Brain varieties of peas. Medicinal plants Which variety to choose when planting

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Peas(lat. Pisum sativum, the legume family) is the most popular and widespread culture among representatives of this species, well known for its dietary, nutritional and fodder qualities. This is an early maturing climbing herbaceous annual leguminous plant with a growing season of 60 to 140 days. Its stem, depending on the variety, can be straight or branching, creeping or standard, up to 60 - 100 cm long. At its top there are pairs of thin antennae (modified leaves), which cling to a nearby support and can raise the stem to a height of 1 - 2 m. Often, trellises are equipped for climbing varieties of peas.

The tap root of the plant, which often penetrates to a depth of 1–1.5 m, has many lateral branches and roots, in the nodes of which, like all legumes, useful microorganisms develop - nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria. Flowers, painted white, sometimes with a pink or purple tint, appear non-simultaneously: first, buds form at the bottom of the plant, and then, as the stem grows, at the top. The plant is self-pollinating, although cross-pollination is possible. The fruit is a bivalve bean, inside which there are pea seeds (on average from 3 to 10 pieces) of a rounded, slightly flattened or angular shape.

Today, wild forms of peas can be found in the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The earliest archaeological finds of the culture belong to the Late Neolithic (found in Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan). In Egypt and Georgia, according to accurate historical data, peas were cultivated in the fifth millennium BC. e. The later period (about 2000 BC) includes plant findings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. The purpose of its cultivation was to obtain ripe peas. Along with beans and lentils, they were an important part of the diet for much of the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe during the Middle Ages. At the end of the 17th - 18th centuries, unripe pea seeds - "green peas" began to be very popular in Europe, and then in North America.».

Today, peas are grown in many countries around the world. Canada is the leader in its production. The main consumers of the product are countries with a rapidly growing population (India, China, Turkey). Yielding to grain crops in yield, peas surpass them in nutritional qualities. It contains a lot (up to 26%) of valuable protein, including a number of essential amino acids (lysine, tryptophan, methionine, cystine, arginine, etc.), which brings it closer in composition to proteins of animal origin.

Peas are very rich in various essential macro- and microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, selenium, sulfur, fluorine, boron, chromium, vanadium, strontium, titanium, aluminum, nickel, iodine, silicon, etc.), vitamins (A, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9, P, PP, E, H), antioxidants, sugars (more than 7%), starch (up to 3%), fiber, lutein, valuable vegetable fats (about 6%). In terms of calories, it is almost twice as high as potatoes: 100 g of dry product contains 298 kcal.

Although peas are not classified as medicinal plants, the benefits of it to the body are enormous. It helps strengthen bone tissue, improves heart function and normalizes blood pressure, provides the body with valuable proteins, improves immune properties, and helps control blood sugar levels. Peas are used in dietary nutrition for anemia, malnutrition. Biologically active substances inositol and choline, found in peas, prevent the development of sclerosis. It also has a diuretic effect, activates the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the kidneys of sand and stones, and neutralizes toxic salts of heavy metals. Pyridoxine, which is part of it, helps to get rid of seizures. In addition, peas are a good prophylactic against cancer, hypertension, heart attack.

The inclusion of this product in the menu has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. It is often used in cosmetology as a component of anti-aging creams, for whitening, rejuvenation and removal of pigmentation on the skin of the face. The vegetative part of the plant is a valuable feed additive in animal husbandry. Farmers use peas as green manure, as its ability to enrich the soil with nitrogen has a very beneficial effect on the yield of subsequent crops.

Peas are among the useful plant-based high-protein foods. Due to its cold resistance and precocity, it is one of the first vitamin sources among other vegetable crops. It is used both raw and dried, boiled, stewed, baked, fried. Peas are frozen, canned, pickled, flour is made from dry seeds, stews, cereals, soups are cooked. Heat treatment improves the palatability of the product, increasing its sweetness, and the nutrients become more accessible to the body assimilation form.

At the same time, a large amount of purine compounds in peas requires a restriction in its use for people suffering from gout, as well as urolithiasis. Also, contraindications include allergic reactions, exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the intestines or stomach, nephritis, increased blood viscosity and thrombophlebitis. Peas are often included in diet menus for overweight people, but in large quantities the product can lead to the opposite result. It is not recommended to use peas for flatulence.

