Alyssum sea: description, reproduction and plant care. Alyssum - "Unpretentious Lobularia": planting and care Alyssum border flowers

In order for the alissum planted by you to turn out, as in the photo, you should follow simple recommendations. After all, it is distinguished from other ornamental plants by simple planting and easy care. You can't go wrong by choosing an alyssum to decorate your garden. One of the main advantages of this plant is that its flowering period lasts from May to October-November.

The main characteristics of the plant

The plant impresses with a rich selection of colors: it comes in purple, pink, red and white. This is a highly branching plant that has a large number of small flowers. Do not be afraid that it will shade other plants in your garden - its height reaches only about 20-40 centimeters. Alyssum can be either an annual or a perennial plant - it all depends on the specific species you have chosen.

It can be used both for a single planting and in a common flower bed with other flowers. Alyssum will look great in flowerpots. In this case, you will get Italian-style decor. And in addition to beautiful flowers, you will also be pleased with the magical honey smell.

Varieties of alyssum are extremely diverse. We give a description of the most popular of them.

Alyssum marine

One of the most common species of this plant is sea alissum. This is one of its smallest varieties: its height does not exceed 20 cm. Alyssum sea is an annual plant, but it has a long flowering period - from May to the first frost. Sea alyssum flowers are grouped into small rosettes and have white, blue or pink hues.

Alyssum Esther Bonnet

Another interesting variety of this plant is alissum ester bonnet. The height of this annual plant can reach 40 centimeters. Description of the main characteristics of the variety:

  • herbaceousness;
  • compactness;
  • branching;
  • fibrous roots

This plant has small leaves, but the inflorescences amaze with their density, and the flowers of rich purple color and fragrant aroma will delight you until late autumn.

Almost all varieties of alyssum like to grow in a sunny open place. In addition, they prefer the mountainous surface. Esther Bonnet will look perfect in an alpine slide or curb seating.

Alyssum mountain

This is a perennial evergreen plant (see photo).

Gardeners will appreciate it for its unpretentiousness and resistance to frost and drought. In addition, care for him is elementary. This mountain plant will thrive in any type of soil. Ideal conditions for him - an open sunny area, but he will survive in partial shade.

This flower will feel perfect both on an alpine hill and in stone niches. The height of the plant is up to 15 centimeters, but in breadth it can spread up to 50 centimeters.

Variety description:

  • evergreen grey-green foliage;
  • yellow flowers, abundantly collected in racemes.

This variety is attractive in that its foliage is not even visible behind the dense, beautiful, bright yellow inflorescences.

Easter hat

This variety is considered one of the earliest blooming among the alissums. The plant is undersized, reaches a height of no more than 20 centimeters (see photo). Differs in plentiful dense blossoming.

The Easter hat variety is suitable for decorating borders. It will look no less advantageous both in containers on the balcony and in the flower garden of the garden. Can also be used to decorate an alpine slide.

Giga variety

This variety of alyssum has the largest flower. The plant is distinguished by its rapid growth and excellent branching. During the flowering period, it forms a kind of tussock with many flowers exuding a honey aroma. When it blooms, a neat bush is formed with a large number of inflorescences. The flowers will delight with a fragrant honey smell. With their help, you can perfectly decorate any flower bed. You can also grow this variety on the balcony in a special container (as in the photo). This flower would also look appropriate in a hanging basket.

Alyssum is an amazing plant that came to us from the mountain slopes and became a worthy decoration of landscape design.

It looks beautiful in combination with Turkish carnation, pelargonium, heliotrope, levkoy.

To create a lively contrast, you can plant alyssum against the background of plants blooming in blue, purple, pink or carmine-red flowers.

Feels great in the neighborhood of perennial dwarf irises, forest forget-me-not, obrietta and late-blooming red tulips.

White alyssum is combined with phlox, red salvia. Purple varieties effectively stand out against the background of yellow marigolds and calendula.

Iberis evergreen or Caucasian rezuha helps to enhance the aroma of a fragrant flower.

In the photo, perennial alyssum in the design of rockeries

Main types and varieties

The main types and varieties of perennial alissum.

Rocky - bloom all summer

A perennial strongly branched plant, up to 30 cm high. The diameter of one bush reaches 40 cm. Over time, the stems become woody and the plant has to be renewed.

The rosette is formed from leaves of a bluish color, similar to felt. Numerous yellow flowers are collected in brushes. There are so many of them that they cover the bush with a continuous carpet.

