Egg omelet recipes. Omelet in a pan recipes with photos

There are several recipes that tell you how to cook an omelet with milk in a pan. By following the cooking technique and knowing a few secrets from famous chefs, you can create a real masterpiece from simple products. This wonderful dish of eggs and milk can become an excellent traditional breakfast for the whole family - tasty, fragrant, very nutritious.

Omelette with milk in a pan - a classic recipe

The simplest omelet recipe is the classic one. It is from him that you can begin your acquaintance with this wonderful culinary masterpiece.

For cooking, you should stock up:

  • chicken eggs - 4-5 pieces;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • oils - butter and vegetable;
  • black pepper and salt.

Eggs should be beaten into the container. It is more convenient to use a mixer, you can use a fork or a whisk, but the process will be longer. Add salt to the egg mass, pour in the milk and beat everything for a few more minutes.

The longer the whipping process takes, the more airy the dish will turn out.

In the meantime, the pan should be greased with butter or ghee and add a little sunflower oil so that there is no smoke when the container is heated. When the oil is hot, it is necessary to pour the beaten egg-milk mixture into the dishes and cook over low heat, covered with a lid. During the cooking process, the container with the mixture should be shaken periodically - the splendor of the dish will depend on this.

Garnish the finished product with green dill sprigs and serve, dividing into portioned pieces. You can add a salad of fresh vegetables. Such a light, nutritious breakfast will saturate the body until the next full meal.

Diet protein meal

You can cook an omelet with milk for those who follow their figure and are afraid to gain extra pounds. Replacing natural milk with less fat and the complete exclusion of high-calorie yolks will help make the dish dietary. Otherwise, the same products are used as for making an omelette according to the classic recipe.

Diet Omelet Ingredients:

  • proteins - 4 pieces;
  • skimmed milk - a glass;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

First you need to carefully separate the egg into its main components, using a special device or on your own. Then add the dairy product to the proteins and beat everything thoroughly until fluffy. Add seasoning, continuing to beat for another 1-2 minutes. After that, finely chopped parsley with dill is added to the protein-milk mixture (you can use any greens according to your preferences) and everything is gently mixed.

Grease a deep frying pan with oil, heat it up and pour the preparation for the dish. After the container is closed with a lid (preferably transparent). The dish is prepared in 12 minutes. After this time, a diet air omelette in a pan is served at the table. The calorie content of the meal will eventually be 110 kcal.

Fluffy omelette in a frying pan

In order to cook the most magnificent omelet, you should follow certain rules.

Used components:

  • quail eggs - 8 pieces;
  • sifted flour - 2 tablespoons (when adding this component, it is important to remember that the dish will turn out to be a little more high-calorie);
  • a glass of milk;
  • sunflower oil should be taken so much that it covers the bottom of the container;
  • salt pepper.

To obtain a lush milk-protein dish, it is necessary to beat the proteins and yolks separately. In this case, it is better to put the proteins in the refrigerator for 8 minutes, then beat. The yellow part of the egg is cooked separately, first salt and spices are added, then milk.

It is necessary to introduce the whipped white part into the milk-yolk mixture, mix everything carefully and pour into a container with preheated vegetable oil. You can replace sunflower oil with a product of animal origin, for example, ghee - so the taste of the finished dish will be more tender and rich.

The dish is cooked for 7-8 minutes over low heat. Then cover the container with a lid and hold for another 3-4 minutes. Turn off the fire and invite the household to the table, decorating with vegetables and herbs.

French cooking with cheese

Omelet is considered a traditional French dish. At home, they learned to cook it in different variations, adding various products. An omelet with cheese is considered a traditional French dish - it is often served at home for breakfast and is offered to try in famous restaurants.

The meal is prepared from:

  • 4 eggs;
  • cheese - 60-70 grams;
  • butter - 35 grams;
  • milk - 10 ml;
  • pepper, salt to taste.

Separately or together in a container, beat the yolks with proteins, pour in the milk. Pour the egg-milk mixture into the butter, heated in a pan, filling the container evenly. The dish is cooked over low heat for 5 minutes under the lid.

When the dish is almost ready, it is necessary to cover one part of it well with grated hard cheese. After cooking, the omelette in a pan is cut into 2 equal parts and the one on which there is no cheese must be covered with the second. After insisting for one minute, you can divide the food in portions and serve.

  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • natural fat milk - 0.2 liters;
  • flour - 40 grams;
  • ham - 110 grams;
  • hard cheese - 120 grams;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • dill and seasoning.
  • In a heated bowl, fry chopped onion, add chopped tomatoes and ham into strips. Lightly brown everything, reduce the heat and leave to languish under a closed lid. In the meantime, in a bowl of a suitable volume, you need to beat the rest of the components in stages, starting with eggs, milk, etc. Spread the mixture into the pan and cook over low heat until half cooked. After adding the grated cheese, cover and cook the food until the dairy product melts for another couple of minutes. It is recommended to cut the cooked dish into portions, decorate with vegetables, herbs or olives if desired.

    If one morning you are wondering how to cook an omelette in a pan, then you have come to my address. In this article, I will tell you how to cook delicious omelettes with different fillings, as well as how to make an omelette fluffy and airy like in kindergarten in our childhood. For many, the recipe for a magnificent omelet is still a mystery, but there is nothing complicated in it and you will see for yourself.

