Design of the New Year's newspaper. Do-it-yourself posters for the new year

Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without a wall newspaper. New Year's wall newspaper allows you to congratulate a large number of people. Surprise with unexpected congratulations, unique design and possibly small gifts. A do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2020 will bring pleasure to all those who will consider and read it. Many will be able to see themselves on the wall newspaper, laugh at funny stories, and get a prediction from the future.

The question of how to make posters for the New Year will be asked by everyone who will have this event.

The wall newspaper for the new year will be appropriate in the following institutions:

Public organizations;
State bodies;
Commercial organizations;
Educational establishments.

Materials and tools for creating a wall newspaper

In order to create a unique and interesting wall newspaper, you must:

Sheets of white paper;
colored paper;
Quilling paper;
Colored and satin ribbons;
Christmas decorations, Christmas tinsel;
Colored pens;
Sweets (as gifts);
Papers with predictions (if the idea of ​​​​the newspaper requires it);
Ready-made newspaper templates.

new year posters to school

The original New Year's poster for schoolchildren is a difficult task. Now it is hard to surprise modern children. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren are busy playing games on the computer, and spend little time on real creativity. Therefore, creating a wall newspaper for the new year 2020 is a fun event that can rally the whole class.

Before you carry out a wall newspaper, you need to decide on the general idea:

You can congratulate everyone with beautiful congratulations, decorating the wall newspaper with New Year's pictures;
You can congratulate specific people;
Describe interesting stories that happened to the class, supplementing them with photographs;
Describe your class. Attach photos of students and teachers. Prepare funny greetings;
Write unique poems about teachers and their merits;
Represent your class in the future. Substitute the students' heads for the templates of the figures of famous people. Such a wall newspaper will be remembered for a very long time by the whole class, and maybe the whole school.

DIY poster for kindergarten

Very often in the kindergarten, children congratulate their parents, and educators help children create a congratulatory poster for the New Year 2020 with their own hands. This poster can:
Post photos of children with beautiful rhymes;
Post photos of parents with children;
Place photos of parents in childhood next to photos of children, for comparison. It is very interesting if there are photos of parents when they were small, and children will be from children's matinees in order to keep the New Year theme;
Choose ready-made templates on the theme of the New Year from the existing list.

Wall newspaper made in an adult institution

If a poster is being prepared for a commercial organization, a government organization, or another body, it is necessary to select such templates, texts and topics so that they are of interest to an adult.

If there is a wall newspaper in the office, the wall will take on a more festive look. A voluminous poster will allow you to put a lot of information on it and make you stay near it longer.

For such a wall newspaper, you can choose a design containing:

Comic predictions for the new year;
Small gifts (can be sweet) to all those who will read the newspaper. For example: (read the New Year's rhyme, get the candy for yourself from Santa Claus's bag);
Photos of the successes of employees for the year (birth of a child, marriage, advanced training, etc.)
Beautiful nominal congratulations, decorated in a comic style;
Templates where you can substitute heads for figures cut out of magazines.
Whichever option is chosen, there is confidence that the person who will read the wall newspaper will enjoy the holiday, and if he has not yet realized that the holiday is rapidly approaching, he will understand it very quickly.
Step-by-step master - a class on creating a wall newspaper
Divide the wall newspaper into conditional blocks. This means that you need to think about where the name of the wall newspaper will be located, photos, texts, gifts, predictions and other planned information are posted;

Decide on the drawings that will fill the wall newspaper. These can be symbols of the year (note the symbol of 2020 is the Rat), images of fairy-tale characters, including Santa Claus, deer, snowmen, and so on. Photos of certain persons;
Prepare additional paraphernalia that will decorate the wall newspaper: toys, tinsel, ribbons, sparkles, predictions, sweets, three-dimensional figures, and so on;
Choose fonts, colors and ways to decorate and decorate the wall newspaper, as well as templates;
Pick up congratulatory, informative, comic, educational and other texts;
Treat the preparation of a wall newspaper with a soul, leaving a piece of happiness, joy and positive emotions on it.

