Review of effective ways to stimulate labor. How to properly incentivize staff

One of the most important functions of a manager, a leader of any rank, is to encourage employees subordinate to him to work effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the goals of the organization. To perform this function, the manager can use the mechanisms motivation and stimulation. At the same time, the structure of the motives of any person is very complex, and it is not so easy to build an effective and balanced incentive system. It is important to clearly understand what a motive and incentive are, how they differ, and what principles should be followed in motivating and stimulating the workforce.

This article addresses the above range of issues.

The concept of motive and motivation

As already mentioned, on employee's work activity(that is, the performance by him of certain expedient operations, rigidly fixed in space and time) can be influenced by motivation and stimulation. Consider these concepts in more detail and start with motivation.

motive (from lat. "motivatio" - "movement") - a conscious internal motivation of a person to any action.

Motivation- the process of inducing a person to any activity in order to achieve certain goals.

Motivation and motivation are different concepts! Motive is motivation, motivation is the process of motivation.

Motivation is studied by various theories, which can be divided into two large groups of theories of motivation:

2) Process theories of motivation- study the behavior of the individual, what causes this or that behavior, supports it and stops it (the theory of expectations of Vroom, the theory of motivation of L. Porter-E. Lawler, etc.). Pro →

Types of motives in labor activity and types of employee motivation

Motives in the labor activity of an employee are numerous and varied. There are always a lot of them. Together they form a motivational structure. Knowledge of the motivational structure allows the manager to develop and / or select tools (incentives) for external influence on the employee.

Motives can be classified according to different criteria. Motives are :

  • biological and spiritual;
  • external and internal;
  • personal and public;
  • short-term and sustainable;
  • conscious and unconscious.

Types of motives in labor activity :

  • herd motive - the need for an employee to be in a team, to feel belonging to something in common;
  • the motive of independence - the desire for innovation, risk, new activities;
  • the motive of self-affirmation is the performance of difficult work, which only highly qualified employees can do or the occupation of a leadership position that gives a sense of significance and importance;
  • stability motive - preference for reliable work, with a stable salary, social benefits and guarantees;
  • the motive for acquiring a new one is the choice of a job that can provide opportunities for expanding experience, acquiring knowledge, connections, career growth, etc.;
  • competitiveness motive - the desire to compete with other employees for the status of the most successful, creative, hardworking, intelligent, etc.

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Hall of Fame- one of the tools of non-material motivation of employees, appealing to the motives of competitiveness, self-affirmation, recognition.

At the same time, certain types of employee motivation can be distinguished.

Type of motivation- sustainable orientation of the employee to meet a certain group of needs.

The main types of employee motivation:

1. Orientation to intangible values ​​( social significance of work, interest in work, self-development).

2. Orientation to material values ​​( salary, bonuses, benefits).

3. Balanced motivation ( the employee focuses on intangible values, but does not forget about salary and benefits).

It is very difficult to manage the motivation of employees, to influence their motives. A simpler mechanism for influencing the workforce lies in the use of incentives.

Incentive, stimulation and types of incentives

Closely related, but still different from the concept of motive, is the concept of stimulus.

Stimulus (from lat. "stimulus" - the metal tip of a pole used to drive bulls) - external influence on a person or a group of people, with the aim of inducing a result.

It is important to understand that while a motive is an internal motivating force, a stimulus is always an external motivating factor. All employees react in their own way to the same incentives, depending on their interests, capabilities, expectations, goals, motives. The effect of the impact of the incentive will be the higher, the more it corresponds to the internal motives of the employee.

Stimulation- the process of influencing the employee, through environmental factors, to increase his labor activity.

Classification of the main types of incentives for employees

1. Financial incentives:

a) money:

  • wage;
  • bonuses and allowances;
  • compensation, etc.

b) non-monetary (benefits - a package of social benefits):

  • vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • medical care and insurance;
  • tuition payment;
  • provision of service housing;
  • payment of transport costs.

2. Non-monetary incentives:

a) social:

  • opportunity for career growth;
  • the prestige of the work;
  • communication in a team.

b) moral:

  • respect for professionalism;
  • certificates of honor, diplomas and titles.

c) creative:

  • the possibility of self-realization and self-development;
  • creative and interesting work.

Basic principles of employee incentives

In order for incentives to be effective and effective, the manager must adhere to a number of certain incentive principles:

1. Availability- Incentives should be applied to all employees, everyone should have access to them.

2. Graduality- remuneration must be increased gradually, smoothly, so that the employee does not receive an unreasonably large reward at a time.

3. Perceptibility- the incentive must be meaningful and tangible for the employee.

4. Combination of material and non-material incentives- it is necessary not only to give out bonuses, but also to praise employees for diligence and professionalism.

5. Minimize the gap between the results of work and remuneration for it. The sooner the worker gets paid for his work, the better. So he will clearly understand the relationship between his work and its remuneration.

