Foods with a low glycemic index program. What are complex carbohydrates - we understand the glycemic index of foods

Eating the right foods affects the vital functions of the body. Nutrition should save life, not harm. Therefore, it is important to understand the products and know their glycemic index. Understanding the harm of sugar, you can protect yourself from excess weight and a disease such as diabetes.

It is well known that sugar, namely pure glucose, is the enemy of the figure. And this is true, because sugar is a high-calorie and easily digestible product. Many people know that when losing weight, it is necessary to give up sweets.

But not everyone understands that each product affects the increase in blood sugar in its own way. Therefore, eating fruits all day, they wonder why the extra weight does not go away. It's all about the glycemic index of foods. Let's figure out what it is and how to choose the right products.

Glycemic index and its role in nutrition

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of the effect of foods on raising blood glucose. The higher the index of the product, the more the sugar rises. Eating foods with a high index, there is an increase in excess body weight.

GI is increased in foods containing simple carbohydrates. What does this indicator give us and why is it needed? From ignorance of the glucose indices of the foods consumed, you can gain extra pounds, even from harmless foods that are allowed with proper nutrition.

It is believed that it is right to make a light snack with fruit to kill hunger. But it is worth paying attention to the GI of a banana, as everything becomes clear. This fruit has a high GI, so its effect on increasing sugar leads to the deposition of fat in problem areas.

Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the table of products with a low index and choose for a snack, for example, an apple.

The right choice will not harm the figure. And also when sugar enters the body, the hormone insulin is produced, which lowers the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Impaired insulin secretion can lead to diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the GI not only for harmony, but also for health.

Foods with a low glycemic index

It is they who must be chosen, especially if you want to lose weight. Foods that have a low glycemic index are considered proper (healthy) carbohydrates. They are suitable for a low glycemic diet.

Over time, with a high glycemic diet, insulin can no longer cope with a high concentration of sugar in the blood. In the future, this can lead to excess weight and even diabetes.

Even a healthy body needs to keep sugar levels normal. If excess weight is already present, eating low-sugar foods is especially beneficial. The higher the GI, the faster the sugar will be absorbed.

If the body has nothing to spend the energy received, sugar will be stored in the form of fat. But do not forget that a large number of foods consumed, even with a low GI, leads to the accumulation of fat.

Low glycemic diet for diabetes and weight loss

A diet with a low glycemic index of foods is indicated for weight loss and mild to moderate diabetes. Its goal is to tightly control the level of sugar and carbohydrates in the diet. Only low-glycemic carbohydrates are suitable for the diet.

The diet must be observed constantly, otherwise, the disease develops due to an increase in blood sugar, as well as an increase in excess body weight. Such nutrition must be adhered to constantly and taken as a lifestyle. Be sure to see a doctor who will monitor the diet.

The following foods are allowed on a low glycemic diet for diabetics and for weight loss:

  • containing low GI;
  • animal origin low in fat (meat, fish, dairy products) and bad cholesterol;
  • broths cooked two or three times;
  • baked or boiled dishes;
  • low GI vegetable and fruit juices;
  • no more than 2 egg yolks per day;
  • tea and coffee with milk;
  • honey is allowed in small quantities;
  • cooking is allowed with a small amount of vegetable unrefined fats and butter (no more than 40 g).

Prohibited products:

  • containing sugar and high GI;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty meat and broths;
  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • confectionery, pastries;
  • spicy and salty snacks;
  • smoked products, spices;
  • marinades;
  • sweet fruits and dried fruits with a high GI.

Rules for a low glycemic diet:

Sample low glycemic diet menu

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5
Breakfast Omelet from two eggs, tea Brown rice, coffee with milk Buckwheat with vegetables, green tea Oatmeal with fruits, coffee with milk Low-fat cottage cheese, tea
Apple low fat yogurt Ryazhenka nuts Orange fresh
Dinner Baked chicken fillet Vegetable ragout Vegetable puree soup Steamed fish cakes, vegetables Fish soup
afternoon tea Low-fat cottage cheese with nuts A fresh vegetable salad Kefir Steamed vegetables Grapefruit
Dinner Baked fish with vegetables Steam chicken cutlets Meat and stewed vegetables Seafood salad Boiled beef with cauliflower

