Red flowers from foamiran. Flowers from foamiran master class with video

Before studying the master class, you need to familiarize yourself with the material, its properties, and only after that create divinely beautiful flowers from Foamiran with your own hands. Owning this type of needlework, you can usefully pass the dull time by creating spectacular floral decor, funny toys or scrapbooking elements.

This material is called differently: Plastic suede, Fom Eva, Revelure, Fom, Foamiran, Foam. It is a soft synthetic modern material used in scrapbooking. Its main feature is plasticity, which tends to be slightly stretched within 10%. It is enough to accept the material, with subsequent memorization of the form necessary for the master. He remarkably reacts even to the warmth of human hands, which makes working with him easy and pleasant.

In our time, the use of Foamiran turned out to be a real find. Fans of creativity note a large palette of colors, the possibility of additional coloring of the material in the required color, shade, which opens up, both for masters and beginners, almost limitless possibilities for imagination and creativity.

The color saturation of Foamiran is ideal for creating a variety of accessories. Nude and pastel colors are used in the process of making dolls or works in the style of " Shebbi».

Material Tools

To work with this material, ordinary scissors are enough. However, you can additionally use special machines to create the necessary forms, curly composters, molds. You can change colors, give new shades with the help of pastels or acrylic paints.

To change the shape, it is not necessary to use heating devices such as an iron or curling iron, the warmth of the fingers is enough. Under the influence of heat, plastic suede perfectly bends, wrinkles, while remembering "new" forms with their subsequent preservation.

It must be remembered that excessive tension of Foamiran can lead to rupture of the workpiece.

A thousand words cannot replace even one photograph. Therefore, we propose to move from words to deeds and try to create a purple flower with your own hands. Our master class will help you with this. We will not start with the birth of a Peony, since it is difficult to perform, but a purple rose and a snowdrop are just within the power of everyone.

We invite you to get to know this type of creativity more closely by watching a video about what Foamiran is and how to work with it.

purple rose

To perform a certain range of work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Foamiran olive and purple flowers;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • fastening for hairpins, brooches or other jewelry.

So, the master class for making our flower will consist of four stages:

  • cutting out;
  • gluing;
  • bud fluffing;
  • sepals and calyx.

Each step will be described in detail by us with the provision of relevant photos.

Step One "Cut"

From a roll of purple foamiran, we cut out a long strip, the width of which should correspond to three centimeters. Then we cut it into separate shreds, preferably rectangular, from which flower petals will be cut.

When creating this composition, the shape of the petals can be arbitrary, but in our case it is oval with a small cut.

Now you need to twist the opposite edges of each cut petal with your fingers, and then slightly stretch the middle with your fingertips. Such petals will be required within 20 or 25 pieces.

Step two "gluing"

After giving each petal the necessary curved shape with wavy edges, you can begin to glue them together. For this purpose, we take a glue gun or glue of strong fixation. We apply it in a small amount to the “cut” part and gradually form a flower bud out of them. In its center, to facilitate the work, we place a ball rolled from foil. You can also use other convenient improvised material.

The petals are glued in a "chessboard" order next on top of the previous one, do not forget to press them tightly against each other. Using cold glue will significantly increase the process in time, and the use of a glue gun will speed up any part of the work.

Step Three "Blooming Bud"

The gluing of the petals occurs approximately at the same level in relation to each other. This method provides an opportunity to end up with a beautiful flower with smooth edges with a blossoming bud.

Now our master class can go further and tell you exactly how to create an equally beautiful green part of the plant with your own hands.

Step four "Sepals and calyx"

From a flap of Foamiran, but already olive in color, we cut out several long strips with a length of 7 to 8 cm and a width of not more than 1 cm with scissors. After that, we cut each of them into two even parts almost to the very end. Use your fingers to twist the elements to the state tight flagella, which, unwinding, will acquire the necessary “natural” shape for us.

While our flagella take on the required state, we cut out one, maybe two, circles from the same patch, the diameter of which does not exceed 3 cm. With their help, we will create a base for the flower. Subsequently, it is to these circles that the decorative mount for our creation will be glued.

Perhaps our master class seemed to you a little difficult or insufficient in explanation.

For a more detailed look at exactly how flowers of this kind are created from Foamiran with your own hands, use the corresponding video, from which you will learn a lot of useful information.

Everlasting Snowdrop

Many of us enjoy the spring time by gathering snowdrops. This plant is listed in the Red Book, so these actions turn out to be a misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine. Making this flower is much easier than Peony.

However, if such beautiful flowers cannot be collected in the forest because they are an endangered species, then let's create them artificially with our own hands from Foamiran. After passing the master class we offer, you can make a whole bunch of such flowers without breaking the law.

So, the manufacturing instructions say that in the process of creation we will need materials and tools such as:

  • white foam;
  • olive-colored plastic suede;
  • toothpick;
  • thermal gun;
  • for the stem - wire;
  • paints;
  • green teip tape;
  • scissors;
  • iron or curling iron.

Last time, our master class was built on a phased disclosure of the process of creating a flower. In this case, we will do the same.

