“Introducing preschoolers to social reality through objects of the man-made world. Journey into the past of objects "Prepared by: Educator

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Introduction Part 1. Life of the mysterious Maya Chapter 1. A good mistake Chapter 2. For the first time in Palenque Chapter 3. Journey with accidents Chapter 4. Chichen Itza Chapter 5. The fall of Mayapan Chapter 6. Agriculture Part 2. Mathematics and writing Part 3. Calendar Applications

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Why not America? It turns out that before Columbus, highly developed civilizations lived in America! Where did they come from, the question arises. “From where, from where ... From a camel!” - some may say. Well, no! No one will tolerate such treatment! Here, imagine that the first, for example, the Maya found Europe, and not Spain America. If they would say that about us, would you like it? Yes, yes, you who want to follow this example! "From the camel"! Nightmare! Yes, yes, yes ... However, with Polynesia - a very strange story. But maybe it is - as Thor Heyerdahl believed - America and Polynesia? ... It may very well be! Maybe explore? And decided - yes!

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2. A bit of history Topic 1. Ancient and modern Indians Aztecs The reference book says about them: AZTECS (Aztecs, Nahua) - Indian people in Mexico; 1.2 million people (1992). Aztec language. Believers are Catholics. Until the 16th century on the territory of modern Mexico there was a state of the Aztecs with its capital in Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs created a civilization that was destroyed by the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century.

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Introduction. A bit of history

Maya Here's what I saw when I opened the directory: MAYA (Yucatecs) - an Indian people in Mexico, Guatemala (Yucatan Peninsula) and Belize. Total 700 thousand people, incl. in Mexico 670 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Maya branch of the Maya-Kiche family. Believers are Catholics. The Mayan ancestors are the creators of one of the oldest civilizations in America (associated with the Olmec culture), which existed in the southeast of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala.

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Topic 2. More about Maya Internal wars Yes, yes! There were such, and not a few! For example, already in the New Kingdom, there were the Shiu and Itza dynasties - so Shiu staged such an uprising against her enemies! In 1441, this rebellion severely weakened the New Kingdom even before it was challenged by the Spanish. And Itza had a serious past. But all three of us were friends: Chichen Itza (ruled by the Itza clan), Usmal or Uxmal (Shiu Dynasty) and Mayapan (after the betrayal that destroyed friendship, after the fall of Chichen Itza, the Itza clan managed to turn from slaves into Viceroys of Mayapan). During the battles of Shiu and Itza, Mayapan fell, ruled by the latter.

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Migration of the Maya What happened? So far, no one has answered this question. It's a pity! However, all the same, the Maya moved. Can you imagine that in one day all the inhabitants of the whole state left their homes, palaces, cities at once? That's it! Now almost everyone will say that it is impossible. Maybe they were driven out by hunger, maybe by war. We don't know, it's a mystery to us. The Fall of Civilization And there was a wonderful civilization! Highly developed! For example, in mathematics, calendar, astronomy, they even surpassed us! But it turned out to be easier for Spain to destroy the "barbarians" with fire and sword.

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3. Preparing for the trip You need to learn languages! Languages ​​of the Aztecs, Mayans, Toltecs, Olmecs and others. Of course, it's very simple. You need to sit in a special chair, connect all the sensors, and turn it on. In a few minutes you will already be speaking the given language as if it were your own! Yes, and of course, we must remember: the white man in all these civilizations is a god! But, nevertheless, it’s better to take an invisibility cap with you - it’s good that I flew to other planets and stars, you won’t find such people on Earth even during the day with fire!

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Chapter 1 A Good Mistake Well, yes! And you still ask how we will investigate! Well, how else, except for the Time Machine! What? We don't have a time machine?! Still as it is! Already ... Either the 90s, or even the 100s already! What century? XXI! 2090-2110… I don't remember exactly. But the Machine was already in 2080 - for sure! Here we go on it. It can take you and me at any time (from the past!) and to any place. Let's grab the minimizer... Put all the necessary things there - food, transport, and everything else... It will fit, it will fit - what gets into the minimizer will decrease! Well, here we are. Now to the past!

3 Purpose: Formation of ideas about the history of the creation of the objective world. Tasks: - to teach children to see objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in their development (past, present, future of the object); - to develop the ability to consider surrounding objects in interconnections and interdependencies (“a person is an object”, “a child is an object”); - broaden the horizons of the child; - develop the ability to predict the future of objects; - to educate in children a careful attitude to the objects of the world around them.