Low glycemic index food table

Name GI
Vegetables and greens
Avocado 10
Zucchini 15
Cauliflower and white 15
Radish 15
Cucumber 20
Pepper 15
Celery 15
Tomatoes 10
Carrot 35
eggplant 20
Onion 10
lettuce leaf 9
Dill 15
Tomato juice 33
Garlic 30
Fruits and dried fruits
Strawberry 32
strawberries 25
red currant berries 25
Apples 30
raspberries 25
Cherries 22
tangerines 30
passion fruit 30
Blueberry 30
Cowberry berries 25
Pears 30
Grapefruit 22
apricots 20
Peaches 30
Pomegranate 25
Nectarine 34
plums 22
Quince 35
oranges 35
prunes 25
Dried apricots 30
Cereals and pasta
Bran 15
Wild rice 35
Pasta 40
Buckwheat 40
Legumes, mushrooms and soy
Soya 15
Beans 25
green lentils 25
Lentil brown 30
Green peas 35
Mushrooms 15
Dairy products
Cheese Tofu 15
Yogurt 35
Cottage cheese 30
Milk 27
bitter chocolate 30

Average glycemic index

Such products are suitable for a healthy person without metabolic disorders. A good metabolism quickly breaks down the received substances and does not store them in fat, of course, in moderation.

Foods with an average GI are more suitable for securing and maintaining a normal weight. If there is an excess of mass, it is better to refuse such products. An average GI is considered to be over 40 to 70.

List of foods with a GI of 45:

  • Orange fresh;
  • grape;
  • coconut;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • basmati rice.

  • apple, pineapple, cranberry juice;
  • persimmon;
  • mango;
  • kiwi;
  • brown brown rice.

  • bulgur;
  • spaghetti;
  • sweet potato;
  • grape juice.
  • papaya.

  • banana;
  • oatmeal;
  • melon;
  • lasagna;
  • germinated wheat;
  • cocoa.

  • sorbent;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • canned pineapple;
  • muesli;
  • marmalade;
  • black bread;
  • boiled beets;
  • canned vegetables;
  • Wheat flour.

High GI Foods - Prohibited

They are often referred to as simple carbohydrates. By provoking a strong reaction to the intake of glucose in large quantities, the body stores the energy received in the fat depot.

When losing weight and maintaining a stable weight, such products are contraindicated. Moreover, they are harmful and do not carry any benefit.

Carbohydrates in their pure form not only contribute to the deposition of fat, but also slow down metabolism over time. The GI index of such carbohydrates is over 70. Foods that are prohibited when losing weight:

  • cereals that do not contain fiber (semolina, millet, white rice, couscous, barley);
  • flour and confectionery products (white bread, long loaf, noodles, croissant, cake, rolls, milk chocolate, donuts, crackers);
  • sugar (glucose);
  • carbonated and sweet drinks (cola, beer);
  • containing starch: potatoes in any form;
  • watermelon, pumpkin, boiled carrots, rutabagas, dates;


The glycemic index of foods is a serious indicator that should not be neglected. Thanks to him, you can learn which foods increase blood sugar and how to handle them correctly.

Proper nutrition, an active lifestyle will help to avoid the accumulation of excess fat and prevent diseases.

But you should not eat only lettuce leaves around the clock. It is enough to choose the right products with low GI, as well as cook correctly.

Remember, lack of glucose can lead to low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Do not deny yourself sweets, but do it right, everything needs a measure. Keep track of nutrition, weight and health.

There is a lot more additional information about the glycemic index of foods in this video.

The glycemic index (GI) is measured for carbohydrate foods by their effect on blood glucose levels.

What is the glycemic index?

The parameter that shows how quickly your body breaks down the carbohydrates you eat into glucose is called the glycemic index.

Two foods with the same amount of carbohydrates can have different glycemic indexes.

A GI value of 100 corresponds to glucose. The lower the GI, the less the food raises blood sugar:

  • low GI: 55 or less;
  • average GI: in the range of 56-69;
  • high GI: over 70.

Certain foods can boost your blood glucose so that it rises very quickly. This is because fast carbohydrates such as refined sugar and white bread are more easily converted into glucose by the body than the slow-digesting carbohydrates found in whole grains and vegetables.

The glycemic index makes it possible to distinguish fast-acting bad carbohydrates from slow-acting complex carbohydrates. This indicator can be used to fine-tune the carbohydrate count in the diet, which will help keep blood sugar at a stable level.

The GI is related to the unique characteristics of carbohydrates. For example, pasta and white bread, made from premium flour, contain equal amounts of starch, which is made up of long chains of glucose. However, the three-dimensional structure of the bread allows the starch to be more exposed to enzymes in the saliva and digestive tract. As a result, starch from bread breaks down better than from pasta, hence the bread has a higher GI.

