Poor cleaning of the entrance of a residential building. Standards for cleaning the entrances of apartment buildings

Andrey Sokolov

Articles written

Often the condition of apartment entrances leaves much to be desired. Who should have such a problem as cleaning the entrances? Who should be responsible for cleaning the house? According to the law, public utilities, that is, management companies (MC), must monitor the cleanliness of the entrance. All services provided must be recorded in the contract, which the residents of apartment buildings sign.

The Housing Code (hereinafter referred to as the LCD) also did not bypass this aspect and established certain cleaning standards. If the tenant is not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, it is necessary to revise the terms of the contract with the management company, which should be in the hands of every apartment owner. Maybe such a service is simply not on the list?

Legal aspect

Cleaning of non-residential premises in an apartment building is legally carried out by the management company. What happens in reality? Often, residents clean the entrance themselves or hire staff to clean the entrances at their own expense. It turns out that residents monthly pay for the cleaning of entrances in utility bills, but they do not receive such a service.

The cleaning standards specified in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provide for restoring order at a certain frequency. In addition, there is a special document - “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions". For example, utilities are required to provide basic cleaning every day.

Every day, cleaners must sweep the grounds of the 1st and 2nd floors and at the same time use a damp broom. If the broom is not moistened, then such cleaning does not meet the established standard. The job description of a cleaner provides for the procedure and rules for cleaning. If the house does not have enough floors for an elevator, such cleaning is done twice a week. Cleaning frequency means:

  • weekly cleaning (sweeping entrances and stairwells, areas under the canopy of the entrance);
  • once every two weeks (wipe the elevator cabin);
  • twice a month (sweeping stairs and platforms from the 3rd floor and above);
  • every six months (wiping battery radiators and window sills with a damp cloth);
  • every year (washing walls, windows, doors and other components of the entrance).

The cleaning schedule assigns the following to the technical staff:
  • clean garbage daily, wash removable garbage bins;
  • clean the loading valves one day a week;
  • monthly clean and disinfect all elements of the garbage chute;
  • twice a month to inspect the garbage chute for the purpose of prevention;
  • constantly monitor that there is no blockage in the pipeline for draining debris.

The listed rules are specified in the LCD RF, but are they observed in reality or not? It is important for each tenant to know them and control the work of public utilities, since a third of the amount on bills for housing and communal services is paid for this monthly. Any resident has the right to receive high-quality cleaning, as he pays for it.

It happens that low-quality services are provided by the staff themselves, citing that they will not work to the maximum for such little money. It should be remembered that their salary is not the problem of the inhabitants of the house! If the cleaners do not clean the entrance and violate the instructions, you must complain about the quality of their work to the management company.

How to fight for cleanliness in the entrance

So that cleaning in the entrance of an apartment building does not fall on the shoulders of those living in it, you need to act - file a complaint about the failure of public utilities to fulfill their direct duties. The legal basis for the appeal will be the contract signed with the management company. Here is a list of organizations where to complain about poor-quality cleaning:

  • head of the management company;
  • consumer organization;
  • district, city or regional administration.
The complaint is drawn up in two copies: one is sent to the organization, and the second is left with the applicant. To make a claim, it is not necessary to have a legal education, it will be enough to correctly describe the problem using reliable facts. The writing style is free, but at the same time businesslike. The volume of the complaint should be optimal. It should be written specifically and concisely, not forgetting to back up everything described with evidence. Approximate contents of the complaint:
  • introductory part (to whom the complaint is addressed, who is the applicant);
  • reasons for the appeal;
  • what violations were recorded;
  • what requirements are put forward by the applicant;
  • what will be done in case of failure to correct violations;
  • applications (evidence base);
  • date and signature.

Hello, This should be done by the Criminal Code, at the expense of the funds paid by you for the maintenance of the common property.

