How to care for hibiscus at home. China Rose or Hibiscus Cooper

Variegated hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cooperi) has many varieties with different colors of flowers. This plant belongs to the Malvaceae family, and South China is considered its homeland.

Hibiscus (otherwise Chinese) has many advantages, feels great in a city apartment. Fans of indoor flowers are surprised to discover the property of a variegated hibiscus to produce leaves of new, most bizarre colors - from green to decorated with white-yellowish and pink-red tints. Sometimes bizarre patterns - an amazing mosaic of flora - can occupy up to 99% of the leaf area.

Even in the cold season, hibiscus blooms very luxuriantly. It is not difficult to give the necessary shape to its crown, since the hibiscus easily withstands pruning. By spring, the plant is pruned more thoroughly in order to increase branching. Already in the first year of life, hibiscus is able to bloom. With proper care and good enough lighting, it can bloom almost all year round. Particularly attractive are plants formed in the form of a small stem tree with a trunk diameter of about 15 mm, crown height can reach 60-70 cm. The largest leaves are about 15 cm long and about 6.5 cm wide. At the same time, there are many smaller ones on the plant. leaves.

Hibiscus should be placed on a fairly light window sill, but can be grown safely on a south window sill. The triumph of beautiful colors of hibiscus foliage is complemented by still unopened buds. Finally, the romantic expectation of flowering is replaced by a carnival of bright colors of nature - a charming red hibiscus flower opens. Its diameter is about 12 cm. An “antenna” about 8 cm long with a unique structure emerges from the center - at the end of the red rod there are several dozen stamens up to 1 cm long with a yellow cap, and 5 pistils with burgundy velor balls end the arrow. It is noteworthy that on five large petals, darker red tones converge in the center - pale pink in the middle and light red at the expanded ends of the petal. Flowering does not last long - a day or more.

Hibiscus should be watered abundantly, especially in the warm season and in sunny weather. The drought of an earthen coma, as well as its excessive waterlogging, can first lead to a single leaf fall, and later to a massive leaf fall. In winter, the temperature in the room should not fall below 12-14 °C. Hibiscus are propagated by cuttings.

In summer, it is advisable to spray the plant twice a day with water. This will keep the leaves green and prevent the buds from dropping.

Hibiscus, also known as Chinese rose, is a highly revered plant in the South Pacific Islands and is widely grown as a houseplant. In fact, hibiscus at home is not only beautiful, highly decorative, has healing properties, but also does not require over-care.

Basic rules for caring for hibiscus


Indoor hibiscus is thermophilic, but feels good and can bloom for a long time at temperatures from 14-15˚С. True, it is believed that he is most comfortable at 18-22˚С. Experienced hibiscus lovers recommend moving it to a cooler room with good lighting at the end of hot summer days. This relocation stimulates flowering.

Lighting and location

The best place for hibiscus is in rooms with south-facing windows. Place it on a stand (the best option), as close as possible to the window.

Important! Although hibiscus loves the sun, in the heat it needs to be shaded or moved away from direct sunlight.

If he is not standing on the windowsill, then the usual tulle curtain does a good job of scattering the sun. In low light, the Chinese rose sheds leaves and buds very quickly.

Watering and humidity

These are the most important conditions for the normal growth and flowering of hibiscus. It should be watered with water at room temperature, always settled in a glass jar with a wide neck. It reacts to the drying of the substrate by the loss of not only leaves, but also buds, which subsequently leads to the cessation of flowering altogether.

If the temperature is too high on summer days, it is better to cover the soil with fine expanded clay or moss to retain moisture in a pot of hibiscus. He needs quite high humidity, so he should be sprayed regularly, or install a humidifier next to him.

Important! When spraying hibiscus, you need to make sure that water does not get on the flowers.

In winter, during the heating period, the best solution would be to place a container of water on the heaters. Indoor hibiscus flower loves to swim, it is more convenient to give him a regular shower with warm water. In order not to flood its roots at the same time, you need to put on an “apron” made of plastic wrap on the pot.

The main problems of growing hibiscus

Although the hibiscus reacts very quickly to violations of the maintenance regime, expressing its attitude to this by dropping leaves, it also quickly responds to “correcting mistakes”.

If the leaves of the plant look tired, drooping, it is enough to spray them with water from a spray bottle.

Important! Many varieties of hibiscus have a feature: a complete replacement of leaves after abundant or long flowering. Do not take it as a disease.

Yellow hibiscus leaves indicate that the water for irrigation was not sufficiently settled, chlorine remained in it. And the presence of a brown border along the edge of the leaves - the request of the plant to reduce the amount of nitrogen in top dressing.

Often hibiscus delays its flowering. This problem is solved quite simply: you need to change the substrate to a fresh one, prune and move the plant closer to the sun.

If the leaves of the hibiscus dry, this can be caused either by an increased temperature in winter, or the plant is affected by a scab. In the first case, you need to create the necessary conditions for it. In the second - urgently deal with getting rid of pests.

Hibiscus flowering - interesting features

Chinese rose buds form on young shoots, so regular pruning of old ones so that 3-4 buds remain on them stimulates flowering.