The main thing in a wall newspaper is a positive start, and after the start of work, the fantasy itself will develop, and beautiful pictures, original ideas and interesting congratulations will pop up in your head. And a large number of templates will reduce the time for preparing a wall newspaper.

A bright do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2020 (we think you have already picked up the templates) is a great gift for a large number of people, pleasant emotions and a sense of celebration.

How to draw a poster for the New Year 2017, the year of the Rooster, on a Whatman paper in stages?

    A poster for the year of the Rooster can be designed traditionally, for example, by depicting a Christmas tree with toys (on the left), the inscription Happy New Year! at the top center, and on the right - the symbol of the year - the Rooster. You can not draw some elements, but cut out pictures from magazines (or print photos on a color printer) and paste them into the overall composition. As for the rooster, then, depending on the level of complexity of execution, we choose either a very simple option like this one:

    Or complex (it will work only for someone who already knows how to draw well - here you will need to use watercolor), but incredibly beautiful, like this (details here):

    Draw such a picture, it will be a beautiful solution.

    however, you can draw a Rooster - a symbol of 2017. In the hands of the Rooster, wishes for a Happy New Year.

    You can draw a rooster more fun.

    This is how you can draw a rooster step by step for the New Year 2017.

    First of all, we decide where this poster will hang with us. For kindergarten, the image will be more childish, for school, the poster will be more for adults.

    Be sure to train to draw individual elements of our poster. We will definitely have a Christmas tree. One of the simple elements of the picture.

    The next element we will have is Santa Claus.

    Adding animals.

    Turn on your imagination and draw with all your heart.

    The rooster is the main character of many Slavic fairy tales. It is believed that with his morning crowing, he calls for the dawn. Is the mascot of awakening, dawn.

    On the houses, the cockerel was carved from wood for protection.

    So, there is hope that the symbol of 2017 will bring happiness and tranquility, peace and prosperity to every home.

    Drawing Santa Claus is not difficult, the main thing is to choose which one you need - small, large and what place it will take on whatman paper. There are several options. The same goes for the Snow Maiden.

    We draw the symbol of 2017 of the Year of the Rooster like this:

    The poster for the New Year 2017 will most likely contain a colorful congratulatory inscription HAPPY NEW 2017. To give some originality to the inscription, you can depict the numbers 2017 in an unusual way (see examples below).

    You should also pay special attention to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

    Below you can find a step-by-step image of Santa Claus with his granddaughter.

    Great question!

    If I may, I will consider each point of your question.

    You can beautifully beat the numbers of 2017 in a lot of ways. You can draw three-dimensional letters and add color. You can make numbers out of foil to make it really festive.

    We can draw a Christmas tree using a simple diagram. Do you remember drawing trees as a child? That's how it is now. You need to sketch first.

    for example like this:

    But first - decide where you will have a Christmas tree. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other characters.

    If you draw Santa Claus with your granddaughter, then I will offer you a very interesting scheme. I suggested it in another question of the author, but even now it will be very appropriate. Look here please:

    2017 is the Year of the Rooster. This luxurious (I'm not afraid of this word) bird can also be drawn in the most ordinary way. I like this option:

    Of course, this is just one of the options. I think that whatman paper is conducive to creativity, so there will be no problems).

    The most important thing is color! Do not forget that all the paints dry out and the drawing becomes not as bright as we would like. I recommend mixing colors and adding, for example, white to add volume. It will be very beautiful and noticeable.

    Chinese art:

    I think that if you add 2017, write Happy New Year! - will be the original version of the poster.

    You need to choose an example of a finished image, preferably with a step-by-step and step-by-step illustration, and then it will be much easier to do all the work. You can read more about the drawing technique in my BV lessons here:

    What are the basic rules and canons of drawing with a simple pencil, how to work with pencils, composition and paper?

    How to learn to draw using diagrams, photo drawing diagrams, step by step approx?

So the moment has come when it's already time to think about the new year and how you will entertain your friends at the New Year's table. Someone will say - what is there to think? Let's tell jokes, remember funny stories and dance. But is this enough? No, this is very little! So we offer you interesting options, for example, forfeits for the new year 2017 for children and adults. Funny tasks, cool and interesting ideas - no one will forget such a game and everyone will be delighted!

