I promise complete obedience and submission to the girl. Women's subordination system

This article contains only time-tested solutions to one of the most popular problems in relationships with girls at the moment, which will be useful for guys.

How to subjugate a girl with hypnosis and control her

In order to subjugate a girl, it is not at all necessary to be a hypnotist or possess some special supernatural skills.

At all times, women have been females, instinctively taking care of procreation, maintaining family comfort and warmth, and protecting offspring from external predators.

In order for a woman to follow a man to the ends of the world and agree to fulfill any of his whims, he only needs to surround her with warmth, affection, love. A woman needs to feel confident, not be afraid to step into tomorrow, be sure that her man will protect her in any situation and that he can create a happy family with her.

If a woman has confidence that she will have all of the above, then she herself will fall at the feet of her man.

How to subdue a girl to your will psychology

To subjugate a woman, one must not only be purposeful, persistent and firm, but at the same time one must show care, affection and tenderness towards her.

In the process of subjugating a woman, a man should not deviate from his intended goals or allow her to impose her point of view, to succumb to her manipulations.

A woman should be kept in strict control, not allowing her anything superfluous (both words and deeds). If she shows disrespect in some way, or if an accidentally thrown word can hurt your dignity, then she should explain this through a calm conversation.

The main thing in the process of subjugating a woman is to make her love you with all your heart and soul. A woman in love herself is eighty percent ready to fall at your feet, she just needs a little push.

How to subdue a woman spells and magic

To subjugate the will of a woman, you can turn to black magic. To carry out the ritual, you need to have a photo of your beloved, in which she is depicted alone, and a white sheet of paper. The ritual must be performed on the full moon. On the sheet you need to write the name of your beloved and put a photo under it.

The sheet falls on the floor. With the heel of the right foot and the knee of the left, you must simultaneously step on it and holding a lit candle in your hands repeat the words of the spell 6 times: “A dozen devils, a dozen brothers, come out to me, help out of the darkness! You find me longing, put it on the slave (name). Let it go through the skin, through the brains, through the bones. Let her suffer for me, and wait for me every hour, unquestioningly fulfill my will! Let it be so!"

Put the candle on a piece of paper to burn it to the ground. In the morning, before sunrise, the sheet with the photo should be folded in four and placed under the mattress. When the woman becomes submissive, the paper must be burned and the ashes scattered around the house.

In many cases, the desire of a man for equal relations is perceived as the subordination of a man to a woman. This is due to low expectations for the position of women in society and, to a large extent, with overestimated expectations for the position of men. In a number of issues related to areas that society considers men responsible, it may be the other way around. It can also be noted that many of the privileges of men are illusory given the reality of discrimination and oppression of women.

Equal relations can be perceived as a privilege for women by patriarchal male sexists, including the men's movement. Discrimination against women in paid work and restrictions on women's sexuality in terms of desire and satisfaction, which reduce the sexual activity of women compared to men, are the reason why sex and relationships are often seen as a way for women to receive various benefits. Patriarchal women, who are inclined to impose material and moral responsibility in a number of areas on men, in many cases losing their rights, may consider a man inclined to equal relations, inclined to submit to women, have a negative attitude towards such men and avoid relations with them. Or, on the contrary, consider him not fulfilling "male" duties, but with the same result. This also applies to some women who call themselves feminists but talk about equal rights without equal responsibility. But the norms of responsibility of men in a number of areas inevitably lead to violations of the rights of women as a group, being a reason for discrimination against women in the public sphere, including paid work, and for ignoring the rights of women in personal, including domestic and sexual relations.

Submission to a woman can be considered the specified behavior of a man, corresponding to the norms of traditional masculinity in traditionally male areas of responsibility. While such norms follow from and support gender inequality, this does not exclude the possibility of benefits here and now for a particular woman and infringement of interests or injury for a particular man. Society often approves of women's expectations of men, but denounces them more than men's expectations of traditional gender roles such as housework and child rearing or appearance standards. In a society where the position of women is worse than that of men, those phenomena that are disadvantageous for men and may be beneficial for specific women here and now are more noticed and condemned, which supports the myth of the benefits of gender inequality for women. Most strands of the men's movement support the strengthening of men's privileges while abandoning those phenomena where gender inequality disadvantages men. The tendency to support rights without responsibility in the men's movement is much more pronounced than in feminism or in trends that identify themselves with it. Equal rights without equal responsibility are impossible for either women or men.

