Foamiran panel: photo of flowers, do-it-yourself master class, flower paintings. DIY foamiran paintings DIY foamiran paintings for beginners

Foamiran is a foamed rubber, a popular material in needlework, used in many crafts due to its flexibility and elasticity. Working with foamiran is quite easy, so it will not bring worries to novice needlewomen. From this material you can make a lot of beautiful and unusual products, for example, paintings for decorating your apartments. This master class on foamiran panels will teach all lovers of hand-made to make canvases with original colors that cannot be distinguished from real ones.

spring branch of apple tree

To make a wonderful panel with apple blossoms with your own hands, we need:

  • foamiran;
  • paints;
  • glue "Moment";
  • Bulka (metal ball on the rod);
  • molds (shape for veins);
  • wire;
  • frame.

First we need to take a regular photo frame. Remove the glass from it, it is not needed. Next, cover the cardboard with blue gouache mixed with white paint. From paper make patterns of flowers and leaves.

Please note that we should get flowers of 5 petals, no more and no less.

Then, on a sheet of white foamiran, circle all the patterns with a toothpick: eight flowers, three buds and seven leaves. From pale yellow make a strip 15 mm wide for the stamens. Cut into strips and cut into eight pieces of 1.2 mm for each flower.

Take the flowers and paint them along the contour with pink lipstick or use ordinary paints. Apply lipstick on a cotton pad or Q-tip and rub on the petals. Thus, you can use blush, shadows. To make everything work out as accurately as possible, it is best to first try to grind everything on third-party paper, removing excess paint, and then on the product.

Turn on the iron to the second position. Put the flower on a toothpick and attach the iron to the surface for a couple of seconds to warm it up. Next, fold the petals and scroll in a spiral with your fingers to give a natural look. After carefully pushing through the middle and stretching the petals so that they arch like a cup.

This is how we make all the flowers. Now we need to twist a piece of straw for the stamens and glue it with a drop of glue from below. Attach the stamens to the iron so that they slightly part to the sides. Make a hole in the center of the flower and insert the stamens. Cut off the excess from the bottom and drip glue for reliability. Our flowers are ready.

For buds, it is not necessary to make a lot of petals, 3-4 is enough. Do the same with them as with flowers. Wrap the petals inward, glue a little. Glue the sepals of light green color to the buds.

We warm the leaves on the iron and give a more naturalistic shape. When all the elements are ready, proceed to the layout. Lay out everything on the prepared sheet and find the desired location. Place large leaves below the flowers, and small ones above, as in the photo:

Now glue all the elements and draw branch markers. It remains only to put the panel in the frame and everything, the work is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

May Anna

To begin with, I hasten to introduce you to this material. What's happened foamiran? I think that you must have met him often in your life. This is especially true for kindergarten workers. Foamiran- this is porous paper or rubber, it is also porous suede. You often met them on the shelves shops: alphabets, rugs, various designers from such soft multi-colored sheets.

Now on sale there are sets of thin sheets of foam rubber. The thickness of the sheets is 1-2 mm. It is from such sheets that you can make a variety of manuals, games, handouts and much more. The color scheme is neutral, although quite multi-colored. When opening the package, a strong, unpleasant odor emanates, which quickly disappears. I tried to do picture, I really enjoyed working with this material, and therefore in the end we got three paintings, one of which is large.

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Foamiran is used in many types of handmade, including the creation of artificial floral compositions. Due to the plasticity of the material and the ability to maintain a given shape, the flowers from it look very natural. We have prepared for you step-by-step master classes on creating artificial flowers and flower paintings and several selections of photos of design work.

Foamiran (abbr. - foam, fom) is a decorative polymer material used in various types of needlework and festive design. In translation from English, the word "foam" means "foam". Foamiran really has a plastic foamy structure and a velvety surface, it feels like suede or dense velor to the touch. This allows you to give the petals, leaves and stems of artificial flowers a natural look and close to natural curves and outlines.

Foamiran properties:

  • the material is stretchable and plastic;
  • able to take and maintain various forms;
  • can be twisted and embossed;
  • easy to cut and glue;
  • absorbs dyes well;
  • has no smell;
  • non-toxic (suitable for children's creativity).

The required shapes, textures and waviness are given to foamiran by heating, stretching, twisting, rubbing. It is important to remember that the extensibility of this material is not too high - only 10%. Therefore, you need to work with it carefully.

