How to make photo wallpaper with your own hands using a printer. How to stick photo wallpaper on a wall with wallpaper

Today we’ll look at how to glue photo wallpaper on the wall in detail. Everything is done with your own hands, so the price will not be significant. Although here you will have to observe principles and follow some rules. How to properly glue photo wallpaper on a wall will be discussed below.

Now let’s look at how to hang photo wallpaper on a wall point by point. This is a responsible and creative process. After all, it is quite possible to change the visual perception of the room. It needs to be comfortable and attractive. To begin with, you should look at the photos and videos and choose the desired option. Let's look at the whole process in more detail.

Choosing the best glue for different types of wallpaper

It is no secret that a stingy person will pay twice. This expression is also relevant when selecting glue for gluing wallpaper such as vinyl. You have no right to make a mistake when wallpapering. And you won’t be able to re-glue the canvas again.

  • Before you decide to buy glue, you need to decide what type of wallpaper your wallpaper belongs to. All wallpapers can be divided in connection with this classification into such types as universal, as well as special. As for universal glue, it is suitable for any type of wallpaper, which is why it is named, and special glue exists for those wallpapers that have a vinyl coating.
  • On the wallpaper packaging you may find an inscription such as “For light wallpaper” or vice versa, this is very important for choosing adhesive.
  • As for light wallpaper, this includes all paper-backed wallpaper, and heavy wallpaper includes acrylic, vinyl (see), etc.
  • There are also cases when the wallpaper manufacturer indicates that the wallpaper is of medium weight. This type may include wallpapers such as acrylic and textile.
  • When choosing wallpaper glue, pay attention to the weight of the wallpaper, as well as the material from which the wallpaper is made. An important factor when choosing wallpaper and glue for it is humidity, as well as room temperature. Pay attention to what critical indicators the glue you choose has.

Note! When buying cheap glue, money will be thrown away. To make the right choice, you just need to carefully read the instructions on the packaging. To make the right choice when buying glue, trust proven and popular companies. But you should not think that if the glue is the most expensive, then it will necessarily be of high quality. So, when buying glue, you should use the “golden” mean.

If vinyl wallpaper contains non-woven material, then you should choose non-woven adhesive. It is because of its composition that the glue received its name.

Choosing glue for heavy wallpaper

There is no definite and clear advice on this matter.

The choice of glue for heavy wallpaper is quite simple:

  • For this type of wallpaper, you should choose an adhesive whose packaging indicates that the adhesive is intended for heavy wallpaper. But you should not choose glue labeled “universal” for such wallpaper.

Something new.

There are many different options for this, one of them is gluing photo wallpaper.

This type of wallpaper has long been used in repairs. We'll talk about this topic further.

A knife is necessary in cases where you need to cut off excess pieces of wallpaper.

Glue brushes of different sizes

To apply glue to the wallpaper you will need a large brush, and to glue the joints you will need a small brush.


This tool is designed for marking.

It happens that the size of the photo wallpaper does not match the size of the wall, then you need to think about which part to fit where, and which part to cut.

All the above manipulations must be done before marking on the wall.


The main stage of wallpapering is marking. There are two markup options:

  1. Simple;
  2. Complex.

Simple markup

This method is suitable for those who have already glued regular wallpaper several times and are confident in their knowledge and skills. To mark, you will need to take a ruler, spirit level and pencil. Using these objects, you need to draw a vertical line along the entire length.

It will be necessary to set aside a distance from the corner and a distance that will be approximately two millimeters greater than the width of one sheet of photo wallpaper. This line will be the guideline along which you will paste the vertical row, as well as other parts of the wallpaper.

Complex markup

For this marking you will need a pencil, a ruler, a spirit level and a long ruler. Using these items, draw a grid; the number of cells in it should match the number and size of photo wallpaper panels. Of course, all cells must be the same size. This marking is a little more difficult to implement than simple markings, but it will speed up the time of wallpapering.

It also doesn’t hurt to look at the back of the wallpaper panels, they have numbers. But if they are not there, then number the panels in the order that is convenient for you. Number the panels so that when you connect all the parts, you get a drawing. Place the numbers on the markings drawn on the wall in order to understand where to glue which panel.


After the preparatory work, you can start gluing the wallpaper.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that photo wallpapers are very capricious, they can tear and wrinkle.

Dilute the glue, strictly following the instructions.

To prevent this, do not let the wallpaper get wet. That is why, as soon as you have applied glue to the wallpaper panel, you must immediately glue it to the wall. Apply the glue evenly, without gaps.