Spring flowering lasts more than a month, and with a good content, the plant blooms in autumn.

Varieties of Alyssum rocky:

  1. golden wave. An unpretentious variety that blooms for 2 years. Plant height - up to 20 cm, blooms with yellow flowers. Suitable for decorating discounts, beautiful and in a single landing.
  2. citrinum. A small plant with lemon-yellow flowers. Beautiful in a border design.
  3. Plenum. Golden perennial with double flowers.
  4. Compactum. A low variety, up to 18 cm, blooms with small but fragrant flowers.

Sea - small flowers with a tart aroma

A perennial crop that prefers a warm climate. Plant height 8-40 cm. Fluffy bushes with creeping branches and small silvery leaves.

Small flowers, collected in a brush, thin out a pleasant honey aroma.


  1. Violet Konigin. Compact bush, reaching a height of 10-15 cm. Purple flowers.
  2. Easter Bonnet Deep Rose. A profusely flowering variety with flowers of an intense pink hue.
  3. Tiny Tim. Abundantly flowering dwarf variety. The height of the plant is only 8 cm. During flowering, the bushes are so strewn with white flowers that it is impossible to see either the leaves or the stems.

Alyssum Gmelin

Perennial frost-resistant plant up to 20 cm high, has densely pubescent leaves, yellow flowers and creeping shoots. Flowering occurs in April-May.

Choice of landing site

For planting alyssum open, brightly lit places should be preferred.

The light-loving plant is not afraid of heat, the perennial pleases with flowering even with poor watering. This applies to an adult plant, until the flower starts to grow, it needs watering.

In areas where winters are mild, it is recommended to choose a landing site with a little shading.

Preparing the soil and planting seeds

First you need to prepare a light nutrient soil. In order for the soil pH to be at the level of 5.5-6.2, a little lime should be added. Seeds are scattered on the surface of the soil and slightly pressed, but not sprinkled.

Alyssum seeds under the microscope

Boxes with seeds are covered with glass and placed in a warm and bright place. The first shoots appear after 4-7 days. For normal development, the seedling needs good lighting and moderate watering.

When 2-4 true leaves appear on the plants, the seedlings need to be picked into separate pots. The plant quickly starts to grow and easily tolerates transplantation.

To get a lush compact bush, it is recommended to pinch the top. After some time, new shoots form on the plant and the bush is covered with flowers.

Only hardened seedlings are planted in the ground. To do this, boxes with plants, starting from the first days of May, begin to take out to the street or to the balcony. Time spent outdoors is constantly increasing.

By the end of May, seedlings can already be planted in a flower bed. The distance between plantings should be 15 cm. When the bushes grow, they will close all the free space, forming a continuous flowering carpet.

On a note! If you grow seedlings in several ways, you can extend the flowering of alyssum. The first batch of seeds should be sown at the end of February. From mid-April, seedlings can be placed on a glazed loggia or balcony. It is recommended to start sowing the 2nd batch in April. By May, the seedlings will grow up and can be planted in a flower bed.

Landing in open ground

Seeds can be sown into the soil immediately after harvest or in early spring. Shoots will appear in a week. Plantings need to be regularly watered and weeded.

After the seedlings get stronger, they need to be thinned out, leaving a distance of 10-15 cm between the bushes. With this planting method, flowering will occur in early July.

On the video, the rules for sowing perennials.

plant care

Alyssum is an unpretentious plant, care for which in open ground consists in timely loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, fertilization, pruning, timely and proper watering.

Mandatory watering

The flower is sensitive to lack of moisture in the soil. This can adversely affect the flowering and development of the plant. Watering is preferably carried out in the evening, when the sun hides and the temperature drops.

These plants require less frequent watering.

Plant nutrition

Fertilization should begin when the first pair of true leaves appear on the plant. At this time, complex fertilizers are needed. Feeding should be carried out 4 times with an interval of 5 days.


After a month, you can start pruning. Each branch extending from the stem of the plant must be shortened, leaving only 2 cm. Closer to autumn, lush young shoots will appear on the bush.

With the advent of spring, the plant will be covered with numerous flowers.

You can get acquainted with the secrets of planting alyssum and caring for the plant from the video:

Plant propagation

You can get new specimens in 2 ways: seed propagation or cuttings.

