To make the tomatoes sweet. How to grow sweet tomatoes

The dream of any summer resident is to grow sweet tomatoes. Not fanatics of the dacha business can send us to the market, where there are so many tomatoes. that eyes widen. But is there a sugary, juicy tomato there? A self-respecting summer resident will not go to the market, he will grow such deliciousness himself.

How to grow sweet tomatoes.

I know a few tricks. Can you add your secrets too?

Correct variety.

A tomato that is sour in terms of varietal characteristics cannot be made very sweet by any secrets

Correct fit

Do not thicken crops. Tomatoes should be well lit by the sun.
Stepson in time and lead the plant in 1-3 stems.

The right fertilizer

Some nitrogen fertilizers only in the first half of summer, then they are not needed.
Potash and phosphorus fertilizers give special sugar content at the time of fruit ripening.

The Right Trace Elements

Boron, manganese and copper will increase yields, speed up ripening and make tomatoes sweeter.
Foliar top dressing with boric acid (1 g per 1 liter), a solution of potassium permanganate (pale pink solution) and a solution of copper sulfate (2-3 grams per 1 liter) give good results in increasing the sugar content of tomatoes.

Correct top dressing

or use this solution for irrigation:
2 st. l. superphosphate and 1st l of sodium humate in a bucket of water.

I am not a fan of walking around tomatoes with a bucket and a ladle, so I use foliar top dressing - in this case, you just need to halve the dose of drugs. That is, for foliar top dressing with superphosphate and sodium humate, you need to use 1 tbsp of superphosphate and 1/2 tbsp of humate per bucket of water.

It often happens that some of the tomatoes do not have time to ripen before the autumn cold.

Techniques that accelerate maturation.

  • make longitudinal cuts of the stem about 10 cm long at a height of 10-12 cm from the ground with a sharp knife. Then insert wooden sticks into these cuts so that the slots made do not close
  • hold the bottom of the tomato stalk, pull the stalk up slightly while twisting in a circle
  • at a height of 4-5 cm from the ground, tighten a pair of thin copper wire rings tightly on the stem
  • pinch the tops of the plant with the resulting ovaries. They still will not have time to give ripe fruits, and the maturation of the lower brushes will go faster
  • remove all leaves to the bottom brush
  • spray the plants with a solution of iodine (30 drops per 10 liters)
  • stop watering and fertilizing

All of the above measures will help to grow a crop of sweet and tasty tomatoes in time.

Sweet tomatoes - the result of proper agricultural technology

Good day, dear readers! Do you want to grow sweet tomatoes? You need to know the rules for growing tomatoes, the subtleties of care and recipes for special dressings. Often, growers focus on the size and quantity, rather than the taste of tomatoes. In the article you will read valuable recommendations for growing sweet fruits.

A little about varieties

Legendary Bull's Heart

The genetic characteristics of the variety directly affect the taste of tomatoes. But this is far from the only factor in whether tomatoes are sweet or not. The variety determines the ability of the variety to accumulate a large amount of sugar in the fruit. The rest is up to agricultural technology.

There are many varieties that have a predisposition to sugar content. The most common and popular among lovers of growing tomatoes in the garden can be called:

  • "Bull's heart";
  • "Salad pink";
  • "Persimmon";
  • "Black Prince".

By choosing these varieties, you can count on the sweet taste of harvested tomatoes.

The right conditions cultivation for sweet tomatoes

Future great harvest

Try to plant tomatoes in line with the basics of successful growth and fruiting:

  • abundance of light. Tomatoes love the sun. Plants planted in the shade are unlikely to produce a sweet harvest. In addition, a sufficient amount of light is the prevention of phytophthora. This is a dangerous fungal disease that can completely destroy plantings.
  • No drafts. Plants should be well ventilated within reasonable limits. But a cold draft is not acceptable for them. The best way to grow tomatoes is in a greenhouse. If there is no greenhouse, then they can be planted in the garden. But it must be protected from the cold wind. For example, to be on the southern slope or hidden from the north by bushes.
  • Mandatory distance between the bushes! A small distance leads to light starvation and, as a result, an increased acid content in the fruit. Between tall tomatoes, the distance should be at least 50-60 cm, and between compact ones - at least 40 cm.
  • Straight line! Try to plant rows of tomatoes from north to south, not from west to east. So the plants will be evenly illuminated by the sun!