Different types of starches also affect the GI value, even if the foods have the same amount of carbohydrates. That's why Whole grain spaghetti has a lower GI than white flour spaghetti.

Glycemic index of foods

The glycemic index of the same product can be different depending on several conditions:

There is a general rule - the foods that we eat as they grow in nature have a lower glycemic level than refined and cooked foods.

Fruits and berries

Despite the sweetness of many fruits, almost all of them contain complex carbohydrates. This is due to the acid, which is not felt in the berries due to fructose and a large amount of fiber.


Vegetables are high in fiber, which makes carbohydrates harder to digest.

The rule of thumb for choosing low-index vegetables to eat is not sweet or starchy.

Important: The GI of vegetables and other foods can change dramatically after cooking, see the processed foods table below.

Grains, nuts and legumes


With drinks, everything is simple, if sugar is not added - you can!

processed foods

Low GI Average GI high GI
Yoghurt (35) Instant Oatmeal (66) Baguette (75)
Whole grain spaghetti (48) Ice cream (60) Baking (70)
Oatmeal (55) Muesli (57) Stewed carrots (85)
Bitter chocolate (30) Popcorn (65) Waffles (75)
Curd (30) Black bread (65) Corn flakes (81)
Milk (30) Marmalade (65) Jam (65)
Whole grain bread (65) Rice porridge (75)
White flour pasta (65) Sugar (70)
Pizza (61) White bread (75)
Ketchup (55) Chips (70)
Mayonnaise (60) Buns (95)
Boiled potatoes (65) Baked and fried potatoes (95)
Boiled beets (65)

GI and weight loss

The glycemic index can be used to control appetite, which helps to competently lose extra pounds.

  1. When you consume a high GI food, the amount of sugar in your blood rises dramatically, causing your body to stimulate the release of insulin into the bloodstream.
  2. Insulin helps glucose enter the cells, thus creating a fat depot.
  3. A large amount of insulin causes a sharp decrease in blood glucose, which provokes a strong feeling of hunger.
  4. Since this jump occurs within one hour, you will be hungry again an hour after you have eaten a high GI food.
  5. Thus, the total caloric intake during the day increases.

If you eat low GI food, the release of glucose into the bloodstream and insulin response will be slow and will not cause an attack of hunger - you will be able to control the absorption of food and reduce the total calorie intake during the day.

The glycemic index is not the only factor to consider when losing weight.

  • The number of calories, vitamins and minerals in food is also important for the normal functioning of the body.
  • Pizza and oatmeal have approximately the same GI, but oatmeal is preferable for biological value.
  • Portion size is also important.
  • The more carbs you eat, the more they will affect your blood sugar.

To lose weight based on GI you need:

  1. add whole grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, low GI non-starchy vegetables to the diet;
  2. reduce high GI foods - potatoes, white bread, rice;
  3. Minimize consumption of sugary processed foods such as baked goods, sweets and sugary drinks. Never consume them alone, combine with low GI foods to reduce the resulting figure.

Any mainly contains foods with complex carbohydrates and protein. Moreover, this does not depend on the goal: losing weight or. This is due to the harm of refined sugars to the body.

A low GI diet helps reduce the likelihood of diabetes, heart and vascular disease, metabolic syndrome, stroke, depression, chronic kidney disease, and also prevents the formation of gallstones, breast, colon, prostate, and pancreas cancer.

The glycemic index of foods (GI) is a measure of the effect of foods on the rate at which blood sugar rises. The concept of the glycemic index is actively used to form a diet for diseases of the endocrine, digestive systems, and for weight loss.

There are three product groups:

  • Products with a low glycemic index have an indicator of up to 50-55 units. This group includes almost all vegetables and some raw fruits, as well as dishes high in protein and fat.
  • The average level - from 50 to 65 units - have some types of vegetables, fruits and cereals. For example, bananas, pineapple, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas, beets.
  • Food with a high GI has a digital value of more than 70 units. This group includes fast carbohydrates: sugar, beer, flour products from white flour of the highest grade, etc.

Why is it important to consider the GI of foods

After eating food, the glucose contained in the food enters the gastrointestinal tract and increases blood sugar levels (glycemia). At the same time, the effect of foods on glycemia differs depending on the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates into simple sugars.

