Methods of optional classes in the Russian language. Optional classes in the Russian language

38. Optional classes in the Russian language.

In optional classes, children learn the material in the process of repeating what they have learned earlier.

The value of extracurricular activities. As shown in the chapter on the content of education, the curricula of general education schools include optional classes in subjects that are studied at the choice of the students themselves. Optional classes as a form of education were introduced in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when one of the regular reorganizations of the content of school education was carried out. They got their name from the Latin word facultatis, which means possible, optional, available to choose from.

Consequently, optional classes are held on a voluntary basis and at the choice of the students themselves in parallel with the study of compulsory subjects.

With the help of extracurricular activities, the school is called upon to solve the following tasks: a) satisfy requests for a deeper study of individual subjects that interest students, b) develop educational and cognitive interests, creative abilities and talents of students. This is their important pedagogical value.

Content and organization of extracurricular activities. As already noted, optional classes are held in parallel with the study of compulsory subjects in order to deepen and enrich the knowledge of students and develop their creative abilities and talents. This affects their content. It may include a deeper study of individual topics or sections of the curriculum in any subject, as well as contain new topics and problems that go beyond the scope of the program. To do this, to help the teacher, special programs are compiled and textbooks in optional subjects are created.

As for the organization of extracurricular activities, they can be held in the form of regular lessons, excursions, seminars, discussions, etc. Unfortunately, in schools they are often used not to deepen the knowledge and develop the abilities of students, but to overcome their lag in mastering the program material, which naturally distorts their meaning and didactic purpose.

Forms of extracurricular educational work???

a) The concept of the forms of extracurricular work. Classrooms, as already noted, are usually held with a constant composition of students, according to a predetermined schedule and are mandatory. But, along with compulsory training sessions, outside the school day in schools and other educational institutions, various forms of educational work are used, which are voluntary for students and are designed to satisfy their various cognitive and creative needs. These forms of voluntary training are called extracurricular or extracurricular. The concept of extra-curricular activities indicates that the full composition of the class is not required to conduct these classes, that students of different classes can participate in them at their own request, that they are held outside the schedule of compulsory training sessions. In this sense, the forms of extracurricular educational work include: subject circles, scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, etc.

b) Subject circles and scientific societies. If the school work is well organized, then students appear in the classes in each subject, striving to expand and enrich their knowledge, to technical creativity, to conduct experimental work in biology, etc. This necessitates the organization of the work of subject circles and scientific societies of schoolchildren. Circles are created on a voluntary basis separately from students in parallel classes or, if there are no parallel classes, from students U-U1, VII-VIII, etc. classes. The work of the circles is managed by subject teachers.

The content of the study circles includes: a more in-depth study of individual issues of the curriculum that arouse the interest of students; acquaintance with the life and creative activity of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; organization of technical modeling and experimental work in biology, organization of meetings with researchers, etc.

Recently, the creation of scientific societies of schoolchildren has become widespread, which unite and coordinate the work of circles, hold mass events dedicated to science and technology, organize competitions and olympiads in various fields of knowledge. Unfortunately, in many schools a long tradition has been lost, when each teacher considered it an honor and duty to conduct circle and other extracurricular work in his subject. Many teachers don't do this anymore.

c) Olympiads, competitions, exhibitions of student technical creativity. To stimulate the educational and cognitive activity of students and develop their creative competitiveness in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, the Russian language and literature, a foreign language, as well as in technical modeling, olympiads, competitions are held in schools, districts, regions and republics, exhibitions of children's technical creativity. These forms of extracurricular activities are planned in advance, the best students are selected to participate in them, which gives a great impetus to the development of their abilities and inclinations in various fields of knowledge. At the same time, they make it possible to judge the creative nature of teachers' work, their ability to search for and develop talents.



III. Features of the program "Secrets of the Russian Language"

The organization of the activities of younger students in the classroom is based on the following principles:

  • entertainment;
  • scientific character;

consciousness and activity;


  • availability;
  • connection of theory with practice;

IV. Forms of conducting classes

  • lectures;
  • analysis and review of texts;
  • game;
  • theoretical;


V. Main methods and technologies

  • developmental education;

communication technology.

VI. Description of the place of the course in the curriculum The program is designed for 1 year. Classes are held 2 times a week for 45 minutes. The course of study of the program is designed for students of the 4th grade. Number of hours per year - 64.

students by the end of 4th grade

Learners should know:

pronouns, verbs).

Learners should be able to:

Write NOT with verbs.

VIII. Funds needed to implement the program:


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"Elective in the Russian language" Secrets of the Russian language ". »

Elective program in the Russian language "Secrets of the Russian language".

I. Explanatory note

Successful mastery of knowledge in the primary grades of a general education school is impossible without the interest of children in learning. The main form of education in school is the lesson. The strict scope of the lesson and the saturation of the program do not always allow answering children's questions, showing them the richness of the Russian language, and revealing many of its "secrets". In this case, the optional course "Secrets of the Russian Language" comes to the rescue, which is a natural continuation of the lesson, its addition: The course program is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.

The inclusion of entertainment elements is mandatory for classes with younger students. At the same time, the wide involvement of game elements should not reduce the teaching, developmental, educational role of classes.

In the selection of material for classes, the teacher should focus on connections with the program material in the Russian language, taking into account the need for continuity between the primary and secondary levels.

The program of this course allows students to show how fascinating, diverse, inexhaustible the world of words, the world of Russian literacy. This is of great importance for the formation of genuine cognitive interests as the basis of educational activity. In the process of studying grammar, students can see the "magic of familiar words"; understand that ordinary words are worthy of study and attention. Raising interest in "Secrets of the Russian Language" should arouse in students the desire to expand their knowledge of the Russian language, improve their speech.

Knowledge of the Russian language creates the conditions for the successful assimilation of all academic subjects. Without a good command of the word, no cognitive activity is possible. Therefore, special attention in the classes of "Entertaining Grammar" should be paid to tasks aimed at developing the oral and written speech of students, at educating their sense of language. The educational possibilities of the Russian language as an academic subject will be realized to a greater extent if the work on educating younger students in the ethical norms of speech behavior is intensified.

