How to arrange dishes in an electrolux dishwasher. How to properly load the dishwasher: preparation, placement, removal

There is absolutely nothing difficult in loading the dishwasher, but with the right approach, your dishes will be much cleaner. Using your dishwasher to the maximum, you will save a lot of time and effort.


    Insert the plates into the trays at the bottom of the dishwasher. Point the plates towards the center and tilt them forward. This is done because pipes, nozzles and rotating nozzles spray water from the center out. In the dishwasher, water is sprayed on the sides, falling from top to bottom and rising from bottom to top.

    • Make sure that the surfaces of the plates do not touch each other and are accessible for the flow of water from the nozzles.
  1. Arrange cups, glasses, and small bowls so that they are exposed to water from the lower compartment. Arrange the bowls on a slight slope so that the detergent can penetrate and the water can drain freely. This will also allow you to fill up more space than if you simply stacked the dishes face down.

    • Do not pack or overload the dishwasher. If any item of dishes does not fit, wash it by hand.
    • If necessary, wash large items by hand or reload the dishwasher.
  2. Arrange the plastic containers on the top tray. Since the heating element of most dishwashers is at the bottom, you should not place plastic items there, otherwise they may melt or deform.

    Load the cutlery basket, separating them as much as possible. Place knives, forks and spoons in the special basket with the handle down. As a rule, it is better to wash dangerous or sharp knives by hand, as the dishwasher can dull them. Do not put cutlery with wooden handles or wooden utensils in the dishwasher.

    • Arrange cutlery separately from each other, but so that water can easily reach their dirty surfaces. Proper sorting is the key to a quality wash.
    • Large cutlery can block water sprinklers, nozzles and rotating nozzles. These items are best placed on the top tray in a horizontal position.
    • Place large kitchen utensils on top of the dishwasher. Place serving spoons cup side down so that water does not collect in them.
  3. If cutting boards and large trays won't fit into the plate trays, place them on the outside of the bottom rack of the dishwasher. Keep in mind that high temperatures can warp cutting boards, so it's best to wash them by hand.

    Place the wine glasses on the plastic rack in the top tray. If your dishwasher has a fold-out plastic compartment with cells in the top tray, then it is just designed to hold the thin legs of wine glasses. Thus, you will save fragile glasses from scratches and cracks.

    Before starting, make sure that the rotating nozzles and spray arms turn freely and that the tubes and nozzles are not obstructed. Also check that the detergent container opens completely. If any of these parts are cluttered or blocked, it will be much more difficult for you to achieve a quality wash.

    Fill the special container with powder detergent located at the bottom of the dishwasher or on the door. Fill it up to the required level. If you are using detergent tablets, place one tablet in the bottom of the dishwasher door. Depending on the temperature of the water and the length of the wash cycle, some of the tablet coating may not completely dissolve, resulting in clogged pipes. Because of this, some dishwasher manufacturers do not recommend the use of detergent tablets.

    • If your dishwasher has two detergent containers, fill the one on the door first. It should open after the dishwasher finishes the pre-rinse to soften the dirt.
    • Fill the second container only if the normal wash was not satisfactory or you have very dirty dishes.
  4. Run your dishwasher at night to save money and energy. Not only does your dishwasher not have to compete with other appliances for hot water, it will not only increase efficiency, but it will also save you money. Appliances such as dishwashers tend to load the home electrical network, increasing energy costs. Using it at night, when the network is less loaded and the temperature is lower, is the most effective solution.

    How to get the most out of your dishwasher

    1. Scrape large leftovers from the plates into the trash can. Be sure to remove bones, heads, seeds, fruit peels, and the like. You must remove all large and dried food residues, as even small grains of rice after washing in the dishwasher can remain on the dishes. If you do not want to wash all the dishes, take a fork or a napkin and wipe the food off the plates.

