Landing in plastic pipes. Strawberries in pipes: we grow correctly ...

To get a good harvest of strawberries, it is not necessary to sacrifice most of the plot for planting. The vertical arrangement of the beds will save a lot of space. A detailed description and features of filling such vertical places, as well as further care for strawberries, are described in the information of our article.

The essence and description of the method

Most often, vertically arranged water pipes made of plastic are used for these purposes. They are lightweight, easy to process and have an additional decorative effect. Such structures are easy to make with your own hands, in addition, they are often used in landscape design to decorate gazebos and awnings. Original designs attract attention, besides they are highly productive and can significantly save space on the site.

Growing strawberries in pipes

Most often, vertical beds are used for growing greens and flowers, but planting strawberries looks no less beautiful. An added bonus: you can place the structure in a greenhouse for an early harvest.

For cultivation, it is best to take productive remontant varieties, the crop from which can be harvested for a long time. Thus, you can grow strawberries on a balcony or in a loggia, as well as ensure a stable harvest under the minimum suitable conditions.

On the video - growing strawberries in PVC pipes vertically:

  • Pomegranate.
  • Zenga - Zengana.
  • Hope.
  • Cinderella. How to grow strawberries from seeds
  • The beauty of Zagora.
  • Zenith.
  • Cardinal.
  • Bogota.
  • Blake yours.
  • Cambridge Favorite.
  • Gigantella.
  • Troubadour.
  • Queen Elizabeth. Also worth a look
  • Selva.
  • Maria.
  • Darselect.
  • Polka.
  • Elsanta. You can find out more by clicking on the link

How and when to plant

Planting of young seedlings is carried out in early spring or late August. It should be borne in mind that such an arrangement will cause the roots to freeze in a harsh climate, so it is necessary to consider a place for wintering a vertical support.

Due to the possibility of moving such beds, it is possible to store them in utility rooms, and on the spot a protective layer of burlap and sawdust, as well as other improvised materials, will provide a safe wintering.

You can make a design at minimal cost if you use scraps of old pipes. To work, you will need a set of tools and our tips. Typically, the holes are staggered at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. Such a design can be made in the form of an arch or serpentine, the main thing is that all plants have enough sunlight. For manufacturing, you need to purchase the required number of pipes of different diameters. For planting, a pipe section of at least 10 centimeters is used, and the inner part intended for irrigation should be 5 to 8 centimeters smaller.

The smaller diameter pipe should protrude about 15 to 20 centimeters above the larger one to facilitate the irrigation process. From above, this ledge can be decorated with a lid, as well as an original overlay.

You may also be interested in learning about what to do when on a strawberry with berries

When manufacturing, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  1. The lowest hole is about 20 - 25 centimeters from the end of the pipe. This gap is necessary for the drainage layer, the function of which is performed by crushed expanded clay or gravel.
  2. To make holes, a special nozzle for drywall is used. The diameter of the seats must be at least 7 centimeters.
  3. The irrigation pipe must also be drilled along its entire length. Holes are made in increments of 5 - 8 centimeters from different sides. Hole diameter from 5 to 8 mm.
  4. So that the holes are not clogged with soil substrate, we wrap the pipe on top with non-woven synthetic materials. Top and bottom can be additionally reinforced with adhesive tape to avoid slipping of the material.
  5. The smaller pipe is installed inside the larger one strictly in the center. From below, it is desirable to think over a plug to prevent moisture loss.
  6. From below, a layer of expanded clay, gravel or pebbles with a fine fraction must be poured into the pipe. The layer height is from 15 centimeters, it is usually oriented so that the lower hole for the seedling is located seven centimeters from the drainage.
  7. Soil mixture is installed on top. For a denser distribution, it is necessary to periodically shed the earth. The formation of voids in the future is unacceptable, because this creates additional opportunities for the reproduction of the fungus.
  8. Young rosettes are planted in the prepared holes. If further reproduction is planned using layering, you can leave a couple of empty holes near each plant.
  9. It is best to plant undersized flowers in the lower holes, which will repel pests. These include calendula, marigolds and some vegetable crops (onions, garlic). This is a very simple and effective way to protect landings.
  10. If it is not possible to ensure regular watering of strawberries, you can add hydrogel granules to the soil mixture.. They contribute to the accumulation of moisture at the roots and are completely safe for plants. But how to water strawberries with ammonia, you can learn from this

On the video - how the landing takes place:

Particular attention should be removed preparing the ground. A ready-made peat mixture is usually used, but garden soil mixed with sawdust and sand can also be taken. In order to avoid strawberry diseases, it must be treated from pests and fungus, thermal calcination of the earth is possible.