Despite the lower social status of women as a group, and the stereotypes that a man in a couple should be superior to a woman in a number of criteria, there are individual differences between people and differences in social status, and in a particular couple the situation may be different. A particular woman may be more inclined towards leadership or leadership in certain matters than a particular man. There are also cases of violence by women against men, although physical and sexual violence is much less common than by men. Psychological abuse can be experienced by both men and women. Leadership to a greater extent of one of the partners without a clear infringement of the interests of the other partner and without violence against her or him is normal, and one should not be guided by ideas about the superiority of a man. BDSM relationships, where power is more often shown by men, and subordination - by women, but sometimes vice versa, a number of feminists consider the problem of inequality in power, but not everyone supports their ban. Some men seek material or other benefits from a relationship, sometimes expecting a woman to have more rights in a number of ways, but such behavior is more frowned upon than women, and men are less likely to find such relationships.

In some cases, the situation when the interests of a woman are put first can have a positive meaning until equality is achieved. For example, in sexual relations, where social gender inequality is strongly expressed, as a result of which it is more difficult for many women to obtain sexual satisfaction than for men. In such a situation, the attention of a man, first of all, to the pleasure of a woman, and of a woman to her own pleasure, can be justified.

If a woman hears men's reflections on the topic of female submission, it always causes a sarcastic “Yes, dreaming!”.

It is understandable. Indeed, in order to at least admit such a thought, a woman will have to overcome herself, but not everyone is capable of this.

All representatives of the weaker sex can be divided into two categories: women who do not want to realize this, and women who understand everything. In any case, a person is able to change only when he has “grown up” to this.

In order to bring this age-old dispute to some kind of common opinion, consider the thoughts of women on this matter. Initially, the article was posted in the psychology section of one of the women's forums.

Appeal to women

In defense of psychologists (mostly men) who are of the opinion that women should be submissive, I suggest looking at women's thoughts on this matter.

Everyone knows that men are brought up by representatives of the weaker sex for their own kind. They inspire future men with an unchanging sense of duty, a constant need for consolation and a fear of punishment.

And starting from his birth, a man owes someone: for the gift of life he owes his mother (and she gave birth to him on her own whim), a woman - for the opportunity to have sex with her (which has long moved from the category of mutual pleasure to the category of control methods) .

After all, he must be a man (although no one specifies what that means). A man is obliged to work tirelessly (to provide for the family), to build a career. He is obliged to take care of his beloved, indulging all her whims. Just think how their vulnerable inner world suffers at the same time ...

And when this defenseless, insolvent, unreliable and insecure creature falls into the hands of a woman, instead of support and guardianship, he receives only even more demands and discontent. And this is instead of helping him, teaching him to be responsible and courageous.

As a result, a woman cannot trust a man and takes on all the problems, solves them on her own, and then again complains about the failure of this loafer.

Try to give in, step back from the struggle for power. Give the man the opportunity to make responsible decisions. To "grow" a real and responsible man, you need to trust him.

Of course, he will also make mistakes - do not blame him for them. And it's not easy to take on such a burden. Support him, tell him that together you can fix everything and cope with everything. Over time, he, feeling this support from you, will want to justify your expectations. A man will stop shifting problems onto your fragile shoulders, but will begin to listen to your advice.

As experience shows, men who are not accustomed to such humility begin to test a woman for stamina according to the principle: “Will she be offended if I do this one more thing?” But if you are determined to make a reliable man out of him, be patient, and over time, quarrels and resentments will disappear from your relationship.

Now let's move on to women. More precisely, to obstacles on the way to "submission". And there is only one obstacle - lack of self-confidence.