Important! If you do not cut off old branches, flowering will gradually come to naught.

Ideal conditions for stimulating the flowering of the Chinese rose are cool (12-15˚С), rare watering and light partial shade.

After a hot summer, if utilities delay the start of the heating season, hibiscus will quickly begin to form buds. If it was hot in winter, flowering will begin in the spring.

Often, when transplanting hibiscus, experienced flower growers stick a wooden chip into the ground near the trunk, a small one about ten centimeters long. It seems funny at first glance, but this piece of wood stimulates abundant long-term flowering.

pruning hibiscus

As mentioned above, pruning is a plant flowering stimulant. But it can also be used to form a Chinese rose bush in accordance with the wishes or placement possibilities. In small rooms it is more convenient to have it in the form of a tree, and in spacious rooms - a lush sprawling bush.

Formative and stimulating pruning are carried out in the spring, when the hibiscus has not gone into growth, or at the end of flowering. At the same time, lignified branches are removed that grow parallel to the main branches, dried up, as well as those that are “knocked out” from the overall composition. The remaining shoots are shortened by about a third of their length above the leaf that looks outward.

Important! If there are buds on the shoots intended for pruning, it is better to leave these branches.

The main tool used for pruning is scissors or kitchen pruners, they do their job quite well.

Substrate for hibiscus, its transplantation and top dressing

Hibiscus is not particularly fond of the substrate; any universal soil is suitable for it. You can take a mixture of garden soil and universal flower soil 2: 1 for growing.

Important! Drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the pot: expanded clay, broken brick, fragments of ceramics.

Hibiscus transplantation is usually carried out, like pruning, in the spring, often these two procedures are combined. The new pot should be slightly larger than the old one - 1.5-2 centimeters in diameter. In too large a container, roots and leaves will grow, but buds will not form.

During transplantation, the old substrate is removed from the roots, the roots are inspected. If there are signs of decay, the affected parts are removed. If all the roots are healthy, they can not be cut.

After transplanting, the container with the plant must be put in its original place.

Transplantation is necessary in the first 3-5 years of the plant's life. An adult or very large hibiscus bush can not be transplanted, it will be enough to remove the top layer of the substrate and replace it with fresh.

Feeding hibiscus usually begins 7-8 weeks after transplantation and continues until the end of flowering. In this case, any fertilizer for indoor plants with a low nitrogen content is used. The regularity of feeding is determined according to the instructions for fertilizers, if there are no recommendations, it will be enough once every two weeks.

Important! Top dressing in winter should not contain nitrogen fertilizers.

Hibiscus is responsive to foliar feeding with infusion of onion peel: its leaves become larger, acquire a beautiful sheen. At the same time, this procedure is a good prevention against spider mites and other pests.

Hibiscus propagation

It is propagated by cuttings, usually cut in February, but those resulting from pruning are also suitable. From them, stiff, strong twigs are selected, with two or three internodes, placed in glasses with water, in which you can add a rooting stimulator, purchased or homemade - honey, aloe juice.

When roots appear on the cuttings, they need to be transplanted into pots with the simplest soil and always with drainage.

You can also root the cuttings in wet sand, deepening the cuttings to the first bud.

Important! With any method of rooting, each cutting must be covered with a cut bottle or a plastic bag with holes for ventilation.

This measure will provide a comfortable temperature and humidity. Watering should be frequent, but cuttings should not be poured. The mini-greenhouse is removed when young leaves appear on the handle.

Hibiscus can also be propagated by seed, but the process is lengthy and requires at least two plants to be successful. At the same time, it is not a fact that the resulting plants will retain the varietal characteristics of their parents.

Hibiscus pests

As with most indoor plants, the most common pests for it are aphids and spider mites. Attacks of other pests are also possible, especially if other houseplants are affected by them.

Aphids usually occupy young shoots and buds. In order to prevent the formation of a large colony of insects, it is necessary to regularly inspect the plant, and if a pest is found, immediately treat it with any means that can be used indoors, but it is better to choose folk ones - ash, tobacco, onions, garlic with the addition of soap.

Important! In most cases, pests are transferred from other plants, so they must be controlled on all plants at the same time.

The spider mite, or red spider, breeds especially actively in dry, warm air. Usually, plants are treated with acaricides to get rid of it, but they are not recommended for indoor use due to toxicity. Therefore, again, you need to resort to folk methods - rubbing the leaves with alcohol, spraying with infusion of garlic, onion peel, decoctions of red hot pepper or mustard.

Scale insect or false scale insect is also a sap-sucking pest. The easiest way to get rid of it is to treat the leaves and shoots with alcohol or vodka. This liquid evaporates quickly, without having time to harm the plant, but poisons insects.

Whatever means you use to destroy pests, you can’t do it at once. All procedures are carried out several times, with a frequency of several days, since these insects are not only extremely prolific, but also lay eggs almost weekly.