Types of foamiran

Foamiran is made in Iran, China, Turkey, Korea, as well as in some European countries. The material of Iranian production is considered the standard of quality. Foamiran is produced in sheets or rolls of different formats and different densities. The palettes offered by manufacturers can include up to 36 different colors and shades.

Medium density material (Iranian, Chinese, Korean) is ideal for creating artificial flowers and floral arrangements. Thin foamiran (silk, marshmallow) is chosen for the manufacture of stamens, small petals and leaves. For large parts, it is better not to use such foamiran, as it does not hold its shape well.

According to the structure, foamiran happens:

  • Ordinary. Depending on the country of manufacture of the material, it is called Chinese, Iranian, Korean, Turkish, etc. Ordinary foamiran has not too high extensibility; when heated on an iron, it folds and noticeably decreases in size, “runs away”. This should be taken into account when cutting out flower elements that will be processed by heating.
  • Marshmallow. The differences between this type of foamiran are low density, lightness and a visible airy, finely porous structure. It is impossible to heat marshmallow foamiran: the material instantly begins to melt, bubble, stick together. To achieve waviness of the petals by rubbing is also not worth it, the material will inevitably lose its shape. The advantages of marshmallow foamiran are high extensibility, elasticity and decorative effect.
  • Shelkov. According to its properties, silk foamiran is close to marshmallow. It is pleasant to the touch, almost weightless, airy, easily turns into the thinnest film. It lends itself well to rubbing, twisting, stretching. Perfectly keeps the acquired form. When heated, it becomes thinner, becomes translucent, acquires a beautiful matte sheen. Silk foamiran is much lighter, softer and more elastic than usual and marshmallow.
  • Decorative. Foamiran with additional textures is called decorative: embossed, embossed ornaments, plush and glitter coating. For the manufacture of artificial flowers and compositions from them, decorative foamiran is practically not used. More often it is used as an additional material when creating hair hoops and jewelry with floral elements, appliqués, thematic compositions, photo backgrounds, holiday decorations.

What is foamiran used for?

Foamiran is great for creating artificial flowers, flower panels, paintings, decorative compositions, but not only. The material is used for scrapbooking, appliqués, art collages, garlands, etc.

How to make flowers from foamiran with your own hands, master class

To create artificial flowers and flower arrangements, in addition to foamiran of various colors and shades, you will need special tools: bulbs, molds, veiners, etc. To get an idea of ​​​​how these devices look like, what are the features of working with them, we recommend watching the video .

The sequence of making flowers from foamiran:

  1. Patterns of flower elements are drawn on paper or cardboard: petals, pistils, stamens, leaves, stems. Cut them out.
  2. The required number of parts are made from foamiran of the desired colors and density.
  3. To give an artificial flower a resemblance to a real one, the petals and leaves are tinted with acrylic, oil dye or dry pastel.
  4. Each element of the flower is carefully processed, giving the desired shape, texture and volume. To do this, use the techniques of heating, stretching, grinding, etc. With the help of molds and other special devices, bends and vein patterns close to natural are formed.
  5. The flower is sequentially collected: the middle, petal circles and leaves are attached to the wire stem.

To begin with, we will offer you a simple master class on creating artificial mallow from foamiran.

  • foamiran: for petals - pale pink or carmine; for stamens - milky white; for leaves and stem - dark olive;
  • template paper;
  • flexible wire No. 30;
  • dry pastel - light green, pink;
  • phlox powder for toning petals (can be replaced with colored semolina);
  • mold and weiner (Cattleya set);
  • floral teip tape - dark olive.
  • heating device;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • fast setting adhesive.

How to make mallow:

1. According to the prepared templates, cut out of foamiran: six squares of red or pink flowers (5x5 cm), one square 2 x 2 cm dark green and two milky white rectangles (0.5 x 3 cm and 2 x 5 cm) .

2. An oval loop is made at the end of the flexible wire. A strip of white foamiran (2 x 5 cm) is wound very tightly on it. The resulting roll is pressed against the iron, forming a stamen and at the same time rounding the edges.

3. A white strip of foamiran 0.5 x 3 cm is ironed, thinned. The thinnest fringe is made along the edge with scissors. Glue the finished part around the circumference to the stamen, stepping back about 0.7 cm from the bottom edge.

4. The mallow stamen is dipped in glue. Tinted with yellow phlox powder. Dry completely. Powder can be replaced with colored gouache or watercolor semolina.

