Do-it-yourself sewerage from concrete rings. Sewerage from concrete rings Sewerage private house installation of sewerage rings

If the cottage is used occasionally - field trips with barbecues and the like - then you don’t have to worry especially about comfort. One or two days can be spent in Spartan conditions. But if the cottage is used as a permanent place to relax in the warm season, you can’t do without a certain comfort. And first of all, sewerage and water supply are required.

A simple do-it-yourself sewage system in a country house can be either an ordinary cesspool with the conveniences of a courtyard, a traditional wooden booth somewhere in the corner of the site, or a completely civilized and modern septic tank, or even a well made of concrete rings. Let's consider various options for arranging a sewer system in a country house. And most importantly: how to make a sewer in the country with your own hands.

Most often, there is no centralized sewerage network in summer cottages. So the owners of the site have to deal with the sewage system on their own, individually on each individual site. In some cases, it is possible to negotiate with the owners of neighboring plots and arrange a sewer facility one for all, but usually this option is not very good: there are disagreements about who drained more and, accordingly, should pay more for pumping (if the sewerage device provides for periodic pumping), and there may also be claims against a piece of land allocated for the sewerage device (“I almost never use the sewerage system, but they cut off a whole hundred square meters from me!”). So it is still optimal not to cooperate with neighbors, but to build a completely individual sewer system.

The simplest option for a country sewerage system is a cesspool. In the absence of running water in the house, this is quite enough. However, if the volume of drains increases (for example, a family with children lives in the country, washing, washing dishes, and so on is constantly required), the cesspool can no longer cope with the load.

If the family is small and, accordingly, the plums are small, then you can get by with a septic tank - its construction is quite simple and inexpensive when it comes to small volumes.

And yet, the best option, which will always be relevant for both a small and a small family, and with periodic and constant use of the dacha, is sewerage in the dacha without pumping out concrete rings with your own hands. This type of sewage is durable, able to cope with fairly large volumes of drains, can be made by hand, without the involvement of expensive specialists.

It should be noted that any sewage system is divided into two types:

  • internal sewerage system - it includes everything that is inside the house, that is, all places where plumbing equipment is connected (sinks, toilets, bidets, baths, showers, and so on), as well as plumbing lines and risers; this system should end with an outlet pipe, which is usually located below, at the foundation of the house; if the sewer system is a cesspool, then there is naturally no internal sewerage;
  • external sewer system - it includes all pipes through which drains leave the house, as well as all facilities designed for the accumulation and treatment of wastewater (septic tanks, wells, etc.); in the case of, for example, a cesspool, the external sewer system is solely the pit itself for the accumulation of wastewater.

If your task is do-it-yourself sewerage in the country, then you need to start not at all with the purchase of materials and the selection of tools. The beginning of everything is the drafting of the project. Designing a sewer system is one of the mandatory steps in the construction of a sewer. The project includes both internal and external sewerage systems, and therefore must be tied to a specific house and a specific site.

After the project has been prepared, it is possible to determine the size of the pipes that will make up both the external and internal systems, as well as determine the necessary material for work (for example, pipe insulation and so on) and the type of collector.

It should be noted that the diameter of the pipes is easier and more reliable to determine using regulatory documents - they indicate the diameters required for various volumes of wastewater. This is a very significant point, since pipes make up the lion's share of the cost in the sewer country house system, and an error can lead to significant financial losses. So, if the diameter is insufficient, then the sewage system will simply choke, unable to cope with the required volume of wastewater, and if the diameter is too large, then the pipes will cost more - unnecessary, unnecessary expenses.

And also when designing a sewer country system, it is very important to choose the right place for a septic tank. This is especially important given the small size of summer cottages - you have to think about how to arrange a septic tank in order to meet all the necessary conditions established by the regulations, and at the same time not to reduce the usable area of ​​the site too much.

  • the relief of the summer cottage - in order for the wastewater to flow by gravity, the slope must be from the house to the septic tank, and not vice versa, otherwise you will have to install an expensive pump;
  • depth of groundwater - the septic tank should not be flooded with groundwater;
  • the depth of soil freezing in the cold season - the septic tank must be above the freezing point, otherwise the sewer may be clogged with ice;
  • the location of the source of water or drinking water supply - in accordance with sanitary norms and rules, the distance from the source of drinking water must be at least 30 m;
  • the location of fruit trees and shrubs, as well as the garden - in accordance with sanitary standards and rules, the distance from fruit trees, shrubs and the garden should be at least 3 m;
  • the location of the house - in accordance with sanitary standards and rules, the distance from the septic tank to the house should not be less than 5 m;
  • soil composition - excessively hygroscopic soil can provoke pollution of groundwater with sewage.

It should be borne in mind that if the septic tank is located at a distance exceeding 15 m from the house, then difficulties may arise in the installation of the main pipeline - it will be necessary to install an inspection well, the pipes will need to be buried in the ground more than usual, and the number of earthmoving works increases, and, therefore , the complexity of the entire process of arranging country sewerage also increases.

You can start installing the internal sewer system immediately after drawing up a plan and purchasing all the necessary materials and components. First you need to install a central riser. The optimal diameter for it is 110 mm, while it is necessary to provide for the removal of gases. Usually, for this purpose, the upper part of the riser rises up - either to the attic, or is displayed on the roof. Conclusion to the roof is more preferable: it is still better for the gases to immediately leave the house than to accumulate in the attic.

It must be borne in mind that, in accordance with the regulations, the main riser must be located at least 4 m from the nearest window. Such a requirement limits the number of rooms in the country where the riser can be located, and you need to know this before starting the installation of the system.

Pipes for the internal sewer system are selected not only by diameter, but also by the material of manufacture. Three options are currently offered:

  • PVC pipes - very affordable prices, which attracts consumers, are sufficiently durable, lightweight, the inner surface is smooth and water passes easily, corrosion resistant, do not overgrow inside, very easy to install. Do-it-yourself sewerage in the country is usually performed using PVC pipes;
  • cast iron pipes - a time-tested classic option, the material is reliable, durable, however, not too corrosion resistant, the inner surface loses smoothness over time, which prevents the passage of sewage, special welding equipment is required for installation, and the price is far from democratic;
  • ceramic pipes - they combine all the advantages of PVC and cast iron pipes, they have excellent characteristics ranging from smoothness to resistance to chemically aggressive environments, however, they have a very high cost, which is not very good for a small cottage.

Based on the price / quality ratio, as well as taking into account the requirements for ease of installation when installing a sewerage system in a country house with your own hands, PVC pipes are most often chosen - lightweight, fairly durable, chemically resistant and inexpensive.

After the installation of the main riser, you can start laying horizontal pipelines. At the same time, it is necessary to provide for the presence of inspection hatches - so that, if necessary, it is possible to control the sewer system, and most importantly, to clean it. Inspection hatches are usually arranged above the toilet, as well as at the lowest point of the entire sewer system (this is where traffic jams most often occur).