Recall the rules of the game of forfeits.
You write tasks on a piece of paper and assign a number to each task. Then you make tokens or tickets with numbers and put them in a bag. Guests take turns taking out one ticket and show the number. The host reads out the fanta task according to the number. And the guest does the job.

And now the tasks for the fans for the year of the rooster.
1. Show a surprised rooster.
2. Show the rooster who found out that he is now not the only rooster in the hen house.
3. Tell guests: Happy New Year! But only pronounce vowels.
4. Come up with and show how a rooster crows in Chinese, German, Italian and Armenian.
5. Imagine that there is a lot of snow in the room and walk along it from corner to corner.
6. Tell a joke about a rooster or chickens.
7. To say a toast about a small but proud bird: about a rooster.
8. With a Georgian accent, sing a song in the forest, a Christmas tree was born.
9. Show the hut on chicken legs, which found out that it was bought with a mortgage.
10. Put food on a fork and waltz with it.
11. Pick up a fried leg (meat) and sincerely, without smiling, confess your love to him.
12. Show a rooster who saw grilled chickens spinning in the oven.
13. Perform a New Year's song in the style of chanson.
14. Tell a New Year's rhyme and crow after each word.
15. Show a champagne cork that is being opened.
16. Come up with your own rooster dance and arrange a flash mob with the guests.
17. Show the mating dance of the rooster.
18. Show a rooster that is cold.
19. Tell your guests what color your underpants are and why this color on New Year's Eve.
20. Come up with three wishes for the horses in the Santa Claus team.
21. Show a robot that pours champagne and drinks it.
22. Give five compliments to your company.
23. Come up with five rhymes for the word cock.
24. Crow as if the rooster is hoarse.
25. Show the chimes that slow down a little.
26. Take any food from the table and tell guests about its healing properties.
27. Draw a sparkler.
28. To say a toast in which the cock will be sacrificed.
29. Lucky phantom - you can come up with a task for any guest.
30. Super fant - make a New Year's wish that will definitely come true!

These are the ideas for fans for the year of the rooster we have. And we also have an interesting video congratulations on the year of the rooster. Watch it and show it to your guests.

Despite the fact that I was completely confident in the excellent state of my own health, I became scared. And here Natasha came to the rescue. At the stall with the inscription Best Food. A couple of meters away from us, two thin-necked sergeants were indeed peacefully eating cakes with meat. I started the engine and rushed to the address indicated by Kiryushka. My heart was restless. I turned my head and saw two policemen. Standing a bit away from. Who Alice was remained a mystery, but I was not going to solve it.

We saw a ladder made of steel bars. Without thinking twice, I climbed up, deciding that the panel opens in the same way as the one through which we got into the tunnel. She rested her hands against the wall, pushed it away, climbed out into which one. That little room and said Vanya. There was a sniffling, and later Ivan's voice sounded in complete darkness. I was confused, but optimistically answered. At that very moment, the closet lit up with light, I closed my eyes. I was standing in the toilet. Two toilet bowls without toilet seats and drain tanks amused the ear. Peacefully murmuring water. There was a strong smell of bleach, the doorway was closed with a net, and beyond. Squirrel, Misha and two gloomy men with machine guns were standing. I glared at the guys with the guns and blurted out.

I stretched again. It was behind a mirror, but here a passerby pointed his finger in the direction of my typewriter and continued. I surveyed the offended Zhiguli, picked up the sneakers that fell out of the box and grunted. The man pouted, puffed for a couple of minutes and declared. Here I am slapping into the store, holding in my fist the pennies given out by Raisa for a bottle of beer. Zhigulevsky was in Moscow in those years. To get it, as soon as the lighted boxes arrived in the shops, a horde of peasants stormed the counters, shouting. Sobbing, I laid out the essence of the matter to her, told her about Raisa, beer, coins, the sewerage network ... The woman shoved the banknote into my fist by force. The door to Zalygina's apartment was open and propped up with a stool, and on the stairs, on the windowsill, sat a woman in shorts and a T-shirt smeared with paint. The girl jumped off the windowsill, put her hands on her hips and barked. I noticed that her voice had changed and repeated it. Nika bit her lower lip, then decisively shook her hair and again rushed into battle. I quietly listened to the already well-known story about cheating with things. I nodded. I know this place.

