The yucca leaves have dropped. Yucca leaves turn yellow: why and what to do? What is sick home palm

Yucca is a beautiful and completely unpretentious evergreen plant in care and growing conditions, which every gardener can independently grow on his own plot. In order for this species to feel good and regularly please with its flowering, it is necessary to follow only some simple recommendations. Yucca is a drought-tolerant perennial plant and does well in almost any soil, but it can also get sick. A characteristic sign of the presence of a disease or lack of nutrients is that the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry.

Yucca flower in landscape design

Yucca is an evergreen representative of the agave, which can be a shrub or a small tree. It is also popularly called garden palm. The plant blooms with beautiful white flowers, resembling bells in appearance from June to August. With proper care, this period can be extended by a couple of days. The species gives fruits only at home - in Central America or Mexico, where a butterfly lives, pollinating flowers.

This plant is considered drought-resistant and does not require regular watering from the gardener even at an air temperature of +35 degrees. Flowers are also highly discouraged from being placed in the shade - in the absence of bright sunlight, they fade and fade very quickly. That is why yucca is increasingly placed on open flower beds, the edges of the garden area, and also on the edges of the park. This is where the plant does its best. A garden palm tree can grow not only in the open field, but also in pots.

In landscape design, garden yucca is used quite actively. It is planted in flowerbeds, in parks along the edges of the alley, often added to alpine slides, rabatka. The plant looks good on the site at any time of the year and does not require frequent transplantation.

The main varieties of garden Yucca

In our latitudes, several varieties of yucca are most common, which take root well in various climatic zones; the gardener is practically not required to carry out false care measures. Among the most popular varieties:


A plant with large white flowers, practically without a pronounced stem. Characteristic features of this species are long pointed leaves with white curly threads along the edges (hence the name of the species). This variety is resistant to cold and can be grown almost throughout our country.

filamentous yucca

Glorious with beautiful blooms

Street Yucca with beautiful red flowers. A distinctive feature of this species is the inflorescences of a pyramidal shape. It does not withstand temperatures below +13 degrees, it is recommended to grow such a flower in warm areas with the obligatory wrapping of the stem for the winter or transplanting the yucca into a greenhouse.

glorious yucca

Other less popular varieties

Also in horticulture, such less common varieties are known: elephant yucca, aloe-leaf, gray-gray. Hybrids vary depending on the size of the plant, the size of the flower, and the shade of the petals.

The species retains the characteristics of its variety when the plant is propagated by any available means. The gardener only needs to correctly perform the division and further planting of the flower, in which case he will not have problems with the young generation.

Reproduction methods

Yucca garden is propagated mainly by dividing the roots or lateral processes. It is recommended to carry it out in the spring. The ideal time for such work is March. Reproduction is carried out as follows:

  • the plant is carefully dug up so as not to damage the root system;
  • cuttings up to 5 cm long are cut from the rhizome;
  • the resulting fragments are dried in the fresh air for 4 hours, then they are planted in a greenhouse to a depth of 5-7 cm. For this purpose, it is worth using a sandy soil.

After the seedlings sprout, the film is removed. With the advent of spring or autumn (depending on the time of division), the plants are transplanted to a sunny warm area of ​​\u200b\u200bopen ground.

Similarly, division is carried out by shoots and leaves. However, this method is considered less productive, because it is practically not practiced by private farms.

It is also possible to propagate yucca seeds. However, this process is much more complex and less productive than division by roots or leaves. Only experienced gardeners can cope with it, therefore, beginners are advised not to take risks and choose simpler methods for themselves.

Plant care: how to properly care

Yucca is a plant that practically does not require special care from the gardener. The most important thing when growing this species is to choose the right place for planting it, prepare the soil well, and then water and feed it from time to time. For the best growth of yucca during the year, you should:

  • carry out periodic loosening of the soil: good drainage and aeration of the yucca landing site;
  • for the winter, bring flowerpots with yucca into the house or wrap plants in the garden with thick paper;
  • monitor the level of moisture in the soil;
  • periodically treat the leaves with pesticides.

The last point when growing a garden species should be given a lot of attention. Yucca is a plant that is prone to pests. A common enemy of this shrub are slugs and snails that eat the fresh leaves.

garden snail

Plant damage by scab


For yucca, it is worth determining a moderate watering schedule. It must be remembered that this plant categorically does not tolerate high humidity and, with poor soil drainage, dies quite quickly. To avoid overflow of yucca, it is recommended to ensure that the soil of the plant is relatively dry, to prevent the accumulation of moisture near the rhizome. In this article, you can learn a lot about how care and

If you cannot determine the watering schedule yourself and are afraid to destroy the plant, focus on the general condition of the yucca. When it requires moisture, its leaves begin to curl up, and the strings begin to sag.

top dressing

The plant needs to be fed every 2-3 weeks, but only during the period of the most intensive growth, especially in the summer and spring months. For this purpose, it is recommended to use standard garden mixes for yucca. In the winter season, plants are not fertilized.

