Mass of brickwork in 1 m3. Brickwork weight, how much does a masonry cube weigh

The weight of brickwork is an important indicator and is calculated at the design stage. The strength and type of the future foundation, as well as the design solutions and architecture of the building, depend entirely on how heavy the load-bearing walls of the structure will be.

The need to determine the mass

Knowing exactly the weight of one cubic meter of brickwork is necessary for many reasons. First of all, this, of course, is the calculation of the maximum allowable load on the foundation and floors. Brick is considered a rather heavy building material, therefore, in order to use it for the construction of main walls, it is necessary to clearly correlate the permitted load and the specific gravity of the brick. Often a limitation for the use of bricks, especially silicate and hyper-pressed full-bodied models, is the type of soil. So, it is not recommended to use brickwork on loose and moving soils. In such cases, alternative materials should be used: expanded clay concrete blocks, foam concrete, gas silicate material or cinder blocks.

Knowing the exact weight of one cube. m of brickwork, you can calculate not only the strength of the foundation, but also to determine the margin of safety of each section of the bearing wall. This is especially important for calculating the load on the lower and basement floors, as well as for choosing the brand of cement mortar and reinforcing structural elements. In addition, an accurate knowledge of the mass of brickwork allows you to calculate the required carrying capacity of the car, which will be used to remove construction debris during the dismantling of structures and dismantling of walls.

What affects weight?

The mass of masonry is primarily influenced by the material used to make bricks. The lightest are ceramic products, for the manufacture of which clay and plasticizers are used. Products are molded using a special press, and then sent to the kiln for firing. Slightly heavier are silicate and hyper-pressed products. For the manufacture of the former, lime and quartz sand are used, and the basis of the latter is cement. Clinker models are also distinguished by a rather large weight; they are made from varieties of refractory clay, followed by firing at very high temperatures.

In addition to the material of manufacture, the type of brick execution has a huge impact on the weight per square meter of masonry. On this basis, two large groups of products are distinguished: full-bodied and hollow models. The former are monolithic products of regular shape, not containing figured holes and internal cavities. Solid stones weigh an average of 30% more than their hollow counterpart. However, such a material has a high thermal conductivity and is rarely used for the construction of load-bearing walls. This is due to the absence of an air layer in the body of the brick and its inability to prevent heat loss in the premises during the cold period.

Hollow models are characterized by higher performance and lower weight, which allows them to be most actively used in the construction of external walls. Another factor affecting the mass of brickwork is the porosity of the brick. The more internal cavities a product has, the higher its thermal insulation qualities and lower weight. To increase the porosity of ceramic models, sawdust or straw is added to the raw material at the production stage, which burn out during the firing process and leave a large number of small air voids in their place. This allows for the same volume of material to significantly reduce its mass.

In addition, the weight of the cement mortar and metal reinforcement has a huge impact on the mass of the masonry. The first factor largely depends on the professionalism of the bricklayer, as well as on how thick he imposes the mortar. The mass of reinforcing elements depends on the number and type of metal structures necessary to give the walls of the building increased strength and seismic resistance. It often happens that the total mass of cement mortar and reinforcing mesh is almost equal to the net weight of the brick.

Calculation rules

Before proceeding with the calculation of the mass of brickwork, you should familiarize yourself with some terms. There is a specific and volumetric weight of a brick. Specific gravity is determined by the ratio of weight to occupied volume and is calculated according to the following formula: Y=P*G, where P is the density of the brick, and G denotes a constant value equal to 9.81. The specific gravity of a brick is measured in Newtons per cubic meter and is denoted as N/m3. To convert the received numbers into the SI system, they need to be multiplied by a factor of 0.102. Thus, with an average mass of full-bodied models of 4 kg, the specific gravity of the masonry will vary from 1400 to 1990 kg/m3.

