can hang frames made in orange tones with the birthdays of September, October and November.
  • In the corner of the room you can put a large basket with " gifts of autumn", put a pumpkin, viburnum, mountain ash, sunflower, apples, grapes, nuts, chestnuts, acorns there.

But do not forget - the design of the group in kindergarten should be made in the same style, clearly reflect the purpose of the design, so that the child does not develop an aesthetic imbalance. To solve this problem, among other things, you can use templates to design a group in kindergarten.

Winter decoration of the group in kindergarten

Winter decoration of preschool institutions always the most festive and elegant, because in winter there are so many favorite children's holidays. To design a group in winter, you can choose a specific theme, for example, decorate the group in the style of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen", "Snow Maiden", "Twelve Months" or "Frost". To do this, you need to cut out fairy-tale characters from white paper and stick them on the windows, hang them from the ceiling or hang pictures on the walls. Garlands of their snowflakes, lanterns, angels, snowmen, bells hung over windows, on cabinets or walls look great.

Carrying out the design of the group in kindergarten for the New Year, add a bright rain, Christmas decorations, figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. You can paint the windows with special white paints, which are then easily washed off, and instead of figurines of a Christmas tree, a Christmas tree made of green helium balloons decorated with garlands is perfect. Make a large Christmas tree out of paper or cut out children's hands and write down on it the wishes of each child for the New Year.

Spring decoration of the group in kindergarten

Bring in as many bright colors as you can. spring decoration of the group in kindergarten so that the children feel how nature awakens, how buds appear on trees, and leaves from them, how the bright sun warms, and blue clouds float across the sky.

  • Cut out the word "Hello spring!" in big letters and hang on the wall, immediately attach a bright rainbow.
  • Make pictures of the spring months (you can find and download pictures for group design on our website), where you will write down the spring holidays or birthdays of the guys. Perform the month of March in blue tones, draw a tree covered with snow, April - in green and a tree with flowers, May - in yellow and a tree with leaves.
  • Under the ceiling, you can hang carved figures of the sun, clouds, bees, birds, flowers.
  • Let the guys make crafts of tulips, snowdrops from colored paper and you will arrange them in vases.
  • You can attach butterflies, ladybugs made of colored paper to the curtains.

The design of the group in the kindergarten in the spring should be carried out so that there are as many bright details as possible, as an option, you can decorate glass bottles or jars and make flowerpots out of them, changing plain flowerpots for indoor flowers to multi-colored bright flowerpots.

Summer group decoration in kindergarten

Making a group in kindergarten in the summer should be even brighter and more colorful than spring.

  • You can make garlands of butterflies, flowers, fish and hang them from the ceiling, on cornices.
  • Make a train out of several wagons and write down the name of the birthday boy in each wagon in turn. Children will look forward to the next birthday when one carriage has already sped ahead.
  • The design of the group in the kindergarten in the summer will look original in the form of a city waking up after a long winter. You can place a big city from bright colored paper on the wall, making houses (police, hospital, school), trees, meadows, a river. Ask each child to make one part of the city with their parents (for example, cut out a store or a zoo from colored paper).

Of no less importance is the design of the street section in the summer.

  • In summer, you can draw daisies, butterflies, birds on the pavement, make animal figures from car tires, mushrooms from old bowls, bees from plastic bottles.
  • Each stump on the territory of the kindergarten site can be decorated, made into a cute face of a bear, pig or cat.

Ideas for decorating a kindergarten group can be very different. Having shown a little imagination, each group can be made the pride of educators and parents, and children will go to such a group with great pleasure.

The best New Year's decoration of a group in a kindergarten with your own hands - video

The design of the kindergarten group should be interesting for children to make them want to come back again and again. But, no matter how colorful the fairy-tale characters painted by the artist on the walls, children see these pictures every day for many months, because of which they lose their novelty and gradually cease to attract attention. That is why it is so important that the group be transformed to some extent with the advent of the new season.

In what rooms of the group is a “change of scenery” necessary?

