The oldest mothers in Russia. The oldest mothers of Russia Hindu gave birth at 70 years old

Each woman is unique, her body develops and ages according to its own genetic plan. Some women have the opportunity to give birth to many children, others suffer from infertility and only in the second half of their lives decide to resort to modern medical technologies to combat infertility. Whether it is right or not, to give birth to a child at a later age, everyone decides for himself. The oldest mother in the world - who is she?

Every girl is born with a certain number of eggs laid in her ovaries. They begin to mature with the onset of sexual development in girls at the age of 11-14. During each menstrual cycle (MC), one egg matures and leaves the ovary. During its maturation, under the influence of gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland, the walls of the follicle (vesicle) surrounding the egg cell secrete estrogen hormones that prepare the body for pregnancy and at the same time have a regulatory effect on the entire body.

After the release of the egg from the ovary (ovulation), it is possible to fertilize it with a sperm and start pregnancy. From that time on, the remnants of the follicle turn into a new gland - the corpus luteum and begin to produce the hormone of the second half of the MC or the hormone of pregnancy, if it occurs, progesterone. By the end of the MC, if pregnancy does not occur, the mucosa of the label cavity (endometrium) is rejected, which is accompanied by bleeding and the MC begins again.

Thanks to the MC, a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant and then bear a child. Why can't some people do it? There can be many reasons, first of all, it is a congenital hormonal deficiency. Violations can be at any level of the neurohormonal system that produces hormones to support the reproductive function of a woman - in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries. Changes can occur in the uterus or fallopian tubes - adhesions may appear there against the background of long-term inflammatory processes, etc.

All these processes are successfully treated today, and until a woman has the first signs of a decrease in hormonal levels (menopause), she may well become a mother. But with the onset of menopause, the ovaries are depleted, the number of eggs becomes less and less, and the remaining ones have defects. That is why after 40 years it is more difficult to get pregnant naturally, and if this still happens, then an elderly woman does not have a guarantee of having a healthy child.

But there are exceptions to the rule. Most often, older mothers are those women who already have several children (the more, the greater the possibility of late pregnancy and its successful outcome). Of great importance in this matter is heredity.

What modern medicine has to offer

Medicine has a number of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) that allow you to give birth to a baby at any age, if only the health of an elderly mother can withstand difficult treatment. All these technologies can be conditionally divided into three large groups:

  • technologies that make it possible to conceive a child using the eggs and sperm of the parents "in vitro", with subsequent transplantation into the mother's uterus;
  • technologies that allow you to conceive a baby using donor eggs or spermatozoa (both materials are possible) "in vitro" with subsequent transplantation into the mother's uterus;
  • technologies that allow to conceive a child using the eggs and sperm of the parents "in vitro", with subsequent transplantation into the uterus of a surrogate mother.

Rating of the oldest women in childbirth in the world

6th place - Adrienne Barbeau (51 years old)

American actress who gave birth to her second child (the first was already an adult) at the age of 51. Prior to that, she had repeatedly tried to get pregnant using the IVF (in vitro fertilization) program. After a series of unsuccessful attempts, she calmed down and no longer tried to do anything, as a result, she became pregnant naturally. Commentary: it happens, the psychological factor is of great importance.

5th place - Debbie Hughes (53 years old)

An English woman became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy baby at 53 while taking COCs (combined oral contraceptives). The woman already had three adult children. Comment: good heredity + hormonal contraceptives did not work (manufacturers never give a 100% guarantee).

4th place - Elizabeth Greenhill (54 years old)

Another British woman, who in the 17th century. gave birth to another baby. The baby was the 39th in a row, and the mother was "only" 54. All the children born to this woman survived. Comment: A large number of pregnancies keep the woman's reproductive system working.

3rd place - Kathleen Campbell (55 years old)

A UK resident got pregnant at 55 and gave birth to a son without any help. Comment: such heredity.

2nd place - Don Brook (59 years old)

A British woman who gave birth in 1997 to a healthy son at 59. At first, she took the pregnancy for cancer and only after the examination was surprised to find out that she was pregnant. Comment: The situation is not entirely clear, as there is no data on whether she had any other children.

1st place - Ellen Ellis (72 years old)

And again English. The oldest woman in labor who lived in the 17th century. She gave birth to her last child without complications at the age of 72, but he was stillborn. The birth was the 13th in a row! This is the oldest mother who gave birth naturally. Comment: a woman who gave birth many times could theoretically maintain reproductive function, stillbirth is also characteristic of the elderly.

