Technical projects on technology. Creative project on technology: an example

The task of the teacher is not only to teach the child the basics of his subject and how to apply the knowledge gained in practice, but also to instill in a person a sense of beauty. Teachers of music, visual arts, and technology are most successful in completing the latter task. Helps them in this application of various projects. Especially popular are creative ones for girls.

What it is

A creative project on technology is a student on the creation of this or that thing. Often the process takes several lessons and is carefully supervised by the teacher. The teacher helps to decide on a topic, find or make a sketch, and perform preparatory work to create a product.

Through the use of creative projects, girls can try themselves as designers or cooks, show their skills and abilities, and most importantly, realize their potential.

When planning to use creative technology projects for girls in the course of teaching, the teacher should carefully consider their topics and their relationship with the curriculum. The main areas in which projects can be set:


satin stitch embroidery;

Patchwork techniques;



Making toys and dolls;

Production of products for interior decoration.

When to enter?

One of the most frequently asked questions is when to introduce creative tech projects for girls? 5th grade is the perfect time to introduce projects. Children will quickly grasp the essence of such tasks, learn how to quickly and efficiently perform them. This will all be a huge plus, especially if you plan to give such tasks throughout your studies.

What does a technology project include?

What is included in the project? Often, a technology project includes the choice of the direction and topic of work, the selection of materials and the manufacture of a particular product from them. Each of the stages of work is fixed and then drawn up by the student in the so-called presentation. To protect the project, a presentation is also required.

For example, consider creative technology projects for girls (grade 5). The apron is one of the main topics studied. You can offer children not only to sew a standard thing according to a finished sample, but to prepare a sketch of the product themselves, make patterns, choose the right fabric and sew it.

Further evaluation can be carried out on a competitive basis, taking into account when grading not only the type of product, but also the quality of the stitches, the correctness of the drawings.

The optimal time when you can implement such creative technology projects for girls is grade 5. An apron sewn during their implementation can be a great gift for March 8 to mom or grandmother.

Sample project topics

Depending on the topic and its goals, such tasks can be distinguished for creative projects.

When studying arts and crafts, the following topics can be suggested:

Panel of cereals;

Making souvenirs from improvised material;

Salt dough products;

Photo frame;

Papier-mâché products.

At the beginning of the study of technology, such creative technology projects for girls will be very interesting. Grade 5 just implies simple simple tasks.

The second block of sample topics is related to the study of needlework. It implies the ability to sew simple things both with a machine and with a simple needle. This includes the following topics:

Making a charm doll;

Do-it-yourself potholder for the kitchen;


Needle bed.

The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are suitable is grade 6.

The next block of tasks is related to the theme "Weaving". In most cases, these tasks are related to work with beads and beads. Before starting work, it is advisable to explain to the children the features of working with beads - how to choose it correctly, how to choose a fishing line or wire for weaving, additional materials. These include the following subtopics:

Beaded gift

Bead decoration.

Making flowers from beads.

The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are suitable is grade 6, graduation 5, beginning 7.

One of the most large-scale topics that are given a lot of time in technology lessons is embroidery. The topic involves mastering several embroidery techniques - embroidery with ribbons, satin stitch, cross stitch, beads. For each type, the following topics can be suggested:

Embroidery pattern;

Embroidered napkin;

Embroidered tablecloth;

Embroidered towel.

You can also give the children the opportunity to choose for their own project.

Another group of project topics is suitable for consolidating the knowledge and skills gained in the study of the basics of knitting.

So, you can use the following tasks:

Creating a heating pad;

Knitting soft toys;


When it is best to use these topics when consolidating crochet skills. For knitting needles you can use:

Warm socks;

Knitted vest.

The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are relevant is grade 7.


Do-it-yourself apron;

We sew a skirt;

We sew shorts;

Summer top.

Note that the above creative technology projects for 8th grade girls are best suited.

The older the child becomes, the more complex the subject of his work becomes. After the 8th grade, it is important to set large projects, the implementation of which will take at least one quarter, a maximum of a semester. The main topics for such large-scale projects:

Creation of a masquerade costume;

Modeling and tailoring of a sundress;

Dress tailoring.

The age at which children can master such creative technology projects for girls is grade 10.

It should be noted that another theme of the projects is related to cooking. This type of creative project can be given one or two lessons, during which children can find or make their own recipe and prepare a dish. It is best to do this at the end of the semester, the academic year.

The main stages of work on the project

All stages of performing creative tasks are divided into:

  1. Search, when a child chooses a direction, searches or creates a sketch or drawing, selects material.
  2. Technological - during which the main work on the product or project is performed.
  3. Analytical, during which the child evaluates the result, its merits and benefits.