Create petals

On a white flap of Foamiran, using a toothpick, draw the outlines of future petals: three inner (small) and three outer (larger). Now cut them out with scissors.

The inner part of the petals is tinted with green pastels. To do this, you need to draw hearts, and then paint over them all with chalk.

Next, you need to heat up the iron. Depending on the number of modes for the most gentle. If there are only four, then give preference to the second. Attach your petal to the heated sole. It will stick well, but as it warms up, it will begin to lag behind a little. During this step, the edges of the petal may melt a little. But your iron does not threaten anything bad.

After heating, it will acquire a convex shape and twist a little. Taking advantage of the moment when it is heated, give the desired shape with your fingers before it cools down. Agility in this case will not hurt. After cooling, it will keep its shape perfectly. The same procedure should take place in relation to the large petals of the Snowdrop.

We create the middle

A stamen is glued to the end of the thick wire, which can be purchased at the store.

All three small leaves are glued to the finished structure, so that they are on top of each other.

We collect a flower

From above, on small petals we glue large petals at the same level with them. As a result, you will get a half-opened flower. To create a flower whose bud has opened, you need to bend the large petals back, and drop a small amount of hot glue on their base. After it dries, the petal will fix its position.

Stem and leaves

We tear off the required length of the tape tape and cut it with scissors into two ribbons of the desired width. We wrap them around the bottom of the wire of the flower and create a smooth transition to the bud itself. The winding takes place in a spiral.

To create snowdrop leaves, you will need
olive foamiran prepared in advance colors. The further master class will consist of cutting out one small and two large petals, the middle of each is tinted with green pastel.

Squeezing each leaf separately along the central vertical with your fingers, we give it the natural shape we need.

In order for the flower to look as realistic as possible, we bend it, and glue the first leaf at the fold, as shown in the photo.

At the bottom of the stem, first glue one leaf, and then the second, as shown in the photo.

This is where our master class ends, with the help of which you created a spring flower with your own hands - a Snowdrop.

Making flowers and decorations from foamiran with your own hands has become a hobby of many talented needlewomen. Today, almost any kind of needlework is available, thanks to the many specialty stores where you can buy anything. In this article I will try to talk about the principles of making flowers from various types of foamiran and show examples of master classes with step-by-step photos.

How to make flowers from foamiran at home with your own hands?

So, what flowers can be made from foamiran? This question can be answered simply. Any! Foamiran is a rather malleable universal material from which you can make any flower from a giant protea to small wild flowers. However, the most popular flowers are classic roses, peonies, orchids, chrysanthemums, lilies and callas. Some of them I will show how to do in this MK, and you can find other types of flowers and plants in other needlework lessons on my website. As for the colors. They can also be anything: yellow, red, blue, etc. Initially, you can choose the material to match the future flower, but in the process, you still need a slight tinting of the petals to give them a more natural look. About the stages of making a flower in more detail ...

Steps for making a flower from foamiran yourself:

  1. Pattern or scheme of a flower : they can be found on the Internet or made with your own hands by crushing a living flower and circling each petal;
  2. Foamiran flower templates : then we cut the blanks of petals and leaves for the flower in the required quantity and prepare all the auxiliary materials for manufacturing.
  3. Tinted petals and leaves : almost any flower requires tinting. To do this, you need dry or oil pastels or acrylic paints. Beautiful shading of dry pastels is best done with wet wipes, oil pastels with a sponge, acrylic paint with wet wipes.
  4. Shaping : the shape of the petals and leaves is given by rubbing them in the fingers. stretching, heating and other manipulations (more details in the master class). Molds are used to apply veins and give a natural texture. If there are none, then the vein pattern can be carefully applied with an orange stick.
  5. flower assembly : a very important stage at which to decide how your finished flower from foamiran will ultimately look. The assembly process can be seen in a photo or in the form of a master class, or again, look at the example of a living flower. Petals, as a rule, are glued with “petal circles”. In master classes, it is usually indicated in which petal circle, how many petals.
  6. How to fix flowers from foamiran to hairpins, elastic band or brooch, headband. Fastening for jewelry at the beginning we process with a satin ribbon or foamiran itself. We take foamiran in the same color from which the decoration is made, then we begin to glue the leaves and flowers in turn, in general we collect the decoration itself.

More experienced foamiran masters can make charming flowers without an iron and without molds. But this skill is not developed the first time.

Flowers can be made from different types of foamiran:

  • from Iranian;
  • from marshmallow;
  • from Chinese;
  • from Korean;
  • from silk;
  • from glitter.

Now every day new varieties of foamiran appear. Depending on the source material, the end result also changes. Thicker Chinese, Korean foamirana is suitable for daisies, gerberas and other simple flowers. Marshmallow, the thinnest silk, allows you to make very realistic flowers. It is suitable for complex buds and plants. Iranian is good for making leaves and all kinds of flowers. And from glitter make decorations with flowers.

Master class for beginners in making flowers: step by step photo

You can make many different colors from foamiran. Let's start with the example of a simple flower - mallow. This master class is designed for beginners. Further MK will be more complex.