Surprisingly, this list is dominated by mothers from foggy Albion. What is their secret?

Rating of the oldest mothers in the world who gave birth to children using IVF

Women who decide to get pregnant with IVF have almost no risk: before taking the patient into the program, she is carefully examined, if necessary, treated. Throughout the pregnancy, the patient is observed and the birth of a child with a disability is completely excluded (if a severe anomaly is found during the next examination, the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy).

No. 8. Lauren Cohan (58 years old)

A US woman gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl) in 2006 at 58.

Two years earlier, she gave birth to her second daughter (the first was already an adult).

No. 7. Ann Stolper (age 58)

An Englishwoman, as a surrogate mother, carried twins at 58 (the biological mother was her daughter with a removed uterus).

No. 6. Sandra Lennon (59 years old)

A resident of Britain who, with the help of IVF at 58 and 59 years old, gave birth to two sons with an interval of only one year (in 2003 and 2004); has two adult children and four grandchildren who do not support an elderly mother.

No. 5. Janice Wolf (62)

An Englishwoman, in 2006 gave birth to a son at 62, having by that time adult daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

No. 4. Annegret Raunig (65 years old)

An Englishwoman, with the help of the IVF program at 65, gave birth to four at once (3 sons and a daughter); births were the eighth in a row.

No. 3. Adriana Iliescu (66 years old)

Romanian, naturally could not become a mother; underwent IVF procedures several times to no avail, but still managed to get pregnant and give birth to a daughter in 2005 at 66.

No. 2. Maria Carmen Busada de Lara (66 years old)

Spaniard, in 2006 gave birth to twins, because she believed that she had a good heredity (mother lived to be 101 years old). She died two years after giving birth from ovarian cancer.

No. 1. Rayo Devi (70 years old)

An Indian woman, the oldest woman in childbirth in the world, in 2008, with the help of an IVF program at 70, gave birth to a girl; childbirth was very difficult; this caused public outrage, the question arose about the legality of IVF at such an advanced age.

The story of an elderly mother (video)

The oldest mothers in Russia

In Russia, as well as on the entire planet, in recent years there have been many women who give birth to children after 40 years. Their first-born children were born at the age of 40 by actresses Marina Zudina, Marina Mogilevskaya, ballerina Ilze Liepa. Olesya Sudzilovskaya and Olga Kabo became mothers again at the same age.

But there are also older mothers in Russia:

Galina Shubenina (60 years old)

The oldest mother in Russia, with the help of the IVF program, gave birth to a healthy daughter in 2017.

Dangers of late delivery

Childbirth is always a test, even for young women. In old age, the risks during childbirth increase many times over. The contractility of the uterine muscles decreases, the risk of developing severe bleeding increases. Prolonged labor leads to the fact that the fetus suffers from a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which can later affect the state of his brain.

To avoid such complications during childbirth, older mothers are sent to the hospital in advance and often have a planned caesarean section.

Many older women want to have a baby. Not everyone does it naturally, but there are still cases when women give birth after 50 years. It is recommended that such mothers visit their gynecologist regularly during pregnancy and undergo all the necessary examinations in order to give birth to a healthy baby. With the help of IVF, you can give birth at a later age, if the health of the expectant mother allows.

It's never too late to become a mother! This was confirmed by one resident of India. On April 19, 2016, a 70-year-old woman gave birth to a completely healthy baby, and her first child.

This is incredible, because scientists unanimously declare that after 45 years the chances of conceiving a child are almost zero.

After the exchange of the fifth dozen, this event can be considered a miracle at all. What can we say about those who have stepped over 70. At this age, they do not even dream of experiencing the joy of motherhood.

The older a woman becomes, the worse her reproductive system functions, and it is she who is responsible for the act of fertilization. Therefore, closer to the age of 50, most ladies think more about how to raise their grandchildren, and not about the possibility of giving birth to a child.

The course of childbirth

Our heroine was not afraid of any warnings of scientists, and now she and her husband, who, by the way, is also no longer young (he was 79 years old at the time of birth), are happy parents.

They had a son whom the couple named Armaan. His weight was 2 kg, which is considered slightly below the norm. This happened at the Indian National Institute of Reproductive Medicine.

According to the medical staff, the unusual birth went without problems. The child was born thanks to the standard procedure - caesarean section. His mother feels great and is truly happy to hold her boy in her arms.

