Reverse pull-up. Types of grips

Close grip pull-ups are the best basic exercise for developing biceps. Most athletes train their biceps with only isolated exercises - mostly barbell or dumbbell curls. But for maximum growth of the target muscle group, it is also necessary to use heavy basic exercises, which give a powerful impetus to muscle growth. In this article, we will talk about the technique of performing close-grip pull-ups, consider common mistakes and give useful recommendations for training biceps.

What muscles work

During pull-ups with a narrow grip, the main load falls on the biceps, shoulder muscles and the lower sections of the latissimus dorsi. If your lats are dominant and your arms are lagging behind, then close grip pull-ups are undoubtedly the best exercise for developing voluminous biceps.

As you know, pull-ups on the horizontal bar can be performed with a direct and reverse grip. When training the biceps, we advise using both options in order to work all the muscle areas of the target muscle group.

Narrow grip pull-up technique

For a complete understanding of the technique for performing close-grip pull-ups for biceps, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video at the end of the article.

Common rookie mistakes

  • Many athletes drop down too sharply during pull-ups, which greatly increases the load on the arms, namely on the elbow joints. Lowering should be smooth and even, this will not only reduce injury, but also increase the load on the biceps.
  • During pull-ups, you should not unbend your arms to the end in their original position, as this also increases the load on the elbow joints.
  • If your goal is the maximum growth of the biceps, then pull-ups must be performed without jerking. It is better to do 10 quality reps than 20 dirty ones with cheating.

Proper bicep training

Basic exercises play a key role in the development of any muscle group, so they should not be neglected. Close grip pull-ups should be a must in your training program if you want to have powerful and voluminous arm muscles (pull-ups can also be replaced with close grip pull-ups). At the beginning of the study of the biceps, we advise you to perform the basic - pull-ups with a narrow forward or reverse grip, and then move on to the best isolating exercises:

On our forum you can find a lot of materials about training biceps, but we would advise you to familiarize yourself with:

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Pull-ups on the horizontal bar, this is probably the most popular type of exercise, for which you only need your own weight and the crossbar. It can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home.

Horizontal bar, the projectile that does not require special material costs and a lot of space. You can do it in this way without problems at home, on the street and in the gym, the main thing is that there is a horizontal bar itself or a place to fix it.

They help to develop many groups of the back, shoulders, chest and arms, it is this exercise that has established itself as unique in this regard and it can only be compared in terms of performance with some in bodybuilding. But it is worth remembering that when performing this exercise, familiar to everyone since childhood, the correct technique plays an important role. It is the technique that will help to avoid injuries and get the most positive result.

Types of grips on the horizontal bar

  1. Straight, medium grip, this is the most classic option. It is performed according to the following principle: shoulder-width apart, hands are placed palms forward, and the thumb forms a “lock”. The legs during the exercise should be in a straightened position and brought together. During the training, they should work exactly, the movements should not be sharp and jerky, which should be taken into account when performing all grips. In order not to injure your hands when moving down, do not relax them as much as possible. Many experts believe that the biceps work much more efficiently when moving down, and therefore they recommend moving up much faster than moving down. If the technique is correct, then at the top the chest should touch, and at the bottom the arms should be completely straight. During this exercise, the following are involved in the work: forearms, trapezium, shoulder girdle, triceps, lats, biceps. How to properly position your hands with this grip can be seen in picture A.
  2. Reverse narrow grip, this type is similar to the direct one, its only difference is that when it is performed, the palms look at the athlete, as shown in picture B. There is one more nuance that is worth considering, this is the lower part of the chest must necessarily touch the horizontal bar and at the same time shoulder blades should be brought together. In this case, work: biceps and the lower part of the broadest.
  3. Parallel narrow grip. In this case, the palms are parallel to each other, as shown in picture D. With this grip, the biceps and the lower part of the lats are actively working.


Many experts call such types of direct grip. But in fact, this is the classic that is familiar to many from physical education lessons at school.

The fact is that it is this execution of this exercise that gives a very diverse load on a different group, hands, forearms. Also, triceps are involved in the work, but the biceps do not work very well with this arrangement of hands, it follows that the training works for the most part on the general physical condition of the entire shoulder girdle.