      • Rinse dishes if necessary. Most dishwashers and detergents do their job better when they have something to wash. If the dishes are not washed well, try rinsing the plates before the food dries and hardens.
    2. Find out what your dishwasher cleans and what it doesn't. Washing protein foods like eggs and cheese, cooked or baked foods, and dried starch requires special attention. Lightly soaking and scraping off food residue will increase the efficiency of your dishwasher. You can also soak the plates in the sink before loading.

      Use a rinse aid or "pre-wash" to keep your plates clean and streak-free. This will reduce the formation of drips on the surface of the dishes, especially if you have hard water. The rinse aid does not need to be filled every time the dishwasher is used, it is enough to do it every few weeks or every month, or according to the instructions for use.

      • In a pinch, you can replace commercial rinse aid with white vinegar, which is almost as effective.
      • Some dishwasher detergents already contain a rinse aid. Read the label.
      • If you have a water softener or your water is soft enough to begin with, you won't need a rinse aid.
    3. Before turning on the dishwasher, run waste disposer . It is very common for a dishwasher to be connected to a sink pipe, which is why it is so important to keep the pipe clean. If you don't have a garbage disposal, use a strainer in your sink drain to keep crumbs and other debris out of the drain.

      If your detergent does not contain phosphates, you can wash dishes in cold water. Modern detergents no longer contain dangerous phosphates, replacing them with enzymes that react at any water temperature. This will save you energy and money.

      Open the hot water faucet and wait until hot water comes out. Dishwashers, although they can heat the water themselves, but with already hot water, washing will become more efficient. If you do not want to drain the water down the sink, collect it in some container to use later for watering flowers or for other needs.

      Do not overload the dishwasher, as this will negatively affect the removal of food residues from the plates. Do not stack dishes on top of each other or try to stuff them at odd angles. Dishes should be tightly packed, not stuffed to capacity. If the washing result is unsatisfactory, consider what could have caused this. Perhaps by overfilling the trays, you thereby prevented some dishes from getting improperly cleaned?

Do not rush to immediately load all the dirty dishes into it. The quality of washing and the service life of the equipment directly depend on how correctly this is done. Dishwashers are designed to make life easier. But do not count on the fact that they will completely free you from manual work. Certain types of kitchen utensils and items are not suitable for washing in a dishwasher. In addition, the dishes must be able to properly place in the mechanism.

For more information on how to properly load dishes into a dishwasher (PMM) and how to properly operate kitchen appliances, read the article.

Preliminary preparation of PMM

Before you start loading the dishes and press the "Start" button, do not forget to pour salt for PMM into the compartment intended for this. Do this about once a month. Regardless of the chosen detergent (“3 in 1”, “7 in 1”, etc.), we do not recommend neglecting salt. Appliances will last longer and dishes will be cleaner.

The same goes for rinse aid. Despite the use of multifunctional detergents, the rinse gel will add shine to clean dishes and will not leave powder streaks on them.

Periodically inspect machine filters and clean or replace if required. First of all, clean the filter located on the pipe connected to the water supply.

Check the tightness of the hose connection. Make sure the sprinklers are clean and free to rotate. The holes are often clogged with food if it is not removed from the dishes before loading into the PMM.

If you have not used the appliance for more than three days, run one wash cycle without dishes. So you drain stagnant water from the pipes.

Disassemble the dishes, consisting of several parts. If this is not done, strong water pressure may damage the docking elements. If there are a lot of dishes, sort them by type.

Remove food residues from dishes, rinse items with dried dirt immediately before loading. If the pollution is strong, pre-soak for half an hour or an hour in warm water.

Attention! When soaking dishes, do not use conventional hand washing products. They will lead to excessive foaming and can damage the equipment.

Can you wash kitchen utensils in the dishwasher?

This question is difficult to answer if you do not know what material the dishes are made of. . For example, wooden objects are not intended for mechanical washing.. Therefore, wooden boards will have to be cleaned manually. Ladles and skimmers made of stainless steel can be washed in PMM. They are laid horizontally.

