Tasty Garden Tasty Garden: What to do if tomatoes are frozen. Gardener's advice

There are some troubles with growing plants.

There are many such troubles during the period of growing plants in seedlings and at a permanent place of cultivation. It happens that you break a plant, pull it out through a vertical support when watering, and damage it when hilling. It happens that the seedling box will turn over. Often, when weeding, you will think about something and pull out the vegetables you have sown. Many plants die because of such trifles. You quickly forget about them, but such oversights happen. This season, boxes with peat tablets have already fallen (they fell successfully, without damage), peppers were damaged during not very successful loosening. Today, trying to “pile up” as many seedling boxes as possible on the only sunny window, I put a small box with asters seedlings on the pepper seedling box. The box fell on top of such already large pepper plants. And, of course, he broke a few stems from the seedlings. I had to revive the plants.

I bandaged the broken stems with tape. Most likely, this will not help the top of the stems. But it is possible that other side stems will grow from the bottom of the stem. I had a similar story. In one year, the planted seedlings of peppers froze. There were stumps ten centimeters high. The entire top of the stem is dead. I planted the purchased pepper plants in the tunnel greenhouse, where it happened. The dead plants did not interfere with the growth of new ones, and I did not remove them. After a while, leaves began to appear on these shorties. Then stems. By autumn, all the main stems were in new lateral stems with leaves. Naturally, they did not have time to bear fruit, but they came to life.

If new lateral stems begin to appear from such broken plants today, then there is hope that the plant will straighten out by the day of planting. We will observe the further growth of the plants I have destroyed.

For fun, I want to write about my prejudices. We are all "with our cockroaches in our heads." I don't count the plants I grow lately. I try not to do this because two actions constantly coincide with me: as soon as I count the number of plants, the result is immediately deplorable. I lose part of this counted necessarily. Here are some coincidences. By the way, I counted the peppers the day before. These are the nasty rhymes that happen to me. When you do not count by the piece - everything is whole. Well, it's not serious. It's just funny to me from such coincidences. When such a nuisance happens, I immediately remember such coincidences and begin to smile. Mood improves immediately no matter what.

The seedlings are dead. The soul goes to the heels from such news, and the heart is filled with anger. After all, weather forecasters promised that the cold had receded completely, and the rest of spring would please with sunny and warm weather. Seedlings grown on the windowsill or purchased on the market settled in the garden, in some places new leaves made their way.

Even a greenhouse will not save the plants if the air temperature drops below -7°C. But do not indulge in despondency and start digging up the beds. And let the sellers in the market not rejoice at unexpected profits. Frozen seedlings of tomatoes can be reanimated in several ways.

Method one - processing "Epin"

Epin saved many tomato seedlings in situations where the death of the plant was no longer in doubt. Russian scientists have developed a drug that strengthens the immunity of vegetable crops. Biostimulant and adaptogen, it works effectively in stressful situations. Perfectly proved itself when freezing seedlings of tomatoes.

Biostimulants are unsafe for the human body; treatment should be done with gloves and a mask. After completion of work, the empty ampoule is disposed of in accordance with the instructions. The working solution is stored for about two days in a dark place.

  • Do not exceed the concentration of the working solution. One ampoule of "Epin" is added to five liters of water and mixed thoroughly.
  • Acidify the prepared mixture. A pinch of citric acid is enough.
  • You can process seedlings only in the early morning or late evening. A daily procedure will not give the desired results.
  • Moisten the soil under the plants.

Method two - pour water

If the frosts were minus 6-7 ° C, the stems of tomatoes are covered with a crust of ice, and resuscitation is meaningless. Did the air temperature drop below minus 2-3°C? So, you can do the pouring procedure. The lost moisture is returned to the plant, sap flow is stimulated as follows:

  • you need to prepare several buckets of cold water;
  • watering is necessary only before sunrise;
  • carefully process each plant, drops of water should remain on the villi.