Operating procedure

Basically, creative technology projects for girls are carried out according to the following plan:

1. Selecting a project topic.

2. Drawing up a sketch.

3. Drawing up drawings or patterns.

4. Choice of materials.

5. Product manufacturing.

6. Preparation of an explanatory note.

7. Preparing a presentation.

8. Protection of the finished project.

Explanatory note

As already mentioned, ready-made creative projects on technology for girls should contain an explanatory note. It consists of the following elements:

title page;


Rationale for choosing an idea;

product sketch;

List of materials used;


In the case of tailoring a product - laying out patterns on fabric;

Samples of used seams or types of knitting, other techniques;

fixture list;

Environmental soundness;

Economic calculations;

List of sources;

Application for safety regulations;


A big plus when defending a project is the presence of a presentation. When preparing it, you should use photographs of the finished product, the stages of its creation. You can use a historical reference, which will indicate when and where this type of art originated.


Let's take an example of how creative technology projects for girls are evaluated. Grade 8 provides for sewing any thing, for example, a skirt. The assessment should take into account:

  1. The correctness of taking measurements.
  2. The correctness of the construction of drawings and patterns.
  3. Line quality.
  4. The appearance of the model.

It is important for the teacher to indicate in advance all the assessment criteria, to explain what exactly he will pay attention to. At the same time, it is important that projects end up with “excellent” or “good” ratings. Otherwise, students may be disappointed in their work.

To evaluate the received projects, you can also involve other students, for example, to vote - which products they liked the most.


One of the lessons that a creative project involves is technology. Girls love needlework, especially if they are given freedom of choice when designating a topic or task. Thanks to the use, teenagers learn to apply the knowledge gained during the training in practice, develop creatively. Projects are best used if the study of a topic lasts more than 8-10 lessons.

Municipal educational institution

« Secondary school No. 17 "

Creative project on technology on the topic:

Done by: 7th grade student

Golysheva Kristina

Leader: technology teacher

O. V. Grechishkina

Bogoroditsk 2016



    1. Goals and objectives of the project……………………………………………….. 3

    1. Rationale for the choice of the project topic…………………………………. 3

      Product options……………………………………………………. 4

    Main part………………………………………………………. . 5

2.1 History of embroidery with satin ribbons…………………………… 5

2.2 Selection of materials and tools and safety precautions……… 6

2.3 Sketch of the product…………………………………………………………….. 8

2.4 Manufacturing technology of the product…………………………………….. .9

2.5 Environmental assessment of the project……………………………………….10

2.6 Economic evaluation of the project……………………………………… 11

3 Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 12

3.1 Self-assessment…………………………………………………………..... 13

3.2 Results of the work…………………………………………………………. 13

5 Literature ……………………………………………………………..15



aim creative project is the implementation of such a product, which most fully represented my knowledge, skills, acquired in the process of learning at technology lessons.

Tasks project:

1. Develop and execute a project.

2. Make a picture according to the project.

3. Improve the skills and techniques of work acquired in technology lessons.

4. Evaluate the work done.


In our house there are things embroidered and decorated by my grandmother and great-grandmother. These are paintings, towels, napkins.

Beautiful products still keep the warmth of their hands and hearts, and at one time they were a fabulous decoration of a simple village house.

Even as a child, looking at these products, I dreamed of becoming a needlewoman like them. Therefore, for me, the ability to embroider is an opportunity to join the beautiful.

I got this skill from my grandmother, and now I really want to use it to decorate my house. My mom's birthday is coming soon. I decided to give her a present. She has a small shelf in her room. At this place, I decided to make her a bright picture. I think that she will decorate the interior of her room. After all, the best gift for parents is one that is made by hand.

I know that today in all countries interest in embroidery is being revived, a lot of relevant literature is being published: books, magazines, manuals. Embroidery gives very great opportunities to make any decorative product. Currently, embroidery with satin ribbons is relevant. I decided to take up this art.


Option number 1. Making a picture in the technique of hand embroidery with ribbons. Yes, I can do it, no problem ... financially, but it takes a lot of time. I have little experience with this technique.

Option number 2. Making a picture embroidered with beads. It is suitable for interior decoration, but it is too simple.

Option number 3. A picture made with satin ribbons is not a bad idea! It can be made from satin ribbons, inserted into a frame. I have no doubts about the need for such a picture, because it will decorate the interior of the apartment. It will not take much time to make a picture, but how much beauty and comfort it will bring to the interior of the house. Thus, I made my choice! I decided to “paint” the picture myself with ribbons. We'll see what happens in the end!



Since ancient times, narrow strips of fabric have been used in everyday life and economic activities of people. Already in ancient Greece, women wove strips of fabric into their hair to “revive” their image.

Headbands adorned with gold and precious stones were also woven into the hair in ancient Rome.