Growing peas is not particularly difficult. The culture successfully grows and develops in a temperate climate, is quite cold-resistant - shoots of some varieties are able to withstand temperatures down to -6° C, and young shoots and flowers - up to +2...3° C. Pea is very photophilous, does not tolerate shading well, besides it is a plant of a long day.Prefers non-sour (7< рН < 8) лёгкие почвы (супеси, суглинки) с высоким уровнем плодородия, достаточно увлажнённые, но без высокого залегания грунтовых вод. Богатые азотом малоплодородные или кислые (рН < 4,5) грунты не годятся для выращивания гороха. Ещё одна особенность культуры: горох плохо переносит жару, он успешно растёт и развивается при +16...25 ° C. For its cultivation, you should choose sunny, well-ventilated, open areas.

Preparation of the site for the plant, namely the application of fertilizers, must be carried out in advance. It is better to enrich future pea beds with organic matter (compost, manure, bird droppings, etc.) since autumn, during digging. Peas respond well to such nutrients as potassium and phosphorus, therefore, in order to obtain a full-fledged crop, it is desirable to introduce potassium-phosphorus fertilizers into the soil. But this action is not recommended to be carried out immediately before sowing, as it will provoke an intensive increase in the vegetative mass of plants to the detriment of their yield.

The best predecessors for peas are potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes. Since the plant is cold-resistant, seedlings can germinate even at a temperature of +1° C, sowing is carried out as early as possible, using the moisture in the soil remaining after the snow cover has melted. Seeds are planted to a depth of 5 - 7 cm with a step of approximately 10 - 15 cm between them. The row spacing should be at least 25 - 35 cm. After sowing, the soil is rolled so that the seedlings can take root better. Optimum temperature for seed germination +5...7° C, in this case, seedlings appear a week after sowing. At lower temperatures, germination can be expected in two to three weeks.

To create better conditions, trellises are arranged next to each row of peas, small support pegs are placed, or a low net is pulled along the row. This will help the plants develop successfully and make harvesting easier. When the seedlings reach a height of 10 - 15 cm, the row spacing is loosened with a rake. From the moment the tendrils appear on the plants and the rows close, loosening stops. Further care of the crop consists in removing weeds, regular watering and periodic feeding of peas. Plants experience the most acute need for water during the period of budding, flowering and fruit set. The irrigation rate at this time reaches 10 l / 1 m 2. Simultaneously with watering, it is also possible to fertilize plantings by dissolving the required amount of fertilizers in water (for example, ammophoska).

Depending on the purpose, modern pea varieties are classified into three variety groups: peas cerebral(used mainly for conservation), sugar(very tasty fresh) and shelling(grown mainly for the needs of the food industry, as well as for the production of bioplastics). The most popular varieties of peas include: ultra-early variety "Vera" (vegetation period - 50 days), early "Alpha" and "Ambrosia" (ripening period 45 - 55 days), high-yielding early ripe "Children's Sugar" and "Oscar" (vegetation period up to 70 days), mid-season high-yielding variety "Pharaoh" (ripening occurs 68 - 85 days after germination).

Botanical characteristic

Sowing vetch, in translation - Vicia sativa, the plant has some more names, for example, sowing peas, vetch, horseback, fodder peas, finch, wild peas, konyakovka, sparrow peas, caterpillar, crane peas, giravlitsa, mouse peas, peas.

This herbaceous plant is an annual. Its root is quite long, branched. The stems of crane peas are hairy, furrowed, lying below, and the tops are in an elevated state.

Leaves with tendrils, seven-pair, lower -obovate; upper -linear-oblong. There are two flowers in their axils; calyx at base five-toothed, tubular, hairy. Corolla moth type five-petal; purple wings, white keel. The column is filamentous. There are ten stamens, they are fused with threads into one small bundle.

The fruit is represented by a small broadly swollen bean, light yellow in color, less often they are gray or blackish. It is worth noting that this plant is an excellent honey plant, for example, twenty kilograms of a fragrant beekeeping product are obtained from one hectare.