The subtleties of caring for future sweet tomatoes

cool tomatoes

To have a lot of tomatoes and they are sweet, a competent watering regime is desirable. This is a culture that is very demanding on the balance of moisture in the ground. When watering, you need to focus on 2 things that are closely interconnected: the weather and the dryness of the soil. Tomatoes are best watered less often, but plentifully; than often with small amounts of water. Try to use settled warm water (I really liked the result of using rainwater), water early in the morning or late in the evening, do not get drops on leaves, stems, and even more so - flowers.

Fertilizers for sweet tomatoes

Spraying is the fastest way to deliver nutrients to the plant

For the successful formation of tomato fruits, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus is mandatory. These 2 substances are vital for any vegetables. In tomatoes, they are responsible for gaining fruit weight, so they are needed throughout the fruiting period. Use any complex mineral fertilizers with a suitable composition. Not bad showed themselves in practice and folk remedies.

I like the result of feeding tomatoes with boric acid. First, it is a natural plant growth stimulant. Secondly, it is environmentally friendly, non-toxic to humans and plants. Thirdly, the specialization of boric acid is a decrease in tomato fruits and an increase in sugars. And all this with accessibility and high performance!

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  • Nettle - cool top dressing of tomatoes

Sometimes the harvest of tomatoes is, although plentiful, but completely tasteless. Growing the same variety, tomatoes can be fresh or tasty in different years. How to feed tomatoes for the sweetness of fruits?

The sweet taste of ripe tomatoes is very dependent on the variety. Some varieties of tomatoes are predisposed to sugar content, others are not. Sweet varieties include:

  • bull's heart;
  • Pink lettuce;
  • Black Prince;
  • Bear Paw;
  • Pink honey;
  • Cosmonaut Volkov:
  • Persimmon, etc.

With proper care, the listed varieties have every chance of growing tasty and sweet.

Basic rules for growing delicious tomatoes

There are several secrets to growing a sweet crop, and they are all simple:

  • an abundance of light when growing seedlings and in the garden;
  • sufficient space between the bushes in the garden;
  • protection of the beds from wind and draft;
  • reasonable use of dressings;
  • infrequent, but plentiful watering;
  • timely pasynkovanie;
  • calculation of the planting time so that the tomatoes have time to ripen on the bush.


Daily watering leads to watery tomatoes, therefore, the taste will be less rich and sweet.

Sweet treats

Potassium and phosphorus are needed for fruit development. To avoid nutritional deficiencies, use complex top dressing. It is also permissible to use folk recipes:

  • boric acid: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of powder in 10 liters of warm water, use for spraying;
  • potassium permanganate: dissolve 2-3 g of powder in 10 liters of water, use for irrigation at the flowering stage;
  • iodine: add 2-3 drops to a bucket of water, use for watering 1 time per week throughout the season;
  • wood ash: dissolve 1 cup in 10 liters of warm water, pour 0.5 liters under the root when the fruits begin to turn red;
  • urea: 1 tbsp. dilute a spoon in a bucket of water, use for foliar treatment.


The fastest way to deliver nutrients to the bush is by spraying.

Secrets of gardeners

Experienced gardeners recommend planting several rows of basil in a greenhouse with tomatoes. In this case, the bushes grow better, and the fruits are poured more juicy and sweet. Positive feedback can also be heard about spices such as bergamot and parsley.

Do not grow cucumbers and tomatoes under the same roof. These cultures need a different microclimate.

It has been noticed that in years when thunderstorms often occur in summer, tomatoes grow especially tasty. It is believed that the reason is the ionization of the air.


The main secret of delicious fruits is to let the tomatoes ripen on the bush.

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Who doesn’t want to grow sweet, literally sugary tomatoes, so that the pulp literally crumbles into grains? Do you want too? Then you should definitely read our article!

Naturally, first of all, the sweetness of tomatoes depends on the variety. And hybrids don't work at all. For example, the simplest salad varieties literally exude that same tomato spirit, and they taste just great.