Here we will make such a branch of mallow at the master class.

To create a mallow from marshmallow foamiran, you will need:

  • pink, white marshmallow foamiran, green Iranian foamiran;
  • glue second;
  • scissors;
  • wire No. 28-30 and 1.2 mm;
  • dry pastel light green and green;
  • dyed semolina or phlox powder;
  • bulba;
  • mold cattleya;
  • teip tape olive color.

Templates for mallow

From pink marshmallow foamiran we cut out 5 * 5 cm squares for one flower 6 pieces. Cut out a strip of 2 * 5 cm and 0.5 * 3 cm from white marshmallow.

We take the wire and make a loop at the tip and wind a strip of foamiran 2 * 5 cm tightly onto the wire in the form of a roll, applying it to the iron and pressing it.

The ends of the roll are rounded on both sides.

Strips of 0.5 * 3 cm are laid out on paper and smoothed with an iron with a steamer on both sides.

We cut the worn strip into a thin fringe.

Glue the cut fringe to the roll, stepping back 1.5 cm.

We take the colored semolina, grease the pestle with glue and dip it in semolina and leave to dry.

We take the squares cut out of pink, heat the squares on the iron and quickly apply cattleya to the mold.

From the processed squares, according to the contour of the mold, we cut out the petals.

We stretch the edges of the petals, make waves.

We process the bottom of the petal on a bulb, make a recess.

We take light green and green dry pastels and tint the bottom of the petal on both sides.

We process the wire at the pestle with tape cut into 2 parts.

Apply glue to the tip of the petal from the wrong side and glue the petal immediately after the fringe. So glue all 6 petals in a circle.

And then we begin to glue the petals dotted overlapping each other forming a cup.

Here is such a cup of an open flower turned out.

We take a green foamiran Iranian 2 * 2 square and cut out the sepal in the form of an asterisk. We grind the sepals between the fingers and straighten. We make a hole in the middle and put it on the stem and glue it to the flower.

We take the foil and form a ball for the base of the bud. We cut out the sepals for the bud from their green foamiran. Square 3 * 3 cm cut out a four-leaf 2 pieces and grind between the fingers.

We attach the base of the bud to the wire and glue the base with sepals so that the foil is not visible. We process the wire with foamiran or teip tape several layers.

We take a bud and attach a flower to the stem of the bud. Fasten with a strip of foamiran.

We fix the rest of the mallow flowers in a checkerboard pattern.

This is the branch we got. We use this branch for bouquets. By making mallow smaller, you can decorate headbands and bracelets, wreaths.

Master class flowers from foamiran: Roses

To create a rose you will need:

  • yellow marshmallow foamiran and green Iranian foamiran;
  • pink dry pastel and wet wipe;
  • olive, pink and yellow oil pastels;
  • iron;
  • glue second or hot gun;
  • lighter;
  • wire No. 26-28 and 1.2 mm;
  • molds are universal for leaves;
  • scissors;
  • teip green tape.

We will make a rose without a separate pattern.

We take yellow marshmallow foamiran and lay it out between office paper and iron it with the effect of a steamer. After allowing the foamiran to cool, remove from the paper.

From the processed foamiran we cut out squares 5.5 * 5.5 cm - 12-14 pieces and 4 * 4 cm. 13-16 pieces.

From the squares we cut out the petals in the form of droplets with a figured top.

We lay out the cut petals on corrugated paper and iron with an iron.

We tint all the petals with pink dry pastel, highlighting the veins formed when ironing through corrugated paper. We apply tinting on both sides.

We heat the edge of the petals and twist, heat the middle of the petal and make a recess in the middle of the petal. So we process all the petals.

Pointwise heat the edge of the petals and make waves, as if stretching the petal.

From the foil we make the base for the rose in the form of a droplet and glue the base onto the wire.

We take two petals and glue a drop of foil, glue the petals one against the other, closing the foil.

We take small petals and glue them in a circle at the same level in height, slightly overlapping.

So glue all the small petals.

So we glue all the petals at the same level on the reverse side of the rose it looks like this, we glue the petals not tight to the wire.

Then we glue the petals for more, we also glue them at the same level in a circle, overlapping.

Glue the petals tightly to the wire.

Here is a rose we have collected.

From green foamiran we cut out squares 4 * 4 cm in size and cut out leaves for a rose at the corner. Then cut out the teeth on the petals.

We process the leaves on the iron at a temperature of silk-wool and squeeze them well on a universal mold.

We take oil pastels of pink, yellow and olive color and tint the leaves along the edges, slightly touching the middle. If desired, you can cover the leaves with acrylic varnish.

We take a thin wire No. 28-30, cut it into 8-6 cm, and glue the leaves.

We take three leaves and form a branch, connect the leaves of the teip with tape.

From the green foamiran we cut out the sepals according to the size of the resulting rose. We tint the sepals on one side with olive and pink pastels. Put all the petals together and rub between your fingers, then straighten.

We make a hole in the middle of the sepal and put it on the wire. Then glue each sepal petal.

We process the stem with teip tape, wrap the stem several times thickening it.

