How to determine the shape of a leaf biology oge. Photo describing the types and varieties of adenium at home

Consider a photograph of a gooseberry leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure according to the following plan: leaf type, leaf venation, leaf shape, leaf type by the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part, edge shape. Use a ruler as you work.

A. Sheet type

1) petiolate

2) sedentary

B. Leaf venation

1) parallel

2) arcuate

3) fingered

4) pinnate

IN. Leaf shape

G. Sheet type by the ratio of length, width and by the location of the widest part

D. leaf edge

Write in the table the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters.


Part 2

Use a separate sheet for answers to tasks 29-32. First write down the number of the task (29, 30, etc.), and then the answer to it. Write your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete task 29.


The seed is the embryonic plant organism
in the embryonic stage. The main parts of the seed are the seed coat and the embryo.

The seed coat is a modified integument of the ovule. It protects the seeds from drying out, premature germination, possible mechanical damage, promotes the spread of seeds due to additional formations - spines, hooks, hooks. The peel can be woody, for example, Siberian pine, date palm; membranous (in cereals) or leathery (peas, beans).

The seed embryo develops from a fertilized egg. A new plant develops from the embryo, therefore, it distinguishes between a kidney, an embryonic root and cotyledons - germinal leaves. There can be a different number of cotyledons: in conifers - from 6 to 12, in angiosperms - either one or two. Although sometimes the number of cotyledons in dicotyledonous plants can be increased to 3-5 or reduced to 1 (buttercup, umbrella). At the same time, in the process of embryonic development, two cotyledons are first laid in the seed of these plants, and only then their number changes.

The third, but optional part of the seed is the endosperm - storage tissue. It develops from a fertilized central cell. In the process of its development, the embryo can consume the endosperm even during the embryonic laying of organs. In this case, the supply of nutrients accumulates in the cotyledons or in a special part of the ovule - the perisperm. Then one speaks of a seed without endosperm. In other cases, the endosperm and the embryo in the seed develop independently of each other. Then the spare fabric is deposited by a separate element and is consumed only
during the germination period. Such seeds are called seeds with endosperm.

Using the table "Some characteristics of the leaf blades of flowering plants", answer the following questions.

Job directory.
Tasks 26. Correlation of morphological features of the organism

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Ras-look-ri-te photo-gra-fi of a sheet of vi-no-gra-da. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its construction, according to the following plan: type sheet; lived-to-va-tion of the sheet; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the length, width, and according to the race of the widest part; edge shape. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

G. The type of sheet according to the length, width, width and race according to the widest part

D. Edge of the sheet



Vi-no-gra-da sheet: che-resh-ko-vy, with a finger-cha-ty lived-to-va-ni-em, three-cha-to-time-de-len-ny, rounded , two-I-ko-drank-cha-ty.

The form of the sheet is vi-no-gra-da, pre-lo-zhen-no-go for description, use-zo-vav-shis line-her-koy and ka-ran-da-shom, opre -de-la-eat like three-cha-that-time-de-len-ny.

Troy-cha-ty, because basic lo-pa-stey - 3; times-de-len-ny, because ras-member-non-niya is deep in-lo-vi-na shi-ri-na in-lupla-sti-na - ras-smat-ri-va-em is not the main veins, but names but lo-pa-sti. Lo-paste-noy from raz-de-len-no-go from-whether-cha-et-sya deep-bi-noy race-se-che-niya leaf plate.


To remember how to determine the types of dis-memberment of a plate of a simple sheet (point B) - you can go to the link http://medbiol. en/medbiol/botanica/001c2c01.htm

Before-half-not-ing to the question.

A leaf of vi-no-gra-da can be either with five veins or with three, this is due to the “age-ra-ta” of the sheet.

Answer: 13474

Source: GIA in biology 05/31/2013. main wave. Center. Option 1301.

Marina Tukacheva 14.01.2018 17:21

Please explain why this vine leaf is described as trifoliate, although it is obvious that the VEIN (of fingers) is FIVE. After all, if the lower side blades have weakly expressed cuts, this does not mean that these blades do not exist at all. For some reason, the shape of the sheet is triply SEPARATE, although it is clear that the inner circle and the center of the sheet in your pencil drawing are clearly "pulled" to the left. And if drawn correctly, only one left upper side notch will be visible, crossing the inner circle. And, therefore, the shape of the leaf is still palmate-lobed. By the way, in the "Options of the OGE-2017" ed. V.S. Rokhlov's answers in this task are 13274, not 13474.

Natalya Evgenievna Bashtannik

A grape leaf can be either with five veins or with three, it depends on the "age" of the leaf. And lobed or dissected is considered exactly according to the depth of the cut.

I cannot explain to you why Valeryan Sergeevich changed his answer, maybe there is a different drawing?

Look at pictures of the Azawakh dog breed. Select the characteristics corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Position of the neck (dotted line forming an angle with the horizontal plane, parallel to the back of the neck and passing through the eye)

D. Tail Shape

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Azawakh is an African Greyhound dog breed. Characteristics of the Azawakh breed: the color of the dog is monophonic (white spots in the form of stockings are often found); light head shape, dry with a flat forehead, a slightly pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle; the shape of the ears is hanging (able to rise at the base at the moment when the dog is concentrated); neck position - high; tail shape - crochet.

Answer: 14435.

Answer: 14435

Source: GIA in biology 05/31/2013. main wave. Center. Option 1302.

Ra-look at the photograph of the sheet of in-zhi-ra. Select the ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part; edge shape. When doing work, use line-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for the selected fragment)

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Sheet of in-zhi-ra: che-resh-ko-vy, finger-cha-ty, finger-cha-to-time-de-len-ny, rounded, wavy.

Answer: 13572.

Answer: 13572

Source: GIA in biology 05/31/2013. main wave. Center. Option 1303.