Fast carbohydrates (or simple, consisting of simple sugars - monosaccharides) have a high GI and quickly increase the concentration of sugar in the blood to the highest levels (hyperglycemia). In turn, the pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to lower sugar levels.

After eating fast carbohydrates, the concentration of glucose in the blood is extremely high, so a significant amount of insulin is released, which lowers the sugar level to below normal levels, causing hypoglycemia - a lack of glucose in the blood. This is the danger of products with a glycemic index above 80, since sugar surges, intensive work of the pancreas and the deposition of glucose in the form of fat reserves lead to diabetes and obesity.

In a completely different way, slow (complex) carbohydrates with complex polysaccharides in the composition, which, as a rule, have a low GI, act.

After eating a low GI food, blood glucose rises slowly, depending on the rate at which complex sugar molecules are broken down into simple ones. Thus, slow carbohydrates do not cause a jump in glucose and insulin, while an optimal state of all body systems is observed.

Who is a low GI diet for?

The use of foods with a low glycemic index, as the basis of the diet, is indicated for diseases of the endocrine system:

  • when the pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin to lower glucose levels after eating simple carbohydrates, type 2 diabetes;
  • with insulin resistance (pre-diabetic state), when insulin is secreted in excessive amounts, as a result of which the cells lose sensitivity to the hormone;
  • in chronic pancreatitis to reduce the load on the pancreas and reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Low glycemic index food table

Using the list of products makes it possible to quickly create a menu for diabetes or for weight loss, taking into account the glycemic index and calorie content.

Products with low GI have a number of advantages, as they have only a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • contribute to a stable level of glucose in the blood;
  • enable the body to use energy for life for a long time for 2-3 hours after eating;
  • contain more fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and maintains good microflora in the intestines;
  • do not contribute to weight gain, since an increase in fat stores occurs during high blood insulin levels after eating a large amount of simple carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.
Grocery list GI Calories per 100 g
Bakery products, flour and cereals
Rye bread 50 200
Rye bread with bran 45 175
Whole grain bread (no flour added) 40 300
Whole grain bread 45 295
Rye bread 45
Oat flour 45
Rye flour 40 298
Flax flour 35 270
Buckwheat flour 50 353
Quinoa flour 40 368
Buckwheat 40 308
brown rice 50 111
Basmati rice, unpeeled 45 90
oats 40 342
Whole grain bulgur 45 335
Meat dishes and seafood
Pork 0 316
Beef 0 187
Chicken 0 165
Pork cutlets 50 349
Pork sausages 28 324
Pork sausage 50 Up to 420 depending on variety
Veal sausage 34 316
All kinds of fish 0 From 75 to 150 depending on the variety
fish cakes 0 168
Crab sticks 40 94
sea ​​kale 0 5
Sour-milk dishes
Skimmed milk 27 31
Low-fat cottage cheese 0 88
Curd 9% fat 0 185
Yogurt without additives 35 47
Kefir low fat 0 30
Sour cream 20% 0 204
Cream 10% 30 118
Chees Feta 0 243
Brynza 0 260
hard cheese 0 From 360 to 400 depending on the variety
Fats, sauces
Butter 0 748
All types of vegetable oils 0 From 500 to 900 kcal
Salo 0 841
Mayonnaise 0 621
Soy sauce 20 12
Ketchup 15 90
Broccoli 10 27
White cabbage 10 25
Cauliflower 15 29
Onion 10 48
Olives 15 361
Carrot 35 35
cucumbers 20 13
Olives 15 125
Bell pepper 10 26
Radish 15 20
Arugula 10 18
Leaf salad 10 17
Celery 10 15
Tomatoes 10 23
Garlic 30 149
Spinach 15 23
fried mushrooms 15 22
Fruits and berries
Apricot 20 40
Quince 35 56
cherry plum 27 27
Orange 35 39
Grape 40 64
Cherry 22 49
Blueberry 42 34
Pomegranate 25 83
Grapefruit 22 35
Pear 34 42
Kiwi 50 49
Coconut 45 354
Strawberry 32 32
Lemon 25 29
Mango 55 67
Mandarin 40 38
Raspberry 30 39
Peach 30 42
pomelo 25 38
plums 22 43
Currant 30 35
Blueberry 43 41
Sweet cherry 25 50
Prunes 25 242
Apples 30 44
Nuts, legumes
Walnuts 15 710
Peanut 20 612
Cashew nuts 15
Almond 25 648
Hazelnut 0 700
Pine nuts 15 673
Pumpkin seeds 25 556
Peas 35 81
Lentils 25 116
Beans 40 123
chickpeas 30 364
Mash 25 347
beans 30 347
Sesame 35 572
Quinoa 35 368
soy cheese tofu 15 76
Soy milk 30 54
Hummus 25 166
canned peas 45 58
Peanut butter 32 884
Tomato juice 15 18
Tea 0
Coffee without milk and sugar 52 1
cocoa with milk 40 64
Kvass 30 20
Dry white wine 0 66
Dry red wine 44 68
Dessert wine 30 170

