Health corner in kindergarten. How to select and place information? Health corner in kindergarten Do-it-yourself health corner in dow


Why do children often get sick?Yes, because it is so conceived by nature. The immune system is our defense against infections. Viruses, bacteria and their other pathogens are already native agents for the body. They are called antigens. As soon as they enter the body, the immune system produces antibodies that fight antigens and render them harmless. With good immunity, the body successfully defends itself, and the person either does not get sick at all, or quickly copes with the disease; when reduced, it fights off the infection sluggishly, it takes over, and the person is sick for a long time.

There are critical periods in the life of children, which are not yet fully understood by immunologists, but are known to all practitioners. The cellular composition of the blood changes twice in children: on the 4-5th day after birth and on the 4-5th year of life. With the second change, there are fewer lymphocytes in the blood, and more neutrophils (cells that quickly come to grips with bacterial pathogens) - more. Only after 5 years the child begins to react to viruses and bacteria in the same way as adults.

The question arises: maybe it would be better if the child went to kindergarten not at the age of 3, but at the age of 5, when the immune system has matured?

Perhaps. But not attending kindergarten at all is also bad: then the child does not get out of illness for the first two grades. Let her get sick in kindergarten. And he must get sick in order to develop protection against the most common pathogens!

Are there any rules?Yes, for every age.


Children's illnesses are inevitable, you can't get away from them. Of course, they always frustrate parental plans: they bought tickets to the theater in advance - the child fell ill, for once they gathered to visit - the baby fell ill with a fever, they offer their mother a profitable job, and her children do not have diarrhea, so scrofula ...

What to do? To love and treat these snotty whimsical creatures and wait patiently. When they outgrow all their problems. And this will definitely happen.

A month after the illness, the child should:

  • sleep a lot, preferably during the day;
  • eat at least 4 times a day;
  • drink vitamin preparations;
  • to walk alot;
  • communicate less with other people so as not to come into contact with their bacteria and viruses. Do not go with him to theaters, museums, guests, do not host them.


Many adults have learned from their own experience that other organs suffer from heart disease. After all, the cardiovascular system is a “river of life” that provides blood, and, consequently, nutrients and oxygen to the entire body. That is why the heart must be protected from childhood. Parents, knowing the characteristics of a child's heart and well aware of what is good for him and what is harmful, can help their child keep his heart healthy, consult a doctor in time if necessary. Today we will introduce you to the recommendations of physiologists V.N. Bezobrazova, S.B. Dogadkina, G.V. Kmit, L.V. Rubleva, A.N. Sharapov.

Tips for parents.

Tip 1. Teach your child to follow the daily routine. The habitual routine contributes to the rhythmic and well-coordinated work of the heart and the whole body. It is necessary to intelligently alternate mental stress with physical exercise, which will avoid overwork and keep the heart healthy.

Tip 2. Make sure your child sleeps well. Good sleep allows the heart to rest and gain strength.

Tip 3. Remember that the child must receive enough vitamins and minerals from food. A complete, varied and regular diet is necessary for the proper development and normal functioning of the heart. Do not overfeed your child, do not force him to eat. Being overweight is a direct threat to the heart.

Tip 4. Teach your child to move more. Morning exercises, walking, outdoor games, classes in sports sections, feasible physical activity have a positive effect on the work of the heart.

Tip 5 Try to pay more attention to the problems of the child, which sometimes seem insignificant to you. Help him with advice in difficult situations for him. Tell your child more often about how you love him, how much he is dear to you. Your love will make him feel more secure. Negative emotions are harmful to the heart and blood vessels.

Tip 6 Encourage your child to avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs. It is known that these substances adversely affect the body. Try to explain to him that he has only one life and you should not conduct an experiment on yourself to test the harmfulness or harmlessness of such substances - there will simply be nothing to compare with. Smart people learn from the mistakes of others!

Tip 7. Remember that many infectious diseases (tonsillitis, influenza, etc.) can cause complications in the heart and blood vessels. Follow the doctor's instructions and make sure that the child follows the home regimen until complete recovery.

Tip 8 The disease is easier to prevent than to cure!

Your child should have a medical examination every year. If for some reason the child did not pass the medical examination, bring him to the clinic to the pediatrician yourself. Timely detected deviations in the activity of the heart will avoid a more serious disease.

Tip 9. Never self-medicate a child. If your child has high blood pressure, do not give him the drugs taken by his hypertensive grandmother. Only a doctor should find out the cause of the increase in pressure and treat the child!