When mounting pipes, you should pay special attention to the corners of the joints: right-angle turns make it difficult for wastewater to move, and in this case, plugs begin to accumulate at the joints, even the famous smoothness of PVC pipes does not save. It can get to the point that it will not be possible to throw toilet paper into the toilet - so that it does not serve as the germ of a cork before it dissolves.

A prerequisite: each plumbing fixture, whether it be a toilet bowl or a sink, must have a siphon with a water lock, otherwise unpleasant odors from the sewer network will constantly penetrate into the room.

The pipe for connecting the toilet pipe must be at least 10 cm in diameter, and the connection is made directly. At the same time, a diameter of 5 cm is enough to connect the sink and / or bath. The angle at which the pipes are laid must ensure gravity flow.

Note that usually the sewerage system is planned in advance, even at the stage of building a house, and in this case, the architectural plan immediately provides a place for the sewer pipe to go outside, through which wastewater leaves the house into a well or septic tank. This is a hole located in the foundation.

However, it happens that it is necessary to arrange sewage in an already built house, where there is no hole in the foundation for laying a drain pipeline. Usually in such cases it is necessary to make an extension to the house in order to place a bathroom there, and a place for a drain pipeline is laid in the foundation of this extension.

At the point where the sewer system leaves the house, a check valve must be installed, otherwise, under certain conditions, wastewater can enter the house (slight slope, well overflow, groundwater penetration into the well, and so on).

Regulatory requirements

There are a number of regulatory requirements stipulated by SNiP that must be observed when constructing a sewer system in the country:

  • pipes made of different materials cannot be used in the same piping system;
  • it is necessary to ensure the complete tightness of the pipeline (especially carefully check the joints);
  • the junction of the main sewer system and the main riser must be made only with an oblique cross or tee;
  • with a pipe diameter of 110 mm, the slope should be 0.2 cm per 1 linear meter; with a pipe diameter of 50 mm, the slope should be 0.3 cm per 1 linear meter;
  • it is necessary to ensure the discharge of sewage by gravity - one of the requirements for the sewer system of country houses is pressurelessness;
  • the connection of the sewer line to the main riser can only be open, the rest of the pipeline can be mounted in a hidden way.

A septic tank is usually installed in cases where there is no centralized sewerage system in the village - then the internal sewerage system is connected directly to the septic tank.

A septic tank is a device in which sewage is collected and then treated. Septic tanks can differ both in the material from which they are made, and in the method of wastewater treatment (for example, settling, the use of special bacteria, and so on), as well as in design.

Even at the stage of drawing up a plan for the sewer system, it is necessary to decide where, in the end, wastewater will fall. If a septic tank is chosen, then various containers (plastic and metal), as well as a variety of reinforced concrete structures, can be used for its device. It happens that a septic tank is made of brick - the most expensive and difficult option.

The most common wastewater treatment option for a country house is soil filtration in combination with biological treatment. That is, special bacteria are placed in the septic tank, which contribute to rapid decomposition, and then the wastewater that has passed the primary filtration seeps into the ground (a special field is left for this), where it is finally cleaned. Sometimes wastewater simply accumulates in tanks, and then pumped out and taken out by sewers. The device of a septic tank with the possibility of pumping out is much simpler and cheaper than a septic tank with filtration, but the problem is that it is not always possible to order a sewage truck for a summer cottage, and in some cases it is not possible to reach the pipe to the septic tank to pump out sewage. Therefore, one has to go along a more expensive initially, but more convenient way to operate - a septic tank with partial wastewater treatment.

A two-chamber septic tank is a tank consisting of two chambers connected by an overflow pipe.

The easiest way is to purchase the appropriate container - now there is a fairly wide choice on sale, various sizes and various materials of manufacture. However, even the simplest two-chamber septic tanks are unreasonably expensive when it comes to sewerage in the country. Therefore, it is much cheaper to make such a septic tank yourself - from concrete. If desired, and there is space for a sufficiently large septic tank, you can make not only a two-, but also a three-, and four-chamber septic tank. The more chambers, the better the wastewater treatment. Multi-chamber septic tanks are made in the same way as two-chamber ones.

A prerequisite: there should be no trees near the septic tank, as the root system can damage the walls of the septic tank.

  • in the planned place, a pit is dug 3 m deep, the dimensions of the pit are calculated in advance (the planned volume of wastewater is taken into account);
  • a sand cushion is arranged at the bottom of the pit (up to 0.15 m high);
  • formwork is installed (usually made from boards, but it can also be made from chipboard);
  • reinforcement is installed (metal bars and steel wire);
  • at the planned places in the formwork, holes are punched for the entrance of the sewer pipe of the external system, as well as for the subsequent installation of the overflow pipe, pipe cuts are inserted into the holes so that these holes remain after pouring the concrete;
  • concrete is poured into the pit and its uniform distribution, it is recommended to fill it at a time - this ensures the solidity of the structure;
  • the first compartment of the future septic tank is completely poured with concrete, the bottom is also concreted - this compartment is designed to settle wastewater, and water should not enter the soil from it, anaerobic bacteria are subsequently placed in the same compartment;
  • there is no bottom in the second compartment - from it, wastewater that has undergone primary treatment enters the soil for final treatment; this compartment can be made in the same way as the first one - by pouring concrete into the formwork, or it can be made of concrete rings (the diameter of each ring is at least 1 m), a gravel pad is placed at the bottom of the compartment, which serves as a filter for wastewater;
  • after both compartments of the septic tank are arranged, they are connected by an overflow pipe, which must be installed in the upper third of the compartments at an angle (to ensure gravity flow) of about 0.3 m per 1 linear meter of pipe;
  • the last stage is the device for overlapping the septic tank; it can be made of concrete (pouring into the formwork) or from ready-made reinforced concrete slabs; the ceiling must have a hatch to control the filling of sections, as well as an exhaust hood so that gases that can be combustible do not accumulate in the sections.

If the sewer system is actively operated, then not all wastewater has time to go through a full cleaning cycle and get into the ground already clarified - most of it remains in the septic tank. In this case, it is necessary to periodically clean the septic tank, but such cleaning is required no more than once every two to three years.

The simplest and cheapest option is to install a two-chamber septic tank from concrete rings, and not pour concrete into the formwork. In this case, you will have to worry about sealing the joints of the rings with each other, but the structure itself turns out to be more reliable if both sections of the septic tank are wells from rings, one of which has a sealed bottom, and the second has a sand and gravel filter pad.

It should be noted that in the presence of clay soil, as well as in the close location of groundwater near the surface, the construction of a septic tank-well is not possible. In this case, you will have to install some kind of sealed container in the pit. Usually tanks are purchased for this purpose.

An external sewerage system is a pipeline that extends from the house and leads to a septic tank. Mandatory requirement: the presence of a sufficient slope so that the flow of water can be carried out by gravity (usually the angle of inclination is about 2º). You should be aware that an increase in the diameter of the pipes leads to a decrease in the angle of inclination. Another mandatory requirement: pipes must be buried in the soil below the freezing point of the soil. If this is not possible (for example, the depth of soil freezing is very large, or groundwater comes too close to the surface, or there is a monolithic slab, rocky soil, and so on), then pipes need reliable thermal insulation.