Malika Bekmurzaeva 21.01.2017 15:19

I saw another version of the same question! responses were ovoid. it says rounded

Job directory.
Tasks 26. Correlation of morphological features of the organism

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Consider a photograph of a vine leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Edge of the sheet



Look at pictures of the Azawakh dog breed. Select the characteristics corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Tail Shape

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ra-look at the photograph of the sheet of in-zhi-ra. Select the ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part; edge shape. When doing work, use line-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for the selected fragment)



Take a look at the photos of the Schnauzer dog breed. Select the characteristics corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Position of the neck (dotted line forming an angle with the horizontal plane, parallel to the back of the neck and passing through the eye)

D. Tail Shape

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Consider a photograph of a maple leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ras-look-ri-those pho-to-gra-fii so-ba-ki in the ro-dy wolf-co-dove. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look-ri-te photo-gra-fing of the sheet, see-ro-di-na. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its construction, according to the following plan: type sheet; lived-to-va-tion of the sheet; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the length, width, and according to the race of the widest part; edge shape. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at the photo-gra-fia of the co-ba-ki in the ro-dy gave the ma-ti-nets. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at a photograph of a birch leaf in a hanging way. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its construction, according to the following plan: type sheet; lived-to-va-tion of the sheet; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the length, width, and according to the race of the widest part; edge shape. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

G. The type of sheet according to the length, width, width and race according to the widest part

D. Edge of the sheet (for you-de-len-no-go frag-men-ta)

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at the photo-gra-fia of the co-ba-ki in the ro-dy of the non-metz-cue pin-cher. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Consider a photograph of a cherry leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ras-look at a photo of a toy-te-rier breed dog. Choose ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog-ba-ki color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape . When doing work, use line-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash. A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Consider a photograph of an aspen leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Consider a photograph of a Shar Pei dog. Select the characteristics corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work. A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Position of the neck (dotted line forming an angle with the horizontal plane, parallel to the back of the neck and passing through the eye)

D. Tail Shape

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Consider a photograph of a bird cherry leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Consider a photograph of a Great Dane dog. Select the characteristics corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work. A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Position of the neck (dotted line forming an angle with the horizontal plane, parallel to the back of the neck and passing through the eye)

D. Tail Shape

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Consider a photograph of a large plantain leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ras-look at the photo-gra-fia of a co-ba-ki in the ro-dy of a hor-taya bor-zai. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash. A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at the photo-gra-fing of the si-re-ni sheet. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its construction, according to the following plan: type sheet, lived-co-va-tion of the sheet, leaf shape, type of sheet according to the length, width, and according to the most-more shi -ro-koy part, edge shape. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you can help you li-her-ka and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

G. The type of sheet according to the length, width, width and race according to the widest part

D. Edge of the sheet (for you-de-len-no-go frag-men-ta)

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look-te photos of a boxer dog breed. Choose ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog-ba-ki color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape . When doing the work, use a ruler and a ka-ran-dash. A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Position of the neck (dotted line forming an angle with the horizontal plane, parallel to the back of the neck and passing through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Consider a photograph of a tropical alocasia leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ras-look-ri-those fo-to-gra-fi so-ba-ki in the ro-dy of the English set-ter. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at the photo-gra-fing of the sheet of the edge-pi-you two-house. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its construction, according to the following plan: type sheet; lived-to-va-tion of the sheet; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the length, width, and according to the race of the widest part; edge shape. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

G. The type of sheet according to the length, width, width and race according to the widest part

D. Edge of the sheet (for you-de-len-no-go frag-men-ta)

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at those photos of so-ba-ki in the ro-dy of the Af-Gan Bor-Zai. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at the photo-gra-fing of a sheet of be-go-nii. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its construction, according to the following plan: type sheet; lived-to-va-tion of the sheet; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the length, width, and according to the race of the widest part; edge shape. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

G. The type of sheet according to the length, width, width and race according to the widest part

D. Edge of the sheet (for you-de-len-no-go frag-men-ta)

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look-ri-those pho-to-gra-fii co-ba-ki in-ro-dy jack ras-sell terrier. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Consider a photograph of a Uzumbar violet leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Look at pictures of the Beagle dog. Select the characteristics corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: dog color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Position of the neck (dotted line forming an angle with the horizontal plane, parallel to the back of the neck and passing through the eye)

D. Tail Shape

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ras-look-ri-those pho-to-gra-fii co-ba-ki in the ro-dy bul-terrier. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following the -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Consider a photo of an apricot leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ras-look-ri-those pho-to-gra-fii co-ba-ki in-ro-dy scotch terrier. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its external structure, following -mu plan: the color of the so-ba-ki, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the shape of the neck, the shape of the tail. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

G. Along the same neck (dotted line, forming an angle with a mountain-ri-zone-tal plane, par-ral-lel- on the back of the top of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at the photo-gra-fing of the sheet of the mon-stera. You-be-ri-te ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki, corresponding to its construction, according to the following plan: type sheet; lived-to-va-tion of the sheet; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the length, width, and according to the race of the widest part; edge shape. When you-half-not-ni-ra-bo-you use-use-li-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Sheet type

B. Leaf shape

G. The type of sheet according to the length, width, width and race according to the widest part

D. Edge of the sheet (for you-de-len-no-go frag-men-ta)

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Ras-look at those photographs of the Staffordshire Terrier. Choose the ha-rak-te-ri-sti-ki corresponding to its external structure, according to the following plan: the color of the dog, the shape of the head, the shape of the ears, the position of the neck, the shape of the tail . When doing work, use line-ney-ku and ka-ran-dash.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Shape of the ears

D. Position of the neck (dotted line forming an angle with the horizontal plane, parallel to the back of the neck and passing through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Consider a photo of a palm leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure according to the following plan: leaf type, leaf venation, leaf shape, leaf type by the ratio of length, width and by the location of the widest part, by the shape of the edge. A ruler and a pencil will help you with the work.