It is desirable to take water from a natural reservoir (river, lake, pond) or a well. Tap water is saturated with excess impurities that will only harm a weakened plant.

To the touch, tomato seedlings are velvety, the stem is covered with many bristles. And each of them holds a drop of moisture on its surface. It is difficult to see it with the naked eye. After dousing, the stem and leaves should not be touched.

Method three - pruning

This method is cardinal, but at the same time the most effective. Before throwing seedlings away, experienced gardeners always give her a chance. Did the whole plant die completely or only its ground part, can it be saved? It is difficult to determine this visually. To answer this question, the following activities are carried out:

  • with a sharp tool, you need to cut off the dead parts of tomato seedlings to the level of the soil;
  • fertilize with high-quality fertilizer (, cow dung);
  • if seedlings are frozen on open ground, it is necessary to build a greenhouse over it.

Now we have to wait a few days. Stepsons will grow, which, with proper care, will give a good harvest. It will be a couple of weeks later, but in terms of performance it will be no less than that which would have been removed from the main tomato seedlings.

Tomatoes reproduce well vegetatively. Those of them who survived the test of frost can cut off the dead roots. New roots will soon appear in a container of water, and then powerful roots will form. The plant is ready for another planting in the ground.

It is possible to reanimate tomato seedlings in this way under one condition - a sufficient length of the stem underground, that is, if the “deep planting” method was used, when part of the plant is deliberately buried.

Method four - hide from the sun

This method can save not badly damaged seedlings, but only a little wilted. It should not be blackened or icy. Be sure to create sun protection over the beds before sunrise. Time will not work against the gardener if you take care of the materials in advance.

To create a shadow, you can use large pieces of cardboard. A temporary greenhouse is also good. With this method of resuscitation, additional treatment with a biostimulant will give tomato seedlings a better chance of survival.

Then the seedlings will not immediately fall under its destructive rays. It will thaw out gradually. The moisture remaining on the villi in this case does not dry out, but remains on the stem and leaves. By the evening they will take their original form.

When one of the methods does not help, the blackened tomato seedlings have not shown signs of life, you should not despair. Agronomists and gardeners with experience do not give up at the first failure, do not pick up choppers and shovels, but try all options. Perhaps they know that at the slightest opportunity, tomato seedlings will come to life. You just need to give her the opportunity.

It's a shame that the vagaries of the weather nullified all the work? Did buying seedlings make a big hole in the family budget? There is no time for resentment. It's time to roll up your sleeves and get started.

Last year I have June 10 frozen seedlings from 98 bushes. One left.

Yesterday it was, and a day later - everything is brown, dead.

As a result, stumps remained (2-3 cm near the ground). That is, the trunks COMPLETELY DRY and died.

I knew that some people get well, because I always believed in tomatoes. Unlike people who buy seedlings on the market (a little leaves withered and everything is already bad seedlings, but turn on your brains and understand that all of April (while there was snow) or most of May, these seedlings grew in a greenhouse and, accordingly, acclimatization simply did not could pass, because it grew in the ground (in a greenhouse).They do not understand simple things.After planting, the seedlings take root perfectly.

Moreover, tomato is like a weed(see for yourself: there is no growth point - firstly, it is very convenient, and secondly, someone uses it: giving the opportunity to grow an additional mass of roots. I had little experience (at the very beginning - "first pancake"), despite the return, there was an excess with seedlings. The most diverse. And they planted in a hurry quite densely. Many stretched out. But I watered them normally. As a result, can you imagine what happened after 6-7 weeks? These were real tropics, everything thickened , overgrown, when you dug seedlings 1.5-2 meters long (and longer; because the varieties were interesting to me), I thought, well, how can I plant them.

Since they grew in moisture and weaved along the ground, they had a lot of places where roots formed. It was funny to dig 1.2 m of the stem into the ground and leave 30 cm above the ground. And we generally grew stepchildren (from greenhouse tomatoes), simply sticking them into the ground, and after 2-3 weeks this is already a huge seedling. He only cannot be denied water, well, you can shade if the temperature is already under 30C.