Article 161 General requirements for the management of an apartment building

1. The management of an apartment building must ensure favorable and safe living conditions for citizens, the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the resolution of issues related to the use of this property, as well as the provision of public services to citizens living in such a house. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes standards and rules for the management of apartment buildings.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 123-FZ of 04.06.2011)
1.1. Proper maintenance of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, on technical regulation, fire safety, consumer protection, and must ensure:
1) compliance with the requirements for the reliability and safety of an apartment building;
2) safety of life and health of citizens, property of individuals, property of legal entities, state and municipal property;
3) availability of use of premises and other property that is part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building;
4) observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the owners of premises in an apartment building, as well as other persons;
5) the constant readiness of utilities, metering devices and other equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, to supply the resources necessary for the provision of public services to citizens living in an apartment building, in accordance with the rules for the provision, suspension and restriction provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
(Part 1.1 was introduced by Federal Law No. 123-FZ of 04.06.2011)
1.2. The composition of the minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, the procedure for their provision and implementation are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Government Decree
Russian Federation
April 3, 2013 N 290
III. Works and services for the maintenance of other common property
in an apartment building
23. Works on the maintenance of premises that are part of the common property in an apartment building:
dry and wet cleaning of vestibules, halls, corridors, galleries, elevator platforms and elevator lobbies and cabins, landings and marches, ramps;
wet wiping of window sills, window grilles, stair railings, cabinets for electric meters of low-voltage devices, mailboxes, door frames, door panels, door closers, door handles;
window washing;
cleaning of dirt protection systems (metal gratings, cellular coverings, pits, textile mats);
carrying out deratization and disinfestation of premises that are part of the common property in an apartment building, disinfection of septic tanks, courtyard toilets located on the land plot on which this house is located.

The entrance, as well as the stairwell, is not just a continuation of your apartment in a multi-storey building, it can be said to be its entrance hall. In some houses, this hallway is spacious, comfortable and clean, in other houses, on the contrary, they cannot boast of this. Cleaning of stairwells, as well as repair work, belongs to the category of housing and communal services. This means that if a staircase creaks in your multi-storey building, it is not the residents who should decide what to do, but the legal entity, or the company that is responsible for maintaining the house.

Staircase cleaning: documentation defining frequency

The timing, frequency, as well as the requirements for cleaning stairwells in an apartment building are regulated by the state standard of the Russian Federation, the content of which includes information on technical and operating conditions. This is GOST 51617-2000 under the name “Housing and communal services. General technical conditions".

Through this documentation, you will be able to find out that you do not have to wash the stairwells in an apartment building yourself, or hire a cleaning lady. This should be done by the housing and communal services, or a homeowners association.

This document provides detailed information on:

  • the frequency with which a cleaner hired by the housing and communal services or HOA should sweep your entrance, as well as stairwells;
  • When should flights of stairs be washed?
  • the frequency with which it is necessary to carry out cleaning in apartment buildings on sites that are located in front of the garbage chute;
  • when and how it is recommended to clean the elevator room, as well as take care of the elevator doors from the outside;
  • when and how exactly it is necessary to wash and wipe window sills in the entrances of apartment buildings, wash windows in stairwells, as well as lamps.

Cleaning of entrances and stairwells as a housing service

Surely every apartment owner wants the entrance and stairwell to be neat and tidy. And for this it is not at all necessary to carry out cleaning on your own - for this there are state housing and communal services. The frequency is determined by a specialized document. And each tenant has the right to demand cleanliness - you pay monthly utility bills, among which you pay for housing services. This amount is approximately one third of the amount of all utility bills, so you have the right to ensure that the cleaning is carried out efficiently and properly.

The frequency, as well as the thoroughness of washing stairwells and porches, as already mentioned above, is indicated in the rules of state standards. It also contains information about what equipment and what detergents should be used - depending on what type the staircase belongs to. The frequency of work, as well as their characteristics and the conditions in which they will be carried out, will also depend on the presence of a garbage chute, an elevator and other objects in the entrance.

What to do if your entryway is cleaned improperly?

Very often, you can hear from residents of apartment buildings that the entrance is cleaned poorly, rarely, which leaves dirt or dust on the stairs, depending on the time of year. It is worth noting that these statements arise for a reason - if you look at the state of most modern entrances. You can see not only dirt in them, but also cobwebs, as well as debris and walls covered with markers. Despite the fact that most modern people have long been accustomed to this state of affairs and do not pay attention to dirt, someone is still ready to defend their rights.

