Decoration of windows in the garden stencils. How to decorate windows for the new year

New Year is the time when you want everyone to take part in the preparation for the holiday, to feel the magic of the approaching fairy tale. Having decided to decorate the windows for the New Year, you will not only prepare your house for the holiday, but also share the festive mood with others who will see the result of your work. We have prepared some simple and bright decor ideas.

Choose: what do you like more?

LED garlands and candles

Every year the tradition of decorating windows with luminous garlands embraces more and more people. On the eve of the New Year, the gray high-rise buildings of the sleeping areas are transformed: here and there multi-colored windows are lit, sparkling with lights.

A modern Christmas garland is more than a cord with multi-colored LED lamps. Even being one-color, the garland can become the main element of New Year's decor: light bulbs can cast fancy shadows through openwork, fixed next to or covered with ordinary paper cups, reminiscent of small home lampshades.

You can not only decorate windows for the New Year, but also give the interior a touch of romance or even mystery with the help of lit candles. Candles can be the same in color and size, or, on the contrary, differ in shape, but form a single composition in the overall style of the interior.

DIY garlands

Great scope for the realization of fantasies - creation for windows.

Original hanging decorations can be created from everything that is at hand. Garlands made with:

gouache painting

You can decorate windows for the New Year with paints. The wide surface of the window panes makes it possible to depict whole scenes with several characters against the backdrop of New Year's landscapes. For drawing, it is better to use gouache - compared to other paints, it lays down on the glass in a dense layer and is easily washed afterwards.

Even small children can paint windows for the holiday. They themselves can draw the whole picture or color what adults have outlined on the glass. If you plan to draw a small drawing, you can print a suitable image, temporarily fix the sheet on the outside of the window and trace the outlines of the image, so that later you can color them yourself or with the children.

New Year 2020 is the Year of the Rat. Children will appreciate the unusual idea if the funny Rat can become one of the many New Year characters painted on the windows on the eve of the holiday.

Window decoration with balloons

It is impossible to imagine a New Year's interior without traditional Christmas decorations - Christmas balls. Multi-colored or plain balls attached to the cornice at different heights will look like they are floating in the air during the daytime, and after dark they will become an original festive accent in the interior.

Volumetric paper decorations

You can decorate windows for the New Year using plain white paper. Hand-drawn stencils or printed paper silhouette templates just need to be cut out and stuck to a window (or placed on a windowsill). It can be the outline of a snowy fairy forest or a cozy tiny village with snow caps on top of small houses.

Windows can be decorated with paper folded in the form of three-dimensional figures. To do this, just use one of the many schemes for creating New Year's.

Window cutters

How to decorate a window sill?

Before decorating the window sill space, traditional pots with indoor plants should be moved from the window sill. This will not only have a beneficial effect on the plants themselves (as it will save them from the dry air of the batteries), but will also help to create without green foliage in the background.

Anything can serve as a material for creating a composition:

Even the most ordinary glass jars with artificial snow poured inside or a twisted included garland will become an original New Year's decoration for windows.

Ready-made purchased stickers

You can decorate windows for the New Year not only by creating something with your own hands. For those who do not like to wash off drawings or traces of glued decorations from glasses after the holiday, using purchased stickers would be a good idea. It does not take time to create these decorative elements, just choose and purchase the option you like. Most stickers are single use, however, they can be saved and used for the next year. To do this, after the end of the holidays, you need to carefully remove the sticker and stick it back to the sheet in which it was sold.

How to decorate a window outside?

Owners of individual houses often decorate windows not only inside, but also outside. A festive look to the building in the New Year 2020 will be given by compositions of fir branches, toys, street candles or special garlands. It is important that the decor options on the outside and inside do not interrupt, but complement each other.

We hope you like our ideas! Create, make this world festive! And may this New Year bring only pleasant surprises.

Blinyaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna

This year we have a general concept in kindergarten FOREST TALE, which makes me very happy! Such a theme! Just a fairy tale! Tired of these Chinese symbols - we live in Russia, why no one from my acquaintances knows that this year, according to the Slavic calendar, 2017 will come to us under the banner of the CROUDING FOX and promises to be lucky, intriguing, financially profitable.

Changes are coming.

But each medal has its reverse side.

Therefore, for some, the year will be unnecessarily filled with intrigue, misunderstanding, an overabundance of stress, changeable events and hidden intentions.

It pays to be prudent.

The introduction of the Fox into the Slavic horoscope suggests that our distant ancestors treated this animal with the greatest reverence for dexterity and quick wit, but also with some wariness, due to deceit and variability. Therefore, by combining all the qualities of this beast, and adding to them a bright red-red palette of shades of the Fox, the ancient Slavs created a double symbol. He became a reflection of a terrible element - destructive, but at the same time creative - the personification of Fire.

Although I looked at the photo of our fox, you can’t see it here) Here’s a small one for you exercise: whoever finds a fox will have a very lucky year)

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Windows are the mirror of the soul of any home. It is through them that we look at the world, being within the walls of our home. Therefore, decorating windows for the New Year 2020 is so important! Read below for how to do this. In addition, useful tips, ideas, photos are waiting for you.

Any decoration process inspires and gives extremely positive emotions and inspiration. And when it comes to winter holidays, then the positive effect increases a hundredfold. Without slyness, we can say that we enjoy not only the immediate celebration, but also the pre-holiday preparations.

To properly and beautifully decorate windows and window sills for the New Year, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Close windows when you checkout so that you are not blown away, and the draft does not provoke a cold before the holidays.
  • Before you start clean this place carefully, wash the glass. Otherwise, even the most charming design and decor will look dull.
  • To decorate windows for the New Year outside can choose compositions of spruce twigs, cones, bright ribbons, beads.

  • In the manufacture of window decorations for the New Year from paper, handle scissors and sharp utensils carefully, supervise children if they are involved in the process.
  • If you have stained glass windows then for the New Year it is better to decorate only the window sill because they are so colorful and elegant.
  • Attach decor neatly so as not to scratch or damage anything.
  • To decorate as beautifully and stylishly as possible, use multiple techniques at once.

  • Don't clutter up the glass too much so as not to interfere with the flow of light, because the room should not be too dark.
  • Since the New Year 2020 will be held under the auspices of the White Metal Rat, it is advisable to decorate the whole house and windows in characteristic flowers character: white, silver, gold, grey, any metallic color.

Window Decoration Ideas

Windows are a great field to work in when decorating your home for the New Year 2020. Firstly, you can use glass, and secondly, a window sill. To do this, use various accessories, toys, decorative items.

Here's how you can decorate windows for the New Year 2020:

  1. paper products;
  2. garlands;
  3. painting;
  4. protrusions (cutters).

You can implement such popular ideas for beautiful and stylish window decoration for the New Year 2020 alone or together with family members, friends, children. In the process, you may have new and unexpected ideas, design schemes. Be sure to use them, improvisation in such a creative matter is always welcome!


Snowflakes are a classic window decoration with paper (white or colored) for the New Year, familiar to everyone from childhood, so to speak. This versatile piece of decor will look stylish on almost any surface in your home, from the wall to the refrigerator.

To make crafts you will need:

  1. Paper (color or white).
  2. Scissors.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Glue.

For ideas and inspiration, you can see photos of options on how to decorate a window with snowflakes for the New Year:

Note! Crafts can be very diverse: flat or voluminous, colored or white, large or small.


Decorating windows with chains of interconnected objects can diversify even the most boring interior. By the New Year around the perimeter hang out most advantageously as usual electric and homemade paper garland.

Or to implement an interesting idea - to make an original garland with your own hands from some other material. For example, you can make from:

  • balls;

  • Christmas toys;

  • paper snowflakes, Santa Claus, Christmas trees.

The amazing ideas don't stop there! You can independently figure out how to decorate the window in an original way for the New Year with your own hands. For example, for such a product it is suitable to put into action dried flowers, cones, fir branches, holiday socks.