It is advisable to work on the education of the ethics of communication with younger students, starting from the first year of study. To do this, it is necessary to use role-playing games in the classroom: It is advisable to carry out work on the education of correct speech behavior in all classes. In addition, the course "Secrets of the Russian Language" allows you to work not only on phonemes, parts of speech, but also on the development of correct speech.

For the successful conduct of classes, various types of work are used: game elements, games, didactic and handouts, proverbs and sayings, physical education minutes, rhymes, counting rhymes, rebuses, crosswords, puzzles, grammatical tales. Most of the didactic material is given in poetic form, which contributes to its easier assimilation and memorization. All this opens up a wonderful world of words for children, teaches them to love and feel their native language.

The necessity of the optional course developed by us lies in the desire of children to learn something new about the Russian language.

I. Purpose and objectives of the course.

Course objective: expand, deepen and consolidate the knowledge of the Russian language among younger students, show students that grammar is not a set of boring and difficult rules to remember, but an exciting journey through the Russian language at different levels of education.

Course objectives:


    development of interest in the Russian language as an academic subject;

    acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills in the grammar of the Russian language;

awakening the need for students to work independently on the knowledge of their native language;

development of motivation for learning the Russian language;

development of creativity and vocabulary enrichment;

improving the general language development of students;

deepening and expanding knowledge and ideas about the literary language.


    fostering a culture of handling a book;

    formation and development of students' versatile interests, culture of thinking.


    develop ingenuity and ingenuity;

    involvement of schoolchildren in independent research work;

develop the ability to use a variety of dictionaries;

to teach the organization of personal and collective activities in working with a book.

III. Features of the program "Secrets of the Russian Language"

The organization of the activities of younger students in the classroom is based on the following principles:


    scientific character;

consciousness and activity;



    connection of theory with practice;

individual approach to students.

An optional course allows you to most successfully apply an individual approach to each student, taking into account his abilities, to more fully satisfy the cognitive and vital interests of students. Unlike classroom activities, extracurricular students write little and talk a lot.

IV. Forms of conducting classes

    practical exercises with elements of games and game elements, didactic and handouts, proverbs and sayings, counting rhymes, rhymes, rebuses, crosswords, puzzles, fairy tales.

    analysis and review of texts;

    independent work (individual and group) on working with a variety of dictionaries;

The interest of students is supported by the introduction of a creative element into the classes: independent compilation of crossword puzzles, charades, rebuses.

Each lesson has three parts:

  • theoretical;


V. Main methods and technologies

    technology of multi-level education;

    developmental education;

collaborative learning technology;

communication technology.

The choice of technologies and methods is due to the need for differentiation and individualization of education in order to develop universal educational activities and personal qualities of the student.

VI. Description of the place of the course in the curriculum

The program is designed for 1 year. Classes are held 2 times a week for 45 minutes. The course of study of the program is designed for students of the 4th grade. Number of hours per year - 64.

Grade 4 "Secrets of the Russian language" Thematic planning. (64 hours)

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

Fairy-tale realm of words.

Journey to the Land of Words.

Wonderful transformations of words.

Visiting word relatives.

Kind words.

Excursion to the past. Outdated words.

New words in Russian.

Meeting with foreign friends.

Synonyms in Russian.

Words are antonyms.

Words are homonyms.

Winged words.

In the kingdom of errors.

In the country of writers.

The art of eloquence.

Holiday of creativity and games.

Difficult words.

Anagrams and metagrams.

Charades and logographs.

Where did our names come from.

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

Phonetics and orthoepy (7 hours)

What is orthoepy?

What is phonography or sound recording?

Sounds are not letters!

Sound line.

Bows and scarves.

"Pygmalion" teaches orthoepy.

Kitty Kitty! Meow!, or Something about onomatopoeia.

Lexicology (27 hours)

Names of things.

On encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries.

There are many roads in the realm of meanings.

How and why do new words appear?

The ambiguity of a word.

“Where does the cuttlefish roll from?” 0 dictionaries that tell about the history of words.

About the same thing - in different words.

How do names come about?

Words are antipodes.

Phraseological turns.

Dictionaries of "foreign" words.

Captain and cabbage.

"He is the whole freedom triumph."

We speak in verse.

Words invented by writers.

Words leaving and words - newcomers.

Dictionary of the language of Pushkin.

Dark Chernavka.

Paronyms, or "mistakeable words".

Columbus mistake. "False Friends of the Translator".

Which dictionary will help you avoid mistakes?

Dictionary - literacy.

Scientific etymology.

What are the names?

Old Russian names.

Patronymic and surname.

Should I stop in front of a zebra?

Total 64 hours

Topic 1.Fairy-tale realm of words. (1h)

A conversation about the beauty and richness of folk speech. On examples of works of oral folk art, the richness of the Russian language, folk fantasy, and the wisdom of the people are shown. Competition for knowledge of proverbs and sayings.

Topic 2-3.Journey to the land of words. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with thematic groups of words. The game "Words are brothers". Compilation of a thematic dictionary about mushrooms. Relay game. Solving riddles. Work with N. Nadezhdina's story "Snow Words". The game "Find an extra word"

Topic 4-5.Wonderful transformations of words. (2 hours)

An idea is given about the transformation of words, the ability to find letters that have “escaped” from words. The game "Find the lost letter." Game "Sad transformations". Charades. The story is a mystery.

Topic 6-7.Visiting the words of relatives. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with different groups of related words. Selection of related words with a given root. Consolidation of knowledge of the distinctive features of words-relatives. Work on the poem "About a strange garden with an unusual harvest" E. Izmailov. Choice of words-relatives from poems.

Topic 8-9.Kind words (2 hours)

A conversation about the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language with “kind words”. Work with V. Korkin’s poem “Good morning”. The game "Do you know how to say hello?". Work with texts on the topic.