A. Sheet type

1) petiolate

2) sedentary

B. Leaf venation

1) parallel

2) arcuate

3) fingered

4) pinnate

B. Leaf shape

D. Edge of the sheet

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Ra-look at the photograph of the sheet of in-zhi-ra. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type, leaf venation, leaf shape, leaf type by the ratio of length, width and by the location of the widest part, by shape the edges. When doing the work, a ruler and a ka-ran-dash will help you.

A. Sheet type

1) che-resh-ko-vy

2) si-dy-chi

B. Leaf venation

1) pa-ral-lel-noe

2) du-go-vid-noe

3) finger-cha-toe

4) re-ri-stoy

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

D. Edge of the sheet

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



There are several options for classifying flowers and inflorescences.

A. According to the complexity of the perianth, the flowers would-va-ut:

1) with a simple perianth (they have only le-pests),

2) with a complex perianth (they have a clearly defined calyx and corolla).

Inflorescences are divided according to the following signs:

B. According to the degree of branching:

1) simple (single flowers are located on the main axis),

2) complex (private inflorescences are located on the main axis).

B. By the presence of a pedicel for each flower:

1) with sessile flowers (flowers directly on the stem),

2) with color-ka-mi, having a color-nose.

D. By order of disclosure of flowers:

1) bo-three-che-skie (from bottom to top),

2) qi-moz-nye (from top to bottom).

D. By the presence of a flower on the ver-khush-ke:

1) open (no flower on top),

2) closed (there is a flower on the top-hush-ke).

Class-si-fi-qi-rui-te the inflorescence shown in the figure for all five options for the class-si-fi-ka-tion.

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



There are several options for classifying flowers and inflorescences.

A. According to the complexity of the perianth, flowers are:

Inflorescences are divided according to the following criteria:

B. According to the degree of branching:

1) simple (single flowers are located on the main axis),

2) complex (private inflorescences are located on the main axis).

B. By the presence of a pedicel in each flower:

D. In order of opening flowers:

1) botric (from bottom to top),

2) cymose (from top to bottom).

D. By the presence of a flower at the top:

1) open (no flower at the top),

2) closed (there is a flower on top).

Classify the inflorescence shown in the figure according to all five classification options.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Arthropods have several basic morphological features, according to which they are divided into large taxonomic groups.

A. Dismemberment of the body:

1) the body consists of a large number of identical segments,

1) no tagmas,

2) two tagmas (cephalothorax and abdomen),

3) three tagmas (head, thorax and abdomen).

B. By the number of walking limbs (limbs on the thoracic segment), including modified ones:

1) three couples,

2) four pairs,

3) five pairs,

4) more than five pairs.

D. According to the arrangement of the eyes:

1) there are two complex (faceted) eyes,

D. By the presence of wings:

1) there are wings,

2) there are no wings.

Carefully consider the picture and determine what signs (according to the above classification) the animal shown in the picture has.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



A. Dismemberment of the body:

1) the body consists of a large number of identical members,

2) the body is divided into several clearly distinguishable sections (tagmas).

B. Number of large departments (tagmas):

1) no tagmas,

2) two tagmas (go-lo-chest and abdomen-ko),

3) three tagmas (head-lo-va, chest and abdomen).

B. By the number of walking limbs (ko-nech-no-stay on the thoracic segment), including ve-to-altered ones:

1) three couples,

2) che-you-re couples,

3) five pairs,

4) more than five pairs.

D. According to the arrangement of the eyes:

1) there are two complex (fa-se-precise) eyes,

2) there are several simple eyes.

D. By the presence of wings:

1) there are wings,

2) there are no wings.

Attention-ma-tel-but look at the picture and determine what signs (according to the above class-si-fi-ka-tion) of the animal shown in the picture are just that.

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Views-to-change-of-shoots arose in plants in the process of evolution in connection with the performance of additional functions. Such functions can be the storage of nutrients, the protection of plant organs, vegetative propagation, etc. Here are five races: kohl-ra-bi cabbage, wheatgrass, vi-no-hail, onion , bo-yarysh-nick. Consider these plants and determine the type of variation in the run.

A. Spines are axillary shortened run-gi. They perform mainly a protective function. Such a ve-to-modified escape has:

1) kohl-ra-bi cabbage

3) vi-no-hail

5) bo-yarysh-nick

B. The tuber is a vi-to-altered shoot, the stem of something-ro-go, which has stopped its apical growth, grows strongly in thickness and accumulates spare substances. There are aboveground and underground. Above-ground tubers have green leaves, in which the process of fo-to-syn-te-za is carried out, and on the underground there are leaf scars. Such a ve-to-modified escape has:

1) kohl-ra-bi cabbage

3) vi-no-hail

5) bo-yarysh-nick

B. The bulb is an underground (rarely above-ground) shortened shoot with a flattened stem - the bottom, from which adventitious roots extend. On the bottom are scaly dry and juicy leaves. Such a ve-to-modified escape has:

1) kohl-ra-bi cabbage

3) vi-no-hail

5) bo-yarysh-nick

G. A rhizome is an underground shoot of perennial herbaceous plants that looks like a root. Divided into nodes and inter-to-knots. The nodes contain reduced leaves in the form of colorless scales and leaf scars. Above-ground shoots and new roots develop from the buds, and adventitious roots form at the nodes. Such a ve-to-modified escape has:

1) kohl-ra-bi cabbage

3) vi-no-hail

5) bo-yarysh-nick

D. Antennae are axillary shoots that develop in plants with a thin and weak stem, unable to independently maintain a vertical position. Such a ve-to-modified escape has:

1) kohl-ra-bi cabbage

3) vi-no-hail

5) bo-yarysh-nick

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Classify the spotted hemlock inflorescence shown in the figure according to all five classification options, guided by the schematic drawings of the inflorescences.

Rice. from the site

A. According to the complexity of the perianth:

1) with a simple perianth (there are only petals),

2) with a complex perianth (they have a distinct calyx and corolla).

B. According to the degree of branching of inflorescences:

1) simple (single flowers are located on the main axis),

2) complex (private inflorescences are located on the main axis).