Another important parameter is volumetric weight, which, unlike specific weight, takes into account the presence of cavities and voids. This value is used to determine the mass of not each brick individually, but immediately a whole cubic meter of products. It is the volumetric weight of products that serves as an indicative value and is taken into account when calculating the mass of brickwork directly during construction.

Knowing the weight of one brick and the number of copies in one cubic meter of masonry, you can easily calculate how much the entire masonry weighs. To do this, it is enough to multiply both numbers and add the mass of cement mortar to the obtained value. So, in one cubic meter, 513 full-bodied single silicate products of a standard size of 250x120x65 mm fit, and the weight of one brick is 3.7 kg. Therefore, one masonry cube will weigh 1898 kg without taking into account the weight of the solution. One and a half silicates already weigh about 4.8 kg per piece, and their number in a cubic meter of masonry reaches 379 pieces. Accordingly, masonry of this volume will weigh 1819 kg, also without taking into account the mass of cement.

The strength and performance characteristics of the building depend on the building materials used, the size and shape of the structures. The normative weight of brickwork with a volume of 1 m3 must be known in order to accurately calculate the parameters of the foundation, load-bearing walls and partitions.

Important! An attempt to over-strengthen the elements of the building only leads to an increase in the load and overspending of building materials.

The estimated weight of 1 m3 of brickwork is determined in accordance with the manufacturer's data, taking into account tolerances. In production, deviations from the technological process inevitably occur in terms of processing or the raw materials used.

These fluctuations must fit into a certain interval, which is called tolerance. Thus, the total weight of the masonry can fluctuate within certain limits.

The link between the individual bricks is cement mortar. This mass should not be neglected, and it may have deviations in one direction or another. Here it is necessary to take into account both the thickness and the density of the binder, which in turn depends on various factors.

Dimensional and weight characteristics of building materials

Building bricks are made from different types of raw materials - it can be both clay and sand. Raw materials have different characteristics and different technological methods are used in the production. The combination of these factors determines the parameters of brick, which is one of the most common materials used in construction.

An overview of its various types is the subject of this article.

Brick ordinary clay

This building material has a long history, at first it was simply sculpted from clay with or without fillers. The dried blocks immediately went into action, their strength was low, as well as the price, they quickly collapsed under the influence of water and sunlight.

Modern technology involves firing bricks in special kilns and at a certain temperature. Pay attention to its main technical and operational characteristics:

  1. the weight of 1 m3 of brickwork is in the range from 1.7 to 1.9 tons;
  2. the thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.65 to 0.7, which in practice means a change in the temperature index on the outer surfaces per unit of time;
  3. the coefficient of maximum water absorption should not exceed 8%, which is possible only in the presence of a porous structure;
  4. the brand of brick is determined by its tensile strength and compressive strength, has a numerical designation from 75 to 200;
  5. an important characteristic is frost resistance, determined by the cyclic method, for high-quality material this indicator is 15 frosts and thaws.

Many properties of a brick depend on a properly selected firing mode; for the described one, it involves heating to a temperature of 1000 °С with allowable fluctuation in 100 °С to one side or the other.

silicate brick

Its production began in the 19th century, in our country this material began to be used in the last century. For its production, such types of raw materials are used as:

  1. quarry sand, sifted from impurities with certain characteristics;
  2. quicklime;
  3. prepared technical water;
  4. special additives and additives to increase the strength of the blocks.

Currently, double silicate brick M 150 is in great demand, which has improved characteristics. Its manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. a mixture is prepared from quartz sand, burnt lime, technical water, dyes and modifiers in the proportions prescribed by the technological map;
  2. the composition is molded and placed in an autoclave in which a special temperature and humidity regime is maintained;
  3. the finished product is subjected to high pressure, which allows to achieve compaction of the material.

Brick stone is one of the most versatile and essential building materials. It is distinguished by high quality, reliability, durability and functionality. This is the merit of modern technology. Most often used without firing or plastic. The result is optimum performance and service life.

Information will become necessary in cases where the calculation of the prospective load on the foundation is carried out to select the foundation.

Classification is carried out according to:

  1. Mind. Based on this, red or ceramic and silicate variants are distinguished.
  2. Appointment. Includes refractory or fireclay, front or facing, working and clinker variations.
  3. Size. Dimensions are double, single or one and a half.
  4. Form. It happens full-bodied or hollow, that is, slotted.

Working blocks do not differ in attractive appearance, however, they are quite strong and reliable.

The main advantage of the facing block is aesthetics, which allows you to create an interesting exterior.

The clinker type of brick allows you to add originality and color to the building, and refractory material is used to organize a fireplace or bath.

How to determine the mass of silicate cyprich?

To find out the weight of a cube of material, you need to decide on the preferred type. One of the most popular is silicate. Each unit has an average weight of three kilograms seven hundred grams. The quantity will be 513 pieces. Weight reaches 1900 kilograms. Quite often, the implementation is carried out on pallets. Each of them includes from two hundred to three hundred and eighty pieces. Based on this, the total weight can vary from 740 to 1410 kilograms.

It is important to remember that the mass of the silicate species directly depends on its size and shape. One and a half full-bodied version reaches from 4.2 to 5 kilograms, single hollow - 3.2, and one and a half - 3.7. To find out the exact weight, you need to multiply the number of pieces in a cube by the weight of one unit.

How to determine the mass of ceramic material?

To find out how much a cube of ceramic bricks weighs, you need to decide on the dimensions,
which will be used in the work. If you prefer a full-bodied form, the mass will be:

  1. 3.5kg for single.
  2. An average of 4.1 kg for one and a half.
  3. Approximately 6.9 for a double.

It is worth knowing that a single one has up to 513 pieces in each cubic meter. The total mass in this case reaches 1700 kg. One and a half - 379 pieces. They reach 1550 kg. There are about 242 pieces in a double cube. It weighs up to 1600 kg.

E If for your purposes you need a hollow type of ceramic brick, then the values ​​​​will be as follows:

  1. 2.5 kg in one single and about 1200 kg in its cube.
  2. About 3 kg one and a half or 1200 in one cube.
  3. 4.7 kg in one double and 1000-1200 kg in its cube.

If you need a facing type, then the mass of a single unit will be 1.5 kg, and one and a half - 3 kg. In the cube of the first option, 700-800 kg, and the second - 1000-1600 kg.

It is not difficult to determine how much a brick cube weighs. It is enough to choose its type, shape and dimensions. It is important to carry out the calculation correctly in order to eliminate possible errors. The information will become necessary for drawing up a construction estimate, determining the amount of material for a particular building.

How much does 1 cube of brick laying weigh, weight of 1 m3 of brick laying. The number of kilograms in 1 cubic meter of a brick wall, the number of tons in 1 cubic meter of a brick wall, kg in 1 m3 of a brick wall. Bulk density of brickwork, specific gravity of a brick wall.

What do we want to know today? How much does 1 cube of brick laying weigh, what is the weight of 1 m3 of brick laying? No problem, you can find out the number of kilograms or the number of tons at once, the mass (weight of one cubic meter, weight of one cube, weight of one cubic meter, weight of 1 m3) are indicated in table 1. If anyone is interested, you can skim through the small text below, read some explanation. How is the amount of substance, material, liquid or gas we need measured? With the exception of those cases when it is possible to reduce the calculation of the required quantity to the calculation of goods, products, elements in pieces (piece count), it is easiest for us to determine the required quantity based on volume and weight (mass). In everyday life, the most familiar unit of volume for us is 1 liter. However, the number of liters suitable for household calculations is not always an applicable way to determine the volume for economic activity. In addition, liters in our country have not become a generally accepted "production" and trade unit of volume. One cubic meter, or in an abbreviated version - one cube, turned out to be quite a convenient and popular unit of volume for practical use. We are used to measuring almost all substances, liquids, materials and even gases in cubic meters. It's really convenient. After all, their cost, prices, rates, consumption rates, tariffs, supply contracts are almost always tied to cubic meters (cubes), much less often to liters. No less important for practical activities is knowing not only the volume, but also the weight (mass) of the substance occupying this volume: in this case, we are talking about how much 1 cubic meter weighs (1 cubic meter, 1 cubic meter, 1 m3). Knowledge of mass and volume gives us a fairly complete picture of quantity. When asking how much 1 cube weighs, site visitors often indicate specific units of mass in which they would like to know the answer to the question. As we have noticed, most often they want to know the weight of 1 cubic meter (1 cubic meter, 1 cubic meter, 1 m3) in kilograms (kg) or tons (tons). In fact, you need kg/m3 or t/m3. These are closely related units of quantity. In principle, a fairly simple independent conversion of weight (mass) from tons to kilograms and vice versa is possible: from kilograms to tons. However, as practice has shown, for most site visitors it would be more convenient to immediately find out how many kilograms weigh 1 cubic meter (1 m3) of brick laying or how many tons weigh 1 cubic meter (1 m3) of brick laying, without converting kilograms into tons or vice versa - quantities tons to kilograms per cubic meter (one cubic meter, one cubic meter, one m3). Therefore, in table 1, we indicated how much 1 cubic meter (1 cubic meter, 1 cubic meter) weighs in kilograms (kg) and in tons (tons). Choose the column of the table that you need yourself. By the way, when we ask how much 1 cubic meter (1 m3) weighs, we mean mass - the number of kilograms or the number of tons. However, from a physical point of view, we are interested in density or specific gravity. The mass of a unit volume or the amount of a substance placed in a unit volume is bulk density or specific gravity. In this case bulk density and specific gravity of brickwork. Density and specific gravity in physics are usually measured not in kg / m3 or in tons / m3, but in grams per cubic centimeter: g / cm3. Therefore, in table 1, specific gravity and density (synonyms) are indicated in grams per cubic centimeter (g / cm3)

Table 1. How much does 1 cube of brick masonry weigh, weight of 1 m3 of brick masonry. Brick wall bulk density and specific gravity in g/cm3. How many kilograms are in a cube of a brick wall, tons in 1 cubic meter, kg in 1 cubic meter of a brick wall, tons in 1 m3. Additionally, how much: weighs 1 liter, weighs 1 bucket, liters in one cube of a brick wall.

There is no way at a construction site without bricks, and the total weight of the structure can only be calculated if the weight of the brick is known - accurate and separately taken. The experts of the publication understand what types of bricks exist, and determine the main characteristics and purpose of each of them.

Types of bricks

The main types include:

  • ceramic (red, clay);
  • adobe;
  • hyperpressed;
  • silicate.

Also subdivided into:

  • building;
  • facing.

When considering the characteristics for 1 piece, the following quantities are taken into account:

  1. dimensions;
  2. specific gravity;
  3. volume weight.

The dimensions of a simple brick allow you to calculate the required amount for the construction of a specific structure. Standard weight - 4.3 kg with dimensions 250x120x65 mm. The weight of building bricks should not exceed 4.5 kg. The mass of an ordinary hollow is small, on average - 2.5 kg.

As a rule, in form they are divided into:

  • hollow (slit);
  • full-bodied.

Working brick is produced:

  • single (250x120x65 mm);
  • one and a half (250x120x88 mm);
  • double (250x120x140 mm);

Also offered:

  • modular (280x130x80 mm);
  • euro (250x85x65 mm).

To deliver bricks to the construction site, they resort to the use of special devices, for example, a special pallet - these are wooden, metal, or from a combination of metal and wooden structural elements of certain sizes. The cheapest are wooden ones. The pallet comes in two sizes:

  • 520x1030;
  • 770x1030.

