Features of the ontogenetic development of the human psyche are studied by psychology. The main branches of psychology

Ontogenesis(from the Greek ontos - being and genesis - birth, origin) - this is the process of individual development; the formation of the basic structures of the individual's psyche during his childhood and later life. According to the theory of the German biologist Ernst Haeckel, individual development (ontogeny) is an abbreviated development of the human race (phylogenesis), i.e. in the process of his individual development, the child repeats the stages of human history.

The development of the human psyche in the process of his life activity (in ontogenesis) includes a complex interweaving of several lines of development: psychosomatic (development of the nervous system); sexual development; age-related changes; cognitive development of cognitive mental processes (perception, memory, thinking, speech, intellect); emotional-volitional development; personal development; moral development; development of activities and skills. For scientific purposes, each of the directions of development of the human psyche is analyzed, although in real life all these types of development are closely intertwined, interconnected and determined by both hereditary (genetic) factors and the influence of the external social environment.

The genotype is the inborn genetically predetermined features of the organism. But since the organism develops and exists in a certain environment to which it adapts, acquired qualities are formed; genetically predetermined properties of the organism develop and manifest themselves in a peculiar way. The result is a phenotype. The interaction of heredity, innateness, conditions of intrauterine development and personal experience occurs in a complex way, causing individual differences in people. Heredity allows very wide boundaries for the development of behavior. Within these boundaries, the outcome of development will depend on external environment habitat: one or another environmental factor will manifest itself differently depending on the specifics of heredity. On the other hand, the same hereditary factor will manifest itself differently in different environmental conditions.

The external environment includes a combination of various stimuli (air, food, family environment, the influence of friends, educational conditions, cultural and national norms of behavior, etc.) to which an individual reacts throughout his life and which affect his psychological development, personality traits, physical health, etc. Disputes about which of the factors - heredity or environment - is of decisive importance, have not stopped so far, they have only been transferred to the experimental sphere.

Thus, the English psychologist Hans Jurgen Eysenck believes that intelligence is determined by 20% by the influence of the environment and by 80% by the influence of heredity. Same-sex twins have almost the same heredity, and the correlation coefficient of their intelligence is 0.9. Opposite-sex twins, brothers and sisters are genetically similar, but not identical in their heredity. Their intelligence correlation coefficient is 0.5. At the same time twins of the same sex, brought up in different conditions, will be different. For example, one of the twins can become a criminal, and the other an excellent lawyer.

Thus, the interaction of heredity and the environment determines the individual characteristics of the human psyche. The dispute of psychologists about which of the factors is decisive in the development process - heredity or environment, has led to the emergence convergence theory both factors. Its founder, William Stern, believed that both hereditary talent and the environment determine the laws of child development. In other words, development is the result of the convergence of internal inclinations with the external conditions of life.

Human life and activity are determined by the unity and interaction of biological and social factors, with the latter playing a leading role.

Mental development of the child- this is the process of developing his abilities through mastering the content of human culture. The sources of development are:

  • 1) the interaction of the child with reality, mainly social, with an adult ( L. S. Vygotsky);
  • 2) the child's assimilation of social experience, embodied in the products of material and spiritual production (A. V. Zaporozhets).


Item name Meaning
1. department Humanities
2. Author - developer Shakirov I.K. , candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor
3. Name of the discipline Psychology and pedagogy
4. Total labor intensity according to the curriculum
5. Type of control (underline as appropriate) Preliminary (input), current, intermediate (test)
6. For the specialty(s)/direction(s) of training for directions 080200.62 "Management", 100100.62 "Service", 100800.62 "Commodity science", 260800.62 "Technology of catering products", for the specialty 036401.65 "Customs"
7. The number of test tasks in total for the discipline, of which
8. Number of tasks when testing a student
9. Of these correct answers (in%):
10. to grade "excellent"
11. to rate "good"
12. to grade "satisfactory"
or to obtain a "pass" score of at least 55% and more
13. Test time (in minutes)

The passport was compiled by _________________ I. K. Shakirov

Section 1. Psychology

S: The creator of the first psychological system, set forth in the treatise "On the Soul", is ...

- Spinoza

-: Descartes

-: Koffka

+: Aristotle

S: Psychology is a science...

- about people's behavior

-: about methods of studying the individual characteristics of a person

+: about the phenomena, regularities, mechanisms of the human and animal psyche

-: about the patterns of the emergence and development of the psyche in phylogenesis

S: The hallmark of the method of introspection is…

-: application of psychological testing

-: use of laboratory equipment

+: direct, direct observation of experiences

-: "slice" nature of the organization of the experiment

S: A standardized psychological measurement procedure is provided...

- observation

+: testing

- sociometry

-: twin method

S: When conducting a _____ experiment, the subjects do not know that they are participants in it

-: laboratory

-: formative

+: natural

-: scientific

S: Psychological system for the analysis of mental life, proposed by Z Freud, - ...

-: cognitive psychology

+: depth psychology (psychoanalysis)

-: associative psychology

S: From the point of view of the representatives of psychoanalysis, the basis of human culture is ...