Thus, the brave Hindu broke the record set by her countrywoman, Rajo Devi Lohan (Rajo Devi Lohan). This woman received the status of "the oldest mother" in 2006 at the age of 70 years. The IVF procedure helped her to accomplish this, and its effectiveness gives hope to ladies around the world who cannot become pregnant.

Preparing for conception

Before conception, the doctors carefully examined the patient and came to the conclusion that she was not 70 years old, but about 72 years old. And all because Mrs. Daljinder (that's her name) did not have a birth certificate. And it is not surprising that the conception of a child occurred artificially.

For several months, the woman's ovaries were stimulated with special drugs. The eggs obtained during this were fertilized by the ejaculate of the future father and introduced into the future mother.

The news that at the age of 70 you can safely give birth without problems for the health of the baby and yourself, society perceived differently.

Some look at this event with enthusiasm, while others criticize assisted reproductive technologies in every possible way. Apparently, discussions around this topic will not subside for a long time.

There are many known women who have become mothers at an age when many are already grandmothers. There are some in Russia too. We learn more about women for whom age is not a hindrance to having children.

The oldest mother in history

Rajo Devi Lohan is the name of the oldest mother in history, living in one of the villages of India. She gave birth to her first child at the age of seventy. It is known that the woman got married when she was twelve years old, and her husband was fourteen. In India, it is customary to have many children, but the couple never had a single child in their entire life, despite a healthy lifestyle. According to them, they repeatedly turned to healers and healers.

After living fifty-eight years of marriage, the couple learned about IVF from a television program. In India, this procedure costs three and a half thousand dollars. It was a huge sum for the family, but they decided to give it a try. So, after seventy years, the first child appeared in the family - the daughter of Navi. Unfortunately, such a late birth did not remain without consequences for the aged mother. Her health is seriously undermined.

There is another woman who gave birth at the age of seventy - this is the Indian woman Omkari Ranwar. She also managed to get pregnant thanks to IVF. She gave birth to two healthy children. The father of the children is seventy-seven years old. These children were not the first in the family. The couple already have two adult daughters and five grandchildren.

Both of these record holders became mothers only thanks to IVF. But there are also mothers who were able to get pregnant naturally. Such is the resident of the island of Grancy Dawn Brooke. She gave birth at the age of fifty-nine, but she had to undergo hormone therapy before conception. In the history of mankind, it is this heroic woman who is recognized as the oldest mother who managed to give birth to a living child, having conceived it naturally.

Welsh Ellen Alice is a mother of many children, who at the end of the eighteenth century, at the age of seventy-two, bore her thirteenth child. Unfortunately, he was born dead. This woman is considered the oldest mother in history.

The oldest mother of many children in Russia

There are mothers who manage to give birth to many children in their lifetime. They are called multi-children. Of all the famous mothers of many children, one of the record holders was the Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill. She gave birth to her thirty-ninth child at the age of fifty-four. This was in 1669. All her pregnancies ended in the birth of healthy children, while twins were born only once. Thus, the woman gave birth thirty-eight times.

But a Russian woman who lived in the city of Shuya in the eighteenth century gave birth only twenty-seven times, but she had sixty-nine children. All that is known about this mother of many children is that she was a peasant woman, her husband was Fyodor Vasiliev.

The oldest mother in Russia today

In the ranking of the oldest mothers on the planet, Russian woman Natalya Surkova takes the fourth position. The woman became a mother at fifty-seven. She gave birth to a healthy girl, Sasha. At that time, the woman was the mother of two adult children and the grandmother of one grandson. Conception became possible due to hormonal therapy. She got into the Guinness Book of Records of Russia as the oldest mother in the country.

Sasha is the granddaughter of the famous poet Alexei Surkov, and Natalia, respectively, is his daughter. Surkova, before conception, turned to the gynecological center, where she said that she wanted to have a baby, which surprised the staff very much. I had to “renew” the body, for this the woman went to the clinic, where she was among women who had difficulty conceiving. Few believed in the success of this whole undertaking, but time passed, and the test showed a positive result.

Surkova's pregnancy passed without pathologies and complications, there was not even edema. In the spring of 1996, childbirth took place, and Natalya became the oldest mother in Russia. Surprisingly, by that time her grandson was two years old. The woman claims that after giving birth she has become many years younger and feels just fine. Natalya believes that her Sasha has an unusual happy fate, as she is an unusual child.