When processing the stem with teip tape, we simultaneously fasten the leaves.

Here we have such a rose from marshmallow foamiran.

Master class flowers from foamiran: Peonies

To make a peony from marshmallow foamiran, you will need the following materials:

  • red and yellow marshmallow foamiran, green Iranian foamiran;
  • glue second;
  • scissors;
  • bulb;
  • wire No. 28-30 and 1.2 mm;
  • oil pastel olive and pink;
  • newspaper tube;
  • yellow stamens;
  • teip green tape.

We will make a peony from marshmallow foamiran without a separate pattern.

From the thinned red marshmallow foamiran we cut out triangles of three sizes. Marshmallow foamiran is thinned by ironing the foamiran with an iron with a steamer through office paper. The first triangles are 32 pieces 5 cm high and with a base 4 cm. The second size of the triangles is 5 cm, the width of the base of the triangles is 6 cm - 24 pieces. And 10 pieces of triangles 6 cm high with a base width of 8 cm.

From blanks, triangles we cut out petals of various shapes.

We fold all the petals with an accordion and slightly grind the top of the petals, stretch and make a recess.

We take a strip of yellow marshmallow foamiran 2.5 * 15 cm, and taking into account the properties of marshmallow foamiran when gluing is heated, we fold and heat and form ovals.

We heat one side of the ovals and connect them together. So they stuck.

Take the wire and place it between the ovals.

Glue two more ovals on top of the wire.

We take a pink oil pastel and tint the tips of the middle.

We take a bunch of yellow stamens and glue them just above the middle in a circle.

We take small petals of 32 pieces and begin to glue the petals slightly overlapping in a circle.

Glue the next row of small petals in a checkerboard pattern between the petals of the first row.

We also glue the petals of the next size overlapping in a circle.

So we collect and glue all the peony petals.

We take squares of foamiran 10 * 10 cm. We heat it on an iron and pull it onto something round. I am using a light bulb.

Then we cut out the processed squares in the form of droplets and fold the edges with an accordion and grind between the fingers.

Glue the prepared large petals overlapping in a circle.

We take a twisted tube from a newspaper and put it on a wire and glue it to the base of the peony.

We take the teip tape, cut it in half and process the stem in one layer.

According to the pattern of leaves and sepals, we cut them out of green Iranian foamiran.

On the cut leaves from the dark green Iranian foamiran we apply the texture with a shelf.

We take an oil pastel of olive and pink color. Then we fold the leaves and sepals with an accordion and grind between the fingers, straighten and stretch. We glue the leaves on lithons along the entire length of the leaves.

We take a sepal and make a hole in the middle and put it on the stem and glue it to the flower.

We take a teip tape and process the stem, and when processing the stem, we attach the leaves in a checkerboard pattern.

Here we have such a peony from marshmallow foamiran.

How to make flowers from marshmallow foamiran: MK with step by step photo

From marshmallow foamiran, I decided to make a rare flower - terry hippeastrum "Aphrodite".

Finished: photo of hippeastrum.

To make terry hippeastrum flowers, you will need the following materials:

  • red marshmallow foamiran;
  • olive Iranian foamiran;
  • glue hot gun;
  • scissors;
  • wire 1.2 mm;
  • corrugated paper;
  • red, yellow, green acrylic paint and a thin brush.

We make flowers without a pattern.

Cut out rectangles from red marshmallow foamiran:

  • 2 pieces size 4.5*2 cm.,
  • 3 pieces size 5.5*2.5cm,
  • 4 pieces 6*4 cm in size,
  • 5 pieces 6*4.5 cm,
  • and from green foamiran square 5 * 5 cm.

We cut out the petals in the form of droplets, the first 2 petals with rounded edges, 3 petals with pointed tips, 4 and 5 petals also with pointed tips. Cut out the sepals from the green foamiran.

All petals are processed through corrugated paper. We spread the petals on corrugated paper and cover with corrugated paper and iron it with a hot iron on both sides, let it cool and remove the petals.

We heat the silk-wool on the iron at a temperature and rub it between the fingers and straighten it.

2 petals we heat the edges of the petals on the edge of the iron and make waves, with a movement as if we want to break the petal. Then we heat the top of the petal and clamp it.

3 petals we heat the edges of the petals on the edge of the iron and make waves, with a movement as if we want to break the petal. Then we heat the top of the petal and twist them on both sides.

4 petals we heat the edges of the petals on the edge of the iron and make waves, with a movement as if we want to break the petal. Then we heat the top of the petal and twist it on both sides, heat the very tip again and clamp it.

5 petals will be processed using processing sequence 3 and 4.

Apply red acrylic paint with a brush with rays to the bottom of the petals.

On 3 petals, we apply rays to the bottom of the petal with acrylic red paint and also tint the tips with red acrylic paint.

On 4 petals, we apply rays to the bottom of the petal with acrylic red paint and also tint the top of the petals with strokes of red acrylic paint.

On 5 petals, we apply rays to the bottom of the petal and tint the top of the petals with acrylic red paint in different ways, as we tint the petals 2-3-4.