Sparrow pea is distributed throughout Russia, it is also found in Ukraine, Moldova, and Central Asia. This plant can be found in meadows and fields, between crops and shrubs, along the edges of forests. It occurs as a weed mainly in crops, much less often along roads, in waste places and fallows, as well as in orchards and vineyards.

Growing vetch

Wild peas are considered cold-resistant and belong to frost-resistant plants, as they can withstand low temperatures down to minus four degrees. In the flowering phase, it needs good moisture, it is moisture-loving during the budding period, it is practically undemanding to soils.

It does not grow on waterlogged and heavy soils; it prefers to be localized on light and slightly fertile lands, in which there is a sufficient amount of calcium. Common vetch is actively used for livestock feed in the form of green mass, as well as hay, silage, crushed grains, grass meal.

The growth and development of mouse peas proceeds better in a mixture with other herbs, in fact, like other annual legumes. This creeping plant is adapted to grow with various supporting crops, for example, vetch is usually cultivated with oats, with barley, sometimes with wheat.

For silage, this plant is planted together with corn, sunflower, annual ryegrass, rye; and for seeds - with barley or oats. In cultivation, seedlings usually appear already at the end of the first or second week.

After the emergence of shoots, branching begins on about the fifth day, flowering can occur in a month, and lasts from ten to thirty days. Seed ripening occurs four weeks after flowering.

The length of the growing season varies from seventy to one hundred and twenty days. As for the maximum yield of green mass, it accumulates in the process of bean formation. Common vetch is quite resistant to diseases. As for pests, in mixed crops, mouse peas are often affected by aphids.

Growing vetch for green manure

Vetch seeds are sown to a depth of two centimeters, maintaining a distance of at least seventy millimeters between rows, or they are sown randomly scattering them over the entire area of ​​​​the intended planting. The optimal sowing time is at the end of April or at the beginning of May.

The sowing rate per one hundred square meters corresponds to two kilograms of seeds. After the first shoots appear, it is recommended to use the Baikal EM1 preparation in solution as a top dressing, the concentration should correspond to a ratio of 1:1000.

At the beginning of budding, it is necessary to cut the plant and plant it in the soil with the help of a cultivator or a flat cutter, while watering enough with the prepared Baikal EM1 solution in the required concentration in order to speed up the fermentation process, as well as to create a favorable necessary microbiological background.

Embedding the green mass of the vetch-oat mixture into the soil should be carried out once, twice per season, with the obligatory irrigation of the above solution, which will provide the soil with nutrients and essential trace elements.


Vetch is widely used for animal feed in various forms, for example, nutritious green mass, hay, silage are produced from this plant, grass and grain flour is made, and crushed grains are also made.

In addition, this plant is actively used as a green manure. This means that common vetch serves as a green fertilizer that significantly improves soil properties and increases its fertility by burying mouse peas in the ground.

In addition to finches, green manure crops include rye, oats, oil radish, sweet clover, wheat, mustard, sunflower, in general, all those representatives of the flora that have a fairly abundant green mass.

As for the use of mouse peas in both traditional medicine and folk medicine, this plant is not used for medicinal purposes.


If you live outside the city and have rabbits on your farm, then this grass will be their favorite delicacy.

Sowing pea is the oldest vegetable crop. For 7 millennia it has been cultivated by people for human consumption.

Belongs to the genus peas of the legume family, is a climbing annual plant. Seeds are rounded peas, dressed in pods.

How to understand the varieties and types? What peas are called brain peas? Do I need to tie plants and how best to do it?

Vegetable, fodder and grain crop peas, originally from Western Asia and North Africa.

The plant winds, has a height of 20 to 250 centimeters. Underground roots are supplied with nodules of nitrogen-converting microorganisms. Therefore, peas are an excellent predecessor for any crops in the garden, being green manure.

There are two varieties of sowing peas, according to the structure of the valves: shelling and sugar. The first type is distinguished by the fact that its wings are inedible, and in sugar varieties, the blade is sweet and tender, suitable for eating.

Shelling varieties are known to everyone - these are canned green peas, which are sold in the store. Sugar peas (sashes and beans) are used to make soups, side dishes.

Shelled peas, the best varieties

The shell of shelling peas is hard (there is a parchment layer), fibrous, not suitable for eating. Unlike the beans it contains. Starchy, high-calorie round seeds are suitable for cooking soups, cereals, canning and fresh consumption, they are frozen.