For prevention, you can spray plantings with purchased or self-prepared solutions.

But how strawberries are pruned after harvesting, and how to do all the work with your own hands, you can understand by reading the contents

The most popular are herbal infusions, wood ash and tobacco dust. If the pests nevertheless attacked the beds, you can use special preparations like Karbofos, suitable for strawberry crops.

How to care for vertical beds

Usually planting care is no different from traditional strawberry cultivation. It should be noted that the soil composition is depleted faster, so top dressing should be carried out weekly. To do this, use standard strawberry fertilizers, as well as a self-prepared mixture. For five liters of water, 1 gram of mineral fertilizers is added, consisting of an equal amount (10 grams each) of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate, as well as 30 grams of superphosphate. But, you can find out from the article.

Organic fertilizer can be used during the green mass formation period and after the main crop is harvested, but the solution must be carefully filtered so that solid residues do not clog the water supply holes.

Watering is also carried out much more often, about every two to three days, so that the soil is in a semi-moist state. If it is not possible to add water frequently, a special timer and pump can be adapted for this purpose. They will ensure regular circulation of nutrients and increase yields. There is no need for constant operation of the pump, and the power is determined by the size of the plantations. Usually an aquarium is enough. But how to get rid of ants in a strawberry garden, and what means should be used, is described in great detail

On the video - how to care for the berry:

In order for the plantings to have a neat appearance, they must be cut in time, as well as sprayed in hot weather. With proper care, fruiting continues until late autumn. After that, it is necessary to bring the supports to a place protected from frost, or use a heater for a safe wintering. The root system in this case is very vulnerable, so the beds are often wrapped with burlap, straw mats and agricultural film. With the onset of spring heat, the plantings are exposed, an audit of successfully overwintered plants is carried out, as well as the first watering and top dressing.

But how to treat strawberries from pests, and what chemicals are the best, you can read

Vertical beds with strawberries are not only an effective way to grow a crop in a limited space. Thanks to such supports, you can plant strawberries on a balcony or loggia, as well as create additional decor for gazebos and buildings. Together with strawberries, you can alternate planting greenery and undersized flowers. They will act as a pest repeller - insects, and also diversify the landscape. The organization of vertical beds is easy to perform, and the tips of our article will help you make this structure yourself.

To get a good harvest of strawberries in the country or in the garden, you should make more than one bed where this delicious berry will be grown. As a result, a fairly large area of ​​​​the site is occupied. You can increase the yield per square meter of land if you start growing strawberries in barrels, PVC pipes, and bags. A berry growing in a container can be placed not only in the garden, in the greenhouse, but even on the loggia in the apartment.

Recently, a method of growing crops in PVC pipes, which can be installed both vertically and horizontally, has become very popular among gardeners. This technology has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The placement of pipes and compact planting saves usable land on the site.
  2. In winter, the structure can be moved to a room where the berries of the plant will not freeze and can produce a crop.
  3. For this process, you can use unnecessary PVC pipe cuts.
  4. The applied fertilizers are maximally absorbed by the plants.
  5. Strawberries grown in a container are resistant to many diseases and are not affected by pests.
  6. The fruits do not come into contact with the ground, so they do not require washing.
  7. The plant grows in specially prepared soil and does not absorb chemicals, toxins and other hazardous substances from the soil in the garden.
  8. The design can become a decoration of a garden or summer cottage.

Negative aspects of growing strawberries in pipes:

  1. The soil dries out quickly, so its condition must be carefully monitored. At the same time, with excessive watering, the roots of the berry can rot.
  2. The cost of a special nutrient soil for planting strawberries in pipes.
  3. Culture in containers tolerates lower temperatures worse. With a sharp cold snap, the roots may freeze slightly, as a result of which the plant will die.
  4. In winter, pipes should be insulated.