Glue the first canvas quickly, and then you will have to work a little, since you will need to combine the pattern. For this reason, first apply the strip, then combine the pattern and only then go over it with a roller. It is possible that in order for the pattern to match, the panels will have to be glued slightly overlapping. Coat the joints well with glue, and wipe off any remaining glue from the front of the wallpaper with a cloth.

If glued correctly, large photo wallpapers will stick and look great. For this reason, you probably won't want to change them for a long time.

Photo wallpapers have become a traditional way of decorating apartments and country houses. Experts say that this type of wallpaper can transform any interior beyond recognition. Make it modern and charmingly beautiful, so the question of how to glue photo wallpaper on the wall is still relevant.

Photo wallpapers were fashionable some time ago, later they were practically forgotten, but ten years later they are back in fashion and decorate the walls of many apartments and houses.

The only “but” is that we are talking about high-quality photo wallpapers, because often dull, low-quality canvases are sold in markets and stores.

Advice! If you have your own theme that you would like to decorate the wall with, but you cannot find it in the range offered, entrust the production of exclusive photo wallpaper to specialists.

Before purchasing, you should decide on the theme that will adorn your wall, and also think about your preferred main colors, while you can put aside the questions of how to glue paper photo wallpaper and what to do with vinyl or non-woven material.

Let's dwell on the plot and color scheme.

Photo wallpaper that harmonizes perfectly with the overall design

Nowadays exotic landscapes are considered fashionable, but before purchasing such a canvas, think about whether they will fit into the overall picture of the interior of an apartment or house.

So, photo wallpaper on the wall - how to glue it and not miss.

Materials and tools

Before you hang photo wallpaper, you need to stock up on everything you need.

So we will use:

  • photo wallpaper;
  • a package of glue for photo wallpaper (it must be natural based);
  • capacity;
  • brush or brush for applying glue;
  • rubber roller;
  • stationery knife;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • level;
  • pencil;
  • putty knife;
  • acrylic primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • spoon or stick.

Sequence of work

Now that we have everything, we can begin to consider the question of how to properly apply photo wallpaper.

Surface preparation

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the hall

  • We very carefully clean the wall of the old finish, smooth out all the errors, and cover the top with a primer. An acrylic primer is perfect for this, but it can be replaced with fine plaster or gypsum putty.
  • The wall should be smooth. The surface must be completely dry before gluing.
  • If you decide to stick the canvas onto a sliding surface, you must first clean it with sandpaper. We do this so that when gluing the pattern is not distorted and sits well on the surface.

Note! The air temperature in the room when performing work should be from +5 to +20 °C. Also exclude the possibility of a draft in this room.

Assembling the drawing and marking

  • We sit down on the floor and begin to assemble the drawing, measuring its area. Using these measurements we will build a sketch of the location of our drawing on the wall.
  • We also use them to measure the space on the wall for each element of the design, taking into account the distances from the ceiling, corners, and floor. For this stage we will need a level and a ruler.

Applying glue

Before gluing the photo wallpaper, you need to prepare the glue, following the manufacturer's instructions on the package. The resulting mass should be convenient for application and homogeneous.

Now let's start applying the glue. We begin to apply it to the back surface of the upper left element with a brush or roller.

We do not fold the glued piece in half, as is customary when gluing regular wallpaper.

Apply glue to the upper left square of the wall, to the area where we will attach our glued elements.

Note! The wallpaper that we have soaked with glue should be attached no later than two minutes later.

You can do it a little differently - saturate the wall with glue first, and then the wallpaper. The sequence depends on the quality of the glue and the thickness of the wallpaper paper.

Direct gluing

Photo wallpaper in the bedroom interior

  • The canvas is pasted from the upper left corner of the composition and from the same corner of the image element. Smooth the paper using a rubber roller.
  • Moving vertically, we continue gluing the elements. Having glued one vertical strip, we move on to the next, again from top to bottom.
  • Each element must be adjusted to the markings and joints must not overlap.
  • If drops of glue get on the front of the image, do not wipe them with a rag, blot them lightly with a sponge.


When you have finished gluing, cut off the excess fabric with a utility knife. If the image takes up the entire wall, install baseboards on top of the image.

Now we understand how to properly glue photo wallpaper to get an excellent result.

Summing up

We hope our article was useful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website provides detailed photo and video instructions in which you will find useful information on this issue.

Photo gallery

One of the most attractive and fashionable attributes of today's apartment interiors are DIY photo wallpaper.

There can be many variations of such wallpaper, so this type of wall finishing is distinguished by its originality, beauty and uniqueness.

When choosing this method, you can place any photographs on the wall - views of nature, a general portrait of the whole family, or some kind of abstract drawing. It is for these qualities that many choose this option for wall decoration.