As for plastic items, such as spatulas, in most cases they can also be washed in the PMM. But it all depends on the plastic itself. For example, plastic ladles and spatulas that are included with the multicooker are allowed to be washed in a typewriter.

This is written in the instructions for the household appliances themselves. It is better to put such items on top, and plastic boards on the sides. Spatulas and ladles with short handles also fit in the cutlery tray.

Rules for loading cutlery

Each PMM has a place reserved for cutlery. These are either shelves on top, designed for their horizontal arrangement, or special removable baskets (most often). In the latter, spoons, forks and knives are arranged vertically in a certain pattern.

The knives are set with the tip down so that they do not scratch the inner surface of the PMM. The rest of the appliances are placed in the basket with the handles down. The washing performance will be reduced if cutlery is placed too close to each other.

It is recommended to alternate them (fork, knife, tablespoon, knife, etc.). Teaspoons are placed closer to the center of the cutlery basket. Large utensils are located horizontally at the top of the PMM, otherwise it will block the sprayers.

Advice! Sharp knives are best handled by hand. From washing in PMM, the blades quickly become dull.

How to arrange cups, glasses, glasses and stemware

Items for drinks are placed in the upper basket at a slight slope, bottom to top. For glasses in the basket, removable elements with recesses are provided. They hold the legs of the wine glasses during washing. Small coffee cups are placed on top of such elements.

How to stack plates and bowls

Small bowls, dessert and patty plates are placed in the upper basket. There is also a place for gravy boats, bowls, salt shakers and bowls. The lower basket is designed for soup and large bowls. In this case, large dishes are placed on the sides, and smaller plates are located in the center of the tray. This allows water to reach the top basket.

In case of severe contamination, the plates are placed through one hole, increasing the space between them.

How to arrange pans and pots

Pots and pans are placed in the lower compartment of the PMM. Removable handles are removed and placed separately. Pots are placed upside down, and pans are placed vertically, slightly at an angle. Baking dishes and baking sheets are also washed in an upright position. Large dishes are placed along the edges of the lower compartment.

Attention! Frying pans with pots and glassware and porcelain are washed on different PMM programs.

Dishwasher incompatible dishes

Due to the high temperature and detergents used in the PMM, not all dishes are subject to processing in the machine.

Items made from the following materials are not compatible with the dishwasher:

  • aluminum- darkens from prolonged exposure to water and hot steam;
  • tree- collapses under the influence of moisture and temperature differences;
  • cast iron- the protective layer is washed off and rust appears;
  • copper, tin and silver- oxidize and blacken;
  • porcelain and plastic- most varieties of these materials do not tolerate temperature extremes, but in some PMMs there are special short and low-temperature programs for them.
  • Teflon-coated pans - under the influence of aggressive detergents, the protective layer is washed off, and they lose their non-stick properties;
  • sharp knives - when heated, they become dull;
  • utensils with decorative painting - the paint can be washed off;
  • dishes with a vacuum lid, a sealant - hot water violates the seal, the sealant deteriorates;
  • objects stained with paint, ash, grease, wax - will stain the equipment and lead to clogging;
  • appliances with rust - washing in PMM will lead to even greater destruction and corrosion on metal objects that have not yet been touched.

When buying kitchen items, pay attention to the labeling. Manufacturers usually write on the label whether washing in the dishwasher is allowed.

How many dishes to load per wash cycle

So, how many plates, pans, cutlery will fit in the PMM? It depends on the size of the dishwasher. The instructions for the equipment always indicate its maximum capacity. It is expressed in sets.

A standard dishwasher can hold up to 12 sets, a full-size dishwasher can hold up to 16, a narrow one - 9, and a compact one - no more than 6. Under a set, the manufacturer understands 2 plates, a saucer, a cup, a glass and cutlery. But in reality, when you have to load additional pots and pans, there will be much less sets of dishes.

As we can see, the capacity of the PMM can vary greatly. But there are general rules, adhering to which you will always be satisfied with the result of washing.