B. By the presence of a pedicel in each flower:

1) with sessile flowers (flowers directly on the stem),

2) with flowers having a peduncle.

D. By the presence of a flower at the top:

1) open (no flower at the top),

2) closed (there is a flower on top).

D. Name of inflorescence:

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Arthropods have several basic morphological features, according to which they are divided into large taxonomic groups.

A. Dismemberment of the body:

B. Number of large departments (tagmas):

1. no tags,

1. three pairs,

2. four pairs,

3. five pairs,

4. more than five pairs.

D. Eye device:

D. The presence of wings:

1. there are wings,

2. no wings.

Write down the numbers in response, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you:



Arthropods have several basic morphological features, according to which they are divided into large taxonomic groups.

A. Dismemberment of the body:

1. the body consists of a large number of identical members,

2. the body is divided into several clearly distinguishable sections (tagmas).

B. Number of large departments (tagmas):

1. no tags,

2. two tagmas (go-lo-chest and abdomen-ko),

3. three tagmas (head-lo-va, chest and abdomen).

B. The number of walking limbs (ko-nech-no-stay on the chest segment), including teas-to-changed:

1. three pairs,

2. four pairs,

3. five pairs,

4. more than five pairs.

D. Eye device:

1. there are two complex (fa-se-precise) eyes,

2. there are some simple eyes.

D. The presence of wings:

1. there are wings,

2. no wings.

Attention-ma-tel-but look at the picture and determine what signs (according to the above class-si-fi-ka-tion) the animal depicted in the picture has .

For-pi-shi-te in response to the numbers, placing them in a row corresponding to the letter you.

D. Leaf edge shape

Consider a photograph of a fig leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure according to the following plan: leaf type, leaf venation, leaf shape, leaf type by the ratio of length, width and by the location of the widest part, by the shape of the edge. A ruler and a pencil will help you when doing the work.

Palm leaf: petiolate, with palmate venation, pinnately dissected, leaf type - ovoid, entire.

Consider a photo of a monstera leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and the location of the widest part; edge shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing your work.


Monstera leaf: petiolate, pinnate, pinnately dissected, ovate, entire.

How to prepare students for the assignmentbrief(word, number, phrase, sentence) answer to the questions posed, as in No. 29, No. 30 and No. 31, or a detailed description or explanation, as in No. 32.

Performing the tasks of the second part, the examinee analyzes the text, statistical data presented in tabular form, establishes cause-and-effect relationships, argues the results of comparisons, observations or experiments, makes a forecast, indicates possible risks arising from changes occurring in the environment. The graduate reasonably sets out his considerations in writing on a separate form.

The first task of the second part (No. 29) has an increased level of complexity and tests the ability to work with popular science texts of biological content. During the assignment, the graduate must consistently answer 2-3 questions to the text, consisting of one or two sentences (or quotes), in accordance with the requirements.

These tasks test not only the ability to understand the biological text and clearly formulate one's thoughts when answering a specific question, but also control the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in a changed situation, using the content of the proposed biological examination text.

1) spinal nerves
2) forebrain
3) nerve nodes
4) spinal cord
5) cranial nerves
6) medulla oblongata

Answer: 135

The numbers of the selected answers.


Answer: 11122

5) the appearance of the larva

Little frog.

Answer: 24531


1) caterpillar
2) larva
3) chrysalis
4) egg
5) incomplete transformation
6) complete transformation
7) adult insect
8) Lepidoptera

conditions of existence.
Answer: 6531
B 1 What structures are classified as formed elements of human blood? Choose three correct answers out of six and

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) erythrocytes
2) plasma
3) leukocytes
4) lymph
5) platelets
6) myocytes
The formed elements of the blood are a dense fraction of the blood, consisting of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets.
Answer: 135
B 2 What are the signs of protein biosynthesis in a cell? Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under

which they are indicated.
1) Light energy is used to carry out the process.
2) The process occurs in the presence of enzymes.
3) The central role in the process belongs to RNA molecules.
4) The process is accompanied by the synthesis of ATP.
5) Amino acids serve as monomers for the formation of molecules.
6) The assembly of protein molecules is carried out in lysosomes.
Protein biosynthesis is a complex multi-stage process for the synthesis of a polypeptide chain from amino acids,

Occurring on ribosomes with the participation of mRNA and tRNA molecules. The process of protein biosynthesis requires

Significant energy costs.
Answer: 235
B 3 Establish a correspondence between the trait and the type of organic matter for which it is characteristic.

To do this, for each element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter in the table

The numbers of the selected answers.

A) consist of residues of amino acid molecules1) proteins
B) act as biological catalysts 2) carbohydrates
C) are essential components of the plasma membrane
D) are the main sources of energy
D) are part of the cell wall of plants and fungi
Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

Proteins: amino acids are the monomer; one of the functions is catalytic; plasma membrane

Consists of molecules of proteins and phospholipids.

Carbohydrates: are the main source of energy (17.6 kJ of energy is released during the oxidation of 1 g of carbohydrates.

In animals, glycogen is deposited in the liver cells. In muscles, as well as in the liver, it is synthesized

Glycogen. The breakdown of glycogen is one of the sources of energy for muscle contraction), the cell wall

Plants - cellulose, fungi - chitinous.
Answer: 11122
B 4 Put in the correct order the processes of digestion that occur in most mammals

After food enters the mouth. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.
1) absorption of amino acids into the blood
2) digestion of food in the intestine under the influence of intestinal juice, pancreatic juice and bile
3) grinding food with teeth and changing it under the influence of saliva
4) the supply of nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body
5) the passage of food into the stomach and its digestion by gastric juice
Digestion is a set of processes that provide mechanical grinding of food, chemical

The breakdown of macromolecules of nutrients into components suitable for absorption and participation in

- grinding food with teeth and changing it under the influence of saliva
- the passage of food into the stomach and its digestion by gastric juice
- digestion of food in the intestines under the influence of intestinal juice, pancreatic juice and bile
- absorption of amino acids into the blood
- the supply of nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body
Answer: 35214
B 5 Fill in the text "Plant respiration" with the missing terms from the proposed list, using

This digital designation. Write in the text the numbers of the selected answers, and then the resulting

Enter the sequence of numbers (in the text) in the table below.