6. The policy of carrots and sticks. In addition to incentives, in some cases it is appropriate to use anti-stimuli. Not only bonuses for exceeding the plan, but also fines for not fulfilling it.

Interestingly, incentives don't always work. It happens that despite all the efforts of the manager to stimulate employees, the effect of his actions is zero. Here are just a few of the possible reasons why incentives don't work:

1. Lack of motivation. If an employee is not motivated to achieve a result, no incentives will make him work faster and better.

2. Discrepancy between the incentive and the needs of the worker. For example, an employee is absolutely not ambitious and does not care if he gets on the honor roll or not. At the same time, he would be happy with a pay rise. But the manager only talks about the competition for the best employee of the month and not a word about the award ...

3. Addictive. If bonuses are given frequently and regularly, workers soon get used to them. The bonus is no longer perceived as an encouragement, but is seen as a self-evident additional payment.

4. Incomprehensibility of the incentive system. If employees do not clearly understand for what indicators they are stimulated and how the same bonus is calculated, there will be little sense from incentives. Discontent will begin in the team - everyone will think that they work the same way or more than their colleagues, but they get less.

Motivation and stimulation of labor activity briefly

Many factors influence the performance of employees. This is the climate, and working conditions (humidity in the room, light level, temperature, etc.), and the amount of wages, and relationships in the team and with superiors, and much more.

Labor activity- the performance by employees of the enterprise of certain expedient operations, rigidly fixed in space and time.

The efficiency of labor activity of employees is determined by motivation and stimulation.

motive- a conscious internal motivation of a person to something.

Motivation- the process of internal motivation for something.

All theories of motivation are divided into 2 groups:
1) Content- consider human needs (for example, Maslow's pyramid of needs).
2) Procedural- study the behavior of an individual (for example, Vroom's theory of expectations).

Motives are: biological and spiritual, external and internal, personal and social.

Stimulus- external influence on a person or a group of people, with the aim of inducing a result.

Stimulation- the process of external influence on the employee in order to increase his labor activity.

1. Financial incentives:

a) cash (salary, bonuses);

b) non-monetary (vouchers, corporate housing, benefits).

2. Non-monetary incentives:

a) social (career growth, communication in a team);

b) moral (respect, diplomas);

c) creative (the possibility of self-realization, creative work).

Basic principles of incentives:

1. Availability of incentives for all employees.

2. The gradual increase in remuneration.

3. Perceptibility of stimuli.

4. Combination of tangible and intangible.

5. Minimizing the gap between performance and remuneration.

6. The policy of carrots and sticks.

Competent incentives for employees, taking into account their motives, will allow the manager to achieve high performance of the workforce and their interest in achieving the goals of the organization.

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The question of employee motivation is of interest to almost every businessman. The most successful of them are well aware that employees need to be encouraged and stimulated in every possible way. After all, there are not often people who are completely and completely satisfied with their position, which they, most likely, did not take by vocation. However, any leader can make the work process comfortable for the team, so that each person fulfills his duties with pleasure. Ultimately, labor productivity, the prospects for the development of the company, etc. will depend on this.

Many companies conduct castings, they are looking for staff, arrange psychological trainings, etc. And all this is only in order to increase the interest of their employees in the final result by any means.


The issue of increasing the interest of staff in the final result of their work is relevant not only in our country, but throughout the world. After all, successful motivation of employees is the key to the success of the entire company as a whole. What does this concept mean?

Motivation of employees is an internal process that takes place in the enterprise. Its goal is to encourage each member of the team to work towards the end result.

In addition, the motivation of employees is an indispensable component of the personnel policy of any institution. Its role in the management system is very tangible. With a well-organized process of increasing the interest of the staff, such events can significantly increase the profitability of the business. If the system is mediocre, then all the efforts of even the best specialists will be nullified.

Employee motivation is a set of incentives that determine the behavior of a particular individual. That is, it is a certain set of actions on the part of the leader. At the same time, the goal of motivating employees is to improve their ability to work, as well as attract talented and qualified specialists and keep them in the company.

Each manager independently determines the methods that encourage the team to active and creative activity, which allow people to satisfy their own needs and at the same time fulfill the general task assigned to the enterprise. If an employee is motivated, then he will certainly enjoy his work. He is attached to it with his soul, experiencing the joy of fulfilling the tasks assigned to him. It is impossible to achieve this by force. But at the same time, encouraging employees and recognizing their achievements is a very difficult process. It requires taking into account the quality and quantity of labor, as well as those circumstances that serve as a prerequisite for the emergence and development of behavioral motives. In this regard, it is extremely important for each manager to choose the right motivation system for his subordinates for his enterprise, applying a special approach to each of them.

Tasks in progress

The development of employee motivation is necessary to unite the interests of each member of the team and the entire enterprise. In other words, the company needs a quality job, and the staff - a decent salary. However, this is far from the only task facing the system of motivation. Its implementation allows:

  • attract and interest valuable specialists;
  • eliminate the turnover of qualified personnel;
  • identify the best employees and reward them;
  • control employee benefits.