How exactly to do it? How to change the current state of affairs? Many people think that it is enough to come to a meeting of tenants and make an indignant speech there. This is not entirely true: as mentioned above, when you pay for utilities, you also pay for cleaning the entrance. Therefore, if your entrance is not cleaned at all or cleaned poorly, you should seek help from the housing and communal services, or the management company to which your house is assigned. Here you can get detailed advice on all your questions. Also, representatives of the organization will provide you with qualified assistance.

Most often, the issue of washing the entrance or staircase is resolved by writing a statement. In such a statement, you write down the main claim, as well as your requirements. It is worth noting that this application is written in free form and you can also get information on how to write it from representatives of the management company or housing and communal services.

You can go to the management company for help yourself, or entrust it to the elder at the entrance. It is he who will most effectively be able to influence the fact that the cleaner, who is assigned to your entrance, not only occasionally appears at her workplace, but also does the job properly. You and each of the residents of your entrance are able to change the situation for the better. The main thing is to know what to demand.

How should stairwells be cleaned?

The standards for its quality are prescribed not only in the state standard, but also in separate regulatory documentation, which is created by the Housing Committee of the city. The procedure is based on the submitted documentation. If you think that the cleaning lady in your entrance does her work poorly, be sure to compare the volume that she performs with the standards that are prescribed below.

It is important to note that general cleaning should also be carried out, which is carried out once a year. The cleaning lady must wash windows, ceiling lamps, as well as sweep dust from the ceiling, wash mailboxes and boxes in which counters are located.

Cleanliness is the key to health. Every reasonable person knows this. Everyone is responsible for the order within the walls of their own apartment - the one who wants to live comfortably is cleaned almost daily. Housekeeping is another matter. By Article 36 of the Housing Code this territory is a common house, which means that the responsibility (including maintenance in due order) for it lies with the management company (MC) of the housing and communal services that services the apartment building.

Therefore, residents of MKD should not and are not obliged to clean their entrance. But what to do if in practice it turns out differently - the housing and communal services management company is in no hurry to service the entrance, and the tenants take turns putting things in order in it? We'll have to figure it out, write complaints, defend our legal rights in every possible way. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Cleaning legislation

There is no law that each front door should have its own cleaning lady. The same entrance cleaner can serve 3, 5 or even 10 sites at the same time. But if there is no such specialist at all, then there is a direct violation of the law.

The fact that the cleaning of stairwells must be carried out by the employees of the management company or the contracting organization with which the agreement has been concluded is reflected in the legal and regulatory provisions. Namely:

  • "rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock" No. 170, approved by the Decree of the State System of the country of September 27, 2003;
  • Decree of the Government of Russia No. 290 dated April 3, 2013;
  • GOST of Russia 51617-2000 “Housing and communal duties and services. General terms."

These documents clearly spell out: who, where and how should be cleaned when it comes to maintaining cleanliness in the entrances. In fact, the cleaner of the entrances should be guided by precisely these requirements in the exercise of their professional duties.

If residents in residential buildings are sure that the cleaner of the entrances is not coping with the tasks assigned to her, grossly violates the laws on the maintenance of the entrances, or does not appear at her workplace at all, they have the right to complain about her to their immediate supervisor - the head of a particular housing and communal services management. Measures will be taken against the negligent employee. If the stairwell cleaner continues to treat her profession with the same negligence, she will simply be fired.

cleaning schedule

Naturally, the cleaning lady at the entrance cannot wash the floors around the clock several times a day. There are strictly defined standards that she must comply with. In particular, the cleaning schedule is as follows:

  • every day to sweep the floors of an apartment building on the first and second floors with a wet broom, including the elevator room and the garbage chute area;
  • 2 times a week to sweep the floors on all flights of stairs with a wet broom along with the elevator and the garbage chute area;
  • every day to wipe the area in front of the garbage bin;
  • 2 times a month to wash the entire front door with a wet rag;
  • 2 times a month to wipe the walls, ceiling and plafonds in the elevator room;
  • every day to wash the floor in the elevator cabin;
  • wash windows once a year;
  • Once a week, clean at the entrance to the entrance, clean the grate, etc.;
  • Once a year, clean the entrance doors to the entrance, ceiling lamps, electrical panels;
  • 2 times a year to wash batteries, railings.