5. The blanks of the petals are alternately heated on the iron, after which they are quickly applied to the mold and cut out along the contours. The upper edges are carefully pulled out, thinning and forming a wavy border. The bases of the petals are processed on the bulb, making indentations.

6. Mallow petals are tinted with dry pastel on both sides. For a smooth, natural transition of colors, the pastels are carefully shaded.

7. Alternately grease the wrong edge of each mallow petal with glue. They are attached around the circumference to the stem (under the fringe of the stamen). A flower bowl is formed: glue is applied pointwise to the petals and they are overlapped together.

8. From a dark green square of foamiran (2 x 2 cm), an asterisk is cut out - a mallow sepal. Rub with fingers, thinning and stretching the edges. A hole is made in the center of the finished sepal, put on the stem, glued under the petals.

9. Wrap the free edge of the wire with teip tape.

Do-it-yourself rose from foamiran, step by step with a photo

What materials, tools to prepare:

  • foamiran - grassy green, cream;
  • acrylic dye (or dry pastel) - carmine, green and yellow;
  • self-hardening polymer clay;
  • sponge
  • pliers;
  • nippers, scissors;
  • wire No. 20, 24;
  • toothpick;
  • mold + weiner "Rose" or universal;
  • iron;
  • glue gun.

How a rose is made:

1. Prepare templates, put them on a sheet of foamiran, circle with a toothpick. Cut out from cream foamiran: 20 pcs. large petals (≈ 5 x 6 cm), 7 small ones (4 x 4.5 cm). From green: 5 leaves (5 x 6.5 cm), 1 sepal (7 x 6.5 cm).

2. Tint the petals. Yellow and light green dye is applied to the base. Along the contour of the upper edge - carmine. Shade transitions shade.

3. Give the rose petals a beautiful shape. They are alternately applied to the iron, after which they are folded with an accordion and twisted quite tightly (from the top edge to the middle). As a result, foamiran rose petals should become thin and wavy.

4. With the help of a bulb (or with your hands), a bulge is formed at the base of the petals.

5. Gently rub and thin the upper edge of the petals.

6. The sheet blank is also heated on an iron. Lay on the mold, press hard. The edge is stretched a little to give a waviness.

7. The sepal blank is heated and twisted, just like the petals.

8. A small ball is formed from polymer clay, giving it a teardrop shape. Make a loop at the end of the wire. Attach the clay blank to the PVA glue. Dry completely.

9. Glue the inner layer of 3 small petals to the clay "drop". Compress, forming a dense bud. Excess foamiran is cut off. The edges are slightly straightened.

10. Attach the second row of 4 small rose petals around the circumference. Then the third - from 5 large, the fourth - from 7 large and the fifth - from 8 large blanks of petals.

11. A drop of hot glue is applied to the stem, at the base of the flower. Let cool. Green foamiran is cut into strips 0.7 mm wide. The edge of each resulting tape is cut at an angle of 45 °. Glue is applied to the ends of the strips, they are attached to the wire and wrapped tightly around, forming a stem.

12. Leaves are attached to small pieces of wire (also wrapped in green foamiran), after which they are glued to the stem. In a similar way, the sepal is fixed to the base of the rose petals. At the end of the work, the stem is wrapped with a second layer of foamiran strips.

Do-it-yourself small wild flowers from foamiran, step by step with a photo

Small wild flowers are useful for brooches, hoops and hairpins, beautiful floral arrangements. Blanks can be made from scraps of multi-colored foamiran. In order not to waste time on patterns and painstakingly cutting out miniature parts, it is convenient to use a figured hole punch. In this master class we will tell you how to make cornflowers from foamiran.

What to prepare for work:

  • foamiran ordinary or marshmallow - ultramarine, purple and green;
  • thick compressed paper;
  • scissors;
  • cool gun;
  • wire;
  • foil;
  • figured hole punch;
  • nail scissors;
  • iron.

How cornflowers are made:

1. Using a figured hole punch or templates, parts are made. For one flower you need: seven to eight petal circles with a diameter of 3-4 cm and one strip 2 cm wide from ultramarine or purple foamiran; three strips of green color, 2 cm wide; two or three long sheets of arbitrary shape.

2. A small incision is made on the edge of each petal. Narrow wedges are cut with nail scissors.

3. Prepared stripes of green and purple flowers are cut into a fringe to the middle (as thin as possible). The edges are cut at an angle - first on one side, then, changing the direction of the cut, on the opposite side.