15 The most effective methods and techniques are heuristic, cognitive conversations; observations; looking at pictures, illustrations, TCO; teacher's story; reading fiction, cognitive literature; creation of special game problem situations. elementary analysis; modeling and design method; question method; repetition method (direct application of knowledge in a similar situation); solving logical problems; experiments and experiments.



22 Object-developing environment Laboratory "Why," where children conduct experiments and experiments with materials to familiarize themselves with their properties; transformation center "Masterilka", where natural, waste material, fabric, paper, visual materials: plasticine, wire, glue are collected. Here, children can independently make crafts, buildings, compositions, toys. "Znayki" is cognitive literature, visual material for gaining experience; "Game library" - didactic games, selected according to age in various sections.

30 Work with parents folders-sliders: - "My girlfriend is a toy", - "Learn while playing!", - "Proverbs about work". individual consultations: - "What toys do children need", - "Organization and conduct of didactic games with children", - "What makes up diligence?". parent meetings: - "Developing the subject world", - "Development of the child's creative abilities", - "Round table at the end of the year". participation in project activities: - "Creating costumes - tailoring Russian sundresses", - "My dad is a soldier", - "Day of a genius - Crazy hands". creation of mini-museums: - "Dolls of our grandmothers", - "The past of lighting devices", - "Unusual candles and candlesticks", - "Airplanes", "Cars".

31 MBDOU "Kindergarten 46" "Crystal Slipper" Perm Territory, Krasnokamsk, st. Sadovaya, 6 phone: 8(34273) e-mail:

Borisova Elena Alexandrovna
Place of work: MKDOU "Kindergarten "Alenushka" of the village of Apraksino"

GCD "Journey into the past hours" is designed for children of senior preschool age. During GCD, children travel to the past, where they get acquainted with the clock that served people in the distant past. Learn about water, fire, flower, hourglasses. During GCD, children make their own water clock from a plastic bottle.

Summary of directly educational activities in the senior group on the topic: "Journey into the past of hours"

Educational area "Social and communicative development"
Target. Consolidation of knowledge about various types of watches, about the principle of their work and the role in human life.
Software tasks. To acquaint with the history of the emergence of watches, their varieties. Develop research interest, curiosity, creative imagination. Learn how to make a simple water clock. 4) To cultivate purposefulness, the ability to interact with peers. 5) Develop motor skills of hands, eye. Improve the sense of time and the ability to regulate their activities in time. Raise the need for a healthy lifestyle, health-saving behavior. Relieve psycho-emotional stress in the process of educational activities. Reduce fatigue, static stress, eye strain when performing tasks. Observe hygienic conditions for viewing material using a multimedia installation.
Material. Telegram, Various clocks (flower, sand, water, fire, mechanical, electronic, quartz), presentation "History of watches", plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters, water containers, markers, an envelope for drawings, sheets of paper for drawing, colored pencils, physical minute (presentation), song "Clock" by Oleg Anofriev.
Visual, verbal, practical.
Visual techniques: (demonstration of clocks, slides, demonstration of the manufacture of water clocks, observation, demonstration of a sample, demonstration of a method of action)
Practical techniques: (exercise (imitative), modeling - making a water clock)
Verbal techniques: (storytelling, commenting on visual material, conversations (ethical and cognitive), explanation, search questions, pedagogical assessment)
Game exercises and tasks: (guessing a riddle, didactic game, imaginary situation)

Integration: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Dictionary activation.
Vessel, container, clock: water, flower, fire, fireplace.

Preliminary work.
Conversations: “What clock was a long time ago”, “What do we do at different times?”, “What happens if the clocks go differently?”, “The clock at my house”, “My grandmother's clock”. Clock drawing. Memorizing physical minutes "And the clock goes, goes ...". Reading fiction: Anofriev "Tik-Tak", Berestov "A quarter to six". Consideration of encyclopedias "How things work (about watches)", Stepanov "Time". Working with parents: drawing an old clock with children (for an exhibition), recommendations for teaching children to find out the time from an alarm clock, preparing stories with children about water, flower, hourglasses, making a model of a flower clock. Please bring interesting exhibits for the mini-museum of the Vremya group.

The course of educational activities.

The teacher informs the children that the dwarf Tick-Tock should come to them and teach them to tell the time by the clock, but he is late for something.
(A telegram arrives in the group from the dwarf Tick-Tock a).
Dear Guys!
Trouble happened in my magical land of Time. A strong hurricane came up and broke all the clocks. Now we cannot determine the time. I cannot come to you. And I so wanted to tell you what the first clock was like and how it has changed in our time.