Tip 10. Know the measure in everything! If your child has any functional abnormalities in the activity of the heart, do not panic! Fulfilling all the recommendations of the doctor, do not suggest to the child that he is sick, do not focus too much attention on this, do not protect him from feasible physical exertion.


What is the posture of your child?

The formation of correct posture is one of the most important tasks of the physical education of children. This is a problem for almost every family these days.

Decreased physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, computer games, endless TV viewing - all this leads to a violation of posture. And then the school - it is unlikely that it will help correct the existing violations, most likely it will aggravate them.

Almost everything affects the posture of the child - the daily routine, the size of the furniture, the posture of the children during their favorite activities, their duration, proper nutrition. Where to start? Let's start with the definition of posture!

How to determine the posture of a child?

This can be done as follows: undress the child to the waist, put the child on a raised platform so that his shoulder blades are at the level of your eyes. Talk to your child to relieve tension and see the real picture. Look at how the child's shoulders are located: whether they form one line or one slightly higher than the other. Then see if the shoulder girdle, shoulder blades are symmetrical. If there is a violation, contact a specialist.

How to avoid bad posture?

  • Furniture: The design of the table and chair should provide support for the torso, arms and legs. The symmetrical position of the head and shoulder girdle, to match the growth. The child's legs should not hang down from the chair, the feet should be on the floor.
  • The length of the bed should be 20-25 cm longer than the height of the child. The pillow should not be too big and high. The child should not be allowed to sleep curled up, with legs pulled up to the chest. In this position, the shoulder blades are displaced, the spine is bent.
  • When drawing, looking at illustrations, the posture should be comfortable, the elbows of both hands are on the table, the shoulders are at the same level, the head is slightly tilted. The child should sit with the same load on both buttocks. The child must not be allowed to sit cross-legged, clinging them to the legs of a chair.

But the main thing is still physical activity - walk more with your child, visit the pool, go skiing, strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, and shoulder girdle. Don't send him to your room to watch TV!

And then everything will be fine for you!


"School of Why"

Parents whose children attend kindergarten often have questions. Let's try to answer the most common of them.

1. What is hardening?

Hardening is a set of measures aimed at strengthening the body's immune system. The most optimal conditions for the formation of an adequate protective reaction of the body are provided by contrast procedures (for example, pouring hot and cold water on the legs, a contrast shower)

2. Is it possible to use hardening procedures if the child is often sick?

Not only possible, but necessary! But the methods and techniques of hardening should be gentle and selected strictly individually, taking into account the state of health of the child. During the period of illness and recovery, hardening is not recommended.

3. What distinguishes sedentary children?

The body of sedentary children is the most vulnerable. Low mobility is a risk factor for a child, it is usually explained by his illness, weak motor skills or the fact that the child is accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle. Such children are more prone to colds.

4. Do you need morning exercises in kindergarten?

The purpose of morning exercises is to wake the body from sleep. However, in kindergarten it is important not so much as a means of awakening, but as an organized communication of children, a means of increasing emotional tone, relieving mental stress from parting with parents.

5. Why do we need sports holidays in kindergarten?

They contribute to the improvement of motor skills and abilities, the formation of interest and the need for physical exercises, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Holidays with parents are of particular importance. The role of personal example is undeniable!

6. Should the child be involved in physical education if he has other interests?

Movement is a biological need of the body, especially during the period of growth. Therefore, a complete lack of interest in physical exercise is an alarming signal. It is necessary to carefully and patiently return to the child the interest in movement given by nature. Statements like “He doesn’t want to go to physical education, leave him in the group” should not sound, especially in the presence of a child! Show your child a personal example - start by charging.


This beneficial self-massage

In order to harden and improve children, to relieve muscle tension, to increase the resistance of the child's body to colds, to create a sense of joy and good mood in your children, we offer self-massage with your child.

We offer several types of self-massage of biologically active zones for the prevention of colds using poetry.


Massage "Palms"



Here is our game:

Clap a hand, clap another.

Clap hands

Right, right palm

We will spank a little.

Slaps on the left arm from the shoulder to the hand.

Now with the palm of your left

Do the clapping louder!

Also on the right.

And then, then, then

We'll even beat our cheeks.

Slaps on the cheeks.

Hands up - clap, clap.

Slap on the knees, slap.

Claps over the head.

On the knees.

Now pat your shoulders

Slap yourself on the sides.

On the shoulders

On the sides.

You can clap behind your back

We clap in front of us.

On the back

On the chest.

On the right - we can, on the left - we can!

And the cross - we fold our hands crosswise.

Tapping with palms on the chest on the left, on the right.

And we will stroke ourselves

What a beauty.

Stroking on the arms, chest, sides and legs.

Face massage



Warm wind caresses the face

The forest rustles with dense foliage.

Run your fingers from the eyebrows to the chin and back 4 times.

Oak wants to bow to us,

Klen nods his head.

From the point between the eyebrows with your thumb, massage the forehead to the base of the hair and back 4 times.

A curly birch

Follows all the guys.

Massage the temporal cavities with index fingers in a circular motion.

Goodbye green forest

We are going to kindergarten.

Face stroking

Health corner in kindergarten - an important element in the design of a kindergarten, it should attract the attention of parents not only with its aesthetics, but also with information content. This must be taken into account when creating corner of health, because only in this case it will fulfill its main function - to help parents take care of the health of their children. The stands of the children's health corner, first of all, should contain advice that will help parents to carry out preventive measures for various diseases in children. In addition, the health corner can be useful for the children themselves, teaching them a healthy lifestyle.

It is better to locate a health corner in the locker room, where parents, while waiting for their children, will be able to get acquainted with information useful to them.

Information in the corner of health

Information for the health corner in kindergarten can be of two types:

  • for example, on one of the stands you can place a photo report on a health day with a description of this event or the results of a drawing competition on the topic of health;
  • and on another stand to place useful information that is relevant for the current period (for example, in autumn and winter you can talk about measures to prevent viral infections, and in spring and summer - about the danger of blood-sucking insects and methods of protection against them).

The Health Corner in a preschool educational institution usually contains information on the following topics:

  • how to prevent possible accidents with children (frostbite, hypothermia, overheating, sunstroke and burns, insect and animal bites, accidents, etc.);
  • what preventive measures exist for certain diseases;
  • when and what vaccinations to give the child, why they are needed;
  • how to properly dress a child according to the weather (for walks at different times of the year, for visiting a kindergarten);
  • how to ensure the full physical development of the child (means and methods of physical education);
  • how to instill hygiene habits in a child;
  • other healthy lifestyle problems: healthy eating, hardening, daily routine, maintaining posture and vision, etc.

Medical corner in kindergarten

Such a corner can be decorated separately or become part of a health corner. It is better to entrust its maintenance to a medical worker of a preschool institution, or simply involve him in joint work on the selection of information for parents on medical topics.

Not every parent has a sufficiently broad knowledge of the medical field. This must be taken into account when choosing material for a medical corner, it must be presented clearly, concisely and in an accessible form that is easy to understand. This is of great importance, since clippings of large scientific articles, printed in small print and requiring considerable time to read, are unlikely to arouse much interest in parents, and therefore will not bring the desired benefit.

Children's health corner in the preschool educational institution

IN It will not be superfluous to place information that is useful for children. To do this, it is not necessary to write anything, it is enough to hang pictures at a level accessible to the child, in which the characters of cartoons and fairy tales, for example, follow the rules of hygiene (wash and brush their teeth in the morning, wash their hands before eating and after going to the toilet). A positive example of your favorite heroes will work flawlessly!

Mom, dad, I am a sports family

There is no doubt that it is in sports families that the most healthy children grow up. That is why this topic should be given special attention in the corner of health.

The most attractive and useful information will look in the form of a photo report on sports events in the families of pupils. Let each of the families provide such a photo report in turn. For example, it can be a photo report about a family bike ride, skating or skiing, morning jogging or exercising, exercising in the gym or on the horizontal bars in the yard, hiking, etc.

There is no doubt that such photo reports can encourage even the most passive families to physical activity. Namely, this is one of the main goals of creating a corner of health in the preschool educational institution.

Making a health corner in kindergarten

To create a corner of health in kindergarten, you need to be creative:

  • You can think about the titles of the articles, making them more attractive (for example, not “Methods for the prevention of acute respiratory infections”, but “We will beat the cold with strong immunity”).
  • The corner should not contain any lectures, place only brief explanatory information and practical recommendations.
  • Avoid complex and unknown terms, incomprehensible phrases, long sentences.
  • Names must be written in large bold letters.
  • The font size in the text should also not be small, so that the information is easy to read and remember.
  • The presence of thematic pictures is mandatory - they are the ones that attract the eye and attention in the first place.
  • It is also important to consider the structure of the material. For example, it can be step-by-step practical recommendations for strengthening the baby's immunity, where each "step" is taken in a separate frame.
  • do not forget to regularly update the information in the health corner, otherwise the interest of parents in it will quickly fade away.