Many of the beginning businessmen do not fully realize the importance of tackling motivation issues. Thoughtlessly approaching the creation of an incentive system at their enterprise, they are trying to achieve the task they have set by paying bonuses alone. However, such actions will not allow to fully solve this problem, which will require a full analysis and competent resolution. This can be done by first studying the theories of motivation created by famous people. Let's consider them in more detail.

Maslow's theory

  1. Physical. These needs are the desire of a person to satisfy the physiological need for food and drink, rest, home, etc.
  2. security needs. Each of us strives to gain confidence in the future. At the same time, people need to feel emotional and physical security.
  3. Social needs. Every person wants to be a part of society. To do this, he acquires friends, family, etc.
  4. The need for respect and recognition. All people dream of being independent, having authority and a certain status.
  5. The need for self-expression. People always strive to conquer peaks, develop their "I" and realize their own capabilities.

Maslow compiled a list of needs according to their importance. So, the most important is the first point, and the last is the least significant. A leader who chooses the theory of this author to increase the motivation of employees does not have to fulfill everything one hundred percent without fail. However, it is important to try to at least address each of the above needs.

McGregor's X and Y Theory

  1. Using Theory X. In this case, the leader adheres to an authoritarian regime of management. This should happen in cases where the team is extremely disorganized, and people simply hate their work, trying in every possible way to remove themselves from the performance of their official duties. That is why they need strict control from the leader. This is the only way to get the job done. The boss is forced not only to constantly monitor the staff, but also to encourage him to conscientiously fulfill the assigned duties by developing and implementing a system of punishments.
  2. Using the theory "Y". This direction of employee motivation is fundamentally different from the previous one. It is based on the work of the team, performed with full dedication. At the same time, all employees take a responsible approach to the fulfillment of their duties, show interest in them and strive to develop. That is why the management of such employees should be carried out using a loyal approach to each person.

Motivational-hygienic theory of Herzberg

It is based on the assertion that the performance of work can bring satisfaction to a person or leave him dissatisfied for various reasons. A person will receive pleasure from solving the tasks assigned to him if the end result becomes an opportunity for his self-expression. The main motivation of employees is the development of specialists. And it directly depends on the prospects for their career growth, recognition of achievements and the emergence of a sense of responsibility.

What factors motivate employees to lead to their dissatisfaction? They are associated with shortcomings in the organizational process of the enterprise, with poor working conditions. Their list includes low wages, an unhealthy atmosphere in the team, etc.

McClelland's theory

  1. The need to control and influence other people. Some of these workers simply want to manage others. Others seek to solve group problems.
  2. The need to succeed. These people like to work on their own. They have a need to perform a new task better than the previous one.
  3. The need for involvement in a particular process. Employees in this category want respect and recognition. They prefer to work in specially organized groups.

The manager, based on the needs of each of the team members, must introduce a system of employee motivation.

Process Theory of Stimulation

This direction is based on the assertion that it is important for a person to achieve pleasure without experiencing pain. This is what the leader should take into account. According to this theory, he needs to encourage his employees more often, applying punishment as rarely as possible.

Vroom's expectancy theory

In this case, the peculiarity of employee motivation lies in the acceptance of the fact that a person will perform his work with the highest quality only when he understands that the end result will satisfy his needs. This is the main motivation for people.

Adams theory

The meaning of the statements of this author boils down to the fact that the work of any person should have an appropriate reward. In case of underpayment, the employee will work worse, and in case of overpayment, all his actions will remain at the same level. That is why each of the work performed should be rewarded fairly.

Direct and indirect motivation

There are a large number of ways that allow you to increase labor productivity by influencing the team of employees. Depending on the form used, motivation can be direct or indirect. In the first case, the employee is well aware that the task quickly and efficiently completed by him will be additionally rewarded.

Indirect motivation is ongoing stimulating activities that allow you to renew a person's interest in the performance of his duties and cause him satisfaction after completing the task assigned to him. In this case, each member of the team has an aggravated sense of responsibility, which makes it unnecessary to control by the management.

In turn, direct motivation can be material (economic) and non-material. Let's take a closer look at these categories.

material motivation

Sometimes business leaders are convinced that the most effective incentive for any employee is the amount of wages he receives. But actually it is not. If we consider those human needs that Maslow described in his theory, it becomes clear that money can satisfy only the first two of them. That is why the system of motivating employees in an organization, which provides for increasing the interest of specialists with only a high salary, is ineffective. Yes, it provides an increase in the productivity of people, but not for long. Usually this period lasts no more than 3-4 months. After that, specialists feel dissatisfaction with all other needs, which are at a higher level compared to physiological and safety issues.

What are the material ways to motivate employees? There are only three types of them, which include various financial incentives for personnel, as well as penalties for late or incorrectly completed tasks.