I had to obey. Almira lived in a brand new house, in a multi-room apartment filled with expensive furniture. I opened. There was a mouth, but here the sharp ringing of the phone made me flinch. Almira grabbed the phone. Then she looked at. Suddenly I was offended. But Almira is an extremely nasty person. I silently walked to the door. I quickly ran to the door. And before that Almira managed to get up from the sofa, pulled the handle, jumped into the elevator and after a few minutes was in the six.

My phone rang in my pocket, I hurriedly left Krestov to deal with the numb Zhanna. She looked at the screen of the tube and said quickly. A male voice came from the cell phone. Tenacity hired by Max. The actor admired. Another would have long realized that he played his role poorly, he was seen through. It's time to stop fiddling. But no, the fool keeps talking about the chest and the chicken. Well, at the moment he will get it from me ... Silence hung in the receiver. A lady's voice cut through, chattering in English. I turned around, saw an attractive lady in a blue dress and asked. For a few moments the woman chattered at machine-gun speed, then fell silent, paused and looked at.

The New Year holidays are approaching and very soon preparatory activities will begin in preschool and educational institutions. As a rule, this is the decoration of classes and venues for holding matinees, rehearsals of performances and the creation of congratulatory wall newspapers. Of course, every class or group should have editors to produce them. Usually, these are talented children who not only know how to draw well, but also correctly present any information so that it is fun, interesting and attractive.

But, unfortunately, at present, among children there are not always those who want to engage in creative activities. Therefore, wall masterpieces are made in turn, or this mission falls to the delinquent students. Moreover, in kindergartens and elementary grades, mostly parents are engaged in wall newspapers. For many dads and moms, this is a good reason to remember childhood, to take a direct part in the school life of your child, and most importantly, to have fun, developing a message for creativity in your child.

What to consider when creating a New Year's wall newspaper

  • First, you need to remember that any wall newspaper must be original and unique. Children perfectly remember all the details of past issues, so repetitions will not be interesting for them.
  • Secondly, in addition to congratulations and thematic drawings, the newspaper should carry information related to school and extracurricular activities, summarizing the results of 2016 and facts from the lives of individual students.
  • And thirdly, it is necessary to dilute the school theme by posting interesting facts about the symbol of the upcoming 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster. Based on the horoscope, you can make up what awaits the children in the next academic year, add information about each New Year's holiday and character.

What materials are needed for a wall newspaper

By standard standards, the wall version of the newspaper is created on Whatman paper in A1 format. To make colorful drawings, any improvised means for drawing are used: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, and so on. To facilitate the task, you can print ready-made templates for inscriptions, frames, patterns and images. But more on that later…. So, in addition to "drawing" materials and paper, you will need:

  1. simple pencil;
  2. eraser, ruler, compasses;
  3. multi-colored paper;
  4. artistic brushes;
  5. scissors;
  6. stationery glue;
  7. shiny rain, tinsel, serpentine, sparkles, etc.;
  8. photographs or printed scans of people to whom the wall newspaper is dedicated.

By the way, to create a New Year's composition, you can use shreds of fabric, ribbons, ribbons, small spruce branches, bells, miniature Christmas toys - such an original mix of patchwork and eco-decor styles. In fact, there are many options for decorating a wall newspaper, you just need to dream up a little.

How to arrange a wall newspaper

For those who have never had to engage in such creativity in their lives, we suggest using our advice. The first thing to do is to make a list of content: texts, photos and drawings. For each of them, it is necessary to allocate a separate block and decide where it will be placed on the Whatman paper. Therefore, we take a ruler, a simple pencil and make markings. We sign sections of the template (with a graphite pencil, then erase with an eraser), for example: a title, congratulations, text about the year of the Rooster, a drawing of a Christmas tree, a collage of photographs, etc. This will make it possible to clearly distribute the space of the wall newspaper and make the correct orientation of the available information.