  1. Before you send the dishes to the machine, make sure that they are designed for washing in the PMM. Fragile glass goblets, thin plastic items should only be washed using special modes at a water temperature not exceeding 45°C and a washing time of up to 1.5 hours.
  2. Do not load PMM with dishes to the maximum. Leave a small distance between objects so that they do not touch each other. So the products will be better cleaned.
  3. Heavily soiled pots and pans should be washed separately from glasses, plates and mugs. For them, modern PMM provides a special high-temperature regime with a longer washing cycle.
  4. Put away dirty dishes in the PMM immediately after eating. So the food remains do not dry out and are well washed. Rinse the dishes with dried mud beforehand.


It does not matter what brand and capacity you have PMM. For a good result, it is important to properly load the dishwasher. This is 80% success, and only the remaining 20% ​​are detergents.

After several correct downloads, you will already place kitchen items in the PMM in the right order and quantity automatically.

Few people know that before loading dishes into the dishwasher, it is necessary to pre-treat the products. Practice shows that not every owner of a functional device even knows how to correctly distribute household items into sectors, place them on stands.

The result of such an attitude is poor-quality cleaning of dishes, damage to fragile things, sharp objects become blunt, transparent objects become cloudy. Instead of washing all the products manually, you just need to learn how to load them according to all the rules. The procedure is troublesome, but not at all complicated and over time is brought to automatism.

Mandatory pre-training

Despite the fact that many dishwasher manufacturers claim that dishes can be placed in their nests immediately after large food residues have been removed, experienced housewives and service workers are advised to adhere to the following scheme of actions:

  1. We clean each item of dishes from food waste with a silicone spatula, cloth or napkin. It is not entirely correct to use spoons, forks and knives for this purpose, the quality of products on both sides suffers from this.
  2. If there are traces of rice, peas, porridge, corn or other small components on the objects, then it is worth moistening them under running water. This will prevent them from drying out and will allow you not to abuse powerful washing modes, additional rinses.
  3. Rinsing dishes is also relevant if the machine is loaded not at once, but throughout the day or several hours.

It is equally important to decide in advance which detergents will be used in the processing process. Many housewives make the same mistakes - either they use everything they have at once, or they think that you can limit yourself to just one product. Ideally, the device should be loaded with the following compositions:

  • Detergent. Usually it is a powder, tablet or gel. Practice shows that liquids do not cope with a given goal so effectively.

Tip: It is strictly forbidden to pour detergents that are not specifically designed for this technique into the dishwasher receivers. Universal dishwashing liquid can seriously damage the elements of the device and shorten its life.

  • rinse aid. Prevents the appearance of streaks, gives objects a pleasant aroma. Recommended for use when the drum is fully loaded.
  • Degreaser. This is not a means for cleaning dishes from grease, detergent and hot water will cope with this without problems. This product is designed to prevent the formation of fatty deposits on machine parts.
  • Regenerating salt. Softens water. It can be abandoned if the liquid is pre-filtered.
  • Composition against scale. Prevents the formation of plaque. It is loaded no more than 2-3 times a year.

All of these products must be used strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding dosages, but not saving on such important components.

Rules for arranging kitchen utensils

It is not so difficult to correctly arrange the dishes in the nests of the machine, especially since they often differ in shape and appearance. In addition, after several downloads it will become clear which products are washed out worse and why this happens. In principle, the following recommendations can be followed:

  • Dishes. They are best placed at the bottom facing the center, slightly tilted forward. Contact of products is unacceptable, this will block the access of water.
  • Cups, bowls and glasses. All small but deep accessories should be placed on the top section of the machine, turned upside down or at least at a strong slope.
  • Plastic. It will also be correctly displayed in the upper section, regardless of dimensions. Given the fact that the heating element is located at the bottom in almost all designs, the risk of deformation of products that are demanding on temperature will be minimal.
  • Pots, stewpans and pans should occupy the lower tier. The optimal position is upside down or at a strong slope.
  • Cutlery may only be placed in the tray provided for this purpose. All products are placed with their handles down so as not to touch each other, otherwise they will simply stick together. Too long gizmos (shovels, spatulas, tongs) will have to be placed in an inclined position in large compartments, otherwise they will block the operation of the sprayers.