The position in the classical is considered not very convenient for the athlete, if we take for comparison, for example: the positions of the palms in one's direction. A similar exercise in bodybuilding can be considered a barbell press for biceps, but here the back muscles are not included in the work.

We can draw the following conclusions about the work of the muscles in this training:

  • Back, if you make the grip narrower, then the main load is taken by those located below;
  • Biceps, most often work part of the side, and which is inside;
  • Triceps, remains in secondary roles;
  • Shoulder, before training on the horizontal bar, this part of the body should not be loaded otherwise there will be no result;
  • Forearm, the same advice as for the shoulder, since on exhausted muscles it is technically correct to do it and the required number of repetitions will not work.

It is worth noting that all of the above applies to exercises on the horizontal bar with a direct grip with the hands positioned shoulder-width apart.


This exercise helps a lot in order to work out, especially the lower parts. Many athletes believe that this training, as an independent one, is ineffective. Therefore, in many recommendations they are advised to be performed in combination.

You can do this on the bars, just the crossbar and with handles. Approaches should be about four with repetitions to failure, that is, as long as there is strength. This will help build tolerance.

Correct execution technique:

  • Arrange straight arms and hang;
  • Do until the arms are completely bent, while making head movements in different directions alternately. When performing an exercise on the uneven bars, the head remains motionless.
  • Movements should have maximum amplitude.

What muscles are being worked on

  1. Biceps, their work begins at the point of the dead zone;
  2. The broadest ones begin to work actively at the lower and upper points, when the main load is already left behind;
  3. Round and large are worked out as the widest;
  4. Deltoid, work during the entire training;
  5. Toothed ones also actively work not far from dead spots.

Read other blog articles.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are one of the most accessible, but at the same time effective exercises for working with your own weight. Performing pull-ups, you can not only work out the muscles qualitatively, but also stretch the spine, which is very important, especially for professional athletes.

You can do pull-ups anywhere where there is a crossbar: on the sports ground, in your own apartment, in the gym, and with special enthusiasm, even on a branch of the nearest tree. Frankly, you can’t greatly increase muscle mass with pull-ups. But you can well emphasize the relief of the back and arms, as well as increase the strength of these muscle groups. Pull-ups are different. It is the types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar that determine which muscles will work to a greater extent. All existing types of pull-ups differ in the way and width of the grip. Today we will find out what types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar are. A photo of each of them will help us with this.

Medium overhand grip

The traditional option, which is popular with both domestic physical education teachers and American special forces. The main load in this case falls on the muscles of the back and biceps.

The execution technique is quite simple: grab the horizontal bar with a grip equal in width to your shoulders. Hang with your back slightly arched and legs crossed (in this case, the body will loosen less). Now you can perform pull-ups by bringing the shoulder blades together. At the end point, try to touch the bar with your upper chest. At the bottom point, in order for the muscles to stretch better, you need to fully straighten your arms.

Medium grip from below

The lower grips on the horizontal bar are always easier, and this option proves it. It is simpler than the previous one, since it has more load on the biceps, and they do their job better than the back, especially for beginners.

The grip is made in the same width as last time, only now the hands are turned with palms towards the body. When pulling up, you should follow the same principles, only now at the very beginning of the movement you need to take your shoulders back and down. Then the forearms will remain perpendicular to the floor throughout the movement.

Wide grip to the chest

Different types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar have a different effect on our muscles. This option is the most useful. But, as is usually the case, all the best comes only through hard work. This is the most difficult version of pull-ups, which causes panic among beginners. Moreover, even among the regulars of the gyms, there is not always a person who knows how to pull himself up with a wide grip correctly. In this case, several dorsal muscles come into play at once: paired round, trapezius and latissimus dorsi.

You need to grab the bar from above, with a grip that is approximately equal in width to the grip for the bench press. An important nuance - the thumb should wrap around the horizontal bar from above, like all other fingers. Such a small trick allows you to better stretch the spinal muscles. Without straining the biceps, rising due to the reduction of the shoulder blades, you need to pull yourself up until the top of the chest touches the crossbar. When this position is close, you need to bend in the back and look up. Ideally, at the top point, you need to linger for a few seconds.