Topic 10.Excursion to the past (1 hour)

Acquaintance with words - historicisms and archaisms. Selection from the text of ancient words. Creative work. Explanation of obsolete words.

Topic 11-12.New words in Russian. (2 hours)

Teacher's story "Where do new words come from?" Neologisms in Russian. Finding neologisms in texts. The Guess Game.

Topic 13.Meeting with foreign friends. (1h)

Introduction to borrowed words. The story "Where did the words-aliens come from." Work on a poem by S. Ya. Marshak. Signs of words - aliens. Game Six and Six.

Topic 14-15.Synonyms in Russian (2 hours)

Introduction to synonyms. Work on A. Barto's poem "Word Game". Conversation "What do synonymous words mean?" Finding synonymous words in the text.

Topic 16.Words - antonyms (1 hour)

Acquaintance with words - antonyms. Cases of the use of antonyms in Russian. Isolation of antonyms from the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Swans". Work on the poem by V. Orlov "Dispute". The game "Pick the right words." Work on the selection of words-antonyms. The teacher's story about the role of antonyms in the Russian language.

Topic17.Homonym words (1 hour)

Homonyms in Russian and their role. Work on I. Turichin's story "Yes". Game "Prove...". Reading the story of N. Sladkov "Oatmeal".

Topic 18.Winged words (1 hour)

A conversation about the meaning of "winged expressions" in the Russian language. Selection of "winged expressions" in the titles of the text. Working with expressions used in a figurative sense and their meaning. Work with poems by N. Silkov "Bit his tongue" and V. Orlov "Neither fluff nor feather."

Topic 19-20.In the kingdom of errors. (2 hours)

Game "Fix the bugs" Work with works where spelling errors are made. Game "Pronounce it right" Staged by P. Rebrov “Who is right?”.

Topic 21-22.In the country of writers. (2 hours)

A conversation about rhymes. Working with riddles. Composing your own riddles according to given rhymes. Drawing riddle contest. Composition of fairy tales about friendship, about good and evil.

Topic 23-24.The art of eloquence. (2 hours)

Introduction to the concept of eloquence. Reading exemplary texts and their analysis. Retellings. Own exercises in creating different speeches.

Topic 25.Holiday of creativity and games. (1h)

Creative tasks for the formation of spelling vigilance. Didactic games aimed at developing cognitive interest in the Russian language. Intellectual game "Clever and clever".

Topic 26-27.Difficult words. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with the etymology of difficult words, with the exact meaning of words. Performing exercises to memorize the spelling of words. Work on texts of fiction and works of oral folk art.

Work with the recognition of "dangerous places" in words. Selective dictation. Tale of vocabulary words. Solving the crossword puzzle and illustrating vocabulary words.

Topic 28-29.Anagrams and metagrams. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with the history of the invention of anagrams and metagrams, with the authors who used anagrams and metagrams in their work. Introduction of the concepts "anagram" and "metagram". Working with examples (Milan-nalim, actor-grater).

Topic 30-31.Charades and logographs (2 hours)

Acquaintance with the origin of charades and logogryphs. Drawing up and solving charades and logogriffs. Illustrating word-answers.

Topic32.Where did our names come from. (1h)

Introduction to the origin of names. Creative work "Draw your name." Didactic game "Make a name".

Phonetics and orthoepy (7 hours) Topic 33.What is orthoepy? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the norms of literary pronunciation. Deepening and expanding knowledge and ideas about the literary language. Acquaintance with the concepts of "orthoepy", "spelling". Teaching the correct pronunciation of words, observing orthoepic norms.

Topic34.What is phonography or sound recording? (1h)

Acquaintance with the concepts of "phonography" and "sound recording". Acquaintance with the history of writing, with the stage of development of writing - phonography. Expanding knowledge of letters and sounds.

Topic 35.Sounds are not letters! (1h)

Acquaintance with the science of phonetics, the rules of reading and writing transcription. The teacher's story about the difference between "letter" and "sound". Compilation of transcriptions.

Topic 36.Sound line. (1h)

Acquaintance with the phonetic phenomena "sound recording", "onomatopoeia". Acquaintance with the terms "onomatopoeia", "alliteration", "assonance". Development of phonemic hearing.

Topic 37.Bows and scarves. (1h)

Acquaintance with the science of orthoepy, with the norms of pronunciation. Acquaintance with the pronunciation of the words bows and scarves. Act out situations with these words.

Topic 38."Pygmalion" teaches orthoepy. (1h)

Continue acquaintance with the science of orthoepy, with the norms of pronunciation. Acquaintance with the characters and content of Bernard Shaw's comedy "Pygmalion". Correct placement of stress in words.

Topic 39.Kitty Kitty! Meow!, or Something about onomatopoeia. (1h)

Acquaintance with onomatopoeic words or onomatopoeia. Introduce sound imitation. Comparison of onomatopoeia of different languages. The development of a culture of speech. Performing tasks on the topic "Orthoepy and phonetics".

Lexicology Topic 40.Names of things. (1h)

Acquaintance with the term "lexicon", and the lexical meaning of words. Acquaintance with explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. Enriching students' vocabulary.

Topic 41.On encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries. (1h)

The concept of the lexical meaning of words is given. Acquaintance with the linguistic dictionaries of the Russian language, with the features of the dictionary entry. Comparison of the role of encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries. Teaching the ability to use various dictionaries.

Topic 42.There are many roads in the realm of meanings. (1h)

Acquaintance with polysemantic words, words-homonyms. The ways and reasons for the formation of several meanings of the word are considered. Practical work "The difference between polysemantic words and homonyms."

Topic 43.How and why do new words appear? (1h)

Continuation of acquaintance with the lexical meaning of words. Work with various explanatory dictionaries, with the history of the appearance of new words in the Russian language.

Topic 44.The ambiguity of a word. (1h)

A story about the property "polysemy of the word", about the structure of the dictionary entry of the explanatory dictionary. Identification of the distinguishing features of polysemy and homonymy. Working with explanatory dictionaries. The game "Direct and figurative meaning of words."