glycemic index diet

The glycemic index diet is an effective way to lose weight, as the diet is based on low GI foods.

High GI foods contribute to rapid weight gain. High insulin levels cause glucose from the blood to replenish fat cells. Insulin also blocks the body's ability to take energy from fat stores.

A diet with a low glycemic index for 10 days leads to a weight loss of 2-3 kilograms, which is facilitated by the following factors:

  • the absence of fast carbohydrates in products, as a result of which there is no increase in the supply of adipose tissue;
  • in the absence of fast carbohydrates in the diet, edema decreases and excess water is removed from the body;
  • decreased hunger caused by normal blood sugar levels.

The diet should be built according to the following principle: three main meals and 1-2 snacks in the form of fruits or vegetables. At the same time, it is forbidden to eat food with an indicator above 70 for the first time after the start of the diet.

Upon reaching the desired weight, you can diversify the diet by adding foods with higher rates in a limited amount: 100-150 grams once a week.

The diet has a lot of advantages, as it contributes not only to weight loss, but also to the improvement of the whole organism, namely:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthening immunity due to the lack of sugar in the diet, which significantly reduces the body's defenses;
  • reducing the likelihood of heart and liver disease;
  • lack of deficiency of vitamins and minerals due to the use of a large number of vegetables and fruits.

For type 2 diabetes

Proper nutrition is an important element in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The use of foods with a low GI slightly increases the level of glycemia, which makes it possible to avoid insulin therapy.

In the treatment of the disease, a low-calorie diet of 9 tables or a low-carbohydrate diet with a reduced content of complex carbohydrates is used. At the same time, despite the choice of diet, it is imperative to abandon foods with a high glycemic index.

A proper diet for diabetes allows not only to maintain blood glucose within the normal range, but also to lose weight, which, as a rule, is combined with diabetes.

How to lower your GI

The glycemic index of food, in most cases, is a constant value, but there are some tricks that can reduce the performance of both a single product and a combined dish from different products, namely:

  • The GI of raw vegetables is always 20-30 units lower than thermally processed.
  • To reduce carbohydrates, you must simultaneously consume high-quality fat (cheeses, coconut oil, etc.) or protein (eggs, fish, meat). But this technique does not work with the simultaneous use of sugar and fat.
  • The more fiber consumed in one meal, the lower the GI of the total meal.
  • To lower the GI of rice, it is necessary to boil rice groats with the addition of vegetable oil (1 tablespoon per liter of water), and then drain and freeze. Oil and freezing change the structure of starch in rice, which leads to a decrease in glycemic values.
  • The glycemic index level drops as the food cools down.
  • Use whole grains instead of cuts, flakes, etc.
  • Do not boil grains and vegetables during cooking.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits along with the peel, as the peel is the best source of fiber.
  • Refuel food with lemon juice, since acid slightly reduces the rate of breakdown of carbohydrates in the composition of dishes.

To make a competent menu, it is necessary to take into account many factors: calorie content, composition, method of preparation and amount of food. One of these factors is the glycemic index, which is gaining great popularity in nutrition.

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a relative indicator that indicates the rate at which carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is a source of energy for humans. The faster this process occurs, the higher the score of the product. Pure glucose is taken as 100 points, all other products are compared with this indicator. Due to their high fiber content, low glycemic index carbohydrates are slowly processed, and high GI foods quickly give energy to the body, raising blood sugar levels.

High GI and metabolic disorders

When sugar enters the blood, insulin begins to be released, which utilizes them, participating in the structure of cells. Entering the blood, insulin synthesizes glucose into glycogen, but when there is not enough space for it in the muscles and liver, it begins to be deposited in the subcutaneous fat. It becomes more difficult for the body to cope with the incoming energy and metabolic processes slow down.