Employee motivation methods include:

  • monetary rewards;
  • non-monetary rewards;
  • penalty system.

Cash rewards are:

  • allowances and bonuses;
  • wage growth;
  • benefits and social insurance;
  • percentage of sales;
  • cash rewards for overfulfillment;
  • large discounts on the company's products or services.

For example, monetary rewards accrued for exceeding a predetermined plan are an excellent motivation for sales staff.

In addition, a financial incentive is the reward that is due for winning a particular competition. For example, an employee represented a company with dignity at an ongoing industry competition in a region, country, or globally. At the same time, the specialist took a prize-winning place, for which the management of the company encouraged him with a large bonus.

Non-monetary rewards include the implementation of social corporate projects:

  • providing discounts or free use of the organization's institutions (kindergartens, clinics, etc.);
  • the opportunity to relax on a voucher purchased by the company in sanatoriums, rest homes or health camps (for children of company employees);
  • providing tickets for various cultural events;
  • professional development or training at the expense of the organization;
  • providing paid time off or extraordinary days off;
  • sending to foreign business trips;
  • well-equipped workplace.
  • material punishments for a specific member of the team, which take place in case of his being late, failure to complete the task and other administrative violations;
  • deprivation of the bonus of all employees for failure to fulfill the plan of a particular time period;
  • the introduction of so-called penalty hours.

When applying punishment as one of the ways to motivate employees, the manager must remember that the main task of such an event is to prevent certain actions that can harm the enterprise in a certain way. The employee, realizing that if the planned plan is not fulfilled, he will certainly be fined, he will begin to treat his work with greater responsibility.

However, it should be borne in mind that the punishment system is effective in cases where it is not revenge for the employee's misconduct. Fines should be a measure of the psychological impact on a person. One example of this type of employee motivation is the slogan that an employee must play by the company's rules in order to feel comfortable. At the same time, failure to comply with such rules should be punished in accordance with the level of the offense committed.

Will it be enough just to intimidate people with fines? Will they work with due dedication after that? Not! Such a system should be applied only if it is closely linked to premiums, bonuses and incentives. It is important for the leader to find a middle ground in order to act fairly, rewarding for success and punishing for failures.

Non-material motivation

This method should also be applied when stimulating company employees. He will allow them to come to work, while having a genuine desire to beat competing firms in everything.

What is the non-material motivation of employees? It is a set of effective forms and types of staff incentives, which are:

  • praise for successes and their public recognition;
  • career prospects;
  • a comfortable atmosphere in the team and throughout the organization;
  • holding cultural events and corporate events;
  • congratulations to employees on significant dates for them (happy birthday, wedding, anniversary);
  • holding motivational meetings;
  • prize draws and professional competitions;
  • involvement of specialists in making strategic decisions.

The non-material motivation of employees is also understood as feedback in the form of a manager's response to the claims of employees, their wishes, etc.

Other types of incentives

What other measures can the manager take in order to increase labor productivity at the enterprise? To do this, there are such methods of motivating employees as:

  1. Social. A person realizes that he is part of a team and an integral element of the whole mechanism. This makes him afraid to let his colleagues down. To prevent this, he does everything for the highest quality performance of the task assigned to him.
  2. Psychological. The head of the enterprise should contribute to the creation of a friendly atmosphere within the team. Good relations in the company lead to the fact that a person willingly goes to work and takes part in the production process. At the same time, he receives psychological satisfaction.
  3. Labor. This method of stimulation is aimed at the self-realization of the employee.
  4. Career. In this case, moving up the corporate ladder is a good motive.
  5. Gender. The employee's motivation in this case lies in his ability to show off his own successes and good luck to others.
  6. Educational. When applying this method, the desire to work appears when a person desires to learn, develop and receive education.

To obtain an effective result, the system of employee motivation should be built in such a way as to use all the methods of stimulating personnel in a complex, which will allow the company to receive a good stable profit.

Levels of motivation

Each person is, of course, an individual. So, in the team there will always be careerists for whom climbing the career ladder is extremely important in life. Others prefer the lack of change and stability. This should be taken into account by the manager when developing a system of employee motivation. That is, each of them will need to find its own approach.

To date, there are three levels of motivation for the activities of employees of the enterprise. She happens:

  1. Individual. With such motivation, decent wages for employees are provided. When calculating the amount of payments, it is necessary to take into account the skills and abilities inherent in the employee. The subordinate must understand that if he performs the tasks assigned to him with high quality and on time, he will definitely climb the career ladder.
  2. Command. With such motivation, a team united by one thing works more efficiently. In this case, each of the team members understands that the success of the entire group directly depends on the results of his work. When developing team motivation, it is important to understand that the atmosphere that exists within the team must certainly be friendly.
  3. Organizational. In this case, the team of the enterprise should be united in the system. At the same time, people need to realize that their team is a single mechanism. All work performed will directly depend on the actions of each employee. Maintaining a company at this level is one of the most difficult tasks for a leader.