Oh yes. Hemp.

I abandoned them. I watered it again 2-3 times, and then abandoned it. They were in the grass. Somewhere, perhaps more could have been saved.

Near 35-40% of bushes survived. grew up and gave a harvest.

I was surprised that my wife still picked several boxes of tomatoes there on different days. I thought that there would be nothing special. They have remained with me "weaving" on their own.

If the varieties are good. If you feel sorry for the work. If it’s a pity to buy new seedlings or travel far (yes, it happens, the neighbors live around, they rarely get out to the city, they don’t grow seedlings).

If you just want to see them really grow.

That must be covered(well, at least during the cold weather). I mean: you were late, the tomatoes were frozen (anything can happen) - they arrived, they covered it anyway. Then, when it gets warmer: watering, mulching is MANDATORY. And they will trample new "sprouts" from the roots - how cute.

We seem to be late with the landing. And the frosts came just in time! Which was not there for 15 years. It was a pity (when they froze), but there was a lot of work and somehow the hands did not reach the tomato.

Never been so cold.

Well, the leaves withered, well, the tops, well, what else. But in order to freeze out in a day: 100% tomato, 60% cucumbers, 50% peppers, so that the leaves of the RASPBERRY are frozen - this is some kind of finish. And according to the forecast, it was only + 2 + 4C (well, yes, this is too much, but under a covering in two layers, in principle, even cucumber seedlings survived, although not all). Clearly fantastic meteorologists, as always.


Freezing is a big problem. for many gardeners. I also had a similar, no less dramatic case.

Once on May 26, weather forecasters did not promise a strong frost. In the evening, feeling that the cold was coming, I covered the freshly planted tomatoes with a covering sheet, plastic wrap on top, and a third layer with a cloth tent. Usually this was always more than enough to protect the tomatoes. And went to sleep peacefully. What was the stress for me when I went out in the morning to see what and how, and saw minus 9 on the thermometer!

When it got warmer, and I slightly opened the beds, I was convinced that the miracle did not happen. All died 52 planted bushes of tomatoes. Just like you, Roman, they froze to the core!

It's a shame that I myself was at the dacha that night. No, in order for me to get up at two o'clock, to look ... I could have saved! He would quickly heat the water, put him under cover in buckets, or do something else ... But he would sleep like a log ... I didn’t even have nightmares! Nightmare came in the morning!)))

Well, I had a surplus of seedlings, and I restored the plantings, it was not necessary to leave damaged bushes.

And you can restore the bushes. Once, in June, in my absence, the wind tore off the protection from a separate tomato bush. As luck would have it, a frost came at night, and the bush was badly damaged. It's a shame, because it already had good ovaries. I left the unfortunate bush, then cut it off, watered it, looked after it, and covered it again in the fall.

And a grateful tomato came to life, tied a lot of fruit and pleased with a good harvest!

So in such cases, there is no need to despair, if there is no other way out, then do not rush to throw away seedlings damaged by frost! Might as well try to get out.!

Spring ... Very soon, the marvelous aroma of flowering cherries, apple trees and various flowers will spread throughout the garden; the beds will be dressed up with friendly shoots of vegetable crops; the time will come for planting seedlings in the ground, which by that time will already be tired of languishing on the windowsill. This happens every year, and nothing can make adjustments to this beautiful picture ... The only exception is return frosts.

What to do if you simply won’t have the opportunity to take care of your pets before the frosts? You won’t be able to get to the dacha in time, you won’t know about the change in weather conditions - but you never know what else ...

The answer is obvious: damaged plants need to be saved, and the sooner you do this, the better. Therefore, this time let's talk about the "ambulance" - how you can help your plants in a timely manner not only to survive, but to successfully recover from the stress.