We inherited this biochemical process from our ancestors, who rarely consumed simple carbohydrates. Due to the lack of “fast energy”, the body is accustomed to accumulating and storing it “in reserve” in the form of fat in order to protect itself from cold and hunger in winter.
Are High GI Foods Harmful?

Foods with a high glycemic index themselves do not pose a threat, their excessive consumption is harmful. The need for simple carbohydrates is only for people who play active sports, work hard or live in severe cold conditions. For an inactive person, their consumption will only bring harm, especially if the meal time falls in the evening, when physical activity is not expected after a heavy dinner.

Glucose inevitably provokes the release of insulin, which tends to cause severe bouts of hunger, which can only be satisfied with large portions of food. This is a kind of vicious circle that leads to strong food addiction, diabetes and obesity. To feel full, a person begins to overeat, which leads to a condition called reactive hypoglycemia. Its symptoms are drowsiness, loss of strength, apathy, decreased physical and mental performance, and most importantly, strong appetite and impaired metabolism.

But it’s not worth completely abandoning high GI foods, sometimes they can be useful: for example, after playing sports, “” opens when the sweets and starchy foods consumed will actively participate in the structure of cells and replenish the expended strength. They are also indispensable during long races and before competitions, when you need to quickly get a big burst of energy without filling the stomach completely.

Glycemic index: tables

Actual figures may differ from those given in the tables depending on the method of preparation and use of food, combination with spices and other products, as well as the degree of ripeness.

high glycemic index

Name GI
corn syrup 115
Beer 110
BreadGlucose and glucose syrup 100
Sweet pastries and pancakes 95-100
potato 90-100

Rice and rice flour

Wheat flour

Instant cereals

Popcorn and corn flakes

pumpkin and watermelon 87
Cooked celery and turnip 85

Cakes, cupcakes and donuts


Sweet soda

Jam, marmalade and jelly


Potato chips

Milk chocolate, sweets and chocolate bars


Average glycemic index

It fluctuates between 65-40 points:

Name GI
ripe bananas

Pea soup

Boiled potatoes

Canned peas and corn

Rye and whole grain bread

Raisins and dried fruits



Orange juice

Ice cream

Thin crust pizza


Milk and cocoa drinks

brown rice

Pearl barley

Mustard and ketchup

Grape and mango juice


chocolate cream

Oatmeal cookies

Brown rice

Tomato soup

Sweet yogurt

Baking with buckwheat flour

Unprocessed buckwheat

Apple juice

Chocolate dragees

Barley porridge

Durum wheat pasta

A pineapple


tomato paste


Bread with bran

White beans

Salted peanut butter

Apple juice

Fish sticks

pumpkin bread

Corn porridge

bean soups


Low glycemic index

From 35 points and below:

Name GI
Low fat sugar free yogurt

raw carrot

Fructose ice cream



Pearl barley


Blueberry, blackberry


bitter chocolate

Raspberry, strawberry

Red currants

Almond and hazelnut paste

Almond flour

Soy sauce

Soya beans



Pesto sauce


leaf lettuce


To 10

How to use GI for diabetes and weight loss

Most diets are aimed at minimizing or eliminating fast-digesting carbohydrates from the diet, which is not entirely correct. The glycemic index has nothing to do with the caloric content of food, so you should not focus only on it when compiling a diet menu. It is necessary to take into account the percentage of carbohydrates in products. For example, the GI of nuts does not exceed 20 points, but their calorie content is 500-600 kcal. This difference is explained by the fact that per 100 grams of total mass they have 10 grams of carbohydrates.

It is wrong to focus solely on GI and diabetes: the tables show the values ​​​​for a person with normal insulin production, but in a patient these values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be higher (depending on individual characteristics). For example, after a serving of cottage cheese in a patient with type 1 diabetes, the amount of sugar in the body will go off scale, and a patient with type 2 diabetes will not feel any changes.

Video: How to use the Glycemic Index table


Summing up, we can say that the use of GI indicators will be effective only with the advice of a doctor and taking into account the consumed carbohydrates in grams. Making these calculations is difficult, but worth it: you can normalize your weight, control your appetite and be energetic throughout the day.

Be sure to read about it

For the convenience of diabetics, a complete table with glycemic indices was compiled. With its help, you can quickly find the product of interest or choose what to cook a dish from. Focus on the glycemic index from top to bottom - at the top are the most useful foods for diabetes with a low GI index.

The lower you go, the less benefit and more harm to the diet.

The lowest positions are foods that need to be treated with special attention and eat as little as possible.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about diabetes

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aronova S. M.