    An omelet is a great nutritious breakfast for the whole family, both adults and children love to eat it. But who said that you can not cook a delicious ruddy omelet with sausage and cheese for dinner? Or an omelet with tomatoes for lunch? There are no restrictions and the limits of your imagination too. Although it is worth making a few caveats, do not put anything in the omelet. Start by studying the classic recipes, because someone has already tried everything before you and chose the best. Let's use the experience of other culinary specialists to acquire our own.

    The omelet has come down to us as a dish of French cuisine, at least its name, but many peoples have their own ways of preparing an omelet and, of course, its name. The most important thing in an omelette is the eggs and the correctness of their preparation. Remember what James Bond said about his cocktail: "Shake, don't mix." With an omelet, everything is exactly the opposite, the eggs for it should be mixed, but not beaten. And even a fluffy airy omelet is prepared without serious whipping with a mixer.

    You can cook omelettes in many ways: fry them in a pan, bake in the oven, cook in a slow cooker. But all the recipes in one article cannot be covered, so this time I will describe those recipes that we can cook in a regular frying pan. After all, almost everyone has a frying pan and a stove, which means there will be an omelet!

    So let's move from theory to practice to see this.

    Classic omelette with milk in a pan - a simple recipe

    To get started, let me tell you how to prepare the simplest omelet with milk. It is without fillings and additions, and all its charm lies only in a delicate egg taste. Many people love just such an omelette most of all, it is an ideal dietary breakfast rich in proteins and energy. An omelet with milk can also be prepared for children, even small enough, for them the main thing is to make it without a crust so that it remains tender and soft.

    In order to cook the right omelette, you will need a bowl or a deep plate, a medium diameter frying pan with high walls and a lid, preferably with a thick bottom. A wide spatula will also come in handy to remove a tender omelet from the pan without tearing.

    Of the products you will need the simplest:

    • eggs - 2-3 pieces per serving,
    • milk - 50 ml for 2 eggs,
    • salt and pepper to taste,
    • frying oil.


    Omelet with milk cooks very quickly and therefore it is best to put the pan in advance, especially if you have an electric stove, which will take a little longer to heat up. Immediately heat up not to the maximum fire, but slightly above average. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan. Non-stick pans allow you to fry without oil, but only do this if you are 100% sure nothing will stick. Omelet with milk is very tender.

    Break eggs into a deep plate for one serving of omelet. Usually it is 2 or 3 eggs for adults.

    Stir the eggs with a fork to mix the white and yolk. Pour in the milk and add a pinch of salt to your taste.

    Now stir again with the same fork, whisking quite a bit. We do not do this with a mixer precisely because the egg should not turn into foam, but only slightly fill with bubbles.

    Stir the egg like this for literally one minute and immediately pour it into the hot pan.

    The omelette will immediately begin to fry from the bottom side. As soon as you see that the edges have begun to thicken, then reduce the heat of the burner and finish cooking the omelet on low heat. This is necessary so that it is completely baked, but at the same time not overcooked from below. You can cover the omelet with a lid and cook under it until all signs of liquid eggs disappear.

    The omelette is usually baked from the edges to the middle, as soon as the middle has ceased to be liquid, the omelette is ready and can be removed.

    It is very difficult to remove a thin omelet with an even “pancake”, so you can remove it by folding it in half with a spatula or twisting it into a tube. If your omelette is thick, from a large number of eggs, then you need to remove it with a wide flat spatula.

    Ready omelette can be sprinkled with herbs and pepper. Have a delicious breakfast!

    Omelet with cheese in a pan without milk

    Another very tasty and popular omelet option is with cheese. In order to deviate a little from the previous recipe, we will make it without milk. It won't change the taste much. If you want milk to still add that, take the proportion from the first recipe.

    Why cheese? The main secret of omelettes with cheese is that the cheese is melted and preferably inside the omelet or at least on top. You can cook it both openly, simply by sprinkling cheese on top of the eggs, or closed, when cheese is poured on one half of the omelette, and the second is covered in the form of an envelope. Then the cheese inside melts and it starts to stretch deliciously.

    For such an omelette, your favorite cheese is suitable, but it is good if it melts well. Soft varieties like mozzarella can also be used, but they have a mild flavor and will get a little lost with the egg. I usually take the usual yellowish hard cheese, such as gouda or sour cream, tilsiter or Russian. Choose according to your taste.

    To prepare such an omelette with cheese, we need 2 eggs per serving, and 50 grams of grated hard cheese. Salt, fresh herbs and a little oil for the pan.


    Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour just a little oil into it so that the omelet easily lags behind when cooked.

    In a cup or plate, stir two eggs until smooth and a little frothy. Mix better with a fork or whisk, literally one minute. Salt the mixture to taste. you can add pepper.

    Then pour the mixture into the skillet in an even layer and fry over medium-low heat.

    As soon as the middle is no longer liquid, sprinkle the omelette with grated cheese on a coarse grater. You can fold the omelet in half to make an envelope and the cheese inside melts.

    Cover and let stand for another 2-3 minutes, then remove the hot omelet, put on a plate and serve. The hot melted cheese will stretch every time you cut off a slice of the omelet.

    Bon appetit!

    Omelet with tomatoes and cheese in a pan - step by step recipe

    There is absolutely nothing complicated in cooking an omelette with tomatoes. If you want to cook a delicious breakfast, and there is at least one tomato and some cheese in the refrigerator, then you will get a wonderful dish. My daughter sometimes calls such an omelet a pizza, although according to my taste it should also have sausage in it. But cheese and tomato are already enough to make it very tasty.