Items such as cutting boards are generally best washed by hand. From temperature exposure, their surface may change, go cracked.

How to wash dishes in a dishwasher

In addition to the basic rules for loading and using a dishwasher, there are several points that affect the quality of product processing:

  1. If materials allow, do not lower the temperature of the water in order to save electricity. Items are poorly washed and will have to be processed manually.
  2. If the model of the device does not imply the presence of an upper atomizer, then things in the nests must be positioned so that they do not block the flow of liquid. In this case, it is more rational to wash pots and pans by hand.
  3. If there are a lot of dishes, then they need to be sorted, first loading the same type of items (for example, plates of the same type).
  4. In order to save energy, you can completely refuse the drying function, just open the door of the device after the end of the program.
  5. Dishes that are not contaminated with grease, but with easily rinsed-out components, are best treated with short washing cycles. This will ensure high-quality cleaning of products with minimal time and energy costs.

In general, after the first run of the machine it will become clear whether everything was done correctly. If there are any shortcomings in the result, you need to analyze the arrangement of objects and make adjustments in the next approach.

After the festive gatherings, of course, if you are a hospitable host, you Always expects a mountain of dirty dishes. The dishwasher easily solves this problem. But sometimes, after washing, the dishes are not always clean. Even if you used the best dishwashing detergents. How to avoid this, we will consider in today's article.

The quality of washing depends on many parameters - the quality of the dishwasher, the quality of detergents, etc. An important parameter is the rational and correct loading of the dishwasher.

If you just pile dishes into the dishwasher, then do not expect miracles from it - the quality will be mediocre.

All you need to consider

Before loading the dishwasher, a few efforts are required from you:

You should study the structure of your dishwasher. Not to miss important items

  • Clean the dishwasher filter. You need to clean it at least once a day, and ideally every time after / before washing dishes. It comes out very easily, I use a plastic dish brush to clean it;
  • Make sure the “rocker-sprinkler” is clean, periodically clean the spray holes;
  • Always clean the dishes from solid food residues, a clogged filter creates an additional load on the pump, which can lead to premature wear;
  • Do not forget to fill in salt to soften the water - this will improve the quality of washing and extend the life of the dishwasher;

Salt for softening water is a very important element

  • Set the water hardness correctly (read why this is important in the article about);
  • After loading the dishes, make sure that the “rocker arms” have free play and their movements are not blocked by anything;
  • If possible, wash dishes and kitchen utensils separately (it is better to wash kitchen utensils at a higher temperature, while ordinary dishes can be washed at a lower temperature), because due to their large dimensions they may interfere with the full washing of the rest of the dishes;
  • If you decide to wash your kitchen utensils, make sure they are dishwasher safe. Not every "Teflon" pan can survive washing with abrasives;
  • Long knives that do not fit in the removable tray, as well as kitchen spoons, spatulas, etc. should be laid horizontally in the upper tray, but so that they do not stick out of the holes and do not interfere with the rotation of the rocker arms;
  • If you are lucky enough to buy knives or dishes with glued elements (for example, ceramic knives with glued silicone handles), then the high temperature and water in the dishwasher can lead to sticking of the elements. Also, do not put wooden utensils or cutting boards in the dishwasher;
  • Plastic dishes can suffer greatly from abrasive, and after drying, water almost always remains on it, consider this, and do not be surprised.

Subtleties of loading

Top tray - can change its height so that tall glasses can fit. Removable cutlery tray on the bottom

When loading a dishwasher, we have three main elements:

  • top tray- for mugs and small dishes;
  • bottom tray- for large dishes;
  • removable tray- for knives, spoons and other tools for the destruction of food;

Medium rocker arms - the main working element of the dishwasher, nothing should interfere with their course

The top tray is intended mainly for mugs, glasses and other small items. As a rule, it can be placed at different height levels, depending on how necessary.