After all, a woman who is self-confident will not lose anything by submitting to a man, for one simple reason - her conceit is not influenced by others. Therefore, in order to submit to a man, a woman must accept herself. Understand that self-esteem does not depend on the opinions of others.

And then everything that seems to you a problem will not be a cause of quarrels and resentment, but will simply become an opportunity to change something or accept the situation as it is.

Therefore, you should not fight with a man for power, insist on your opinion. Just love yourself and, believe me, then next to you there will be a strong and reliable man, undoubtedly worthy of you. By materials.

Women are capricious and unpredictable creatures, but weak and not always as purposeful as the male sex. Therefore, to achieve their goals, they often use representatives of the stronger sex as a resource for the fulfillment of desires. Or a platform for demonstrating female charms.

For this reason, this information may be useful to a woman in order to understand how to control a man, or to the companion himself who wants to understand when he is being manipulated and is not happy about it. The easiest way to do this is with a bitch - a woman who is completely absorbed in herself and her interests and does not put a penny on someone else's opinion and needs.

Manipulation has its own rules and system.

In general, manipulation is the influence of one person on another, usually hidden, in order to induce him to do something that the manipulator needs.

It is to encourage, not just to achieve. After such actions, the person being manipulated himself will want to do the thing you need, and often he will also be sure that this thought came to his mind.

In general, people carry out such manipulations every day, some of them completely painless (when they put pressure on pity, push the interlocutor to make a profitable decision, slip the necessary document, which then “accidentally” catches your eye, etc.). But there are also serious operations that are carried out with the help of manipulation and sometimes lead to very serious consequences. Being in a society, this is inevitable - whether it is mutual influence, whether it is management. And in relations between the sexes, this is absolutely indispensable, such is fate.

What are the characteristics of these activities?

  • Manipulation occurs unconsciously for the person being manipulated. Otherwise, the protection mechanism is activated and the controlled begins to resist.
  • With their help, there is an influence on the emotional sphere as the most helpless. No arguments or proofs are needed, only a push is needed - then he will finish it himself.
  • Manipulation pushes the other to perform actions at his own request (or rather, he thinks so, and this is the power of control).

These actions do not always have a negative impact - there are also positive influences when the controlled person also receives benefits, or at least it is neutral for him. But negative influences can also destroy the personality of the controlled, when the benefits from actions go only in one direction. Further, we will only talk about neutral methods of manipulation, without deepening in particular female black magic to achieve their insidious goals.

When a woman manipulates

Not all representatives of the fair sex control the chosen ones all the time. Some use this method as a last resort to achieve their goals. And sometimes these are not only personal goals, but also things that are useful for the opponent, which he may not think about often because of his laziness, not without it.

So, when the beautiful lady wonders where the husband’s control button is and is it time to press:

  • if the first appeal for help, open, turned out to be unsuccessful - in case of refusal, the persistent lady will achieve her goal, but now it’s different;
  • if a woman is shy or afraid to ask for it, or is sure in advance that the companion will not agree;
  • when a lady wants to appear before the missus in the best light, and a request can create the opposite effect;
  • the chosen one can be quick-tempered, unyielding to persuasion, categorical or simply selfish - and the woman has no choice but to immediately go roundabout ways.
  • a rare exception - a lady just loves to control the opposite sex and does not recognize open methods.

Be that as it may, many of the powerful of this world prefer the hidden control of themselves to the direct expression of desires and needs. In addition, some perceive this trait as purely feminine and consider manipulation to be a manifestation of the true feminine essence and even femininity. One way or another, women do what many like - so how can gentlemen reproach the ladies for this sin.

What you need to know to learn how to manage your chosen one? Psychology suggests the main important male zones, foci of arousal, on the basis of which a kind of manual for managing men can be developed.

Here are the main areas that are very easy to influence and tell the ladies how to learn how to control a guy:

  • sex - protection is removed in bed;
  • femininity. The instinct of the protector turns on, the chosen one immediately tries to protect any fragile, helpless creature from rough external influences. And there is no need to ask in plain text, and even more so to force;
  • male self-esteem and any opportunity to raise this complex structure. The competition is so deeply embedded in the male essence that, without realizing it, each time again and again he tries to be higher-further-deeper. What helps in this is important and first;
  • the desire to be the first is also from the previous paragraph.
  • masculinity - details emphasizing advantages over others are important;
  • the husband must provide for his wife, bring a mammoth. If every mined mammoth will be greeted with delight - this is a button.

