How to extinguish a burning vertical surface. Types of fire extinguishers and their application

Fire - uncontrolled burning, resulting in damage and possible loss of life. Hazardous fire factors affecting people are: open fire and sparks, elevated ambient temperature, toxic combustion products, smoke, low oxygen concentration, collapse of building structures, explosions of process equipment, falling burnt trees, sinkholes of burnt soil.

The greatest danger to humans is the inhalation of heated air, leading to damage to the upper respiratory tract, suffocation and death. Thus, exposure to temperatures above 100 ° C leads a person to loss of consciousness and death in a few minutes. Skin burns are also dangerous. A person who has received a second-degree burn - 30% of the body surface - has little chance of surviving.

During a fire in modern buildings using polymeric and synthetic materials, toxic combustion products can affect a person. However, in 50-80% of cases, deaths in fires are caused by carbon monoxide poisoning and lack of oxygen.

Fire extinguishing is carried out mainly by professional fire fighting units. However, every citizen must be able to eliminate fires and, if necessary, participate in the fight against fire.

There are three main ways to extinguish a fire: cooling the burning substance, for example, with water; isolating it from air access (with earth, sand, a blanket) and, finally, removing the combustible substance from the combustion zone (pumping combustible liquid, dismantling combustible structures).

It is necessary to start fighting a fire from the area where the fire can endanger people's lives, cause the greatest damage, cause an explosion or collapse of structures.

The main method of extinguishing burning buildings is the supply of extinguishing agents (water, sand, foam) to burning surfaces.

When extinguishing a fire, it is necessary, first of all, to stop the spread of fire, and then extinguish it in places of the most intense burning, giving a jet not to the flame, but to the burning surface. When extinguishing a vertical surface, the jet must first be directed to its upper part, gradually descending. A small hearth of fire in the house should be filled with water or covered with a dense wet cloth.

In the conditions of developing fires, it is necessary to take measures so that the fire does not spread to an adjacent part of the building or to neighboring buildings. To do this, disassemble the fragments of burning structures, remove them from the combustion zone. Remove combustible materials from fire paths. The surfaces of neighboring buildings are poured with water, observers are placed on the roofs to extinguish flying sparks and firebrands. Burning outer surfaces are extinguished with water. Window casings are extinguished both outside and inside the building. First of all, you need to extinguish the curtains, curtains, curtains to prevent the spread of fire inside the room.

A fire in the attic can quickly take on large dimensions, so extinguishing the fire there must be done first.

If furniture catches fire, water should be distributed over the largest possible area covered by fire. Inflamed bedding should be poured with plenty of water without removing it from the bed, and then taken out and finished extinguishing there.

When saving people during a fire, use the main and emergency entrances and exits, stationary and portable ladders. People caught in a fire in a building tend to find salvation on the upper floors or try to jump out of windows and balconies. In a fire, many of them incorrectly assess the situation, allow inappropriate actions. When leaving a smoky room, put a towel or handkerchief moistened with water over your face.

If you find a child, wrap him in a blanket, coat, jacket, and urgently take him out. Small children, out of fear, often hide under beds, in closets, or hide in a corner.

When extinguishing fires in rural areas, it is necessary to take into account some features. For example, a livestock building caught fire. First of all, you need to take the animals to a safe place, as far as possible from the source of the fire. If stocks of hay, straw are stored nearby, do everything so that the fire does not spread there. In the event of a fire of straw, sheaves stacked in stacks or stacks, the flame is first knocked down, for which the stack or stack is first poured with a scattered stream of water, and then, starting from above, with a powerful stream. After the burning stops, the stack or stack is dismantled, the burnt hay or straw is scattered to the sides and watered.

When extinguishing fires in a grain warehouse, the flame is first knocked down, and then the grain is watered with a spray jet. After that, the grain is shoveled, separating the burned.

After the position is taken and the necessary supply of sleeves is prepared to move forward with the barrel, the barrel operator reports to the commander about the readiness of the barrel for action and the possibility of supplying water (foam) from the pump.

The further task of the fireman is to extinguish the fire at the position assigned to him as quickly as possible and with the least expenditure of extinguishing agents (water, foam, etc.). Success now depends mainly on the degree of skill and vigor of the actions of the barrelman.

There are a number of generally accepted rules that have been tested in practice. These rules should be kept in mind by the barrel operator when working with the barrel.