The shelling peas are harvested at a time when the pod is not yet overripe and has a green color (in its unripe form). An overripe product loses its taste (becomes mealy), whitish cracks appear on the shoulder blade, and the pea turns white.

Seeds are sold in canned and dried (whole and split) condition.

50-55 days ripening period for this mid-early peeling variety. Ripens amicably, is used for canning, freezing, cooking. When unripe, it tastes good for fresh consumption.

Early variety. From germination to ripening, 46-53 days pass. Undersized bush (50 centimeters), suitable for canning. The apex of the valve is acute, its length is up to 10 centimeters. Disease resistant. Productivity - half a kilogram of beans per 1 sq. meters.

Early ripe, ripens 54-63 days. It has a short stem, up to 40 centimeters long. Harvest variety, almost does not get sick. Suitable for cultivation in northern regions.

Peas are mid-early, ripening in 60 days. Plant height 65-75 centimeters. The pod is light, arched, grey-green beans have a sweet taste. Seeds of wide application.


Medium-late, maturity occurs in 2.5-3 months. The height of the stem is about a meter, not much branching. The length of an even, pointed pod is 10 centimeters. Gorn - a variety bred for conservation, resistant to diseases of legumes.


This mid-late variety ripens for more than three months. A tall bush (1 meter) has strong shoots. The variety has excellent taste characteristics, it is used fresh, frozen and canned. It is not affected by diseases, gives a stable harvest.

The length of the shoulder blades of this early variety is 8 centimeters, blunt tip. Sweet peas, 5-7 pieces. Undemanding to the soil, loves well-lit areas, resistant to diseases. The variety is suitable for any use.


Mid-season variety, ripens in 55-58 days. Likes sunny places, ripens together. The shoulder blades reach 8-9 centimeters in length, the height of the bush is 80 centimeters. Peas ripening, aligned in size, are used for culinary purposes. Productivity is good, 600 grams per 1 square. meter.

Sugar varieties, description

Shoulders of sugar species without a hard layer, tender and juicy. Unripe pods are eaten whole, like asparagus beans. The seeds of this species contain a lot of moisture and, when ripe (as well as drying), shrivel.

Sugar peas are more demanding on the conditions of cultivation, and more often exposed to diseases.

In cooking, sashes are processed and used along with underdeveloped peas.

An early, undemanding variety. A plant fifty centimeters high gives a high yield, reaches maturity in 60-67 days. The wings are fragile, suitable for cooking boiled food and eating raw.


Mid-early, matures two months. The plant reaches a height of a meter, a garter on supports is required. Peas are smooth, up to 7-8 of them in a pod. Flat blades are suitable for cooking for any purpose: preservation, freezing, boiling.

Mid-season sugar variety. Brain type beans ripen in 60-80 days. Fruits amicably, is used in cooking as an asparagus plant, versatile.

Mid-season variety, 45-60 days pass from germination to harvest. Timely harvesting will result in a re-harvest in a season.

honey spatula

Tender, sweet asparagus blades ripen in 2-2.5 months. Plant height up to 1 meter, each pod contains 7-8 peas. The variety is medium early, unpretentious, cold-resistant. Suitable for medium temperate latitudes. High content of nutrients and amino acids. Super-yielding, from 1 sq. meters clean up to 2 kilograms of the product. Can be planted in several stages for continuous fruiting.

Early, ripening within 40-55 days. The height of the bush is up to 75 centimeters. Stems are dense, stable. These peas have wide shells, sweet and juicy. The yield is up to 700 grams per 1 sq. meters.


Medium late ripening, up to two months. Shoulder blades 8-9 centimeters long have up to 9 peas, they can be consumed whole.

sweet bean

These are ultra-early, asparagus-type peas. Ripens in 40-58 days. Grows up to 0.7 meters high. Productive, grows on drained, fertile soil. It is better to create a support. It is used in fresh and conservation, as well as in a frozen or boiled state.

What pea is called brain

The above types of peas have brain varieties. They are distinguished by wrinkled beans when ripe. Contain up to 10% sucrose, a small amount of starch, poorly digested. Brain peas are sweeter, tastier, and used unripe for canning and other uses. This variety loves good, proper care, more prone to disease.