In the climate of the Central Russian zone, it is usually enough to deepen the pipeline by 1 m, in warm regions the trench depth can be no more than 0.7 m, but in cold regions it is necessary to deepen the pipeline by 1.5 m or even more.

At the bottom of the trench, a sand cushion is arranged, which serves as protection against soil movements (during sudden changes in temperature, during heavy rains, and so on).

It is optimal if it is possible to lay the line in a straight line directly to the collector, but in small areas it is often necessary to make turns. In the place where the turn is made, a viewing well is arranged.

For laying the external line, both PVC pipes and cast iron pipes are used. If the sewer is made by hand, then it is better to use PVC pipes - they are easy to install, which cannot be said about cast iron pipes. In addition, PVC pipes are also resistant to icing - an ice plug can lead to pipe swelling, but almost never to a rupture, but a cast-iron pipe can burst with a good ice plug.

The external sewage pipeline mounted in the trench is covered with sand - the sand must surround the pipes from all sides, and then with the soil removed earlier from the trench.

Regular pumping of sewage from a septic tank can be a problem in a summer cottage, so it is optimal to install a septic tank of a design that does not require pumping.

A two-chamber septic tank is quite suitable for this, but for more reliable cleaning and if there is space, a three-chamber septic tank can also be installed. How to make such a septic tank with your own hands is described above.

It should be borne in mind that the first tank, which is a sump, is made the largest (for a two-chamber septic tank, the size of the first tank is ¾ of the total volume of the sections, and for a three-chamber septic tank - 0.5).

In order not to require pumping, a filtration field device is necessary - places around the septic tank where clarified wastewater seeps. You need to know that garden crops and fruit bushes cannot be planted on the filtration field. In such a place, only the planting of decorative flowers is possible - but nothing edible!

The only thing that this type of septic tank requires is periodic maintenance to remove insoluble sediment. For this, a fecal or drainage pump is usually used.

How to determine the size of a septic tank

The size of the septic tank is determined at the stage of drawing up a plan for the sewer system and depends on the planned volume of wastewater, which, in turn, is determined by the number of people permanently residing in the house. In accordance with regulatory documents, the rate of water consumption per person is 200 l / day. In order not to be mistaken, it is recommended to add another 20% to the standard indicator. If the house is often visited by guests (except for permanent residents), then it is recommended to increase the estimated number of residents by 1-2 people when determining the size of the septic tank - it is better if the capacity is larger than if it overflows.

Concrete rings are an excellent material for making a septic tank for a sewer system in the country. They are inexpensive, and even a non-specialist can work with them, which significantly reduces the cost of all sewerage works.

The main advantages of a septic tank made of concrete rings:

  • low cost of raw materials;
  • ease of operation;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of self-assembly of the entire device.

The disadvantages of such a septic tank usually include:

  • an unpleasant smell near the septic tank - this kind of septic tank is not completely sealed, so the smell leaks out, in a small summer cottage this can be a very significant negative factor;
  • the need for periodic cleaning of wells from insoluble sediment - the frequency of cleaning is reduced when using anaerobic bacteria.

How to arrange a septic tank from concrete rings is described above. The only caveat: it is recommended to order equipment for digging a pit - this significantly speeds up work than digging a pit manually. However, it is far from always possible to use the services of an excavator - the street of the holiday village is too narrow, the plot is too small, and so on. In this case, you have to use traditional shovels.

And also there may be problems with the installation of rings. This task can also be done manually by digging under the bottom ring, but this method is rather difficult.

So that the tightness of the wells is not violated in the event of any movement of the soil, it is recommended to fasten the rings together not only with a solution, but also with metal brackets or plates.

After the rings are installed and firmly connected to each other, the outer surface of the wells is treated with waterproofing. Usually, either coated or welded waterproofing is used.

Often, to reduce the cost of country sewage and facilitate installation, both plastic and metal barrels are used instead of concrete rings. The only requirement for barrels is their tightness. Also, the low corrosion resistance of metal drums should be taken into account, so they must be treated accordingly, which increases the cost of the sewer system.

The advantages of plastic barrels include the following factors:

  • a large assortment of various plastic barrels, from which you can choose the capacity of the required volume;
  • high resistance of plastic to aggressive chemical environments and biologically active environments;
  • low weight of plastic barrels, which greatly simplifies the process of building a sewer system;
  • no need for anti-corrosion treatment, which saves not only time and effort, but also a significant amount;
  • durability.

The disadvantages of plastic barrels include what is considered a plus - their low weight. The fact is that spring floods or frosts in winter can lead to the barrels being simply squeezed out to the surface. Therefore, it is not enough just to install the barrels on the base, they must be fixed on this base with cables.

Metal barrels are considered more durable, so they are often used for country sewerage. However, it should be noted that the service life of such a sewer system is short - due to the low corrosion resistance of metal containers, appropriate treatment improves the situation, but does not completely solve the problem. The normal service life of metal drums, even treated with anti-corrosion compounds, is about 4 years. The only reliable option: stainless steel tanks, but they are extremely expensive and clearly unprofitable for a summer residence.

In the suburbs and cottage villages, central sewage is extremely rare. Not to mention dacha cooperatives and villages. But this does not mean that their residents are deprived of basic amenities - just that wastewater is disposed of differently. There are several types of storage and treatment facilities. One of the common local treatment systems is sewage from concrete rings.

One of the simplest and most popular wastewater treatment schemes is a two-chamber septic tank made of concrete rings with a filter well Source

Features and benefits of concrete rings

The choice of materials for the installation of containers, the main elements of an autonomous sewage system, is large: brick, metal, plastic, monolithic reinforced concrete, concrete rings.

Ordinary ceramic bricks are used for these purposes if it remains in excess after construction. Its porous structure, hygroscopicity (water absorption of at least 8%) and the presence of a large number of masonry joints require complex internal and external waterproofing of the tank with coating and roll materials to prevent groundwater from seeping in and sewage out.

Metal containers can be used with a reservation - only in anaerobic septic tanks, when the supply of oxygen inside is limited by the design and principle of operation. In aerobic septic tanks in a humid aggressive environment with forced air injection, the walls, and especially welds, will quickly rust.

Plastic containers have practically no drawbacks. But there are limitations on the use - they are "light", and even when filled with drains, they will remain lighter than denser soil. When exposed to soil heaving forces, they can literally be squeezed out to the surface if they are not fixed to a reinforced concrete slab installed as a base.

If the plastic septic tank is not fixed, then the heaving forces can very soon squeeze the container to the surface. Source

It is also desirable to strengthen the walls of the pit and provide a protective structure for the container so that it receives loads from above.