1. To ensure the best hit of a jet of water (or foam) on burning objects (structures, materials), you need to approach them as close as possible and take a position at or above the level of the combustion source. A close approach to the combustion center is also necessary in order to better use the force of the jet. It should be borne in mind that the first half of the jet is the strongest.

2. Water should be supplied only to visible burning structures and objects, and not to smoke. Giving a jet through the smoke will not lead to extinguishing the fire, but will only cause inappropriate, and sometimes harmful, consumption of water.

3. It is necessary to act with a jet towards the greatest spread of fire and at the same time maneuver the jet in such a way as to limit its spread in all other directions.

4. It is necessary to move forward with the barrel as quickly as possible, but without leaving the fire unextinguished along the way. Moving forward, it is necessary to extinguish the fire, directing the jet to the places where the burning is the strongest.

5. When moving forward with the barrel, do not expose the sleeves to damage (burning of the fabric, punctures, the action of acids or caustic substances). To this end, it is necessary to carefully extinguish the fire where the hose line will pass, do not pull the hoses through areas where there are various structures with protruding nails or any sharp metal surfaces.

6. It is necessary to direct the jet not at flames, but directly at burning objects (structures, materials)

to the hottest places.

7. When extinguishing a fire on vertical planes (walls, partitions, supports), the jet should be directed from top to bottom so that the water flowing from above contributes to extinguishing the fire below.

8. When extinguishing a fire on the surface of horizontal structures on different planes (floor and ceiling of one floor), the water jet should first of all be directed upwards (in this case, to the ceiling) in order to stop the spread of fire to the overlying floors, to protect yourself from falling ceiling structures, when burning them, and use the water flowing from above to extinguish the fire on the floor surface.

9. It is necessary to direct the jet towards the spread of fire and, first of all, to those parts of the structure, the combustion or change in strength of which during heating can cause the collapse of the entire structure or part of the structure.

10. In case of fires in hidden structures (in hollow partitions, in the voids of ceilings and coatings, in interfloor spaces, etc.), the fire is extinguished with simultaneous disassembly of the structures.

11. Extinguishing fire in vertical hollow structures, ventilation ducts and hollow coverings must be done from above. With horizontal hollow structures (for example, rivers between fields), the jet is directed towards the fire from the side where it can spread first, from the side of the greatest extent of the voids.

12. If there are metal parts (beams, columns, trusses) in structures (ceilings, supports, stairs, etc.), special attention should be paid to the need to protect them with water jets in order to avoid destruction.

If, before being applied, jets of water to the place of fire, metal parts of the building structure, as well as concrete, reinforced concrete and brick vaults of coatings turned out to be very hot, they need to be cooled gradually, since rapid cooling can cause deformation or collapse of structures.

It is possible to recognize the degree of heating of metal or other structures by briefly directing water jets at them. With strong heating, the contact of water with a metal structure causes rapid vaporization.

13. In cases where there are openings or openings at the position of the barrel in ceilings or walls (doors, windows, hatches, holes for the passage of shafts, etc.), they must be protected by a jet, maneuvering it so that the fire could not spread through these openings and openings to other rooms both horizontally and vertically.

14. If a danger of collapse of structures (for example, ceilings) is discovered at the position of the shaft, the shaft operator must immediately report this to the commander, and in case of a clear threat of collapse, change the place of work with the shaft. The most safe from the point of view of collapse are door and window openings in the main walls, landings of stairwells, zones, as well as firewalls (when positioned on the roof).

15. When working with a barrel designed to protect adjacent premises and individual parts of a building from fire, the jet must be directed to those of them that are most at risk, and first of all, to their upper parts.

16. When opening or dismantling structures, rescuing people and evacuating property, people involved in these works should be protected from high temperature and fire by a jet.

17. If it is necessary to increase the hose line at the trunk to move forward with it, stop the pump or reduce the pressure, then close the sleeve near the trunk, open the trunk and build up the sleeve. When several shafts work through a branch, it is possible to increase the sleeves at one of the shafts without stopping the pump, without reducing the pressure, but by closing the corresponding valve on the branch.

18. When working with the barrel, the jet should be directed in this way. not to hurt anyone.

19. When changing the position of the current trunk, you need to move the trunk lowered down or block it.

20. When working on steep roofs, at high altitudes and on ladders, you must securely fasten yourself and secure the hose line.