It turns out that the cleaning in the entrance takes place according to the standards, even if the floors in the front door are not washed every day. In this case, the entrance cleaner does not violate the law, but acts strictly according to the instructions.

Before sounding the alarm and starting a trial, it is best to familiarize yourself with the cleaning schedule. If the above rules are followed, then the cleaning standards are met, which means that there are no violations. But it is important, after all, not only how often they polish in an apartment building, but also the quality of cleaning the entrance.

Cleaning quality

Everyone has their own definition of purity. The model for cleaning the entrances cannot be the same, if only because all the front doors are in a different state: the new apartment buildings “boast” of fresh repairs, the old “Stalins” are tired of the “dust of the times”.

How to make sure that the procedure was carried out at the proper level? After the cleaning lady has finished her work, pay attention to the condition of the landings and floors:

  • are there any traces of garbage, cigarette butts, packs of chips, cans of beer (according to statistics, such garbage is most often found in front doors);
  • whether there are large clots of dust, puddles on the floor, lumps of dirt;
  • Is there a smell of spoiled garbage?

Drawings on the walls

Homegrown artists who choose the walls as an easel are found in many homes. As stated in the law, the frequency of cleaning entrances and stairwells, which includes washing the walls, is once every 15 days. It is not difficult to calculate how many times a month the walls should be scrubbed - only two.

But sometimes a utility services specialist is simply unable to cope with such inscriptions. Often they are not removed with standard household chemicals that an employee has with him for cleaning stairwells. Residents can only wait for scheduled repairs and drive pests themselves.

Where and how to file a complaint

If citizens know exactly how often they must polish their entrance by law, but in practice these requirements are not met, SANPIN not observed, tenants of an apartment building have the right. You should proceed as follows:

  • first, a claim is drawn up in the name of the head of the Criminal Code of the ZhKK, the essence of the complaint is described in it in an arbitrary form and asked to understand the situation;
  • if the letter remains unanswered, then the next authority is Rospotrebnadzor;
  • in case of ignoring, you need to contact the Housing Inspectorate of the city or district;
  • if this did not help, the direct road to the Prosecutor's Office.

In the complaint (it can be made in any form), it is important to indicate that the residents of the house do not like the way the MC employee cleans them. Describe what is included in the concept of "dislike".

All citizens should understand that the utility fee already includes expenses and a tariff for polishing. This is the work of professionals already paid for by the tenants of the apartment building. And, like any job, this one must be done, if not perfectly, then at least well.

You can also draw up a kind of contract with the Criminal Code. It prescribes how flights of stairs should be cleaned with the participation of residents. In this case, the Management Company may reduce or even remove the fee for cleaning flights of stairs. But this fact is written on paper, otherwise it is considered insignificant.

But when washing dirty entrances becomes the duty of the inhabitants of the ZhNM, then this is a direct violation of the law. Cleaning residential apartment buildings by the owners of apartments in them is not the norm. It is important to understand that cleaning the dirty entrances of apartment buildings lies on the shoulders of the Criminal Code, for failure to comply with such an obligation, the company can be punished.


Today in the country there are strict standards for cleaning the entrances of the house. They are described in legislative acts: "Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock" No. 170; Decree of the Russian Parliament No. 290; State GOST 51617-2000.

It clearly states who should clean up the dirty entrance, how often and in what form this happens. Separately, you should touch the garbage chute in an apartment building - cleaning it is required. It is held every day.

How well a multi-storey building is cleaned can be appreciated by its residents. They have the right to choose their own access inspector for sanitary and hygienic control of stairs and other areas of the front door.

But it is not necessary to shift all responsibility for the entrance to the cleaners. If the residents do not maintain order, make a mess in the garbage collection chambers, deliberately spoil the appearance of the entrance, then you should not expect a miracle.

Social utopias existed at all stages of the development of society. All utopian ideas are beautiful, like a perpetual motion machine. And all the beautiful social ideas are broken against one, but very weighty and solid stumbling block - the human essence. Mutually beneficial relationships between individuals and groups, based on the principle of voluntary cooperation of all members of society, remain only in the dreams of anarchists of all stripes.