Topic45."Where is the cuttlefish rolling from?" About dictionaries that tell about the history of words. (1h)

The concept of "etymology", the structure of the dictionary entry of the etymological dictionary is considered. Working with various etymological and historical dictionaries. Definition of the origin of the word.

Topic 46.Same thing, different words. (1h)

The peculiarity of the synonymous series of words is studied. Work with synonyms and their correct use in speech.

Topic 47.How do names come about? (1h)

Development of speech skills. Talk about the main functions of the language. The concept of "nomination system" is introduced. Working with etymological and historical dictionaries.

Topic 48.Words are antipodes. (1h)

Topic 49.Phraseological turns. (1h)

The study of the features of phraseological combinations. The concept of "phraseological turns" is introduced. A conversation about the correct use of phraseological units in speech. Finding phraseological units in an excerpt from A. Rybakov's story "Krosh's Adventure".

Topic 50.Dictionaries of "foreign" words. (1h)

The features of the structure of the dictionary entry of the dictionary of foreign words are considered. The concept of "sustainable turnover" is introduced. Working with a dictionary of foreign words and determining the meaning of these words.

Topic 51.Captain and cabbage. (1h)

Acquaintance with the history of the origin and formation of words captain and cabbage, beef and cowboy, tailors and crooks. Dictionary work. Comparing the meaning of words.

Topic52."He is the whole freedom triumph." (1h)

The linguistic features of the works of A. S. Pushkin are studied. The concept of "literary language" and "living folk speech" is introduced. Finding lines of folk speech in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

Topic53.We speak in verse. (1h)

The concepts of "winged expressions" and "aphorisms" are introduced. Finding aphorisms and popular expressions in the works of A. S. Pushkin. Work to enrich the vocabulary of students.

Topic54.Words invented by writers. (1h)

Work continues on the linguistic features of the works of A. S. Pushkin. The concepts of "individual-author's neologisms" and "occasional neologisms" are introduced. Finding individual-author's neologisms in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

Topic 55.Words leaving and words - newcomers. (1h)

The study of the features of obsolete words-archaisms. Introduction to new words. Work on understanding and the ability to correctly use archaisms in speech. The types of neologisms and types of archaisms are considered.

Topic 56.Dictionary of the language of Pushkin. (1h)

The peculiarity of the construction of the "Pushkin Language Dictionary" is considered. Acquaintance with the creation of "Pushkin's Dictionary of Language". A conversation about the meaning of this dictionary. Dictionary work.

Topic57.Dark Chernavka. (1h)

The peculiarity of ancient Russian names is considered. Acquaintance with the history of Russian names, with the first Russian names, on the example of the works of A. S. Pushkin. Show the meaning of ancient Russian names.

Topic 58.Paronyms, or "error-prone" words. (1h)

Acquaintance with the concept of "paronyms". The types of paronyms and ways of their formation are considered. A conversation about the correct use of paronyms in oral and written speech.

Topic59.Columbus mistake. "False Friends of the Translator". (1h)

Acquaintance with the phenomenon of interlingual paronymy. The types of paronyms and ways of their formation are considered.

Topic 60.Which dictionary will help you avoid mistakes? (1h)

Acquaintance with the dictionary entry "Dictionary of Paronyms", with types of dictionaries of paronyms. Methods for the formation of paronyms. Work on the ability to correctly use paronyms in oral and written speech.

Topic 61.Dictionary - literacy. (1h)

Acquaintance with the dictionary entry of the spelling dictionary. Conversation about the meaning of the spelling dictionary. Working with a spelling dictionary.

Topic 62.Scientific etymology. (1h)

Acquaintance with the dictionary entry of the etymological dictionary. The meaning of the etymological dictionary, the history of the origin of the words "ox", "wolf" and "bagpipes", "cufflink" and "comma" are considered. Work with the etymological dictionary.

Topic 63.What are the names? (1h)

Acquaintance with the science of "onomastics", With the traditional nicknames of animals in Russia. The ways and reasons for the formation of homonyms among proper names are considered. Working with dictionaries.

Topic64.Old Russian names. (1h)

Acquaintance with the history of the formation of ancient Russian names. Work with the etymological dictionary.

Topic65.Patronymic and surname. (1h)

A conversation about the history of the appearance of patronymics and surnames in the Russian language. Acquaintance with the science of "anthroponymy". Explanation of the origins of surnames on the example of a poem by S. Mikhalkov.

Topic 66.Should I stop in front of a zebra? (1h)

Acquaintance with the methods of nomination, affixal word formation and word formation. Using an already existing item name. The concept is introduced "metaphorical nomination".

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

students by the end of 4th grade

Learners should know:

Spelling rules for words with studied spelling.

Parts of speech (noun, adjective,

pronouns, verbs).

main members of the proposal. Word composition.

Distinctive features of the main language units;

Basic terms and concepts related to vocabulary, syntax, phonetics, morphology, spelling;

Words, phrases, sentences, text;

Basic spelling and punctuation rules;

About some norms of the Russian language: pronunciation, word usage;

Learners should be able to:

Distinguish prefixes and prepositions. Write prepositions separately with words, prefixes - together.

Break down sentences into parts of the sentence. Indicate the intonation of the enumeration in writing. Sort the words according to their composition.

Check the spelling of unstressed vowels, paired voiced and voiceless consonants,

unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.

Write correctly words with double consonants.

Determine gender, number of nouns and adjectives.

Determine the number, tense of verbs.

Write NOT with verbs.

Work with a dictionary. Group and match words to certain rules.

Distinguish dividing hard (b) and soft (b) signs, write words with them.

Make up stories from pictures. G";

Clearly articulate words, perceive and reproduce the intonation of speech;

    select antonyms, synonyms, phraseological turns;

to distinguish words-paronyms, homonyms, archaisms, neologisms;

    use spelling, word-building, phraseological, etymological dictionaries

VIII. Funds needed to implement the program:

    availability of linguistic dictionaries;

    the presence of cards with games and tasks;

availability of texts for work in the classroom.