Effect of frost on plants

To begin with, we need to understand what happens to plants during frost. With the onset of sub-zero temperatures, the water in the cells begins to freeze, gradually turning into ice. When the sun rises and warms, this ice does not have time to melt and simply breaks the plant cells from the inside, leading to their death.

Of course, the sight of frost-beaten branches does not add much enthusiasm, but you should not despair either. If the plant has not died: only its leaves have suffered, and the buds in the axils of the leaves and the stem itself are alive, then everything is not lost yet. A little effort - and it will be saved! Of course, he will lag behind in growth for several days, but the main thing is that he will remain alive.

How to help plants after return frosts?

Plants affected by return frosts can be brought back to life in several ways: spraying with water, spraying with antidepressants, and using fertilizers. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Spraying with water

It is very fortunate if you notice plants damaged by frosts, bypassing your possessions early in the morning, while the sun has not yet had time to “finally wake up”, and frost has not melted on the leaves. In this case, to save the plants, it will be enough to spray them well. cold water(with a fine spray garden hose or spray gun) and shade.

Anything can be used for shading: thick cardboard, newsprint, plywood, and so on. Thanks to such simple tricks, the leaves will thaw slowly, which will protect their tissues from destruction and help them recover faster.

Spraying with antidepressants

Spraying antidepressants will help pepper, tomato, zucchini and other plants recover quickly after a slight frost. For example, you can use a miracle drug Epin-extra, which you will learn more about in this helpful article.

Epin-extra is able to mobilize all internal resources and stimulate the natural physiological processes of plants. Moreover, spraying with the drug helps to develop in them immunity to aggressive environment frost and temperature fluctuations. And this means: if a similar situation repeats, the plants will suffer much less.

It is necessary to spray the leaves and branches of plants damaged by frost, trying (if possible) to process the lower part of the leaf. Every 7-10 days the procedure is repeated - and so on until complete recovery.

To prepare the solution, you need to thoroughly stir 1 ampoule Epin-extra in 5 liters of water. Important: the drug is destroyed in an alkaline environment, so it is advisable to use pre-boiled or acidified water to prepare the solution.

To acidify water, you can add a teaspoon of vinegar (boric acid) to 5 liters of water or a few crystals of citric acid. After preparing the solution retains its qualities no longer than 2 days, so it is not advisable to cook it for the future - it is better to use it on the day of preparation. If you still need to save leftovers, keep them in a dark, cool room.

Under the action of sunlight, epin (or rather, its active substance - epibrassinolide) quickly disappears, so it is necessary to spray frost-damaged plants early in the morning or late in the evening.

An alternative to this remedy can be a solution of the drug Zircon. To prepare a solution, 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Spraying, as in the case of epin solution, is carried out early in the morning or in the evening, repeating the procedure 4 times - every 7-10 days.

Zircon save tomatoes affected by recurrent frosts, even after frost down to -7 ... -8 ° С. To do this, the entire vegetative part of the plants must be cut to living tissues, leaving stumps about 3 cm, and poured under the root with a solution of the drug (1 ml per 8 liters of water). After some time, new healthy shoots should appear on the plants.

Application of fertilizers

Fertilizers will help reanimate frozen plants! It is no secret that frost-damaged crops need careful care. It should consist not only in regular watering, but also frequent fertilizing with fertilizers. The only condition: the doses of fertilizers must be made weak, otherwise, instead of benefiting, you will only bring harm to the plants.

So, if you suffered from frost potato seedlings, you can bring them back to life by immediately feeding the plantations with nitrogen fertilizers. Any easily soluble nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers are suitable, for example: nitrophoska, slurry, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, carbamide, and so on ... The fertilizer is simply embedded in the aisles during hilling. 1.5 kg of ammonium nitrate is enough to feed potato plantings on an area of ​​1 weave.