Wide head grip

Continuing to consider the types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, let's focus on the popular, but rather traumatic option - pull-ups with a wide grip on the head. With insufficient mobility of the shoulder joints, as well as with improper execution, serious injury can occur.

In this method of pull-ups, the same muscles are involved as in the previous one, but the width of the grip is also not different. Stretching, in this case, you should not bend your back, the body together with the legs should create one straight line. Elbows throughout the movement should be directed strictly down, and not back. At the top point, the back of the neck is in contact with the crossbar. Before you can make a movement in full amplitude, most likely, it will take some time. This is normal, and even good, because during this time you will learn the correct technique. If suddenly during pull-ups you feel pain in your shoulders or back, stop the exercise immediately and gently lower yourself to the starting position!

Narrow grip on top

It's time to consider the types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a narrow grip. Let's start with an overhand grip. This version of the exercise is well suited for people suffering from insufficient mobility of the carpal joints. He works well on the lower part of the latissimus dorsi, dentate and to some extent the shoulder muscles.

You need to take the crossbar with the narrowest possible grip (so that the thumbs almost touch). Having bent in the back, you need to perform pull-ups, trying to touch the projectile with the lower part of the chest.

Narrow grip on the bottom

This option is usually performed as a lightweight alternative to the previous one or in order to stretch the latissimus dorsi muscles downward. In addition to the bottom of the broadest, the biceps also receive a load.

Like last time, the projectile is taken with the most narrow grip, only now the palms are turned towards themselves. Hanging on straight arms, you need to bend your back and look at the hands. During pull-ups, you need to focus on the maximum quality of the reduction of the shoulder blades and the removal of the shoulders back. Approaching the top point, try to bend more in the back and touch the horizontal bar with the lower part of the chest.

Neutral grip along the bar

Having considered the classic types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, let's move on to more specific ones. This type allows you to work out the lower part of the latissimus dorsi, dentate and partially shoulder muscles.

You need to take the crossbar in such a way that one fist is in front of the other. Stretching, you need to actively bend in the back and try to touch the horizontal bar with the lower part of the pectoral muscles. At the top point, the head is turned away from the horizontal bar. With each repetition, this side changes. And in each new approach, the position of the hands changes. If possible, you can hang a V-shaped handle on the horizontal bar to make the exercise more comfortable.

Partial underhand pull-ups

The exercise is aimed at the highest quality study of the biceps. It uses the principle of load concentration. Grasping the bar with an average reverse grip, you need to pull yourself up to exactly half (when there is a right angle between the shoulder and forearm). This will be the starting position. Having fixed the body in a vertical position, you need to pull yourself up, trying to reach the crossbar with your collarbones. Small amplitude, as well as the absence of stretch points and rest of the biceps, allows you to achieve maximum load.

Training program

Having discussed the types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar and the muscle groups that are involved in them, let's talk a little about the training program that allows you to achieve success. Before you start training, you need to determine your maximum in one form or another of pull-ups. Then you need to see which group you belong to, and perform the indicated complex at least twice a week. In a month, you need to test your abilities again and, in case of an increase in strength, move on to the next level of complexity.

Those people who belong to this category are too weak for their own weight. Therefore, you need to start with the passive part of the pull-ups. That is, you need to rise with the help of your legs, standing on the bench, and lower yourself under your own weight. The first two weeks you need to do 3 sets of 5 repetitions, going down for 5-6 seconds. Then you can increase the lowering time to 8-10 seconds, and reduce the number of approaches to two.

Those in this group are advised to do more sets with fewer reps. In this case, the first pull-ups should be as intense as possible. This will allow you to load a large number of muscle fibers and improve neuromuscular connections. The first two weeks: 8 sets of 50% of the best attempt and 60-90 seconds of rest between sets. Remaining time: 8 sets of the best attempt, with the same break as before.