    Volina VV Cheerful grammar. Moscow: Knowledge, 1995

    Volina V. V. Entertaining alphabet studies. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1991

    Volina V.V. Russian language. We learn by playing. Yekaterinburg TOO. Publishing house "ARGO", 1996

    Volina VV Russian language in stories, fairy tales, poems. Moscow "ACT", 1996

Granik G. G., Bondarenko S. M., Kontsevaya L. A. Secrets of Spelling. Moscow "Enlightenment", 1991

Entertaining grammar. Comp. Burlaka E. G., Prokopenko I. N. Donetsk. PKF "BAO", 1997

    Magazines: "Primary School", "Funny Pictures", "Murzilka".

    Kanakina V.P. Work on difficult words in primary classes. Moscow "Enlightenment", 1991

Levushkina O. N. Vocabulary work in primary classes. (1-4) Moscow "VLADOS", 2003

Y. Marshak S. Cheerful alphabet. Funny account. Rostov-on-Don book. publishing house, 1991 P. Polyakova AV Creative learning tasks in the Russian language for students in grades 1-4. Samara. Publishing house "Sam Wen", 1997

    Word transformations. Tutorial. Comp. Polyakova A. V. Moscow "Enlightenment", 1991

    Rick T.G. Good Morning Adjective! M.: RIO "Samovar", 1994

Rick T.G. Hello Noun! M.: RIO "Samovar", 1994

Rick T.G. Hello Uncle Verb! M.: RIO "Samovar", 1995

    Topky P.S. Spelling without rules. Elementary School. Moscow "Enlightenment", 1991

    Collection of riddles. Comp. M. T. Karpenko. M., 1988

18. Odintsov V. V. School Dictionary of Foreign Words / ed. V. V. Ivanova-M: Enlightenment 1984.

The program of the optional course Secrets of the Russian language for grade 4

Description of work

The subject of study is the content of an elective in the Russian language in the 6th grade on the topic "We plunge into the interesting world of education and spelling of words."
The purpose of this course work on the methodology of teaching the Russian language is to study the existing regulatory documents in connection with the organization of optional classes in the Russian language and critically comprehend the content of the elective in the 6th grade on the topic “We plunge into the interesting world of education and spelling of words.”

1.1. Electives as a form of training sessions and their place in the educational process………………………………………………………………………….
1.2. Electives in the Russian language and their methodological support…….
2.1. Analysis of the content of electives in spelling……………………..
2.2. Education and spelling of words as part of the elective “Immerse yourself in the interesting world of education and spelling of words” in the 6th grade……….

Files: 1 file


educational institution


Faculty of Philology

Department of the Russian language




Coursework on teaching methods

Russian language

Artist: Elena Dashkevich

4th year student, 1st group,

daytime receipt

higher education

Scientific adviser: Bozhenko Lyubov Nikolaevna,

candidate of philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor



1.1. Electives as a form of training sessions and their place in the educational process…………………………………………………………………………….

1.2. Electives in the Russian language and their methodological support…….


2.1. Analysis of the content of electives in spelling……… ……………..

2.2. Education and spelling of words as part of the elective “Immerse yourself in the interesting world of education and spelling of words” in the 6th grade……….

CONCLUSION…………………………………………………… …………….


APPENDIX A. Summary of an optional lesson on the topic: Formation of words using pre- and pre- prefixes and their spelling ... ..


The modern educational process at school is carried out in such forms as a lesson, extracurricular activities, extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities in a modern school are as compulsory as lessons.

They are held in various subjects as a form of in-depth theoretical and practical training of students, as a means of implementing differentiated, student-centered learning and developing interest in the subject being studied.

Since 2010, all electives in subjects in the Republic of Belarus are held on topics and programs approved by the Ministry of Education. They were developed by scientists and teachers of higher educational institutions, they also wrote programs, manuals for teachers and students.

For a full-fledged preparation for the future pedagogical work of a language teacher, students need to know everything about modern electives in the Russian language, so this topic is relevant and practically significant. Note that this topic is not presented in any way in the educational literature on the subject,,.

The object of study in this course work is electives as a type of educational work in the Russian language in the absence of specialized classes.

The subject of study is the content of an elective in the Russian language in the 6th grade on the topic "We plunge into the interesting world of education and spelling of words."

The purpose of this course work on the methodology of teaching the Russian language is to study the existing regulatory documents in connection with the organization of optional classes in the Russian language and critically comprehend the content of the elective in the 6th grade on the topic “We plunge into the interesting world of education and spelling of words.”

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) study the issue of electives as a form of study and find out their place in the educational process;

2) get acquainted with electives in the Russian language and their methodological support;

3) analyze the content of electives in spelling;

4) to critically evaluate the content of the elective for the 6th grade “We plunge into the interesting world of education and spelling of words”;

5) develop a summary of one optional lesson on the topic "Formation of words with the help of prefixes pre- and pre- and their spelling."

The methodological basis for this course work are official documents regulating the organization and implementation of extracurricular activities in the educational process; publications of authors - developers of the concept of conducting optional classes in the Russian language, programs and methodological materials for teachers and students on the spelling of the Russian language. To solve the third and fourth tasks, we used analysis, comparison, comparison, morphemic, word-formation and spelling analysis.



1. Electives as a form of training sessions and their place in the educational process

An optional course, or an optional subject (French facultatif - from Latin facultas - "opportunity"), is an optional course (subject) studied at a higher educational institution or school of the student's (student's) choice.

Modern electives are a special organizational form of educational work, which differs both from the lesson and from extracurricular activities. At the same time, it is emphasized that electives have much in common with lessons and additional classes. Like lessons, optional classes are conducted according to approved programs and plans, a class journal is kept, classes are scheduled, and teaching methods common to the lesson and forms of organizing independent cognitive activity of students are used in these classes.

The similarity with subject circles lies in the fact that an elective, like a circle, unites a group of students on the basis of common interests, the voluntary choice of this form of education. In extracurricular activities, some forms and methods are used that are typical for extracurricular activities. However, the teacher must remember that electives do not replace extracurricular work in the subject. Being an independent part of educational work, electives can be supplemented by extra-curricular (club) classes, in which students further deepen and expand their knowledge and skills.