Pouring monolithic reinforced concrete into the formwork and its maturation takes a long time, significantly increasing the time from the start of construction to the commissioning of the sewerage system

Sewerage for a private house from concrete rings is built quickly, the design of the tanks has high rigidity and strength, and construction costs are low. And the reliability and durability of this material is evidenced by the fact that the main components of the central sewage treatment plant are made of precast concrete.

Schemes of sewerage from concrete rings

Sewerage from concrete rings is done according to different schemes. The specific type depends on the seasonality of residence, the intensity of operation, the financial possibilities for the purchase of additional equipment and the payment of operating costs.

The following options can be distinguished:

    Storage septic. Behind this name lies an ordinary cesspool with a waterproof bottom and walls. Tightness is a mandatory requirement, failure to comply with which, according to the administrative code of the Russian Federation, is regarded as damage to the land. When the drains fill the tank, they call a sewage truck.

A storage septic tank is just a container into which drains are collected Source

The smaller the capacity and the higher the intensity of operation of points connected to the sewer, the more often you need to call the car. Often this is how they arrange country sewage from concrete rings.

Note! The term "septic tank" in this case is not used quite correctly, since by definition it is a treatment plant with wastewater flowing from chamber to chamber.

    Anaerobic septic tank. Two-, less often single-chamber, septic tanks, in sealed containers of which wastewater is cleaned by anaerobic bacteria (without oxygen). The number of chambers and their volume are chosen in such a way that the drains at the outlet of the septic tank are cleaned by 65-75%. Post-treatment takes place in filtration wells (“without a bottom”), trenches or fields with aerobic bacteria (it is called “biological treatment”). Only then can the effluent be discharged into the ground. The scheme is very popular among owners of country houses and cottages because of the simplicity of the device and energy independence. The disadvantage of the scheme is that it is necessary to periodically change the sand and gravel in the filter facilities, while they have to be opened, and the used material to be disposed of (although this is done infrequently).

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

    Aerobic septic tanks and biological treatment plants. There is also a phase of primary accumulation and partial processing of faeces with the help of anaerobic bacteria. The principle of operation consists in clarification of wastewater in the absence of oxygen, and post-treatment in the last chamber with aerobic bacteria under conditions of forced air injection. The purity of the wastewater at the outlet is considered to be 95-98%, and they can be discharged into the ground or used for irrigation. The disadvantage is that aerobic bacteria die if the air supply compressor does not work. And this happens with a bad network due to power outages.

The principle of operation of aerobic septic tanks - electricity is required for operation Source

How the sewerage scheme works

The work of septic tanks proceeds in the same way.

At the first stage, there is a preliminary separation of wastewater and their partial clarification under the influence of anaerobic bacteria. At the second stage, additional purification takes place with the help of aerobic bacteria, and in order to reduce the load on them, the first stage is often “split” into two phases. In our case, two containers made of concrete rings are used for this.

1. First container

The first container serves as storage. A sewer pipe comes to it from the house, which collects drains from bathrooms, bathrooms and the kitchen. When the system is started, in the process of accumulation, wastewater “ferments” and the resulting gases displace air from the septic tank, which stimulates the rapid growth of anaerobic bacteria. As a result of their activity, as well as under the influence of gravitational forces, the primary separation of effluents occurs:

    heavy fractions sink to the bottom of the chamber;

    light fractions float up in the form of a film and undissolved residues;

    excess gases are discharged through the vertical outlet of the tank or through the fan pipe of the house sewer, and can also be forced out through the horizontal outlet into the adjacent chamber;

Installation of the first septic tank from reinforced concrete rings Source

    in the center, the liquid clarified fraction of wastewater accumulates, which enters the adjacent container through the overflow.

Note! A plastic pipe tee is installed as an overflow, the task of which is to cut off the film and undecomposed waste floating on top.

2. Second container

It works on the same principle as the first - the separation and clarification of drains. Here, in the same way, heavy, which did not have time to settle in the first chamber, solid particles fall down in the form of silt, and gaseous particles go out through the ventilation. Effluent becomes even “lighter”, flows through the overflow either into a filtering well (field, trench) or into a third container with biologically activated sludge (aerobic bacteria).

A second tank for additional clarification of effluents in an anaerobic septic tank may not be installed if the sewer is equipped to give a "weekend". But we must be prepared for the fact that the silting of the filter well (or trench) will happen faster.

Installation of a two-chamber septic tank or sewerage from concrete rings Source

Volumes of septic tanks, dimensions of concrete rings, bottoms and ceilings

The total volume of the septic tank is defined as a three-day need for water at the rate of 200 liters per person. The filter well is not included in this calculation.

Note! It is believed that the cycle of separation and purification of wastewater is 72 hours.

For a single-chamber septic tank, the entire volume falls on the first chamber; for a two-chamber septic tank, the containers are usually divided in a ratio of 2/3 and 1/3. Although many “simplify” the scheme and make both capacities the same, in this case the first of them must be at least 2/3 of the calculated volume.

Knowing the volume of the septic tank, you can choose the optimal dimensions from the standard range of KS wall rings according to GOST 8020-90.

Typically, sewer rings are selected from the KS15 or KS20 nomenclature.

KS7 is used as a well neck (when needed).

KS10 has a volume of 0.24 m 3 with a maximum ring height of 89 cm. Three elements of the first capacity of a two-chamber septic tank will only be enough for wastewater from the life of one person. They can be used in the scheme of a two-chamber or three-chamber septic tank as rings for the second and third containers, if the family consists of no more than three people.

Concrete rings of the COP can be selected for any septic tank Source

KS13 can fit in terms of volume, but it has only one height size - 89 cm. The “neighboring” one in the KS15 row has two of them - 59 and 89 cm, and this gives more opportunities in building sewers

There is also KS25, but only a floor slab is provided for them - there is no bottom.

With bottoms, the choice is easier:

    PN10 diameter 150 cm;

    Mon15(also suitable for the KC13 ring) with a diameter of 200 cm;

    PN20 diameter 250 cm.

Note! You can “simplify” the design and installation if you choose a monolithic well ring with a bottom for the bottom element.

The floor slab is available for the entire range of wall rings except for KS7.

Choosing a place for a septic tank, installing a filter well

The choice of a place to place a septic tank is carried out taking into account regulatory requirements (5 m from the house, 30-50 meters from the water intake or reservoir). The second criterion is service. Although septic tanks do not require frequent pumping like cesspools, it is necessary to free the containers from solid sediments - otherwise they will form a large layer of "mineral" deposits at the bottom, and this will reduce the performance of the treatment system.

When biological post-treatment of wastewater in wells or fields, it must be borne in mind that they are arranged in soils with good filtering properties - sand and sandy loam.


For weakly filtering soils, after the septic tank, filtering trenches are arranged with the collection of water in storage tanks for irrigation or discharge into a nearby reservoir.

If, according to the geological features of the site, a scheme with trenches and filtration fields is chosen, then it must be borne in mind that only a lawn can be laid out on their area or small shrubs with a shallow root system can be planted.