4. The edges of the fringed strips are lightly melted on the iron (until they are slightly curled).

5. The sheets are put into pieces of thick compressed paper and heated on an iron. Then the paper is pressed tightly into hot blanks, folded in half and left in this form until cool.

6. The core of the cornflower (a fringed strip) is rolled up, one edge is melted on the iron, after which the workpiece is tightly compressed and twisted.

7. Petal circles alternately (without heating) are scrolled by hands at the base, slightly stretching, thinning and forming small flowers. One blank is left unfinished.

8. Collect cornflower. Make a loop on a piece of wire. Lubricate with glue and wrap with a lilac stripe with a fringe - the heart of a cornflower. Folded petals are glued in a circle. They should be located slightly above the core. The petals fluff up. The base of the finished flower is covered with a raw petal circle.

9. A volumetric base of the sepal is formed from a piece of foil. In several tiers, they paste over it with a green strip of foamiran with a fringe. Attached at the base of the cornflower.

10. The flower stem is gently, slightly stretching, wrapped with a thin strip of foamiran. Leaves are glued to the stem.

Do-it-yourself flower paintings from foamiran, step by step with a photo

In the next master class, we will tell you how to create a three-dimensional picture from foamiran "Sakura in bloom".

What to prepare for work:

  • rectangular frame - (30 x 18 cm);
  • marshmallow foamiran - pink and dark green;
  • acrylic paints - lavender, pale pink, brown, green;
  • PVA glue;
  • mother-of-pearl beads - white and golden;
  • napkins;
  • artistic brushes - flat and pointed;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • iron.

How to make a picture from foamiran:

1. Create the background base of the composition in lavender-pink tones. You can draw it on landscape paper, a sheet of drawing paper or foamiran of a size suitable for the frame. Color transitions are shaded.

2. After the background dries, draw the outlines of a house with a pagoda roof with brown paint.

3. On a separate sheet, the contours of sakura branches are depicted. Gently glue them with pieces of napkins treated with PVA glue. Dry.

4. Dried sakura branches are separated from the paper, attached to the background base, and then tinted with brown dye.

5. According to the template or using a figured hole punch, flowers and sakura leaves are cut out. It is necessary to prepare 25 pale pink flowers with a diameter of 3 cm and 4 cm and 30 green leaves of any shape.

6. The middle of the pink blanks are tinted with a carmine-colored dye.

7. The flowers are alternately heated on the iron. Then the middle is pressed with a finger, the volume and bend of the petals are formed.

8. The blanks of flowers and leaves are beautifully distributed on the branches attached to the background base. Fix with a glue gun.

The middles are decorated with mother-of-pearl beads. Insert the finished foamiran composition into the frame.

Do-it-yourself bouquet of flowers from foamiran, step by step with a photo

What to prepare:

  • marshmallow foamiran - lavender, white, pink;
  • foamiran ordinary - grassy green;
  • flexible wire No. 20;
  • porta bouquet;
  • decorative ribbons;
  • foam ball (diameter - about 15 cm);
  • scissors, pliers;
  • glue gun;
  • optional - decorations (beads, lace braid, tulle).

How to make a bouquet of chrysanthemums from foamiran:

1. According to the patterns, the required number of hexagons is cut out of lilac and white foamiran - corollas of future flowers. For each chrysanthemum, you need to prepare: 4 parts with a diameter of 4 cm, 3 parts with a diameter of 5 cm, 4 with a diameter of 6 cm.

It is convenient to cut several blanks from one strip of foamiran at once, folding the material with an accordion. For a beautiful and lush bouquet, you will need at least 25 flowers of different shades.

2. On all corollas cut from foamiran, 6 cuts are made from the edge to the center (to form needle-shaped petals). The outer contours are rounded.

3. On the petals of the central corollas (for each flower they will be 2 hexagons with a diameter of 4 cm), two additional cuts are made.

4. Finished foamiran chrysanthemum petals are tinted with pastels. A pale green pastel is applied to the center, lavender is applied along the edges. The contours are shaded with a damp cloth.

5. The blanks are alternately heated on the iron, after which they are folded in half and twisted with a tight tourniquet. The edges of the petals are slightly thinner and give them a slight waviness.

6. With the help of an iron and a “leaf” mold of a suitable configuration, chrysanthemum leaves are made from grassy-green foamiran.