That, in general, is all you need to know when decorating a health corner in kindergarten. We are sure that such a health-saving design of a kindergarten will certainly bring positive results.

Corners of health

Do-it-yourself corner of physical education and health in the preschool educational institution

Corner, which took 1st place in the review "The best corner of physical education and sports" in our kindergarten!

Half a year ago, when our garden opened after reconstruction, this is how the corner of physical education looked like

After my colleague and I worked on its modernization, it began to look much more attractive ...

This is how we designed the corner of physical education and health in our group.
Leopold with a barbell was sawn out by my partner, and I painted it, and then varnished it so that it could be processed, attached hooks and began to fill ...

designed card indexes of games, gymnastics, sports, types of movements, designed the album "Our Athletes" (with a photo of the children of our group)

Made attributes for mobile games...


Frogs and mosquito

Sparrows and car

And many different masks and medallions

We made attributes for aerial gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes

And a lot of different non-standard equipment, rugs were made by parents, so they turned out so different, but so wonderful

And of course they issued a passport for a sports corner:


No. Description Quantity per group
1.Stationary sports corner
2. Shelf for storage of physical education equipment - 1 pc.
3. Boxes for storage of physical culture equipment 5 pcs
4. Shelves for storage of physical culture equipment - 2 pcs.
5. Card index of the sports corner:
- morning exercises
- gymnastics after daytime sleep
- breathing exercises
- gymnastics for the eyes
- finger gymnastics
- games for coordination of speech with movement
- outdoor games
- games for the formation of a healthy lifestyle
- illustrative card index of sports games and exercises
- d / game - lotto "Sport"
6. Masks and attributes for outdoor games:
- "Sun and rain"
- "Hares"
- "The Bear and the Bees"
- "The Frogs"
- "Cat and Mice"
- "Sparrows and the car"
- "Horse - teams"
7. Folder "Health-saving technologies for children of the second younger group"
8. Folder "Poems about sports for children" 1 pc.
9.Consultations for parents 7 pcs
10. Album "Our athletes"
Physical education equipment
1. Staircase - wall 1 pc
2. Arcs for crawling 3 pcs
3.Game - ring toss 3 pcs
4. Set of multi-colored skittles (8 pcs.) 3 pcs
5. Ball - football 1 pc
6. Large hoop 7 pcs
7. Skipping ropes 5 pcs
8. Ribbons 48 pcs (12 pcs of primary colors)
9.Pigtails 20 pcs
10. Sultans 26 pcs
11. Handkerchiefs 48 pcs (12 pcs of primary colors)
12. Bags with peas for the prevention of postural disorders 15 pcs
13. Colored balloons 10 pcs
14. Rope 1 piece
15.Soft modules
16.Dynamometers - manipulators 2 pcs
17. Game "Hit the ball" 2 pcs
18. Gate 1 piece
Non-standard equipment
1. Hemp 6 pcs
2. Simulator for the development of dexterity "Traps" 5 pcs
3. Breathing simulator "Breeze in a bottle" 12 pcs.
4. Breathing simulators "Aquarium", "Apiary", "Ladybugs", "Sea"
5. Visual simulators "Flower", "Butterfly", "Ladybug", "Eight",
6. Game "Catch a fish" 2 pcs + plastic aquarium 2 pcs
7. Game "Winders" 4 pcs
8. Bumps 6 pcs
9. Posture wall "Palms" 1 pc
10. Quiet trainer
11. Paths for the prevention of flat feet:
"Heels - socks"
"Footprints - buttons"
massage mats
ribbed board
Foot massager
12.Massage gloves 24 pcs
13.Tunnel 1 piece
14. Mittens for hardening 24 pcs
15. Cones, chestnuts
16. Board games "Football", "Hockey", "Golf"
17. Outdoor "Towns" 2 pcs

Here we have such a favorite corner of our children!