Sewerage from the rings Source

The filter well does not have a sealed bottom - instead, a mixture of gravel (crushed stone) with screenings or coarse sand is backfilled. The height of the backfill is about 30 cm. They don’t do it anymore because of the difficulties in the subsequent replacement.

The rest of the load for filtering treated effluents is taken by the backfill around the "perforated" walls of the well. The recommended layer thickness is 30 cm. Perforation of the walls should start from below and end at the level of the pipe inlet from the overflow of the last septic tank chamber. For the walls, either ordinary well rings are used, in the walls of which holes with diameters of 3-6 cm are made before installation (with a total area of ​​at least 10% of the total), or special perforated rings for drainage wells are installed.

Video description

Visually about choosing a place for a septic tank and sewerage for a private house made of concrete rings, see the following video:

Mounting Features

Sewer rings are installed on the bottom slab, which acts as a slab foundation. The prefabricated reinforced concrete structure must have a stable and reliable foundation. Here, preparation of the bottom of the pit is also needed: leveling, tamping, backfilling with a layer of sand and gravel.

During installation, it is obligatory to seal the joints with cement mortar, followed by the treatment of the entire surface with waterproofing compounds.

Advice! You can choose rings "with a quarter" - profiled ends. They give a more reliable connection in terms of docking accuracy, structural strength, and seam tightness.

The stage of installing a sewer in a private house made of concrete rings Source

The inlet to the first well is mounted at least 30 cm from the cover. And the overflow holes are made with a slight decrease. This leads to a decrease in the "working" volume of the septic tank, which must be taken into account when choosing the size of the rings.

Video description

An example of installing a septic tank from concrete rings, see the following video:


Calculation, design and construction of an autonomous sewage system of any type is a task for specialists. And if the use of factory septic tanks simplifies this task, then individual schemes using concrete rings require the involvement of professional builders who have experience working with precast concrete structures.

An integral part of the sewer system in a country house is a septic tank, which can be bought ready-made or built independently. With the help of the second solution, you can significantly reduce financial costs, while you have to make a lot of physical effort.

Fundamentals of Planning a Wastewater Treatment System

Before embarking on decisive action, you need to think in detail about the sewerage plan for a private house made of concrete rings. In order not to aggravate your task, it is enough to listen to the advice of experts and follow the detailed instructions. Thus, everything can be done taking into account sanitary and building codes, preventing the risk of unpleasant consequences.

A set of rings and a cover made of concrete for arranging sewers

There is a conditional sequence of actions with which you can quickly build a septic tank from concrete rings:

  • on the land plan, you need to apply a sewage treatment scheme and sewer wiring;
  • then you should compile a list of necessary materials and calculate the number of concrete rings for the construction of a septic tank;
  • all components are purchased in advance and brought to the installation site;
  • you need to prepare not only materials, but also working tools;
  • in accordance with the plan, land works are carried out;
  • only now it is possible to proceed with the installation of individual elements of the sewer system;
  • at the last stage of work, it is necessary to produce heat and waterproofing of the constructed structure.

The principle of operation of a septic tank

To decide which septic tank is better to do, you need to understand how it works.

As a rule, a septic tank from concrete rings is built from several wells, which are interconnected using an overflow pipeline.

Wastewater moves in the following sequence:

  • first, dirty drains leaving the house enter the first tank, in which, under the influence of gravity, they are separated into fractions of different densities. Thus, heavy inclusions settle to the bottom, while light ones float to the surface. After that, the water that has passed the first stage of purification enters the second well through the overflow pipe, while in the first tank the organic components decompose, causing a chemical reaction, due to which gases are released;
  • Structurally, the second compartment is similar to the first, and performs approximately the same function. Sometimes this link is simply excluded from the septic scheme, since its installation requires additional financial costs;
  • already the third container will have significant differences, and the first thing to note is that it will not have a bottom, so to speak. Purified water will pass into the soil through several drainage layers and filters.

selection of concrete rings for arranging sewers

What preparatory work should be done?

Before proceeding with the installation work, you need to prepare the object, paying attention to certain features:

  • when a sewerage scheme is applied to the site, the distance from the house or residential building to the septic tank must be taken into account. As a rule, this length is at least 5 meters. If there is a well with drinking water on the territory, then the distance from it should be no more than 30 meters. We must not forget about providing a place for the entrance of a sewage truck, with the help of which periodic cleaning of the septic tank will be carried out;
  • when compiling a list of materials and elements, it is recommended to determine how many rings are needed for sewerage, based on the number of wells. Typically, the depth of such a well is about three meters, and the height of one ring is 90 cm.

It is required to prepare concrete goods:

  • two concrete slabs for the base of the first two compartments;
  • two plates with hatches;
  • required number of rings for each well.

What else is useful?

Concrete rings and slabs alone will not be enough, so you will need to prepare something else, namely:

  • plastic sewer pipe of appropriate length;
  • tees and corners;
  • two asbestos pipes to create ventilation;
  • cement mixture;
  • bitumen or other waterproofing material;
  • crushed stone;
  • improvised tools: a shovel, a ladder, a trowel, a container for mixing the mortar and a hacksaw for cutting pipes.

The installation process of the cleaning system

The construction technology of the treatment system is as follows. You can not do without digging a pit, this can be done independently or with the help of earthmoving equipment. The width of the pit must be done with a margin, because the remaining space will make it easier to waterproof the joints. The diameter of the average concrete ring is 70 cm, but there are others.

backfilling a concrete septic tank with earth after it is fixed in the ground

The next stage is much more difficult, as the installation of the system is carried out. You need to collect the main element in this way:

  • in the prepared pit, you need to install a horizontal slab 10 cm thick;
  • the first concrete ring is laid on this base;
  • then the required height of the concrete structure is built, after which the joints are waterproofed;
  • the final ring with two holes with a diameter of 110 mm is installed from above. If there are no these holes, then they will need to be made with a puncher;
  • to cover the septic tank, it is recommended to use a special plate with a hatch, but if it is not there, then you can use another suitable shield;
  • the next well is installed according to the same principle, if, of course, it exists in the project;

The filter compartment is mounted in almost the same way, but there are several significant features, namely:

  • a concrete ring is placed directly on the bottom of the pit, then holes are made in it for draining;
  • gravel or expanded clay is poured inside the compartment, while the top layer should be broken stone;
  • to ensure good external filtration, you need to fill the ring around with fine gravel;
  • further installation work is carried out according to the same principle as in other cases;
  • sewer pipes are being installed. In this case, a slight slope should be provided on the way to the septic tank;
  • it is imperative to waterproof the concrete structure with bitumen. As for thermal insulation, it is only needed if sewer rings are installed in a harsh climate. Despite this, it is worth playing it safe and covering the septic tank with insulating material;
  • if a septic tank is planned for a country house, then ventilation for it must also be considered. For its device, you will need two pipes, namely inlet and outlet, while the second should be located much higher, since it is responsible for providing traction. Also, with the help of ventilation, gases formed during the decomposition of organic substances are removed from the septic tank compartment.