An apartment building is a small society whose life can be very good or unbearable, depending on how the rules of the hostel are followed by all members of the society, including the housing office. One of the aspects of the life of any house is the cleaning of stairwells in residential buildings.

From utopia to practice

It is impossible to live in society and be free from society. Human nature is such that it is not worth relying only on the mind and conscience of all members of society in fulfilling the rules of the hostel. To ensure an acceptable existence for all members of society, it is necessary to introduce clearly defined rules and instructions. Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 170 approves the rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock. This document, adopted in September 2003, contains a lot of useful information regarding the obligations and rights of the companies in charge of the housing stock and living in this facility. It also describes the frequency of work on cleaning stairwells.

The entrance area is common for residents of apartment buildings. A kind of large entrance hall for all apartments in the entrance. Naturally, all tenants would like this hallway to be kept clean. How and how often the landing should be cleaned depends on the type of house, the number of residents, the time of year and the type of flooring to be cleaned.

What's in the dry matter

Housing stock may vary. Therefore, the requirements established in Decree No. 170, as in all such documents, are vague and vague. A brief extract from the long text of the document shows that the stairwell cleaning standard consists of:

  • sweeping and washing floors in the entrance;
  • dedusting walls and ceilings;
  • sweeping with moisture;
  • wiping lamps, window sills, doors, mailboxes, walls, stair railings, window bars, radiators, electrical cabinets;
  • glass washing;
  • garbage chute service;
  • porch cleaning;
  • cleaning from dirt pit;
  • measures for disinfection and deratization.

A typical entrance in the "Stalin"

The basis for the proper maintenance of the housing stock is that the frequency of cleaning the entrances and stairwells is observed. The regulation of sanitary measures is also clearly spelled out in the law. The schedule for cleaning stairwells is drawn up taking into account the type of equipment installed in the entrance. Under the installed equipment is understood the presence in the house of an elevator and a garbage chute. For houses that do not have elevator equipment and a garbage chute, the following standards are established:

  • sweeping with moistening of flights of stairs and landings of the first two floors - daily, except for weekends and holidays;
  • sweeping with moistening of flights of stairs and landings of overlying floors - twice a week;
  • washing stairs and platforms - in a week;
  • washing the porch and cleaning the pit, - weekly;
  • glass washing - annually;
  • wet wiping of radiators and window sills - twice a year;
  • wet cleaning - wiping walls, doors, lamps, stair railings, window bars, boxes of electrical panels, mailboxes and sweeping dust from ceilings - annually.

The presence of additional equipment - an elevator, increases the load on the cleaner by daily washing the floor in the elevator and wet wiping the walls, lamps, ceiling and cabin doors twice a month. True, on the floors located above the first two in houses with an elevator, you need to sweep with moisture and wash half as much - once a week and once a month, respectively. When the house has a garbage chute system, then daily washing of the platforms on the floors in front of the garbage loading hatches will be added to the above procedures.

The presence of a waste disposal system in the household also provides for its regular maintenance. The cleaner who maintains this equipment must carry out daily removal of debris from the waste collection area and clean the area itself, including washing the removable containers. Garbage hatches are cleaned weekly. Every month, all elements of the garbage chute and the garbage collection chamber are washed and disinfected.

Such are the rules. And if you, as a resident of an apartment building, observe non-compliance with the prescribed frequency and quality of cleaning the entrance, you have the right to sue the Management Company involved in the maintenance and operation of your home.

Your claims may be based on government regulation No. 491 on the rules for the maintenance and operation of property in apartment buildings.

Sometimes it works out

When filing a claim with the court with a claim for the work of the housing office, the court will decide whether the norm for cleaning staircases is observed. Sometimes the claim of tenants is satisfied. For your information: even if there is no clause on cleaning in the Agreement, the Management Company that has concluded this agreement with you is obliged to carry out cleaning activities, guided by the law on the maintenance of the property of an apartment building - resolutions No. 491 and 170.

Just do not forget that you have the right to demand timely sanitary measures at your entrance only after you have fulfilled the duties described in these same documents. For example, timely payment of utility bills.