    You will need:

    • eggs - 2 pieces for 1 serving,
    • tomato - 1 per serving (small 1 or half a large one),
    • hard cheese - 50 grams per serving,
    • milk - 50 grams per serving,
    • salt and herbs op to taste.


    First, heat up a frying pan with oil. For frying an omelet, you can use not only vegetable, but also creamy. But you need to be more careful with creamy, you can’t heat it in a pan for too long, it will start to burn and the taste will deteriorate. The butter should only have time to melt and immediately pour the eggs.

    Beat the eggs a little with a fork until bubbles of light foam appear, pour milk into them and stir again.

    After that, pour into a hot pan and fry over low heat until the middle is no longer liquid.

    During this time, cut the tomatoes into slices, and grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Put the tomatoes in an almost ready omelette and sprinkle grated cheese on top. You can cover with a lid and bring the omelet to readiness. You can also fold the omelette in half into an envelope and the tomatoes and cheese will turn into a delicious filling.

    After a couple of minutes, the omelette will be ready and it's time to serve it on the table while it's fresh and hot.

    Omelet with mushrooms and cheese - cooking in a pan

    How to get past such a delicious omelet filling as mushrooms. At any time of the year you can find fresh champignons in stores. If you have fresh forest ones, then you can cook with them. White, chanterelles, mushrooms and many others are very tasty in an omelette.

    I cook with champignons, because now is not the season. You can add some fresh vegetables and herbs as a side dish, there will be more vitamins. By the way, this omelet makes a wonderful light dinner. No carbs and very little fat from butter.

    You will need for 1 serving:

    • mushrooms - 100 grams,
    • eggs 2-3 pieces,
    • milk - 50-70 grams,
    • hard cheese - 50 grams,
    • vegetable oil,
    • greens and vegetables as desired,
    • salt to taste.


    For an omelette with mushrooms, you have to prepare a little. Fresh champignons must first be fried. It will take 5-8 minutes, especially if you cut them into thin slices. Just brown them in a skillet over high heat.

    For the omelet, reduce the heat on the stove to medium or slightly less. He shouldn't get overcooked.

    Whisk eggs and milk a little with a fork or whisk until light, so that everything is thoroughly mixed until smooth. Add salt. Pour the eggs into the skillet with oil and fry until the edges set. When the middle is still quite a bit watery, lay the mushrooms. Distribute them evenly. Literally in a couple of minutes, the middle will grab too, which means you can fold the omelette in half. Carefully pry up the edge with a wedge and fold it in half so that the mushrooms are inside.

    Now cover the omelette with a lid and cook for another 2 minutes on one side and 2 minutes on the other.

    Ready. Delicious, fragrant omelet with mushrooms can be served on the table! Bon appetit!

    Omelet with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

    Here such an omelet can already be safely called an omelet-pizza. Only instead of the dough there will be an egg mixture. But in some cases it is even better, and it cooks very quickly. This version of omelets is my favorite, as well as my family's. For him, we use different sausages or even ham that we can find at home. It turns out delicious with both boiled doctor's sausage and smoked sausage. Tomatoes need a little, because they give juice when fried. And the cheese is a great addition. Such a hearty breakfast will keep you full for a long time, believe me.

    You will need for 1 serving:

    • eggs - 2-3 pieces,
    • sausage - 50 grams,
    • cheese - 50 grams,
    • milk - 50 ml,
    • tomato - 1 small or half a large one
    • salt to taste.


    It's prepared just like any other omelet. Eggs are mixed with milk. salted and quite a bit whipped. Until the first foam, so that it is more magnificent.

    Heat the skillet over medium heat so that the omelet is well cooked inside. Pour the eggs over it and cook until the edges are browned.

    At this time, cut the tomato and sausage into cubes or slices. You can make any size of pieces. If you want to leave sausage rings, cut them thinly. Cheese will need grated.

    In an almost ready omelette, lay out the filling in even layers. Tomatoes, sausage, and cheese on top. Then we cover our omelette with a lid and cook for a couple more minutes until it is all baked and the cheese is a little melted.

    Of course, you can fold it in half, but I like such an omelette in the form of a pizza, as well as my daughter.

    Eat the finished omelette before it gets cold!

    Lush omelette in a pan - a detailed video recipe

    Many people are most interested in the secret of how to cook a magnificent omelet in a skillet, and not in the oven. Everyone's favorite kindergarten omelet is still baked in the oven. But what if we cook it in a frying pan, and we really want a lush, tall and tender omelet.

    This video just shows the technique of making such an omelet. I honestly tried it and it really turns out a very high and magnificent omelet. It is so tender that it even resembles a soufflé. Delicious. Try and you cook such a magnificent omelette in a pan.

    There are dishes that are perfect for any meal. Omelette has been one of those for many decades. It is preferred by both adults and children. It can be easily ennobled with any taste and get exactly the dish that will delight relatives and friends.

    This dish is present in many cuisines of the peoples of the world. Most often, its basic ingredients are milk and eggs. But the cooking process and related products, as well as the basic procedures, vary greatly. Everyone brings something different to get an excellent result and get a decent taste.

    Most people believe that the omelette came from French cuisine. It is there that it is customary to mix the egg mass, fry one side in butter and roll up before serving. The only thing that distinguishes numerous dishes is the filling. It is very different from each other, and is selected according to the preferences of the cook.

