Which water heater is better to buy in a private house. How to choose a water heater for an apartment - it's simple! Naturally heated tanks

The presence of a centralized supply of hot water is an advantage of apartment buildings. But what about those who do not have a hot water tap at home? In this case, it remains to be content with a water heater of one type or another. Providing themselves with a continuous supply of hot water, many people are wondering - which water heater is better, instantaneous or storage?

There is no definite answer to this question. For example, in the question “which is better, a horse or a car,” both the horse and the car have pluses. An ordinary city car can move quickly on city roads, but it is completely useless in mountainous areas or where there are no gas stations. The same applies to water heaters. Therefore, we will try to describe their advantages and disadvantages, as well as find out under what conditions one device will be a clear winner over another.

The main types of water heaters

As we already know, water heaters are divided into two main types:

  • Flow-through;
  • Cumulative.

Instantaneous water heaters heat water directly "on the go", as it arrives. As for storage models, their name speaks for itself - they accumulate cold water, heat it and give it to consumers as needed.

Instantaneous water heaters are further divided into two categories:

  • Gas;
  • Electrical.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Gas instantaneous water heaters provide hot water preparation by burning natural gas. Inside them is a DHW circuit, which is a metal radiator heated by a gas burner. Depending on the pressure of water and the intensity of combustion, the device regulates the temperature of the water.

Electric heaters are arranged in a similar way, only heating elements are located inside. They heat the metal tubes, causing the water inside to quickly heat up. The final outlet water temperature depends on the inlet water temperature and its head. There are no tanks in both gas and instantaneous water heaters - the water is heated “on the go”.

As for storage water heaters, they are built according to the type of tanks, with heating elements placed inside. They are divided into two main types:

  • Boilers of direct heating;
  • Boilers of indirect heating.

The former operate independently, requiring connection to a cold water supply and electricity source. As for indirect heating boilers, they heat water due to the heat taken from the heating system. In the summer, when the heating is turned off, heating is carried out using heating elements.

Differences between instantaneous and storage water heaters

In this section, we will talk about the performance and efficiency of different types of water heaters.

Instantaneous water heaters

The greatest demand is for low-power instantaneous water heaters, designed for one point of water intake. They are installed directly at the tap and provide fast preparation of hot water. But they also do not provide stable support for water temperature (except for advanced expensive models)

Instantaneous water heaters have one important advantage - hot water from them begins to flow almost immediately after opening the tap. Electric ones work a little faster, since most often they are mounted right at the points of water intake. Ideally, the scheme is as follows - one instantaneous water heater per tap. If you connect two taps to the water heater at once, this will lead to the problem of changing the water temperature when two taps are opened at the same time.

Let's give an example - someone is taking a shower, and at this time someone decides to wash a cup in the kitchen. Due to the increase in pressure, the temperature of the water will change. Due to low performance, the capacity of the instantaneous water heater will not be enough - it simply cannot cope with the rapid preparation of hot water. In order to compensate for insufficient heating, the user in the shower will have to slightly reduce the water. But because of this, he risks getting burned when the tap in the kitchen closes.

Gas tankless water heaters are more efficient at a lower energy consumption (gas they consume orders of magnitude less than electric flow heaters - electricity). True, they are not without a drawback with a change in temperature with fluctuations in pressure in the pipes - if you open several taps, then there will not be enough water for everyone.

This problem is partially solved in modern gas water heaters stuffed with electronics. They are able to independently regulate the outlet water temperature, focusing on the parameters set by users. For example, you can set the heater to maintain an outlet temperature of +45 degrees. And the heater will independently modulate the flame, maintaining the specified mode.

The disadvantage of intelligent gas instantaneous water heaters is their high cost. But they provide quick preparation of hot water, creating comfortable conditions for taking a shower without burning the skin.

Another the disadvantage of flow heaters is a strong dependence on the incoming temperature. If in expensive models we can still adjust the degree of heating, then in cheap models it is fixed - as soon as winter comes and the water temperature at the inlet to the water heater drops, its outlet temperature will also decrease. In summer, it can be quite comfortable for taking a shower, but in winter it can only be enough for comfortable washing dishes without freezing fingers.

It is impossible to achieve hot water temperature from a flow heater. In addition, many models are completely equipped with automation systems that turn off heating when the minimum temperature is reached - why continue heating and waste electricity if there is almost no heating?

Storage water heaters

The device of the storage water heater is extremely simple. It is a tank with good thermal insulation, inside which is a heating element and a thermostat for automatically maintaining the water temperature.