For many years I have been studying the problem of DIABETES. It's scary when so many people die and even more become disabled due to diabetes.

I hasten to announce the good news - the Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has managed to develop a drug that completely cures diabetes mellitus. At the moment, the effectiveness of this drug is approaching 100%.

Another good news: the Ministry of Health has achieved the adoption special program which covers the entire cost of the drug. In Russia and CIS countries, diabetics before can get a remedy IS FREE.

Learn more>>

What is the glycemic index, the advantages of the table

For those who do not yet know what the glycemic index is, go to the general section. By the way, they will soon appear there, or maybe at the time you are reading, more convenient articles with specific tables have already appeared - a table of products with low GI, high GI, a table of cereals, fruits, etc. I will try to fill the section as far as possible.

Briefly about GI(glycemic index), it is a measure of the rate of increase in glucose levels in the body after eating a product. The maximum index number is 100. This is pure glucose.

Anything between 70 and 100 is high. These are chips, sweet bars, etc. You need to eat such foods as little as possible, but not completely eliminated. Remember, with proper nutrition, it is important to eat in a balanced way, but in moderation.

From 50 (55) to 69 - the average glycemic index. Pasta, bananas and other carbohydrate goodies got into it. We eat such foods with an accurate count of bread units in the morning.

Well, our favorite zone up to 50 (55) is green. Here are all the products allowed and useful for diabetes - vegetables, berries, tofu ...

be careful

According to the World Health Organization, 2 million people die every year from diabetes and its complications. In the absence of qualified body support, diabetes leads to various complications, gradually destroying the human body.

The most common complications are: diabetic gangrene, nephropathy, retinopathy, trophic ulcers, hypoglycemia, ketoacidosis. Diabetes can also lead to the development of cancerous tumors. In almost all cases, a diabetic either dies while struggling with a painful disease, or turns into a real invalid.

What should people with diabetes do? The Endocrinological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences succeeded make a remedy completely curing diabetes.

Currently, the Federal program "Healthy Nation" is underway, within the framework of which this drug is issued to every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS IS FREE. For detailed information, see official website MINISTRY OF HEALTH.

Values ​​50(55) are indicated, since different sources have different values ​​for the border of the green zone.

The convenience of the table is its simplicity. No need to calculate anything, just find the right product and find out what you will cook today's dinner from. The index allows you to better adjust nutrition.

The disadvantage of the GI table

Of course, the glycemic indexes of foods in the table are conditional values. It should also be borne in mind that the table contains the values ​​​​of raw products. Heat treatment increases GI. But since no one can accurately calculate the indices for each degree of cooking, fortune-telling and estimates are already taking place here. That is why I like to control the eaten bread units.

So, the full gi table is given below:

  • Short
  • Average
  • High

Glycemic index - low index table

Parsley, basil, oregano 5GI
Leaf salad 9GI
Avocado 10GI
Spinach 15GI
Soya 15GI
Tofu 15GI
Rhubarb 15GI
Pickles 15GI
Peanut 15GI
Olives 15GI
Leek 15GI
Pesto 15GI
Onion 15GI
Mushrooms 15GI
Ginger 15GI
Asparagus 15GI
Hazelnut, pine nuts, pistachios 15GI
fresh cucumber 15GI
Chilli 15GI
Cauliflower 15GI
Brussels sprouts 15GI
Bran 15GI
Celery 15GI
Cashew nuts 15GI
cabbage 15GI
Broccoli 15GI
Almond 15GI
soy yogurt 20GI
Eggplant 20GI
Artichoke 20GI
Peanut butter (no sugar) 20GI
Gooseberry 25GI
Pumpkin seeds 25GI
Strawberry wild-strawberry 25GI
soy flour 25GI
Red currants 25GI
Raspberry fresh 25GI
golden beans 25GI
green lentils 25GI
Cherry 25GI
Blackberry 25GI
Mandarin fresh 30GI
passion fruit 30GI
Milk (any fat content) 30GI
Almond milk 30GI
Bitter chocolate (over 70%) 30GI
Blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries 30GI
yellow lentils 30GI
Fat-free cottage cheese 30GI
Tomato (fresh) 30GI
Fresh pear 30GI
Jam (no sugar) 30GI
fresh beets 30GI
fresh carrot 30GI
Garlic 30GI
Green bean 30GI
fresh grapefruit 30GI
brown lentils 30GI
fresh apricot 30GI
Soy milk 30GI
Yeast 31GI
Tomato juice 33GI
fresh peach 34GI
Pomegranate 34GI
fresh nectarine 34GI
Beans 34GI
Low fat natural yoghurt 35GI
Flax flour 35GI
Pea flour 35GI
Soy sauce (no sugar) 35GI
fresh quince 35GI
fresh plum 35GI
fresh orange 35GI
Sesame 35GI
Chinese noodles and vermicelli 35GI
fresh green peas 35GI
dried tomatoes 35GI
Dijon mustard 35GI
fresh apple 35GI
chickpeas 35GI
Wild (black) rice 35GI
Prunes 40GI
Dried apricots 40GI
Carrot juice (no sugar) 40GI
Pasta cooked al dente 40GI
dried figs 40GI
Buckwheat 40GI
Rye flour 40GI
Whole grains (flour, breakfast, bread) 43GI
Orange fresh 45GI
Oat flour 45GI
Grape 45GI
Coconut 45GI
Brown basmati rice 45GI
canned green peas 45GI
Grapefruit juice (no sugar) 45GI
Cranberries (fresh or frozen) 47GI