Those people who belong to this category are strong enough, but not hardy enough. Such people need to do more repetitions, not counting the sets. You can rest as much as you want, the main thing is that in each set you squeeze the maximum number of pull-ups. 3-4 sets will be enough.

If you are in this category, then you are too strong for your own weight. Use weights in your workout. It should be up to 10% of your weight. Such a load will reduce the number of repetitions by 3-4.


So, today we have examined in sufficient detail the pull-ups on the horizontal bar, the types of grips and the work of the target muscle groups. This seemingly simple exercise implies a lot of nuances, ignorance of which can turn training into a waste of time. If you want to keep your body in shape, but at the same time you can’t do it thoroughly, choose such a universal exercise as pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3 types of the above are quite a sufficient number). And if you add it to push-ups from the floor, then your body will always be in good shape. But do not forget about caution while playing sports!

Greetings, readers of my blog! Alexander Bely is with you. Today we will discuss such an interesting topic as the horizontal bar. Even before the development of the gym industry in our country, the horizontal bar was a favorite pastime for many athletes. He even created a kind of cult around himself - "turnstiles", and this is no accident.

It is a universal trainer, and with its help you can develop strength indicators and even increase the percentage of muscle mass! In addition, in the classic version, this is also the safest exercise. If you start hanging from the bar often, you will not only get the benefits of pull-ups, but also stretch the upper shoulder girdle and back, which is very good for the health of the upper body. Let's talk about which muscles work when pulling up on the horizontal bar and compare the variations in performing this exercise.

Muscles involved

Only with a simple crossbar will you be able to work out almost all the muscles of the upper body. It also depends on the way you do the exercise. Pull-ups include the work of the elbow and shoulder joints, so it can be classified as.

The following sections swing on the horizontal bar:

  • The latissimus dorsi;
  • Trapeze;
  • Triceps and biceps;
  • deltoid;
  • forearm;
  • Abdominal muscles (straight, oblique and transverse).

As you can see, this exercise should be performed not only for the sake of the “wings”. Just fixing on the horizontal bar engages and strengthens many muscles throughout the body. But you can focus on a particular area by changing the pull-up method.

In addition, frequent exercises with the crossbar will form your strong grip and fingers. Over time, the skin of the palms will adapt and become rougher. Thanks to this, it will become much easier for you to perform the exercise, compared to the first days.

Pull-up methods

You can pull up in various ways, each of which differs in the areas involved. Pull-ups are of the following types:

1. Way of gripping the crossbar - direct or reverse;

2. The width of the girth of the horizontal bar - narrow, medium grip or wide;

3. According to the position at the top point - touching the chin, chest or back of the head.

Let's analyze in more detail what this or that variation of pull-ups develops.

Medium grip, reverse grip. This is the simplest technique and is best for beginners. Thus, the load is optimally distributed between the biceps and wings. Performing pull-ups, you need to take it so that your hands are at shoulder level, and your palms are turned to your face. The chin must be raised above the level of the crossbar. It is important to perform the exercise without swinging, raise the body due to the effort in the muscles of the arms, try not to connect the lats, then you will work the biceps as much as possible.

Narrow grip. Between the palms you need to make a distance of 10-15 centimeters. Reverse grip allows you to develop the biceps and latissimus dorsi. With a direct grip, you will focus on the lower chest, deltas, and also the serratus muscles.

Wide, straight grip. Grab your hands as wide as possible, and during execution, bend a little in the back. You need to touch the horizontal bar with the lower part of the chest. This exercise perfectly helps to develop the lower part of the wings and paired round muscles.

Wide girth, performed behind the head. The main working muscles in this method are the middle section, trapezium and deltas. During execution, it is necessary to lower the chin and touch the crossbar with the back of the head.

There is also the "Australian pull-up" technique, which is best suited for beginners and girls. With it, you can prepare your muscles and body for more serious exercises. To perform it, you need a low horizontal bar, which will be below chest level. Grab the bar and plant your feet firmly on the floor. In the starting position, your body should be in a diagonal position. From this position, begin to pull the body to the crossbar, touching it with the chest part. In the peak phase, tighten your trapezius muscles as much as possible and force your shoulder blades together.