21. Do not touch yourself and direct a jet of water (foam) to electrical wires and electrical installations that are under voltage.

22. In the presence of fragile or glass containers, fire extinguishing should be carried out not with a compact, but with a spray jet.

23. When protecting tanks with flammable liquids, cylinders with compressed gases from fire, it is necessary to evenly cool the heating surfaces of the tanks (cylinders).

The strongest cooling should be in places where foam is supplied. This is done in order to reduce the decomposition of the foam from the effect of the temperature of the heated walls of the tank.

24. With simultaneous operation of foam and water shafts, it is not recommended to direct the water jet to the foam supply points.

25. If, when working at low temperatures, it is necessary to temporarily stop the water supply, it is necessary, without blocking the trunk, to bring the latter outside to a place so that the jet does not fall on fire-technical equipment or neighboring buildings; when working with trunks on the roof, do not pour water on the roof surface to avoid icing. If the roof becomes icy, it will make it difficult for fire department personnel to move across it and may lead to accidents.

26. When working with a foam barrel, you must:

when extinguishing a fire in a container with oil products, apply a jet only after good foam exits the barrel;

apply foam to the burning surface of the liquid so that the foam does not burrow into the thickness of the liquid;

direct the foam to one point so that, while spreading, it gradually covers the entire burning surface of the liquid;

at. when extinguishing a fire with solid materials with foam, maneuver the barrel so that the entire burning surface is covered with a layer of foam.

Every person should know the rules for using a fire extinguisher, as we can all find ourselves in an unexpected and dangerous situation. In principle, the operation of the presented device is not difficult, but it has its own characteristics. For example, you should know when and which fire extinguisher should be used. First, let's look at the types of devices presented.

Types of fire extinguishers

So, there are many classification criteria:

  1. According to the dimensions of the device are manual, industrial and mobile. They differ in the volume of the cylinder: from 2 to 10 liters or more.
  2. According to the type of starting device, the fire extinguisher can be pistol or valve. There are also devices that can operate from a constant source of pressure.
  3. According to the substance contained inside the vessel, there are powder, water, gas fire extinguishers.

Principles of using the device

Before using a fire extinguisher, be sure to understand the principles of its operation. For example, containers with water inside can be used to extinguish solids that burn easily. However, the liquid may contain additional components. They make it possible to extinguish liquid combustible substances. The rules for using a fire extinguisher of the presented type are quite simple: they can only be operated in the situations listed. The fact is that water is able to enter into chemical reactions with other elements and form substances that are quite hazardous to health.

The rules for using a fire extinguisher with a gaseous filler provide for compliance with the only safety rule: you can’t touch the tube in them, as you can easily get frostbite. However, such a device will be useless in cases where those objects are burning that can blaze even without oxygen.

In order to extinguish or air-mechanical fire, a foam fire extinguisher is most suitable. However, it is not recommended to use it if electrical equipment is on fire. Naturally, the device cannot be used to extinguish those substances that can react with water.

Features of using an OU fire extinguisher

In principle, it is not difficult to operate such a device. You just need to follow certain instructions. The rules for using the OS fire extinguisher provide for the following stages of actions:

  1. To begin with, you should approach the source of ignition at a distance of at least 2-3 meters.
  2. Now direct the bell exactly towards the flame and hold it as firmly as possible.
  3. In order for the fire extinguisher to start working, it is necessary to break the seal and the check, which protects the device from automatic operation.
  4. Now you can open the lock or press the handle. It all depends on the structure of the device.
  5. After the fire is extinguished, you need to release the handle or tighten the valve.

Reuse of such a device is possible only after a new filling of the cylinder with carbon dioxide.

Features of the use of powder devices

Before using the fire extinguisher of the presented type, you need to read the instruction manual:

  • Take the device and go to the fire. In this case, the distance to the flame should not be less than 2 meters.
  • In order for the fire extinguisher to start working, remove the seal and protective pin from it.
  • Now accurately point the nozzle at the fire, while not touching it, so as not to get injured (frostbite).
  • Please note that you should hold the device firmly so that the pressure of the contents of the cylinder does not lead to the fire extinguisher falling out of your hands.
  • Now press the lever or unscrew the valve. Close or release the locking mechanism only after the fire has been eliminated.
  • If there are other sources of flame, the device can be used again.

In what cases can not use the powder device?