+: the process of transforming a person's sexual instinct into socially acceptable forms of activity

-: the conflict between the biological nature of man and the requirements of society

-: the spiritual essence of a person, manifested in creativity

-: conscious forms of transforming human activity

S: The domestic psychological theory of activity received the greatest development in the works of ...

-: A. V. Petrovsky

-: V. M. Bekhtereva

+: A. N. Leontieva

-: Plato

-: Democritus

-: Epicurus

+: Aristotle

S: The reasons for the formation of the main psychological schools were ...

-: further advances in the study of physiology

-: the rise of capitalism and the improvement of the material base of research

-: the rise of Marxist psychology

+: transition to the study of the organism-environment system, social crisis, discoveries in other sciences

S: Understanding the driving force of mental development as an unconscious desire for the sublimation of drives is characteristic of the works ...

-: A.A. Leontieva, S.L. Rubinstein, L. S. Vygotsky

+: Z. Freud, A. Adler, K. Jung

-: D. Miller, W. Neisser, K. Rogers, Epicurus

-: K. Levin, G. Allport, A. Maslow, Democritus

-: L. I. Bozhovich

-: M. Ya. Basov

-: P. F. Kapterev

+: A. N. Leontiev

S: The scientist who developed the physiological basis of the doctrine of the types of temperament is ...

-: Confucius

-: F. Gall

+: I. P. Pavlov

-: Ibn - Sina

S: The most important role in the central nervous system is played by...

- diencephalon

-: spinal cord

+: cerebral hemispheres

-: medulla

S: Psychophysiology as a branch of physiology and psychology studies

-: the quantitative relationship between the strength of the stimulus and the magnitude of the sensation that occurs

-: constitutionally - genetically determined personality disharmony

+: physiological mechanisms that ensure the implementation of mental processes and phenomena

S: From the standpoint of the theory of activity and the theory of internalization, Leontiev explains the origin of the mental as follows:

-: mental processes are formed when solving educational problems

+: in any action, even external, there is already a psychic component, and the psychic itself arises during the period of intrauterine development

-: mental processes are nothing but external material actions transferred to an ideal plane and transformed

-: the psychology and behavior of a modern cultured and educated person is the result of socialization

-: In Wundt and Z Freud

-: I P Pavlov and I M Sechenov

-: L S Vygotsky and D B Elkonin

+: S L Rubinshtein and A N Leontiev

S: For the successful socialization of a teenager, it is necessary to include him in such an activity as ...

+: communication

-: teaching

-: a game

- labor

S: Action in the internal plan, which is carried out without relying on any external means, is called _______ action

-: speech

-: receptive

+: mental

- material

S: The mental activity of animals differs from the mental activity of humans in that it:

- serves as a regulator of adaptive behavior

- aims to transform the world

+: due to biological patterns

- is social in nature

S: Purposeful activity associated with the achievement of private goals in the implementation of a broader activity is called

+: action

- behavior

-: reaction

- activity

S: One of the principles of domestic psychology is the principle ...

+: unity of consciousness and activity

- unity of thinking and intuition

- taking into account the age characteristics of a person

-: scientific

S: The cognitive component of self-awareness includes…

+: knowledge of the individual about himself

- relationship of the individual to himself

- presenting yourself

- self-management

S: The ratio of consciousness and the unconscious has been studied quite fully ...

+: C. Jung

-: Z. Freud

-: S. Groff

-: R. Descartes

S: The highest level of mental reflection and self-regulation, inherent only to a person, is called ...

-: intellect

- thinking

+: consciousness

-: imagination

S: Wundt defined psychology as the science of…

+: structures of consciousness

-: functions of speech

- unconscious

- cognitive processes

S: Psychology occupies a central place according to the classification of sciences:

-: V. I. Vernadsky

+: B. M. Kedrova

-: M. V. Lomonosov

-: F. Bacon

S: To build psychology on the model of developed sciences (physics and chemistry) as "statics and dynamics of ideas" suggested:

+: I. Herbart

-: J. Mill

-: G. Fechner

-: E. Weber

S: Psychology as an independent science took shape:

- in the 40s of the XIX century.

+: in the 80s of the XIX century.

- in the 90s of the XIX century.

- at the beginning of the 20th century.

S: The idea of ​​the inseparability of the soul and the living body and the consideration of psychology as an integral system of knowledge was first proposed by:

-: Epicurus

-: Democritus

+: Aristotle

-: B. Spinoza

S: The recognition of psychology as an independent science was due to:

+: with the creation of special research institutions

-: with the development of the method of introspection

-: with the development of the method of observation

-: with the publication of Aristotle's treatise "On the Soul"

S: The term "psychology" was introduced into scientific circulation by:

-: R. Descartes

-: G. Leibniz

+: H. Wolf

-: Aristotle

S: Psychology as a science of consciousness arose:

-: in the XV century.

- in the 16th century

+: in the XVII century.

- in the 18th century

S: Psychology as a science of behavior arose:

- in the 17th century

- in the 18th century

- in the 19th century

+: in the XX century.

S: The definition of psychology as the science of the soul was given by:

- more than three thousand years ago

+: more than two thousand years ago

- in the 16th century

- in the 17th century

S: The first ideas about the psyche were related to:

- with neuropsychism

-: with biopsychism

+: with animism

- with panpsychism

S: The definition of empirical psychology belongs to:

-: G. Leibniz

-: B. Spinoza

+: H. Wolf

-: J. Locke

S: The term "empirical psychology" was introduced by:

- in the 16th century

- in the 17th century

+: in the XVIII century.

- in the 19th century

S: The view of psychology as a science independent of philosophy was one of the first to propose:

-: E. Kraepelin

+: J. St. Mill

-: I. M. Sechenov

-: V. M. Bekhterev

S: The study of the relationship of the psyche to its bodily substrate reflects the essence of such a problem in psychology as:

+: psychophysiological

- psychosocial

-: psychopraxic

- psychognostic

S: Psychic Reflection:

-: is an exact copy of the surrounding reality

+: is selective

-: provides a photo of the affected environment

-: does not depend on reflection conditions

S: According to idealistic ideas, the psyche is:

- an inherent property of matter

-: a property of the brain, a reflection of objective reality

-: brain function

+: image of incorporeal essence

S: The psyche in relation to its carrier does not perform the function:

-: reflections of objects of extrapsychic reality

-: accumulation of life experience

-: transformation and forecasting of external influences

+: regulation of vegetative changes

S: The most radical attempt to put psychology on a scientific basis is:

-: psychoanalysis

- gestalt psychology

+: behaviorism

-: humanistic psychology

S: The presence of the soul explained all the incomprehensible phenomena in human life from the point of view of:

+: psychology of the soul

- psychology of consciousness

-: behavioral psychology

-: psychology as a reflective activity of the brain

S: Psychology is the science of the functions of consciousness according to:

+: functionalism

- structuralism

- behaviorism

- psychoanalysis

S: According to K. Jung, that part of the human psyche, which reflects the reality external to his body, is called:

+: exopsychic

- endopsychic

- intropsychic

- extraversion

S: According to K. Jung, needs and emotions are:

- to exopsyche

+: towards endopsychics

- to intropsyche

-: to interiorization

S: A psychic phenomenon is:

- nerve impulse

-: receptor

+: interest

-: heartbeat

S: Reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world is:

+: feeling

-: perception

-: memory

- imagination

S: Mental processes as an orienting activity of the subject in problem situations were considered by:

-: S. L. Rubinstein,

-: A. R. Luria

+: P. Ya. Galperin

-: A. N. Leontiev

S: The mental process of creating something new in the form of an image, representation or idea is called:

-: feeling

-: perception

- thinking

+: imagination

S: Among the most ancient concepts of psychology is the concept of:

-: motive

-: personalities

+: temperament

-: abilities

S: Features of the ontogenetic development of the psyche are studied by psychology:

-: medical

- social

+: age

-: general

S: Socio-psychological manifestations of personality, its relationships with people are studied by psychology:

-: differential

+: social

-: pedagogical

-: general

S: The scientific trend that arose at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, due to the penetration of evolutionary ideas into pedagogy, psychology and the development of applied branches of psychology, experimental pedagogy, is called:

-: pedagogy

+: pedology

- Didactics

- psychopedagogics

S: Pedology originated:

- in the second half of the 19th century.

- at the beginning of the 20th century.

- in the middle of the XIX century.

+: at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries.

S: Pedology was declared a pseudoscience and ceased to exist in our country:

-: in 1928

-: in 1932

+: in 1936

-: in 1939

S: V. Frankl is known as the founder of:

- individual psychotherapy

- rational psychotherapy

+: logotherapy

-: social therapy

+: I. Moreno

-: V. Frankl

-: C. Horney

-: F. Perls

S: Methodology:

- is the result of the process of cognition

+: defines ways to achieve and build knowledge

-: is a substantive support for educational activities

- is a process during which new forms of behavior and activity arise

S: The criteria for a scientific theory in psychology are not:

-: relatively complete logical structure

-: principles and foundations for the construction of psychological theories

-: provisions, evidence, connecting theoretical constructs with existing facts, other theories

+: material purposeful activity of people to transform natural and social objects

S: For scientific psychological and spontaneous-empirical research, the general(s) are (are):

- means of knowledge

- nature of goal setting

-: requirements for the accuracy of the conceptual and terminological apparatus

+: setting goals and objectives of the study

S: In the pre-paradigm period of the development of psychology, the principle was formed as an explanatory one:

-: development

-: determinism

-: integrity

+: consistency

-: indeterminism

-: development

+: determinism

- systemic

S: Did not consider the sideistic point of view of the properties of the human psyche:

-: Plato

-: Plotinus

-: Augustine

+: Aristotle

S: The principle that requires considering mental phenomena in constant change, movement, is called the principle:

-: determinism

+: development

-: the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones

- objectivity

S: The philosophical trend that emphasizes the role of the mind in the acquisition of knowledge is called:

- personalism

-: existentialism

+: rationalism

- irrationalism

S: The idea of ​​the psyche as a function necessary for human survival was established due to determinism:

-: mechanical

+: biological

- psychological

-: social

S: An approach to the study of the psyche, which determines the possibilities of mental analysis as a complex multi-level system that performs certain functions, is called:

- procedural

-: historical

+: structural and functional

- dynamic

S: Structural-functional approach refers to the level of:

-: philosophical methodology

+: general scientific methodology

S : Analysis of the general forms of scientific thinking refers to the level of:

+: philosophical methodology

-: general scientific methodology

-: special-scientific methodology

-: research methods and techniques

S: A distinctive feature of domestic psychology is the use of the category:

+: activities

- unconscious

-: reinforcements

-: introspection

S: The need to identify contradictions as a source of development and self-development of the psyche means the principle:

-: unity of content and form

+: unity and struggle of opposites

- versatility

S: The activity approach in psychology does not include the requirements of the principle:

-: the unity of the psyche and activity

-: activity mediation of interpersonal relations

-: unity of the structure of internal and external activities

+: reproduction in the ontogenesis of the psyche of the main stages of the cultural and historical development of man

S: When defining activity as an object of psychological research, such an aspect of the study of the psyche was singled out as:

- procedural

-: genetic

- philosophical

+: evolutionary

S: The mental process depends on the factors that produce it, according to the principle:

-: control

-: development

+: determinism

- systemic

S: The conditionality of mental phenomena by the action of the factors that produce them is the essence of the principle:

+: determinism

- systemic

-: development

-: control

S: As an explanatory principle in behaviorism, the principle was explicitly used:

+: determinism

-: development

-: activities

- systemic

S: The methodological basis of behaviorism is:

- pantheism

+: positivism

- Neo-Thomism

-: reductionism

S: The methodology of behaviorism is closely related to:

- with irrationality

+: with a mechanistic understanding of behavior

-: with futurism

-: with evolutionism

S: Psychoanalysis in its developed form was directed to the study of personality and was formed in accordance with the principle:

- systemic

+: development

-: control

-: indeterminism

S: The specific study of personality in psychoanalysis is not conditioned by such worldview as:

-: irrationalism

-: contrasting the personal meaning of life and its dependence on the social conditions of human development

-: hypertrophy of the role of sexuality

+: rationalism

S: The philosophical basis of humanistic psychology is:

- positivism

+: existentialism

-: pragmatism

-: rationalism

S: Data about the real behavior of a person, obtained during external observation, are called:

+: L - data

-: Q-data

-: T-data

-: Z-data

S: The type of results recorded using questionnaires and other self-assessment methods is called:

-: L - data

+: Q-data

-: T-data

-: Z-data

S: Such an assignment of numbers to objects, in which equal differences in numbers correspond to equal differences in the measured attribute or property of the object, implies the presence scales:

-: items

-: order

+: spacing

-: relationship

S: The order scale corresponds to the measurement at the level of:

-: nominal

+: ordinal

-: interval

-: relationship

S: Ranking of objects according to the severity of a certain attribute is the essence of measurements at the level:

-: nominal

+: ordinal

-: interval

-: relationship

S: It is extremely rare in psychology to use a scale:

-: items

-: order

-: intervals

+: relationship

S: The postulates to which the transformations of ordinal scales are subject do not include the following postulates:

-: trichotomy

-: asymmetries

-: transitivity

+: dichotomies

S: In the most general form, measurement scales are represented by the scale:

+: items

-: order

-: intervals

-: relationship

S: No arithmetic operations can be performed on the scale:

+: items

-: order

-: intervals

-: relationship

S: Establishing equality of relationships between individual values ​​is allowed at the scale level:

-: items

-: order

-: intervals

+: relationship

S: B. G. Ananiev refers to the longitudinal method of research:

+: to organizational methods

-: to empirical methods

-: to methods of data processing

: to interpretive methods

S: Purposeful, systematically carried out perception of objects, in the knowledge of which the person is interested, is:

- experiment

- content analysis

+: observation

-: method of analysis of products of activity

S: Long-term and systematic observation, the study of the same people, which makes it possible to analyze mental development at various stages of the life path and draw certain conclusions on the basis of this, is commonly called research:

-: aerobatic

+: longitudinal

-: comparative

-: complex

S: The concept of "self-observation" is synonymous with the term:

-: introversion

-: introjection

+: introspection

-: introscopy

S: The systematic application of modeling is most characteristic of:

-: for humanistic psychology

+: for gestalt psychology

-: for psychoanalysis

-: for the psychology of consciousness

S: A brief, standardized psychological test that attempts to assess a particular mental process or personality as a whole is:

-: surveillance

-: experiment

+: testing

- introspection

S: The receipt by the subject of data about his own mental processes and states at the time of their occurrence or after it is:

-: surveillance

-: experiment

-: testing

+: introspection

S: The active intervention of the researcher in the activities of the subject in order to create conditions for the establishment of a psychological fact is called:

- content analysis

-: analysis of products of activity

-: conversation

+: experiment

S: The main method for modern psychogenetic research is not:

-: twin

- adopted children

- family

+: introspection

S: Depending on the situation, an observation can be distinguished:

+: field

-: continuous

- systematic

-: discrete

S: A method of studying the structure and nature of interpersonal relationships of people based on the measurement of their interpersonal choice is called:

- content analysis

-: comparison method

-: method of social units

+: sociometry

S: For the first time, an experimental psychological laboratory was opened:

-: W. James

-: G. Ebbinghaus

+: W. Wundt

-: H. Wolf

S: The ability of the researcher to cause some kind of mental process or property is the main advantage:

-: observations

+: experiment

-: content analysis

-: analysis of products of activity

S: Using the experimental method, hypotheses about the presence of:

- phenomena

-: connections between phenomena

+: causal relationship between phenomena

-: correlations between phenomena

S: To establish the most general mathematical and statistical patterns allows:

-: content analysis

-: analysis of products of activity

-: conversation

-: R. Gottsdanker

+: A. F. Lazursky

-: D. Campbell

-: W. Wundt

S: The concept of "full compliance experiment" was introduced into scientific circulation by:

+: R. Gottsdanker

-: A. F. Lazursky

-: D. Campbell

-: W. Wundt

S: Intermediate between natural methods of research and methods where strict control of variables is applied is:

- thought experiment

+: quasi-experiment

-: laboratory experiment

- method of conversation

S: A characteristic that is actively changed in a psychological experiment is called a variable:

+: independent

-: dependent

-: external

-: side

S: According to D. Campbell, potentially controlled variables are experimental variables:

+: independent

- dependent

-: side

-: external

S: As a criterion for the reliability of the results, the validity achieved in the course of a real experiment compared to an ideal one is called:

+: internal

-: external

-: operational

-: constructive

Section 1. Psychology

1. The creator of the first psychological system, set forth in the treatise "On the Soul", is ...

a) Aristotle

2. Psychology is a science...

a) about the phenomena, regularities, mechanisms of the human and animal psyche

3. A sign of the method of introspection is ...

a) direct, direct observation of experiences

4. A standardized psychological measurement procedure is provided…

a) testing

5. When conducting a _____ experiment, subjects do not know that they are participants in it

a) natural

6. The psychological system for the analysis of mental life, proposed by Z Freud, - ...

a) depth psychology (psychoanalysis)

7. From the point of view of representatives of psychoanalysis, the basis of human culture is ...

a) the process of transforming the human sexual instinct into socially acceptable forms of activity

8. The domestic psychological theory of activity received the greatest development in the works of ...

a) Aristotle

10. The reasons for the formation of the main psychological schools were ...

a) transition to the study of the organism-environment system, social crisis, discoveries in other sciences

11. Understanding the driving force of mental development as an unconscious desire for the sublimation of drives is characteristic of works ...

a) Z. Freud, A. Adler, K. Jung

a) A. N. Leontiev

13. The scientist who developed the physiological basis of the doctrine of the types of temperament is ...

a) I. P. Pavlov

14. The most important role in the central nervous system is played by ...

a) cerebral hemispheres

15. Psychophysiology as a branch of physiology and psychology studies

a) physiological mechanisms that ensure the implementation of mental processes and phenomena

16. From the standpoint of the theory of activity and the theory of internalization, Leontiev explains the origin of the mental as follows:

a) in any action, even external, there is already a mental component, and the mental itself arises during the period of prenatal development

a) S L Rubinshtein and A N Leontiev

18. For the successful socialization of a teenager, it is necessary to include him in such an activity as ...

19. Action in the internal plan, which is carried out without relying on any external means, is called _______ action

a) mental

20. The mental activity of animals differs from the mental activity of a person in that it:

a) due to biological patterns

21. Purposeful activity associated with the achievement of private goals in the implementation of broader activities is called

a) action

22. One of the principles of domestic psychology is the principle ...

a) unity of consciousness and activity

23. The cognitive component of self-consciousness includes ...

a) knowledge of the individual about himself

24. The relationship between consciousness and the unconscious has been studied quite fully ...

a) K. Jung

25. The highest level of mental reflection and self-regulation, inherent only to a person, is called ...

a) consciousness

26. Wundt defined psychology as the science of…

a) structures of consciousness

27. Psychology occupies a central place according to the classification of sciences:

a) B. M. Kedrova

28. To build psychology on the model of developed sciences (physics and chemistry) as “statics and dynamics of ideas” suggested:

a) I. Herbart

29. Psychology as an independent science took shape:

a) in the 80s of the XIX century.

30. The idea of ​​the inseparability of the soul and the living body and the consideration of psychology as an integral system of knowledge was first proposed by:

a) Aristotle

31. The recognition of psychology as an independent science was due to:

a) with the creation of special research institutions

32. The term "psychology" was introduced into scientific circulation by:

a) H. Wolf

33. Psychology as a science of consciousness arose:

34. Psychology as a science of behavior arose:

35. The definition of psychology as the science of the soul was given by:

a) more than two thousand years ago

36. The first ideas about the psyche were associated with:

a) with animism

37. The definition of empirical psychology belongs to:

a) H. Wolf

38. The term "empirical psychology" was introduced:

39. The view of psychology as a science independent of philosophy was one of the first to propose:

a) J. St. Mill

40. The study of the relationship of the psyche to its bodily substrate reflects the essence of such a problem in psychology as:

a) psychophysiological

41. Psychic Reflection:

a) is selective

42. According to idealistic ideas, the psyche is:

a) the image of an incorporeal essence

43. The psyche in relation to its carrier does not perform the function:

a) regulation of vegetative changes

44. The most radical attempt to put psychology on a natural scientific basis is:

a) behaviorism

45. The presence of the soul explained all the incomprehensible phenomena in human life from the point of view:

a) psychology of the soul

46. ​​Psychology is the science of the functions of consciousness according to:

a) functionalism

47. According to K. Jung, that part of the human psyche that reflects the reality external to his body is called:

a) exopsychic

48. According to K. Jung, needs and emotions include:

a) to endopsyche

49. Mental phenomenon is:

a) interest

50. Reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world is:

a) feeling

51. Mental processes as an orienting activity of the subject in problem situations were considered by:

a) P. Ya. Galperin

52. The mental process of creating something new in the form of an image, representation or idea is called:

a) imagination

53. Among the most ancient concepts of psychology is the concept:

a) temperament

54. Features of the ontogenetic development of the psyche are studied by psychology:

a) age

55. Socio-psychological manifestations of the personality, its relationship with people is studied by psychology:

a) social

56. The scientific trend that arose at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, due to the penetration of evolutionary ideas into pedagogy, psychology and the development of applied branches of psychology, experimental pedagogy, is called:

a) pedology

57. Pedology arose:

a) at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

58. Pedology was declared a pseudoscience and ceased to exist in our country:

59. V. Frankl is known as the founder of:

a) I. Moreno

61. Methodology:

a) defines ways to achieve and build knowledge

62. The criterion of scientific theory in psychology is not (are):

a) material purposeful activity of people to transform natural and social objects

63. For scientific psychological and spontaneous-empirical research, the general(s) are (are):

a) setting goals and objectives of the study

64. In the pre-paradigm period of the development of psychology, the principle was formed as an explanatory one:

a) consistency

65. The mental process depends on the factors that produce it according to the principle:

a) determinism

66. The sideist point of view of the properties of the human psyche was not considered by:

a) Aristotle

67. The principle that requires considering mental phenomena in constant change, movement, is called the principle:

a) development

68. The philosophical current, emphasizing the role of reason in the acquisition of knowledge, is called:

a) rationalism

69. The idea of ​​the psyche as a function necessary for human survival was established due to determinism:

a) biological

70. An approach to the study of the psyche, which determines the possibilities of mental analysis as a complex multi-level system that performs certain functions, is called:

a) structural and functional

71. Structural-functional approach refers to the level of:

a) general scientific methodology

72. Analysis of the general forms of scientific thinking refers to the level of:

a) philosophical methodology

73. A distinctive feature of domestic psychology is the use of the category:

a) activities

74. The need to identify contradictions as a source of development and self-development of the psyche means the principle:

a) unity and struggle of opposites

75. The activity approach in psychology does not include the requirements of the principle:

a) reproduction in the ontogeny of the psyche of the main stages of the cultural and historical development of a person

76. When defining activity as an object of psychological research, such an aspect of the study of the psyche was singled out as:

a) evolutionary

77. The mental process depends on the factors that produce it according to the principle:

a) determinism

78. The conditionality of mental phenomena by the action of the factors that produce them is the essence of the principle:

a) determinism

79. As an explanatory principle in behaviorism, the principle was explicitly used:

a) determinism

80. The methodological basis of behaviorism is:

a) positivism

81. The methodology of behaviorism is closely related:

a) with a mechanistic understanding of behavior

82. Psychoanalysis in its developed form was aimed at the study of personality and was formed in accordance with the principle:

a) development

83. A specific study of personality in psychoanalysis is not due to such a worldview orientation as:

a) rationalism

84. The philosophical basis of humanistic psychology is:

a) existentialism

85. Data on the real behavior of a person obtained during external observation are called:

a) L - data

86. The type of results recorded using questionnaires and other self-assessment methods is called:

a) Q-data

87. Such an assignment of numbers to objects, in which equal differences in numbers correspond to equal differences in the measured attribute or property of the object, implies the existence of a scale:

a) intervals

88. The order scale corresponds to the measurement at the level of:

a) ordinal

89. Ranking of objects according to the severity of a certain feature is the essence of measurements at the level of:

a) ordinal

90. It is extremely rare in psychology to use a scale:

a) relationships

91. The postulates to which the transformations of ordinal scales are subject do not include the following postulates:

a) dichotomies

92. In the most general form, measurement scales are represented by a scale:

a) items

93. You can not perform any arithmetic operations on the scale:

a) items

94. Establishing equality of relationships between individual values ​​is permissible at the scale level:

a) relationships

95. B. G. Ananiev refers to the longitudinal method of research:

a) to organizational methods

96. Purposeful, systematically carried out perception of objects, in the knowledge of which a person is interested, is:

a) observation

97. Long-term and systematic observation, the study of the same people, which makes it possible to analyze mental development at various stages of the life path and, on the basis of this, draw certain conclusions, is commonly called research:

a) longitudinal

98. The concept of "self-observation" is synonymous with the term:

a) introspection

99. The systematic application of modeling is most characteristic of:

a) for Gestalt psychology

100. A brief, standardized psychological test, as a result of which an attempt is made to evaluate a particular mental process or a person as a whole, is:

a) testing

101. Obtaining by the subject of data on his own mental processes and states at the time of their occurrence or after it is:

a) self-observation

102. The active intervention of a researcher in the activities of the subject in order to create conditions for establishing a psychological fact is called:

a) experiment

103. The main method for modern psychogenetic research is not:

a) introspection

104. Depending on the situation, an observation can be distinguished:

a) field

105. A method of studying the structure and nature of interpersonal relations of people based on measuring their interpersonal choice is called:

a) sociometry

106. For the first time, an experimental psychological laboratory was opened:

a) W. Wundt

107. The ability of the researcher to cause some kind of mental process or property is the main advantage:

a) experiment

108. Using the experimental method, hypotheses about the presence of:

a) causality between phenomena

109. To establish the most general mathematical and statistical patterns allows:

a) A. F. Lazursky

111. The concept of "full compliance experiment" was introduced into scientific circulation by:

a) R. Gottsdanker

112. Intermediate between natural research methods and methods where strict control of variables is applied is:

a) quasi-experiment

113. A characteristic that is actively changed in a psychological experiment is called a variable:

a) independent

114. According to D. Campbell, potentially controlled variables are experimental variables:

a) independent

115. As a criterion for the reliability of the results, the validity achieved in the course of a real experiment compared to an ideal one is called.

1. Psychology occupies a central place according to the classification of sciences:

b) B.M. Kedrov;

2. To build psychology on the model of developed sciences (physics and chemistry) as "statics and dynamics of ideas" suggested:

a) I. Herbart

3. Psychology as an independent science took shape:

b) in the 80s. 19th century;

4. The idea of ​​the inseparability of the soul and the living body and the consideration of psychology as an integral system of knowledge was first proposed by:

c) Aristotle;

5. The recognition of psychology as an independent science was due to:

a) with the creation of special research institutions;

6. The term "psychology" was introduced into scientific circulation by:

c) X. Wolf;

7. Psychology as a science of consciousness arose:

in) in XVII century;

8. Psychology as a science of behavior arose:

d) in XX in.

9. The definition of psychology as the science of the soul was given by:

b) more than two thousand years ago;

10. The first ideas about the psyche were associated with:

c) with animism;

11. The definition of empirical psychology belongs to:

c) X. Wolf;

12. The term "empirical psychology" was introduced:

c) in the 18th century;

13. The view of psychology as a science independent of philosophy was one of the first to propose:

b) J.St. Mill;

14. The study of the relationship of the psyche to its bodily substrate reflects the essence of such a problem in psychology as:

a) psychophysiological;

15. Psychic Reflection:

b) is selective;

16. According to idealistic ideas, the psyche is:

d) the image of an incorporeal essence.

17. The psyche in relation to its carrier does not perform the function:

d) regulation of vegetative changes.

18. The most radical attempt to put psychology on a natural scientific basis is:

c) behaviorism;

19. The presence of the soul explained all the incomprehensible phenomena in human life from the point of view:

a) psychology of the soul;

20. Psychology is the science of the functions of consciousness according to:

a) functionalism;

21. According to K. Jung, that part of the human psyche that reflects the reality external to his body is called:

a) exopsychic;

22. According to K. Jung, needs and emotions include:

b) to endopsychics;

23. Mental phenomenon is:

c) interest;

24. The reflection of individual properties of objects and phenomena of the material world is:

a) sensation

25. Mental processes as an orienting activity of the subject in problem situations were considered by:

c) P.Ya. Galperin;

26. The mental process of creating something new in the form of an image, representation or idea is called:

d) imagination.

27. Among the most ancient concepts of psychology is the concept of:

c) temperament;

28. Features of the ontogenetic development of the psyche are studied by psychology:

c) age;

29. Socio-psychological manifestations of the personality, its relationship with people is studied by psychology:

b) social; 30. The scientific trend that arose at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, due to the penetration of evolutionary ideas into pedagogy, psychology and the development of applied branches of psychology, experimental pedagogy, is called:

b) pedology;

31. The founder of Russian pedology is:

a) A.P. Nechaev;

32. Pedology arose:

d) at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.

33. The founder of foreign pedology is:

a) S. Hall;

34. Pedology was declared a pseudoscience and ceased to exist in our country:

c) in 1936;

35. V. Frankl is known as the founder of:

a) I. Moreno;

Methodology of psychology

1. Methodology:

b) defines ways to achieve and build knowledge;

2. The criterion of scientific theory in psychology is not (are):

d) the material purposeful activity of people to transform natural and social objects.

3. For scientific psychological and spontaneous-empirical research, the general(s) are (are):

d) setting goals and objectives of the study.

4. In the pre-paradigm period of the development of psychology, the principle was formed as an explanatory one:

d) systematic.

5. The mental process depends on the factors that produce it according to the principle:

c) determinism;

6. From an idealistic point of view, the properties of the human psyche were not considered:

d) Aristotle.

7. From a materialistic point of view, mental phenomena were considered

c) T. Hobbes;

8. The principle that requires considering mental phenomena in constant change, movement, is called the principle:

b) development; \

9. The philosophical current, which emphasizes the role of the mind in the acquisition of knowledge, is called:

c) rationalism;

10. The idea of ​​the psyche as a function necessary for human survival was established due to determinism:

b) biological;

11. An approach to the study of the psyche, which determines the possibilities of mental analysis as a complex multi-level system that performs certain functions, is called:

c) structural and functional;

12. Structural-functional approach refers to the level of:

b) general scientific methodology;

13. Analysis of the general forms of scientific thinking refers to the level of:

a) philosophical methodology;

14. A distinctive feature of domestic psychology is the use of the category:

a) activities;

15. The need to identify contradictions as a source of development and self-development of the psyche means the principle:

c) unity and struggle of opposites;

16. The activity approach in psychology does not include the requirements of the principle:

d) reproduction in the ontogenesis of the psyche of the main stages of the cultural and historical development of man.

17. When defining activity as an object of psychological research, such an “aspect of the study of the psyche” was singled out as:

a) procedural;

18. The mental process depends on the factors that produce it according to the principle:

c) determinism;

19. The position on the unity of consciousness and activity was first put forward by:

a) S.L. Rubinstein;

20. The conditionality of mental phenomena by the action of the factors that produce them is the essence of the principle:

a) determinism;

21. As an explanatory principle in behaviorism, the principle was explicitly used:

a) determinism;

22. The methodological basis of behaviorism is:

b) positivism;

23. The methodology of behaviorism is closely related:

b) with a mechanistic understanding of behavior;

24. Psychoanalysis in its developed form was aimed at the study of personality and was formed in accordance with the principle:

b) development;

25. A specific study of personality in psychoanalysis is not due to such an ideological orientation as:

d) rationalism.

26. The philosophical basis of humanistic psychology is:

b) existentialism;

Research methods.

12. Purposeful, systematically carried out perception of objects, in the knowledge of which the person is interested, is:

c) observation;

13. Long-term and systematic observation, the study of the same people, which makes it possible to analyze mental development at various stages of the life path and, on the basis of this, draw certain conclusions, is commonly called research:

b) longitudinal;

14. The concept of "self-observation" is synonymous with the term:

c) introspection;

15. The systematic application of modeling is most characteristic of:

b) for Gestalt psychology;

16. A brief, standardized psychological test, as a result of which an attempt is made to evaluate a particular mental process or personality as a whole, is:

c) testing;

17. Obtaining by the subject of data about his own mental processes and states at the time of their occurrence or after it is:

d) self-observation.

18. The active intervention of the researcher in the activities of the subject in order to create conditions for the establishment of a psychological fact is called:

d) an experiment.

19. The main method for modern psychogenetic research is not:

d) introspection.

22. For the first time, an experimental psychological laboratory was opened:

a) W. James;

b) G. Ebbinghaus;

c) W. Wundt;

d) X. Wolf.

23. The world's first experimental laboratory began its work:

c) in 1879;

24. The first experimental psychological laboratory in Russia is known for:

c) since 1885;

25. The first pedological laboratory was created:

b) S. Hall in 1889;

26. In Russia, the first experimental psychological laboratory was opened by:

c) V.M. Bekhterev;

27. The ability of the researcher to cause some kind of mental process or property is the main advantage:

b) experiment;

42. The placebo effect was discovered:

c) doctors;

43. The factor of the presence of any external observer in the experiment is called the effect:

c) social facilitation;

44. The influence of the experimenter on the results is most significant in studies:

c) personality psychology and social psychology;

Good afternoon, dear experts!
Our team of specialists is pleased to welcome you to the educational portal, where we provide assistance in matters related to the most popular disciplines, such as Russian language, physics, psychology, etc. Are you interested in what are the features of the ontogenetic development of the psyche?

At the outset, I would like to point out that science psychology is multi-stage and multi-level. And in order to learn it most effectively, consider the following concepts, which we will refer to as we analyze this topic: PERSONALITY, PSYCHOLOGY, DEVELOPMENT, PSYCHE.

  1. PERSONALITY is a relatively stable integral system of intellectual, moral-volitional and socio-cultural qualities of a person, expressed in the individual characteristics of his consciousness and activity.
  2. PSYCHOLOGY is a complex and multilevel science that studies the patterns of emergence, development, and functioning of the human psyche, as well as a group of people.
  3. DEVELOPMENT is a complex process of transition from one state to another, more perfect, transition from an old qualitative state to a new qualitative state, from simple to complex, from lower to higher.
  4. PSYCHE is such a set of mental processes and phenomena (sensations, perceptions, emotions, memory, etc.)

It is worth noting that the following pattern is observed in the development of living beings: the higher the place that this living organism occupies on the scale of phylogenetic development, the more complex his nervous system, but the more time he needs to achieve full psychological and behavioral maturity.

Also, human being is born born the least adapted for independent life of all creatures living on Earth, but this is compensated by the extreme plasticity of his brain, the ability to form functional systems in his lifetime. Mental development of the child depends on the combined influence of two factors:

  1. biological maturation of the organism;
  2. interaction with the environment.

It should be added that the unevenness mental development leads to developmental crises. Examples include a one-year crisis, a three-year crisis, or adolescence crisis. Hope this lesson worked for you. educational, informative and most importantly interesting. I believe that you were able to emphasize something useful for yourself. If there are any unanswered questions, remember that you can always ask a question that concerns you, our team will be happy to consider it and justify it visually.
Good luck and success in your creative work!