  1. Alyssum breeding seeds- The easiest way. It is only necessary to plant the seeds in the soil to a depth of 1.5 cm and wait for germination. When the seedlings begin to grow, the plantings need to be thinned out in order to provide the plants with sufficient nutrition and proper care in the future.
  2. cuttings. Less common, but also a good way to add to your collection. Over time, the bushes grow and become sprawling. The plant becomes unattractive and should be updated. You can cut the cuttings and put them in water, plant them in a pot, or pour a mound of soil on a lignified stem. In order for the lateral processes to give roots faster, the first time should be watered abundantly. Closer to autumn, rooted bushes should be dug up and planted in a permanent place. The old plant must be discarded without regret to make room for new plantings.

Diseases and pests

Alyssum's worst enemy is the cruciferous flea. Powdering with ashes does not give any result. The best remedy for pest control is a solution of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence in a bucket of water.

Only adult plants are subject to processing, so you need to wait until the kids get stronger and start growing.

To combat caterpillars, use tobacco infusion with laundry soap or infusion of pharmacy chamomile.

Entobacterin or lepidocide helps to get rid of whites and cabbage moths.

Alyssum flowers do not like waterlogged soil. Insufficient water permeability of the soil affects the development of late blight - brown rot. It affects the root system of the plant. In this case, copper chloride or fungicides help: cuproxate or ordan.

Common diseases are true or downy mildew and viral mosaic. As for the latter, it cannot be cured.

To combat powdery mildew, Bordeaux liquid or topaz is used. Oxyx and Bordeaux mixture helps to cure downy mildew.

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Medicinal properties

In folk medicine, the plant is valued for its healing properties. The infusion of the plant is used as a diuretic and laxative. It is useful to drink it when bitten by a rabid dog.

If you wipe your face with infusion from the inflorescences of the plant, age spots and freckles will disappear.

During colds, a decoction of the plant helps relieve fever.

Preparing for winter

Alyssum is a frost-resistant plant, so it does not need shelter for the winter. You can lightly mulch the soil near the plant.

Charming, compact, graceful and hardy to natural errors, the perennial plant has earned the attention of flower growers and has become one of the most beloved flowers.

Today, the possibilities for decorating the garden and landscape design are practically unlimited.

New varieties of plants are constantly being developed that have the highest decorative qualities.

Today we’ll talk about the perennial allissum flower. It can be used as a border crop, to decorate the perimeter of a terrace, or even as a balcony decoration.

Alyssum is a genus of flowering plants that contains up to 170 species of the cruciferous family.

You can see the largest species diversity of the flower in Europe, Asia and North Africa (this territory is especially distinguished by scientists, they believe that the largest number of the most varieties of alyssum has accumulated there).

In this one genus, perennial herbaceous plants, annuals, and small shrubs are combined.

The perennial alyssum flower has a close relationship with two more genera of flowering plants - these are Lobularia and Aurinia, at one time they were even considered representatives of this genus. For example, Lobularia maritima is also known as "sweet alyssum". This is the only exception to the genus - the rest of the flowers have references to the alissum in the generic name.

Description of alyssum flowers and their photos

We offer a description of alyssum flowers, which includes the botanical characteristics of the culture.

It can be a small plant or shrub (from 10 centimeters to one meter tall).

One of its main decorations is oval leaves and flowers of yellow and white shades (there are several species with pink and purple petals).

Look at the alissum flowers in the photo, which illustrate the richness of the shades of the petals:

Alyssum flowers are often used for landscaping in the Mediterranean region.

Some varieties have a characteristic pleasant aroma and fast growing flowers. They are quite often planted in large blocks to provide both fragrance and an abundance of flowers in your garden.

Also, this species is characterized by tight clusters of flowers and like falling branches.

It is allowed to grow alyssum flowers in hanging pots or boxes - they will develop and hang with tendrils with flowers that will need to be beautiful from time to time.

Growing alyssum from seeds: planting and care

Planting alyssum in a harsh climate is done in seedlings in early February. When growing alyssum from seeds, it is possible to get magnificent bushes with already blossoming buds at the time of planting at a permanent place of development.

The plant does not tolerate frosts well, so planting alyssum in open ground should be carried out at a time when their danger has completely passed - the end of May and the beginning of summer are best suited for this.

The very process of growing alyssum from seeds is very simple, even a novice amateur gardener can handle it.

To obtain seedlings, it is necessary to distribute alyssum seeds over the surface of the soil in a prepared container and lightly press them down with your hand.

Do not cover with an additional layer of soil, as the flower is very thermophilic and constantly needs sun and warmth.