For more intense work, you need to perform angular pull-ups. To do this, you must straighten your legs during pull-ups so that the body creates the English letter "L" and hold the corner when lifting the body.

This is just a short list of those variations that you can train on. But, despite the presence of a huge selection of other exercises, it is these varieties that are effective for muscle growth and increasing strength.

As with any other exercise, you can not pull up when you feel like it. That is, of course, it is possible, but the effect of this will be very small. Here, the systematic and regularity of training, as well as a well-designed program, is important.

When you have reached this bar, you can proceed to the methods described above. Remember - the muscles should receive a regular load, but at the same time have time to recover. Perform 5-6 sets, for the maximum number of repetitions every three days. For more information on how to build muscle with pull-ups, you can see in other articles on my blog. On this note, I want to say goodbye to you, my dear readers! Subscribe, invite your friends, and wait for updates!

The pull-up is considered a basic exercise that engages the joints and muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and back.

It belongs to one of the highest classes in terms of the complexity of execution and is difficult for beginner athletes and girls. Often it is replaced with a training version of the graviton, but it does not always allow you to work out all the zones that are included in the work when pulling up on the classic horizontal bar. That is why, if you want to bring your back and the upper part of the shoulder girdle to the ideal, it is worth studying the technique of pulling up and mastering the various types of this exercise.

Pull-ups involve almost the entire shoulder girdle and back, including small muscle groups that remain relaxed under other types of loads.

Use this exercise to train the following muscle groups:

  • targeted: latissimus dorsi;
  • synergistic: include biceps, brachioradialis and brachialis, teres major and minor, infraspinatus, middle and lower trapezius muscles, pectoralis minor, rhomboid and posterior deltoids, and levator scapulae;
  • stabilizing: long head of the triceps.

Thus, it turns out that seemingly ordinary pull-ups can improve muscle growth of the entire upper body, chest, back, arms.

Benefits of pull-ups

Pull-ups have a lot of advantages over alternative exercises for the upper shoulder girdle. The most important of them is the absolute undemanding to inventory. All that an athlete needs is a crossbar fixed just above his height. Using various pull-up variations, you can work out various muscle groups well and sculpt the relief of the upper shoulder girdle, back and chest, based on personal preferences and goals.

With pull-ups, you can:

  • give the upper part a V-shape;
  • achieve a good back relief;
  • to develop the muscles of the upper back and shoulder girdle to the maximum;
  • develop grip strength;
  • improve weight performance when performing exercises on the back;
  • increase the production of growth hormone and achieve excellent results in a shorter time;
  • increase energy consumption, which will serve to reduce weight.

Among other things, pull-ups differ from other exercises in a high degree of variability. Using different grips, you can work out different muscle groups in order to achieve the perfection of mass and shape.

How to start a beginner to learn how to pull up?

Pull-ups rarely succeed the first time, so it is important for beginners not to force their body with excessive muscle tension. Unsuccessful exhausting attempts from the first time to pull up with your chin to the crossbar in 99% end with microtraumas, so you should give preference to a set of preparatory exercises.

First you need to master the technique of "negative repetitions". The essence of this exercise is to assume the position that the pull-up has already been completed and the body returns to its original position. This will require a horizontal bar and a low support (bench, stool, etc.). The main thing is that its height is just enough so that the athlete, standing on it, calmly reaches out with his chin to the horizontal bar.

The technique for performing negative repetitions is as follows:

  • Starting position - standing on a chair, chin at the level of the bar of the horizontal bar, arms bent at the elbows and fixed at an average distance from each other on the bar.
  • Next, the legs are bent so that the arms are tensed, holding the body in its original position.
  • A slow straightening of the arms is performed, as when exiting a pull-up.
  • Then the athlete again takes the starting position. If necessary, you can help yourself with your feet (lean them on a support) or ask an assistant to lift you from behind.

You should not overload yourself right away, 3 sets of 5 repetitions will be enough. While straightening the arms, it is not recommended to accelerate or swing. All movements should be as smooth as possible.