We take yellow and green acrylic paint, mix and apply rays on the back of the petals and a few rays on the front side of the petals.

3 petals are tinted as the first 2.

We tint 4 petals as the first 2.

5 petals from the wrong side we apply rays to the bottom of the petal, and from the front side we apply rays and one of them almost to the middle of the petal.

We take a wire of 1.2 mm. we make a loop and apply glue in the middle of the petal and twist it, glue the wire into the petal. The second is glued opposite the first.

We apply one petal out of three to the junction of the petals, apply glue to the bottom of the petal and pinch it a little, so that the petal is slightly moving away from the stem. So glue three petals in a circle.

Glue 4 petals a little lower and also apply glue to the bottom of the petal and pinch. Glue the petals between the petals 2 rows.

5 petals below 3 rows and between the petals 3 rows and also glue and pinch.

The hippeastrum is ready.

We put the sepal on the stem and glue it to the flower.

We take a strip of green foamiran 0.5 cm wide, rub it between the fingers and process the stem.

Hippeastrum can be used for interior compositions and bouquets.

Small flowers from the remains of foamiran

When we do there are a lot of leftovers that can be used in different ways, I suggest you make small flowers. Such flowers can complement any decoration - a headband, a hairpin, and a bouquet will be a good addition.

These bouquets can be made from scraps of foamiran.

To create flowers from scraps of foamiran, you will need:

  • foamiran trimmings;
  • punchers;
  • glue second;
  • scissors;
  • wire No. 28-30 and 1.2 cm;
  • stamens;
  • teip tape white.

From scraps of foamiran we cut petal circles for hole punchers. You can use absolutely any hole punches and various trimmings. If there are no hole punches or trimming, small enough petal circles can be cut out simply with scissors.

Then, holding the petal circle with a toothpick, heat it on an iron at a silk-wool temperature and then help with your fingers to bend a little to form a cup.

We cut the wire 6-7 cm.

We take cotton swabs and cut off half of the head from them.

Glue the cut heads onto the wire.

We put a petal circle on the wire and glue the base. Then through one petal. So we formed a bud. You can tint it using dry or oil pastels.

We take a stamen and two petal circles and form a flower. We dress the petal circle on the stamen and glue it. We put the second petal circle on the back and glue it to the base of the first. This is such an interesting flower. You can collect such flowers in different ways. You can twist the petal circle and glue it on the wire, collecting it in the middle, and only then glue the second one. Fantasize.

We will also make a single flower by gluing one petal circle to the stamen.

We take 3 buds, place them at different levels and fasten the teip tape together. We attach 3 more single flowers to them and also fix the teip with tape. And then we fix 5 double flowers. Here is such a branch turned out, which can be used to decorate and complement any composition.

If you do not have a hole puncher or the trimmings do not fit the hole puncher, then cut into squares. You can 1 * 1 or 1.5 * 1.5, depending on what kind of trim you have. Cut the squares into 4 parts, but not completely. We round off the tips or make them sharp, as if cutting out the petals. We process on the iron and also collect different types of flowers. You can use different types of stamens. These flowers can be made without a hole punch.

These are the inflorescences and bouquets we made from scraps of foamiran.

Flowers from foamiran: photo collection

Here are samples of photos of the most beautiful and completely different colors from foamiran.

  • Large and small flowers

little flowers

large buds

  • Flowers by season





  • Flowers of different shades



Yellow and orange







  • Popular types of flowers


White orchid

pink orchid



Wildflowers, daisies

  • Flowers from foamiran in the interior

in a vase

In pots or planters

  • Wedding flowers (bouquets)

wedding bouquets

Welcome to the world of floristry!
Today there will be a continuation of the theme of flowers from foamiran.
Last time we made beautiful roses from this material, I recommend not to miss these.

And now I will tell and show how I made different types of flowers from foma.
You can use such decorations for various purposes, for example: to decorate the interior in an apartment. You can make a whole bouquet in a vase, in a basket, in a pot or a hat box, amazingly beautiful compositions are suitable for topiaries or curtain rods.

Another popular purpose for such flowers is to decorate a dress or hair, they usually attach such floristry to elastic bands, hairpins, headbands, headbands or brooches.

I make flowers for photos - paraphernalia and bouquets, so I will have them on a stem, but you can do it without a stem and attach it to any other base.

I want to start this series of master classes with my favorite Pansies or Viola as they are also called. These flowers have a rich palette of different colors. Today I will show two of them, blue - blue, and lilac, but you can choose any other to your taste.

Patterns of petals, sepals and leaves for pansies.

You can translate and cut from the monitor screen. You can circle the pattern on Thomas with an awl, toothpick or needle.

You can choose the tint for the flowers to your taste. I took oil pastels in yellow, lilac and purple.

I make veins on the petals with an awl and tint the bottom in a light yellow color.

And the top is lilac, shading with a sponge.

For a deeper color, I add purple strokes and blend it.

The top 2 are lighter, while the middle 2 and the bottom 1 are darker.

Violas are also characterized by dark veins in the core of the flower. They are best done with acrylic paints, but unfortunately mine dried up and I had to use pastel, although it didn’t turn out the way I wanted.

Now let's move on to assembly. At the end of the wire we make a small loop, and glue a foma segment, very small, you need to wrap it somewhere at once, and then manually cut off the remaining end.

To make this transition not so visible, we melt it a little on the iron and level it.

We tint this stamen in yellow and glue our first lower petal.

The last two should be behind the middle ones.

You will need two more of these sepals, which I will tint with a darker green.

I heat up the iron and twist them a little.

To put on the stem, I make a hole in the middle of the sepal.

Glue first with sharp tips.

Then with rounded ones.

With the help of round-nose pliers, I bend the stem, like with fresh flowers.
Although I do not pretend to be 100% similar.

Such a pansy turned out.

I also decided to make it a different color, I won’t dwell on all the points in detail, so I’ll briefly show some points.
For example, the tint this time is brighter and more saturated. I use bright yellow and dark blue.

I made the edges of the petals dark blue. I also like this color option for real flowers.

I make the edges of the petals in a wave, slightly stretching with my fingers. The assembly is exactly the same as in the first version.

How to make a dandelion step by step master class

In the next master class, I would like to show how to make a painfully beloved sunny dandelion. Why painfully, but because it is very difficult to get rid of it in the garden, because it has very large and deep roots and it spreads at an incredible speed, it flies from everywhere.
However, despite these shortcomings, it also has many advantages. Dandelions are used to make delicious jam, weave wreaths that have already become a tradition with us, and how happy the eye is at the sight of a dandelion clearing.
In addition, these sunny flowers are among the first to appear in spring.

To make a dandelion, you will need a strip of yellow foamiran 40 cm long and 2 cm wide.

To speed up the process a little, fold our strip in half and cut into small strips 1-2 mm wide and about 15 mm long.

We also cut out a circle about 5 cm in diameter and also make cuts along the edges.

We cut off 10 cm from our main strip.

We heat the iron, I set the temperature slightly below average. We apply our strips in parts, remove and slightly scroll them with our fingers.

We do this with all parts and with the sepal too.

Next, we wind a long segment, we glue it on the contrary, the stripes should look outward.

At the sepals, I make a hole and veins in the middle.

When the sepal is glued, it turns out in the shape of a cup.

For the second part of the sepal, you will also need such a large final star.

Dandelion tips can be further twisted with heat.

We also twist the ends of the asterisk well.

And glue to our flower.

For greater similarity, you can make more leaves. I tint them a little with a dark green pastel.

And here it is, the sun is ready)

Do-it-yourself peony from foamiran

I also really wanted to make a beautiful peony so that it would please me all year round. I love these flowers very much, but they bloom for a long time. And now, regardless of the season, I will have a peony at home.

To make a peony, you will need 3 strips 50 cm long and 3 cm wide; 3.5 cm; and another 4.2 cm.

You will also need two pentacles.

We cut long strips into smaller ones in full length, not reaching the edge of the strip 0.5 - 0.8 cm. The distance between them is from 0.1 to 0.5 cm. We cut in any shape so that everything turns out different.

I took fuchsia as the foma color and tinted the edges a little with white pastel, but this moment is optional, if desired.

We heat the iron at a temperature slightly below average, heat up our stripes and scroll them between our fingers, giving them a chaotic shape.

We also heat our cinquefoils, each petal separately and twist. We leave to cool.

To form a bud, we prepare a stem from floral wire and a piece of foil twisted into a ball.

We make small indentations in the middle of the petals of the cinquefoil, stretching the suede with our fingers.

We start making our peony from the smallest strip of 3 cm. Lubricate a small part with glue.

We start winding approximately from the middle of the circle of foil.

Round after round we wind constantly lubricating with glue.

Behind the first strip we wind the second, gradually going down a little lower.

We also wind the third one, going down to the very base of the stem, in some places there will be folds, but this is normal, all this will then be closed with a cinquefoil.

In the cinquefoil we make a hole in the middle and grease with glue, glue first one, and then the second in a checkerboard pattern.

We also need leaves and sepals for a peony. I made these cutouts.

I cut them out of foamiran and made veins on them.

I also toned the leaves in my favorite way, which I described in more detail in the previous one.

For the leaves, you will also need small pieces of wire that need to be taped.

All petals are subjected to heat treatment.

We glue the leaves to the wire, in the sepals we make a hole for the stem.

We glue the rounded sepals first, and then the sharp ones.

We tape the leaves to the main stem with tape.

Our peony is ready!

Now beautiful flowers will be at my house all year round)

Master class of ranunculus from foamiran

Another type of flower that I like and that has many varieties is the ranunculus. There are a lot of options for its execution, I will share one that seemed to me quite easy, but at the same time very interesting.

I wanted to experiment with the color of the flower, so I will mix several colors of oil pastels together to get an unusual color. This moment is optional, but if you are interested, you can also try to repeat it, or just skip this step.