    In domestic cooking, they prefer to cook an omelet with the addition of milk, after having beaten the eggs well with a whisk or mixer. At the same time, the method of cooking is completely unimportant: baking, frying or heat treatment in a vacuum. In any case, the result is pleasing. Since the result is very lush and juicy.

    Each country has its own interpretation of the dish. Much depends not only on the method of cooking, but also on additional products inherent in this particular country. So, among the fillings you can find tomatoes and peppers, a variety of cheeses, meat and sausage products, herbs and various seasonings and spices also do not stand aside. Another indisputable advantage is that it is an omelet that can be safely tasted almost everywhere. Having learned a couple of new tricks, you can start experimenting with your favorite dish right now.

    Below are 10 options for dishes prepared in various ways. Choose any:

    Classic omelette recipe in a pan

    Such an omelette will appeal to those who first start cooking this dish. It's incredibly simple. Having learned a simple technique, you can create something original based on the knowledge gained.


    • Selected egg - 4 units.
    • Pasteurized milk - 1/2 cup
    • Salt.
    • Olive oil.
    • Tomato - a pair of fruits.
    • Dill.

    Cooking process:

    1. Beat the eggs thoroughly using a whisk.

    2. Add salt and seasonings.

    3. Add mass to volume using a mixer.

    4. Gently pour in the milk while churning.

    5. Put the cast-iron speed on fire. Add a small amount of olive oil.

    6. Pour in the prepared mass.

    7. As soon as the omelet grabs a little, cover with a lid.

    8. Reduce heat and leave for five minutes.

    9. As soon as the lower part is browned, it is necessary to turn the omelet over.

    10. Place chopped greens and tomato circles in the middle. Add up.

    11. Serve hot.

    If desired, you can add any light sauce to the dish, but this already depends on the preferences of the cook.

    Be sure to watch the video recipe:

    Bon appetit!

    Delicious option with sausage and tomatoes

    Adding a spicy zest to any dish is real, if you diversify it with additional ingredients. An omelette is obtained, thanks to little tricks, much more interesting. Moreover, taking into account the preferences of the household, you can always cook something interesting and incredible.


    • Selected egg - 3 units.
    • Pasteurized milk - 40 milligrams.
    • Sausage "Milk" - 150 grams.
    • Vegetable oil and butter.
    • Parsley.
    • Tomato.
    • Salt and spices.

    Cooking process:

    1. Prepare food on a cutting board.

    2. Combine eggs with milk, salt and spices. Whisk thoroughly using a whisk. The foam should be uniform and dense.

    3. Sausage "Milk" and tomato, previously peeled, cut into small squares.

    4. Place two types of oil on a preheated pan, put the sausage and tomato. Fry with a little stirring.

    5. Fill with egg mass on top. Stir using a wooden spatula. As soon as a homogeneous state is formed, cover with a lid, reduce the heat. Leave on the stove for five minutes.

    6. Grind parsley. Sprinkle on top.

    Pretty quickly you can get a nutritious dish that can energize for the whole day. And most importantly, thanks to a competent combination of products, the result is always excellent.

    Recipe with cheese

    Breakfast should always be delicious. In this case, you should try the proposed version of the dish. Even children eat it with delight, because it combines very useful products.


    • Selected egg - 4 units.
    • Milk - 50 milligrams.
    • Butter - 15 grams.
    • Cheese "Gouda" - 50 grams.
    • Salt.
    • Greenery.

    Cooking process:

    1. Break the eggs into a deep container.

    2. Add salt and milk. Blend into a smooth mixture using a fork.

    3. On a preheated brazier, generously greased with butter, pour the resulting mixture. Fry on each side for a couple of minutes.

    4. Grind the Gouda cheese using a coarse grater.

    5. Move the omelette to a plate. Top with chopped herbs and cheese.

    If desired, cheese can always be added to the frying process. It will melt and only enhance the richness of taste. In this case, the use of greens should be abandoned.

    How to steam an omelet

    If you want to cook a low-calorie dish always, you can use little tricks. If we take into account the benefits of the resulting omelette, the result will exceed all expectations.


    • Selected egg - 3 units.
    • Milk - 60 milliliters.
    • Salt.
    • Butter.

    Cooking process:

    1. Using a whisk, beat the eggs.

    2. After adding salt, spices and milk, repeat the procedure.

    3. Lubricate molds for baking muffins with oil.

    4. Fill in the resulting mass.

    5. Pour water into the pan, place a colander on top. Put on fire. Boil. If the water reaches the base of the colander, drain a little. Place molds and cover. The process of "grabbing" an omelet takes about ten minutes.

    6. After the time has elapsed, we take out the finished dish, and serve with herbs and vegetables.

    A healthy diet dish will delight all lovers of harmony and is perfect for small children.

    Without milk

    Many parents like to experiment with different healthy foods in order to prepare the most optimal meal for their child. These include this omelet on quail eggs, which can please even a knowledgeable gourmet.


    • Quail egg - 15 units.
    • Butter - 50 grams.
    • Spices.
    • Salt.
    • Boiled water - 15 mil.

    Cooking process:

    1. Divide each egg into yolk and protein.

    2. Beat the proteins thoroughly using a whisk or fork.

    4. At the end, add the required amount of salt and spices. Add water.

    5. Heat up the pan. Lubricate the surface using butter. Spread the egg mixture over the surface. Turn the stove on to the maximum. Cover with a lid.