When planting an alyssum, do not forget that over time the bush grows in width, not length - therefore, it is necessary to keep a distance, otherwise they will simply suffocate with each other (there is also a high probability of powdery mildew, which is not so easy to get rid of).

Also, if the seeds have sprouted very densely, then you may well thin them out - leave a distance of at least 10 centimeters between them. This is how growing alyssum from seeds at home looks like.

If you have chosen seedlings, then first you need to prepare it - they prepare the soil with moist, loose soil, which is placed in a special container (it can be a box or any other device).

Sow seeds at the end of winter - the end of February or the beginning of March is quite suitable. The procedure is exactly the same as in the first case - the seeds are lightly poured onto the soil, crushed a little and watered.

Then the seed container must be covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place for two months (vegetation period).

If you did everything right, then you will notice the first shoots after one to two weeks. At this time, it is very important to give the still fragile sprouts a source of light and bring the temperature to 12 degrees.

They need to be watered regularly, but very moderately - make sure that water does not accumulate in the soil - this can lead to rotting and various other problems with the flower.

After your seedlings get stronger and grow up, they can already be planted on open ground, remembering to keep a distance of at least 10 centimeters.

Best of all, in natural conditions, the flower grows in regions with a warm climate, so your task is to provide it with the most similar temperatures and conditions in room or at home.

As long as the plant retains its beautiful appearance, it can be grown as a permanent flowering perennial. The alyssum bush tends to branch out violently closer to the ground as it grows, so it can be used as a groundcover and can also be used to frame flower beds in the garden.

Alyssum care in the process of growing from seeds requires almost constant. Along with other plants in this family, alyssum is drought tolerant and will grow in almost any environment, although it suffers a little in frost.

If a bush with flowers is regularly cut, then it will retain a flowering appearance for a long time. And in the end, it will please you with a large number of seeds that you can use when planting. In warmer regions, pruning allows the alyssum to bloom throughout the year.

The preferred environment for alyssum is sun or partial shade. Under these conditions, it will grow perfectly in absolutely any soil, but with the condition that there is drainage.

We have already said that it can be used as a groundcover - thus, it can be used as a weed control agent and keep the soil in your area healthy.

Alyssum care includes a regular pruning procedure - do not forget to remove old flowers, dried branches and broken trunks from the bush in the spring. This procedure will allow the alyssum to bloom next season with renewed vigor.

We have already talked about how important it is not to overdo it with watering a flower. But gardeners are advised not to forget about irrigation means: using a hose will allow you to evenly distribute moisture on the soil without breaking flowers.

There are special irrigation systems that are built into the flower garden in advance - you should think about purchasing such a tool, perhaps it will come in handy more than once in your garden work.

Alyssum varieties

Alyssum rocky or Alyssum mountain

Alyssum rocky was first described by the famous scientist Carl Linn in 1753. It is a perennial evergreen plant that can reach 20 centimeters in height. Its leaves are simple and smooth. It produces cruciform inflorescences of yellow color (flowering time is from March to June). The homeland of the flower is the whole territory of Europe, with the exception of the British Isles and Sicily.

Alyssum mountain prefers to grow in a sunny place on moderately moist soil. Outwardly, the bush resembles a golden basket, but is more compact. The leaves at the beginning of flowering are dark green, however, closer to autumn they become yellow (acquire a golden hue).

Look at the photo of rocky or mountain alissum:

Alyssum rocky "Gold Placers"

Like other species, rocky alissum "Gold placers" have lying branches - it is not for nothing that it is quite often used as a ground cover plant.

The flowers are collected in an inflorescence in the form of a brush of a radiant golden hue. They will look spectacular on garden buildings (for example, a rock garden), they can close your cracks in a concrete fence or any other walls. This variety of alyssum blooms very profusely.

A flower is planted with the help of seeds in the spring at a distance of at least 20 centimeters - so that the bush has a place to turn around, as they say.

In order for the seeds to begin to germinate, the air temperature should not fall below 18 degrees, and then in a week the first shoots will appear. After that, it is desirable to transplant the bushes to a greater distance - 30-40 centimeters.

Do not forget about top dressing and regular watering, it is also worth loosening the soil around the bush from time to time.

Alyssum marine

Alyssum sea is one of the varieties of this flower culture. His name comes from the Greek word for "little pod" (a reference to the shape of the fruit). The name of the species - marine - implies a habitat: privileged, coastal zones.

This annual plant can grow up to 20 centimeters in length and the same width. The stem is very branched with dense clusters of small flowers. Leaves are broad and hairy.