Hibiscus diseases and their treatment

In most cases, the Chinese rose, or hibiscus, gets sick if the rules for caring for it are systematically violated:

  • high temperature and low humidity;
  • lack of spraying in the hot season;
  • drafts, wind or direct sunlight;
  • dust on leaves
  • excessive watering or watering with poor-quality water;
  • lack of feeding or, conversely, its excess;
  • insufficient illumination.

All these problems are eliminated if proper plant care is restored in time.

Important! If you let things take their course, then the Chinese rose can become seriously ill.

In this case, the following diseases most often occur:

  1. Non-infectious chlorosis, which develops due to a lack of basic nutrients - nitrogen, iron, potassium or manganese, or an excess of one of them due to a decrease in the amount of another. It is characterized by thin branches, insufficient coloration of flowers and leaves, spots on the leaves or their yellowing, as well as abscission.
  2. Infectious chlorosis caused by fungi, viruses or pests. At the same time, the plant has a general weak, painful appearance, lack of flowering, problems with leaves (yellowness, abscission).
  3. Sunburn, due to which white spots appear on the leaves. The cause is most often direct sunlight, as well as a sharp change in lighting conditions.
  4. Tracheomycosis, or vascular wilting of the leaves, resulting from the disease of the hibiscus plant with Fusarium or Verticillium, as well as viral infection. With these diseases, the branches shrivel, dry out, and this quickly spreads to the trunk. China rose eventually dies.

Treatment of plants with non-infectious chlorosis consists in regular feeding with the addition of chelates. Infectious chlorosis is prevented by the timely application of the necessary fertilizers in the right ratio, a warm shower that cleans the leaves from dust and dirt.

In the case of vascular wilt, treatment can often be powerless, but you can try. For this:

  1. Cut off all drying sections of stems and branches, capturing the healthy part as well.
  2. Treated with antifungal drugs.
  3. Sprayed with a solution of Trichopolum, diluting two tablets in a liter of water.

Home hibiscus - types, varieties, photos

Indoor hibiscus, or, as it is more commonly called, Chinese rose, Chinese rose, sometimes domestic rose, as a result of many years of cultivation, pleases with a variety of varieties and hybrids: with variegated leaves, with double and simple flowers, yellow, red or two-tone color.

The difference between them is also in the form of the flowers themselves and the duration of flowering.

The "great-grandfather" of almost all domestic Chinese roses is the Chinese hibiscus, whose homeland is East Asia and the Pacific Islands. It has about 500 varieties, the main feature is glossy dark green leaves.

Flowering lasts more than six months, starting in spring and ending in late autumn. This species has large flowers - about 16 centimeters, they are simple and semi-double, painted in various shades of red and yellow.

The following varieties are most common:

  1. Anita Buis - simple, orange-yellow flowers.
  2. Florida - simple large flowers, orange-red.
  3. Hamburg - large double flowers, painted in carmine-red tones.
  4. Rose - double and semi-double flowers, delicate salmon color.

More often, varieties and hybrids of Chinese hibiscus are used for indoor cultivation. But there are other, no less decorative species of this plant that grow well indoors.

Hibiscus dissected, or schizopetalus, a native of Central Africa, has thin branches, shiny showy leaves and unusually beautiful flowers - red-orange in color, the petals of which are bent and ending in an uneven fringe.

The Sudanese rose, also belonging to the genus hibiscus, gives very large (up to 25 centimeters) flowers of many shades of red. In addition to high decorativeness, it has nutritional value.

Hibiscus variegated, or Cooper's hibiscus, which is distinguished by the color of the foliage. The conditions of detention determine the combination of red, yellow, white and green shades.

h. rosa-sinensis

Hibiscus variegated, features and care

This variety is interesting in that on one bush there are leaves of different colors - both green and with overflows - yellow, red or white, creating a unique pattern on each leaf.

Its flowers also look very impressive: large, not double, with a long pistil and petals, in which thicker tones in the center gradually turn to more delicate ones on the periphery.

This variety of hibiscus has excellent health: a bright window sill, timely watering, fertilizing twice a month when it is actively growing - that's all it needs.

Fertilize it with mixtures intended for flowering plants, with a low nitrogen content. It retains its decorative effect, albeit less pronounced, and in the shade, however, it is unlikely to bloom in this case.

The variegated color of the leaves depends entirely on the conditions in which this type of hibiscus grows: temperature; soil acidity; lighting. So, with excessive illumination, its leaves are almost completely painted in either pink or white.

Chinese rose, or hibiscus - useful properties

The ancient Egyptians were already familiar with the beneficial, healing properties of hibiscus, who used it as a powerful bactericidal agent with urinary and choleretic, as well as anticonvulsant properties. The petals of hibiscus flowers, previously crushed, were used by them in the treatment of wounds as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory.

Anthocyanins, present in a significant amount in hibiscus and giving a rich ruby ​​color to infusions of petals, have a positive effect on blood vessels: they strengthen the walls and cleanse excess cholesterol. They also have a mild laxative effect and reduce body fat. Flavonoids cleanse the body of various toxins, including alcohol, and salts of heavy metals, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and gallbladder. Polysaccharides and ascorbic acid increase resistance to viruses and infectious agents.