The device of a septic tank in a mechanized way

  • A septic tank begins to be made only after accurate calculations of its volume are made. The required number of rings will depend on this. This value can be calculated by taking into account the number of people living in the house, or by the number of installed plumbing fixtures. On average, the depth of the wells is at least 4 meters. Thus, for the device of one well, 4-5 rings of concrete will be required. If there is a need to increase the volume of the structure, then you can purchase products of a different diameter. There can be 2 or 3 wells, while the first one should be larger than the others.
  • Since a mechanized method of constructing a septic tank is being implemented, earth-moving equipment, that is, an excavator, will be used to dig the pit. The size of the pit should be slightly larger than the diameter of the rings. This is necessary for their free passage and for waterproofing. The concrete ring must not get stuck, as lifting equipment may not be able to pull it back out without damage.
  • When all earthworks are completed, it is necessary to deliver the concrete rings to the site, and for this you will need trucks with a lifting device. Using the same technique, the installation of reinforced concrete products is performed.
  • At the next stage, waterproofing of the seams and the slab, which acts as the bottom, is performed. For this, a cement mortar is used. The ideal option is to order a special ring equipped with a bottom.
  • For the installation of pipes, holes of a suitable diameter are made, and the gaps formed during the installation of the rings are sealed with cement mortar.
  • The free space in the pit is covered with earth and well compacted.

installation of a concrete ring with a construction crane

Installing a septic tank manually

Not everyone dares to perform such work as installing sewer rings without the use of technology. However, this way you can significantly save on the installation of a septic tank from concrete rings. In addition, this option is suitable in cases where it is not possible to drive special equipment to the site.

In this case, it is planned to use meter rings, the weight of which will be 600 kg, so delivery will be carried out only by road to the unloading site.

You will have to manually roll each product to the object on your own.

Concrete rings are installed in place, after which it will be necessary to dig the ground under them. Thus, the ring will smoothly fall down. The second ring of concrete should be installed only when the first one is already level with the ground. Further work is carried out in this sequence.

fixing the concrete ring in the ground

To raise the earth, you can use various devices that facilitate physical labor.

Septic tanks are not afraid of frost

Those who install septic tanks on the territory of country houses are afraid that they may freeze in winter. Of course, from the point of view of theory, this is possible, but based on practice, we see that septic tanks are able to easily withstand low temperatures.

To minimize this risk, experts recommend clearing the building of drains and old sludge before winter with the help of a sewage machine. Also, the masters advise to insulate the cover with a hatch, through which waste is pumped out.

A septic tank made of concrete rings can be used to install a sewer system in a country house, country cottages, and for modest rural houses with a small amount of wastewater.

The significant advantages of this design include low cost, the need for partial wastewater treatment and independence from electricity.

When planning to make such a septic tank, you need to remember that it needs cleaning, which is done once every 6-12 months, depending on the intensity of use.

Achievements of engineering thought in construction do not stagger the imagination like discoveries in the field of high technologies. Nevertheless, they are not inferior to them in their significance for our life. A good example is a septic tank made of concrete rings for a private house, which replaced a cesspool. In this structure, the most important process for the environment takes place - the cleaning of sewage by microorganisms. Dirty water that has passed the septic tank becomes safe for humans and nature.

Unlike a cesspool, which accumulates sewage and is not able to absorb a large amount of water, a septic tank does an excellent job of this task. Three processes simultaneously take place in it: dilution of effluents, their settling and decomposition of organic sediment. The rate of biological treatment in a septic tank is hundreds of times higher than in a cesspool. Due to the active processing of organic matter, the volume of bottom sediment in it is minimal, which allows pumping out once every 2-3 years.

The question arises, why is the option of reinforced concrete rings good, because instead of it you can use a monolithic or plastic container?

There are several reasons for this decision:

  • Installation of a prefabricated reinforced concrete structure is simpler, easier and faster than working with concrete, reinforcement and formwork;
  • When using plastic containers, it becomes necessary to anchor them to a concrete slab. Otherwise, groundwater can push them out of the ground;
  • A septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings is stronger and more durable than plastic.

For the successful construction of such a structure, you need to have an idea about its calculation and the main stages of installation. Useful information on this topic can be found in our article.

The volume of wastewater is the basic value taken into account when designing any treatment plant. Sanitary standards set it at the level of 200 l / day per person. In addition, the capacity of the septic tank should be equal to 3 daily volumes of sewage. Based on these two conditions, the capacity of the structure can be calculated. So, for example, a family of 4 people will need a septic tank with a volume of: 4 x 200 l / person x 3 = 2,400 liters. (2.4m3).

The second issue that needs to be resolved is the number of cleaning chambers: one, two or three. If no more than 3 people permanently live in the country house, then you can limit yourself to one camera.

With a larger number of residents (4-6 people), the sewerage system in the country house of concrete rings is made two-chamber. It copes better with a large flow of sewage. Three cleaning tanks are used in houses where several families live.

Each chamber of the septic tank performs certain tasks:

  • In the first one, sedimentation of effluents and anaerobic (oxygen-free) decomposition of organic matter takes place. Heavy particles sink to the bottom here, while light particles float to the top. The clarified water flows through the pipe into the second chamber;
  • In the second tank, the effluents undergo additional bacterial treatment and are discharged into a filtering trench or well. Oxygen (aerobic) decomposition of organic matter takes place here.

The choice of filtration method depends on the level of groundwater and the type of soil. In the absorbing well, water goes into the ground through perforated walls and a bottom covered with fine gravel.

Two-chamber septic tank from reinforced concrete rings with a filter well

With a high level of soil water and soil that does not absorb moisture well (clay, loam), an absorbable trench is made (filtration field). A perforated pipe wrapped with geotextile is laid in it and covered with drainage material (crushed stone, gravel + sand). Due to the large length of the pipe and the presence of a filter bed, the final cleaning process is normal even in heavy and wet soil.

Three-chamber septic tank with a filter trench

Having determined the capacity, the number of chambers and the type of filtration structure, you can proceed to the choice of a place on the site. A diagram will help you with this. It indicates the minimum allowable distances from the treatment plant to water sources, trees and the road.

Sanitary breaks between septic tank, water source and other facilities

From this diagram it can be seen that the largest distance of the sewer facility should be from the source of drinking water (50 meters). On a summer cottage with an area of ​​​​5 acres, this requirement is not feasible. Here you will have to install a device for disinfecting drinking water with an ultraviolet lamp or use an imported bottled one.

In addition to observing sanitary breaks, the septic tank must be placed so that its chambers can be reached by the hose of the sewage truck.