Fragrant flowers are five millimeters in diameter - four white petals of pink, purple, lilac and rose-red hue and four sepals. Six stamens with yellow anthers.

Flowers grow during the growing season, and in warmer regions throughout the year. Pollination occurs with the help of insects. As a result, oval-shaped fruits are formed, containing two seeds each. The seeds themselves are spread only by the wind.

Alyssum marine comes from the Mediterranean territories, and is also common in Macaronesia (Canary and Azov Islands) and in France (specifically, in the Bay of Biscay). It has also taken root in other temperate regions. Endemic species of sea alissum are found on the territory of the island of Columbretes.

Usually this variety grows on sandy soils (beaches and dunes), but it can also grow on cultivated fields, steppes, slopes and wastelands (but it is desirable that in this case there is a calcareous soil). They can also grow at 300 meters above sea level.

Look at the photo of sea alissum in various variations of use:

It is best to plant the plant in late spring, while it requires little to no care. If pruned, then the alissum will bloom much more actively.

First I planted Alyssum on the balcony for decoration. I liked the unpretentious and bright plant so much that I decided to grow it in the country. Now a snow-white carpet decorates my site. Although there are varieties of alyssum with a different color of the petals, and they are all pretty in their own way. Neighbors also wanted to grow this plant, as the delicate honey aroma leaves no one indifferent.

Alyssum has become known to flower growers not so long ago, but has already become quite popular. In the article I want to talk about the proper planting and care of this garden plant, what features of cultivation you need to know in order for it to really become a decoration for a backyard or balcony.

The plant can be perennial and annual, belongs to the Cabbage family, which was previously known as Cruciferous. Flower growers are also familiar with other names for the wonderful alyssum - mason, beetroot. Often the plant is compared with labularia, although these are different cultures: alyssum has yellowish flowers.

Origin and morphological features

  1. A fairly large number of species are known in the world - at least 200. In nature, most often, alyssum grows in northern Africa, in European countries, and in America. Its native climate is subtropical and temperate, so it grows quite successfully in Central Russia.
  2. The plant is low, refers to the ground cover. Its height varies from 15 cm to 40 cm. It is often used in landscape design to decorate home gardens and summer cottages in group plantings, along borders, as well as in hanging planters and to decorate balconies, loggias and terraces.
  3. The shoots are strongly branched, woody at the base over time, form undersized shrubs or a carpet that spreads beautifully. Young twigs are covered with small hairiness with short leaves without petioles.
  4. The root system has a superficial structure, fibrous. The leaves are slightly elongated and ovate, of a dense rich green hue. The leaves are fleshy and also covered with small villi.
  5. The flowers have a different color: classic white and pale yellow are often found, but purple, pinkish-lilac, fuchsia, scarlet and lemon-orange pretty racemose inflorescences can also decorate a flower bed.
  6. The cup has 4 petals, the core of the flower from the stamens looks like a yellow eye. The plant is an excellent honey plant, has a very pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in May and ends in autumn. After the flowering period, a seed box is formed with very small brown seeds.

Main types

Alyssum grows well in temperate regions. However, a perennial variant is more common, the flowering of which continues until October. This plant with a lush crown and numerous flowers is a real find for decorating gardens and flower beds in the northern regions. Consider the most common types.


  • A perennial plant that loves warmth. Served for the breeding of many ampelous varieties.
  • It has a branched crown and spreads along the ground. The height of the aerial part ranges from 8 cm to 40 cm.
  • The leaf plates are dense and fleshy, covered with pile, the flowers consist of 4 petals and are represented by different colors.

The most famous varieties: Tiny Tim (snow-white flowers form a beautiful thick decorative carpet), Violet Conning - bushes up to 15 cm, their flowering is represented by pretty purple flowers. The bush form has a structure similar to a ball.

The variety Esther Bonnet is also known, which has vegetation stretching up to 20 - 25 cm with delicate flowers of pastel, lilac - pink and beige shades.


  • This shrub is taller (up to 30 cm). The branches are strongly branched and directed upwards; in the adult state, the plant forms a compact semicircular bush.
  • The leaves on the branches are very close to each other and have a greenish-gray color.
  • Inflorescences of yellow and white inflorescences form on the top of the shoots.

The most famous varieties are: Golden placer - an alissum in the form of a shrub with dense flowering of bright yellow color, Plenum and Golden Wave stretch up to 20 - 30 cm and are also expressed in lemon - yellow terry dense inflorescences. There are varieties with snow-white flowers: Bimbo white, Snow carpet and White carpet.