___________ (A), but highlights ___________ (B). Unnecessary gaseous substances are removed from the plant by

Diffusion. In the leaf, they are removed through special formations - ___________ (B), located in the skin.

When breathing, the energy of organic substances is released, stored in the course of ___________ (D),

1) water
2) evaporation
3) oxygen
4) transpiration
5) carbon dioxide
6) stomata
7) photosynthesis
8) lentil
Plant respiration is a continuous process. During this process, the plant organism consumes

OXYGEN (A), but releases CARBON DIOXIDE (B). Unnecessary gaseous substances are removed from the plant

By diffusion. In the leaf, they are removed through special formations - stomata (B), located in

Peel. When breathing, the energy of organic substances is released, stored in the course of PHOTOSYNTHESIS (D),

Occurring in the green parts of the plant in the light.
Answer: 3567
B 6 Look at the photograph of a stinging nettle leaf. Choose the characteristics that match it

Structure, according to the following plan: sheet type; leaf venation; leaf shape; sheet type by length ratio,

Width and location of the widest part; edge shape. When doing work, use

Ruler and pencil.
A. Sheet type
1) petiolate
2) sedentary
B. Leaf venation
1) parallel
2) arcuate
3) fingered
4) pinnate
B. Leaf shape

Stinging nettle leaf: petiolate, pinnate, entire, ovoid, serrated
Answer: 14413
B 1 How are animals different from plants? Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under

which they are indicated.
1) actively move
2) grow throughout life
3) create in the world organic substances from inorganic
4) do not have dense cell walls made of fiber
5) consume ready-made organic substances
6) are producers of organic substances


Answer: 145
B 2 What functions are regulated by the somatic division of the human nervous system? Choose three correct answers from

Six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) involuntary movements of the walls of the stomach
2) metabolic rate
3) contraction of the skeletal muscles of the lower extremities
4) kidney function
5) perception of the skin to touch
6) contraction of the skeletal muscles of the upper limbs
356 - Somatic nervous system - this system is formed by sensitive nerve fibers going to

CNS from various receptors, and motor nerve fibers innervating skeletal muscles.
124 - Autonomic nervous system - a department of the peripheral nervous system that innervates

Internal organs: heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, etc.
Answer: 356
B 3 Establish a correspondence between the trait and the type of organic matter for which it is characteristic.

To do this, for each element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter in the table

The numbers of the selected answers.

A) consist of residues of amino acid molecules1) proteins
B) act as biological catalysts 2) carbohydrates
C) are essential components of the plasma membrane
D) are the main sources of energy
D) are part of the cell wall of plants and fungi
Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

Proteins: amino acids are the monomer; one of the functions is catalytic; plasma membrane

Consists of molecules of proteins and phospholipids.
Carbohydrates: are the main source of energy (17.6 kJ of energy is released during the oxidation of 1 g of carbohydrates.

In animals, glycogen is deposited in the liver cells. In muscles, as well as in the liver, it is synthesized

Glycogen. The breakdown of glycogen is one of the sources of energy for muscle contraction), the cell wall

Plants - cellulose, fungi - chitinous.
Answer: 11122
B 4 Put in the correct order the processes related to the reproduction and development of a frog, starting

With the formation of germ cells. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.
1) replacement of gill breathing with pulmonary
2) laying eggs by the female in the water
3) development of gills, muscles and skeleton
4) fertilization of eggs by males
5) the appearance of the larva
Fertilization is external. Females spawn, very similar to fish eggs, and males water it.

seminal fluid. Spermatozoa penetrate the eggs and fertilize them. Shells of eggs in water

They swell strongly, become transparent, stick together with each other, forming lumps, and float on

Surface or attached to underwater objects. After fertilization, the larvae begin to

To develop, as a result, a multicellular embryo is formed in the egg. A few days later from the eggs

A larva appears - a tadpole. The tadpole initially has a tail and resembles a fish fry. breathes

Tadpole with three pairs of feathery gills located on the sides of the head. In further development, there are

Lungs, three-chambered heart, two circles of blood circulation. Next come the hind and forelimbs.

First, it becomes thinner, and then shortened, then the tail disappears completely, and the tadpole turns into

Little frog.
female laying eggs in water → fertilization of eggs by males → appearance of larvae → development of gills,

Musculature and skeleton → replacement of gill breathing with pulmonary
Answer: 24531

5) take a plate and lay dry filter paper on its bottom
3) moisten the filter paper with water and keep it constantly moist during the experiment
1) put 10 pre-soaked (for 8-10 hours) cucumber seeds on paper
2) cover the plate with plastic wrap
6) put the plate in a warm place
4) in a day, examine the seeds, record the results in the observation diary
Answer: 531264
B 1 How do sympathetic nerves affect the activity of human organs? Choose three correct answers from six

1) reduce the intensity of metabolism
2) increase blood sugar
3) constrict the blood vessels of the skin
4) slow down breathing
5) increase heart rate
6) increase undulating bowel movements
The autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that regulates the activity of the circulatory system.

Respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, as well as metabolism and thus functional

The state of all tissues of the body of vertebrates and humans.
235 - The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system ensures the mobilization of the body's

Resources (energy and intellectual) to do the job. As a result of activation of the sympathetic

The heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, the bronchi dilate, motility and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract decrease,

Blood vessels constrict, blood pressure increases, liver glycogen stores are converted into glucose

Necessary for active action.
146 - Functions of the parasympathetic nervous system. Activation of the parasympathetic system leads to

Decreased heart rate and respiration, bronchial constriction and increased bronchial secretion,

Increased motility and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract, which is necessary for digestion.