There is no limit to human imagination. Until recently, it was believed that strawberries are an exclusively mundane crop, that is, they should grow only in open ground. But what does the human imagination and business approach do.

Pros of growing strawberries vertically

Vertical beds take up little space, and the strawberries grown in them are easier to care for.

Today, more and more gardeners are resorting to. In fact, this solution has its advantages:

  • saving space;
  • decor element;
  • simplified care;
  • the possibility of protection through the proximity of green manure;
  • ease of irrigation.

If a the area is not large , such a decision is quite justified. In addition to saving space in the garden, it is important that the use of such containers creates a beautiful element of decor.


During the flowering period, it looks like beautiful flowering trees.

The construction of such a vertical bed will take no more than an hour.

These plants include: , radish, rapeseed, . Siderates do an excellent job with most diseases and. Especially it concerns , . Buckwheat and rapeseed, for example, show high frost resistance and can protect strawberries for a long time.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you start turning the idea into reality, you need to figure out which variety will be planted, what are its needs, what is needed for this.

Scheme of a vertical bed of two PVC pipes of different diameters.

As a rule, PVC pipes are chosen for these purposes, which should have been used for home repairs. You can also buy specially such containers. It is allowed to use an old barrel as a vertical skeleton. To accomplish what you want to do, you need:

  • two pipes;
  • a piece of burlap fabric;
  • crust for the pipe;
  • adhesive tape or tape;
  • binding material - rope;
  • drill;
  • drainage;
  • priming;
  • seedlings.

We will need two pipes, a drill or a screwdriver, a piece of cloth, a hacksaw, drills and crowns.

One large pipe - sewer or drain, the other should be smaller in diameter and longer in length. The fabric is suitable not only from burlap - you can take a construction mesh, coarse non-woven fabric. Korok is needed for a smaller capacity.

The drill requires an attachment for making holes, both small and large. Drainage, which consists of gravel or expanded clay, can be covered with ASG. Fertilizers must be introduced into the soil. It is better to choose seedlings, but ordinary remontants can also be planted.

Creation algorithm

A container for planting is taken so that it is convenient to water, loosen the ground, take care of it - below human height.


As the pipe fills, we plant strawberry seedlings.

Additional wind protection

It should be noted that the structure must be protected from strong winds - strengthened with a cable or other devices.

If the pipe is installed in a container with sand, then a mobile structure will be obtained, which will be easy to transfer to wintering in a warm place.

Additional reinforcement will be heavy drainage. And also drainage backfill will not allow waterlogging. Next, the soil is filled up. It is noteworthy that periodically the soil layer must be abundantly moistened, otherwise air pockets may form.

Seedlings are planted in two ways : gradually - as the soil filling, upon completion of construction work - when the frame is already assembled.

strawberry care

To check the humidity in such a bed, you need to feel the soil in the upper and lower holes.

Ampel varieties or remontants are most suitable for vertical cultivation.

Such plants are characterized by a high level of productivity, long flowering. Ampel varieties, among other things, will produce bright scarlet peduncles, produce a pleasant aroma, which will create the illusion of a beautiful decor.

Soil backfill should be selected taking into account a particular variety. Most often, a mixture is prepared - soil, peat, sand . Recommended soil additives:

  • ash;
  • sawdust;
  • manure;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • ready-made complex fertilizer.

Biohumus is well suited to improve soil structure.


It should be noted that before adding sawdust, it is necessary to fill it with fresh urea, let it dry, then add it to the mixture.

If the need arises, add manure, humus, or compost. If there are no organic fertilizers, you can use a ready-made complex of mineral additives. In order to scare away possible pests - aphids, nematodes, strawberry mites - you can plant marigolds, marigolds or nasturtiums at the bottom of the structure.

If varieties that are propagated by stepchildren were used for seedlings, planting through one hole. This is done so that there is room for branches. this method of cultivation does not require - weeds do not grow, mulch is not required, it is convenient to cut off damaged leaves or stems.


In this case, special attention should be paid to watering.