7. The wire is divided into segments of 8-10 cm. The end of each segment is twisted with a loop. They make flowers. A drop of hot glue is applied to the loop, cooled. The wire is threaded through the middle of the central corolla of the chrysanthemum, the workpiece is pressed at the base with force. A second central corolla is glued on top.

8. The remaining blanks are fixed in the same way: first, the inner corollas with a diameter of 5 cm, then the outer corollas with a diameter of 6 cm. For ease of use and the natural look of the flower, some elements are cut into semicircles.

9. The foam ball is divided into two parts, one of which is covered with a layer of PVA and inserted into the flower port. For additional fixation, narrow nylon tapes are used, which are fixed on the holder.

10. Cut off the free part of the wire from each flower. Glue is applied to the bases of the chrysanthemums and they are attached to the flowerpot in concentric circles. Start compiling a bouquet from the center. Leaves folded in half are randomly placed between the flowers.

11. The finished bouquet is wrapped with folded crepe paper. Complete the design of the composition with the help of decorative braid, ribbons and other accessories.

Do-it-yourself compositions from foamiran flowers

Large flowers from foamiran do it yourself

Do-it-yourself growth flowers from foamiran, photo

You can buy ready-made flowers from foamiran, as well as materials and tools for their manufacture, in the online hypermarket. The prices in the catalogs of the Chinese site are very moderate, and most of the goods can be ordered with free shipping.

To select artificial, click "Categories. See all” on the start page, in the section table, click “Home and Garden” => “Interior and Decor”. In the opened catalog - "Decorative flowers and wreaths".

different types and colors, it is better to make a direct request "EVA Foam Paper" in the search field of the main page of Aliexpress. you need to open the "Decorative Flowers" section, and then type the clarifying query "moulds flower" in the search box. Buy

2. Expand the product card in the catalog. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics, terms of receipt, type of delivery. Choose foamiran colors, number of sheets or rolls. Click "Buy Now" to begin checkout.

3. Fill in the columns of the address form in Latin. Save your details for future orders

5. Choose a payment method. To pay by credit card, click "Card", enter the details, click "Pay Now".

To pay from an electronic wallet, cell phone balance or in cash, click "Other ways ..." and select the appropriate one on the additional tab. To complete the payment, follow the prompts of the system. You can find out if the payment has been confirmed, if the order has been sent, and you can also get information about its postal status in your Personal Account.

In conclusion - a few detailed video tutorials on making flowers from foamiran:

Beautiful foamiran crafts are in great demand among modern consumers. Products are obtained as natural. This type of material is excellent for any deformation and heating at a minimum temperature. Textured lines can be applied on the surface of foamiran and various tinting can be done.

Products are neat and pleasant to the touch. Most often, flowers and various decorations are made from it. We offer detailed descriptions of how to make crafts for beginners. The advice of professionals will help to make a quality product.

Simple crafts from foamiran

There are many craft ideas and instructions for making plastic suede crafts on the Internet. For beginner needlewomen, it is recommended to start with simpler options for products. They do not require special skills when working with the material.

We suggest starting with making a doll. For this you need to prepare:

sheets of foamiran beige, orange and pink;

  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • wire;
  • a blank of polystyrene foam of a round shape;
  • high fixation adhesive;
  • markers for drawing eyes and nose.

From foamiran we cut out 4 strips 3 cm wide. The length of the blanks is 15 cm. Next, we glue 3 strips in the form of a ring. After that, you will need 2 more small strips. We glue them on top of the rings. It turns out a voluminous bow for a dress.

A plastic foamiran peony is a rather lush, beautiful bud that even a novice master can make.

To conduct the MC, we need the following types of materials:

  1. Porous foamiran. To make the craft as realistic as possible, purchase material no more than 1 mm thick. We need a dark green, dark pink and light pink canvas.
  2. Fixation teip tape, which can be light green or green.
  3. Acrylic water based paints. To make the artificial flower interesting and as realistic as possible, get a dark pink, marsh and yellow shade of paint.
  4. Volumetric thick wire that will bend well, with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm. It will be needed to form the stem. For leaves, you need a small piece of floral or thin wire.
  5. A set of art brushes, as well as foam rubber, from which you need to make a small sponge (or sponge).
  6. Manicure scissors and a standard glue gun. You can use any manicure tool that will easily cut foamiran.
  7. A beautiful mother-of-pearl stone, a voluminous bead or a piece of foil, from which the core of the bud will be formed.