What NOT to do

In order not to go too far and do it cleanly and neatly, you should follow small rules. These are:

  1. Avoid harsh statements such as “Must”, “This is how normal husbands act”, etc. Such phrases give the impression of pressure on the spouse, which immediately causes a defensive reaction.
  2. The attitude towards the chosen one should be even and friendly, without arrogance, condescension. This is influence, not humiliation or suppression.
  3. No obsession. Repeating something that does not give a result several times is not the right method. You need to change the way or take a break and evaluate whether the time is right for action.
  4. Do not blackmail your companion with feelings, status, emotions.
  5. Do not compare a man and others.
  6. Tantrums are not a way to subordinate a man to your desires and needs. But a way to end a relationship.
  7. Do not speak a man's language - he needs a girl nearby, and not a business colleague or drinking buddy.
  8. Clear phrases in an orderly tone are the last thing you can say. Managing a man is much easier if you are weak and vulnerable.

Your feelings should be sincere and real, and your attitude should be respectful. In addition, if you manage someone, then you yourself have to make sacrifices in something, doing what you don’t want, for the sake of the result. You have to pay for every thing, so measure the importance of the goal and the costs, yours and the chosen one. Easier manipulations take place against the background of sincere interest, and mutual. If the spouse does not notice the woman, is it worth it to start, because you will spend many times more energy.

How to manage a man?

Basic rules that will include a control panel for a man.

  1. Talk about your feelings more often. Describe the situation that worries you, express your feelings about it, offer your vision of how this could be avoided in the future, and promise something important in return.
  2. Femininity and tenderness - no one has canceled. Feel free to show your love, feelings, do not be afraid to repeat yourself - there is never a lot of love. Show the indispensability for you, the importance, talk about all the important and not very virtues that you see and appreciate.
  3. Your voice and gestures are an indicator of attitude. Make sure that words and gestures do not contradict each other. Smoothness, tenderness, grace, calmness are the background for control. Screeching and tantrums will push the companion away and make you unpleasant, which you want to avoid in the future.
  4. The decision must be masculine, even if the desire is yours. You can, of course, directly lay cards in front of him and wait for him to accept them. Or won't accept. But it will be more effective if the partner considers that the desire is also his. Imperceptibly presented information, spoken in his language - arguments, numbers and statistics. Similar cases from the life of important people. Involving a third party that voices your position. Smooth and unobtrusive.
  5. Gratitude. No matter what your partner does for you, you should be grateful for everything. And do it face to face, do not grumble under your breath. With eyes, a smile, a word - show the importance of this act for you. He made you happy, show your appreciation in return. Admire your partner in bed, note household habits, be surprised at pleasant communication in others - most importantly, sincerely.
  6. Showing weakness. Show his advantage against your background. It is clear that you can do almost any action, but this does not mean that you should do it. There are many things that a partner can really do better than you - don't take it upon yourself. Praise for those skills that he really has, but do not invent too much, otherwise it will be noticeable. Everyone has something to praise - do not be shy.

The partner can be reminded of the duty - to the family, children, wife. If he is the head, then along with honors and respect, he bears the burden of responsibility. And even with the best mother, children should have a father, moreover, as beautiful as this one. You can also offer an alternative to what you want to dissuade from - more attractive to the partner, but for some reason previously inaccessible.

These small lessons will help build a life, relationships with your chosen one and get what you want.

"Are you jealous of Anastasia Steele?" - at one of the popular women's forums, the heroine of the most scandalous novel of recent times, "", which at the beginning of next year will turn into a film adaptation for everyone, was hotly discussed. How did this story about a girl who voluntarily decided to become a sexual slave of the protagonist suddenly turn into an erotic bestseller, and why is this manifesto of cruel games between a man and a woman dangerous in the first place for us?

Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan to star in '50 Shades of Grey'

The author positions the book as light reading for women who want to feel loved and desired. But Erika Leonard James leads her readers to these feelings not in the traditional, but in the Freudian way: through humiliation, torture and BDSM. It was Freud who believed that the genesis of sadism and masochism goes back to childhood, and later their manifestations are found in repetitive fantasies with violence and submission, which are visited by both women and men. But Freud assigned women a special, not the most “comfortable” place in his studies: he justified the woman’s submissiveness to a man and the lack of initiative on her part both in sexual relations and in other areas of life with an inferiority complex.

The latter was formed not from scratch, but on the basis of biological differences: according to Freud, as soon as a little girl discovered she had no penis, she began to feel envy for him, increasing resentment towards her mother and envious attachment to her father, and then to all male beings. . In the sexual sphere, a well-known psychoanalyst saw a woman as a kind of "disabled person" or a creature who chooses a defeatist dependent role for herself and tries to get some pleasure from this - exactly like the heroine of the book "Fifty Shades of Gray" by Anastasia Steele.

Anastasia Steele in reality

But if you look around, it turns out that in one form or another, "Anastacia" exist not only in books, but also in reality. As before, you will meet many couples in which a girl submits to a man and gives him control over her life and over making key decisions, and even when parting, she is not disappointed in such a vertical model of dependent relationships, but, on the contrary, subconsciously or even consciously seeks a repetition of such the same scheme of distribution of roles in the new novel.

Jamie Dornan and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in a 50 Shades of Gray fashion shoot

So, was Freud right in his pejorative analysis of the nature of womanhood, or can there be other reasons for this inequality? It should be noted that in everyday practice there is a desire to “normalize” such asymmetric unions: in the subordination of a girl to society, both the Freudian search for sexual pleasure in subordination and the banal “substitution” by a strong imperious man of a father who was absent in the family seem to be. But modern psychoanalysts have learned to see the reason in something else: in the initial gender inequality of roles in the family, which projects a scheme with obligatory obedience to a man onto a girl’s future relationship.

The American psychoanalyst Jessica Benjamin, in her book Love Relationships, criticizes Freud for not seeing the influence of modern family culture, which through the family is responsible for the primary formation of human values, behind the birth of girls like Anastasia Steele. Benjamin sees the origins of submission in early childhood: the girl chooses the family member with whom she needs to associate herself, from whom she needs to “reflect” in order to begin to form her identity, and the first choice logically falls on the mother. But at the moment when independence and autonomy are formed in a child, in a patriarchal family structure, where the subordination of a woman and the dominant of a man are considered the norm, the girl realizes that the mother does not have either independence or autonomy at the level at which a man has them, and secretly begins to reach out to him as a source of power (what Freud erroneously called "penis envy"). The girl idealizes her father as the owner of that power that she is not destined to possess - power over others and over her own life, a selfish ability to express her desire (including sexual desire) openly and without fear. The image of a dominant male becomes a kind of beacon for her, to which she aspires all her life, but to establish relations with which she can only through subordinating connections.

Subordinating connections

What is the danger of the role of Anastasia Steele?

What is wrong with such, albeit unconscious, search for a real “male”, a strong and strong-willed subject who will be able to lead the family? Dominant relationships in books can easily turn into some kind of exciting sex game, from which anyone can leave at any time. Not a winner, but at least alive and well. But in life, asymmetrical unions for a woman contain many dangers, and the most destructive of them is domestic violence. Just as totalitarian states do not exist without repression, so in the relationship between the dominant and the subordinate, the latter is very often forced to experience, if not physical attacks, then humiliation and attempts to suppress the personality. The dominant subject needs to consolidate his position, legitimize his power over the "subordinate" and make him dependent and helpless. This is achieved primarily by repeating the “mantra” “You can’t live without me”, and the subject (girl) is in fact not able to afford an independent life, having lost a permanent income (for example, after being fired from work to have a child), separate living space, comfortable environment (when moving to another place of residence, changing circle of friends, etc.) ...