Storage water heaters are equipped with capacious tanks, the capacity of which varies from 10 to 1000 liters. For home use, the recommended volume is 50 liters, which is enough for the needs of one person. We describe a short list of the advantages of storage heaters:

  • Maintaining the temperature at a given level - it is enough to set the temperature once, and the heater will maintain it automatically;
  • Instant hot water supply - open the tap and hot water will flow almost immediately;
  • Independence from the inlet temperature - the water is heated throughout the volume and accumulates in the tank, so almost nothing depends on the temperature of the water supplied to the boiler.

If you take a large boiler (accumulative heater), then it will be able to provide hot water to a large number of consumers. Here are some examples:

  • The volume of the water heater is 50 liters- this is enough for taking a shower and then washing dishes (for one person). If necessary, this volume is enough for two (depending on how much to pour);
  • The volume of the water heater is 80 liters- this volume is enough for two people, and you can wash dishes and take a shower in parallel;
  • The volume of the water heater is 100 liters- you can take a shower together. The number of points of water intake - up to three pieces;
  • The volume of the water heater is 150 liters- this volume is enough for four points of water intake with the number of residents up to five people. It is allowed to fill and take a bath (during this time the boiler will actively heat the water).

Each storage water heater is equipped with a water heating temperature control system. That's why users will be able to adjust the performance as they wish. For example, by setting the temperature to +70 degrees, you can reduce the flow of water from the tank by diluting it in the mixer with cold water.

Not without certain drawbacks - if several people go into the shower in a row, then in the end almost cold water will flow from the tap. Unlike a flow heater, a boiler heats water slowly. But with careful consumption, its temperature in the tank will remain stable.

Energy consumption of heaters

Instantaneous electric water heaters have different capacities - from 2 to 30 kW (sometimes even higher). Low-power models are focused on one parsing point, more powerful ones - on several. Heating occurs quickly, but it will require powerful and durable electrical wiring.

As for storage water heaters, they heat water for a relatively long time, ensuring its long-term storage in a tank with effective thermal insulation. The power of the heaters here is about 10 times lower than in flow models.

If possible, it is more profitable to install a gas instantaneous water heater - its efficiency is approximately equal to the efficiency of a boiler. But we must remember that it is not without certain shortcomings described in our review.

Differences in installation

Which water heater is still better, instantaneous or storage? We can already draw some conclusions, but we have not figured out where and how the water heater will be installed? Storage heaters are installed in bathrooms, boiler rooms, utility rooms and even kitchens. If there is not enough space in the apartment, you can mount it under the ceiling by choosing the thinnest model.

This is a connection diagram for a storage water heater, where it is used as a backup source of hot water. If you have turned off hot water and you decide to use the heater, do not forget to turn off the shut-off valve from the hot water riser in front of the heater.

Storage boilers are connected to a source of electricity and to the water supply. After it, pipes are bred to the sinks, shower and bath. It is recommended to install a filter at the inlet, which will help protect the boiler from corrosion and scale formation.

Indirect heating boilers are most often installed next to heating boilers, in separate rooms allocated for a boiler room.

This is a connection diagram for an instantaneous water heater, where it is used as a backup source of hot water. If you have turned off hot water and you decide to use the heater, do not forget to turn off the shut-off valve from the hot water riser in front of the heater.

As for the installation of electric instantaneous water heaters, they do not require a large space for their installation.- they are extremely compact, which is an important advantage over boilers. Therefore, they are installed anywhere, including in bathrooms. Their main disadvantage is that to connect a powerful model (over 2 kW), you will have to pull a separate line from the electrical panel.

Since both types of water heaters are electrical appliances, it is necessary to organize reliable grounding before their operation.

Gas flow heaters can only be installed in certain rooms where there are all conditions for their operation - the gas is explosive. If the operation of gas water heaters is prohibited in the house, it remains to rely only on electric models.

Final conclusions

Where and under what conditions is it advantageous to use instantaneous water heaters?

  • In small kitchens if there is nowhere to install even the smallest boiler, then installing a flow model will be the best way out;
  • Where fast hot water preparation is required- whatever you say, but the hot water in the boiler may simply end;
  • With low water consumption- if the water consumption is very small (for example, you just need to wash the dishes once a week), then an instantaneous water heater will be more profitable. As for the accumulative model, it will waste energy to maintain the temperature in vain.

You also need to take into account certain disadvantages of flow models - the need for powerful wiring, dependence on the temperature of the supplied water, temperature changes with changes in pressure.