Working with a relatively small number of 10-15 interested students, the teacher, to a greater extent than in the classroom, can implement a differentiated approach, select tasks depending on the inclinations and characteristics of the students.

Extracurricular activities require a high level of creative abilities of students.

Here, more than in the classroom, the research method can be applied, which modern didactics considers as educational in the system of methods. The research nature of the work depends not only on the formulation of the task, but on the student's approach to work: he relies on information obtained by science, uses some methods of scientific analysis in order to solve problems that are new for him and his comrades.

The work of students in extracurricular activities is evaluated somewhat differently than in the classroom: the ten-point system is not applied, but the recognition of the prepared report or message is worthy of being repeated in a wider audience, for example, in a lesson.

In a sense, extracurricular activities occupy an intermediate position between the main lessons in the classroom and a variety of extracurricular work in subjects. Unlike extracurricular activities, electives have a strictly educational focus, provide a system of knowledge defined by the curriculum, etc. At the same time, some forms of extracurricular work are used in electives - elements of the game and competition, entertainment techniques, quizzes, exhibitions, and a different, more free, compared to the lesson, classroom environment.

The main, most specific forms of the educational process in extracurricular activities include conversations, lectures, practical exercises and seminars. This means that in extracurricular activities, basically the same teaching methods are used as in class work in the study of basic subjects. The variety of methods and forms of educational work is a necessary quality, the second (along with the content of education) source for the development of students' cognitive interests.

The conversation requires considerable study time for its conduct, and with a relatively small composition of the optional group (10–15 people), the opportunity opens up for the overwhelming majority of students to participate in the conversation and an atmosphere is created that is greater than in the classroom, the immediacy of communication between the teacher and students. The conversation at extracurricular classes has a universal character, it is fragmentarily included in the lecture, it becomes a kind of practical and seminar classes. The use of the heuristic method, problematic tasks in the process of conversation, the organization of the search activity of students increases the creative abilities of students and the effectiveness of learning.

The teacher's lecture serves as an introduction and conclusion to the topic, contains new, mostly generalizing material, it highlights the fundamental theoretical and methodological problems, sets out the foundations of the knowledge system on the relevant topic. The perception of a lecture requires sustained voluntary attention from students; readiness and ability to listen and take notes of a serious lecture.

Practical classes are, as a rule, training in nature. Students perform a lot of independent work of a relatively small volume and specific content, mainly in the course of the lessons themselves.

Seminars are a form of training sessions that provide students with the greatest independence. The main elements of the seminar work are abstracts, student reports, discussions of reports, a detailed conversation on individual issues put forward by the speakers or proposed by the leader, the teacher's introductory and concluding remarks on the general problems of the seminar. In addition, for a seminar, a debate, such a form of training as a consultation is of great importance for all students of the elective course, and especially for speakers.

In elective classes, frontal, individual and group forms of work are used equally: conversation and lectures are predominantly frontal in nature; combinations in specific classes, depending on the goals and objectives.

All forms of the educational process in extracurricular activities require a gradual but intensive increase in the proportion of students' independent work. This entails the individualization of learning and even more raises the leading role of the teacher, because the methodological support for effective independent work of students requires serious, thoughtful preparation on the part of the teacher. For conversation and debate, the teacher prepares topics and questions, he develops assignments and exercises for practical work, topics and plans for seminars. However, it is not enough to distribute topics among students and give them general instructions. It is necessary to develop the creative abilities of students.

In practical classes and seminars, it is possible to widely use group work, in which all participants in the classes are divided into groups of 3-5 people. Each group receives a task, prepares it together, discusses the results of the work and nominates a speaker or distributes messages on individual issues among themselves; other members of the group complement the speakers. Tasks for group work should be of a problematic nature, i.e. contain a cognitive difficulty, encourage the active use of knowledge and skills, form the basis for collective activity and the exchange of opinions. All groups can receive the same tasks, and then the prerequisites for discussion arise; or receive different tasks within the framework of a common topic, and then each group contributes its share of information to the disclosure of this topic. The teacher observes the work of the groups, in case of difficulties, helps to develop a plan of their actions, if necessary, raises leading questions, and after the presentations of the representatives of the groups, makes conclusions.

Group work in optional classes also includes the performance by small groups of students of long-term research (in the educational sense) tasks that cannot be completed on the basis of one or two generalizing works, but require the selection of information from various and numerous sources.

According to the nature of the educational independent activity of students in extracurricular activities, it is advisable to distinguish four levels of independence.

The first level is the simplest reproducing independence.

This level is especially pronounced in the student's independent activity when performing exercises that require a simple reproduction of existing knowledge.

The first level of independence can be traced in the educational and cognitive activity of many students who have started extracurricular activities. Then some students quickly go to the next level, while others linger on it for a certain time. Most of them in the process of studying the material reach a higher level of independence than the first.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Chertkovskaya secondary school No. 2


Director of MBOU Chertkovskaya secondary school No. 2

S.N. Garmashev

Order dated 31.08. 2017 No. 143


extracurricular activities

General intellectual direction

Some questions of grammar and speech development.

Preparing students for the OGE (optional)

Basic general education _ Grade 9

Teacher: Styupan N. T.