For the experiment you will need: One piece of blue; 3 parts red and 3 parts black, but after this experience I realized that it was better to take two parts of black. I just initially wanted to get a slightly different color, but in principle this option turned out to be also very interesting and unusual. How to get the right palette can be viewed on this site, I liked the site, although the recommended tone did not match. Maybe it depends on the materials that are mixed.
For heating, you need a piece of foil or baking paper. Iron on medium temperature.

When the pastel melts, mix the colors with each other.

When you remove the foil from the iron, the pastel hardens again.

I used the petal template like this, only the middle between the petals I cut deeper. It took me 6 cinquefoils for 1 flower.

I tried to tint the petals with a liquid pastel when it is heated and with a solid one when it has already frozen. The effect is slightly different. The melted pastel tints with a bolder and darker layer, while the hard one, on the contrary, is lighter and lighter.

In order for the pastel to be liquid again, it must be heated again; a sponge can be used for tinting.

Foamiran (fom), isolon

Foamiran (abbr. fom, fom from English foam - foam) - a material unique in its properties, colloquially also called: foam rubber, foam rubber, artificial suede. Designed for the manufacture of artificial flowers, toys, small items. Word foamiran comes from the name of an Iranian company Foam Iran Company, which is the world leader in the production of this material. Chemical name of the material - ethylene vinyl acetate (abbr. EVA). The elasticity and strength of the material is due to the fact that it contains ethylene and vinyl acetate.

To make the petal look like a natural one, the craftsmen slightly stretch fom(up to 10%), if necessary, creating a waviness of the edge. Very pleasant to work with, this material is just perfect for children's creativity. For the production of foam mass, from which sponge sheets are then obtained foamirana using special automatic equipment. Thanks to a special production technology, the color of the material remains saturated even over time. fom much stronger than ordinary paper and, at the same time, pleasant and soft to the touch, keeps its shape perfectly and is not at all afraid of water. Even if the products Thomas dirty, they can be washed without fear that they will be spoiled.

Izolon- a modern universal material that is widely used in almost all areas of human life. Isolon does not give in to deformation, perfectly holds the given shape, is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Softness, flexibility and tensile strength make it possible to make various crafts from isolon without the use of special equipment. It is enough to have at hand only a ruler, glue, scissors and a stapler. Widely used for making flowers, flower arrangements, in children's art. The bright colors of isolon - green, yellow, red and their shades - create a wide field for a flight of fancy for any decorative decorations made of flowers and leaves.

Master Class

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Recently, a huge number of new modern materials for work have appeared for needlewomen. One of these innovations is foamiran. This is a soft and plastic material, from which it is very easy to make all kinds of crafts. Children can use it for work with appliqué and for making gifts, for example, for women on the holiday of March 8.

Adult craftswomen make hairpins, bracelets, headbands for hair, belts from foamiran, and also use large ones to decorate various interior items and decor for the holidays.

What is foamiran?

The origin of the name of the material is due to the English word Foam, which translates as "foam". It consists of ethylene vinyl acetate. This is a decorative material with a foamy structure. In another way, it is also called foam rubber, some call it plastic suede because of its softness. Another name is reveler.

Foamiran is produced by Chinese and Iranian enterprises. It is produced in thin sheets, within 1 mm. The Iranian counterpart is much thinner and better, so you can buy Chinese material to make children's crafts. And if you want to beautifully decorate the interior or decorate the room for a wedding or anniversary, then, of course, you need to take a better Iranian one.

The color range is very extensive - up to 24 colors and shades that can be easily combined for a beautiful product. There is foamiran, which has sparkles in its structure, but such flowers will look somewhat pompous and unlike real ones. Some needlewomen choose shades so clearly that the flowers look very natural, like real ones. Perhaps that is why the material has gained such popularity in our country.


  • Foamiran is absolutely non-toxic. It can be safely given to children without fear that the child may lick it or get poisoned by the smell. Although some reviews report that at the very beginning of work, when they just opened the package with sheets, there was a slight smell. But this quickly passes and in the future does not cause any discomfort. If you give material to a child, then you can simply print the desired colors in advance and leave them for an hour in another place for airing.
  • Almost does not absorb moisture, therefore, if the master made flowers from foamiran of a large size, then they can be safely washed with warm water and not be afraid that the product will lose its shape and become swollen from moisture.

  • The material is ductile and can be modified by heating. For example, to get slightly twisted edges of the petals, they need to be heated. After cooling, foamiran remains in its acquired form forever, that is, the material has its own memory. It is convenient and more practical than flowers made from paper.
  • The material is easy to work with. It is easy to cut, make holes with a hole punch, emboss and more.

What can be done with foamiran?

Despite the fact that the color palette of sheets for sale is quite wide, craftsmen, for example, when making a large flower from foamiran, can tint it. For these needs, either pastel or pastel is used. But many needlewomen who do work to decorate a living room use watercolor, gouache, and even colored crayons. Some use eye shadow and embossing powder.

On such a fertile material as foamiran, everything fits perfectly. The only thing is that in these cases the product is disposable, it cannot be washed from dust and used further. If such elements become dirty, they will simply need to be thrown away, as the paint will spread from the water.