Before flowering, strawberry leaves can be irrigated with water from a spray bottle, and during the fruit ripening period, it is better to use only watering through the inner pipe.

With this method of planting, the soil dries out faster than with conventional seating. Therefore, you will have to water the plants regularly, but care must be taken not to allow too abundant watering, due to the fact that with such systems, moisture is absorbed more slowly than in ordinary soil, and waterlogging is possible. You only need to drink.

winter hardiness

Despite the obvious advantages, there is a significant drawback. The fact is that most plants planted in this way do not have a high level of frost resistance. If timely action is not taken, the entire crop will die. However, if everything is done according to the correct technology, then such a frame is easily transferred to a more protected place, where it will calmly overwinter.

When planting strawberry bushes, you need to follow certain rules.

For planting strawberries in pipes, you need to choose healthy seedlings with strong leaves.

  • Bushes are selected whose roots have grown ten centimeters . If the root system is longer, cut off the excess. The root is placed in such a way that it does not bend, otherwise the plant will dry out. Cover with earth and compact.
  • The core of the bush should be above the ground - almost on a par with the soil . If it protrudes too much above the surface, the plant will take a long time to adapt. If, on the contrary, it is covered with earth, the culture will not take root. It is recommended to acidify the soil - dilute ten grams of vinegar in one liter of water, pour. Shrubs should be planted upside down.
  • Watering from above can be done only before the start of the flowering period. . Further, it is recommended to equip a drip irrigation system and supply water only to the ground. You can check the humidity level by touching your fingers. It is impossible to focus on conditional intervals - watering is carried out only upon the fact of need.

For growing in pipes, ampelous or remontant strawberry varieties are best suited.

Pest control

To eliminate the tick, the use of karbofos is allowed. Snails and slugs are destroyed by the use of metaldehyde. Aphids are eliminated by spraying with a tincture of onion, garlic or soapy water.

If it happens Colorado potato beetle invasion , it will have to be collected manually, since drugs that contribute to the death of an insect are harmful to the crop, can provoke the death of the entire crop. To prevent the appearance of insects, siderats are the best way out - plants that repel pests.

Video on how to plant strawberries in a pipe

Strawberries are one of those crops for the cultivation of which, in the classic version, land space is not rationally used. Every gardener knows that planting in the ground in the usual way occupies a very large area, while the crop that can be harvested from this area is small. Therefore, it is aimed at increasing the yield per square meter of land.

Vertical cultivation of strawberries

The use of vertical plants and structures for growing strawberries is a practical way to save land space. To arrange vertical flower beds and beds, you can use various designs that are commercially available, or make them yourself. One of these options, which is quite new in use, is the vertical planting of strawberries in a PVC pipe designed for sewer installation. Planting strawberries in a pipe is already a proven and reliable method recommended by leading gardeners.

Materials for manufacturing

To make a vertical flower bed you will need:

  • Segments of wide diameter.
  • Electric drill, wide hole nozzle, or regular wood drill bit.
  • A narrow PVC pipe that is used to supply water to the roots of plants.
  • Scotch.
  • Knife and cork.
  • Burlap, for winding a watering pipe.
  • Twine or twine.
  • Soil mix.
  • Gravel or expanded clay.
  • Strawberry seedlings.
  • Fasteners.

How to make a tube for planting strawberries

If you decide to start planting strawberries in vertical tube beds, decide on their height. It is necessary to measure the length of the pipe and cut it off by installing a plug on one side. In a thin pipe designed to moisten the soil, small holes are drilled on two-thirds of the entire surface. This is done so that water flows mainly in the upper part of the vertical flower bed. In order for the lower plants not to become waterlogged, and the upper ones to receive a sufficient amount of water, the tube is wrapped with burlap and secured with twine or twine. This is necessary so that the strawberry roots do not penetrate the tube and do not disturb the water supply system. A cork is inserted into the lower end of the tube and secured with adhesive tape. The bottom is the side where there are no holes.

In a wide pipe, it is necessary to make large windows or drill their contours with a thin drill and cut them with a knife. These holes are located mainly on those sides that will be facing the light. On the side that will inevitably face north, they will not be needed. The last holes are made at least 20 centimeters from the ground. The watering narrow tube is inserted into the main wide one and attached to it in any convenient way. The pipes are installed at a permanent location, turning the holes to the sunny side, and fixed with clamps or other available fasteners.