As for storage water heaters, they are recommended for use under the following conditions:

  • If there is a free space or a suitable room- they are quite massive and voluminous;
  • When it is necessary to maintain an almost constant water temperature- due to the conservation of heat, boilers (storage water heaters) provide water preparation with a given temperature;
  • If you need to provide water to several consumers at once- for this, storage water heaters of large capacity are installed.

Thus, each device has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when answering the question “what is better - a flowing or storage water heater”, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, analyze the scale of alterations, assess the scale of water consumption and make sure that there is or is not free space in your home, or maybe and pay attention to the flow-through accumulative heater, it is a "compromise" between the presented models.

The unifying factor for all the inhabitants of Russia is the shutdown of hot water: every summer for two or three weeks we are left alone with basins, pots and an electric kettle. To overcome this annual curse, you just need to install an autonomous water heater, which, of course, will come in handy for all other residents deprived of central hot water supply, including summer residents and holidaymakers.

Types of water heaters

The most versatile instantaneous water heaters, where the water becomes hot by passing through the heating elements. These devices are small in size and can be installed even in tight spaces - they are attached to the wall. Their main advantage is instant hot water. The main drawback is that with a low pressure, the water becomes too hot or stops heating at all if the protection of the heating elements is triggered.

Storage water heaters work differently: water is heated in a separate tank, and from it it is supplied to the taps. The tank is installed on the floor or mounted on the wall, depending on the volume. It is used as a constant source of hot water in cottages, enterprises, offices and bathrooms of shopping centers, institutions, cafes. The volume of the tank can be from 5 - 15 liters (for single summer residents) to 100 - 300 liters (for a house with a family of 3 - 4 people). It takes some time to heat the water in the tank, but the presence of the tank provides a sufficient supply of hot water, the temperature of which is maintained by thermal insulation of the body and periodic heating.

All owners of country houses and cottages are puzzled by the purchase of a device that provides them with hot water. It is easier for residents of private houses to equip an autonomous type of water supply than for owners of apartments in typical multi-storey buildings. Now there are many models of boilers, it remains only to understand which water heater to choose for your home.

Boilers differ in the type of installation:

  • can be mounted on the wall;
  • can be installed on the floor.

According to the main features of the work, water heaters are divided into:

  • flow system;
  • storage system.

According to the type of combustible substance used to generate heat:

  • the operation of the device can be carried out using gas;
  • the system can be powered by electricity;
  • thanks to solid fuel materials;
  • thanks to the combined materials;
  • through indirect heating.

Which water heater is better to buy in a country house? How to choose a water heater for a private house according to the pros and cons of different models?

Important: the installation of gas and electric water heaters is supposed to be in one of the rooms in the house. The remaining types of water heaters are located in rooms not intended for habitation.

If it is possible to install such a device, it is most reasonable to buy a model that will provide not only hot water, but also heat rooms.

Wall or floor

Wall models of water heaters are small in size and low cost. However, there are a number of strict requirements for their installation. For example, if the owner of a country house wants to install a bulk boiler on the wall, it is important to consider that mounting a large tank is possible only on a solid vertical part of the building, the surface of which should not be combustible.

When installing wall heaters, it must be remembered that the distance between the building surface and the device must comply with the specified requirements.

In turn, floor water heaters are the safest and most reliable regarding this issue. You do not have to worry about the fact that the boiler can break and fall, since they are supported by horizontal carriers.

If a large family has a shower, it is best to look at storage water heaters, they have large tanks and are installed on the floor. All floor water heaters are partially fixed to the wall.

Flow or storage

Flowing water heaters are usually attached to the wall. They are not large, so you need to find a place for it that meets safety conditions. Flow type heaters are characterized by low cost, convenience and efficiency. But there is one significant disadvantage: the lack of the ability to produce a large flow of hot water. If large volumes are required, this type of boiler is not suitable for a private house.

With a large consumption of hot water per day, devices with storage tanks that provide a good pressure of hot water will be the best choice. But the price of such a water heating system is quite high.

Boilers are subject to the destruction of parts inside the structure. Tanks at the same time are steel and cast iron.

Gas or electric boilers

Gas home water heating systems can only be installed if there is access to gas. Unlike electric models, they are much more economical and comfortable to use. True, before installing such a water heater, you will have to create a project and coordinate the installation of the device with the controlling service. Installation can only be carried out by specialists who are allowed to work with gas equipment.

The electric water heater is safe and has no harmful effects on nature. The design of water heaters is strict and not overloaded with details. Their convenience lies in the fact that they contain an automatic device. To carry out the installation of such equipment, you do not have to apply to various kinds of services for permission. The disadvantages of an electric water heater include the high cost of both the device itself and the fuel. In addition, the stability of its operation directly depends on the level of current supply.