Glucose is converted into glycogen stores.
Answer: 235

And write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) cerebral cortex
2) cerebellum
3) motor nerves
4) sensory nerves
5) medulla oblongata
6) nerve nodes

Answer: 125
B 3 Match the animal with the type of its postembryonic development. For this to

For each element in the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter the numbers in the table

Selected responses.

A) common toad1) straight
B) lake frog2) indirect
B) cabbage butterfly
D) house sparrow
D) crocodile

Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

Postembryonic development can be direct or indirect (accompanied by metamorphosis

With direct development, the newly appeared organism is similar in structure to the parent and differs from it.

Only the size and incomplete development of organs. Direct development is characteristic of man and others

Mammals, birds, reptiles.
Answer: 22211
B 4 Put in the correct order the elements of the path along which nerve impulses are conducted during

Implementation of the reflex. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.
1) working body
2) sensitive nerve endings
3) sensitive way
4) site of the central nervous system
5) executive way
Reflex arc (nervous arc) - the path traversed by nerve impulses during the implementation of the reflex.
sensory nerve endings → sensory pathway → section of the CNS → executive pathway →

Working body
Answer: 23451
B 5 Fill in the text “Organ systems” with the missing terms from the proposed list, using

This digital designation. Write in the text the numbers of the selected answers, and then the resulting

Enter the sequence of numbers (in the text) in the table below.

Circulatory, etc. The endocrine system is a system of glands ___________ (A) secretion. They highlight in

Blood special chemicals - ___________ (B). Thus, adrenaline is produced by ___________ (B).

Thanks to another organ system, the immune system, immunity is created in the human body. To the organs

The immune system includes the bone marrow, thymus, ___________ (G), etc.
1) external
2) internal
3) enzyme
4) hormone
5) antibody
6) spleen
7) adrenal gland
8) pancreas

In the human body, various organ systems are distinguished, among them - digestive, respiratory,

Circulatory, etc. The endocrine system is a system of glands of INTERNAL (A) secretion. They highlight in

Blood special chemicals - HORMONES (B). Yes, adrenaline is produced by the adrenal glands.

(IN). Thanks to another organ system, the immune system, immunity is created in the human body. To the organs

The immune system includes the bone marrow, thymus gland, SPLEEN (G), etc.
The organs of the immune system include bone marrow, thymus gland (thymus), lymphoid tissue of the walls

Respiratory and digestive systems (tonsils, single and group lymphoid nodules

ileum, group lymphoid nodules of the appendix), lymph nodes,

Spleen. Cellular elements of the organs of the immune system - lymphocytes and plasmocytes provide

Immune defense of the body.
Answer: 2476
B 6 Fill in the text “Cell types” with the missing terms from the proposed list using

Enter the sequence of numbers (in the text) in the table below.
The first on the path of historical development were organisms that have small cells with a simple

Organization, - _________ (A). These prenuclear cells do not have a formalized _________ (B). In them

Only the nuclear zone is distinguished, containing _________ (B) DNA. Modern _________ have such cells (G)

And blue-green.
List of terms:
1) chromosome
2) prokaryotes
3) cytoplasm
4) ring molecule
5) core
6) unicellular animal
7) bacterium
8) eukaryotic
Explanation. B6. Consider a photograph of a pedunculate oak leaf. Select characteristics that match

Its structure, according to the following plan: leaf type, leaf venation, leaf shape; sheet type by ratio

Length, width, location of the widest part, shape of the edge. When doing work, use

Ruler and pencil.
A. Sheet type
1) petiolate
2) sedentary
B. Leaf venation
1) parallel
2) arcuate
3) fingered
4) pinnate

B. Leaf shape

D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

D. Leaf edge shape

Write in the table the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters.
Answer: 14125
Answer: 2547B 1 What sciences study living systems at the organismal level? Choose three correct answers from

Six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) anatomy
2) biocenology
3) physiology
4) molecular biology
5) psychology
6) evolutionary teaching
The elementary unit of the organismal level is the individual, which, as a system, exists from the moment

Origin until the end of existence.
The sciences that study living systems at the organismal level are 1 (anatomy), 3 (physiology) and 5

2 - Biogeocenotic level; 4 - Molecular genetic level; 6 - Population-species

Answer: 135
B 2 What features are typical for representatives of the class Cartilaginous fish? Choose three correct answers from

Six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) lack of gill covers
2) axial skeleton is bone or bone-cartilaginous
3) lack of a swim bladder
4) only external fertilization
5) live in rivers, lakes, ponds
6) live in the seas and oceans
Cartilaginous fish, unlike bony fish, do not have a swim bladder; gills open outwards

crevices; there are no gill covers; the skeleton is made up of cartilage; most species live in salt waters, although

There are also fresh water. Cartilaginous fish are characterized by internal fertilization.
Answer: 136
B 3 Establish a correspondence between the sign and the skin layer for which it is characteristic. For this, for each

For the element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter in the table the numbers of the selected

A) receptors are located 1) epidermis
B) sebaceous and sweat glands are located 2) dermis
C) when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, melanin is synthesized in cells
D) cells are constantly shedding and renewing
D) the layer is penetrated by numerous blood and lymphatic vessels
Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.
The skin consists of the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat (hypoderm).
The epidermis includes five layers of epidermal cells. The epidermis also contains melanin, which

Colors the skin and causes a tan effect.
The dermis, or the skin itself, is a connective tissue and consists of 2 layers - papillary

The layer on which numerous outgrowths are located, containing loops of capillaries and nerve

Endings, and a reticular layer containing blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings,

Hair follicles, glands, as well as elastic, collagen and smooth muscle fibers that give the skin

Strength and elasticity.
Subcutaneous fat consists of bundles of connective tissue and fat accumulations, permeated

blood vessels and nerve fibers. The physiological function of adipose tissue is to

Accumulation and storage of nutrients. In addition, it serves for thermoregulation and additional

Protection of internal organs.
Answer: 22112
B 4 Arrange the bones of the upper limb in the correct order, starting from the shoulder girdle. In response

Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) bones of the metacarpus
2) humerus
3) phalanges of fingers
4) radius
5) wrist bones
Answer: 24513
B 5 Put the instructions for germinating seeds in the correct order. Write in your answer

The corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) put 10 pre-soaked (for 8-10 hours) cucumber seeds on paper
2) cover the plate with plastic wrap
3) moisten the filter paper with water and keep it constantly moist during the experiment
4) in a day, examine the seeds, record the results in the observation diary
5) take a plate and lay dry filter paper on its bottom
6) put the plate in a warm place
5) take a plate and lay dry filter paper on its bottom
3) moisten the filter paper with water and keep it constantly moist during the experiment
1) put 10 pre-soaked (for 8-10 hours) cucumber seeds on paper
2) cover the plate with plastic wrap
6) put the plate in a warm place
4) in a day, examine the seeds, record the results in the observation diary
Answer: 531264
B 6 Consider a photograph of a cherry leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to

Pencil.A. Sheet type
1) petiolate
2) sedentary
B. Leaf venation
1) parallel
2) arcuate
3) fingered
4) pinnate
B. Leaf shape
D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part
E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)
Write in the table the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters.
Cherry leaf: petiolate, pinnate, whole, oval, serrate
Answer: 14423
B 1 What signs characterize agrocenosis? Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under

which they are indicated.
1) the natural circulation of substances in this community is disturbed
2) a high number of plants of the same species
3) a large number of plant and animal species
4) the leading factor affecting the community is artificial selection
5) closed circulation of substances
6) species have different adaptations for living together
Agrocenosis (agroecosystem) is an artificial system created as a result of human activity.

Examples of agrocenoses: park, field, garden, pasture, personal plot.
The similarity of agrocenosis and biogeocenosis, the presence of three links: organisms - producers, consumers and

Destroyers of organic matter, the cycle of substances, territorial and food relations between

Organisms, plants are the initial link in the food chain.
Differences between agrocenosis and biogeocenosis: a small number of species in agrocenosis, the predominance of organisms of one

Species (e.g. wheat in the field, sheep in the pasture), short food chains, incomplete cycling

(significant removal of biomass in the form of crops), poor self-regulation, high number of animals

Six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) hydra
2) jellyfish
3) earthworm
4) Maybug
5) coral polyp
6) viper
Radial (radial) symmetry - a form of symmetry in which the body (or figure) coincides with itself

When an object rotates around a specific point or line. Choosing representatives of the type

Intestinal: 125
The rest (346) have bilateral symmetry
Answer: 125
B 3 Establish a correspondence between the trait and the plant cell organoid for which this trait

Characteristic. To do this, for each element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter in

Table of numbers of selected answers.

A) is a cavity-reservoir1) vacuole
B) has a double membrane 2) chloroplast
C) filled with cell sap
D) contains photosynthetic pigments
D) separated from the cytoplasm by a single membrane
E) synthesizes starch from carbon dioxide and water

Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

A vacuole is a single-membrane organelle found in some eukaryotic cells that performs

Various functions (secretion, excretion and storage of reserve substances, autophagy, autolysis, etc.).

Chloroplasts are green plastids found in photosynthetic eukaryotic cells. From their

Assisted by photosynthesis. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll. Green plants have

double membrane organelles
Answer: 121212
B 4 Put in the correct order the processes related to the reproduction and development of birds, starting with

Nesting. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.
1) oviposition and incubation by females
2) fertilization of eggs in the oviducts of the female by the seminal fluid of males
3) building nests or repairing previously used ones
4) the appearance of offspring and the manifestation of care for him
5) the formation of white and other membranes in eggs
Explanation - building nests or repairing previously used ones
- fertilization (internal) of eggs in the oviducts of the female by the seminal fluid of males
- gradual formation of the albumen and other membranes in eggs when passing through the oviducts
- oviposition and incubation
- the appearance of offspring and the manifestation of care for him
Answer: 32514
B 5 Fill in the text “Human Tissues” with the missing terms from the proposed list using

Numerical designations. Write in the text the numbers of the selected answers, and then the resulting

Enter the sequence of numbers (in the text) in the table below.

There are four main groups of tissues in the human body. In ___________ (A) tissues well developed

intercellular substance. In ___________ (B) and lymph - intercellular substance ___________ (C). IN

___________ (D) tissue cells tightly adjoin each other. These tissues form the integument of the body and line

Cavities of internal organs.

1) epithelial
2) connecting
3) coverslips
4) educational
5) blood
6) liquid
7) durable
8) elastic

There are four main groups of tissues in the human body. In CONNECTIVE (A) tissues well

Developed intercellular substance. In BLOOD (B) and lymph - intercellular substance LIQUID (C). IN

EPITHELIAL (D) tissue cells are tightly adjacent to each other. These tissues form the integument of the body and

Lines the cavities of internal organs.
Answer: 2561
B 6 Look at the photograph of a currant leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to

Next plan: sheet type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and

The location of the widest part; edge shape. When working, use a ruler and

A. Sheet type
1) petiolate
2) sedentary
B. Leaf venation
1) parallel
2) arcuate
3) fingered
4) pinnate
B. Leaf shape
D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part
E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)
Write in the table the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters.
Currant leaf: petiolate, with palmate venation, palmate-lobed, rounded, doubly serrate
B 1 What features are common for gymnosperms and ferns? Choose three

2) have conductive tissues
3) have shoots with leaves
4) have roots
5) form seeds
6) form bumps

Answer: 234
B 2 What structures are included in the human central nervous system? Choose three correct answers from six

And write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) cerebral cortex
2) cerebellum
3) motor nerves
4) sensory nerves
5) medulla oblongata
6) nerve nodes
The central nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord. Parts of the brain:

medulla oblongata, cerebellum, midbrain, diencephalon, forebrain

Answer: 125
B 3 Match the example of an environmental factor with the group to which it belongs. For

This for each element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter the numbers in the table

Selected responses.