To reduce the risk of a fight, it must be properly folded. As a rule, it is folded in two ways:

  • herringbone at an angle of 45 °;
  • in dressing using dressing tapes.
Pallet capacity (brick/pc)
Model Description


One-sided (250x90x65 mm)

Dihedral (220x90x65 mm)


The use of broken bricks is different, usually used often:

  1. when repairing the road surface;
  2. when arranging garden paths;
  3. for draining small plots of land in drainage pits;
  4. for crushed stone;
  5. for the foundation.

Foam diatomite brick (EFB) is endowed with high heat-saving properties. In its composition:

  • diatomite;
  • lime and casein glue as stabilizing additives;
  • sawdust or lignin from wood;
  • foaming agent - pine rosin.

The weight of the masonry cube is influenced by the reinforcement of the walls or individual components of the supporting structures. Naturally, the question arises, how to calculate the weight of a brick m3 of brickwork? Note that this indicator includes both the mass of the stone itself and the binder solution or glue.

IMPORTANT! When building a foundation slab, it is very important to provide for the pressure of the future building. The mass of a cubic meter of brickwork is 1976 kg.

Let us consider in more detail the technical characteristics of each type offered on the construction market.

Red brick weight: main characteristics

red brick weight
Qty/size View Weight
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Standard 3.4-3.8 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Full-bodied (regular) single 3.3-3.6 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Full-bodied (regular) one and a half 4.0-4.3 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Full-bodied (regular) double 6.6-7.2 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Hollow (normal) single 2.3-2.5 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Hollow (normal) one and a half 3.0-3.3 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Hollow (regular) double 4.6-5.0 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Hollow (front) single 1.32-1.6 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Hollow (front) one and a half 2.7-3.2 kg

Solid brick weight: main characteristics and grades

Solid brick weight
Qty/size View Weight
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Standard 3.6-3.8 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Silicate (single) 3.6 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Silicate (one and a half) 4.8 kg
silicate (specific gravity) from 600 to 1800 kg/m3
Silicate cube weight (single) 1900 kg
Weight of silicate cube (one and a half) 1592-1895 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Ceramic (single) 3.5 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Ceramic (one and a half) 4.0-4.3 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Ceramic (double) 6.6-7.2 kg
Weight of ceramic cube (single) 1693-1847 kg
Weight of a ceramic cube (one and a half) 1515-1630 kg
Weight of ceramic cube (double) 1597-1742 kg
Brick strength grades
Model Description

Used in the construction of higher-rise buildings

It is used in the construction of construction objects with a small number of storeys (2-3 floors)

Sand-lime brick weight: characteristics, types + specific gravity

Advantages of silicate brick

  1. low price;
  2. environmental friendliness;
  3. compatibility with any solution;
  4. aesthetics;
  5. high strength;
  6. good sound insulation;
  7. high frost resistance.

Cons of silicate brick

  1. high thermal conductivity;
  2. does not withstand high temperatures;
  3. high water absorption.

Facing brick weight: types + pallet weight calculation

Facing brick weight
Qty/size View Weight
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Ceramic hollow (single) 2.3-2.7 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Ceramic solid (single) 3.6-3.7 kg
1 piece/250x85x65 mm Ceramic hollow (Euro) 2.1-2.2 kg
1 piece/250x120x88 mm Ceramic hollow (thickened) 3.2-3.7 kg
1 piece/250x85x65 mm Ceramic hollow (thick euro) 3.0-3.1 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Clinker solid 4.2 kg
1 piece/250x90x65 mm Clinker hollow 2.2 kg
1 piece/250x60x65 mm Clinker hollow 1.7 kg
1 piece/528x108x37 mm Clinker long 3.75 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm 4.2 kg
1 piece/250x60x65 mm Hyper-pressed full-bodied smooth (non-fired) 2.0 kg
1 piece/250x90x65 mm Hyper-pressed full-bodied smooth (non-fired) 4.0 kg
1 piece/250x120x88 mm Hyper-pressed full-bodied smooth thickened (non-firing) 6.0 kg
1 piece/250x120x88 mm Silicate hollow one and a half 3.9 kg
1 piece/250x95x88 mm silicate decorative embossed 4.0 kg
1 piece/250x60x88 mm silicate decorative chipped 2.5 kg
Pallet with hollow red brick (single or one and a half) up to 1.4 t
Pallet with ceramic bricks up to 1.92 t
Pallet with silicate brick from 0.5 - 1.5 t