A few tips to heed when decorating windows with garlands for the New Year:

  • Try to place the device around the entire perimeter, making something like an impromptu curtain. It looks truly wonderful.
  • Choose only reliable and high-quality products.
  • Avoid homemade electrical appliances completely.
  • For elegance, try decorating the entire window, including the window sill.
  • Make sure that the device is securely fixed and does not suddenly fall, damaging other decorative elements.

Photo: options for decorating windows with garlands for the New Year

Original ideas:

Christmas balls

Perhaps, Christmas balls can be used to decorate almost all components of the home, but they are especially suitable for decorating windows.

Here are the options for decorating with balloons:

  • hang in a chaotic manner one ball at a time;
  • combine them into a single structured garland;
  • decorate the window sill, emphasizing the overall composition.

You will definitely not have any problems with decorating windows with Christmas balls for the New Year, because there are many different balls in color, shape, design, pattern. Before the holiday, they can be bought in almost any more or less large store, not to mention specialized stores.

Photo of a beautiful window decoration with balloons for the New Year:

glass painting

Remember how interesting it is to look at the pattern on the glass, which is formed due to frost? This testifies in favor of the fact that the patterns are ideal for decorating windows for the New Year. Most often for this apply toothpaste.If everything is done with high quality, it will turn out very cute and festive.

Photo: decorating windows for the New Year with painting

It will be picturesque to make drawings to decorate windows for the New Year with the help of brushes and special washable paints on glass. Use your talents, improvise and draw as you please! In addition to decorating windows for the New Year with paints, you can decorate glass imprints palms of all family members.

Photo drawings:

To make an original window decoration for the New Year with toothpaste, you will need the following things:

  • the toothpaste itself;
  • water;
  • stencil;
  • sponge;
  • paints on glass;
  • brush.

It's not a sin to remember the old grandfather's way: dilute a little toothpaste in water, and then use a stencil and a sponge to apply a pattern on the window. Such beauty will last for a long time, and it is washed off easily - with an ordinary damp cloth. You can add food coloring to the mixture and create color paintings.

As already mentioned above, to create window decorations for the New Year with toothpaste, templates and stencils are needed. Choose one of your favorites, print and start designing:

You have the opportunity to choose one image or several at once, or you can create an interesting and complex composition to decorate windows for the New Year 2020. In any case, it is important to apply drawings of Santa Claus, Christmas trees, a snowman, a Rat, snowflakes with paste.

Video: how to decorate windows with toothpaste.


quilling- the most beautiful the technique of twisting narrow paper strips and creating different compositions (for example, flowers, animals, and even portraits of people). So decorating windows for the New Year 2020 using quilling paper is a great idea!

Create beautiful snowflakes, festive Christmas trees and place them on glass. And even after the celebration, there will be an opportunity to carefully remove the crafts and place them in another place or leave them stored until the next winter holiday.

Here's what you'll need:

  1. paper strips (white, colored);
  2. scissors;
  3. wooden stick;
  4. glue;
  5. threads.

Having laid out these items on the table, do not rush to proceed. It's not an easy thing! A little preparation is needed: read the instructions again, watch the video, photos.

Instructions for creating quilling paper products that can decorate a window for the New Year:

  • Wind the strip as tightly as possible onto the stick into a spiral. You need a lot of these details.
  • Then remove the spiral and make it of the diameter that you need.
  • After that, carefully fix the tip of the strip with glue.
  • When you have made all the necessary details of the craft, you can fasten them together.

Video: how to make paper decorations on windows using the quilling technique.

Symbol of the year

It is difficult to imagine a complete home decoration without the main symbol of the coming year. The symbol itself looks interesting, but together with the festive mood, it can immerse you in a fairy tale.

You can decorate the window in an original and beautiful way for the New Year with the help of the White Metal Rat as follows:

  1. painting on glass (toothpaste, paints, for example, gouache);
  2. toys (Christmas tree, soft, wooden, knitted, etc.);
  3. animal posters;
  4. paper cut silhouette
  5. garland in the shape of animal silhouettes.