There are situations in which the use of this device is unacceptable. The rules for using fire extinguishers OP provide for the impossibility of their operation in such cases:

  • if you need to extinguish those objects that can burn without the help of oxygen;
  • if the electrical network or device has ignited;
  • to extinguish any antique valuables, paintings or books (they may be damaged in the process of extinguishing the fire).

Some nuances of using and storing a fire extinguisher

It is possible to determine a sufficiently large number of features of the application of the presented device. For example, if you are extinguishing a flame with several types of fire extinguishers, then you should not point them at each other. In any situation, it is necessary to maintain a certain distance from the flame during extinguishing. This is especially true for burning chemicals or products that flare up easily, as well as electrical appliances that are energized.

The rules for using a fire extinguisher provide for a certain time of continuous operation of the device, which ranges from 2 to 14 seconds. The period is indicated on the information label. During extinguishing, the cylinder must be kept strictly upright. Otherwise, you will not be able to use all the internal material of the vessel.

Use is limited indoors, as it causes strong dustiness. The same applies to carbon dioxide devices, because they are able to reduce the already small amount of oxygen in the building. After using the device, it must be sent for recharging, even if there is still a charge inside.

What should not be done during operation and storage of the device:

  • do not allow any damage and dents to appear on the body of the device;
  • you can not hit the balloon;
  • Do not use a fire extinguisher if it has a manufacturing defect or malfunction of the locking mechanism;
  • in no case do not recharge or disassemble the device yourself;
  • after use, a fire extinguisher unsuitable for work should be disposed of;
  • you can not use the device for those purposes that are not related to extinguishing fire;
  • during the elimination of the source of ignition, it must not be directed towards people.

Under fire conditions, people can be in buildings, on the street, in shelters, at an enterprise, in a forest, field, etc.

The danger to people in case of fire is high air temperature, smoke, concentration of carbon monoxide and other harmful products of combustion, as well as the possible collapse of building structures and structures.

During continuous and massive fires, high temperature and smoke can be dangerous in the gaps of buildings, in courtyards, on the street, in the forest and other places.

If visibility in the smoke zone becomes less than 10 m, then you should not enter this zone if possible, because it is dangerous. Smoke and high temperatures are especially dangerous in basements and on the upper floors of buildings.

When rescuing victims from a burning building, observe the following rules:

  • if you need to go through a burning room to save people, cover your head with a wet blanket, a piece of dense fabric or a coat (cloak);
  • open the door to a smoky room carefully, otherwise a quick influx of fresh air will cause a flash of flame;
  • through a heavily smoky room it is better to move crawling or crouching;
  • when looking for victims, call them; remember that small children, out of fear, often hide under the bed, in the closet, hide in the corner and other places; find them and save them;
  • when evacuating the victim from a burning building, try to cover him with some kind of blanket;
  • if your clothes catch fire, do not try to run - this will inflate the flame more, it is better to lie down on the ground and, rolling, try to bring down the flame;
  • when you see a person whose clothes are on fire, throw a coat, raincoat or some kind of cover over him and press it tightly, this will limit the access of air and stop the burning faster; if the victim has burns, apply bandages and send him to the nearest medical center;
  • when extinguishing a fire, use fire extinguishers, water, sand, earth, blankets, etc. Fire extinguishing agents are first supplied to the places of the most intense burning, while not on the flame, but directly on the burning surface;
  • if a vertical surface burns, water must first be supplied to the upper part;
  • extinguish a fire in a smoky room with a spray jet, as it contributes to the deposition of smoke and a decrease in temperature;
  • flammable liquids are best extinguished with foaming compounds, by filling with sand or earth, and also by covering small foci with a heavy blanket, clothing, etc.;
  • household items and clothes should be extinguished with water from a container or with a fire hydrant, and in winter they can be thrown out into the street and extinguished with snow;
  • small fires in the house can be extinguished by tightly covering the fire with a blanket (preferably wet), as well as using water, fire extinguishers, etc .;
  • extinguishing the insulation of live electrical wires is carried out only after their preliminary de-energization (unscrew the plugs, turn off the breaker),

Learn how to properly use fire extinguishers.

The figure shows a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, which, when extinguishing a fire, must be brought as close as possible to the source of combustion, point the socket at the fire and open the shut-off valve by turning the handwheel counterclockwise to failure. The ejected foam mass should cover the burning surface until the combustion stops. To avoid frostbite, be careful not to hold the bell with your bare hand.