Belongs to perennial plants, shoots are slightly elongated, the apical parts are represented by densely arranged inflorescences. Plant height does not exceed 10 - 20 cm, this alissum spreads over the soil surface. Leaf plates and shoots are dense, dark green in color and also endowed with villi.

Landing Rules

In regions with a more severe climate, it is better to first grow seedlings, and then dive into open soil in a flower bed; in more southern regions, it is possible to plant seed immediately in a permanent place.

Growing seedlings

The procedure should begin in the first half of February. Ready-made bushes can be transplanted into the flower garden when the soil is already fully warmed up. Alyssum negatively tolerates night frosts. Therefore, landing in open soil is carried out in the first half of May or a little later.

  1. Prepare containers and nutrient soil in advance. The acidity level should be low - no more than 5.5 - 6.2 pH. Also purchase seeds that are being processed at the garden store. The composition should be light and loose.
  2. Place the seeds on the surface and sprinkle with a centimeter layer. You can not sprinkle, but just press down the grains a little. Pre-moisten the soil, water after planting very carefully so that the seeds do not go deep into the soil.
  3. Top of the container should be covered with a piece of glass or film. The temperature in the room must be maintained within + 10 - 15 degrees. Shelter must be periodically removed, seedlings aired (usually appear after 6-8 days) and moistened.
  4. After the appearance of 1 - 2 leaves, the shelter must be gradually removed and complex mineral fertilizers introduced into the soil. When 2-3 leaves grow, the seedlings are seated (dive) in different pots.

Where to plant alyssum?

The most comfortable place will be in the sun, among stones or slabs, along the curbs. If you plant a plant in fertile and heavy soil, then the bushes will grow lush and thick, and flowering may be weakly expressed. It is better that the soil is slightly alkaline, slightly acidic, well-drained, dry, humus is preferable in sufficient quantities.


  • The gap between the holes is at least 40 cm. Sufficient space is needed for the growth and development of the bushes.
  • After planting, the soil should be watered and mulched with peat.
  • The root system of alyssum is very fragile, so it is recommended to plant it together with peat pots or with a clod of old earth so as not to damage it.

Planting in open ground

There is an option to plant a perennial alyssum immediately in a flower bed as an annual. Used infrequently. Suitable if you already have this plant, and the bush is large enough.

  1. In the spring it must be divided. The procedure is carried out before the start of the flowering period.
  2. The plant is dug up and divided into parts with a disinfected tool. The root system is cleared. Rotten, dry or affected areas are eliminated, the cut points are sprinkled with finely crushed activated charcoal.
  3. At the same time, it is important to carry out all processes very carefully so as not to break the delicate root processes.
  4. Delenki are then transplanted to pre-prepared areas.

You can also propagate alyssum by cuttings and layering. Cuttings (length - 8 - 12 cm) are cut and placed in water until roots appear, then transplanted into the soil.

Growing will be possible even for a beginner, so special knowledge is not required. It is enough to know the basic agrotechnical rules.


  • It is believed that alyssum loves dry soil, but in dry summers it needs regular moisture.
  • If you do not give the right amount of moisture, then the bush can drop flowers and buds. At the same time, the soil must conduct moisture well, otherwise putrefactive processes in the root system will begin.
  • After abundant watering, it is desirable to loosen the ground and mulch. This will allow you to get rid of weeds for a long time and retain moisture.


If the variety is perennial, then top dressing is carried out less often - nitrogen-containing substances are needed during the growth period. Suitable Agricola - 7 or urea per bucket of water 1 tbsp. l. Before the flowering period, apply complex mineral fertilizers (emphasis on potassium and phosphorus)

Annuals are fed at least 4 times during the summer season. First time before flowering. Then you should support the bushes so that the flowering does not stop, but is thick and lush.


  1. In the spring, sanitary pruning should be carried out. Eliminate all damaged and dry twigs.
  2. After flowering, also inspect the plants, remove faded inflorescences and cut off the shoots by 6-8 cm. As a result, the bush will bloom again, and the view will be neater.


  • Alyssum is an excellent solution for decorating balconies and summer cottages. Compact ground cover plants look very decorative. There are enough varieties and types to choose the one you like.
  • Planting and care is very simple. Since the alyssum does not tolerate night frosts, it is better to start growing seedlings in the winter and then plant the flower in a flower bed. Watering and fertilizing on schedule.