Before starting training with pull-ups, it is advisable to warm up the muscles well and stimulate the cardiovascular system with a warm-up. But even here it is worth being restrained so as not to start the main training with a feeling of fatigue.

Pull-up technique

Before starting classes on the horizontal bar, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced bodybuilders and their mentors on how to do pull-ups correctly:

  • it is impossible to involve in the process of lifting the body something other than the muscles of the back, arms and chest;
  • to avoid injuries, it is not necessary to accompany pull-ups with jerks and sudden movements;
  • the body during ascent and descent must be in a strictly vertical position;
  • ups are performed during exhalation, and you need to lower yourself while inhaling.

Otherwise, the technique for performing pull-ups varies depending on what kind of exercise is being performed.

It is advisable to start mastering pull-ups on the horizontal bar as such with a direct grip. It is easier to perform, but in different variations it helps to achieve the study of the entire upper shoulder girdle and back.

The technique for performing pull-ups with a direct grip may differ depending on the width of the grip:

  • when pulling up with a classic grip (medium), the lift is done to the level of the chin - at the peak point, it should be slightly above the crossbar, the gaze is directed forward;
  • when pulling up with a narrow grip, the body is lifted until the crossbar is at chest level, and the gaze is directed to the hands;
  • when performing pull-ups with a wide grip, the chest (its middle part) should be located in the upper peak at the level of the horizontal bar, the maximum load falls on the latissimus dorsi.

There is an opinion that a greater effect from pull-ups using a direct grip is achieved with a high rise of the body - at the peak at the level of the crossbar is the middle line of the chest, or at least its upper part. The back at the same time slightly bends in the lower back, and the head is thrown back.

When performing pull-ups with a wide and medium grip, the head must be pulled until the level of the crossbar coincides with the upper line of the body (just above the clavicle bones). It is important not to make sharp jerks, but to keep your back straight. The head can be slightly tilted forward so as not to injure the back of the head during lifting.

The reverse grip is good for working out the biceps and back muscles. The closer the hands are placed to each other, the more the biceps are involved. Otherwise, the execution technique is similar to performing pull-ups with a direct grip:

  • hands are located at a selected distance from each other;
  • the back during the rise is straight, slightly arched in the lower back;
  • head slightly thrown back;
  • movements are smooth, without jerks and distortions.

You can pull yourself up to the level of the chin, and to the middle of the chest. Here the goal of the training plays a role: if it is planned to load the arms as much as possible, they are pulled up to the chin, and if there is a need to pump up the muscles of the back, they are pulled up to the chest.

Parallel pull-ups in terms of execution technique are no different from the previous options, with the exception of the position of the shoulder blades. In the upper peak position, the shoulder blades should be brought together as much as possible, and the elbows should be slightly pulled back. The back is in the same position as in the previous versions - slightly bent in the lower back, without lateral distortions.

The effect is also repeated: with a narrow grip, when the hands are close to each other, the biceps and chest muscles are most involved, and with a wide grip, the latissimus dorsi muscles work more actively.

This method is suitable only for experienced athletes with good strength training, as it has a large range of motion compared to previous techniques. Pull-ups are performed in a forward or reverse grip. Hands at an arbitrary distance from each other.


  • Dead hang at the lowest point on a neutral (middle) grip.
  • Rhythmic pull up to the middle of the chest.
  • Quick departure to the starting position.

There should ideally be no delay between the upper and lower peaks. The intensity and amplitude of movement are maximum, due to which there is a more active training of the upper shoulder girdle and back.

Pull-ups for the head

This method of pulling up is more difficult to perform, as it combines the classic exercise with pulling up behind the head.

The execution technique is as follows:

  • Hands on the crossbar are spaced slightly wider than shoulders, legs are crossed and bent at the knees.
  • Pulling up in the classic version to the chest is performed. Then the body returns to its original position, the arms are completely relaxed and straightened.
  • A pull-up is performed with the hands behind the head. Return to original position.

Alternating classic pull-ups and overhead pull-ups helps to work out the maximum amount of muscle.