Useful qualities and content of elements

A very valuable vegetable on the food scale. High calorie, well digestible. In canned form, it is a dietary product. The use of peas is favorable for the cardiovascular system, metabolism. Regular use slows down the aging process of the body, normalizes blood pressure. Beans and pea shells contain many useful substances:

  • vegetable protein, 30% by weight of dry matter;
  • amino acids - tryptophan, methionine, cystine, tyrosine, choline;
  • sucrose, starch, fiber, trace elements;
  • carotene, fat;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP, K, provitamins, tocopherol, rutin;

When and how to plant peas, choosing a place

There are features of planting peas:

  • before planting, soak the peas in warm water (40%) for a few minutes. The second way is dry sealing. More often, seeds are soaked for 3-4 days for germination;
  • The best predecessors are tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes;
  • The soil is fertile, loose, light loam or sandy loam;
  • The plot for peas should be sunny, this culture is very photophilous;
  • The bed is dug up before planting, fertilized if necessary;
  • A cold-resistant plant is planted early, in May or late April: first early, then medium and late varieties;
  • Peas are sown in rows (row spacing is 15-18 centimeters), the distance between seeds is 5-7 centimeters;
  • Close up to a depth of 2-2.5 centimeters;

Why tie up - types of tapestries

Peas are tall, climbing plants that require tying. Such a measure is necessary for:

  1. Increase in productivity;
  2. Prevention of diseases, decay;
  3. Facilitate harvesting so that the plant can continuously bear fruit and tie new pods.

trellises and supports for peas, photo

Taking care of landings

For good yields and protection from pests, vegetable crops are looked after. To do this, water, weed, loosen the soil. Abundant watering is needed during flowering. An important condition is the construction of supports.

Pest control

The main enemy of plantings is the pea codling moth (leafworm). She hibernates in the ground, and by the time the peas bloom, the butterflies fly out of the cocoon, laying eggs.

Effective pest control measures include:

  • Spraying with infusion of garlic - 20 grams of chopped garlic per 10 liters of water insist for a day;
  • A solution of tomato tops (spraying) - 3 kilograms of tops per bucket of water;
  • Processing from a spray bottle with infusions of celandine, tobacco, ash or wormwood;
  • Sow thistle field, infusion from it helps to fight powdery mildew.

Choosing a good seed pea is not at all an easy task. There are a lot of varieties now. Each has not only its own advantages, but also disadvantages. On the territory of the country, brain, peeling and sugar varieties are registered and grown. All of them have different yields, resistance to pests and weather conditions.

Sowing peas: types

As we have already said, there are three main varieties of seed peas: sugar, brain and shelling. Each of them is represented by a variety of varieties, which differ in taste characteristics, nuances of cultivation. Let's talk about this in more detail.

shelling peas

Shelling - the most popular sowing pea. It is in great demand in farms that grow this crop for further sale as grain or seed.

It has a very smooth and round shape, easily divided into two halves. This quality is very valuable, because it facilitates the further process of grinding and processing on peeling machines.

The shelling pea is used as animal feed. Of particular value is pea groats and peel, which have a huge amount of vitamins and high calorie content. In addition, peas are used in the food industry and to obtain starch, which the plant is rich in, but at the same time does not contain sugar. However, shelling peas are not suitable for sowing in dachas and household plots. The description of this species suggests that its taste characteristics are an order of magnitude worse than other varieties. Yes, and it is difficult to implement it in small quantities.

Marrowfat pea

Brain peas are a very popular plant and are often grown at home to make delicious beans. When ripe, the seeds have a wrinkled appearance. Because of this fact, the common pea got its name. However, it is brought to a ripe state only at seed stations. It is consumed in the green state by gardeners. Its peas are sweet, large and early ripening. As a rule, brain peas are used for preservation and for eating fresh.

Absolutely all varieties of this representative of legumes are remarkably acclimatized in our country. Therefore, the choice of variety will directly depend on the purpose of cultivation. Let's talk about the most popular varieties.


Alfa sowing pea is an early peeling variety. With good watering, the harvest can be up to forty-five centners per hectare. Peas ripen in 85-110 days. In length, the pod grows up to 7 centimeters, the grains are large and round. The height of the stems is up to 15 centimeters, in fact, this is a dwarf small plant.