In addition, clothes were trimmed with colored ribbons, and each social class had its own color and material. In the Middle Ages in Italy, the backs of chairs and canopies were already decorated with ribbons, as well as heavy curtains were tied up with which windows were closed to protect against the cold in winter.

But only inXIVcentury, the domestic use of silk ribbons began to expand. The traditions of weaving in Lyon and the favorable climatic conditions of southern Europe contributed to the rapid development of the production of valuable silk thread. After the papal curia moved to Avignon, under the tutelage of the French king, noble gentlemen began to flaunt in luxurious clothes trimmed with gold-bordered ribbons or brocade ribbons, according to the rank and origin of the wearer.

In 1446 the future King LouisXIinvited Italian weavers to teach their art to the people of Lyon. Nothing came of this idea, but a variety of machines were brought to the city both for silk dressing and for making silk ribbons. The demand for ribbons continued to grow, and Lyon gradually turned into a major textile center. In 1560, there were already fifty thousand weavers who made various, including expensive and extravagant, silk ribbons, and to the south, in Velzy and Saint-Etienne and the surrounding area, there are already about eighty

Thousand looms for the production of ribbons and three hundred and seventy - for the production of braided products (braid, galloon, lace). At firstXVIIIcentury, the demand for these goods increased sharply, and a period of rapid distribution of luxurious and beautiful ribbons began. King Louis of FranceXIVdecorated with ribbons toilet jewels, even his shoes and ordered the court to dress in an original way with fiction.

The Rococo era came, and frivolity became the style of the French court. King LouisXVHe loved to embroider and often gave the ladies of the court cute trinkets made by himself. Dresses became voluminous and spacious, richly decorated with ribbons. “Flying dresses” with unstitched folds (tucks) on the chest and numerous ribbons came into fashion.

It was during these times that embroidery with silk ribbons appeared in France. First, noble ladies began to decorate their dresses, decorating corsages with small roses "a la rococo", leaves and many scattered flowers with pearls and crystals.

Then it was time for the laundry. It became more and more luxurious and refined. In the studio, which bore the high title of "Suppliers of the Royal Court", with the help of a simple needle and ribbons, real masterpieces were created. Now they show off in museum showcases around the world - from London to Pretoria.

From France, this type of embroidery migrated to the islands, to England. And from there it spread to all countries of the former British Empire. Together with the settlers and the Old World, he came to America, where he quickly gained popularity. This art flourished in the 1970s.XIXcenturies. By that time, embroidery could be seen not only on dresses, but also on umbrellas, lampshades, quilts, knick-knacks for the home and hats.

After World War II, public interest in all types of needlework began to decline. But within the last two decades, a revival of embroidery has begun.

Interest returned, and this art again shone with all its facets. After all, sewing with silk ribbons is extremely entertaining, it does not require complex devices and large upfront costs. In addition, simple and well-known embroidery techniques are used here. And the three-dimensional pattern is so attractive that it can be said without any doubt: in the coming years, this type of embroidery is expected to be widespread and successful.



Different needles are used for embroidery: thin - for light fabrics, thick - for dense ones. When sewing with silk ribbon, sharp needles are used, because they must freely enter the fabric without forming unaesthetic puffs. The eye of the needle should be elongated so that you can easily see the tape and it slides over it without twisting. In this way, possible breaks can be avoided. For tapes with a width of 7.9.12 mm, needles No. 18 - 22 are selected; for a tape of 3 mm, No. 24 is recommended.


decorative ribbons used for decoration only.Silk Ribbons . They come in various widths and various colors. They can be used for embroidery on any kind of fabric.Organza Ribbons and Braid used in embroidery to create volume and transparency.Finishing tapes and braid There are several types: voile ribbon (with a heel, smooth or with an insert in the center of satin), satin ribbon (smooth, pleated, pleated), lace ribbon (with beads, gathered).

Embroidery threads

They are required to create the basis (contour) for some seams or to secure the tape on the wrong side at the end of the work.

Beads and beads

They are used for decoration and give the embroidery a special elegance.


A wide variety of fabrics can be used for the base when embroidering with silk ribbon. Cotton fabrics: gunny, cambric, plush, muslin, satin. Linen fabrics: rough linen, thin linen, rough linen, linen with a uniform warp. Silk fabrics: chiffon, chescha, silk tulle. Woolen fabrics: crepe, tweed, jersey. You can embroider on any surface, as long as the fabric is strong enough to securely hold the stitches on it, and so elastic that the thread can easily pass through it.

In my job The following materials and tools were used:

Background fabric (light gray canvas)

Satin ribbons

Cotton threads




While working with scissors

    Put the scissors on the right during work, with the rings towards you, so as not to prick on their sharp ends. Blades of scissors in non-working condition must be closed.

    Pass the rings forward with closed ends.

    Make sure that the scissors do not fall to the floor, as if they fall, they can injure you and your friend.