You can not fertilize yucca if the plant has not yet acclimatized in the open field, as well as before transplanting or during illness. During such periods, your flower should be in a state of complete rest.

Video about street Yucca

More detailed care for garden yucca is shown in the video below.

Reasons why leaves dry and turn yellow

A common problem with this plant is yellowing and drying of the leaves. There are many reasons for this phenomenon in garden varieties of yucca. Among them:

  • abundant watering;
  • being in excessively hot conditions during the winter;
  • not enough light for the plant.

Yellowing of the leaves of this species often indicates a serious damage to the plant. You can not ignore it, otherwise the bush will die.
Basically, the appearance of brown or yellow spots on the leaves signals a fungal infection of the plant.

The result of a fungal attack

How to save

What to do if you start noticing symptoms:

  1. If the stem is damaged, it is recommended to remove the affected parts of the plant, in which case the yucca can be saved. If, during the process of decay, a significant part of the flower has decomposed, it is recommended to dispose of it together with the root system so that the fungus is not transmitted to other plants.
  2. In case of damage to the leaves, the affected leaves should be removed, watering should be stopped for a while, the yucca should be transplanted to a sunny place and the flower should not be sprayed.

In many cases, yellowing of yucca leaves is much easier to prevent than cure. To do this, it is enough to comply with all the requirements for watering the plant.


In general, growing yucca does not call for any trouble from the gardener and is quite simple at all stages - from plant propagation to pest and disease control. In order for you not to have any problems in this process, you should pay increased attention to the level of soil and air humidity near the garden palm tree and loosen the soil and remove dead leaves in time. And then the yucca will delight you with its flowering and delicate aroma for many years in a row. And this article will tell you why the buds disappear and of course we recommend material about.

Yucca - indoor ornamental plant, with beautiful bright evergreen leaves, resembles a small palm tree. The tree grows slowly, but during the vegetative period it reaches 4 meters in height, for this reason it is necessary to take care of the space for the flower and suitable care in advance.

Yucca care

Breeding indoor plants is a painstaking business, it is not uncommon for aphids to appear on the leaves or they can turn yellow, wither, fall off, yucca is no exception - it is also prone to diseases and vegetation disorders.

Even an unpretentious plant requires the necessary level of humidity, temperature, lighting, and watering for it - all this is reflected in the appearance of the leaves and the condition of the plant as a whole.

If on your plant (as a rule, the lower longline suffers first), remember the elementary rules for caring for. So, home agave needs bright light, but one that will not fall in direct sunlight. Likes yucca and high humidity, her pot can be placed in a pan with water, but provided that the bottom layer of the main pot has good drainage. The use of such a design in the summer, coupled with daily spraying, is especially relevant.

Diseases and natural organic processes

Yucca is very sensitive, its leaves can begin to dry out due to a simple change in location and changing conditions, this is always stressful for the plant.

It does not tolerate agave and transplantation, during which the developed root system almost always gets injured. It is possible that after a while the plant will cope with the damage on its own and begin to develop further, stopping dropping leaves, but experts advise to still use top dressing during the adaptation period.

Improper watering will also cause the leaves to begin to dry. The root system of the yucca is weak, when the soil is waterlogged, the plant will begin to rot, and watering with cold water can also have a bad effect on the condition. For yucca, it is important to maintain normal temperature conditions, with sudden changes in air temperature, the leaves twist and turn yellow at the tips - this is the first sign that the tree needs to be relocated.

In summer, a comfortable temperature for yucca is not more than 25 ° C, and in winter it is not less than 10 ° C. It is necessary to reduce the temperature gradually, starting in the fall, if the temperature is not lowered to the desired level by winter, the leaves will begin to thin, dry, and may eventually fall off completely.

We must not forget about proper watering: in summer it should be more frequent, but in winter you should not be particularly zealous, weekly irrigation is enough - otherwise the plant will rot.

The cause of damage to the leaves may be the defeat of aphids or gray mold. As a rule, midges and rot are clearly visible in the root zone and at the base of the affected leaf. To combat diseases, you need to use household insecticides.

Do not forget that leaf fall is also a natural process for a plant, characteristic of its intensive growth stage, the fall of a small number of leaves in this case should not be a cause for concern.