Educator. What happens if all the clocks break? (Everywhere they would be late, they would come to the store, but it was closed, etc.)
Educator. Guys, can we do something for the gnome.
Children. Help. Offer their answers.
caregiver But how do we now find out what hours were before?
The teacher leads the children to go on a journey into the past hours.
Educator. How can we get into the past?
(Children offer their answers: build a time machine, a flying saucer, a spaceship, etc.)
Educator. Where else can you see objects from the past? Where are they exhibited?
Children. In the museum.
caregiver. Children, an interesting exhibition is opening in our group. And what objects are exhibited on it, you will find out by guessing the riddle.
We don't sleep during the day
We don't sleep at night
Day and night
We knock, we knock.
Children. Clock.
Educator. I invite you to visit the clock exhibition at the museum. What are the rules of conduct for museum visitors?
(Children go to the group where the watch exhibition is framed)
Educator. Children, look at the clock. How are they similar to each other?
Children. The clock has numbers, hands.
Educator. But not always the clock had arrows. Today we will take a trip to the past hours. I will tell you the history of the clock as it was before. But I will have assistants: Katya, Danil, Polina. They have prepared interesting stories for you.
The past is all that was
No power in the world
It won't bring everything back
Time is only moving forward.
Educator. Children, what is the rooster doing in the museum?
(children's answers)
Educator. Look at the screen. (Children approach the screen) (A photo of a rooster is projected onto the screen)
A long time ago, people knew the time by a living clock. This watch walks around the yard, flapping its wings and flying up to the fence, shouting: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” What is the name of this watch?
Children. Rooster.
Educator. What cockerel? (vociferous, loud-mouthed, cheerful, etc.)
Educator. Was the cock clock a convenient clock? Why?
(You couldn’t take them with you, you could only get up on them, etc.)
Educator. Just as long ago, people noticed that some flowers open in
one time, for example, in the morning, and others in the afternoon, in the evening. And they came up with the idea of ​​making a flower clock. (A photo of a flower clock is projected onto the screen)
Katya will tell us about them.
(Children sit around Katya)
Educator. But a person could not always use such a watch. Why?
(They "worked" only in sunny weather, during the day, in the warm season)
And the clock goes, goes: tick-tock, tick-tock, (Walking in place)
Who in the house can do that?
It's a pendulum in a clock
Beats every beat (Tilts left-right.)
And the cuckoo sits in the clock,
She has her own hut. (Children sit in a deep squat.)
The bird crows time
Hide behind the door again, (Squats.)
The arrows move in a circle.
They don't touch each other. (Torso rotation to the right.)
We will return with you
Counterclockwise. (Torso rotation to the left.)
And the clock goes, goes, (Walking in place.)
Sometimes they suddenly fall behind. (Slow down walking pace.)
And sometimes they're in a hurry
It's like they want to run away! (Running in place.)
If they are not led,
Then they stand up. (Children stop.)

(Children sit on chairs)
Educator. At the same time, people came up with a water clock that reported the time both at night and on a gloomy day. (A picture of a water clock is projected onto the screen)
Polina will tell us about the water clock.
Educator. I suggest you make such a watch.
(Explanation on watchmaking)
(Children are divided into groups and approach the tables with prepared equipment)
Practical work - making a water clock.
Cut the bottle in half. The upper part is the part with the neck and the lid. The lower part is a "bowl" - a reservoir for water. A small hole must be made in the screw cap of the upper part of the bottle so that water slowly pours out of it. Turn the top upside down. And insert it at the bottom. Water will pour into the bottom of the bottle like a bowl.
caregiver. Do you think this watch is comfortable?
Children. No, because they need to constantly add water.
Educator. It is no coincidence that since then they have been talking about time: “How much water has flowed under the bridge!”
Educator. It looks like an hourglass is also arranged. (An hourglass image is projected onto the screen))
Daniel will tell us about them.
(children sit on chairs)
Educator. Were these hours comfortable?
(no, they had to be constantly turned over)
Educator. And people came up with a fiery clock a long time ago. (A picture of a fiery clock is projected onto the screen)
Let's go to the carpet, I'll show you this watch.
(Children sit on the floor)
Educator. Were these hours comfortable?
(No, they "worked" only indoors, where there is no wind)

Relaxation exercise with focus on breathing:
"Blow out the candle."