Construction materials

In order to make a septic tank from concrete rings with your own hands, you need to buy the following materials:

  • polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 12-15 cm (the length is determined by the length of the sewer route);
  • pipes for ventilation of cells (diameter 8-10 cm);
  • plastic tees of the same diameter;
  • concrete rings (the diameter depends on the volume of the chambers);
  • cement-sand mortar for sealing joints;
  • hydrophobic impregnation for concrete or bituminous mastic for waterproofing;
  • concrete cover with an inspection hatch;
  • plastic perforated pipes with a diameter of 10-15 cm for a drainage trench (filtration field).

The correct choice of the type and diameter of the rings is of great importance for the normal operation of the septic tank. It is best if you buy concrete rings with a bottom at a construction warehouse. This will free you from the need to pour a monolithic slab and seal the contact area.

If such products are not available, then buy standard circles, but only with a locking joint, which increases the tightness and strength of the joints. The diameter of the sections and their number are selected based on the estimated capacity of the primary and secondary chambers.

Cylinder volume formula

The number of concrete circles is determined by dividing the volume of the cleaning chambers by the volume of one circle. If the number turns out to be odd, for example, 7 pieces, then one circle is added to an even value. For each container in a two-chamber septic tank, therefore, there will be 4 concrete circles.

The number of round concrete sections for the filter well can be taken equal to the number of chamber rings. If the groundwater is deep, then the well can be dug 1-2 meters deeper.

Construction technology

The device of a septic tank from concrete rings begins with digging a pit. Its size should be equal to the outer diameter of the chambers plus 30-40 cm for the mounting gap on each side and 5-10 cm of space between the rings.

If circles with a bottom are purchased, then a sand cushion 15-20 cm thick is made under them. It is needed to evenly distribute the weight of concrete to the ground. When determining the depth of the pit, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the bedding!

When using ordinary well circles without a bottom, a concrete slab with a thickness of at least 10 cm will have to be poured under them. It must be protected from cracks with a reinforcing mesh (rod diameter 10-14 mm, step 10-15 cm).

Installation of concrete rings for sewerage is carried out on cement mortar M500. It is evenly distributed over the entire contact surface. Having completed the installation, holes are marked and punched in the upper part of the chambers for passing pipes: sewer, overflow and leading to the filtering well (trench).

A plastic “tee” is put on the end of the sewer pipe entering the primary chamber. The same is done with the overflow and outlet pipes. Tees perform an important function: they do not allow contaminants floating on the surface of the water to clog pipes and go to other compartments of the treatment plant.

Having installed the rings, they are treated with hydrophobic impregnation outside and inside. Having covered the compartments with concrete covers, revision hatches are attached to them. Holes are punched in the covers of the primary and secondary chambers and ventilation pipes are placed in them.

An important nuance is the creation of the correct slope from the exit point of the house sewer to the entrance to the first chamber. Its optimal value is 2% (for 1 meter of length, 2 cm of height difference). In order to do this work without errors, we suggest studying the sketch of the treatment plant in the figure.

Scheme of a two-chamber septic tank with a drainage ditch

If your septic tank will work with a filtration well, then it is better to buy round sections with drainage holes for it.

Circles for a drainage well

It should be remembered that the drainage well is made only in soil that absorbs moisture well (sand, sandy loam). In loam and clay for final cleaning, a filtration field is equipped or a drainage trench is dug.

Before laying the perforated pipes, the bottom of the trench is covered with fine gravel (layer 20-30 cm) or gravel to create an absorbent substrate. The pipe is wrapped with geotextile. It will protect it from silting with soil particles carried by storm water.

The cost of concrete rings

Estimated prices of reinforced concrete products for 2017 for a treatment plant look like this:

  • An ordinary ring with a lock KS 10-9 (inner diameter 100 cm, height 90 cm) in different regions can cost from 1,700 to 2,300 rubles per piece;
  • KS 15-9 - 3000-3 600 rubles / 1 pc.;
  • Cover with a hole for the hatch 1PP 10-1 (diameter 100 cm, thickness 15 cm) - 1200-1700 rubles / piece;
  • 1PP 15-1 - 2,400-3,000 rubles / piece;
  • Ring with a bottom KCD 10-9 (diameter 100 cm, height 90 cm) - 2600-3200 rubles / piece;
  • KCD 15-9 - 4700-5700 rubles / piece.

Starting a septic tank

After completing the installation and filling the sinuses of the pit with excavated soil, the septic tank chambers must be filled with clean water. Its level should be several centimeters below the bottom mark of the upper overflow pipe connecting the primary and secondary chambers.

Some owners do wrong, believing that it is better to fill the sewage treatment plant with sewage. We remind them that the principle of operation of the septic tank is to dilute sewage, and not to accumulate it. Therefore, by the beginning of work, it must have clean water.

There is another important nuance. For effective cleaning, special cultures of bacteria that decompose organic matter must be introduced into the containers. They can be bought in hardware stores in the form of a dry concentrate.

Sewerage in a country house is part of the conditions for a comfortable life, and it must work continuously and smoothly. To do this, if there are no options for connecting the drain to the central sewer system, they organize an autonomous industrial or home-made septic tank. The septic tank can be anything - concrete, plastic, brick or metal, but the most convenient and prefabricated design is a container made of reinforced concrete rings. What sizes of concrete rings are required for sewerage and how to make such a septic tank, we will consider in more detail.

Features of reinforced concrete rings

Concrete rings are made of high-quality Portland cement M 400-M 500. From the positive aspects of the products, we note the following:

  1. High strength and durability of the structure and building materials;
  2. Quick installation on site, ease of installation due to special locks and coaxial dimensions of products;
  3. Low cost of products of any functionality and with any characteristics;
  4. The monolithic body increases the strength of the ring, the products do not need to be fixed to the ground at the installation site;
  5. Guaranteed service life ≥50 years.

Negative points:

  1. When installing a sewer concrete well from rings, you cannot do without a truck crane and additional workers, during transportation - without special fastenings of the product;
  2. The slightest deviation from the manufacturing technology, including the composition of the mixture and the methods of waterproofing the outer and inner surfaces, will lead to accelerated destruction of the ring, especially in the ground;

Most often, in individual construction, rings of different sizes made of concrete are used to create an autonomous private sewerage system or to equip drinking wells. Rings with a special lock on the ends are best suited for installation - the connection of the protrusions on one ring with the grooves on the other makes the structure more stable, durable and immovable, and allows you to maintain the required tightness of the tank under any operating conditions. Such rings are called folded, and rings without locks are called solid. In addition to the seam rings, covers, bottoms and hatches can be additionally produced - just for cases when a drinking well or sewerage is made from concrete rings with your own hands.

In the manufacture of rings with a locking mechanism, fine-grained concrete reinforced with reinforcement is used, which prolongs the life of the product and increases the rigidity of the structure. In addition, reinforcement solves the following problems:

  1. If the last concrete well of a septic tank made of concrete rings is made filtration, then additional filtration fields in the private autonomous sewage system are not needed, and this is saving the usable area of ​​the land;
  2. Special holes are provided in the concrete rings of the filter well, through which the treated sewage flows quickly into the ground;
  3. Reinforced filter rings can be used to make concrete rings, a drain or a cesspool - for this, one lower ring with a metal filter is sufficient, the rest of the upper concrete rings can be ordinary solid;
  4. If there is a possibility of uncontrolled overflow of the septic tank with sewage, then the upper ring is also mounted with a metal mesh filter. When the tank overflows, already roughly cleaned effluents will pour into the ground;
  5. Construction of revision wells.