The soil

Planting strawberries in a pipe involves the use of ready-made store-bought universal soils or their own harvesting. To do this, you need to mix in equal parts ordinary garden soil, peat, turf. For air permeability of the soil, sand and sawdust are added. Also, ash is added to the prepared mixture for growing strawberries, which prevents rotting, since strawberries have a superficial, rather delicate root system.

For planting strawberries, land on which crops such as strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes or potatoes were grown for the previous 2-3 years is not suitable. This contributes to the transmission of diseases that are characteristic of these plants. Also, humus or manure can be added to the earthen mixture in small proportions. Pipes 10 centimeters from the bottom are filled with coarse gravel or any other suitable material to create good drainage. From above, the soil mixture is poured and slightly compacted to the very top.

Planting strawberries in pipes

Plants such as marigolds or marigolds are placed in the lower wells of the pipe. These flowers are good at repelling pests, preventing them from reaching strawberry plants. If varieties are planted that propagate by abduction of the antennae, then the plants can be planted through one hole in order to further guide the antennae into free holes where they will take root. Vertical planting of strawberries in a pipe consists in the careful placement of plants in an unusual position for them. You can fill the pipe with soil in advance and then make small indentations in it with your fingers to plant seedlings or place plants in stages, filling them with earth.

This is what planting strawberries in a pipe looks like (photo below).

Caring for strawberries in pipes

It is quite simple and differs little from the usual when growing a plant in the ground. This is timely watering, periodic top dressing and disease prevention. Water is supplied to the irrigation pipe. For convenience, at the end of it, towering above the garden, you can place a watering can with a wide neck. The tube is filled completely, to the top. It gradually releases water through the stretched burlap and the earth compacted around. With good drainage, you don't have to worry about flooding your plants. It is easy to determine the condition of the soil, for this you just need to feel it with your fingers in the holes where the strawberries are planted. It does not tolerate drying out of the soil, so constant moistening should be carried out.

Produced during the period of active growth and flowering. When the fruiting period begins, top dressing is stopped. Foliar feeding with microelements is most effective. To do this, use a mixture of boric acid, zinc sulfate, cobalt nitrate and manganese sulfate. To prepare the solution, these substances are taken in equal proportions and mixed with water in an amount of 0.025%. As a root dressing, universal fertilizers are used, as well as solutions of mullein or bird droppings.

If strawberries are planted in pipes, wintering under such conditions differs little from ground. However, the advantage of this technology is that these beds can be wrapped with improvised materials or brought into a covered room.

Varieties for vertical cultivation

Planting strawberries in pipes involves the acquisition of high-yielding varieties that are resistant to most plant diseases and pests. The maturation period does not matter much, since the pipes are easy to install not only in the open air, but also in greenhouses or greenhouses. The following varieties are considered the most fruitful: "Pomegranate", "Zagorie", "Roksana", "Early Makherauha", "Desnyanka", "Pavlovchanka". As well as varieties of foreign producers: Gigantella, Bogotá, Cardinal, Troubadour.

Pest and disease control

The most common pest for strawberry seedlings is the strawberry transparent mite, which damages the leaves. It is easy to identify, since when it appears, the strawberry leaves curl and turn yellow, and the berries on the bushes become small. To combat it, spraying with karbofos is used. For this, a solution is prepared: for 10 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of karbofos. This treatment also eliminates insects such as weevil, strawberry beetle and whitefly.

Also, strawberries are often attacked by Maybug larvae, which must be removed from the plant. It is undesirable to use chemicals as a control for these pests, as they are long-lasting and are not suitable for strawberries that ripen rather quickly.

Pests for strawberries can be slugs, centipedes, snails. Most often they settle on plants when the soil is waterlogged. You need to fight them with the help of the drug "Metaldehyde". It is a granular powder that does not require dissolution in water. Its granules are distributed on the soil.

You can find strawberries growing in the form of tall pyramids, in car tires and homemade vertical boxes. Today we will talk about one of the most modern methods - growing strawberries in horizontal PVC pipes. What are the advantages of this method?