Atlant is a fairly good variety with a yield of up to 55 centners per hectare. The bushes of the plant are quite high, the pod in length reaches 14 centimeters. very sweet. Peas of the sowing variety Atlant are one of the few species that are perfect for conservation and for grain.


The Viola variety in Russia is considered the best of the mid-season varieties, since it has a fairly high yield, is resistant to many diseases, and is practically not afraid of drought. Seed peas ripen 70 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Plants reach up to 75 centimeters in height. One bush can have from 15 to 20 pods. The amount of sugar reaches 7 percent.


But the Emerald is an early ripe variety, its yield is slightly lower in our climate zone, but it is very sweet in its green state. sowing crops are large, irregular in shape, and therefore it is grown by farms.


A variety such as Premium will allow you to reap the maximum yield. The fact is that up to 50 fruits are tied on one bush. With good care, this is not even a record. Plant height does not exceed 80 centimeters. Bushes grow quite voluminous, large and lush.


This variety from the Caucasian selection has been grown for a couple of years in the territory of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries. It is good because it does not require strong care in the process of growth. However, it has an average yield. Plants are not affected by pests. The variety is popular due to its unpretentiousness.

The best varieties of brain peas

The best brain varieties include:

The best sugar varieties

    Zhegalova 112 is a hybrid form bred in Russia. It is very popular among summer residents, since not only the beans themselves are sweet, but also the “clothes”. On average, up to 50 pods are laid on each bush, much depends on watering. The variety is resistant to pests, but needs to be treated with chemicals.

  1. Inexhaustible - a drought-resistant variety that has large pods. The wings are also very sweet and are used for food. One pod contains up to 9 seeds.
  2. Scar is a sweet hybrid (up to 12 percent sugar), perfectly acclimatized in Russia. This is a fairly productive variety with good watering.

  3. Sugar 2 is a late sweet variety with excellent taste characteristics. The beans are firm and sweet, good for vegetable and fruit salads.
  4. The first-born has very large bushes (up to 120 centimeters in height, and sometimes more), from which it is easy and convenient to harvest. Plants are unpretentious to drought, withstand frost, but need to be treated with chemicals.
  5. What variety to choose when planting?

    If you first decided to plant peas in your backyard, then you need to approach the choice of variety wisely. You need to understand that productivity is not at all the main indicator. It all depends on care, watering and timely pest control.

    When choosing a variety, consider in which region you live, what are the weather conditions of your area. In addition, it is better to take the seeds of those plants that are adapted to your climate. As a rule, overseas seeds do not perform very well in foreign conditions. You need to purchase proven varieties that have been sown in your area for several years and have managed to prove themselves from the best side. After all, not all plants feel equally good in different regions.

    How to grow peas?

    Peas are cold-resistant crops, and therefore its sowing can be started in early spring. This crop can be grown after any vegetables. The only condition is a large amount of humus. But peas are not picky about nitrogen.

    On the roots of plants, as well as on many other legumes, which are able to assimilate atmospheric nitrogen develop and live. If you are at some site for the first time, then you can add a special drug "Nitragin" when sowing along with the seeds. It will help plants develop well initially without nitrogen starvation. It is good to apply rotted compost or humus, nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers under peas.

    It makes sense to fertilize the soil well for peas. The sown areas, prepared and processed in advance, give excellent yields, and the beans themselves have a sweeter and more delicate taste.

    Sowing peas: characteristics of plants

    It should be noted that peas are an annual plant, cold-resistant, with a short And therefore it pleases with fruits even in the northern regions. Under favorable conditions, the root system reaches one meter, but most of the strongly branching roots are near the surface. The stems of the plant branch little, reaching a length of 50 centimeters to several meters. They are completely hollow inside. The tendrils of the pea seed help it rise up. In the presence of supports or mesh, the lashes curl high enough, clinging to each other.

    Flowers appear in the axils of the leaves. Common peas, the leaves of which consist of four small parts, end with tendrils. However, some varieties do not have a leaf part at all, only one antennae, while others do the opposite. At the base of small leaves there are so-called stipules, which are much larger than the leafy part itself. Such an unusual appearance has a sowing pea. The flower of the plant is quite typical for legume representatives. Outwardly, it resembles a moth. Flowers may be solitary, but are usually collected in inflorescences. Each has 5 petals. The most common color is white. But there are pink, purple, purple.