    6. At the initial thickening, cover with a lid and reduce the heat.

    7. After a couple of minutes, an excellent omelette will delight with its unsurpassed taste.

    Having received an excellent and healthy dish, you can always decorate it with additional cheese, herbs or vegetables. The result will be first class.

    Video recipe:

    Bon appetit!

    How to cook an omelette in the oven like in kindergarten

    Nostalgia for childhood can sometimes be overwhelming. This is especially true of those dishes that were offered to us in preschool institutions. No one could refuse an omelet. He was just extraordinary. Often standard experiments fail. In this case, it is worth learning one secret, due to which you can achieve the desired result and get the coveted dish the first time.


    • Selected egg - 5 units.
    • Milk 3.2% fat - a glass.
    • Butter.
    • Salt and spices.

    Cooking process:

    1. Treat the surface of the eggs from microbes. Dry. Crack the eggs into a deep bowl.

    2. Add salt and milk.

    3. Connect all products together using a fork, whisk or mixer.

    4. Lubricate the mold with oil. Pour in the mass. Place in oven preheated to desired temperature.

    5. The average baking time is about half an hour.

    6. The result is a ruddy and at the same time juicy omelette.

    Depending on how many people you have to treat, you can increase the volume of products. Every time the result will be excellent.

    In a slow cooker

    Using this wonderful device in advance, you can delight your family with an excellent breakfast without spending any effort at all. By combining all the products in the morning, it will undoubtedly turn out exactly what will bring everyone not only incommensurable benefits, but also joy.


    • Selected egg - 6 units.
    • Cheese "Gouda" - 100 grams.
    • Manka.
    • Butter.
    • Milk - 1.5 cups.
    • Dill.
    • Salt.
    • Spices.

    Cooking process:

    1. Collect all products on the cutting surface.

    2. Break the pre-washed eggs into a deep salad bowl.

    3.Pour in the milk and sprinkle with salt. Mix using a fork.

    4. Finely chop the dill.

    5. Grind the Gouda cheese using a fine grater.

    6. Add to the resulting mass.

    7. Lubricate the capacity of the multicooker with oil and sprinkle with semolina.

    9. By the required time, an excellent breakfast will not keep you waiting.

    You can always add vegetables or meat products to the recipe. This will enhance the flavor palette and make it more diverse.

    Interesting video recipe:

    Bon appetit!

    in the microwave

    Healthy food connoisseurs unanimously argue that dishes cooked in a pan do not always convey the desired taste and bring the benefits that are expected from it. When cooking an omelet in the microwave, you can get the highest quality result from the same products. At the same time, the time spent on the entire process will be minimal.


    • Selected egg - 5 units.
    • Pasteurized milk - a glass.
    • Tomato -1 units.
    • Salt.
    • Butter.

    Cooking process:

    1. Rinse the eggs. Place in a deep bowl.

    2. Using a mixer, beat until smooth. No more than three minutes.

    3. Add milk. Continue whipping.

    4. Add salt. Seasonings as desired.

    5. Rinse the tomato in running water, cut into rings and add to the total mass.

    6. Grease the form. Set the desired mode on the microwave oven. No more than 3-4 minutes is enough for baking.

    Take out and serve with vegetables and herbs. The result is simply excellent.

    Japanese omelette

    Tomago-yaki is well known to all sushi lovers. Some of the rolls are prepared using it. Although as an independent dish, such an omelet is served quite often. And by adding certain products to it, you can get an unsurpassed snack. But, everything is individual and depends on preferences.


    • Vegetable oil - 15 milliliters.
    • Selected egg - 6 units.
    • Soy sauce - 15 milligrams.
    • Rice vinegar - a tablespoon.
    • Cane sugar - 5 grams.

    Cooking process:

    1. Prepare the required products on the cutting surface. If desired, rice vinegar can be replaced with rice wine.

    2. Break pre-washed and dried eggs into a deep bowl.

    3. Using a mixer, beat the egg until a dense white foam is obtained.

    4. Strain the mass through a sieve. It is required to get rid of veins and flagella.

    5. Pour in vinegar, sauce, add sugar.

    6.Knead until the mass becomes homogeneous. It is important to dissolve the sugar.

    7. Grease the fryer with oil. To warm. Pour a small part of the mass into a thin layer. Smooth out using the pancake technique.

    8. Using a spatula, roll the omelet spicy on a roasting pan.

    9. Leave the roll in the pan. Pour part of the mass so that it reaches the first roll. The main thing is that after frying it was possible to double the first workpiece by winding.

    10. The wrapping procedure must be repeated every time after frying the next pancake. Do not forget about pre-lubrication of the surface of the brazier.

    11. At the exit, the finished Japanese omelette looks something like this. Despite the number of procedures, the time for the entire cooking process is no more than 10 minutes.

    12. Using cling film and a bamboo mat for rolls, give it a rounded shape.

    13. Give the tomago-yaki a little grip.

    14. Divide into portions.

    15. Serve with soy sauce. If desired, with Philadelphia cheese.

    An unconventional omelette will appeal to all lovers of experiments. And about the unusual taste, everyone can judge.

    For a child 1 year old

    In order to feed her child with exceptionally healthy food, every mother is tirelessly experimenting. The proposed option is just perfect, as it has exceptional benefits and does not contain carcinogens. To do this, we use a steamer.


    • Selected egg - a couple of pieces.
    • Milk 1% fat - 4 tablespoons.
    • Salt.
    • Butter.