Ceramic brick weight: characteristics + volumetric weight

Weight of ceramic brick
Qty/size View Weight
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Hollow 2.5 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm full bodied 3.4-3.8 kg
1 piece/250x120x88 mm One and a half hollow 3.0-3.2 kg
1 piece/250x120x88 mm One and a half corpulent 4.0-4.2 kg
1 piece/250x120x65 mm Clinker single 1.6 to 3.3 kg
1 piece/250x85x65 mm Single clinker (euro) 1.6 to 3.3 kg
1 piece/250x60x65 mm Clinker single (half) 1.6 to 3.3 kg
Volumetric weight of a corpulent not less than 2000 kg/m3
Volumetric weight of hollow 1100–1400 kg/m3

Advantages of ceramic bricks

  1. a wide palette of colors;
  2. a large selection of shapes and sizes;
  3. simple styling;
  4. long service life;
  5. environmental friendliness;
  6. good thermal conductivity;
  7. good sound insulation;
  8. low price.

Cons of ceramic bricks

  1. inaccurate geometry;
  2. the occurrence of "dutiks";
  3. low strength;
  4. damage during transportation;
  5. the appearance of efflorescence;
  6. high water absorption.

Hollow brick weight: characteristics + volumetric weight

fireclay brick weight

If ordinary bricks are used for the construction of external and internal walls, then other types are used for the construction of furnaces.

Let's stop on fireclay. It is a kind of refractory stone, widely used in industrial and private construction. Obtained by heat treatment of a special mixture, where there is refractory clay and fireclay powder.

Main characteristics:

  • fire resistance;
  • increased thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • ease;
  • increased strength;
  • resistance to alkali and acid;
  • aesthetic appeal.

The mass of refractory depends entirely on the raw materials used in its production, as well as on the type and shape.

When building a fireplace or stove, in addition to fireclay, refractory red brick is often used, the dimensions of which are 250x120x65 mm. It is designed for t1000°C. Fireclay bricks of the same size - breech (SHB6).

Strength grades: , M100 , M125 , M150 ,

In the manufacture, clay itself is used, ground into powder, sand. Produced full-bodied, hollow and facing. Used for the construction of structures for any purpose
Clay is used in the manufacture, but special plastic. It is used in the production of chimneys, gas outlets, warehouses of toxic waste. They are used for the manufacture of industrial corridors, especially for the removal of gases. Widely used in private construction
In the manufacture of clay mass is used with a moisture content of approximately 10%. To form voids in the block, special cores are installed. Used for cladding
In the manufacture of high quality clay, water and other fillers are used. It is marked M100, M150, etc. Used for cladding buildings, for interior masonry, in the construction of the outer parts of the building. Improves the appearance of any building
In the manufacture, the semi-dry pressing method is used. It is hollow and full bodied. M100 is used for the construction of private houses and cottages; M125 - for low buildings and cottages; M150 - for any load-bearing structures and foundation
In the manufacture, various organic fillers are included, the particles of which, when burned out, burn out and form a bubble structure. Used for building walls
In the manufacture, refractory clay of special grades (up to 70%), some types of charge are used. The main types are fireclay furnace, and Sha5 is endowed with a fire resistance of at least 1690 ° C; semi-acid refractory; dinas refractory; mullite refractory; corundum refractory