Organization of a systematic approach to the motivation system

How to carry out activities aimed at increasing the productivity of employees? To do this, you need to remember that motivation is a system consisting of 5 successive stages. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. At the first stage, the problems that exist in the motivation of staff are identified. To do this, the manager will need to conduct an appropriate analysis. Obtaining the necessary data is possible with the help of anonymous questionnaires, which will reveal the reasons for the dissatisfaction of subordinates.
  2. At the second stage, taking into account the data obtained during the analysis, the team is managed. At the same time, the leader must work closely with subordinates. Given the research data, it will be necessary to introduce methods that can bring more benefits to the enterprise. One example of motivating employees at this stage is a change in the working day, if the majority of specialists do not agree with the one that exists at the moment.
  3. At the third stage, there is a direct impact on the behavior of workers. But, carrying out activities to develop a motivation system, the manager must accept criticism and provide timely remuneration of employees. In addition, the boss must demonstrate the correct behavior on himself, thereby teaching his employees the same.
  4. The fourth stage is characterized by activities aimed at improving the existing system of motivation in the enterprise. During this period, non-material ways to stimulate employees are being introduced. Employees must be convinced of the importance of increasing labor productivity. The leader will need to "ignite" each of his subordinates, finding an individual approach to each of them.
  5. At the fifth stage, employees should receive a well-deserved reward for their work. To do this, each of the companies develops its own system of incentives and bonuses. When the team realizes that its efforts do not go unrewarded, it will begin to work even more productively and better.

Examples and ways of motivation

There are quite a lot of methods to increase the activity of employees at work. However, before putting them into practice, the manager should consider which of the methods are suitable for his company.

Among the best methods of motivation are the following:

  1. The salary. It is a powerful motivator, forcing the employee to perform the tasks entrusted to him with high quality. With low wages, it is unlikely to satisfy the employee, who, most likely, will not give all the best at 100%.
  2. Praise. Every employee who conscientiously performs his work certainly wants to hear words of approval. The manager needs to regularly analyze the performance of tasks by specialists, while not stinting on praise. With this method, without spending a single penny, the boss can significantly increase the productivity of the staff.
  3. Address by name. In order to constantly maintain the authority of the director, he needs to know his employees by name. Addressing a person not by their last name is showing respect to him. The subordinate in this case realizes that he is a person who is valued by the leader.
  4. Additional rest. This method allows you to stimulate people to do their job better and faster. So, for example, the motivation of department employees who are not directly related to customers can be carried out. The member of the team who shows the best result according to the results of the week can go home earlier on Friday. The application of this method causes excitement among subordinates and the desire of each of them to become a winner.
  5. Upgrade prospect. People should understand that if they do their job well and quickly, they will definitely achieve a rise in the corporate ladder. Such a prospect can motivate no worse than material rewards.
  6. Opportunity to be heard and express your opinion. It is important for every specialist to know that his opinion is considered and listened to.
  7. Rewarding. When any memorable date comes, it is advisable for employees to present gifts. Such a sign of attention can be an ordinary trinket, on which an engraving will be applied. Such a memorable gift will be remembered by a person for a lifetime.
  8. Hall of Fame. Placing photographs on it refers to non-material methods of motivation that remarkably increase labor productivity. The organization places pictures of the best employees of its team on such a board. This allows you to create such a direction as industrial competition, which allows you to stimulate staff to improve performance.
  9. Providing the opportunity to work from home. This method of motivation is only suitable for certain companies. In the case when an office worker has to do routine work, he can do it without leaving the walls of his house. The main condition for this will be the qualitative performance of the task.
  10. Corporate events. Many businesses throw parties to celebrate big holidays. People present at such celebrations relax, their communication takes place in an informal setting. Corporate events help employees get distracted and also demonstrate that the company cares about its employees.
  11. public expression of gratitude. The manager should praise the employee not only personally. It would be great if it was done in public. Implementation of such an idea is possible in various ways. For example, the announcement of the best employee through the media, on the radio or through a loudspeaker installed in the enterprise. Such praise will encourage other employees to work much better so that as many people as possible know about their success.
  12. Motivational board. This method is simple but very effective. The idea is realized by placing on the demonstration board a graph of the productivity of each of the participants in the production process. In this way, sales staff can also be motivated. Each of the team members will immediately see who works better, and he will have the desire to become a leader himself.
  13. Formation of a bank of ideas. It can be created in the organization in the form of an electronic box. Everyone is given the opportunity to send their letter with proposals. Thanks to this approach, employees will certainly have a sense of self-worth.

To date, stimulating staff to quality work is inextricably linked with the issue of motivation and management of the work of personnel in the company. The current economic situation imposes a high level of requirements on the work of personnel, and methods that stimulate the most efficient approach to work.

Why is stimulation needed?