These are fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar and high in fiber. Also in this table are soy products based on vegetable proteins. Low glycemic foods also include greens and brown rice.

Our readers write

Topic: Defeated diabetes

From: Lyudmila S ( [email protected])

To: Administration

At 47, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In a few weeks I gained almost 15 kg. Constant fatigue, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, vision began to sit down. When I turned 66 years old, I was already steadily injecting myself with insulin, everything was very bad ...

And here is my story

The disease continued to develop, periodic attacks began, the ambulance literally brought me back from the next world. I always thought that this time would be the last...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. This article helped me completely get rid of diabetes, a supposedly incurable disease. For the last 2 years, I started to move more, in spring and summer I go to the country every day, my husband and I lead an active lifestyle, we travel a lot. Everyone is surprised how I manage to do everything, where so much strength and energy come from, everyone will not believe that I am 66 years old.

Who wants to live a long, energetic life and forget about this terrible disease forever, take 5 minutes and read this article.

Go to article>>>

Glycemic index - average values

Apple juice (no sugar) 50GI
brown brown rice 50GI
Persimmon 50GI
Mango 50GI
Lychee 50GI
Pineapple juice without sugar 50GI
Kiwi 50GI
Cranberry juice (no sugar) 50GI
basmati rice 50GI
canned peaches 55GI
Bulgur 55GI
Mustard 55GI
Ketchup 55GI
Grape juice (no sugar) 55GI
Sweet canned corn 57GI
Arabian pita 57GI
papaya fresh 59GI
Cocoa powder (with added sugar) 60GI
Oat groats 60GI
Melon 60GI
long grain rice 60GI
Chestnut 60GI
Banana 60GI
Sprouted grains of wheat 63GI
Whole wheat bread 65GI
Yam (sweet potato) 65GI
Jacket boiled potatoes 65GI
Rye bread 65GI
Maple syrup 65GI
Raisin 65GI
canned pineapple 65GI
Marmalade 65GI
Black yeast bread 65GI
Beets (boiled or stewed) 65GI
Orange juice 65GI
Instant oatmeal 66GI
fresh pineapple 66GI
Wheat flour 69GI

Foods with a medium glycemic index include sweet fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, sauces, and some canned foods. Defeated diabetes at home. It's been a month since I forgot about sugar spikes and taking insulin. Oh, how I used to suffer, constant fainting, emergency calls ... How many times I went to endocrinologists, but they say only one thing - "Take insulin." And now the 5th week has gone, as the blood sugar level is normal, not a single injection of insulin, and all thanks to this article. Anyone with diabetes should read this!

Read full article >>>

The glycemic index of products, the table of which is presented above, will help a diabetic to better control their sugar levels and proper nutrition.

Try to eat more foods with a low index to avoid sudden spikes in blood glucose.

Use the values ​​from the table to ensure that a person with diabetes always has the right diet.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones have diabetes.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and drugs for diabetes. The verdict is:

All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the reception was stopped, the disease sharply intensified.

The only drug that has given a significant result is Difort.

At the moment, this is the only drug that can completely cure diabetes. Difort showed a particularly strong effect in the early stages of the development of diabetes.

We made a request to the Ministry of Health:

And for readers of our site now there is an opportunity

Attention! Cases of the sale of counterfeit Difort have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, ordering official website, you get a money back guarantee (including shipping costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.