The basic rule for placing glasses and mugs is that they should be turned upside down and should not be placed horizontally. This will allow the water to run off and it will not accumulate in the recesses.

The basic rule for placing glasses and mugs is that they should be turned upside down and should not be placed horizontally. This will allow the water to drain and it will not accumulate in the cavities.

To accommodate wine glasses and glasses, some dishwashers have a special holder, depending on their shape, you can use it in different ways.

Long wine glasses should be positioned like this

After a large feast of dishes, there is an excess of dishes, here is an example of the rational use of space - wine glasses and glasses do not interfere with each other

A special holder is necessary, since the elongated shape of the wine glasses and their narrow neck make it difficult to wash them, and for washing it is necessary that the water jet from the spray arm still get inside.

One of the options for the arrangement of glasses

Also, this holder can be used for rational placement of small tea cups.

Tea cups are perfectly placed in two rows, this does not affect the quality of washing

On the left side of the upper tray there is a rack for saucers and small skewers, bowls, bowls.

Difficulties should not arise with the arrangement of saucers, but bowls should be placed freely, without leaning against each other, this will ensure high-quality washing.

If there are a lot of dishes, then it can be laid out, for example like this

Wrong position, so the dishes will not be washed

And this is how the dishes will be washed properly, nothing interferes with the access of water to the inner surface

If necessary, the upper tray can be completely removed, in some configurations, additional spray elements are provided for this case, but I don’t have them, so I won’t write about it.

bottom tray

This is the main tray of the dishwasher. Some dishwashers provide partial or complete transformation of the tray, especially for washing "large" kitchen utensils.

When loading flat and shallow dishes, the principle should be followed - larger plates should be located at the edges, smaller and deeper ones should be closer to the center. This will ensure a good wash. Different types of plates do not fit well together, if the dishes are from the same set, then they are washed much better.

When loading flat and shallow dishes, the principle should be followed - larger plates should be located at the edges, smaller and deeper ones should be closer to the center. This will ensure a good wash.

For bowls, cutters, the location rule is similar to the rules for the top tray.

The rule for the location of kitchen utensils also has some subtleties.

Flat utensils (pans, baking sheets, etc.) should be placed vertically, so they will wash much better and this arrangement will allow the water to wash the rest of the dishes.

If the handle can be removed - it should be removed, the correct location of the pan

If the handle cannot be removed, the pan should be positioned so that it does not interfere with the rotation of the rocker arms.

Another example of the correct arrangement of pans

For large, deep pans, a basket transformation mechanism is provided.

Bottom tray before transformation

The holders are folded - you can put something bulky

It should be noted that the pots in this case should be placed like glasses - upside down. With this arrangement, the rest of the dishes will receive less water, so large utensils should be washed separately from the rest of the dishes.

If you place the dishes horizontally, this will block the jets of water from the "rocker"

If you place the dishes horizontally, this will block the jets of water from the "rockers". At the same time, the utensils themselves will be washed, but everything else is not, well, or much worse than usual.

Removable tray

Removable tray allows us to wash cutlery and leather with high quality.

Knives ALWAYS place the blades down ( Safety First!).

We put the knives with the blade down. Always

Do not load cutlery tightly together, especially spoons.

By arranging the spoons in this way, you risk getting poorly washed cutlery.

If you have a lot of dirty cutlery when loading, alternate them.

Cutlery arranged correctly

What should I do if the dishes are heavily soiled?

In most cases, soaking dishes with ordinary baking soda helps, in very difficult cases, you can use chemistry like "shumanite", just do not forget to rinse the dishes properly after these products. Washing + extra rinsing should be enough.


Do not use normal dishwashing detergents for soaking, this will cause excessive foaming and the machine will stop.


I hope that my tips will be useful to you, and you can enjoy the work of your dishwasher. This is one of the few household appliances that can save both time and money, while requiring a minimum of effort for its maintenance. I wish you a good day and remember Saved means earned!