1 . Explanatory note

This work program has been


    Article 12

    Article 28

in accordance with the requirements:

    the federal component of the state educational standard of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089);

    Sample program basic general / secondary (full) general education in the Russian language (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 07.07.2005 No. 03-1263);

    Federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing general education programs (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 No. 253, as amended and supplemented);

    educational and methodological complex: Russian language Grade 9: a textbook for general education. organizations. / M. M. Razumovskaya, S. I. Lvova, V. I. Kapinos and others - M .: Bustard, 2016, multimedia application, book for teachers;

in accordance with:

    clause 4.4 of the Charter of the school (Resolution of the Administration of the Chertkovsky district of the Rostov region dated September 15, 2015 No. 725)

    the main educational program of the MBOU Chertkovskaya secondary school No. 2 (Order dated August 31, 2017 No. 143);

    Regulations on the work program for the subject (course) of the teacher MBOU Chertkovskaya secondary school No. 2 (Order dated August 31, 2017 No. 142)

    calendar study schedule (Order dated August 31, 2017 No. 141);

    the curriculum of the educational institution (Order dated August 31, 2017 No. 140);

The study of the Russian language as an elective is aimed at achieving the following goals:

-promotion spelling and punctuation literacy of students, development connected speech, security preparation of 9th grade students for the final certification in the Russian language in a new form.

The main goal of this course is to prepare students for a new form of passing the exam (OGE) and overcoming difficulties in learning the Russian language

Elective program in Russian for grade 9 “Some questions of grammar and speech development. Preparation for the OGE in the Russian language "was developed on the basis of a special course by S.I. Lvova "Russian spelling: spelling and punctuation".

Course objectives:

Generalize and systematize the spelling and punctuation rules of the Russian language, improve students' literacy;

To promote the development of students' creative abilities, communication skills;

Develop skills that ensure successful completion of the final certification.

Systematization of ZUN, checked during the exam on the new technology;

Improving the ability to present the educational text;

Improving the ability to create your own statement (essay) on a given topic.

The main principles on which the course is based are scientific, systematic, accessible. This will allow students to better prepare for the exams.

Information material is combined with such forms of work that will allow students to improve the level of ZUN necessary for passing exams successfully.

The classes use:

Teacher lectures with various types of assignments;

Drawing up general tables and diagrams;

Independent work of students (observations on language material, their analysis, conclusions);

Self-selection of material;

Group work;

Conducting business games and workshops;

Working with CIM packages;

Writing essays and essays .

During the course, students should:

    master a set of skills that determine the level of language and linguistic competence of 9th graders;

    learn how to correctly write a concise presentation, using appropriate text compression techniques;

    own the forms of information processing of the source text;

    work with test tasks: independently (without the help of a teacher) understand the wording of the task and delve into its meaning;

    strictly follow the instructions accompanying the task;

    independently limit the time frame for completing tasks;

    be able to work with forms of examination paper;

    concentrate and work effectively during the exam.

Each lesson provides for a theoretical part (repetition of the rules, studying difficult cases of spelling, determining the stages of creating a text) and a practical part (performing various exercises that help form language, linguistic and communicative competence; consolidate knowledge of spelling and punctuation rules, acquire stable skills).

The most important direction in education is the systematization and generalization of knowledge in the field of spelling. To do this, it is necessary to apply the most effective methods that help to realize the specified direction. First of all, this is work with generalizing schemes and tables on spelling and punctuation, work with various linguistic dictionaries and spelling analysis of word-formation models, which develops the ability to see difficulties. The problem of the culture of oral and written speech is also touched upon: the correctness and appropriateness of the choice of language means, the correctness of speech (pronunciation norms, language norms and language errors).

The first part of the work of the OGE in the 9th grade is writing a concise summary of the text of a journalistic or scientific style (more precisely, a popular science sub-style). A condensed presentation is a form of information processing of the source text, which allows you to check the complex of necessary life skills, the most important of which are the following:

    the ability to accurately determine the range of objects and phenomena of reality reflected in the text;

    the ability to isolate the main thing in information;

    the ability to shorten text in different ways;

    the ability to correctly, accurately and concisely state the content of the text;

    the ability to find and appropriately use linguistic means of generalized transmission of content.

To do well with this type of work, students must first learn to understand that any text contains main and secondary information. The main information is the content, without which the author's intention will be unclear or distorted. Therefore, it is necessary to teach to perceive the text by ear so that the student accurately understands its general theme, problem, idea, sees the author's position. The student should also train in identifying micro-themes that are part of the general theme of the text he has listened to.

The second part of the examination work includes tasks with a choice of answers.

and an independent answer (Part 2 No. 2 - No. 14). At the same time, the letter designations are not associated with the level of complexity of the task itself (all tasks of the second part do not go beyond the basic level), but with the technology for its implementation.

The tasks of group A check the depth and accuracy of the examinee's understanding of the content of the source text, reveal the level of comprehension by schoolchildren of its cultural and value categories, check the set of skills that determine the level of linguistic and linguistic competence of 9th graders. All tasks have a practical orientation, since the linguistic phenomena they test constitute the necessary linguistic base for mastering spelling and speech norms.

The third part of the GIA work contains three alternative creative tasks (15.1-15.3), from which the student must choose only one. All tasks test the communicative competence of schoolchildren, the ability to build their own statement in accordance with the type of speech reasoning. At the same time, it is not by chance that special attention is paid to the ability to argue the provisions of creative work using the read text. It is this general educational skill that students need in their further educational, and often in their professional activities. The ability to defend one's positions, to treat oneself and one's interlocutor with respect, to conduct a conversation in a demonstrative manner serves as an indicator of culture, rational consciousness in general. Genuine rationality, including the ability to argue, to prove one's position, does not at all contradict the level of development of the emotional sphere, aesthetic consciousness. In this unity lies such a personal principle as responsibility for one's views and positions. The program is designed for 34 hours.

2. Thematic planning

Section names

Number of hours

    Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the elective. Familiarization with the content and instructions for completing the OGE in a new form

    Acquaintance with samples of KIMs intended for conducting a written exam in grade 9

    Concise presentation. Basic text compression techniques

    Essay on a linguistic theme. Structure, abstract formulation, arguments and conclusions

    Essay-reasoning on the text. Structure, abstract formulation, arguments and conclusions

    Work with test tasks (part 2) GIA



Section 1 . Introductory lesson.

Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the elective. Familiarization with the content and instructions for performing the OGE in a new form.

Section 2 .

Section 3 . Concise presentation. Basic text compression techniques.