  1. Mobility. The design has no connection to the installation site. PVC pipes can be placed in the greenhouse and on the balcony, in the garden and next to the flower garden. You can transfer not only in the spring before planting seedlings, but also during active vegetation or fruiting.
  2. Minimum loss of time for soil preparation and plant care. In this article, we will look at the method of growing not only in soil, but also in a hydroponic way. The second option generally excludes the use of soil in the usual sense for most gardeners.
  3. Possibility of maximum automation of the growing process. Moreover, this automation can be done independently, it will cost very cheaply, and in terms of efficiency it is in no way inferior to industrial analogues.
  4. Berries are clean, do not have direct contact with the ground, do not rot, do not lose their presentation.
  5. Another plus - significantly increased harvest time.

First, let's talk about hydroponic, and then about the usual way.

Even without knowing anything about this "supernova" technology, most housewives have been doing it for decades. A striking example is the cultivation of onions on the windowsill in a container with ordinary water. Some even add special nutritious baits to the water and thus move on to the next stage of hydroponics - intensive cultivation of crops. Space explorers also place great hopes on hydroponics. This is the only way to independently replenish food supplies during long space flights.

We will immediately warn you that only remontant strawberries are suitable for hydroponics, these varieties can produce crops all year round. Professionals recommend growing "Queen Elizabeth", "Elvira", "Yellow Miracle", "Vima Zanta" and other disease-resistant high-yielding varieties.

Strawberry "Yellow Miracle"

Garden strawberry "Vima Zanta"

Plants during hydroponic cultivation take nutrients only from water, the soil is completely absent. What does the system look like? This is a container (in our case, made of PVC plastic pipes), in which water with mineral fertilizers, micro and macro additives constantly circulates. Plants are located in small plastic pots; to increase stability, pebbles or expanded clay can be placed on the bottom of the pots.

Practical advice. To increase the efficiency of expanded clay, it is better to grind it with a hammer. In this state, the root system of plants feels better, and expanded clay can give them moisture and nutrients for a longer time.

The water in the pipes circulates, a small aquarium pump can be used for the pump. If there are a lot of pipes and they are located in several tiers in height, then a more powerful pump must be installed.

Fertilizers are added to the water, enriched water moves along a closed circuit, the drain is drained into a separate container, and a fence is made from it. You need to know about one feature of expanded clay - it has urea salts that create an alkaline environment in the system. And strawberries love slightly acidic lands; to normalize growing conditions, expanded clay is first thoroughly washed, and then soaked in a weak solution of vinegar. There are recommendations to replace expanded clay with coconut fiber, but this pleasure is quite expensive.

The technology of growing strawberries in horizontal PVC pipes in a hydroponic way

Sewer pipes Ø 100-150 mm are best suited for these purposes, they have standard fully sealed plugs, which is very important for the chosen method. For the production of work, you will need a circular grinding machine, a drill, pipe segments Ø 20–25 mm, plastic squares, a drain tank and a pump for water supply.

Step 1. Decide on the location of the pipes and their number. The technical data of the pump and the list of additional plumbing fittings will depend on these parameters.

Step 2 Draw a straight line on the surface of the pipe, on this axis you need to drill holes for the pots. The diameter of the peas should be slightly larger than the diameter of the holes, they should be fixed in them, but not fall through. You can put pots on the bottom of the pipe, but this option will create significant obstacles to the circulation of water. Distance between holes within 15 cm.

Step 3 Prepare end caps for pipes with bends. Quite a complex process that requires skill and practical skills. To the plugs you need to glue the outlets of the pipes for supplying / draining water. To do this, drill holes with a diameter 1–2 mm smaller than the outer diameter of the pipes. Carefully clean the cut, remove all burrs and bumps. Heat the pipe with a building hair dryer or in boiling water, the end should be plastic, but not very soft. Then, with force, insert the nozzle into the hole and hold it in this position until it cools completely. For complete sealing, the joint must be additionally glued with thermosetting or thermoplastic adhesive, preferably two-component.