With the help of fertilizing with nitroammophos containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus (16% each) and sulfur (2%), you can help those affected by frost berry bushes And fruit trees: peach, cherry, apple, plum, apricot, pear. To do this, prepare a solution of 50 g of nitroammophoska, diluted in 10 liters of water.

Paying attention to the roots of plants affected by frost, one should not forget about their leaf mass. Plant leaves must be treated with a solution prepared from 8 liters of water, to which 2 g of manganese, copper and boron are added. It will take no more than 2 weeks, and the plants will recover. True, strongly frozen shoots will need to be cut out.

To mitigate as much as possible the negative impact of return frosts on strawberry (strawberry) garden bed is also real. To do this, apply a mineral fertilizer under each plant: dissolve a spoonful of nitroammophoska in 10 liters of water. Instead of nitroammophoska, you can use a solution of chicken manure: 1 part of manure to 20 parts of water. Strawberries should be fed early in the morning or in the evening, directly under the root, spending about 0.5 liters of fertilizer per 1 bush.

Under vegetable plants that have suffered from freezing, you can apply complex fertilizers (10 g per 1 sq.m) or 5 g of phosphorus and 4 g of nitrogen fertilizers per 1 sq.m. Such top dressing additionally stimulates plant growth.

Despite the fact that return frosts cause a lot of harm to plants on the site, you should not despair. Put a little effort, and most of the landings will certainly be saved.

I hope the suggested tips will help you in this difficult task, and I will be very grateful if you share your secrets for saving plants affected by return frosts in the comments.

How to restore seedlings of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers after frost. The result of helping seedlings. How to grow a large eggplant crop? Video "Ambulance seedlings after frost"

The frosty spring of 2017 in the Moscow region had a strong impact on the seedlings. Unheated greenhouses, in which the seedlings stood, did not save from frost.

This is what my seedlings looked like before frost.
And like this after frost and snowfall on May 11-12.

In this form, I planted it in a greenhouse. My eggplant seedlings went from strong and blooming to yellow and wilting.

In this article, using eggplant as an example, I will show you how you can quickly reanimate any seedlings without any chemistry.

After the frost, the seedlings had almost no leaves left.

I often read that it is impossible to mulch with such grass, that there is mold in the grass, that the plants will get sick and die. But we reanimate the seedlings by mulching with just such grass, and with a very thick layer. A layer of grass from 15 to 20 cm. This grass should not touch the stems of plants, so a cut plastic bottle is put on each plant. We never water these bottles, so you can put a cut bottle on an adult plant. I showed this in the video that will be at the end of the article. Immediately after laying a thick layer of grass, we shed the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bed very well, without watering under the root of the plants. The best result will give watering 2 times a week, but you can water once a week. Grass and a thick layer during laying cannot be shown in the photo - watch the video.

The result of helping seedlings after frost

June 11, what's the result? Someone was afraid of such grass and did not believe in the result? But in vain! We are trying our first eggplants! For a faster increase in leaf mass, of course, I had to cut the flowers and do not let the plants bear fruit at this stage, but the first eggplants are very tasty. Having collected the fruits, we will continue resuscitation and repeat the laying with grass a second time. Such resuscitation is suitable not only for eggplants, but also for any other seedlings. For tomatoes, one hot bookmark is enough, then you can mulch with ordinary freshly cut grass.

May 22 tomatoes planted "lying"
Tomatoes and eggplants June 20, 2017.

For peppers, as well as for eggplants, you need at least two bookmarks.

If possible, then the third time such grass can be put for peppers and eggplants in a month, or you can get by with ordinary freshly cut grass.

How to grow a large eggplant crop?

On June 15, this is what eggplants look like after resuscitation of seedlings.

What conclusion can we draw?

Plants like this grass very much and they show this by their growth and fruiting. We do not use any other top dressings, let alone preparations, even if of biological origin. Tell me, what prevents us from using this method not only for resuscitation of seedlings, but also under normal conditions? What will happen then?