- Doll-girl, doll-boy (to study the face, clothes of a boy and a girl in comparison);

- a set of human faces depicted with different facial expressions (for flannelgraph);

- plot pictures depicting the actions of the child;

- a notebook with a set of proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems about a person, about health, etc .;

- templates for figurines of children, an adult;

- sets of illustrations: about a girl - a girl - a woman - a grandmother; about a boy - a young man - a man - grandfather;

- plastic figurines of a girl and a boy to study the main parts of the body;

- an album of photographs of each child from a newborn to 3-4 years of age;

- didactic games: "Guess who it is?" (by parts of the face, head, guess the boy, girl, aunt, uncle);

Sports equipment: balls of different sizes and materials, hoops,

middle group

- books: "Moydodyr", K. Chukovsky; “Lessons of Moidodyr”, G.V. Zaitsev; “Know Yourself”, K.A. Parms; "Everything about everything" (Children's Encyclopedia);

- didactic games: "Make a portrait" (pick up facial features and describe them); "Learn by touch" (develop tactile sensitivity); "What benefit do they bring?" (about the meaning of body parts for a person); “Dad, mom, I want to know and be able to do everything” (individual homework in physical education);

- screen "The sun, air and water are our true friends" (about the importance of movements, hygiene procedures, hardening for health);

- diagrams, illustrations: "How to brush your teeth properly"; “I keep my body clean, every part of the body is important, but it works in its own way”;

- the album "Help Yourself" (about elementary help for scratches, bruises, etc.);

— stadiometer, "Wall of Health" (wall space without plinth 50 cm wide);

— sports equipment: balls of different sizes and materials, hoops, ring throwers;

- homemade aids for vision correction (beetles, butterflies, Christmas trees on a stick)

- aids for the development of breathing (snowflakes, butterflies on strings)

Senior group

- didactic games: "Assemble a human figure", "Guess by touch", "Find the correct posture and describe it", "Amazing face" (facial expressions);

- books: "From A to Z", N.B. Korostelev, "The Secret of Anatomy" (translated from English by IG Gurova); “Good morning”, G. Androsov and others;

- individual mini-notebooks: "I protect my health, I will help myself"; "Exercise for home charging"; "Useful exercises for muscles"; "Acupressure";

- a folder (album) with illustrations: "Man and his body", "First aid for injuries";

- screens on the topics: "It is possible - it is impossible"; "Useful - harmful";

- allowance - advice: "Take care of your eyesight"; "Learn to distinguish smells";

- a folder with materials to determine the state of your health: “Determine the sharpness of your vision”, “Distinguish colors”, “The sharpness of your hearing”, “Is my posture correct”, “Tests to determine strength, agility, endurance, speed, flexibility”,

- items for individual lessons on the prevention of flat feet, posture disorders;

- first aid kit with items for first aid;

– microscope, micropreparations, hourglasses, dummies for observations, experimentation;

- diary of moods;

— stadiometer, "Wall of Health" (wall space without plinth 50 cm wide);

- home-made aids for vision correction (beetles, butterflies, Christmas trees on a stick);

- aids for the development of breathing (snowflakes, butterflies on strings);

"Health Paths"

preschool group

- a folder with illustrations "Man and his body";

- didactic games: "Useful and harmful products for your health", "What can be shared with a friend" (about personal things), "Find the correct posture and describe it", "Identification" (compilation of parts of the body, face, human movements) ;

— games published by Vesna-Design: How to Avoid Trouble at Home, How to Avoid Trouble on the Street, How to Avoid Trouble in Nature, Healthy Baby, Teeth, Ears, Eyes, Skin, Nutrition , sleep", "If the baby got hurt";

- educational lotto games ("Useful products", "Useful and poisonous mushrooms and berries", etc.);

- lotto "Robot of the heart"; - books: "The human body: look inside yourself", P. Abrahame; "The main wonder of the world", G. Yudin; "Grow up healthy", R. Rotenberg; "Skeleton", S. Parker; "Anatomical Atlas", T. Weston;

- poster - signals "Remember these phone numbers: 01, 02, 03, 04";

- diagram, illustrations on the topics: "Useful exercises for the heart (lungs)"; "Help yourself, help others";

— notebook “I want to know and be able to do everything” (individual homework in physical culture);

- microscopes, micropreparations, hourglasses, models - for observation, experimentation;

- a first aid kit with items for first aid in case of injuries;

- anatomical doll;

- advice to parents: “Respiratory gymnastics”, “Vitamins are always useful”, “Rules for caring for a sick person”, “We train memory”, “How can you temper”, “Properly provide first aid”;

- folder “Soon to school”: “My daily routine at school”, “Exercises to relieve fatigue”, “Safe road to school”, “What dishes can I cook”, “First aid for burns, needle pricks, abrasions, etc. .»;

- diary of moods.