    Cooking process:

    1. Using a whisk, beat the egg.

    2. Mix in salt and milk.

    3. Lubricate the mold with oil.

    4.Put it in the middle position and set the required temperature regime.

    5. Cook no more than 15 minutes.

    The child will be crazy about the gentle and airy mixture. And for those who do not have such a miracle technique as a double boiler, a steam bath will definitely come to the rescue. In this case, the cooking time can change up to 20-25 minutes.


    Connoisseurs of healthy food and those who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle are well aware that scrambled eggs are a first-class dish for maintaining an ideal figure. Before preparing it, they are certainly interested in how many kilocalories they will eventually receive with it.

    First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the size of the egg itself. The average size of the first category is about forty grams. Thus, you can get about 160kcal. Do not lose sight of additional products that enhance the taste: sausages, meat, vegetables, ham, cheese and much more. They play a significant role in the final calorie content. You can't do without milk either. You can always replace it with water, but this will only make the omelette lose. Although, many people like these experiments very much. In this case, it is worth using a low-fat dairy product, and replace the additional components with lighter ones. In this case, you can get a lower calorie result by adding vegetables and similar mixtures.

    The oil used to grease the molds adds extra calories to the omelet. Even a small piece of 10 grams can supply it with an additional hundred kilocalories. In this case, it is worth changing the cooking method and giving preference to steam options. Although for the oven and double boiler you need a minimum of oily product. Exclusively for mold lubrication.

    In order to get the perfect result, an omelette in milk should be cooked following certain tricks. Simple nuances will help to prepare exactly what will make breakfast a favorite meal in any family. It is worth listening to the following tips:

    1. Hygiene is the key to health. And this point should not be ignored when cooking. Each egg should be thoroughly washed and dried before use.

    2. Special splendor is given to the omelet due to the separate mixing of the protein and yolk. A first-class result is obtained, as the density and structure become especially tender.

    3. So that the omelet does not become boring, it is always worth experimenting. For these purposes, almost all products are suitable, with which you can easily “stuff” an omelet. Any kind of cheese, greens, vegetables and meat can be used. The main thing is that every time you get a completely new culinary masterpiece.

    4. Compliance with balance is also an important detail. Overdrying or undercooking an omelet means spoiling the dish.

    5. Zealous housewives are well aware that salting an omelette should be done immediately before serving, and not during cooking.

    Omelets are loved by everyone from young to old. This is what is customary to start the morning in almost every country. A little fantasy and the omelette will “sparkle” with new colors and will certainly appeal to all connoisseurs of the egg miracle.

    In this material, we will tell you about how you can cook a fluffy omelet in different ways (in the microwave, in the oven, in a pan), as well as with different ingredients - with ham, with sausage, with cheese, with milk. Step-by-step recipes with an intelligible description of all the stages of making an omelette at home will help you make a delicious dish very quickly and easily! A delicious and tender omelette is for many of us a dish that is prepared quickly at home, easily and without much effort. This dish of well-beaten eggs and milk can be prepared even by a person who cooks in the kitchen for the first time. This egg dish can be served for breakfast or as an afternoon snack. In addition, this is a great option for baby food when there is no time to cook porridge. This is a hearty and healthy dish that will help you out in any situation.

    This delicious dish came to us from France. But for its ease of preparation and delicate taste, it is loved in every corner of the world. It is served in ordinary eateries and expensive restaurants. This dish has become truly international. It is impossible to count the ways of its preparation.

    The easiest step by step recipe with photos. Cooking in a pan an omelette of chicken eggs, hard cheese, milk in a classic version:

    Each hostess has in stock several recipes for making lush scrambled eggs. It depends on the gastronomic preferences and traditions of the family. Someone uses flour in making an omelette to make it denser. Someone does not add flour at all, preferring that the omelette has a loose, tender texture.

    Some housewives do not add milk to eggs at all, beating them with salt and pepper. Some people like to fry the omelet on both sides, while others use a large frying pan to make thin scrambled eggs.

    Based on the omelet mixture, you can cook a huge variety of options at home. They are ordinary, with different fillings, rolled into a tube or in half, and someone makes omelettes with salt. Learn how to cook this dish according to the simplest recipe. Then you can always vary its preparation using different products and toppings.

    In the process of preparing a magnificent omelet, you can add mayonnaise, kefir, flour - in a word, there are many ways to prepare it. True, all these additives are not related to this French dish. For example, adding milk to an omelette is exactly our invention. But I must say that it is very successful. After all, milk makes magnificent scrambled eggs tender and fragrant. Each housewife considers her omelet recipe to be the best and correct.

    simple omelet recipe

    First, let's prepare the necessary products for making a delicious omelet with milk. We will cook it in a pan.


    1. -Eggs. Their number depends on the size of your pan. You need four to eight pieces.
    2. - Milk or low-fat cream - three to four tablespoons for each egg.
    3. -Butter. It will need one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams.
    4. -Salt - a small pinch for each egg, plus one pinch for milk.
    5. - A teaspoon of flour.
    6. - Allspice to taste.


    Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Whip the whites into a strong foam. Rub the yolks thoroughly with salt and pepper. Pour the right amount of milk into them. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Now gradually add flour to the yolks. Flour in an omelet is needed in order to make it more dense. Now, in this homogeneous mass, gradually lay out the proteins and mix. But don't beat!

    Put the pan on the fire. When it's hot, brush it with oil.

    Pour the eggs with milk into the pan. When the omelette begins to boil, turn the heat down to medium.