Complex arrangement of a country house with hot water or heating

If a country residence is most often used for relaxing on weekends, you can limit yourself to a small water heater. In the case of a permanent stay in the house, you need to seriously approach the integrated provision of it with water and heat. The boiler room, equipped in a separate annex, is best suited for this.

For such a house, a heater operating using a diesel, solid fuel or combined mechanism and connected in a two-circuit scheme is suitable. This option is the most profitable and convenient. It involves the installation of an indirect heating storage tank. Having installed such a system, it will only be necessary to monitor its operation and maintain it in time.

Wood water heaters

It is also possible to install a wood-burning water heater for a private house, which will be located in one of the rooms. The main advantage of this system is efficiency at low cost, as well as the admissibility of using other solid combustible materials (coal, coal briquettes). Having the opportunity to buy coal or firewood at a low price, installing such a water heater will be the best solution.

A modern manufacturer of solid fuel boilers has made sure that you do not have to clean out soot and constantly fill the furnace. Once filling the furnace, the device itself, by means of sensors, will maintain the desired temperature regime, and the fuel will be consumed extremely economically.

Choosing a water heater according to the amount of hot water consumed

Given the water consumption, you can purchase a tank of small, medium and large sizes. Diesel boilers are not yet so popular in our country, however, in Western countries, such a water supply and heating system for country houses is the most common.

Such water heaters are very comfortable in that their workflow does not require the loading of fuels. A plus is also the possibility of switching to gas consumption. Connecting the water heater is easy. But the installation of the system will require a lot of labor and cash injections. Nevertheless, for the already short period of use of the equipment, all the laboriousness of the work pays off.

Naturally heated tanks

During hot periods, an additional water heating system will not be superfluous. These devices are powered by solar energy. The modern market offers options for systems that are located on the roof and use the heat of the sun. The installation of such a system is very simple. A tank is installed on the roof of a building or a shower room (located separately). Of course, such water heating systems are effective only in good and warm weather. However, one way or another, the water in the tank will be warmer than from the flowing water supply.

When choosing a storage boiler of any kind, it is advisable to lean towards a water heater with a high efficiency. Whatever the type of combustible, a high-tech device will in practice be a more economical option. Although the price of the unit itself is high.

The most economical to use in our country are water heaters that use natural gas as a combustible substance. The most expensive continue to be water heating devices powered by electrical energy. Diesel and solid fuel are located somewhere in the middle in the price range. When it is necessary to comprehensively cover the house with heat and hot water supply, it is advisable to install a gas water heater. If there is no access to gas, it is more rational and safer to use diesel fuel.

It is also necessary to understand that in horizontal boilers, cold water is mixed with already heated water in a rather tangible way. But in modern models of water heaters there is a protection that prevents such drops. Before buying, you need to find out if it is on a particular device. In vertical boilers, water is mixed in more comfortable conditions, which does not lead to sharp drops.

It is enough for any modern person to figure out how to choose a water heater for an apartment in order to forget about interruptions in hot water forever.

With the onset of summer, utilities begin to carry out a variety of repairs that can drag on for more than one week. All this time, residents of apartment buildings are forced to sit without hot water. It is clear that such a life cannot be called comfortable. And in winter, there are cases when high-rise buildings are left without hot water due to accidents and breakthroughs in heating mains.

Boiler in the bathroom

People who are not satisfied with the periodic lack of hot water in their homes are now purchasing special installations. They are called water heaters or boilers. These devices provide citizens and owners of private dwellings with hot water all year round. The affordable cost of such equipment and the relative ease of installation make water heaters very popular.

There is only one problem for potential users of boilers. It lies in the fact that there is a huge range of such equipment on the market today, and many do not know how to choose a water heater for an apartment among the many models presented.

You can purchase a gas or electric boiler, as well as an indirect heating unit.

For a private house, in addition, it is easy to buy special units or units that operate on liquid fuel. But we will not talk about them in this article. We are only interested in the equipment that is installed in apartments of high-rise buildings.

Gas and electric water heaters are divided into two types. They are cumulative and flowing. You can also find a combined flow-storage electric boiler. To determine which heater is best for you, you need to understand the main differences between different types and the criteria for choosing the ideal unit. This is what we'll do.

Water heaters operating on gas are made in the form of a metal housing in which a burner and a set of automation are mounted to ensure safe and efficient operation of the equipment. Fuel begins to flow into the burner immediately after the heater is turned on. Its start (ignition) is made manually or automatically.