In many preschool institutions, children's groups consist of a locker room that serves as an entrance hall, a game room (it is also a room for studying and eating), a bedroom and a toilet room. In some places, sleeping places during the quiet hour are all located in the same game room. Regardless of the age of the pupils, it is advisable to carry out the seasonal design of the kindergarten group not only in the room where they stay the longest (game room), but also in the locker room.

Some of the teachers may object that it is quite enough that materials for parents on education and important moments in the life of the children's team are exhibited in the locker room. Skeptics should look at this room through the eyes of parents, and then it will become clear that the dressing room is, in some way, the "face" of the group, and therefore its design creates a certain mood for anyone who enters here. A few bright signs that characterize the change of seasons, which educators will bother to place on a wall, window or on a stand with announcements, will clearly demonstrate to parents that caring and creative people work with their children.

How to emphasize the signs of autumn?

There are many ready-made ideas for this, but no one has canceled fantasy! At the same time, it is impossible to say unequivocally who will take up the design of the kindergarten group with great enthusiasm - a young teacher, or a teacher with a long work experience, because it all depends on his attitude to his profession and whether he puts his soul into this work.

The yellow leaves are spinning over the city ...

At this time of the year, it is difficult to imagine the design of a kindergarten group without using the theme of autumn leaves., fortunately, the variety of their shapes and sizes, the richness of colors gives great scope for creativity.

Leaves can be cut out of colored paper in yellow, orange, red, brown colors of all shades, using real leaves from different trees brought from a walk as stencils. For a change, some of them are made patterned (ready-made leaves are folded several times along the axis, and with scissors cut out of them narrow strips, like veins) or two-color (glue two sheets of paper of different colors, and then cut out leaves from them).

Wicker leaves are very interesting, the manufacturing technology of which is easy to find on the Internet or in books describing paper crafts.

Leaves can be picturesquely placed anywhere: attached to a wall, to windows, to cabinets (randomly or in the form of leaf fall), hung on threads of different lengths, glued to dry twigs and put in vases.

autumn gifts

There are many opportunities in this direction too: using colored paper, plasticine, various natural materials (spruce and pine cones, coniferous needles, acorns, chestnuts), skillful hands can create very cute crafts reminiscent of the onset of autumn. Red-sided apples, yellow pears, purple plums and clusters of grapes in a wicker basket, a fat pumpkin, a branch with rowan berries, an old woodsman with a basket of nuts, a hedgehog with a mushroom on a prickly back - this should be arranged in the playroom so that children have opportunity to take a good look.

Other decorations

The design of the kindergarten group can be supplemented with autumn garlands or lanterns. At the same time, the colors of the paper that will be used to make both should remind of autumn. It would be nice to make some lanterns look like a pumpkin.

With bright autumn leaves, a sprig of mountain ash or other ornamental attributes of autumn, it does not hurt to decorate a sign with a list of children born in the fall, a folder with various information, a daily meal menu, which are located in the locker room.

If the age of the preschoolers attending the group allows for classes in which they themselves will do something on the autumn theme, their work will, of course, be exhibited in the locker room so that parents can rejoice at the success of their children. In addition, an exhibition of autumn crafts will greatly decorate this small room and create a festive atmosphere, because the children are so proud of showing the results of their work to loved ones.

The design of the kindergarten group performs a developing function

One should not think that the seasonal design of a kindergarten group carries only an aesthetic load and contributes exclusively to creating comfort for the children. Vivid visual impressions along with the stories of educators and parents, feasible participation in the creation of various crafts on the relevant topics contribute to the fact that children better perceive and remember the signs of different seasons, their sequence. In addition, they receive excellent creative lessons.

It is important for pupils of senior preschool age to maintain interest in preparing a new group design so that they can develop logical thinking. Watching how the weather gradually changes and nature begins to look completely different, these children are already able to understand what exactly in their group does not correspond to the season, what needs to be changed.

The efforts of educators in the design of their group are undoubtedly important, but it is worth mentioning the role of the kindergarten methodologist in this matter. Still, the main task of teachers is the educational process, and, with the current overcrowding of groups, they do not have much time left for other things. So the task of the methodologist is to provide educators with the necessary materials, including relevant literature. Practical tips for young workers will also come in handy.