    Do not play with scissors or put them in your mouth.

While working with needles

    Store pins and needles in a certain place (cushion, special box, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

    Do not use rusty needles and pins when working, as they break easily.

    In no case do not take needles and pins in your mouth.

    During operation, do not stick needles into clothes and random objects.

    Sew with needles only with a thimble to avoid pricking your finger.

    Attach patterns and fabrics with the sharp ends of the pins away from you.

    Do not bite off the threads with your teeth, but cut them off with scissors.

While working with glue

    Place the glue gun on the thermal mat.

    Insert a roll of glue into the gun and fasten.

    Plug in the plug.

    Children should not work with hot glue. Do the work with the help of adults.

    At the end of work, unplug the plug from the socket, cool and put the gun away.




Manufacturing sequence

Materials, tools

Transfer the composition of the pattern to the fabric

cloth, pencil, picture sketch

Make flowers of different colors from satin ribbons. Only 25 pieces. The technology for making flowers is shown below.

Attach a bead to the center of the flower.

ready-made flowers, thread, needle, scissors

Make 8 large colors from satin ribbons. Manufacturing technology is shown below.

satin ribbons, thread, needle, scissors

Tuck the fabric into the frame. Fix flowers and leaves on the background arbitrarily.

ready-made flowers, leaves, background fabric, needle, scissors, thread

Fix the finished picture in a frame.

picture, frame

Making flowers.

To complete each small flower, I sewed a ribbon with small basting stitches, as shown indrawing and tightened. A flower has formed. Thus, I made several flowers of different colors and sizes.

How many flowers we want - we collect so many segments of 25 cm for large flowers, 15 cm for medium ones, 10 cm for small ones.

Now you can cut the tape to the desired length, leaving a little space for the seam after the last stitch.

Now gently pull the thread and collect our already flowers.

I did not have a specific manufacturing scheme. I began to collect the bouquet arbitrarily, “as it will fall” ... At the same time, I used the selection and combination of colors. First, I made a bow from a thin brown ribbon. Then she began to collect a pattern of flowers.

I had to shift the flowers from one place to another to find a harmonious combination.

After the final laying of the flowers on the canvas, I moved on to the final stage - gluing the flowers to the frame. From the formed pattern, I took one flower at a time, squeezed out a drop of hot glue and quickly applied it to the intended place. I fastened the ribbon-twigs at the ends, glued the bow. That's it.


Embroiderysatin ribbons- it's ecologschesky net production, tk. it is practically waste-free, no harmful substances are emitted, the atmosphere is not polluted, there is no danger to human health.


Price per



Total rub.


Fabric for background canvas

150 rub.


150 rub.


Satin Ribbons: Green

10 rub.

1 m

10 rub.


Satin ribbons:blue

10 rub.

0.5 m

5 rub.


Satin ribbons:raspberry

10 rub.


10 rub.


Satin ribbons:red

10 rub.

0.5 m

5 rub.


Satin ribbons:dark green

10 rub.

0.5 m

5 rub.


Satin ribbons:brown

10 rub.


10 rub.


Satin ribbons: yellow

10 rub.

1 m

10 rub.


Frame 24*19

125 rub.

1 PC.

125 rub.




1 PC.


Cotton threads


1 PC.




1 PC.


Hot glue

15 rub.

1 PC.

15 rub.


345 rub.

The cost of my painting is low, which means that it is economically cheaper to do the work yourself than to buy a similar one in the market or in a store.



The completed picture turned out to be very bright and beautiful, the patterns of the picture are simple, they correspond to the interior of the room.

All my family liked the picture. I hung it above my bed. The room became more comfortable, more beautiful.


Analyzing the work done, I believe that I have fulfilled the goal and tasks set for myself.

In the process of doing creative work, I consolidated my skills to correctly and beautifully embroider with satin ribbons, to select colors. I liked doing this work, it is a creative, exciting process, which resulted in a wonderful product. Carrying out a creative project, I learned a lot about the history of embroidery with satin ribbons, systematized my knowledge and skills. I will continue to improve in this kind of arts and crafts.

4. Product advertising

The hands of people can make any miracle;

And flowers can weave on a white field

And embroider the golden sun across the blue sky,

To become more beauty on earth

I will pick up a thread and a simple rag

And a little fantasy and magic

And I'll sew something that you don't even dream of -

Only for beauty to live on earth!


1. A. Burda. "Album on needlework". M.1999.

2.Series "school of embroidery" "Ribbon embroidery". M. 2004.

3. "Golden library of hobbies" Embroidery with silk ribbons. M. "Ast-Press". 2008.