The figure shows a foam fire extinguisher. To activate it, you need to lift the handle up and throw it to failure, this will open a glass with an acid solution.

Then, in order to mix (react) the acid with the alkaline solution, turn the fire extinguisher upside down. Direct the resulting foam jet onto the burning surface (in the absence of a jet, clean the spray and shake the fire extinguisher).

For actuating the internal fire hydrant in buildings it is necessary to open the cabinet door, roll out the sleeve connected to the tap and the barrel, open the valve by turning the handwheel counterclockwise and direct the water jet to the combustion source.

Extinguishing forest ground fires when the ground cover burns - grass, deadwood, logging residues, it can be done by improvised means by flooding the fire with branches, burlap and other objects, as well as throwing earth on the fire.

Riding fires, when the fire spreads over the tops of the trees, they are extinguished by arranging barrier strips along the path of the spread of fire or by launching oncoming fire from any boundary (rivers, clearings, roads, etc.).

To stop the spread of underground (peat) fires ditches are torn off to the depth of the mineral layer or groundwater. When extinguishing underground fires, you should be careful not to fall into the burnt ground and burnt trees fall on you.

Get out of the wildfire zone you need to windward, using open spaces (glades, clearings, roads, rivers, etc.), as well as areas of deciduous forest.

Extinguishing small caliber incendiary bombs, discovered immediately after their fall, is carried out by dropping them from roofs and attics with a shovel, tongs or a hand dressed in a canvas mitten onto the ground or immersing them in a barrel (bucket) with water.

Bunches of burning napalm that have fallen on clothing can be extinguished by tightly covering the burning place with a sleeve, hollow clothing, wet clay or sand. If a large amount of a burning mixture gets into the victim, it is necessary to cover it tightly with clothes, pour plenty of water or immerse the affected area in water, cover it with sand or earth. When there are no means of extinguishing and no one to help, you can bring down the flames by rolling on the ground.

Extinguishing incendiary mixtures with additives of white phosphorus or sodium, which ignite spontaneously in a normal environment, is made by isolating them from air access with sand, earth, a dense cover (cloak, coat, blanket, etc.) or by applying a bandage; moreover, sodium is quenched with dry means, and phosphorus with wet ones.

After the incendiary mixture is extinguished, apply clean, dry bandages to the burnt areas of the body and direct the victim to the medical center.

Remnants of the incendiary mixture adhering to the burnt body and burnt clothing should not be removed: an infection can get into the burn wound.

Fire extinguishers are divided into several main types - foam, powder and carbon dioxide. Foam fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish flammable liquids such as gasoline, varnish, oil, paint, and so on. They can also extinguish fires of solid materials - except for devices under electrical voltage. Powder fire extinguishers are used to eliminate ignited combustible and flammable liquids, paints, varnishes, plastics and electrical devices, the voltage of which is not more than 1000 volts.

The fire extinguisher should not be too heavy so that any family members, including children, can use it if necessary.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers allow you to put out various substances, liquids and materials, as well as installations connected to the power grid. This type of fire extinguisher is considered the most effective due to its composition, which allows you to eliminate the fire as quickly as possible. Typically, fire extinguishers are used as follows: you need to break the seal, pull out the pin, point the bell at the fire and start extinguishing, holding the fire extinguisher in an upright position. However, there are a number of rules for its use that you need to know.

Rules for the correct use of fire extinguishing equipment

The fire extinguisher must be kept out of direct sunlight, children and heaters. The temperature in the room should be average. When used, the charge must be applied in batches, every 3-5 seconds. The charge jet should always be directed from the windward side, and when extinguishing a burning electrical installation, the fire extinguisher must not be brought closer to it than 1 meter.

When using a fire extinguisher, it is forbidden to touch the socket with your bare hand so as not to get frostbite on the skin.

The fire of oil products is extinguished with foam fire extinguishers, covering the entire burning surface with foam. Burning oil cannot be extinguished with a jet directed from top to bottom. It is necessary to extinguish the fire from the near edge, gradually deepening into the source of ignition. A fire that has arisen in a niche should be extinguished from top to bottom. If a powder fire extinguisher is used, the hearth must be extinguished from the windward side, directing the jet not at the fire, but at the burning surface. If you have more than one fire extinguisher, use them all at the same time. Even an extinguished fire should never be turned one's back, and used fire extinguishers must be immediately recharged.