The popular hibiscus tea, brewed from Sudanese rose petals, a variety of hibiscus, is able to normalize heart function, pressure in hypertension and hypotension, acts as an antihelminthic, antimicrobial and antispasmodic.

Important! Since a set of organic acids, excluding oxalic acid, gives a pleasant sourness to the infusions of hibiscus petals, this drink can also be used by those who suffer from gout or urolithiasis.

By the way, after brewing, hibiscus petals do not need to be thrown away, it is better to eat them - they will replenish the body with valuable amino acids, most of which are essential.

Hibiscus shows bactericidal properties not only in tea or lotions. Phytoncides emitted by its aerial parts perfectly purify and disinfect the air in any premises. They have a positive effect on both people and plants in the vicinity.

Hibiscus is also widely used in cooking: young leaves and shoots are cut into salads, seasoned with fried seeds for first courses, and its flowers are a natural dye used in the production of wine, the preparation of marinades and sauces, and for coloring confectionery - creams, jelly, soufflé.

Important! Like every medicinal plant, hibiscus has its limitations. Its use should be abandoned for gastritis with high acidity, as well as for peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not give a drink made from flowers and leaves of hibiscus, and children under one year old.

Popular signs about hibiscus

Popular, blooming with unusually beautiful flowers, the Chinese rose has acquired numerous signs and beliefs. Moreover, if you carefully study them, it becomes obvious that not only do they mutually exclude each other, but also come into conflict with the laws of nature.

Important! For those who are ready to blindly believe in any signs, it would not be superfluous to recall that the flowering of hibiscus, however, of any plant, too, is a completely natural process, as a result of which seeds appear from which new plants will appear - life goes on.

This should be especially remembered by those who have just emerged from the gloomy Middle Ages and believe that hibiscus is a flower of death, that it blooms when the death of a loved one approaches. Also, some of the signs connect financial, business and personal problems with the flowering of this wonderful plant. Special horror causes inopportune flowering.

Although there is nothing creepy, or at least strange, in the blooming of the Chinese rose at the wrong time, the flower is simply provided with good care, it is comfortable, and flowering is its gratitude.

Also, a large number of signs surround the withering home rose. Unhappy love, illness, family strife... Falling hibiscus leaves also "testify" to this. Or maybe the whole point is that the plant simply lacks something - light, water, fertilizers?

However, if a period of trouble sets in in a person’s life, indoor flowers often fade into the background, if not into the background.

Important! You need to worry if the hibiscus loses its leaves for another reason: plant disease, pest attack, violations of the conditions of detention.

In the homeland of hibiscus, on the contrary, only good signs are associated with it: a quick marriage for unmarried girls, brightness of feelings and family well-being, health, success in business.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, a teaching that has become extremely popular in our country, hibiscus - the flower of Fire preserves feelings, kindles passion, strengthens marriage. It is recommended to keep it in the matrimonial bedroom.

The Chinese rose contributes to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in any room, which is why it is also recommended for offices, especially for those rooms where business negotiations are taking place.

Final part

Hibiscus, easy to grow at home, has been and remains an excellent interior decoration. Its decorative qualities, ease of care, as well as purely practical properties put this flower above prejudice.

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family.. At home, the plant can live up to 20 years. Each flower pleases the owner of the Chinese rose for about 1-2 days, after which it fades. Flowering lasts from March to October. They bear fruit in pods with five wings, which contain many seeds covered with fluff. The variegated hibiscus is also called Cooper's hibiscus, after the man who first brought it to Europe. The name "variegated" is still in use.

The Latin name of this plant is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis var. cooperi. Hibiscus is native to South China. The variegated hibiscus was first introduced to Europe by Daniel Cooper.

In the modern world, the habitat of hibiscus is very extensive. The most pleasant for them is the sharply continental climate of the tropics of Indonesia, as well as Sri Lanka, Sumatra and the Hawaiian Islands.


The hibiscus of this variety got its name because of the peculiarity of its leaves: in the bright sun, the leaves become variegated, green-white-red. Colors may vary depending on the composition of the soil, lighting and other conditions for keeping the bush. Petals can be of various colors and form large flowers. The latter can be both terry and ordinary. The diameter of the flower can reach 12 centimeters.


The beauty and diversity of the flower is amazing. Check it out in the photo below.

Features of home care

Propagation by seeds and cuttings

The plant is propagated by cuttings from March to September.

  1. Cut cuttings. Both semi-woody and green will do.
  2. For rooting, they are placed in water. To accelerate the appearance of roots, greenhouse conditions are created for them: they are covered with film or glass.

The optimal time for propagation by seeds is from February to March.. With this breeding option, the first flowering of hibiscus will come in 3-4 years.

  1. Seeds are kept wrapped in a wet cloth for about 12 hours.
  2. Then they are sown in a mixture of sand and peat (1: 1).
  3. The air temperature should be maintained around 25 degrees. To do this, you can use a glass jar, covering the pot with it.
  4. After the leaves appear, the sprouts dive into different pots.

Diseases and pests

Hibiscus is considered a fairly unpretentious plant. It is neutral to the level of illumination, regularity of watering, temperature changes. Therefore, it can be recommended to beginner growers as one of the most beautiful and easy to grow crops.