Step 4 Such plugs need to be prepared two for each pipe. Install them on pipes suspended one above the other in the form of a ladder. Using a piece Ø 20–25 mm and angles, connect all pipes in series, the outlet must be in a special container, the inlet adapts to the pump connection. How to do this depends on the specific brand of the unit.

Step 5 Pour ordinary water into the system and check all connections for leaks. If leaks are found, repair problem areas.

Water should not circulate continuously in the system, it is enough to turn on the pump two or three times a day for half an hour. In order to ensure automatic operation of the system, it is recommended to purchase a timer, it costs a penny, but it works very reliably.

Features of growing strawberries in hydroponics

As for the issues of growing seedlings, the usual technology is used, the planting time depends on the characteristics of the premises (heated or not) and the climatic zone of residence.

Growing strawberries horizontally in pipes using soil

The preparation of plastic pipes has its own differences from the above method. This is due to the fact that now it is not water that circulates in them, but there is nutrient soil, plants are planted in it, and not in pots. How to prepare a construct for this method?

Step 1. Cut the pipes to the desired length, make markings for the holes. If there is no drill with a large diameter crown to drill them, then the holes can be made with a grinder. They may not be exactly the same, the main thing is that they do not interfere with planting strawberry seedlings. The distance between plants is within 15 cm, the diameter of the holes in the pipes is ≈5 cm, the diameter of the pipes is 100–150 mm. You will need plugs on both sides, you can buy them or make them yourself. It is difficult to make plugs - take a piece of plastic wrap and tie the ends of the pipes with it, wrap the edges tightly with wire or rope.

Step 2. Prepare pipes of smaller diameter for arranging the irrigation system. The length of such pipes should be 10–15 cm longer than the length of the large ones with plants; water supply hoses will be connected to the ends. It is necessary to drill holes in them at a distance of 10-15 cm Ø 2-3 mm. Water will flow through these holes. In order to prevent the holes from being clogged with earth, wrap the pipe with geotextile or non-woven synthetic fiber, secure it with wire.

Step 3 Make holes in the plugs for pipes of small diameter. You can not seal it, as in the previous case. On the other plug, you need to drill holes to drain excess water.

Step 4 Make special designs for fastening horizontal pipes, think over a water supply system. You can use a pump, set a timer on it and make watering automated, or you can put any container a little higher than the pipes and water the plants by gravity. Everyone should choose for themselves the most acceptable option, taking into account the possibilities and desires.

How to prepare pipes for planting strawberries

Pretty laborious operation. For backfilling, expanded clay should be prepared (it will play the role of drainage) and fertile soil (it is better to purchase a ready-made substrate in a specialized store). Keep in mind that expanded clay reduces acidity, and strawberries do not like this. Use the above tips to fix this feature. When all the structural elements are ready, you can start filling them.

Step 1. Lay the pipes horizontally on a flat surface. In turn, pour expanded clay into them through each hole. The layer thickness should not exceed 2-3 cm, with a stick or other convenient object, level it in an equal layer along the entire length of the pipe.

Step 2 Place a smaller diameter pipe prepared for irrigation on the expanded clay. Note that the drilled holes are at the top.

Step 3 Pour earth into each hole in turn. Constantly align and tamp it, for better shrinkage, water abundantly. Backfilling the earth is a rather lengthy task, but it should be treated with great responsibility. If the earth is poured loosely, then over time it will shrink a lot, which will have an extremely negative impact on the final yield of strawberries.

All pipes are filled with earth - you can install them in place and connect the irrigation system. Seedlings are treated as usual, agricultural technology does not differ from growing strawberries in closed ground.

It is rather difficult and long to fill the soil into the pipes; during the cultivation of strawberries, all measures must be taken to prevent its infection. Otherwise, you will have to disassemble the entire structure very often and start preparing it for planting seedlings from the beginning. How to minimize the risks of contamination of the substrate?

Don't be discouraged if the first season is not very successful, you are only gaining experience. Next year you will have an excellent strawberry crop, it takes almost no time and physical effort to grow it. Practitioners are advised to first try two growing methods at the same time: hydroponic and ordinary. With which it will turn out better, that one can be expanded for the next season.

Video - Growing strawberries in PVC pipes horizontally