A well-tuned management system involves the development of an effective model for motivating employees on the part of the management. Employee motivation is called material and non-material incentives for staff, used to improve the quality and productivity of employees, plus, in addition to this, recruiting new competent specialists and keeping them in the company. The main and most common way to motivate staff is remuneration . However, there are also non-material forms of employee labor incentives that motivate employees to work effectively without receiving direct financial profit.

Functions of this process

Today, the personnel incentive system is a whole complex of various actions that are used by the managerial top of the organization in order to achieve maximum employee performance. At the same time, the functions of this system can be conditionally divided into: economic, moral and social.

The economic function, from the point of view of the company, is the fact that competent incentives for employees lead to an increase in the efficiency of production processes, as well as an increase in the level of quality of products or services.
From the point of view of the moral function, motivation to work allows the formation of an active life position of employees, and also leads to an improvement in the social climate in the team, provided that the incentive system takes into account the traditions and moral values ​​formed by this team.

The social function arises from the formed social distribution in society, based on different levels of income of the population. This state of affairs contributes to the development of a person's personality and to a certain extent forms his needs.
Simply put, the stimulation of personnel in an organization can be divided into tangible and intangible. At the same time, in turn, the material is branched into monetary and non-monetary types of motivation. Monetary types include not only wages, but also various percentages of remuneration from profits, as well as loans and soft loans from the organization.

The main types of motivation

Non-monetary types of material motivation are various kinds of insurance, medical care, free meals, reimbursement of transportation costs, etc. This may also include measures to improve working conditions for workers.

Non-material incentives for the work of personnel are represented by employee training, various kinds of internships and business trips, as well as the regulation of the work schedule and the provision of additional vacation days.

It can also be said that the moral incentive for effective work is to increase the level of respect from others by providing an appropriate level of position, awards, for quality work.

What is incentive based on?

The basic principles on which the entire incentive system is built can be expressed by the following criteria:

  1. Availability. This means that the incentive conditions should be as clear and accessible as possible for each employee.
  2. Gradually. This criterion reflects the need for a progressive and justified increase in the incentive for the employee, without sharp overestimated jumps that can create unreasonably high expectations among the staff.
  3. Perceptibility. Despite the need for a gradual increase in incentives, different teams will still have their own step level, which will be effective enough to motivate work.
  4. Timeliness. The meaning of this criterion is to minimize the time interval between receiving the results of the work and paying for these results. At the moment, the most common example of such actions can be considered a weekly pay for work. This practice even makes it possible to save on the amount of bonuses, since the frequency of payments in itself is quite attractive to employees.
  5. Equilibrium. In this case, we mean the use of a reasonable combination of positive and negative incentives for staff. So, the fear of dismissal or fines can be no less effective if the distribution of bonuses and bonuses is still fair and timely.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the forms of staff incentives can be both in the form of material cash payments, and in the form of benefits and discounts on manufactured products, as well as the availability of medical insurance or the so-called social package.

Of course, the main percentage of material remuneration falls on incentive payments to employees in the form of wages.

However, in many successful companies, only seventy percent of an employee's income comes from wages. The rest of the interest comes from cash bonuses, or bonuses at the end of the year. Some organizations include in this list payments on shares or percentages of the profits received by the company.

Other ways to motivate

One of the latest methods of motivation is to stimulate the labor activity of staff through their personal participation in the company's profit. This is achieved by setting wider powers for employees in the course of the company's activities.
But such an approach, in addition to possible benefits, also brings problems. For example, the level of expenses for organizing meetings and discussions of various issues is rising. In addition, personal responsibility for making decisions becomes less pronounced, which ultimately affects the quality of the work done.

Due to constant changes in the process of economic activity of the company, from time to time it is necessary to improve the personnel incentive system. This is done to ensure that the management has developed effective approaches and mechanisms for managing employee motivation, allowing the company to maintain productivity and competitiveness in the market.

Recently, the management of companies has been actively studying foreign experience in stimulating personnel in order to find possible solutions for optimizing and introducing some methods into their management system. For example, the American incentive system is based on a clear understanding of the company's strategy and tactics, and the development of specific tasks for each department based on this information. In addition, bringing to the attention of all employees a list of goals and means that they can use to achieve a common goal.

Employees' perspective

The general trend for company owners around the world is to seek not an employee, but a partner for their company, whose income directly depends on the labor invested, based on the capital of the enterprise. This is due to the fact that hired employees do not receive too high salaries due to low labor efficiency, and hence the low productivity of the company as a whole.

To assess the current situation in the field of labor motivation, from time to time an analysis of the personnel incentive system is carried out. At the same time, if the results of the analysis show that the existing system contradicts the behavioral characteristics of the employees who are currently working, then the most reasonable solution would be to replace either the system or the employees.