The simplest option is decorate with toys. Suitable for decorating the window sill for the New Year. Just place one or more toys, or tie with strings and leave them hanging. True, the latter option is more suitable for small wooden or Christmas tree decorations.

If you like to draw, then try to draw symbol poster and glue or stick to the glass. You can choose the size of the poster, drawing, colors.

Window decoration with a White Metal Rat for the New Year you are quite capable of doing gouache, which is applied to glass. Give preference to metallic colors, white, silver, gold, gray tint.

WITH garland By the way, you can do anything. Try to fix it in such a way that the lights form rat silhouette.


Vytynanka (or vitinanka) - paper cutting is a very interesting type of decorative art that is ideal for decorating windows for the New Year. There are many quirky picture templates out of which each person will find the cutest one for themselves.

To make such a paper decor, you need the following things:

  • sheets A-4 (white or color);
  • pencil;
  • stationery knife;
  • mat or stand for cutting;
  • PVA glue;
  • template (templates and stencils are waiting for you below).

You can cut out the following protrusions to decorate windows for the New Year: Christmas ball, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, snowflakes, Rat. These images are the most festive, so you are guaranteed a good mood. And you can also make some plot decoration.

It will not be superfluous to involve children in making crafts. They will learn a new creative skill, and you will spend time with interest and benefit!

It is not forbidden to decorate absolutely any window in the house with vytynankas for the New Year, even at work, at school, etc.

The photos show that decorating windows with bulges for the New Year really looks beautiful and festive:

Stencils for creating protrusions for decorating windows for the New Year:

To make such window decorations for the New Year 2020, you you need to print the template you like(just save the picture above and print). You can also come up with your own idea and draw a stencil according to your own idea. But first you need to practice by making sketches.

Video: making protrusions.

How to decorate a window sill

Do-it-yourself window decoration for the New Year involves the design of not only glass, but also a window sill. After all, in terms of decorating the room, it occupies an important role.

There are a lot of options for decorating the window sill for the New Year, as well as the entire window! You can choose a simple and light decor or openwork and bright. Here you should be guided by your desires.

For a stylish decoration, use a window sill to place:

1) Various compositions of cardboard, natural materials in (cones, sticks, spruce branches, etc.) and candles. It turns out cute and sincere.

2) Paper compositions. In particular, you can make a winter city or forest with your own hands.

For such a window sill decoration for the New Year, you will need the following templates:

3) Beautiful holiday-themed toys(Christmas trees, Santa Claus, Rats).

4) Beautiful compositions. Try even to arrange a whole exhibition of New Year's works, that is, place together various crafts that you have made with your own hands.

5) Beautiful Christmas trees. They can be made with your own hands from cardboard, fabric, you can buy toys in the store. And you can even put a live Christmas tree in a pot!

Photos of a beautiful window sill decoration for the New Year:

A wonderful composition in the style of minimalism: live, green branches, leaves and beads.

Candles framed with cinnamon sticks and nutmeg will harmoniously blend into the overall festive composition. Just be careful not to leave burning candles unattended.

Craft made from natural materials with bright accents (scarlet ribbon and red years) looks great!

Some extraordinary window decoration for the New Year is not prohibited. Take, for example, sticks, twigs, cones covered with silver, gold paint, sparkles, and place them in unusual vases, coasters.

Video: how to decorate a window sill.

Idea for kindergarten, school, workplace

Often, not only home dwellings become festive art objects. And that is great! Decorating windows for the New Year in kindergarten, school, at work improves mood and motivates you to new achievements. Let's figure out how best to decorate in such establishments.


The workplace implies officialdom and the absence of colorful details. This rule applies to almost the entire year. Except December! In the pre-holiday period, you can, and even need to decorate your workplace.

Put a Rat in white, golden, silver shades as a window decoration - she will look out the window and wait for the New Year 2020 with you and your colleagues.