What does it look like

Hibiscus is common not only in Asia Minor. It is often found in America, Africa. In wet meadows in floodplains, it forms dense thickets richly decorated with flowers. He loves water very much, for which he received the name "marsh mallow" in his homeland. In our country, hibiscus is often called Chinese rose.

Hibiscus belongs to a large genus of the Malvaceae family. Information about the number of the genus in the sources differ. On average, the genus has from 150 to 300 representatives. There are wild and cultivated species, different in type of growth and color. The genus includes herbaceous annuals and perennials, shrubs and trees.

Hibiscus leaves are petiolate with notched edges. Almost all species bloom with large beautiful flowers. The flowers are very elegant, distinguished by a bright color of the corolla. After flowering, the fruit ripens - a box with an abundance of seeds. After ripening, the fruit splits into five wings.

In the areas of natural growth of hibiscus, it is used not only as an ornamental plant. Young shoots and leaves are considered a vegetable crop. For medicinal purposes, roots, fruits, seeds and leaves are used. Flowers are used to obtain a natural dye. Dried hibiscus petals - the basis for cooking

Indoor varieties

For home gardening, mostly low-growing varieties are used. Not so long ago, only one type of hibiscus with red double flowers was known in indoor floriculture. Now there is much more choice - new species have been introduced, hybrid varieties with different colors have been bred.

  • Chinese hibiscus. An adult plant does not exceed two meters in height. Easily tolerates pruning - you can form a more compact plant. It grows quickly in width - suitable only for spacious rooms.
  • Hibiscus dissected. This species was brought to us from Brazil. Differs in original flowers of refined form. The tubular calyx is divided into petals. The petals are strongly dissected, bent back. The color is red-orange. The pestle strongly protrudes forward.
  • Hibiscus "Mix". Refers to evergreen shrubs. In good conditions, it grows a little over a meter. Flowers are large, double or simple. The coloring is varied. There are varieties with white and rich red flowers. Wide range of intermediate shades.
  • Hibiscus Cooper. In another way, they are called variegated. The main feature of the variety is unusually colored leaves. Variegated leaves harmoniously combine green, white and red. The flowers are large, but ordinary - pink or red.

Depending on the variety of hibiscus, caring for it may have its own characteristics. For example, variegated varieties are very sensitive to lighting. In a strong shadow, they fade, become not so expressive. In a sunny place they become unpredictably variegated.

What to do after purchase

Having brought the hibiscus home, carefully inspect it - stems, leaves from the outside and inside. Look for pests, signs of disease. Carefully remove it from the pot and inspect the root system for rot and root bugs. Hibiscus are usually sold in plastic pots and are easy to take out and put back in place.

If you notice something suspicious - dots, spots, gnaws, cobwebs, uneven yellowing of the leaves, treat with special preparations as a preventive measure. Insecticides against pests, fungicides against fungus and diseases.

Whether a transplant of indoor hibiscus is needed after purchase is a moot point. Almost all hibiscus come to us from Holland. Manufacturers customize them to the desired parameters - abundant flowering, rich green leaves, the root system completely wraps around the earthen ball. Plants are planted in peat with a very high content of fertilizers and growth stimulants. If you abruptly move the flower to a less nutrient medium, it may simply die.

If you decide to transplant hibiscus immediately after purchase, then only by transshipment with full preservation of the earthen coma. But it is better to wait until the end of flowering. During this time, most of the nutrient supply will be depleted and the flower will tolerate the transplant much more calmly. Before transplanting, completely dry the root system, carefully, using a skewer, unravel the roots, clean them from the remnants of the old soil. It is not necessary to wash the roots - hibiscus is painful for this procedure.

On the second day after planting, you can water with the Zircon preparation. Sometimes hibiscus reacts to stress with lethargic leaves. Try putting a clear plastic bag over the plant and inflating it so the leaves don't touch the foil. When the turgor of the leaves is restored, the package can be removed. A month after planting, cut the branches as low as possible - this stimulates lateral branching.

From the adaptation period, the correct transplantation of hibiscus after purchase depends on its further growth. The main thing is not to rush, do everything thoughtfully and pay attention to the little things.

Features of hibiscus care

How to care for indoor hibiscus? It is a fast growing, relatively hardy plant. With good care, it blooms stably and profusely, reaches large sizes. The rules for caring for hibiscus are quite simple.