Different types of employees value different opportunities provided by working in a company: power, financial compensation, confidence in the future, recognition, authority, etc.
Once it is possible to determine what type of workers make up the bulk of the company's employees, specialists dealing with this issue will be able to make recommendations about the possibility of creating such working conditions in which the return from workers will be maximum.
The work carried out to improve the incentive system for employees will be more effective if the process takes into account the wishes of at least the main specialists who make up the backbone of the team.

So, for example, the list of the main problems that most often worry employees is approximately the following:

  • unreasonably large difference between the level of salaries among the highest and lowest composition of the company's employees;
  • the same pay for different levels of work complexity;
  • unfair system of payment of remuneration for the invested efforts;
  • the invariability of the level of wages, despite the increase in performance, and as a result of the increase in the company's profit;
  • lack of clear parameters for evaluating the work of an employee;
  • indifferent attitude to the level of complexity of the work done by the employee;
  • humiliating actions on the part of management.

Based on the information received about the incentives and motives for work for each category of employees, it is possible to develop the most suitable motivation system for a particular company, which will help maintain the employee's interest in meeting the established indicators, as well as showing initiative, creativity and interaction with the team. This is the goal of most employee incentive systems, which helps to realize the full potential of the enterprise.

The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people. Effective activity is possible only if employees have the appropriate motivation, i.e., the desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person's abilities, releases his potential, negative motivation inhibits the manifestation of abilities, hinders the achievement of activity goals.

The effectiveness of management to a very large extent depends on how successfully the motivation process is carried out.

Incentives act as levers of influence or carriers of "irritation" that cause the action of certain motives. Individual objects, actions of other people, promises, carriers of obligations and opportunities, offered to a person as compensation for his actions, or what he would like to receive as a result of certain actions, can act as incentives. A person reacts to many stimuli not necessarily consciously. To individual stimuli, his reaction may even be beyond conscious control.

The response to specific stimuli is not the same in different people. Therefore, stimuli by themselves have no absolute meaning or meaning if people do not respond to them. For example, in the conditions of the collapse of the monetary system, when it is practically impossible to buy anything with money, wages and banknotes in general lose their role as incentives and can be used to a very limited extent in managing people.

The process of using various incentives to motivate people is called process m stimulation. Stimulation takes many forms. In management practice, one of its most common forms is financial incentives. The role of this stimulation process is exceptionally great.

However, it is very important to take into account the situation in which material incentives are carried out and try to choose exaggerations of its capabilities, since a person has a very complex and ambiguous system of needs, interests, priorities and goals.

Stimulation is fundamentally different from motivation. The essence of this difference is that stimulation is one of the means by which motivation can be carried out. At the same time, the higher the level of development of relations in the organization, the less often incentives are used as a means of managing people. This is due to the fact that upbringing and training, as one of the methods of motivating people, leads to the fact that the members of the organization themselves show an interested participation in the affairs of the organization, taking the necessary actions without waiting, or without receiving the appropriate stimulating effect at all.

The essence of the concepts of "labor motive" and "labor incentive" is identical. In one case, we are talking about an employee seeking to obtain benefits through labor activity (motive), in the other, about a management body that has a set of benefits necessary for the employee and provides them to him under the condition of effective labor activity (incentive). Therefore, it can be said that labor stimulation is a way of rewarding an employee for participating in production, based on a comparison of labor efficiency and technology requirements.

Thus, stimulation of labor is a way to control the behavior of social systems of various hierarchical levels, is one of the methods of motivating the labor behavior of management objects.

Labor motivation is the process of stimulating an individual performer or a group of people to work, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, to the productive implementation of decisions made or planned work.

This definition shows the close relationship between the managerial and individual psychological content of motivation, based on the fact that the management of a social system and a person, in contrast to the management of technical systems, contains, as a necessary element, the coordination of the chains of the object and subject of management. Its result will be the labor behavior of the object of management and, ultimately, a certain result of labor activity.

Thus, the essence of stimulating employees is as follows:

This is the stimulation of high labor indicators of an employee;

This is the formation of a certain line of labor behavior of the employee, aimed at the prosperity of the organization;

This is the motivation of the employee to the fullest use of his physical and mental potential in the process of carrying out the duties assigned to him.

1.2 Forms of stimulation of labor activity.

Forms of stimulation of labor activity are usually divided into material and non-material aspects.

Material aspect:

The task of the manager, in the case of financial incentives, is to develop a performance bonus scheme, a piecework system, or labor agreements. This task is by no means easy, since the situation in each firm is unique and, therefore, the bonus system must be unique for each case. It also depends on the specialization of the staff. Thus, it is completely inefficient to introduce a piecework bonus system to production workers in firms with a dynamic production process, oriented mainly to work on order.

Not all methods of economic incentives can have a motivational effect on employees, however, there are several basic provisions on bonuses that do not affect the specifics of the company and are universal.

The manager should be guided by them when introducing methods of economic motivation:

Bonuses should not be too general and widespread, otherwise they will be perceived simply as part of the normal salary under normal circumstances;

The bonus must be related to the employee's personal contribution to production, whether it is individual or group work;

There must be some acceptable method to measure this increase in performance;

Employees should feel that the bonus is dependent on additional, not normative, effort;

Additional efforts of employees stimulated by the bonus should cover the costs of paying these bonuses.