Concrete rings for sewage wells are marked with the symbols "KS" - a wall ring - and numbers indicating the inner diameter of the concrete ring and the height of the ring. These values ​​are expressed in centimeters. Zeros after integers are not written on the marking. For example: KS10-9N - wall ring, inner diameter 100 cm, ring height - 90 cm, the symbol "H" denotes the permeability coefficient (N - normal permeability).

The dimensions of concrete rings for a self-made autonomous septic tank are selected based on the data of the sewerage system design - the size of the sewer well, the type of well (filtration, waste, drinking, drainage, flushing, differential or revision) and other indicators. Ring marking also includes the designation of the volume, weight of the ring and. To decipher the markings, there are special tables (reference information), and a fragment of one of them is given below:

MarkingRing sizes in cmInternal volume, m 3Weight, kgMark and class of concrete, M|B
KC 7-370 80 29 0,05 0,13 200|15
KC 7-670 84 59 0,10 0,25 200|15
KC 7-970 84 89 0,15 0,38 200|15
KC 10-3100 116 29 0,08 0,2 200|15
KC 10-6100 116 59 0,160 0,4 200|15
KC 10-9100 116 89 0,24 0,6 200|15
KC 15-3150 163 29 0,13 0,29 200|15
KC 15-6150 168 59 0,27 0,66 200|15
KC 15-9150 163 89 0,40 1,0 200|15
KC 20-6200 220 59 0,39 0,98 200|15
KC 20-9200 220 89 0,59 1,48 200|15

You can proceed not only from design information, but do the opposite: having reinforced concrete rings of a certain brand at your disposal, plan how to make a sewer according to one scheme or another, since you can immediately solve such problems as the use of a type of special equipment, transportation, tank volume septic tank, availability of future drainage fields, etc. The dimensions of concrete rings are set in GOST 8020-90. Knowing the dimensions is useful if the installation of entire rings does not cover the entire height of the well. In this case, the well is completed with additional rings that are smaller in height.

In addition to additional rings, rings with a solid bottom are made. Such products will serve for a long time in septic tanks with tank cleaning by pumping wastewater with a pump, as well as in sewer settling wells or in the construction of a septic tank with a settling chamber. In such rings, concrete of lower grades is used - M 200-250. The advantages of rings with a bottom are obvious: there is no need to seal the joints, no need to additionally apply waterproofing, and the amount of transport and installation work is reduced. To the listed advantages, you can add the possibility of ordering the diameter of the rings according to individual measurements.

Standard diameters of concrete rings with a solid bottom:

  1. ext = 100 cm, height 90 cm, weight 0.83 tons;
  2. vn - 150 cm, height 90 cm, weight 1.4 tons;
  3. ext - 200 cm, height 90 cm, weight 2.3 tons.

The installation of rings is preceded by drawing up a project, carrying out calculations, the number and brand of rings, and determining the type of sewerage system. The standard sewerage option with a septic tank for a summer residence or a small country house is one sump of three rings, while the lower ring has a solid bottom, the upper one has a hatch. An autonomous sewage system made of concrete rings, the scheme of which is given below, will work quite reliably and efficiently at any time of the year:

The volume of the septic tank is calculated according to the number of people living - in a house for a family of 3 people, a septic tank with a volume of up to 2 m 3 will be needed, since the average daily water consumption for one tenant is approximately 150-200 liters. Also, the number of septic tank chambers, that is, the number of concrete rings, also depends on the number of permanent residents. So, for a large family, equipment of at least a two-chamber septic tank is required, which means that rings of different sizes and volumes may be needed.

About private sewerage schemes

An autonomous private sewerage system built using concrete rings is implemented according to different schemes and with a different set of products. The choice of scheme depends on many factors and conditions. Here is the relief of the site, and the number of residents in the house, and the properties of the soil, and other calculated and reference parameters.

If we install a sewage system that will work constantly and around the clock for a family of 3 people, then a septic tank of rings with two chambers will be the best solution to the problem of disposing of the entire volume of wastewater. For example, such a scheme, which uses two tanks, each of which is made of three concrete rings, where the lower ring is with a bottom, the upper one is with a hatch:

The sketch shows that the circuit is the simplest, but, nevertheless, working and reliable. The greatest difficulty here is the connection of the input and output, the arrangement of ventilation, the organization of hydro and thermal insulation, the observance of the slope of the sewer pipes, and much more.

The main components and parts of a well made of reinforced concrete pipes:

  1. Reinforced concrete rings with a diameter of more than 1 m in the right amount;
  2. Concrete insulated cover;
  3. Rings for the outlet neck or rings with hatches for pumping wastewater;
  4. If concrete rings with a neck and without a hatch are used, then it is necessary to make a cover from metal, wood or plastic;
  5. Ventilation tube;
  6. Concrete floor for the septic tank;
  7. Reinforced concrete ring with a bottom;
  8. Crushed stone-sand pillow;
  9. Waterproofing for internal walls of a sewer well;
  10. An inlet for a sewer sewer;
  11. Outlet for drains.

In order to purify wastewater as much as possible, one work of bacteria and settling of polluted water is not enough - it is necessary to equip filtration fields, and the beginning of such purification also lies in the construction of a filtration well, the water from which will be drained into the filtration fields. Such water can not only be drained into reservoirs without the risk of polluting them, but also used for irrigation of garden plots or for technical needs.

A two-chamber sewer septic tank or a cesspool of two reinforced concrete wells does not require the completion of filtration fields or wells - the septic tank will cope with this amount of work itself, because the second well is designed specifically for the post-treatment of sewage wastewater.

The scheme of a two-chamber sewage septic tank made of concrete rings is more complicated and more expensive than the construction of a septic tank or a storage well according to a single-chamber scheme, since this option will use both rings with a bottom and rings with a neck and holes for sewer input / output. To reduce the cost of the project and construction work, it is recommended to use rings with locks - this will allow you to get rid of additional waterproofing, arranging a sand cushion and sealing joints.

The first concrete well in a two-chamber septic tank is built from 2-3 rings with locks - this depends on the depth of the well, which, in turn, depends on the properties of the soil. Dirty wastewater will settle for some time in the primary chamber - large solid sediments will fall to the bottom, and clarified effluents, after flowing along the accumulation boundary, will enter the secondary chamber, where they will be finally cleaned and discharged outside the site or pumped out for the needs of the economy.

The secondary tank is erected by the same installation of concrete rings on top of each other, observing the coincidence of the locks. Microorganisms can be added to the second tank, accelerating the decomposition and processing of wastewater. In this case, the sludge settles to the bottom, and the clarified water is discharged into the soil or out.