Yucca is an unpretentious exotic indoor plant from the Agave family with weakly branching shoots and fluffy caps of long light green leaves. With age or if the rules for caring for a flower are violated, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, then dry out and fall off. If the cause of this behavior of the plant is not determined and eliminated in time, then it may die. Experienced flower growers identify several main reasons for the negative change in the appearance of yucca. Beginners in indoor floriculture can avoid problems with their pets if they take these factors into account when keeping them.

The main reasons why yucca leaves turn yellow and dry

lack of lighting

This reason is considered the most common, especially in the autumn, when the length of daylight hours is significantly reduced and indoor plants lack natural light. On the darkest and cloudiest days from September to February, bright diffused lighting can be created using phytolamps or other additional lighting. The length of the artificial daylight hours should last at least ten to twelve hours a day. With such daily illumination, the process of yellowing and dying off of the leaf part of the yucca will stop and very quickly completely stop.

Excess lighting

Excess light, or rather direct sunlight, very easily damages yucca leaves, causing thermal burns to it. This reason is relevant in the spring and summer months, when the flower is grown on the windowsill on the south side of the house and in the daytime the sun's rays are directly directed at the delicate houseplant. Under natural conditions, yucca perfectly tolerates tropical and subtropical climates with maximum sun during the day. But as a houseplant, it is much more vulnerable and therefore direct sunlight leaves its yellow marks on the leaves of a room culture. You can protect the flower with a light translucent shading and gradual accustoming to fresh air (on a balcony or open veranda).

Violation of the rules of watering

The individual characteristics of yucca include adaptability to drought, this must be taken into account when caring for it. The thick trunk of the plant accumulates a lot of moisture (like succulents and cacti), and the dense surface layer of the leaves will protect them from rapid loss of moisture. But insufficient volume and frequency of watering (especially in summer) will lead to the withering of the leaf part and their gradual death. Yucca does not like the lack of moisture. The underground part of the flower does not tolerate an excess of moisture in the soil and regular overflow of irrigation water. Yellow, drooping and drying leaves can signal the beginning of rotting of the root of the plant.

It is very important to find a middle ground in this process. The next watering should be carried out only when the soil mixture in the flower pot dries out by about fifty percent or a little more. Water for irrigation should be warm (with a temperature of 22 to 25 degrees Celsius), be sure to be purified or settled. When watering with cold tap water, rotting of the base of the stem, and then the root part, may begin.

A plant that has become ill from overflow can only be saved by transplanting it into a new substrate. The plant must be carefully removed from the flower pot, the roots thoroughly washed, and all rotted parts of the leaves and roots removed. After trimming diseased roots, it is recommended to treat the cut sites with activated or charcoal powder. After that, the houseplant is planted in a new container with fresh soil. If the root part is completely damaged and there is nothing left to save, then you can cut off the top of the plant and root it.

Dry air for yucca is normal throughout the year, except for the heating season. During this period, the tips of the leaves are very dry, the plant requires periodic additional moisture by spraying. The water should be soft and not cold. Favorable time for water procedures is early morning or evening after sunset. Spraying in the daytime in direct sunlight will leave spots on the leaves after water droplets - burns.

Non-compliance with the temperature regime

If the leaves on a houseplant begin to curl, and the tips of the leaves turn yellow, this indicates an incorrect temperature regime. Yucca prefers a constant moderate temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. Sharp jumps in temperature up or down, as well as cold drafts, negatively affect the appearance of the plant and its further growth and development. At low or high temperatures, the plant may turn completely yellow and dry out.

Failure to comply with transfer rules

Yucca reacts very painfully to transplants, since its root system is easily damaged and then the whole plant begins to hurt. This is manifested in yellowing and drying of the leaf mass. It is recommended to transplant yucca only together with an earthen clod. The transshipment method reduces the risk of injury to the roots.

When transferring a container with a flower to a new place, to a new room and during long-term transportation, the plant experiences severe stress and adapts to new conditions for a long time. At this time, yellowing, wilting and drying of the leaves is possible. This is explained by a change in the conditions of detention, which include temperature, lighting direction, humidity level, and sometimes damage to the root system when moving.

The appearance of pests

The main pests of yucca are scale insects, spider mites and aphids. The invasion of these pests can only be stopped with special chemicals (for example, Fitoverm, Aktara, Aktellik). They are sprayed or sprinkled directly onto insect habitats. Yellowed leaves after the destruction of pests, unfortunately, will not recover. If there are healthy roots, the plant will continue its development, and if they are damaged, the flower is almost impossible to save.

natural causes

Each plant ages over time, and the death of a few of its leaves in the lower part is considered a normal natural process that flower growers should not worry about. It is quite natural that sometimes one or two lower leaves begin to turn yellow and soon dry up. Flower lovers need to help the plant remove these leaves in time, as the yucca will not be able to get rid of them on its own. It is recommended to take the yellowed leaf by the tip and pull it downwards, as if removing the peel.