As already noted, the methods of economic incentives should depend not only on the specifics of the firm as a whole, but also vary depending on the specialization of employees.

Intangible Incentives:

Unfortunately, in modern Russian conditions, incentives in work, which form the employee's feeling of internal (non-material) reward, have been largely lost. Studies show that the vast majority of employees prioritize the material factor, and only a small number of them (mostly managers) speak of the need to enjoy work and feel important.

An important role in the long-term incentives for employees to long-term, effective work at the enterprise is played by social benefits that enterprises provide to their employees. Social benefits can be either guaranteed by the state or voluntarily provided by the enterprise to its employees.

State-guaranteed social benefits are mandatory for enterprises of all forms of ownership and therefore do not play a stimulating role, but the role of social guarantees and social protection for able-bodied members of society who have a job. Such benefits include annual paid leave, paid sick leave, etc. These benefits are mandatory.

But the company can provide its employees with benefits that are not provided for by law. This is done to attract new employees to the enterprise, reduce staff turnover, stimulate efficient and high-quality work. In addition, employers, providing employees with social benefits, pursue such goals as reducing trade union activity, preventing strikes, attracting and retaining qualified personnel at the enterprise.

Social benefits are a special form of employee participation in the economic success of the enterprise. In the modern economy, the condition for the success of the company is not only profit maximization, but also the social security of the employee, the development of his personality.

In this regard, a number of functions of social benefits voluntarily provided by the enterprise to its employees can be distinguished:

Aligning the goals and needs of employees with the goals of the enterprise;

Development of a special psychology among employees when they identify themselves with their enterprise;

Increasing productivity, efficiency and quality of work and the readiness of employees to work effectively for the benefit of the enterprise;

Social protection of employees at a higher level than provided by law;

Creation of a positive microclimate in the labor collective of the enterprise;

Creation of a positive image of the enterprise among its employees and public opinion.

Benefits provided by enterprises to their employees can be divided into four types:

Social benefits in monetary terms;

Providing employees with an additional old-age pension;

Granting employees the right to use the social facilities of the enterprise;

Social assistance to families and organization of leisure activities for employees and their families.

Social benefits in monetary terms carry a principle similar to monetary remuneration. Such benefits may include the right to purchase shares of the enterprise for employees at a reduced price. Thus, the goal of involving an employee in joint ownership of the enterprise is achieved, which forms a sense of ownership among employees, a careful attitude to the property of the enterprise. The forms of participation of an employee in the capital of an enterprise can be different. These include free shares, ordinary shares discounted by a certain percentage of the market price of shares, and preferred shares without the right to vote at a general meeting of shareholders.

Thus, one of the goals of stimulating employees should be the return of interest in work, the education of belonging to a common cause in the team. These tasks are solved with the help of intangible elements of the labor incentive system. It can also be concluded that the use of various forms and methods of incentives allows the management of the enterprise to form an effective motivation of personnel for effective activity, which, in turn, will contribute not only to the functioning, but also to the development of the enterprise.

Similar information.

Ways to motivate staff is an important tool for every manager, because human resources are the basis of business efficiency. The success of any business depends on the experience and qualifications of employees. The latest technologies and equipment, high-quality raw materials and detailed descriptions of all production processes, if used incorrectly and inefficiently, will not bring the desired economic effect.

Therefore, the methods of motivating employees take the leading place among the main tasks of modern management. An interested, active and motivated employee is a guarantee of high productivity and a guarantee of the quality of work of any enterprise or organization.

Employee motivation is one of the most difficult tasks in personnel management. This is especially true for organizations where it is difficult or even impossible to evaluate the performance of each individual employee. The simplest "carrot and stick" scheme is outdated and needs to be revised from the point of view of an individual approach. And the task of the leader is to find the right combination for the team.

The general list of ways to motivate staff is as follows.
1. Direct financial incentives in the form of bonuses.
2. Systems of penalties.
3. Paid sick leave and vacation pay.
4. Salary increase.
5. Payment of compensation for years of service.
6. Career growth.
7. Creating a sense of belonging (issuing certificates and thanks, engaging in meetings).
8. Introduction of career status symbols.
9. Access to education, including courses, trainings, retraining, the opportunity to get a second higher education, a scientific degree.
10. Delivery of valuable personalized gifts for anniversaries, memorable dates, for personal contribution to the success of the enterprise.
11. Organization of recreation for members of the team (selection of tour packages, payment of part of the cost of the tour).
12. Organization of corporate rest.
13. Medical insurance at the expense of the company, paid medical examinations.
14. Conducting competitions among employees.
15. Provision of service housing for living.

All of the above methods in personnel management are divided into tangible and intangible to simplify and systematize.

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