A) hepatitis virus1) abiotic factor
B) chemical composition of the soil 2) biotic factor
B) daylight hours
D) plant pollen
D) tornado
Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.
Abiotic - factors of inanimate nature;
Biotic - associated with the activities of living organisms.
Answer: 21121
B 4 Put in the correct order the events that occur during the germination of beans. Write in your answer

The corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) the appearance of cotyledons
2) the appearance of green leaves
3) destruction of the seed coat
4) swelling of the seed
5) the appearance of the root
Through the hole (micropyle) in the seed coat, water penetrates into the seed and the seed swells.
The spine comes first
the seed coat is destroyed
cotyledons appear,
green leaves appear.
Answer: 45312
B 5 Fill in the text "Ferns" with the missing terms from the proposed list, using

Numerical designations. Write in the text the numbers of the selected answers, and then the resulting

Enter the sequence of numbers (in the text) in the table below.
Ferns are ___________ (A) plants because they reproduce by spores that form in

Special organs - sori. ___________ (B) develops from the spore - a special stage in the development of the fern,

Forming gametes. For the successful fusion of gametes and the formation of ___________ (B) during sexual

Ferns need ___________ (G) to reproduce, so in our forests they are found in shady

1) water
2) sprout
3) mineral salt
4) seedling
5) ovule
6) zygote
7) spore
8) flower

Ferns are SPORE (A) plants because they reproduce by spores that form in

Special organs - sori. ZAROSTOK (B) develops from the spore - a special stage of fern development,

Forming gametes. For the successful fusion of gametes and the formation of ZYGOTE (B) during sexual reproduction

Ferns need WATER (G), so in our forests they are found in shady places.
Answer: 7261

Correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) reproduction depends on water
2) have conductive tissues
3) have shoots with leaves
4) have roots
5) form seeds
6) form bumps
Features common to gymnosperms and ferns - 234
1 - sign of fern-like plants; 5 and 6 - a sign of gymnosperms.
Answer: 234
B 2 What structures are included in the human peripheral nervous system? Choose three correct answers from

Six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) spinal nerve
2) nerve node
3) diencephalon
4) cranial nerve
5) spinal cord
6) midbrain
The peripheral nervous system is a conditionally distinguished part of the nervous system, the structures of which

They are located outside the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system includes 12 pairs of cranial

Nerves, their roots, sensory and autonomic nodes located along the trunks and branches of these

Nerves, as well as the anterior and posterior roots of the spinal cord and 31 pairs of spinal nerves, sensitive

Nodes, nerve plexuses, peripheral nerve trunks of the trunk and extremities, right and left

Sympathetic trunks, autonomic plexuses, nodes and nerves.
Answer: 124
B 3 Match the trait with the kingdom of organisms for which this trait is characteristic.

To do this, for each element of the first column, select a position from the second column. Enter in the table

The numbers of the selected answers.
A) regulate their activities reflexively1) Plants
B) form oxygen in the light 2) Animals
C) absorb carbon dioxide and water in the process of eating
D) feed on ready-made organic substances
D) actively move in search of food
E) form carbohydrates in the light
Write in the line of answers the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.
Differences between the Plant, Animal and Fungi Kingdoms
- Plants are autotrophs, they produce organic substances for themselves from inorganic substances in the process

- Animals and fungi are heterotrophs, i.e. ready-made organic substances are obtained from food.
- Animals are able to move, grow only before the start of reproduction.
- Plants and fungi do not move, but grow indefinitely throughout life.
- Only plants have plastids (chloropalasts, leukoplasts, chromoplasts)
- Only plants have a large central vacuole, which occupies most of the adult cell

(the shell of this vacuole is called the tonoplast, and the contents are cell sap).
- Only animals do not have a cell wall (dense shell), plants have it from cellulose

(fiber), and in fungi - from chitin.
Only animals have a cell center (centrioles).
The reserve carbohydrate in plants is starch, while in animals and fungi it is glycogen.
- In the food chain: plants - producers; animals are consumers; fungi are destroyers.
Answer: 211221
B 4 Put the organisms in the food chain in the correct order, starting with the organism that absorbs

Sunlight. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.
1) linden
2) sparrow hawk
3) odorous beetle
4) common starling
5) gypsy moth caterpillar
Food chain - a chain of interconnected species that sequentially extract organic matter and energy

From the original food substance. Each previous link in the food chain is food for the next.

Herbivores (primary consumers) eat plants, primary predators (consumer

Second order) eat herbivores, secondary predators (third order consumers) eat

Smaller predators.
linden → gypsy moth caterpillar → odorous beetle → common starling → hawk

Answer: 15342
B 5 Fill in the text “Insect development” with the missing terms from the proposed list, using

This digital designation. Write in the text the numbers of the selected answers, and then the resulting

Enter the sequence of numbers (in the text) in the table below.
Insects with ___________ (A) go through four stages in their development. In insects with ___________ (B)

There is no stage ___________ (B). In butterflies, the larva is called ___________ (D). Development with transformation

Allows insects to be more adapted to the conditions of existence.
1) caterpillar
2) larva
3) chrysalis
4) egg
5) incomplete transformation
6) complete transformation
7) adult insect
8) Lepidoptera
Insects with COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION (A) go through four stages in their development. In insects with

INCOMPLETE TRANSFORMATION (B) lacks the pupa stage (C). In butterflies, the larva is called

CATERPILLAR (D). Development with transformation enables insects to be more adapted to

conditions of existence.
Answer: 6531
B 6 Look at the photograph of a begonia leaf. Select the characteristics corresponding to its structure, according to

Next plan: sheet type; leaf venation; leaf shape; type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and

The location of the widest part; edge shape. When working, use a ruler and

A. Sheet type
1) petiolate
2) sedentary
B. Leaf venation
1) parallel
2) arcuate
3) fingered
4) pinnate
B. Leaf shape
D. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part
E. Edge of the sheet (for selection)
Write in the table the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters.
Begonia leaf: petiolate, palmate, entire, rounded, wavy
Answer: 13472