When making large flowers from foamiran with your own hands, you need to remember that PVA glue or glue stick, which are sold in stationery, will not glue such material. You need to buy either superglue like "Moment" or, even better, purchase a glue gun. Craftswomen in their reviews of the properties of foamiran give beginners useful advice: if you glue the parts together, then you can’t continue working right away. You need to leave it to dry for a day and give time for a good bond.

Also, parts of the material can be sewn together with threads, they perfectly hold the parts in the desired position.

What kind of work can be done from foamiran?

Since the material is light, soft and plastic, it is used in almost all hand-made works. This includes the design of photo albums, decorating boxes, making voluminous bouquets for vases, hairpins, hoops, bracelets and even bouquets for the bride for the wedding ceremony.

Recently, this material has been used in the design of premises: the wedding hall for the ceremony, the arch for the newlyweds, near which relatives and friends are photographed, the design of stairs and gates. Offices and beauty salons, hairdressers and halls for displaying fashion collections are decorated with large growth flowers from foamiran.

Now, no beautifully decorated holiday is complete without flower arrangements. Pictures on the wall with large foamiran flowers look beautiful. Consider how to make flowers from such material, what you need to know and be able to do.

Step-by-step instruction

If earlier the craftswoman made flowers from paper or fabric, then she will not see anything complicated when using a new material. Everything is done in the same way as normal paper work. There are some subtleties of working with a hot iron and dyeing the material.

Consider how to make, for example, a poppy flower from foamiran. We start by cutting out a template from cardboard for the petals. This is completely easy to do.

Then work is done on the central part of the flower. A circle is cut out of a green leaf and wrapped around a large wooden bead. If the needlewoman will make a large flower from foamiran, then you can take a large size. It is lightweight and will not burden the product with its weight.

Next comes the work on creating a black fringe inside the flower. This poppy has stamens in the middle. They are made according to the principle of brushes. Wound on a cardboard template and then tied in the middle. The loops are aligned and the edges are cut with scissors. It turns out fluffy brushes, which you need to have several so that the frame of the ball is not empty.

Making petals: master class

Large foamiran flowers are made according to patterns that are several times larger than usual. The rest of the work is done in the same way. Attaching the pattern to a sheet of suede, outline it along the contour. Then all the cut petals are twisted. To do this, you need to roll one element into a tube and turn it with one hand to the left and the other to the right. Then the petals straighten out, but the shape of the elements still remains wavy.

Further, the petals are wrapped and fastened around the ball and stick so that they are not one above the other. After installing all the petals, you need to start working on the leaves. To do this, blanks are cut out and the edges are cut to make the sheet carved. The last step in making a large foamiran flower will be gluing them to the base with a hot glue gun. Everything, the poppy is ready.

Decoration of the wedding hall

The room looks very nice, from this material, you can combine foamiran with silk elements. Usually for the wedding hall or arch for the newlyweds, sheets of delicate shades of pink, white and blue are used. Designers decorate not only arches and walls, but railings wrapped in ribbons or garlands with flowers look interesting. They use not only large flowers, but also other sizes, combining elements of different colors and shapes.

According to the reviews of the masters, you can place one large foamiran flower on each table or behind the chairs, having previously tied them with a cloth or wide organza.

Living room decoration

Nowadays, flower arrangements by designers fit perfectly into the interior of residential premises. They are placed at eye level when it can be a frame for a door or a mirror, a column or interior arches.

Large and bright flowers add brightness and color to the room. Other small flowers, leaves, curly butterflies or dragonflies serve as additional elements. A frame for photographs or a picture looks interesting, in which several roses or chrysanthemums from foamiran are pasted around the perimeter.

Bedroom interior

Large flowers look very gentle and elegant against the background of the bed in the bedroom. The color scheme should be in harmony with the entire environment. It can be just a flower arrangement, or several types of art can be used. If you look closely at the photograph of the bedroom below, you can see that a picture was originally painted with acrylic paints on the wall - a tree with twigs and leaves. But large flowers give the picture volume and realism.

Such beauty can be located at the head of the bed, or it can be constantly in front of people's eyes, on the front wall. This is if there is no TV in the bedroom.

curtain holders

Beautiful elements in the design of the premises are decorated curtain and curtain holders. It can be a large bouquet or a beautifully trimmed thin strip. The flower arrangement should not stand out too much if the curtains are colored. If these are delicate pastel shades or generally the main colors are white, black or gray, then flowers of bright contrasting shades are allowed.

You can hang such delicate elements in the living room, in the bedroom, and in the nursery, where the little princess lives. In the girls' room, with the help of flowers from such a convenient and easy-to-work material, you can decorate an entire wall or a separate part of the room where the child plays or sleeps.

Studio decoration

Making large flowers from foamiran is a simple process, everything is the same as with small ones, only the pattern needs to be made larger. At the same time, the room, decorated with such large elements, attracts everyone's attention. Of course, this design is not suitable everywhere, but in beauty salons or studios of professional photographers, such a design will look great.

Photos against such a background will turn out to be highly artistic. And the studio will look more picturesque.