Kids will be delighted with decorating windows in the garden for the New Year. Preparing decorative elements is within the power of the parents of kindergarteners and the children themselves, together with the teacher.

By the New Year, to decorate the windows of the kindergarten, you can draw bright and colorful drawings on the glass with colored paints - the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, the White Metal Rat, snowmen, snowflakes, a Christmas tree.

You can cut and stick standard snowflakes. And you can hang paper flags of white, golden, silver color - they will become a wonderful decoration for windows in the garden for the New Year 2020 (after all, the year of the White Rat!)


School is a place where we get the necessary and irreplaceable knowledge for many years. But sometimes you want to step back from formalities and bring brightness to the gray school days. You can decorate windows at school for the New Year in almost any office. The main thing is that the initiative is supported by the class teacher, and then the students will be able to diversify the interior in the classroom for the New Year in December with the help of various window decorations.

School windows are always large, so you can allow a variety of original decorations for the New Year - snowflakes, paint drawings.

Holiday decorating with your own hands is pure pleasure. Be sure to try to decorate windows and the whole house with your own hands for the New Year. You can bring to life even the most daring design decisions, the main thing is that they join the thematic direction. And remember that the original decoration will help enhance the bright, festive and kind atmosphere in the room.

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Today we will tell you how to decorate windows for the New Year with your own hands. In this article you will find several master classes and useful tips, as well as stencils for every taste.

Drawings on the windows create a fabulous, magical atmosphere in the house. It becomes very cozy with them, quite like New Year's. Especially if you add them with lights. Plus, they look great from the street. Already on the way to the house you will feel that a real holiday awaits you in the apartment.

Windows can be decorated in a variety of ways. Of course, the easiest way is to take ready-made stickers. But in this case, the charm of the process itself is lost. After all, window decoration is also a kind of New Year's ritual that gives a sense of celebration and pleases no less than the result itself.

Option one: decorating with paper snowflakes

If you love snowflakes and want to decorate your windows in a traditional style, as well as get rid of the hassle of messing with paint, this option is for you. The most important thing is to stock up on white paper, and then it's up to the small.

What will we need?

  • several sheets of strong white paper
  • sugar


First, prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, pour half a glass of sugar into boiling water (about 1 cup). We reduce the heat and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes until a slight characteristic density appears.

While the syrup is cooling, let's make snowflakes. The easiest way is to cut them using stencils (you can take them).

When the syrup has cooled down a bit, just apply it on the windows in a thick layer and put snowflakes on top of it.

You can lay decorations on the windows randomly, or you can try to create a winter composition. For example, fold snowflakes into a Christmas tree.

Option two: soap drawings

This is another proof that it is not necessary to throw out remnants during the year. It is they who will help us create magical drawings on the windows.

What will we need?

  • a few remnants
  • warm water
  • sponge


To create drawings with soap, you can not even use any templates. One bar of soap (with the sharpest edge) will be left for rendering fine details. Rub the rest of the mass on a fine grater. Add some warm water to them and wait until they start to melt. After a couple of minutes, you can use a mixer and beat the mass until a thick foam forms.

Dip a piece of sponge into the resulting mass and begin to draw.

From the soapy substance, excellent crafts are obtained - snowdrifts, large Christmas trees and snowmen. If you want to add snowflakes and other subtle details, just paint them on the side of the soap that we left intact.

By the way, you can apply drawings with the help of stencils - just circle them with a bar of soap as if it were a felt-tip pen.

Option three: sweet lace

This way of decorating windows will be very popular with young children and those with a sweet tooth. You can't imagine better!

What will we need?

  • sugar
  • powdered sugar
  • sponge


Sugar syrup is prepared in the same way as described above (in the first master class).

We coat the window with sugar syrup and put any stencil cut out of foil (or wrapping paper) on top. Paste the template.

While the syrup is not dry, we spray. To do this, dip the sponge into powdered sugar and, barely touching the surface of the window, transfer it to the glass. You can simply blow off the powder particles from the sponge - they will stick anyway.