    A. Chernova "The Art of Ribbon Embroidery" 2006 Rostov - on - Don "Phoenix".

    D. Chotti "Embroidery with silk ribbons" 2004 Moscow "Ast-press". %D0%B5%20%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8B%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%20%D1%82 %D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8%20%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%88 %D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8&noreask=1&lr=213

Prepared by Mikhailova Svetlana Anatolyevna, technology teacher of the Pushkinogorsk Secondary School named after A.S. Pushkin

slide 2

Project components

  • A project is an independent creative completed work of a student, completed under the guidance of a teacher. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the project is an explanatory note, and the practical part is a specific model, product layout, video film, etc.
  • slide 3

    1. Title page.
    2. Table of contents.
    3. Introduction.
    4. Chapters of the main part.
    5. Conclusion.
    6. List of used literature.
    7. Applications.

    slide 4

    Title page

    It is the first page of the explanatory note and is filled out according to certain rules.

    The upper field indicates the full name of the educational institution. On average, the name of the project is given without the word "subject" and quotation marks. It should be as short and precise as possible - correspond to the main content of the project.

    slide 5

    If it is necessary to specify the title of the work, then you can give a subtitle, which should be as short as possible and not turn into a new title.
    Next, the surname, first name, school number and class of the designer (in the nominative case) are indicated. Then the surname and initials of the project leader.
    The lower field indicates the place and year of the work (without the word "year").

    slide 6

    The text should be written or printed using the following margins:

    Left - not less than 30 mm
    Right - not less than 10 mm
    Upper - not less than 15 mm
    Lower - not less than 20 mm

    Slide 7

    It contains all the headings of the explanatory note and indicates the pages on which they are located. It is impossible to reduce them or give them in a different formulation, sequence and subordination.

    All headings are written with a capital letter and without a dot at the end. The last word of each heading is connected by a dot to the corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

    Slide 8


    It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks set, formulates the planned result and the main problems considered in the project,

    Slide 9

    interdisciplinary connections are indicated, it is reported to whom the project is intended and what is its novelty.

    The introduction also describes the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic).

    Slide 10

    It is advisable to list the equipment and materials used in the course of the project.

    Relevance is a mandatory requirement for any project work. Its justification includes an assessment of the significance of the project and the expected results, and the possibilities of their use in practice are revealed.

    slide 11

    From the formulation of the goal of the project, it is necessary to move on to specifying the specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it. This is usually done in enumeration form (explore..., describe..., establish..., identify... etc.).

    slide 12

    Main part

    The first chapter of the project (the beginning of the study) discusses the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation, provides a brief review of the literature and other materials on the topic (historical information, current state, market analysis, thinking star, etc.).

    slide 13

    • In the next chapter (search) it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals for solving the problem considered in the project. It is important to give an objective assessment of each of the proposed options, while you can use a number of specific criteria.
  • Slide 14

    Technological part of the project

    • In it, it is necessary to develop a sequence for the execution of the object. It may include a list of stages, a flow chart that describes the algorithm of operations, indicating tools, materials and processing methods.
  • slide 15

    Design options 1st option

  • slide 16

    2nd option

  • Slide 18

    Particular attention should be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: justification that:

    a) the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in the environment, disturbances in human life.

    Slide 19

    b) possibly using production waste;

    c) makes it possible to reuse parts of the product at the end of its service life.

    Slide 20

    slide 21


    It sequentially sets out the results obtained, determines their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the introduction, and gives students self-assessment of the work they have done. In some cases, it becomes necessary to indicate ways to continue the study of the topic, as well as the specific tasks to be solved in this case.

    slide 22

    After the conclusion, it is customary to place a bibliographic list of used literature.

    Each source included in it must be reflected in the explanatory note. All borrowings must necessarily have subscript references from where the cited materials are taken. Works that have not actually been used should not be included in the bibliographic list.

    slide 23

    Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the main part of the work are placed in applications. The content and form of the applications are very diverse. They can be text, tables, graphs, maps, drawings.

    slide 24

    Each application must start on a new sheet (page) with the word "Application" in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in operation, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the number sign), for example: "Appendix 1",
    "Appendix 2", etc.

    Slide 25

    The numbering of pages on which applications are given should be continuous and continue the general numbering of the main text. Its connection with applications is carried out through references that are used with the word "look" (see), enclosed together with the cipher in parentheses.

    slide 26

    An explanatory note is written in handwritten, typewritten or using a computer on one side of a sheet of white paper, preferably A4 (210 x 297) at two to one and a half line spacing with the number of lines per page no more than 40. Each line should be no more than 60-65 characters including spaces between words. The minimum font height is 1.8 mm (12 pins).

    Slide 27

    All illustrations in the project must be numbered. Their numbering is usually end-to-end, i.e. throughout the work. If there is only one illustration in the project, then it is not numbered. References are made in the text to the illustrations containing their serial numbers (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.).

    Each illustration must be provided with a caption, which must correspond to its content and the main text.