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Dmitry does not like to throw money away and is looking for the best ways to save money in everyday life. Life gives us many honest ways to earn money, just think about it.

Now such a miracle technique as a dishwasher is gaining more and more popularity. But new users often do not know how to properly load dishes into the dishwasher. After the end of the program cycle, smudges or washing powder can be seen on the plates. Therefore, knowledge of the loading rules will greatly facilitate the life of the hostess.

Preparatory work

Before loading the dishwasher, clean kitchen utensils from leftover food. If you do not do this, the appliance filter will quickly become clogged, and this will reduce the quality of the wash. Clean the food off the plates, pour out the rest of the tea, remove the oil from the pan, etc.

The problem of choosing detergents for the dishwasher worries many. There are several options on the market right now:

  • washing tablets;
  • powder;
  • conditioner;
  • tablets 3 in 1.

Each hostess decides for herself what to choose. The most popular options powder and rinse aid are considered.

First stage

Before figuring out how to properly put the dishes in the dishwasher, you need to determine what type your dishwasher is, the arrangement will depend on this. Mostly there are one- and two-tier options.

If the machine is single-tier, then cutlery items should start with large items, such as frying pans. They need to be placed in the center. The plates must be placed between the teeth. Mugs - on the side. The arrangement may vary depending on the model, but the general principle is as follows.

If the machine is two-tiered, then plates and mugs are loaded into the upper compartment. If deep cups do not fit into the upper compartment, then you can put them in the lower basket in special teeth. Pots, pans and similar large utensils are also placed in the lower tier.

Cutlery is installed in a special container. Knives - blade up, spoons - handle down. If the container is not included, large appliances can be placed in the upper basket. Bosch machines are now equipped with horizontal loading devices.

Make sure there is enough space between the dishes for washing. Objects should not tightly find each other. Nothing should prevent the spray arms from spinning. Place mugs, glasses with their mouths down so that water can wash them from the inside and drain freely. Set deep dishes at an angle.

Do not put very small kitchen items in the dishwasher, as they may fall out of the compartment.

Loading dishes into the Bosch dishwasher is carried out in the same order. First you need to clean the cutlery from food debris, then arrange it in accordance with the picture attached to the instructions for the machine.

The final stage of loading

After all the kitchen utensils are arranged, it is necessary to pour detergents into a compartment specially designed for this. Make sure that the indicated compartment is dry, otherwise the machine will not wash out all the powder from there, and particles of chemical compounds will remain on the dishes, and then mixed with food. This can lead to health problems.

So, you need to fill the powder. Its portion depends on the completeness of the load. Usually 30-60 g is enough. There are marks in the compartment for the amount of detergent to be poured. Rinse aid is poured into another compartment, its volume also depends on the degree of workload of the machine.

If washing tablets are used, then one piece is placed in the powder compartment.

Mode selection

Now you need to determine which washing program to set. For example, on a Bosch typewriter 4 modes:

  • 70 degrees for washing pots or heavily soiled dishes;
  • 50 degrees for washing medium soiled items;
  • 45 degrees for washing glass items or lightly soiled dishes;
  • rinse mode.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the last program. It must be used in cases where the food has already dried to the kitchen utensils. The machine will rinse the dishes, and the quality of subsequent washing will increase.

Cutlery items that can not be put in the dishwasher:

  • wooden plates and cutlery;
  • crystal and painted glass glasses;
  • kitchen items made of plastic, not intended for exposure to high temperatures;
  • utensils made of copper and tin.

Removing kitchen utensils

You should start unloading the dishwasher from the bottom section so that water from the top dishes does not get on the first tier. Although the appliance is equipped with a drying program, water drops still remain.

Thus, understanding how to properly load the dishwasher is not a very difficult task. Over time comes experience in properly stacking plates and bowls, arranging glasses and mugs, placing pans and pots. Subsequently, it will take very little time. Happy using!

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