We also need a pattern that can be printed or hand drawn. With its help, we will form the petals and components of our bud. When everything you need is on the table, you can start creating a peony step by step.

  1. Cut flower parts according to our pattern.
    - A - 10 light pink petals;
    - B - 10 petals of a light pink shade and 5 blanks of a dark pink color;
    - C - 10 parts of a light pink shade;
    - D - 5 dark pink petals;
    - E - 5 dark pink parts;
    - Z - 3 leaves of a dark green hue;
    - M - 6 sheets of dark green color;
    - K and L - 5 gluing sepals of a dark green hue;
    - F - a blank in the form of a sun with rays, from which we will form an interesting core with imitation of stamens.

    From the existing image, we cut out the pattern, transfer it to a light pink foamiran and cut out a circle. After that, cut the rays with sharp ends.

  2. Shading leaves and petals

    Using acrylic paint, we make a light tinting of the petals of our peony, trying to get the effect of a non-uniform color (sometimes darker towards the edge of the petal, then darker closer to the base). To do this, we need a small brush with which we paint over all the petals on both sides.

    The second stage is the creation of "reviving" leaves. For this, we also use the method of manual tinting. With a darker green paint, we paint over our foamiran leaves only on one side, and then draw the central veins in the center of the trefoil, distributing the paint from the center to the edges of the workpiece.

  3. Corrugation of leaves and petals

    The initial stage will be the corrugation of the petals B. We fold the workpiece in small folds according to the “accordion” principle.

  4. flower assembly

    We are preparing the base on which many peony petals will be fixed. To do this, we form a dense ball from foil, the diameter of which should not exceed 1.5 cm. If you decide to use a bead, then make sure that it has a wide enough hole. We pierce a hole in the foil ball, into which we fill the glue and immediately thread the prepared wire into the hole.

    We string the workpiece G onto the wire and tie all the upper parts with a thread, placing them above the bead.

    We dip the tips of the stamens in yellow acrylic paint, after which we attach 10 petals A to them, using a glue gun for this.

    We fix the petals B, folded like an accordion at the base, so that small folds are obtained. In this way we fix 10 light pink and 5 dark pink petals.

    The next row we glue 5 petals C, and behind them - in a checkerboard pattern 5 more of the same blanks.

    The pre-final stage will be gluing five petals D in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous ones.

    And the creation of the final row of the 5 largest petals E.

    We fix the sepals and begin to collect the leaves as shown in the photo.

    We decorate the hairpin with a lush poppy

    Red foamiran poppy is a great way to decorate any hair accessory or diversify a flower bouquet consisting of field plants.

    To create it, we need:

    • dense foamiran of black, green and red hue;
    • acrylic paint (red and white);
    • bright pastel and sponge for tinting;
    • simple threads, a piece of foil, an iron and curly scissors;
    • hairpin-machine without decorations;
    • glue, a manicure stick or a wooden toothpick, as well as phlox powder.

    When all the materials are ready, you can proceed to the master class. To do this, follow the instructions below.

    We draw by hand paper templates in the amount of 8-16 pieces. We need 4 small blanks - 5.5 * 4.5 cm, as well as 4 large ones - 7.5 * 5.5 cm.

    We cut a strip of black foamiran and process one side so that we get a fringe.

    We make the base from a ball of foil, the diameter of the workpiece is approximately 1.7-2 cm.

    We tint our petals on one side, using a sponge for this.

    Smooth out sharp corners with curly scissors.

    Lightly touching our petal with a sponge, we apply white paint on one side to the lower part of the petal.

    Cut out a circle from green foamiran, put a foil ball in the middle and begin to form a poppy head. We tie the ball with a thread as shown in the photo.

    Cut off the excess thread. We turn the ends over (turn out) and glue them. You can slightly tint the core first with red and then with white paint.

    We start assembling the flower by gluing the fringe.

    We form poppy petals by heating the material on the iron, which is in the “silk-wool” mode. We fold the warm blanks with an accordion, twist and slightly stretch the middle. We do this with all the petals.

    We paint the fringe a little white. We begin to glue the petals overlapping, forming rows. First 4 petals in one row.

    Then we glue the large petals below the first row by about 1-2 mm, also overlapping a little.

    We cut out the leaves and apply a texture to them, tinting with paint and shading it with a sponge on both sides.

    Glue the leaves, sprinkling them with phlox powder.

    The flower is ready. Now it remains for us to glue it to the automatic hairpin using a hole punch or glue. You can do your hair!