    An interesting fact is that the pollination of a flower occurs when it is still closed. The share of cross-pollination is only one percent. So that the crop does not depend on insects. In addition, this property allows you to save pure varieties, since the option of cross-pollination is practically excluded.

    Proper sowing of seeds

    Seeds before planting should be soaked in a solution of water with microfertilizers. They are sown in rows, the distance between which is 45 centimeters. Plants should be at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. Seeds are sown to a depth of up to 3 centimeters in light soil, and in heavy soil they can be laid in shallower grooves, but then the ground must be crushed from above with straws or covered with small twigs.

    The first shoots appear in a couple of weeks. Sugar varieties grow quite slowly at first, so they will be clogged with grass. During this period, plants need weeding.

    A little later, you need to put the tapestries at a distance of half a meter. The plants will climb up and hold on tightly to the net, this will prevent the wind from laying seedlings, and it will be easier for you to harvest. Yes, and green peas look very good on the site.

    As for care, it comes down to watering and weeding. Plants begin to bear fruit, depending on the variety, this period, with careful care, stretches to 35-40 days.

    We hope that our article will be useful to you when choosing a variety of peas for home cultivation in personal plots, as well as tips on planting seeds. We wish you good luck and good harvests.

Pisum sativum
Taxon: legume family ( Fabaceae)
English: pea field, garden pea

Botanical description of peas

An annual plant with a tap root system and a weak decumbent stem from 20 to 250 cm long (the stem does not decumbate in standard varieties). Leaves of peas with 1-3 pairs of leaflets and long branched tendrils that end the leaf. At the base of each leaf, there are 2 semi-heart-shaped large bracts that play the same role in photosynthesis as the leaves. The leaves are usually bluish-green from a wax coating.
Pea flowers are located in the leaf axils singly or in pairs. They are large, from 1.5 to 3.5 cm long, with a white, less often yellowish, pink, reddish or purple corolla and a double 5-membered perianth. The upper lobe of the corolla, usually the largest, with an extended limb, is called a sail, or a flag. Two opposite side lobes are called oars, or wings. And the two lower petals usually grow together and form a kind of trough of the original form, called a boat. The flower has 10 stamens and a pistil with an upper ovary. 9 stamens grow together with threads and form a tube, inside which the pistil column passes, and one stamen remains free. Pea is a self-pollinating plant, but in years with hot, dry summers, cross-pollination also occurs.
The fruit of peas, like all legumes, is a bean. Pods in peas are often straight, less often curved, almost cylindrical, 3 to 15 cm long, with white or pale green wings. Each bean contains from 3 to 10 fairly large seeds. In everyday life, pea fruits are often called pods, which is botanically absolutely incorrect, since pods are inherent only in plants belonging to the cruciferous family.

A bit of history

Peas - one of the oldest crops, it was cultivated already in the Stone Age, along with wheat, barley, millet and lentils. Western Asia is considered its homeland, where small-seeded forms of peas are still grown. Large-seed forms arose, as shown by N.I. Vavilov, in the Eastern Mediterranean. The ancestor of cultivated peas may have been peas annual (Pisum elatius), still found wild today.
In Rus', pea dishes have been in high esteem since ancient times. There is an ancient tale about Ivan, who, with the help of peas, dealt with a cruel snake and became King Peas. This story served as the basis for the saying "It was under Tsar Peas", i.e. in time immemorial. The Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter the Great, also did not disdain peas, often ate dishes from it. The king's favorite dishes were steamed peas with ghee and pies stuffed with peas.