  • Lighting. The plant is very photophilous - young plants are placed on the windowsill from the east or west side. Adults are placed next to the window. On the north side it stretches, fades, stops blooming.
  • Temperature. Doesn't like intense heat. It is desirable to create conditions for comfortable, moderate temperatures of about 20-22 ° C. In winter, a cool rest is required - 14-16 ° C. Hibiscus can do without a dormant period, but flowering will be poor.
  • Watering. Moisture-loving plant. In summer, they water it abundantly, but do not flood it - they let the top layer of the earth dry out. During watering, make sure that the earth ball is completely saturated. Excess liquid from the pan is poured out 10-20 minutes after watering. In autumn, the frequency of watering begins to gradually decrease - after the surface of the soil dries out, they wait two to three days. In winter, the intervals between waterings depend on the temperature of the content. The colder the room, the less often you need to water the hibiscus.
  • Humidity. Requires high humidity. Spraying is a must. During flowering, they are sprayed carefully, trying to avoid getting moisture on the flowers and buds. The problem of dry air is solved by using special humidifiers, placing the pot in a tray with wet filler, spraying the air around the plant.
  • The soil. It is recommended to use a neutral, light and nutritious soil. The optimal composition is leafy soil, humus, turf and sand. Use mixtures without the addition of peat. Useful additive - charcoal. From ready-made store soils, you can choose a mixture for citrus crops.
  • Top dressing. Fertilizers are applied regularly, but in moderation. In the spring, it is recommended to feed the flower with a preparation with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. The rest of the time, a balanced mineral complex is used for flowering crops. For example, Kemira Lux. The nitrogen content in any product should be minimal.
  • Transfer. Up to three, four years of age, hibiscus is transplanted annually. As growth slows, the intervals between transplants increase to two to three years.

How to prune a Chinese rose? It is better to do this after flowering. Remove all shoots growing inside the bush and parallel to the trunks. Old biennial shoots on skeletal branches are cut off. Cuts are made at an angle, directing the outer edge of the bevel to the top of the crown. Pruned in two doses, give the plant the opportunity to recover. Removing a large number of shoots at a time weakens the plant, provokes the development of diseases.

If it doesn't bloom...

If the hibiscus has stopped blooming, you just need to analyze the conditions of detention. It does not bloom for various reasons - warm wintering, improper watering, too large a pot, lack or excess of trace elements. To stimulate flowering, try the following algorithm:

  1. In October, cut off all old shoots, leaving only three eyes on each. If the pot is too big, transplant into a smaller container.
  2. With the onset of winter, arrange a rest period for the flower at low temperatures of about 15-16 ° C. Limit lighting, water only as needed to maintain light soil moisture.
  3. At the very beginning of March, water a little more often. Loosen the dried soil well.
  4. Return the plant pot to a warm, well-lit area. Carry out the first feeding.
  5. When it gets warmer outside, remove three centimeters of soil and replace it with new. The optimal composition is garden soil, dry algae and well-rotted compost.

How to care for indoor hibiscus during flowering? Feed and water regularly, maintain high humidity. Avoid direct sun exposure to the plant, try to find a place that is not hot. Spray gently, avoid getting moisture on the flowers. Remove wilted flowers immediately so that they do not interfere with new buds to bloom.

How hibiscus reproduces

Hibiscus can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. Cuttings are a simpler and faster method. Seedlings grow slowly, do not always retain maternal characteristics.

Growing from seeds

Growing hibiscus from seeds at home is a troublesome and difficult task. Seeds can be collected from your own plant or bought from a store. To obtain healthy seedlings, follow the following sequence of actions.

  1. Prepare light soil - a mixture of sand and peat. Fill a flat container with it.
  2. Moisten the surface of the soil with a spray bottle, cover the container with glass. Glass can be replaced with ordinary polyethylene or cling film. Place a container under a fluorescent lamp, maintain the temperature at 25 ° C.
  3. After the appearance of the third true leaflet, the seedlings can be picked into separate containers.

Hibiscus from seeds blooms at the earliest in a year, more often in two. It depends entirely on the quality of care and conditions of detention.


Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings is an easier and faster way. Apical cuttings quickly take root and grow. For successful rooting, adhere to the following scheme.

  1. Cut the apical cuttings 5–8 cm long.
  2. Treat the sections with a root-forming solution - "Kornevin", "Heteroauxin".
  3. Prepare a light peat-sand mixture, fill small pots with it.
  4. Set the cutting in the center, cover the pot with a glass jar or plastic cup. Ventilate daily, monitor soil moisture.

Shelter is removed only after the appearance of stable signs of growth. Rooting a hibiscus from a cutting does not take long - the roots appear within about a month, after another three to four months, the first flowers bloom on a young plant.

Compositions of hibiscus of different colors, expressed in one pot, look interesting. For example, a combination of white and yellow, red and pink colors. Compositions are formed at the cutting stage, rooting cuttings from different plants in one pot.

Main problems

Quite often you have to deal with yellowing, drying of the leaves, falling buds. There are other problems as well. The reason is not necessarily hidden in the attack of pests or a specific disease - problems can be caused by elementary care errors. You can get acquainted with the main problems and their causes in the table.

Table - Difficulties in growing hibiscus

Problem encounteredPossible reasons
The leaves are turning yellow- Diseases of the roots;
- pests;
- leaf chlorosis;
- dry air
Leaves turn yellow and fall- Too wet soil in winter;
- low air humidity;
- stressful situations;
- pests
Hibiscus shedding leaves- Dry air;
- stressful situations;
- no spraying
The tips of the leaves wither- Lack of nutrients
The leaves are curling- Aphids or other pests
Hibiscus withers completely- Heat;
- dry air;
- complete drying of the soil
Falling buds- Lack of potassium;
- heat;
- gall midge

Typical pests

It is not always possible to avoid pest attacks. Weakened, diseased plants are more susceptible to attacks by insects. It affects the inconsistency of the parameters of the conditions of detention with the requirements - too dry air, irregular or excessive watering. Typical hibiscus pests and how to deal with them are shown in the table.