Algorithm for writing a presentation. Techniques of work aimed at the primary perception of the text. Text parsing. Planning. Isolation of microthemes. Paragraph division. Preparation of working materials for presentation. Features of a concise presentation. Preparing to write a summary. Teaching text compression techniques. Development of text compression techniques: exclusion, generalization, simplification.

Section 4 . Essay on a linguistic theme.

Job evaluation criteria. The structure of an essay on a linguistic topic. Learning to formulate a thesis. Learn to reason and draw conclusions.

Section 5 . Essay-reasoning on the text.

Criteria for evaluating an essay-reasoning. Learning to formulate a thesis. We learn to argue and write the conclusion of the reasoning.

Section 6. An essay is a discussion on a moral and ethical topic.

Section 7 . Working with test items Part 2 (2-14).

Understanding the text. Text integrity. Synonyms. Antonyms. Homonyms. Lexical analysis of the word. Repetition on the topic "Morphology". Expressive and visual means of language.

Root spelling. Spelling prefixes. Spelling of suffixes. Phrase. The grammatical basis of the sentence. Punctuation marks in a simple compound sentence. Punctuation marks in compound sentences. Punctuation marks in complex and complex non-union sentences. Complex sentences with different types of connection. Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence.

Section 8 Final lesson.

    Calendar-thematic planning

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

Introductory lesson. Goals and objectives of the elective. Familiarization with the content and instructions for the implementation of the "Examination work for the state final certification of graduates of the 9th grade of educational institutions in a new form in the Russian language."

Acquaintance with samples of KIMs intended for a written exam in grade 9.

Acquaintance with samples of KIMs intended for a written exam in grade 9.

The concept of presentation. Algorithm for writing a presentation.

Techniques of work aimed at the primary perception of the text. Text parsing. Drafting a text plan.

Isolation of micro-themes in the text. Paragraph division. Preparation of working materials for presentation.

Concise presentation. Features of a concise presentation. Preparing to write a summary.

Basic text compression techniques

Teaching text compression techniques.

Independent work. Writing a summary

Work on presentation errors. Text editing. Comparison with a sample. Verification and evaluation of the condensed presentation. Memo for the analysis of the presentation. Classification of speech and grammatical errors

Completion of test tasks No. 2 - 3

Completion of test tasks No. 3-4

Completion of test tasks No. 5-6

Completion of test tasks No. 7

Completion of test tasks No. 9

Completion of test tasks No. 10

Completion of test tasks No. 8, 11

Completion of test tasks No. 12

Completion of test tasks No. 13

Completion of test tasks No. 14

Preparation for an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic 15.1

Preparation for an essay-reasoning on a linguistic topic. 15.1

Preparation for essay-reasoning on a fragment of text 15.2

Preparation for essay-reasoning on a fragment of text 15.2

Preparation for an essay-reasoning on a moral and ethical topic. 15.3

Control work in the OGE format (concise presentation, test tasks, essay).

5. Estimated results.

As a result of studying an elective, students should:

To systematize the knowledge gained during the study of the Russian language;

Be able to write essays-evidence on given topics;

Be able to write different types of presentations (full and compressed).


norms of the literary language (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical).

Applying the acquired knowledge, students should be able to:

Comply with language norms in oral and written statements;

Find and correct speech errors in various types of work (tests, essays).

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Give an idea of ​​the norms of the language;

Consider the main types of lexical, grammatical errors;

To acquaint with orthoepic rules and make lists of words in which the stress is either strictly fixed or variant;

To acquaint with test tasks and essays that prove the need to address the topic of the course.

the ability to understand by ear the content of sounding artistic, journalistic, popular science, official business texts of various functional and semantic types of speech;

the ability to understand the main idea of ​​the listened text;

the ability to describe in detail the content of listened to artistic, journalistic, popular science, official business texts of various functional and semantic types of speech;

the ability to interpret the information of the sounding text;

the ability to accurately and fully understand the content of read artistic, journalistic, popular science, official business texts of various functional and semantic types of speech;

the ability to understand the main idea of ​​the read text;

the ability to understand the main idea that unites the texts read and listened to;

ability to interpret the information of the read text;

the ability to determine the style and functional-semantic type of speech of the read text;

the ability to determine the means of communication of sentences in the text;

the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of the word;

the ability to determine the lexical meaning of a word and phraseological phrase;

the ability to conduct a morphemic-word-formation analysis of a word;

the ability to determine the main ways of forming words;

the ability to determine the belonging of a word to a certain part of speech according to its grammatical features;

the ability to determine whether a sentence belongs to a certain syntactic model according to its meaning, intonation and grammatical features;

the ability to find the grammatical basis of a sentence and determine the language means of its expression;

the ability to apply knowledge of phonetics, vocabulary, morphemics, word formation, morphology and syntax in the practice of spelling;

the ability to create a text in accordance with a given topic and functional-semantic type of speech;

the ability to express one's own opinion on the problem raised in the listened and read texts, to argue it using the information extracted from them, as well as knowledge, life or reading experience;

the ability to consistently express their own thoughts;

the ability to select and organize language means in accordance with the topic, purpose, style and functional-semantic type of speech;

the ability to use in one's own speech a variety of grammatical structures and the lexical richness of the language;

the ability to formulate speech in accordance with the spelling, grammatical, punctuation and speech norms of the literary language.

6. Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities

In the process of preparing for the final certification, attention should be paid to the mandatory generalization and repetition of the following topics:

text as a speech work;

semantic and compositional integrity, coherence of the text;

functional styles and functional-semantic types of speech;

means of communication of sentences in the text;

sounds and letters, sound-letter analysis of the word;

lexical meaning of the word and phraseological phrase;

morphemic derivational analysis of the word;

basic ways of word formation;

morphological analysis of significant parts of speech;

morphological analysis of service parts of speech;

simple sentence: main and secondary members;

two-part and one-part sentences;

compound sentence;

complex sentence;

complex non-union proposal. Semantic relations between the parts of an allied compound sentence;

complex sentences with different types of connection between parts;

syntactic analysis of a simple sentence;

syntactic analysis of a complex sentence.