    As soon as you see that the edges have become dense and a fried edge has appeared, reduce the fire to a minimum.

    Fry the omelet until it is all smooth and white. Now take a spatula, pry off one end of the omelet and fold it in half.

    You can put it on a plate. Your wonderful omelet is ready!


    We need: two eggs, one hundred and thirty grams of milk and a piece of butter.


    It is believed that milk by volume should be taken as much as eggs. In order not to be mistaken, break the eggs into a glass. See how much space they take up. So the same amount of milk is needed. Pour the eggs into a deep bowl. Pour in the milk, salt and pepper. Now beat everything thoroughly with a whisk or fork until bubbles appear on the surface.

    A few words about the pan. Omelet is good to cook in a non-stick pan. Also suitable for ceramic. You can fry an omelet in a cast iron or aluminum pan. But in enameled or stainless dishes, an omelette can burn. It is desirable that the pan was with a lid. Thanks to the lid, you will get a fluffy omelette.

    Put the pan on the fire and heat it up. Now you can put butter.

    Butter can be replaced with ghee or refined vegetable oil. But do not use spreads and margarine to make an omelet. They will give the dish an unpleasant smell.

    When the butter is melted, pour the prepared mixture. Wait for it to boil. Now turn the heat to medium, cover the pan with a lid. After a couple of minutes, the omelette will turn white and not transparent.

    Make the fire minimal now. Let the omelette cook until done. This will take five to seven minutes. Now you can put it on a plate and enjoy the wonderful taste.

    Recipe for a fluffy omelet with milk and filling.

    For four servings, we need five eggs, one hundred and fifty grams of milk, one and a half tablespoons of flour, salt and pepper to taste.

    Separate the whites and yolks. Pour them into chilled (required!) bowls.

    First, beat the yolks with milk and pepper with a mixer. If you beat the whites first, they will settle. Pour a little flour into the beaten yolks and continue to beat.

    Salt the whites and beat until stiff foam. Now gently fold the egg white mixture into the yolk mixture. We mix everything with a spoon.

    Put the oil in a preheated pan. After it melts, pour in the eggs. Cover the pan with a lid. Fry the omelet until cooked through on low heat.

    Place the cooked omelet on a plate with the toasted side down. In the middle of the omelet we put the filling - mushrooms fried with onions. Now fold the omelette in half, cut it into portions, garnish with a sprig of parsley and invite everyone to the table!


    Everyone has tasted this delicate dish at least once in their life. For the first time, when they were still small in kindergarten, then, for sure, at school and in adulthood. Do you think it's easy to make an omelet with milk and an egg? In fact, it turns out not everything is as simple as it seems.

    And if you decide to “make” a magnificent omelet with your own hands at home and brag to your family about what a craftsman you are, then you have come to the right place. Today I just decided to show how to properly and cunningly cook an omelette: classic, in the oven, in a pan, in the microwave and in a slow cooker, and also a recipe like in kindergarten.

    Delicious fluffy omelet - a classic recipe

    Traditionally, an omelet is made from milk and eggs. Usually this dish is very popular for breakfast. And we will not hesitate and make a classic version of an omelet for breakfast, that is, in a quick way. Everything is very simple!


    • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces,
    • Milk - 100-120 ml.,
    • Spices and salt to taste
    • Oil for frying (I prefer mixed vegetable and butter).


    Crack the eggs in a separate bowl and start beating until smooth. Salt and pepper while whisking.

    Add milk and continue whisking.

    Then pour the resulting liquid mass into a frying pan heated with oil. So fry for 2-3 minutes and close the lid until cooked.

    Here's to you: an omelet made of milk and eggs according to the classic recipe is ready!

    Lush omelet with milk and egg and cheese - a recipe in the oven

    Most often, when you immediately close the lid of the pan, you get a magnificent omelette. That is, you do not need to wait 3 minutes and then close, but immediately. And one more secret - you can add a tiny pinch of baking soda to the mixture. And the second secret is to beat with a whisk, not a mixer. So the mass turns out to be airy, with foam - which was required.

    Let's cook a magnificent omelette with milk and an egg in the oven (pan)!


    • All the same testicles - 5 pieces,
    • Milk - 250 ml.,
    • Hard cheese - 100 grams,
    • Salt,
    • Well, a little greenery for decoration.

    Beat the eggs with a whisk until ready. Add milk to them while stirring.

    Grate the cheese on a fine grater and pour into the egg-milk mass. Lightly salt. And shake a little again.

    The greens can be finely chopped right now and poured into the finished mass, or you can decorate it after the oven before serving - as you like.

    The oven is already on and preheated to 180 degrees. It's time to fry! Pour into a baking dish and into the oven for 15-20 minutes.

    Here you have a magnificent omelette with milk and an egg.

    If you want to saturate the dish, make it more nutritious, then in such cases I add sausages or sausages.

    It is desirable to serve on the table with vegetables, but you can just like that.


    Lush omelette with milk and egg - recipe in a pan

    The most common recipe for making a fluffy omelet is in a frying pan. Minimum time, but the result is excellent. I have already given an example of a classic recipe above, so now I will add more vegetables (cucumbers and tomatoes) and some meat, if I may say so, sausages to the above products.


    • The same as in the classic version,
    • Tomatoes - 2 medium
    • Cucumbers - 1,
    • Sausage "Doctor" - 200 grams.

    We repeat the cooking process according to the traditional recipe: beat the eggs, pour milk, beat and mix.