The technique resembles a pull-up with a parallel grip, however, the difference is that the athlete is holding on to a regular horizontal bar, that is, the hands are not just located to each other, but are on the same line. The value of this exercise is a deeper study of the shoulder and brachioradialis muscles, as well as the biceps. The muscles of the buttocks and the press are involved.


  • The athlete hangs under the horizontal bar perpendicular to its direction. The hands are brought together.
  • Pulling up begins slowly, as the head approaches the horizontal bar, it is retracted to the side, the shoulder touches the horizontal bar.
  • Return to Vis.
  • The pull-up is the same as the previous one, but this time the head is retracted to the other side.
  • Return to original position.

Pulling up is done due to the tension of only one hand, the second is used to hold the body in an upright position.

Half-Moon or one-arm pull-up

This pull-up is practiced to prepare for one-arm pull-ups. A neutral grip or pronation is suitable for this exercise.

Starting position - hanging with straightened and relaxed arms. The body is pulled up only on the right or only on the left hand. The second at this time is “stretched”, as a result of which the line of arms and shoulders forms a “half of the moon”. After mastering this type of pull-up, you can switch to

Secrets and subtleties of pull-ups

Even those who easily perform several sets with a variety of pull-ups do not always know 100% of the facts about this exercise. The most popular questions that can be heard from experienced and novice athletes relate to the range of motion, the most effective type of grip, the height of the body lift and much more.

To the chest or to the chin?

The most popular question concerns the difference between chin-ups and chest-to-chest pull-ups. Eminent coaches and athletes recommend practicing pull-ups to the chin when using a reverse grip, and to the chest - in combination with a direct grip. With this combination, the risk of injury is much lower, which is especially important for beginner athletes.
In general, pull-ups to the chest are more effective in terms of pumping the muscles of the back, while pull-ups to the chin allow you to better work out the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and arms. Pull-ups that are too high can be dangerous, as by lifting the chest above the bar, the maximum load will be directed to the muscles between the shoulder blades, which is fraught with injury.

Weighting - when is it necessary?

Using extra weight when pulling up can be helpful or harmful depending on several factors:

  • possession of the pull-up technique - if there is the slightest doubt that you are doing everything right, it is better not to use weights;
  • the condition of the back and spine - if there is a tendency to injury or problems with the spine, it is better not to use aggravation;
  • if there is excess weight (more than 13 kg), the burden will be superfluous.

In general, experienced athletes resort to the use of additional weight when pulling up, ideally having mastered the technique of exercises.

Ideal amplitude - what is it?

Pull-ups "to the maximum" will benefit those who have already achieved certain results and are fluent in the pull-up technique. Discomfort and acute pain in the muscles and joints should be a signal to stop the training.

A small amplitude is more effective and less dangerous if the bar workouts are done in an intensive mode and / or with additional weights. Exercises in this mode do not harm the joints and stimulate maximum muscle growth. However, it is worth remembering that a severe restriction of movement and a minimum range of motion will not lead to the goal of muscle growth and an increase in strength. Everything should be in moderation.

It is important to remember that the concept of ideal amplitude for pull-ups is as individual as eating habits. The athlete must listen carefully to his muscles in order to understand in which range it is better to make movements.

Technique "buildup" - to apply or not?

Attempts to show a good quantitative result due to the deceptive “swinging” technique leads to loosening of the joints, and the effect on the muscles is minimal. Applying it, the beginner runs the risk of never achieving significant results. Moreover, failure to follow the pull-up technique often leads to injuries that imply a ban on any load. It is better to do fewer repetitions, but with high quality, than to kill time and joints, deceiving the body with the laws of inertia.

What grip to choose?

The main rule is that the grip must be tight. The width and direction depends on the goal of the training. If you plan to pump up your arms and shoulders, a narrow or medium reverse grip will do. For a high-quality study of the back, a combination of wide and direct grips is ideal.

Without pull-ups, it is impossible to create an ideal athletic body with a V-shaped back and chest. To master this simple, at first glance, way to increase mass and strength, you will have to spend several months. But it's worth it - the body will become really strong and beautiful. The main thing is to carefully study the technique of performing various types of pull-ups and systematically train to achieve your goals.

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