There is another old mother in Russia - this is Lyudmila Belyavskaya. At fifty-two, she became the mother of a little daughter. Her husband, actor Alexander Belyavsky, was then seventy.

The main argument of "adult" mothers is a conscious approach to conception and pregnancy. By this time, they have already gained a certain prosperity, their life is stable, family relationships are stable. Thanks to the accumulated experience, old mothers are always more attentive and patient with the needs of babies and spend more time on their development.

In addition to natural conception, there is also such a way to become a mother as surrogate motherhood. Someone turns to the help of surrogate mothers because he does not want to bear and give birth to a child, someone does this because of poor health or age. Today

Recent studies are encouraging: only by changing the habitual diet, you can significantly push back the onset of menopause. In addition, scientists have identified a gene whose deactivation can give women up to 5 additional years of fertility - and most likely this will happen in the next decade. We have collected stories of those mothers who decided and gave birth to a child after 50 years old - perhaps in the near (hopefully!) Future this will become commonplace, but for now there is reason to admire their courage (and maybe be inspired by an example).

Elizabeth Ann Battle

An American mother who holds the world record for the difference between births: she gave birth to her second child exactly 41 years after her first child. The girl Belinda was born when her mother was 19, but the brave woman gave birth to the boy Joseph, having already celebrated her own 60th birthday. Both children were born naturally, without a caesarean section.

Omkari Panwar

Indian woman Omkari Panwar and her husband Charen Singh Panwar really wanted a son - so much so that even their middle age (70 and 77 years respectively) did not make them give up their dream. The couple sold all their property, including the house and land, took out a bank loan - turned to the clinic for help As a result, Omkari gave birth to twin boys. A piquant fact: at the time of contacting the clinic, the parents already had two daughters and five grandchildren.

Regjo Devi Lohan

But the oldest woman who became a mother for the first time is considered to be another resident of India: Regjo Devi Lohan gave birth to her first child at the age of 70. She tried for 40 years to get pregnant - and now that everything worked out, she intends to breastfeed her baby for at least three years.

Dawn Brook

But if all the women mentioned above, in order to conceive a child, were forced to resort to artificial insemination methods, then the British Dawn Brook became the oldest mother in the world who managed to get pregnant naturally. In 1997, she became pregnant and subsequently successfully gave birth to a child, Dawn herself at that time was 59 years old.

Tina Malone

The Shameless star became a mother for the second time at the age of 50. In order to get pregnant, Tina and her husband had to turn to IVF technology - moreover, the doctors tried to persuade the woman to give up her intention to the last. But Tina did not give up and was even able to lose 69 kilograms in order to start the procedure.

Ludmila Belyavskaya

The second wife of Russian actor Alexander Belyavsky gave birth to a daughter at the age of 52. Mom had to have a C-section, but everything else went great. It is noteworthy that the happy dad at that time was 70 years old.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, a Russian woman gave birth to the most children in the 18th century: in 30 years she gave birth to 69 children.

The Guinness Book of Records records that the largest number of children was born in the 18th century by a Russian woman, about whom it is only known that she was the wife of a peasant Fyodor Vasiliev. For 30 years, she gave birth 27 times: 16 pairs of twins, 7 triplets and 4 quadruplets. There are 69 children in total.

By the way, after the death of his first wife, Fedor Vasiliev remarried, and the second wife bore him 18 more children: six twins and two triplets. However, even such a result does not allow us to consider Fedor Vasiliev the largest father in history. But the record of a nameless peasant woman has not been beaten so far.

Perhaps there is not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, it appeared relatively recently - it has been celebrated on the last Sunday of November since 1998, but gradually it enters Russian homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, they will still be few.

Our reference

The most unusual mothers

The mother who gave birth to the tiniest baby. Baby Mahajabina Sheikh at birth weighed 243.81 g with a height of 10 cm.

The oldest mother Indian Rayo Devi Lohan gave birth for the first time at the age of 70.

The youngest mother was Lina Medina. The girl gave birth to a child when she was 5 years and 7 months old.

A mother who gave birth to eight children at one time. Nadia Denise Daoud-Suleman Gutierrez was born in 2009, and six more children were waiting for her at home.

The world record for the difference between births is set by Elizabeth Ann. She gave birth to her first child in 1956, when she was 19 years old, and the second son was born when her mother was already 60 years old. Thus, the difference was 41 years.