Growing peas

Peas are bred in vegetable gardens throughout Russia.
A characteristic feature of legumes, including peas, is symbiosis with microorganisms that can absorb atmospheric nitrogen. They live inside special nodules that grow on the roots of legumes. Microorganisms receive water with mineral salts from legumes. For legumes, symbiosis is useful in that during their life they use for their mineral nutrition part of the nitrogen compounds formed in the root nodule due to the binding of atmospheric nitrogen. This allows them to settle and grow normally in areas with poor soil. Legumes are one of the few plants that do not deplete soil fertility, but, on the contrary, increase it, enrich the soil with nitrogen compounds. Therefore, in field rotations, crops of legumes are always considered good predecessors for crops that will be sown in this field after the harvest of legumes.
Pea is a fairly cold-resistant crop, it tolerates frosts down to -4 ° C. Seeds begin to germinate at 1-2 °C. This allows it to be grown in the northernmost regions where agriculture is still possible (up to 68 ° north latitude). In addition, it has a relatively short growing season: from sowing to seed ripening, different varieties fit within a period of 65 to 140 days. Pea is a light-loving crop that does not tolerate drought well.

Collection and preparation of peas

Pea leaves and seeds serve as medicinal raw materials. The leaves are collected in May-June, dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated area, spread out in a thin layer. Store in paper or fabric bags. Shelf life - 1 year. Seeds are advised to collect on the second phase of the moon, near the full moon, on the 13th, 14th lunar days, in the morning, after sunrise. Dry at a temperature of 50 ° C in attics or in dryers, store in a closed container for up to 3 years.

The chemical composition of peas

Peas are rich in protein (26-27%), containing a large amount of essential amino acids (tyrosine, cystine, lysine, tryptophan, etc., which are closest in chemical composition and physiological properties to proteins of animal origin), active anti-sclerotic substances - choline and inositol, as well as starch, fat, vitamins of groups B, C, PP, provitamin A, mineral salts (potassium salts, etc.), fiber and trace elements.
In the tissues of legumes, many nitrogen compounds are accumulated, which are necessary for the construction of protein molecules. Pea flour is rich in glutamic acid.

Pharmacological properties of peas

Peas have antitumor effects, stop bleeding and, and oil extracts from its seeds stimulate the processes of restoration of mucous membranes and skin when used topically. Protein extracts stimulate the processes of hematopoiesis.

The use of peas in medicine

Preparations from peas are useful for malnutrition, senile and a number of other diseases of internal organs.
Peas help to stop local disorders and physiological processes of mucus-like substances and gas exchange, cough, shortness of breath, and heal.
Aqueous extracts from the aerial part and peel of the fruits of peas are used to treat skin rashes, dermatitis, and in the treatment of measles.
A decoction of seeds or the whole plant has a diuretic effect, helps to flush out stones from the kidneys and bladder.
According to Hippocrates, peas are nutritious and excite lust.

medicinal preparations of peas

Dry peas, fresh or soaked in water, eat 3-4 pieces at a time.
Gruel from immature (green) pea seeds in pure form or mixed with egg white is recommended to be applied topically for the treatment of erysipelas of the skin, eczema, purulent wounds, acne, for excretion and bruising on exposed parts of the body. For the same purpose, pea flour gruel is recommended.
Pea flour poultices are used as a softening agent for boils and carbuncles.
Pea flour taken in 1/2-1 tsp. to be taken 2-3 times a day before meals, improves the nutrition of brain cells, normalizes metabolism, heals, eliminates associated diseases, helps with.
Eat peas burned and ground into powder daily for 1 tsp. to remove spots on the face.


Peas in people who are not accustomed to it cause bloating and rumbling of the intestines. Adding dill prevents this negative action. It is very harmful to drink cold water after eating peas.

The use of peas on the farm

Peas are an important food and fodder crop. The main part of the crops are the so-called peeling varieties. Seeds are used in food boiled, in the form of soup and porridge. They boil quite quickly, have a good taste, and are rich in protein, so eating peas is especially useful in the absence of meat. Pea seeds are ground into flour and added to wheat flour to make bread. Such an additive somewhat worsens the taste of bread, but it improves nutritional value, since bread is enriched with protein due to pea flour.
Not only seeds are used for food, but whole beans along with valves and seeds. Most often they are harvested unripe, when they are still tender and juicy, contain many different vitamins. Unripe beans, often referred to as "shoulders", are eaten fresh. For long-term storage, they are frozen or canned. Canned food from unripe seeds of sugar peas - "Green peas" - is widely used.
Above-ground shoots of peas are a complete protein food for herbivores, both fresh and dried (in hay). Hay after threshing the seeds is also used for pet food.

Photos and illustrations of peas