However, when you go to a photo studio or hardware store to order photo wallpaper, it very often turns out that the cost of such services or finished material is many times higher than the allowable budget for repairs. If after seeing the prices the desire has not disappeared, then you can try DIY photo wallpaper.

What do you need for a photo on wallpaper?

First of all, you need to select or create an image, then print it and stick it on the wall. To do this you will need a computer, a color printer, possibly a scanner or camera, scissors and glue for heavy wallpaper.

Creating an Image

To create an image you need to have a certain idea. For the kitchen, a photo of some fruit or dishes, or an abstract photo in warm colors may be suitable. Photos of nature, animals or today's man-made world are best suited for the hall. For the bedroom it is better to glue DIY photo wallpaper on various peaceful topics.

Based on the idea, the image needs to be downloaded from the Internet or photographed with a camera. If you like a painting or photo that you have at home, but in a small format, you can scan it and convert it into electronic form with a larger expansion.

In the future, the photo should be processed, for example, choosing the right colors and sizes. To do this, you can use the photoshop software package. But if you don’t have the skills to work in it, download any similar program that makes these conversions automatically. As a rule, such interfaces are quite easy to understand.

Print an image

To make photo wallpaper cheaper, you need to find a free printer-plotter for printing on large formats. But such equipment is very difficult to find at someone’s home, so printing will have to be ordered from a printing studio, which will be very expensive.

A way out of the situation may be to print on a regular color printer that reproduces images on A4 sheets. But here the main problem appears - the image is oriented to a large format, and the printer is oriented to a small one. To solve this problem, you need to download a special program that automatically splits the image into equal parts. This can be done using vector graphics software such as AutoCAD or CorelDraw.

Thick A4 sheets are used for printing. In the process of reproducing the image, it is better to mark the sheets with a pencil so as not to confuse anything and ultimately assemble the puzzle correctly.

When all the sheets are printed, they are combined into one sheet and pasted on the wall. This is where everyone decides what is more convenient - to assemble the image separately and then glue it entirely to the wall, or to stick each part of the puzzle separately. It is worth noting that both options require great care.

Admiring the landscape of your favorite painting or waking up every morning on the picturesque shore of the ocean, while in your apartment, is possible with the help of photo wallpaper. Tastefully selected photo wallpapers will visually enlarge the space and help create the desired atmosphere in any room. Installing such wallpaper is almost no different from installing regular wallpaper.

When starting gluing, close all windows to avoid drafts. For work you will need: glue, a rubber roller or spatula, a stepladder, large and small brushes, a plumb line or level, a stationery knife and a clean rag. Make sure the walls are well prepared. The surface must be smooth, clean, and free from unevenness. Remove any remnants of old wallpaper, hooks and driven nails, and carefully seal the cracks. Ideally, the walls should be leveled and puttied.
Absolutely smooth walls are rare. To apply photo wallpaper evenly, use a plumb line or level. Draw a straight vertical line on the wall where you plan to start.

On the floor, previously covered with newspapers or film, lay out the photo wallpaper in the order that forms the desired image. To avoid getting confused when gluing, apply sketchy numbers on the wall with a pencil that correspond to the sequence of sheets. It is most convenient to glue wallpaper from right to left.

Choose an adhesive suitable for wallpaper. The instructions for the purchased photo wallpaper will contain recommendations on which glue is suitable. It must be thoroughly mixed without leaving any lumps.

The method of applying glue depends on the type of photo wallpaper. Cover paper photo wallpaper evenly with glue using a brush, paying special attention to the edges. Without folding them, leave them in this form for 3-5 minutes so that the glue is well absorbed.
Non-woven or vinyl photo wallpapers should not be coated with glue. Using a wide brush or roller, apply the adhesive evenly and thoroughly onto the wall itself. Typically the glue dries within 3 hours. During this time, you need to have time to paste all the wallpaper. Hanging self-adhesive wallpaper will require good skill. Remove the protective layer and get to work immediately, because the glue applied to the photo wallpaper dries very quickly. It is important to accurately glue such panels evenly, since any deformation is practically impossible to correct. Take the first panel of photo wallpaper. Glue the panel from floor to ceiling, parallel to the line marked with a plumb line. Remove the resulting air using a rubber spatula or roller, carefully smoothing the surface from the center to the edges. Remove excess glue with a damp cloth.

Proceed to gluing the next sheets. If the design requires it, glue the wallpaper panels overlapping, using a small brush to coat the joints with the previous sheet. When all parts of the photo wallpaper are pasted, cut off the excess parts of the wallpaper near the floor and ceiling with a utility knife. Do not open the windows in the room until the glue has completely dried, according to its instructions.

Installing photo wallpaper is an economical and easy way to give a familiar space a special and unique look. High-quality photo wallpaper will become a unique and durable decoration of any room.