Target: relieve mental stress.
Inhale deeply, drawing as much air into the lungs as possible. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, exhale slowly, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “u” for a long time.
(children sit down)
Educator. As time went. People came up with new devices for measuring time. There were mechanical watches. (A picture with the image of a mechanical watch is projected onto the screen) At first they had one hand. Later came the minute hand. And even later, a second.
Mechanical watches need to be wound every day. I forgot to start the clock - they got up. What clock should not be wound?
The electronic watch does not need to be wound. (A picture of an electronic clock is projected onto the screen) They run on batteries. They don't even have arrows - the numbers glow on the screen. The time is shown accurately and is not capricious
Years passed. Life became more hasty, people began to value time. Watches have become essential for every person. What kind of hours did not come up with.
Didactic game "Give a name to the clock"(Pictures and photographs depicting different types of watches are projected onto the screen; you must give them a name).
Target: develop attention, thinking, perception.
Educator. Our tour has come to an end. But how does the Tic-Tac dwarf know that we were in the clock museum?
Children. We will draw the clock we learned about today and send it to the dwarf Tick-Tock.
Educator. What watch did you find out about today? What did you like? What caused the difficulty? Why? I will give you special sheets of paper with the seal of a gnome. After you draw the clock that you learned about during our tour, draw the mood of the gnome, which he will have after receiving the letter with the drawings.
(Children draw a clock. While the children are working, the teacher is interested in what kind of clock the children draw. Then the children draw the gnome, his mood. The drawings are folded into an envelope for the gnome.)
Educator. Let's replenish our museum with clocks from the past. (Children arrange flower, water, hourglass, fire clock to the museum).

Generalizing lesson on the section: "The greatest miracle in the world"

Lesson Journey

into the past

School of Russia

Literary reading

Compiled by: S.V. Pechenkina,

MKOU "Secondary School No. 44",

Miass, Chelyabinsk region,

You talk to her more often -

You will be four times smarter.


in a time machine


Kiev Caves Monastery

Nestor in his cell

working on chronicle

The Slavs came and sat down along the Dnieper

An excerpt from the annals

The Tale of Bygone Years tells about ... Russia and the Russian people.

Surname of the first printer.

The greatest miracle in the world.

The city in which the monument was erected

Ivan Fedorov.

The first chronicle was called "The Tale of the Time...".

The name of the chronicler of The Tale of Bygone Years.

Solve the crossword. Click the mouse to select the task number - on the screen

a question will appear. Answer it. Click to check if the answer is correct

about the crossword puzzle.


in a time machine



Ivan Fedorov


in a time machine


We return

Proverbs and sayings

  • The book in happiness decorates, and in misfortune comforts.
  • From time immemorial, the book raises a person.
  • The book is like water - the road will break through everywhere.
  • A good book shines brighter than a star.
  • The book will help in work, help out in trouble.

Rules for using the book

  • Take the book with clean hands.
  • Do not bend the book - this will cause the pages to fall out.
  • Do not put pencils, diaries, or other items in the book. This breaks the binding.
  • Do not read a book while eating.
  • To make the book and textbook last longer, wrap them.

Alone, alone

Dormant book heroes

On the pages of my books.

Awaken them to life!

What do they suffer from boredom?

All heroes love work!

You, friends, have all the books in your hands,

Let the heroes come to life!



  • When did the first books appear in Russia?
  • Why was the appearance of the first printed book in Russia a great event?
  • What did you learn about Ivan Fedorov?
Time Machine http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/4/79/671/79671510_3857612_Bezimyannii.JPG Time Machine http://900igr.net/datai/istorija/Lenta-vremeni/0007-016-Lenta-vremeni.png timeline http://freetone.org/ringtony/zvukovye_effekty/2048-kosmicheskij_ehffekt space ringtone http://drevo-info.ru/images/002/004416.jpg Kiev Caves Monastery http://pokrova.ks.ua/pokrova/2013/11/Nestor_Letopisets.jpg Nestor in his cell http://russian7.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Living_of_East_Slavs_by_Ivanov.jpg ancient Slavs http://images.aif.ru/003/264/fc2258531b6438a1402ee4dd8d846449.jpg monument to I. Fedorov in Moscow http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9109/230070907.12/0_b754c_716c4a34_orig paper http://www.ostu.ru/libraries/Blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/illustration_for_tale_6.jpg books and children