Wall newspaper example:

Important! Start creating a wall newspaper as early as possible so that you can come up with something fun, original and informative without haste, as well as pay attention to the quality of graphic content.


If you have an even and beautiful handwriting, then it will not be difficult for you to write the text directly on the drawing paper. Do not forget to draw horizontal lines (then erase with an eraser) so that the lines are even. For writing, you can use multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.

If your handwriting is lame or you need to write a lot of information, then we suggest using an excellent option - type text on a computer along the width of a wall newspaper column, print it on a printer and stick it on paper with PVA glue. Here you can already apply graphic tools: a beautiful font and a Christmas frame. Keep in mind that your masterpiece will be read by people of all ages, so make the letters larger.

Advice! Templates can be used for headings. Therefore, we have selected an excellent gallery of templates for you. Also below are various graphic templates for the New Year theme that will help people who have poor knowledge of drawing techniques.


Graphic elements are of particular importance in the design, because only they can create a festive atmosphere, make the newspaper interesting, colorful and informative. What images must be present:

  1. Red Fire Rooster. This is a symbol of 2017, so the bird drawing will be the most relevant. You can draw the master of the year yourself by adding sparkles to the crest, wings and tail. But if this process turns out to be difficult for you, then you can use our template, thanks to which the cockerel will turn out to be more believable.
  2. The traditional decoration of the New Year's wall newspaper will be fairy-tale characters and holiday attributes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus on a reindeer team, old man's helpers forest animals, snowflakes, gifts, toys and of course the beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. As the practice of many years has shown, the brightest, discussed, funniest and most memorable feature of a wall masterpiece is a photo collage. It is desirable to arrange it as follows: cut out the heads of people in photographs and glue them to the drawn human figures.

Another drawing tip. A great way for amateurs to create a professional drawing is to use a children's coloring book template. It can be printed on a printer and transferred to whatman paper using carbon paper.

Additional materials and elements

And finally, the last and brightest touch in creating a New Year's wall newspaper is the use of a variety of sparkles, rain, serpentine, etc. Apply PVA glue to the places of the picture that should shine and shimmer. Then sprinkle evenly with small sequins. Excess powder simply blow off or turn the paper sheet over and shake lightly.

Advice. The best shiny topping will be a small crumb of a spoiled glass Christmas tree toy. Wrap a ball in thick paper and beat it well with a hammer on a hard surface. And don't forget about safety precautions, it's still glass!

Also, an important component of the New Year's wall newspaper is the opportunity to take part in its creation for everyone. Leave an empty space for wishes. Let everyone write their congratulations in honor of the New Year and Christmas. An alternative option would be a special pocket or an envelope with paper leaves in the form of snowflakes. You can write your congratulations on them. To do this, place a glass with multi-colored shiny felt-tip pens next to the wall newspaper.

Of course, our version of the wall newspaper may not suit everyone, so show your abilities and come up with your own masterpiece. We wish your congratulations to become the most beautiful personification of the festive mood not only for you, but also for those around you. And our New Year's gallery of templates will help with this ...

DIY wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 - templates

Lettering "Happy New Year!"

These templates are perfect for wall newspapers with little content. The congratulatory inscription will serve as a heading, and the highlighted sections will serve as a place to place the text. But we advise you to use only images for the central part, and place blocks with the rest of the content around.

letter stencils

Such templates are useful for creating beautiful headlines. Of course, to cut letters on paper, you have to try a little, but it's worth it. Thanks to this small gallery, the originality and colorfulness of your wall newspaper will be 100% guaranteed!

Helpful advice! In order to make a beautiful inscription, install Adobe Photoshop on your computer. There you will find a huge number of beautiful fonts. Write in the application the title you need, save it as an image and print it on the printer. It remains to take a clerical knife and cut out the letters.

Christmas character templates

Ded Moroz, Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Snowman... How can a New Year's wall newspaper do without these characters beloved by all children?! Download and print images of these cute fairy-tale characters and transfer them to whatman paper using carbon paper. Also, as an option, you can copy the image using a printer onto A4 paper, decorate, cut and paste.

Christmas tree

This tree is the brightest symbol of the New Year and Christmas, so a special place has been allocated for it in any wall newspaper.