— stadiometer, “Wall of Health” (wall space without plinth 50 cm wide;

- sports equipment: balls of different sizes and materials, jump ropes, hoops, ring throws, rope games (“Who will reach the moon faster”, “Whose car will arrive faster”, etc.);

- posters about the structure of the human body, food, healthy lifestyle

— "Health Paths"

Didactic games on the formation of a healthy lifestyle (APPENDIX 9).

To be continued…

Barkinkhoeva Tanzila

The value of the corner health in the group Modern man needs to seriously think about his health, because the active use of the achievements of civilization is fraught with negative consequences for the physical form, and sometimes for the mental state. Therefore, many caring parents of a very young age try to teach their children to an active lifestyle, healthy eating, and the right daily routine. In some families, these moments are given insufficient attention, because their importance is underestimated. In this regard, the main goal corner of health, which should be created in each group of preschool educational institutions - to help mothers and fathers protect and strengthen the health of their children. Not all families lead a healthy and active lifestyle, so the advice in corner health will help parents realize the importance of these moments. This goal is realized through specific tasks. Give specific recommendations on the physical education of preschoolers (questions of hygiene, posture, hardening, etc.) Discuss the importance of proper organization of the daily routine. To provide information on the prevention of infectious diseases. Counsel the family on psychological issues (for example, adaptation to kindergarten preparation for school, etc.). Medical corners benefit the preschoolers themselves. With their help, children can easily explain many useful things that help maintain their health. This should be only important information so that the child's attention is not scattered. (for example, a specific visual algorithm for washing hands or brushing teeth). Children's audience corner health includes pupils of the middle, senior and preparatory groups. Sometimes the teacher organizes corner health in the group room exclusively for preschoolers. A variety of didactic pictures for children are placed there (for example, Useful and poisonous mushrooms and berries, books of suitable subjects, posters (for example, about the structure of the human body, layouts, workbooks (for senior and preparatory groups, didactic games ( "Askorbinka and her friends" etc.). In this zone, a game character is also often placed - the doll of Dr. Aibolit. This health zone is organized, as a rule, starting from the middle preschool age. But if you wish, you can equip it for younger preschoolers. corners health directly for preschoolers diagrams are presented in the corner, pictures, coloring books and educational books corner health for younger preschoolers are mainly game characters, bright pictures and puzzles. "health tree" you can put various information. Place this zone in the place where the parents (or legal representatives) spend the most time in kindergarten- and this is the locker room (or receptionist). When making corner health educator must be creative and imaginative - then he will be interested in mom or dad (after all, today any information can be found and read on the Internet). The following important points must be taken into account. Location. Information should be placed in a prominent place to attract the attention of parents. Wherein corner should harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the locker room. Headings play an important role. They must be bright and "catchy", cause a desire to get acquainted with the information. For example, you do not need to write dryly "The main methods of preventing influenza and acute respiratory infections", but expressively designate“Strong immunity will defeat the common cold!” or "The flu won't go away!". Another example: Not How to prepare your child for school, A "Let's go to school with joy!" The material presented should be as simple and accessible as possible. It is good when its color contrasts with the background. The title should be made larger and highlighted in a different color. colorfulness. Successfully designed medical corner involuntarily attracts the eye with its rich colors, vivid illustrations, interesting photographs. Popular characters of fairy tales and cartoons, just funny little animals, will be very appropriate. The material needs to be updated periodically so that interest in corner of health is not faded. Photo gallery: important design nuances corner The title of the article should be concise and bright medical corner should be located in a conspicuous place and harmoniously fit into the interior of the reception room The information is in large print and has a contrasting title corner health The teacher should consider a bright name medical corner, because it also attracts the reader's attention and affects the subsequent perception of information. You can take note of these options. "Doctor Aibolit's advice". "Doctor's Thermometer's Advice". "In the land of the sick". "Don't get sick". "Healthy". "Our Health". "For a healthy lifestyle". "Health is great!". Basic means for registration and filling corner For registration and filling medical corner certain means are used. First of all, these are stands. They have plastic pockets in which information is placed according to the thematic principle (for example, in one - advice on disease prevention, in the other - recommendations on general physical education). Pictures are inserted into the same