The gas boiler is equipped with a metal coaxial sleeve for smoke removal (such models are usually bought for a private house). In residential high-rise buildings, such a channel is not needed. In them, combustion products are discharged through a common chimney. Water heaters with a sleeve have a closed chamber. And those that are connected to a common chimney are equipped with open chambers.

Gas boiler in the apartment

It is not difficult to choose the right gas heater for your home. If you use a lot of water, it is recommended to buy a storage device. It has a separate tank in which the water is gradually heated. For singles and small families, it is better to install flow equipment in apartments. In it, the water is heated while passing through the boiler.

We note right away that you need to take into account the power of gas equipment. The higher it is, the more efficiently the water heater will work. At the same time, even very powerful gas installations are characterized by fairly compact parameters.

The disadvantage of boilers operating on gas is their high cost. From this point of view, electric heaters are many times better than gas ones. In addition, electrical equipment can be installed in a home where there is no gas. For these reasons, it is electric boilers that are currently truly in demand.

The flow boiler heats the water immediately after it is turned on. It features excellent performance. Such a device heats water in unlimited volumes to a temperature of about + 60 °. The essence of his work is simple. Cold water is supplied to the boiler, where there is a heating element (usually made of copper), which has a high power - from 3–4 to 20–24 kW. At the exit we get hot water.

Everything is simple. But if you decide to install a flow-through boiler at home, you should immediately replace the electric meter and wiring. The load on them will be high, the old equipment may simply not withstand such power. It is also worth taking care of connecting a good circuit breaker.

Instantaneous electric water heater

The flow heater is mounted, as a rule, for one draw-off point. It is installed on the kitchen faucet, where you wash the dishes, or in the bathroom for a shower. If there is a desire to connect many points of water analysis to one device, it is necessary to purchase a unit with a maximum power (16–24 kW). A less powerful device will not be able to heat water for several taps to a comfortable temperature.

For a house or apartment with single-phase sockets (for 220 V), it is better to purchase a modest heating unit. Take a boiler with a power of no more than 8 kW. If the dwelling is equipped with sockets for 380-volt voltage (houses with electric stoves), heaters of higher power can be installed.

As you can see, it is not difficult to choose the right instantaneous water heater. It is only important to take into account the technical potential of the electrical wiring in the apartment and determine the volume of hot water that you plan to consume.

And one moment. Electric boilers differ in installation technology. They are:

  • Non-pressure. Such units are mounted next to the tapping point.
  • Pressure. These devices are installed directly in the water pipe.

In apartments, it is better to mount pressure units, and non-pressure units are more suitable for a private house.

In apartments with autonomous heating and in private houses where there is no central water supply, it is not economically profitable to operate flow devices due to the high consumption of electricity. In such dwellings it is better. It is supplied with a reservoir with a volume of 10-500 liters. Such a water heater is mounted on the wall or on the floor. It guarantees a constant supply of hot water, the amount of which is determined by the needs of the residents.

Storage boiler in the bathroom

The heat-insulated container (oblong or round), which the storage boiler has, has a heating element. The latter heats the water up to 35–85 °C and constantly maintains the liquid at a given temperature level. You can open the faucet at any time and get hot water. The set liquid temperature is maintained automatically.

This principle of operation of the unit guarantees low electricity costs. It is also important that the storage water heater of any model is connected to a 220-volt outlet. The power of the storage water heater is not more than 3 kW. An important advantage of such boilers is the ability to supply hot water to all apartment water points.

Tips for choosing a storage device:

  1. Calculate the consumption (approximate) of water per person per day. Multiply this value by the number of permanent residents and you get the volume of the tank that the boiler should have.
  2. Take into account the free space in the room where the water heater will be installed. Buy a device that will fit in the room without any problems, will not interfere with the residents and at the same time will fit well into the interior.
  3. Do not take too large a boiler. It makes no sense to spend money on heating water that you will not use.

An interesting alternative to storage and flow units are indirect water heaters. They are universal devices that are able to heat water through heating pipes (water).

Indirect heating boiler

The advantages of such installations are as follows:

  • low weight (maximum 5–6 kg with a 10–30 l tank);
  • compact dimensions;
  • work in two modes (direct heating and accumulation of a small amount of hot water).

The disadvantage of indirect boilers is the complexity of their selection and installation. It is impossible to purchase such a unit without the help of a specialist. All calculations for the installation of a water heater and its cooperation in an existing heating system must be carried out by a trained engineer. Otherwise, the boiler (and the heating system itself) will function inefficiently.