    At this stage, we will prepare the vegetables - wash, peel, finely chop (I don’t like big pieces, if someone likes you can cut them even in half). Sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers in a mass and salt.

    The pan is already sizzling with melted fat (oil). We pour in an almost already lush delicious omelet. Just 10 minutes left to wait.

    We cool slightly and call our household members for breakfast.

    Omelette with milk and egg - a recipe in the oven like in kindergarten

    Well, this omelet, like in kindergarten, is just a bomb. I still remember its taste. I remember the aroma throughout the garden - Mmmm! Either the cooks in the kindergarten are professional, or our experience is not sufficient. But the first time I did it, like those kindergarten cooks, nothing happened. Everything is usual.

    It turns out that the secret of such an omelette, as in kindergarten, is simple - you need to keep the proportions!

    • Eggs - 3 pieces,
    • Milk - 100 grams,
    • Butter,
    • Salt to taste.

    This is exactly the proportion that must be observed!

    Whisk the milk and yolks separately with a whisk. Then add egg whites and mix again. There should be foam.

    Set the oven to 200 degrees. Lubricate the baking dish with butter. We send the finished mass to the oven. 20 minutes and you can enjoy the aroma and taste of an omelet like a child.

    The perfect omelette in the oven - fluffy and airy

    Such an omelette recipe in the oven is very similar to the one that is so tasty, airy and magnificently prepared in kindergarten. But the difference is that it has a porous structure. So plump and delicious with a milky flavor.

    Usually, in order to make the omelet hearty and unusual, I add cheese and sausages (smoked sausage, sausages and ham). Now, in truth, you take out the perfect omelet from the oven.


    • chicken egg - 6-7 pieces,
    • cow's milk - 350 milliliters,
    • salt - half a teaspoon,
    • butter - just to grease the baking dish in the oven,
    • and the form itself is deep in diameter of 22 centimeters.

    Cooking the perfect omelette in the oven:

    1. I break all the eggs into a deep bowl and add milk. But the milk should not be hot, maximum room temperature.
    2. We fall asleep salt and start kneading with a mixer. It is enough to mix until a homogeneous mass, without fanaticism.
    3. At this stage, grated cheese and sausages can be added.
    4. Grease the baking dish on all sides. And pour our liquid omelette there.
    5. We send the resulting dish to the oven preheated to 200 degrees.
    6. If your capacity is about 10 centimeters, then half an hour is enough for the omelet in the oven to become magnificent - it rises. The main thing is not to miss it, otherwise the crust can be very browned and the taste of the omelet will deteriorate.
    7. Turn off the oven and let sit for another 5 minutes - let it come to readiness.
    8. Remove from oven and cut into portions. You can decorate with sprigs of greenery.

    Such an airy simple baked omelette in the oven will saturate unexpected guests. And now look at how you can immediately cook an omelette in the oven in portions:

    How to cook an omelet in the microwave in 5 minutes

    If over time you have a completely “trouble” and you cannot refuse breakfast, then a five-minute omelet in the microwave comes to the rescue. The decision of modern people. School-age children will cope with such a dish the first time, and even more so for you.

    Now I will tell you step by step how to do it:

    In a cup or mug (before that, grease the walls of the cup with butter), break 3-4 eggs. Salt to taste and beat with a fork.

    Now add milk (half a glass), slightly warmed up, and mix again.

    We send it to the microwave for 2 minutes.

    Then mix for the last time and cook for another 3-3 minutes.

    If you like to see the cooking process with your eyes, then watch this video. True, in it, sausages (ham) and a sprig of basil were added to traditional products for satiety.

    How to cook a fluffy omelette in a slow cooker

    And again a quick recipe for making an omelet. In terms of splendor, it surpasses all previously cooked ones, as it is baked from all sides in a closed container.


    • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces,
    • Milk, preferably homemade - half a glass,
    • Salt and herbs optional
    • Oil for lubricating the walls inside the multicooker.

    And as usual, let's start cooking. Divide the yolks and whites into two bowls. We combine the yolks with milk and “shake” with a whisk.

    After that, pour in the squirrels to them and shake them up again. At this point, you can add whatever you like - just what you like (sausage, herbs, spices).

    We insert the “Baking” mode on the multicooker (timer for 20 minutes).

    In no case do not open the lid, and even after manufacturing, you should not open it, but wait 5-7 minutes. It depends on how fluffy the omelet will become.

    Omelet with milk, egg and sausage in a frying pan

    For those who like a heartier and more serious dish, they will like cooking with sausage.


    • Chicken eggs - 3-4 pieces,
    • Milk, instead of milk, you can use cream - 30-50 ml.,
    • Boiled sausage (ham, carbonate) - 150 grams,
    • A pinch of salt,
    • The first option is to simply use ordinary boiled water instead of milk.

      In the second, we refuse dairy products and cook in French. It is the French who do not like a magnificent omelet and therefore the French cooking recipe boils down to thoroughly beating the eggs and then frying them evenly on both sides.

      Can such an omelet be called dietary? Maybe yes. Since the egg diet for weight loss is based on eggs. So they are low calorie.

      And finally, I will lay out the original recipe for you (see the video)

      The most delicious mushroom omelette - Video recipe - homemade eat it very quickly

      It turns out a tasty and appetizing dish that is not only satisfying, but also healthy.

      Look, it seems to be a simple breakfast dish, but there are so many possibilities, how much imagination, how many varieties of cooking. You can always experiment and find a great solution for yourself.