pockets. The stand has plastic pockets in which information is placed. Another popular means of design and filling corner - sliding folders(they are thick paper screens). They are installed on booths, usually directly under the booth. Content corner health and key activities in the area A key ingredient for success corner health is its content. Here it is advisable to distinguish three main blocks. Useful information for parents These are consultations on a variety of topics. The main thing is that they are relevant. At the same time, all articles are united by a single goal - to tell the family about measures to strengthen child health. Possible topics. "Prevention of seasonal colds and flu" (as well as symptoms, disease control methods). "How to Avoid a Food Infection". How to protect your baby from insect bites "How to Avoid Sunstroke". "Safety while on the water". "To keep your teeth always healthy" (oral hygiene). "We form the correct posture". "Take Care of Your Vision" childhood» . "Prevention of flat feet". "Health aids" (humidifiers, ionizers). "Healthy Diet for Preschoolers". “Cooking delicious healthy vegetable dishes for the child”. "Hardening from an early age". "Breathing exercises for children". “Properly dressing the child for the season”. Articles on psychological Topics: "If the baby is afraid of insects", "Fear of the Dark in Children", How to help a shy child, "Fear of doctors in a child", "We train children's memory» . Photo gallery: examples of consultations for parents on various topics. Raising a healthy child can only be done by someone who knows what a healthy lifestyle is medical institutions, anthropometric data of pupils, day regimen in the group. Content corner health, you can turn on the daily routine, because this is part of a healthy lifestyle. Parents will also be interested in reading an article from the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which deals with health protection. Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1. Everyone has the right to health protection and medical care. Medical assistance in state and municipal health care institutions is provided to citizens free of charge at the expense of the relevant budget, insurance premiums, and other revenues. 2. In the Russian Federation, federal programs for the protection and promotion of public health are financed, measures are taken to develop state, municipal, and private healthcare systems, and activities that contribute to the strengthening of human health, the development of physical culture and sports, and environmental and sanitary and epidemiological well-being are encouraged. 3. Concealment by officials of facts and circumstances that pose a threat to the life and health of people entails liability in accordance with federal law. Information for preschoolers Materials for preschoolers themselves are colorful pictures, diagrams-illustrations. On them, fairy-tale characters perform certain actions. (brush teeth, wash, do exercises, etc.). Such visibility will attract children's attention and serve as a role model. Approximate content of pictures. Hand washing algorithm. Algorithm for brushing teeth. What are hygiene products? The structure of the human body. Harmful and useful products. Vitamins and foods containing them. Types of hardening (sun, air and water). As children grow older, the content of the pictures becomes more complicated. (although the theme may be the same). In the preparatory group, they may already contain small signatures. Photo gallery: pictures for kids in corner health Children will learn which foods contain essential vitamins Senior preschoolers will learn how to maintain a correct and beautiful posture A step-by-step algorithm will teach kids to brush their teeth correctly Reports on wellness activities that were carried out in the group. Parents will be able to see what activities are held in kindergarten on the topic of health Parents can also bring photos to demonstrate how the family adheres to a healthy lifestyle (biking, picnicking in nature, playing outdoors, skiing and skating, exercising in the gym, hiking, etc.). Each family in turn can submit this information. Such photo reports will help encourage even the most passive families to physical activity. And this is one of the key goals of the functioning corner of health. Similar photos posted in corner of health, will serve as a motivation for passive families to lead an active lifestyle Video: week of health in the group (video presentation materials can be used to fill corner of health) Approximate sketch and design layout medical corner Today, the educator can purchase a variety of ready-made information stands, including those on the topic of health. As a rule, they are bright and easy to use. Photo gallery: models of ready-made health stands The stand already has poems about cleanliness and vitamins On the stand, Dr. Aibolit treats a poor bunny with a bandaged leg, and a kind crocodile helps him A girl in a doctor's costume is depicted on the stand, which, of course, will attract the attention of children and parents If desired, a teacher can manufacture corner health with your own hands. And if he works with older preschoolers, they will be happy to help him in this process. Photo gallery: corners of health, decorated with their own hands Information is placed on a home-made stand made of foam tiles with beautifully designed edges Various information is placed on stands-houses Dr. Aibolit holds files with information in his hands Health is an important component of the harmonious development of a child. That is why in groups kindergarten, medical corners are organized.