Knowing the main reasons for the negative changes in the appearance of a houseplant, it will be easier for beginners to care for it and create the necessary conditions for it.

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Why do evergreen yucca leaves turn yellow and dry?

Yucca is a very popular tree that pleases with its beauty all year round. But sometimes even in such an unpretentious plant as yucca, the leaves turn yellow and dry. What does this indicate and how to make sure that yucca does not lose its attractiveness for a long time?

Yucca is a very popular tree that pleases with its beauty all year round.

Causes of yellowing of the leaves of the culture

Any houseplant needs proper care. The state of culture is influenced by many factors, among which the main ones are:

  • humidity level;
  • temperature;
  • abundance and frequency of watering;
  • indoor lighting.

Most often, yucca leaves turn yellow and dry out due to insufficient lighting in the room. This plant is very fond of light, and photosynthesis requires bright but diffused lighting. Despite this, yucca should not be placed in direct sunlight. Otherwise, burns may appear on the leaves.

In summer, you need to regularly water with warm water, while avoiding excessive moisture in the soil.

Some yucca diseases are the result of a weak root system. In this regard, the plant accumulates and stores water not in the roots, but in the trunk. Too much moisture can lead to root rot and leaf deterioration. You should also pay attention to the temperature of the water used for irrigation. It should not be too cold or hot.

In some cases, the culture can dry out due to sudden changes in temperature. Often, transplanting a tree also leads to problems, since the root system can be harmed during the process of digging. Another factor in why yucca leaves turn yellow is moving it to another room, in which the humidity and air temperature are very different from the previous room.

Like any evergreen, yucca adapts to the cold seasons. In winter and autumn, it needs a lower air temperature than in the warm period. Therefore, if the temperature is not lowered, you can harm the yucca. And an increase in watering in such conditions can even lead to the death of the plant.

Other causes of yellowing of yucca leaves include:

  • lack of moisture in summer;
  • insect pests;
  • natural plant rejuvenation process.

Yucca (Yucca) belongs to the Agave family, although this plant is very similar to a palm tree. This family includes over 45 species, but no more than 7 species are cultivated as indoor ornamental species, and a few more can be found in gardens and parks. Yucca is popular with flower growers due to its graceful trunk, the top of which is decorated with a shock of beautiful long emerald leaves.

These evergreens are from North American countries. At home, yucca is cultivated not only as ornamental plants. serves as a source of fiber from which clothes, bags, ropes and baskets are made. And from the roots of culture, local residents have adapted to extract natural red dyes, and parts of the plant are often used by traditional healers. Yucca leaves contain starch, so they are often used in cooking.

Tree-like trunks of yucca, with one or more points of growth, can be crowned with drooping or erect narrow long leaves. With the help of competent pruning, the trunks can be given bizarre shapes and the desired branching. Yucca can bloom and bear fruit only in natural conditions, where they are pollinated by special butterflies. Flowering of ornamental varieties can be expected extremely rarely and only from hybrids.

With the creation of favorable conditions and tireless care, homemade yucca can bloom only after 6-7 years. This event takes place in the summer. But experienced gardeners have learned how to stimulate flower bud formation in mature plants by creating cool conditions in the winter. The temperature at this time should not exceed 14 degrees. Yucca flowers are similar to small white bells and gather in panicle inflorescences.

Ornamental plant species do not grow quickly, but some specimens can reach a height of four meters.

All decorative types of yucca have common characteristics that distinguish them from other plants:

  • culture grows like a shrub or tree with a powerful trunk
  • emerald leaves of a dense and hard texture, usually monochromatic, but sometimes diluted with white veins
  • leaves, the length of which reaches a meter, are collected in rosettes
  • panicle inflorescences are formed in the middle of rosettes of leaves

After flowering, fruits are formed on the plant - these are berries, which eventually turn into seed boxes. In indoor floriculture, you can most often find two types of yucca:

  1. Elephant, which is often referred to as a false palm. It is a shrubby plant with long pointed leaves. The elephant yucca gets its name from its trunk, which thickens considerably with age and resembles an elephant's foot. The homeland of this species is arid regions with a small number of pests, so the plant is characterized as unpretentious.
  2. Aloe leaf - with leathery hard leaves resembling aloe leaves. Where did its name come from. To grow this species, you need to make some effort. The crown of an adult plant is spherical and crowns a thick cylindrical trunk.