  • Slide 28


    • L.N. Morozova, N.G. Kravchenko, O.V. Pavlova, Technology, grades 5-11, project activities of students, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher", 2008
  • View all slides

    Human life is accompanied by a constant solution of tasks that can be both very simple and extremely complex. To solve them, you need to decide on the solution of a particular problem. For example, how to create, sew, build or design?

    During this process, as a rule, a person will certainly have several decisions in his head, he collects the information necessary for himself and consults with people who already have experience. As a result, the best idea is selected, and then the creative process moves to thinking about the implementation of specific operations. All this gives, finally, the opportunity to proceed to a concrete case. Thus, a person conceives, and then plans and implements creative projects.

    Mandatory part of the educational process

    One of the main requirements for students in a modern school is to carry out activities to demonstrate their skills and abilities acquired in technology lessons. A similar process is fixed in the new federal standards.

    Thanks to the implementation of creative projects using technology, children are able to show their individuality. It also allows students to demonstrate in practice the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom.

    A wide variety of topics of creative projects on technology develop the following in children:

    Creative skills;
    - aesthetic taste;
    - logical thinking.

    Concept definition

    What is an educational creative project on technology? This is nothing more than a self-developed, and then manufactured product. This subject must go from an idea to its realization with the help of the consultative participation of the teacher.

    Such a student project is his creative final work. Its quality will directly depend on the knowledge and skills gained in technology lessons.

    The production of a specific product within the framework of this event is impossible without a lot of previous work. It consists in thinking about ideas, making sketches, drawings, drawings, as well as in developments for the implementation of the technological process.

    The choice of a creative project by technology is an individual matter. It is not at all necessary that the accepted version be particularly complex and carried out independently. Part of the creative project by the beginning of its implementation by the student may already be ready or completed by the teacher, parents or comrades.

    You can bring your plans to life together with classmates. In this case, the project, as a rule, is distributed in parts between its participants, and each of them bears individual responsibility for the fulfillment of his task.

    The goal of a creative technology project is to create a new, competitive, environmentally friendly and efficient product that would meet human needs. As such a product can be not only various products, but also services.

    If we take the literal translation of the word "project", then it means nothing more than "thrown forward." This form of work is widely used in modern school. Thanks to her, the teacher can bring up the right social position in his wards. In addition, any ideas of a creative project on technology contribute to the acquisition of planning skills in children, the development of individuality and the disclosure of creative abilities.

    Advantages of the technology method

    In Russia, this idea arose as early as 1925. However, in those days, it did not receive much distribution. One of the ways to form a harmoniously developed personality, project technology began to be considered only after the adoption of new state educational standards. At the same time, the use of this methodology for schools and colleges has become mandatory.

    What are the positive aspects of project technology? They are expressed as follows:

    Schoolchildren are given the opportunity to solve problems at the level of their knowledge;
    - creative technology projects for boys are the first experience of socialization and the possibility of an unbiased assessment of their skills not only by the teacher, but also by their peers;
    - this method allows the teacher to introduce a systematic approach to activities at each stage of work, as well as to develop the creative abilities of children as widely as possible;
    - all creative technology projects for girls that are created in the labor training classes can be used in everyday life;
    - the technique involves the joint work of schoolchildren in groups, which allows you to form a team and build interpersonal relationships.

    Performing work contributes to obtaining a new result within a specific period of time. For what purposes can a creative project on technology be used? An example of such work - cross-stitch, which is done by hand, is a great gift option for mom for the celebration of International Women's Day.

    Project classification

    Depending on the nature of the resulting products, creative works are divided into innovative, as well as supporting options. For example, the cross stitch mentioned above. This creative project can be classified as a supporting type. What are innovative solutions? An example of a creative project using this type of technology is the production of unusual furniture for a summer residence.
    However, this list cannot be called exhausted to the end. In service labor classes, projects of completely different directions are often implemented. Among such works there are social, scientific and technical, educational, etc. Thus, an example of a creative project using an educational type technology is the manufacture of a lace product. It can be attributed to this type due to the fact that this work contributes to the acquisition of crochet skills.

    Creative technology projects can have different deadlines. In this regard, they are classified as follows:

    - medium-term;
    - short term.

    Implementation steps

    All work on the execution of a creative project is divided into three stages. The first is the search one, followed by the technological one, and the analytical one completes the process. Moreover, each of them includes certain steps (actions).

    So, during the passage of the search stage, the following is carried out:

    1. The problem is identified.
    2. The theme of the project is selected and the need for the manufacture of the product is justified. For a creative technology project, it is also necessary to determine the corresponding requirements that will be imposed on the final product.
    3. Thinking through several product options and choosing the best one.

    1. Product design planning.
    2. Development of a manufacturing sequence.
    3. Selection and purchase of the necessary tools and materials.
    4. Organization of the workplace.
    5. Direct manufacturing of the product in compliance with the safety rules of work.

    The final stage of the creative project is the analytical stage. During it, the following is done:

    1. The finished product is tested.
    2. The work performed is analyzed (which details turned out well and which did not).
    3. The defense of the creative project on technology is being prepared.

    At the first, search stage, the student should think about what exactly he would like to do with his own hands. Further, he must realistically assess the possibilities available to him. At the technological stage, the product itself is designed. During the passage of this stage, any literature can be used that describes the product of interest to the student, which will allow not only to implement, but also to improve the idea. The final version of the design is carried out in a graphic image. It happens in the form of a sketch, graphic drawing or drawing, which displays all the data necessary for work.

    At the next stage, the planning of manufacturing technologies for the intended product takes place. At the same time, route and technological maps should be developed.
    The final, analytical stage involves testing, as well as control of the resulting product. A determination is made of those material costs that went into the manufacture of the product. At the same stage, an assessment of the entire event is given.

    The last step is to secure the project. The design of a creative project according to technology is the presentation of an explanatory note, as well as a demonstration of the finished product.

    Report Structure

    How should a creative technology project be designed? An example of writing an explanatory note below is relevant when creating any product. At the same time, the following sections must be present in the structure of the report after its name:

    1. The relevance of the problem.
    2. Tasks and goals of the work.
    3. Action planning.
    4. Approximate deadline.
    5. Estimated result.
    6. Cost estimate (material costs).

    The need to create projects

    Numerous statistical studies confirm the fact that the extent to which a student learns to set goals and objectives for himself will depend on his success in life. After all, it was thanks to the project way of thinking that many politicians and entrepreneurs were able to realize themselves.

    In the conditions of a modern school, there are all opportunities for the successful development of children. There are also for the formation of their design thinking. It is for this purpose that research and design activities were introduced into the Federal State Educational Standard.

    Learning option

    What is a creative technology project? An example of such an activity is the creation of a wooden stool. Before obtaining a direct image of the product, project participants need to study theoretical issues. They relate to the elements of this product and the options for fixing parts. Attention is also paid to the safety of the work.

    Creative technology projects for boys at first glance may seem quite simple. However, in reality, things are much more complicated. After all, if you make a stool, you will need to choose the optimal height of the legs and the dimensions of the base of the product. It is not enough to get a beautiful thing. The stool, in addition, must also be stable.

    In this project, there may be elements of conducted research, the material for which were reports and abstracts on this topic. For example, you can analyze the dependence of the consumption of materials on changes in the shape and appearance of the stool. Be that as it may, the basis of creative work of this type must certainly be the independent activity of schoolchildren.

    Soft toy

    There are a wide variety of creative technology projects for girls. And when choosing them, it should be borne in mind that not all schoolgirls like to sew, but they simply adore soft toys. And here the teacher can offer the girls the idea of ​​​​creating a stuffed doll. The purpose of this work is to make a soft toy. As starting materials for work, threads and pieces of fabric, cardboard for patterns and filler, as well as a needle should be prepared. The implementation of such a project is carried out through group work. One of the girls will receive the task of cutting the future doll. The contours of the parts can be made independently or already selected ready-made.

    The second needlewoman will have to connect all the prepared elements. A third participant in the project may be tasked with filling in finished parts. A creative project using the “Doll” technology at its last stage provides for the connection of all the details. All girls should take part in this work.


    This creative technology project is offered to schoolchildren to create an original gift for their mother by March 8th. At the same time, children must understand that in order to make a loved one pleasant, money is not at all necessary.

    The creative project "Postcard" involves the use of the scrapbooking technique. At the first stage, schoolchildren examine ready-made postcards and get acquainted with the very technique of their manufacture. Next comes goal setting. It consists in creating a bright and unusual postcard. Materials are selected to solve the problem. Their list includes colored cardboard and figured hole punches, satin ribbons and halves of pearls. At the next stage, an action plan should be outlined and the sequence of work performed should be analyzed. At the same time, responsibilities should be distributed among all project participants. This creative project is an example of using common materials to create an original result.

    Teacher's work

    A teacher who uses project technology in his work fully complies with the requirements that apply to this profession as part of the implementation of new education standards.

    It is in the joint activities of the teacher and his students that a trusting relationship is formed, and the prerequisites for the multifaceted development of the child's personality arise. When making joint attempts to find an answer to a given task, children develop communication skills. Schoolchildren who have experience working on creative projects find it easier to study not only in specialized secondary schools, but also in higher education institutions.

    According to the new federal standards, creative work on technology is an obligatory part of the educational process. Such activities should demonstrate those skills that were acquired by the student in technology lessons. Through this work, they can show their individuality. In addition, creative work on technology helps the child to use theoretical knowledge in practice.

    Why technology projects are needed

    Technology projects as a learning option

    Let's try to figure out what a creative technology project is. An example of such an activity is the creation of a wooden stool. Before proceeding with the direct assembly of the product, the project participants study theoretical issues (elements of the product, options for fastening parts), pay attention to safety.

    DIY stool

    The Stool project seems simple only at first glance. In reality, the situation is much more complicated, because you need to choose the optimal dimensions of the legs, the parameters of the base of the stool, in order to get not only a beautiful, but also a stable product. The project may contain elements of research, abstracts, reports. For example, you can analyze how the shape and appearance of a stool has changed, trace the use of raw materials to create it. Creative work of this kind is based on the independence of schoolchildren.

    Each creative project on technology (any example can be given: embroidery, wood carving) is aimed at the cooperation of the student and the teacher. Already at an early age, the child develops the initial skills of professional skills, on the basis of which the child can choose his future profession. In such activities, several types of work are combined at once: pair, individual, group, collective. The teacher is a consultant, partner, coordinator, and the main share of the work falls on the shoulders of the students themselves. Each creative technology project (examples will be given below) encourages children to acquire new skills and knowledge. Working on a particular topic, students get a specific result, which has a positive effect on their self-esteem.

    Project "Soft toy"

    Not all girls love to sew, but without exception, everyone loves soft toys. In order to connect their love of soft toys with the usual technology lessons, you can implement a project to make a fluffy bunny. The purpose of the work will be the creation of a soft toy. Initial materials for work - pieces of fur, threads, a needle, filler for a toy, cardboard for a pattern. The project involves working in a group. One girl will be engaged in the pattern of the future bunny. You can choose a ready-made pattern or make it yourself. The task of the second needlewoman is to connect the parts. Another project participant will fill the finished parts with soft filler. In the final stage, in which individual parts will be connected to each other, all girls will take part.

    Examples of creative projects for girls

    In order to give your mother an original gift on March 8, it is not necessary to spend money, you can do it yourself. The creative project "Postcard to Mom" ​​involves the creation of a beautiful postcard using the scrapbooking technique. At the first stage, the girls get acquainted with the features of technology, consider finished products. Then, together with the teacher, they set a goal: to make an unusual and bright postcard. To achieve this goal, materials are selected: colored cardboard, satin ribbons, figured hole punches, halves of pearls. Next, an action plan is outlined, the sequence of work is analyzed, and responsibilities are distributed among the project participants. A creative technology project is an example of using available materials to obtain an original result. We propose a sequence of actions:

    1. We bend ordinary cardboard in half, choosing the desired size of the postcard (10 by 15 cm, 20 by 25 cm).
    2. Next, using a figured hole punch, we give the card an unusual shape, cut off the edges. The shape can also be given with the help of commercially available ones.
    3. We proceed to the most important moment - the design of the outer part of the postcard. At this stage, girls will be able to show their creative abilities, come up with satin ribbon bows for decoration, unusual pictures. As an additional touch, you can consider attaching halves of pearls.
    4. While one group is designing the front of the postcard, the second group can think about the internal content: text, design. The easiest way is to print a finished template on a color printer, but poems or congratulations of your own composition will be much more pleasant for mothers.
    5. At the end, you need to glue a congratulation to the finished postcard.

    Such a project will surely unite the girls and help the teacher solve a lot of problems related to the interpersonal relationships of teenagers.

    An example of an individual technology project

    As an example of a project that one student must complete, let's take a crochet. In order to make a knitted handbag, a girl must first acquire theoretical knowledge. The teacher introduces the crochet technique, helps to choose a product model, choose threads. In a place with a mentor, the needlewoman chooses the size of the product, the knitting option, its density. The second stage of the project involves the individual work of a schoolgirl. The task of the teacher is to periodically control the quality of the resulting product, as well as help in case of difficulties and difficulties. The end result of such a project should be a finished product - an unusual knitted handbag.


    A teacher who uses project technology in his work meets the requirements that are imposed on him as part of the transition to new education standards. It is in such joint activities with students that trusting relationships are formed, all the prerequisites for the comprehensive development of the child's personality arise. Attempts to find together the answer to the task set by the teacher contribute to the formation of communication skills. Schoolchildren who have experience working on a variety of projects do not experience difficulties when studying in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

    Educational activities according to the Federal State Educational Standards involve not just memorizing theoretical material, but working it out on specific examples. More fruitful cooperation in the process of work between students and the teacher leads to the formation of skills to set a goal, to look for a rational way to achieve it. Analytical skills acquired in technology lessons will help children make quick and correct decisions in everyday life. The project approach is distinguished by humanism, respect for the personality of the student, and a positive charge. This activity is aimed primarily at the development of the child's personality, solving the problem of adaptation in modern society.