Table - Hibiscus Pests

Aphid- Stickiness of leaves and buds;
- twisting the tops of hibiscus shoots, young leaves;
- numerous colonies of small green insects
- If single insects are found, they are washed with soapy water;
- when large colonies are formed, the affected shoots are cut off, sprayed with Fitoverm or tobacco dust infusion
spider mite- In the early stages - yellow dots;
- on subsequent - large areas of dried tissue;
- sheath of thin cobwebs on the back of the leaf
- Increase humidity;
- washed with soapy water;
- sprayed with Akarin, Lightning
whitefly- stickiness of leaves;
- yellowing of the leaves;
- small white moths on a plant
- Hang sticky traps on adult insects;
- sprayed with Zubr, Iskra, Aktara
- washed with potassium soap
worms- Whitish waxy discharge on petioles and veins;
- wilt hibiscus
- The affected parts of the plant are rubbed with mineral oil
Shchitovki- Brownish, golden brown plaques- Mechanically remove pests with a toothbrush;
- wipe the affected areas with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or kerosene;
- treated with insecticides
Gallica- Yellowing of the leaves;
- buds do not open, fall off;
- a midge that lays eggs inside the buds
- Remove affected buds
- treat the soil with insecticides

In the reviews, experienced flower growers advise beginners to periodically carry out preventive treatment with low doses of insecticides and fungicides. This helps protect the plant from pest attacks.

Possible diseases

It is not always possible to avoid infection with viral or fungal diseases. Infection occurs through insect vectors, contaminated soil, from other plants. The disease can be diagnosed by a number of signs. All signs, names of diseases and their treatment are briefly described in the table.

Table - Hibiscus diseases

DiseaseSymptomsMethods of treatment
Bronzing of hibiscus leaves (virus)- Yellow spots and small tears on hibiscus foliage;
- coarsening and wrinkling of leaves
- Sick plants are destroyed;
- they will try to isolate the hibiscus and treat it several times with fungicides
Hibiscus ring spot (virus)- Ring-shaped yellowish spots on the leaves- Cuttings are cut from healthy branches;
- the mother plant is destroyed
Brown rot of hibiscus (affects only young plants)- Browning and thinning of the base of the hibiscus stalk;
- fall of leaves;
- filamentous mycelium in the soil
- Preventively, seedlings and cuttings are sprayed with Rovral
Bacterial spotting- Rotten spots of yellow color with an oily border- Treated with fungicides "Euparen", "Fundazol"
Tracheomycosis wilt (fungus)- The tips of the hibiscus shoots dry out;
- gradually the fungus covers the entire plant;
- hibiscus dies
- Cut diseased branches to healthy tissue;
- treated with fungicides

Properly organized care of hibiscus (Chinese rose) in a pot will help to avoid most problems. Hibiscus is a long-lived plant. With good care, it can grow and bloom regularly for over 20 years. Fits perfectly into the interior of spacious rooms.

Indoor hibiscus, or (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), will certainly appeal to those who want to have flowers at home for the first time. This exquisite, but undemanding flower has long settled in offices, hotel lobbies and in ordinary homes. The Chinese rosan is an alien from Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands, where it is considered a flower for beautiful ladies.

Indoor hibiscus: what a flower looks like and its botanical features

Home hibiscus moved to Europe in the 17th century. In nature, it reaches 3 meters in height. And gardeners know the flower as a greenhouse or indoor plant. Its leaves are dark green, glossy, oval, elongated, with teeth along the edges, up to 15 cm in size.

Its flowers are of decorative value, they are large (from 12 to 16 cm in diameter), simple or semi-double. Its colors are very varied - from orange-red to pink or yellow. Varieties with purple and lilac flowers are known. Lighter or two- and three-color ones are also bred.

Hibiscus flowers are solitary, they sit on long stems. In shape, they are funnel-shaped, reminiscent of large bells. Each flower of amazing beauty lives no more than two days.

Flowering lasts from early spring to late autumn. The flowers of the Chinese rose are initially five-petalled, bright red, large.

Domestic hibiscus grows to a maximum of two meters in height. It can be presented in the form of a standard tree or grow a mini-tree using the bonsai technique.

Pink, yellow and red hibiscus: description of houseplant species

The most common is a bright ruby ​​flower. A quarter of a century ago, Chinese roses of other colors or with variegated leaves were very rare. The latter attract attention with an unusually narrow leaf shape and rare beauty of its coloring, where there are white, yellowish and pink spots, and their saturation and frequency depend on the lighting in the room.

Their origin is unknown. But there is a version that this variety was once brought to Europe from New Caledonia. The name Cooper's hibiscus or variegated. Its flowers are pink, with separately located petals bent outward. Closer to the base, their color turns pale, and in the center of the flower it becomes garnet red. Although there are flowers of carmine-red color.

The dissected-petal hibiscus looks unusual with curved upwards, surprisingly delicate and thin fringed, red-orange petals. It is considered an alien from Africa, but we grow in greenhouses and houses.

Of particular interest are all kinds of hibiscus of the Dutch selection. At the sight of these flowers, eyes widen. Among them there are ordinary, terry and semi-double with a corrugated border. A large varietal collection "Sunny City" has become widespread. Among its representatives there are long flowering varieties. They delight with large flowers that live from 3 to 5 days. There are some beauties here:

  • San Remo - with snow-white flowers;
  • Tivoli - with orange-pink flowers with a yellow border, holding on for more than 3 days;
  • Boris - with huge lemon-colored flowers with a pomegranate core and terry edges;
  • Torino - with a bright orange flower;
  • Porto - with bright red flowers;
  • Kyoto Yellow is a yellow bicolor with a red center.

How to grow indoor hibiscus (video)

Technology and terms of reproduction of indoor hibiscus

Hibiscus are propagated by cuttings and seeds. The best time for cuttings is early spring or mid-summer. Cut green apical shoots ten centimeters long are treated for normal rooting with growth preparations (epin). They are planted in an earthen mixture of the same parts of peat and sand, or only in sand.

For this, 7-10 cm containers are suitable, which are then covered with a glass cap. Under it should remain warm about 25 degrees. It is kept for a month. This ensures sufficient watering. Under these conditions, during this period, the cuttings successfully take root.

They grow very quickly, and after a couple of months they need a transplant. If you start cuttings at the end of February, then by May, new plants are moved to larger pots filled with expanded clay and a nutrient mixture of this composition: 4 parts of turf, 3 parts of leafy soil and 1 part of humus and sand. Flowering on these shoots can occur in three to four months.

Propagation by seeds is less commonly practiced by amateur gardeners than cuttings. Mostly breeders use this method. Sowing seeds is carried out from mid-winter to mid-March. Before that, they are soaked in epin for half a day. An earthen mixture of peat and sand is suitable for planting them. After that, improvised greenhouses are covered with glass and maintain heat at about 27 degrees. For better germination, the soil is heated from below. Its spraying and airing is also required. When seedlings have 2-3 leaves, they must be dived into separate small pots. Flowering in plants occurs after three years.

Hibiscus: cuttings (video)

Indoor hibiscus: the secrets of proper flower care

The Chinese rose is not capricious in its care, but it needs certain conditions. Caring for a beautiful home flower has the following features:

Location and lighting

Rose loves good lighting, it is best to put her near the window, but the light should not be direct. The beauty grows very quickly, but does not like tightness, she needs space. The pot must be large enough to allow flower growth. However, in an overly large pot, the Chinese rose does not bloom, it will only grow vigorously.

Soil Requirements

The plant needs nutritious, light neutral soil. You can use the composition that was mentioned above when describing the cutting technology. But the soil is also simpler: 2 parts of turf and part of humus earth and sand. You can add pieces of wood burnt to charcoal in it. Expanded clay should be placed at the bottom of the container.

Temperature and Humidity

Comfortable temperature in summer is about 25 degrees, and in winter it is better ten degrees lower. But the plant will not be too "offended" if such a coolness is not provided to it.

He needs regular spraying. But this procedure should be carried out carefully so that the drops do not fall on the flowers, otherwise they will become stained. In a dry atmosphere, the buds may not open. A good effect is the installation of a container with a plant on a tray with water, where pebbles or expanded clay are poured. But at the same time, she herself should not be in the water.

Watering and feeding

Watering is carried out with soft settled water. In summer, it is not done every day, but so that the earth is soaked deep enough. After that, there should be a two-day break. Winter watering is carried out twice as rarely. Usually the soil is allowed to dry before this.

Top dressing for a flower is important, but the measure should be observed in it. In the spring, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are used. Complex top dressing and organic matter are practiced in the summer, when rosean is actively growing. Nitrogen fertilizers are not shown to the flower. In winter, you need to fertilize no more than once a month.

Transplant and pruning

Transplantation of young, fast-growing hibiscus is carried out once a year. A mature plant is relocated every three years.

To improve flowering, Chinese rosewood needs annual pruning. It is important to consider that flowering takes place only on new shoots. In order for young lateral branches to appear annually, it is necessary to constantly cut off the ends of faded shoots. They will not bloom again, and will only interfere with the formation of new flower buds. In early spring, you need to pinch all the shoots without exception. You should get rid of branches that grow parallel to the trunk or directed inside the crown.

plant pests

The main enemies of potted hibiscus are scale insects and. If they appear, then the leaves must first be wiped with soapy water, and then sprayed with actellik.

How to prune hibiscus (video)

Indoor hibiscus is an extremely beautiful and useful flower. It humidifies the air, enriches it with phytoncides and decomposes some carcinogens. If you remember the simple rules for caring for a plant, then it will not only delight you with fabulously beautiful flowers for most of the year, but will also significantly improve the atmosphere in the house.