Let the painting dry and carefully peel off the stencil.

Just make sure that the windows are clean, otherwise the children are very fond of tasting such patterns.

Option four: painting the window with paints

This is the easiest to design, but the most difficult to launder option. It is especially necessary to carefully clean off the pattern after the holidays for those in whose house windows with wooden frames are installed - the tree can be painted over. However, if you spray water from a spray bottle and quickly pick up smudges with a cloth, everything will not be so scary at all.

What will we need?

  • paints of different colors
  • artificial snow (you can make it yourself)
  • stencils


For window decoration, it is best to take children's stained glass paints. Please note - it is for children, because ordinary stained glass paints are washed off with a special solution. Children are washed off with plain water. You can also use gouache and acrylic paints. They fit perfectly on the glass, they are also easy to wash off.

There are no intricacies and subtleties in creating drawings - only your artistic talents or stencils.

We offer you several ready-made options for images of traditional New Year's heroes.

Templates just need to be printed and circled. If it is possible to open a window, try using one of our life hacks. Stick a piece of paper with an image on the tape on the outside of the window. Close the window and circle the image with a felt-tip pen. Open a window, take a picture. A contour will remain on the glass, which now just needs to be filled with paints.

Complete the finished New Year's composition with a spray of artificial snow and paper snowflakes - it will turn out very beautifully.

Option five: decorating windows with toothpaste

This is a very simple and popular way to create patterns on glass. And most importantly, your house already has everything to start drawing right now.

What will we need?

  • toothpaste
  • room temperature water
  • spray bottle (optional)

Tip: it is best to use white paste (the popular tri-color and greenish ones will not look very nice). However, if you want to add a blue effect, choose a paste of the appropriate shade. In addition, a little blue gouache can be dropped into the mixture.


The paste must be diluted in water at room temperature so that the mass resembles low-fat sour cream in consistency.

You can create drawings with a regular brush. And if you want to get interesting and unusual lines (for example, create artificial frost), pour the mixture into a bottle and spray it onto the glass using a spray gun.

To create large drawings, we offer you a few more stencils.

If you have not found a suitable template, take a look at the previous master class.

After the holidays, this New Year's composition will be very easy to wash off. In addition, the windows will simply shine afterwards: toothpaste is an excellent cleaning agent.

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Many of them will never raise their heads to look at the beauty that surrounds them, so decorating windows for the New Year, at least for yourself, is worth it.

I offer you a few not at all complicated ways to decorate windows. And manner), how can you make the holiday brighter?

Perhaps the most banal decoration of windows can be considered snowflakes. Everyone will notice for themselves how we were taught to cut them out at school in elementary grades. They can be cut out of plain or colored paper and even from a napkin. Those who have more creative abilities can cut them out of corrugated or shiny paper, as well as foil, and in general from any material.

Stickers for decorating windows for the Freshly Baked Year

A faster way to decorate is with stickers. They are the most varied, for every taste and color, they can be purchased at any supermarket or put on to order according to your own sketches. In addition, stickers can be double-sided, they can be seen by you and passers-by on the street.

We decorate windows with drawings

If you have our days, colors and at least a little imagination - this is for you. You can draw tutti whatever you want, for example, spruces, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, toys, lanterns, bells, snowdrifts, animals in general, the whole century, for which there is only enough creativity. You can also use stencils if you are not very good at drawing. Paints can be used watercolor, gouache, stained glass and theatrical snow in spray cans. To create drawings, you can also use ordinary toothpaste, all white.

Decorating windows with improvised means

Also a very simple way to decorate the window. If you don’t want to dirty the windows at all, you can use ordinary New Year’s or soft toys, just attach them to beads or a beautiful thread and attach them above the window. You can also hang it on satin ribbons or tinsel, and on (place of toys you can use cones or snowflakes.

There are many ways to decorate windows for the New Year, it's up to you to choose one of them. Decorate windows and give endless warmth and philia not only to yourself and your loved ones, but also to people around you.