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True, they are poorly stored, poorly transported over long distances, they are not suitable for pickling and canning. But the tomato of them is the most delicious and thick.

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The varieties Bear's paw, Deliciosus, Oxhart, from the popular selection are especially good in taste: Bull's Heart, Cosmonaut Volkov, etc. I have been growing the Pink Honey variety on my site for several years now.

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However, you can noticeably improve the taste of any variety of tomato if you resort to the help of fertilizers. Moreover, not necessarily mineral - ordinary ash will do. Potassium, which it contains in large quantities, accelerates the filling of fruits and improves their taste.

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Ash is also indispensable because it contains almost all trace elements that also improve the taste of fruits. Tomatoes are fed with ashes at least three times every two weeks. Pouring 1 kg of ash into 10 liters of water and insisting fertilizer for a week.

But nitrogen fertilizers at this time should be stopped to be applied to the beds, as they accelerate the growth of tops and the growth of buds. Tomatoes from saltpeter become larger, but the taste will be watery and tasteless. In addition, nitrogen lowers immunity to phytophthora, which is now outrageous on tomato plantations with impunity - it is no longer possible to spray - we are harvesting ...

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If you do not have ash, do not be stingy and get a diammophoska. Fertilize it with a matchbox for 10 liters of water and your tomatoes will become the most delicious, up to a certain limit, of course.

Sunlight also greatly affects the sugar content of tomatoes. Remember greenhouse tomatoes? Until recently, we ate them, because ours had not yet ripened. In terms of sugar content, and indeed in taste, they are more like grass. And all because they received less light than our soil tomatoes. Therefore, tomatoes should be planted in sunny places and the shading net should be pulled only when the first fruits begin to turn white.

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Irrigation strongly affects the sugar content of fruits. The more often you water, the less tasty the tomatoes will be. And yes, they are starting to fall apart. Therefore, many farmers completely stop watering tomatoes when the fruits begin to ripen. And then they do not burst, and the harvest ripens faster, and the tomatoes are tastier.

Greetings, friends!

The taste of tomatoes depends on the variety. Some types of culture intended for salting, for example, Chumak or Cream, have a dense pulp structure and rough skin. But the elite sugar varieties, for example, Persimmon, Black Prince, Salad Pink or Bull's Heart, are distinguished by sugary tender pulp and increased juiciness.

But not everything determines the grade. Compliance with certain agricultural practices for caring for a tomato plantation has a direct impact on the biochemical composition of fruits and their taste characteristics. I will share with you proven secrets on how grow sweet tomatoes and ensure a delicious fruit harvest every season.

Secrets for caring for planting tomatoes

abundance of light

Tomato beds should be located in well-lit areas of the sun. In addition to the fact that the sun prevents the development of the most dangerous disease of culture - late blight, it increases the rate of fruit ripening and has a beneficial effect on the ratio of acids and sugars in them.

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It is not recommended to thicken the plantings. This leads to the formation of small tomatoes with a high concentration of acid in them. For tall varieties, the distance between plants is about half a meter, for short and compact varieties - 30-40 cm. Plants feel best on the southern slopes, which are necessarily protected from drafts. The direction of the rows in the beds is desirable to observe from north to south.

Irrigation organization

Nightshade crops react poorly to both deficiency and excess moisture in the soil. It is best to water them rarely, but plentifully (1-2 times a week, depending on weather conditions). If the soil under the plants is often moistened, then the fruits become watery and lose their inherent sweetness. Water the beds in special grooves dug between the rows, or directly under each bush, avoiding dripping on the tops.

Timely top dressing

At the beginning of the growing season, tomato bushes are fed with nitrogen fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate or complex Nitroammofoska (20 g / bucket of water). It is recommended to do 2 such dressings with an interval of 14 days. The first application is carried out 2 weeks after planting the seedlings on the beds or in greenhouses.

In the future, a break is made in feeding the culture until the moment the ovaries are formed. This is due to the fact that the intake of nitrogen substances slows down the development of the fruiting organs and delays the time of the appearance of the first ovaries. But then the plants will gratefully respond to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, for example, a solution of superphosphate and potassium magnesia or an ash infusion.

Here are some simple tips to help you grow sweet tomatoes Location on. See you!