All types of yucca have a positive attitude towards fresh air, therefore, in the warm season, it is preferable to place plants on the street. A place should be chosen with abundant but diffused sunlight.

  1. Lighting. Yucca needs plenty of light, but direct sunlight is detrimental to plants. Miniature false palm trees should be placed in the western or eastern rooms near the windows. If necessary, the duration of daylight hours is increased by artificial lighting.
  2. Temperature regime. In the summer, the temperature of the plant content should not exceed 25 degrees. If the yucca overheats, then it is placed in a cool place and sprayed, and after a while it is returned to its place. In winter, yucca is comfortable at a temperature of 11-13 degrees.
  3. Irrigation. Watering decorative palm trees should be, taking into account the size of the plant itself and the pot, as well as the temperature and humidity of the air. In summer, watering is needed abundant. The soil should not dry out more than 2 cm. On average, watering is carried out once a week with settled water at room temperature. In autumn and winter, watering is reduced.
  4. Spraying. Spraying is carried out in order to prevent spider mites, but excessive waterlogging can lead to a deterioration in the decorative appearance of the plant. Therefore, this procedure should be carried out carefully and in small quantities.
  5. Priming. For yucca, a ready-made soil mixture for dracaena and palm trees is suitable, which contains trace elements necessary for the normal development of plants. Also, the soil can be prepared at home by mixing two parts of soddy, leafy soil and sand and one part of humus. Such a composition is optimal for young plants, and for adult specimens, a mixture of turf and leaf soil is suitable, to which sand is mixed in a ratio of 3:2:1.
  6. Top dressing. Yucca needs to be fed during intensive growth once a month. Suitable as fertilizers and. Solutions are used for spraying the inner sides of the leaves.
  7. Crown formation. In order for the trunk of the yucca to begin branching, it should be cut off. The procedure is applicable for young and healthy plants, not higher than 35 cm. In the second half of spring, yucca is cut off two-thirds of the trunk. But it is necessary to ensure that leaves or buds remain on the main stem. Sections should be decontaminated to prevent infection. Over time, new shoots will grow from the remaining trunk, and a new plant will grow from the cut top.

The main problem when growing homemade yucca is the loss of decorativeness. The leaves of the plant may turn yellow and dry, but this is not always the result of a disease. If only the lower leaves dry out and die, then this is a natural development process. And when intensive leaf fall is observed, then the cause of the problem should be found and eliminated.

A miniature palm may lose leaves due to improper care or pest damage:

  • The leaves of the culture turn yellow and dry out due to an excess of light, low humidity, or improper watering.
  • Due to excessive lighting, dry spots form on the leaf plates, so the plant should be protected from the active sun.
  • When waterlogged, the leaves become covered with brown spots.
  • If the edges and tips of the leaves dry up, then there is not enough humid air in the room, drafts are walking or the palm tree does not have enough watering.
  • With hypothermia, the leaves of the flower begin to curl and their edges darken.
  • The lack of lighting leads to yellowing of the leaves, and the shoots of the flower are stretched.
  • Formidable enemies of the false palm are scale insects, spider mites, aphids and thrips.

The first step is to transplant the affected specimen with a complete replacement of the soil mixture. Roots are cleaned from the ground and damaged areas are removed. After that, disinfection is carried out with a manganese solution. After drying the roots, you can plant in a new soil. False palm feeding should be postponed for a while.

What and how to treat a plant:

  • If the plant has suffered from fungal diseases, then you need to remove the damaged areas and carry out the treatment. During treatment, water the plant is not worth it. These measures are effective if the disease is at an early stage. In case of extensive infection, the flower is thrown away, and its pot is treated with high quality.
  • When attacked by spider mites, palm leaves are sprayed and washed with tobacco, onion or garlic infusion. Procedures should be carried out systematically, until the pests are completely destroyed. If such measures do not give the expected result, then you need to resort to the help of fungicidal preparations. Heavily damaged parts of plants must be removed, and with a large number of pests, the crop will require a transplant.
  • When attacking scale insects, a strong soapy solution is used. Each leaf must be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in the solution to remove insects. After that, spraying with an alcohol tobacco solution is carried out or insecticidal preparations are used.

With proper care, yucca is able to please its owners for many years. Bribing with its unpretentiousness and decorativeness, the mini palm tree is gaining more and more popularity in indoor floriculture. In addition to decorative qualities, the plant also has a number of useful properties, one of which is the purification of indoor air.

More information can be found in the video:
