How to put berries on a cake. Decorating a cake with fruits: delicious and beautiful

Decorating a cake with fruits and berries is always a winning decision. Such confectionery products look bright, festive, and most importantly, they are useful, since there are no dyes and harmful additives in the berry-fruit decor. Fruit cakes do not require special skills: cakes can be baked using any technology or bought in a store. We offer advice from experienced confectioners on how to decorate a cake with fruits or berries in various ways.

Rules for decorating cakes with fruits

A cake beautifully decorated with fruits will become a real gem of any celebration and a source of pride for the hostess. In order for the finished product to retain its shape, you must follow certain rules for decorating a cake with fruits:

  1. Preparation of cakes. They are well soaked in cream, to which, if desired, canned fruits are added. An important condition is that the last cake must be covered with a thin layer of cream layer. This will keep the fruit pieces from sliding off the dessert.
  2. Fruit. Decorate confectionery with fresh, frozen or canned fruits. Cakes decorated with fresh berries look more colorful and bright. Fruits harvested for future use must first be thawed, and the resulting juice must be drained from them before use. Throw the preservation on a sieve to drain the syrup. Fruits are laid out in the form of figures (heart, animals, flower, numbers, fairy-tale characters) or randomly. Do not forget about a reasonable combination of shades.
  3. Jelly. They are poured over a fruit-decorated cake so that they are better fixed on the surface of a sweet product. It is better to use ready-made jelly powder. It is enough to dilute it with water according to the instructions on the package, and pour the cake with liquid jelly.
  4. Additional decoration. Decorated with fruits, the cake is decorated with chocolate, powdered sugar, confectionery sprinkles and other elements. Pieces or whole fruits immersed in melted chocolate look elegant.
  5. Surface. Fruit decoration will ideally stick to the top cake, covered with whipped cream, cream, uncured icing. Mastic, marzipan and hardening glaze cannot be used.

Fruits are a great solution for decorating a cake and decorating other sweet products or pastries: muffins, muffins, pies, desserts.

Choosing fruits

Not all fruits can be used to decorate confectionery. To beautifully decorate the cake with fruits, choose each one carefully. Only strong fruits without dents, dark spots, cracks and other damage will do. Overripe and very juicy are not suitable, because the juice they secrete will spoil the presentation of the cake.

Most often used to decorate a cake:

  • pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, peaches, apricots (fresh or canned);
  • citrus fruits (tangerine, orange, grapefruit);
  • apples, pears, bananas, plums;
  • strawberries, blueberries, currants (black and red), grapes.

Some fruits, after defrosting, lose their taste and attractiveness. It is undesirable to decorate products with such fruits. In this list:

  • watermelon melon;
  • persimmon;
  • cherry, pomegranate;
  • gooseberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries;
  • lime.

If you plan to decorate a jelly-filled cake with kiwi or pineapple, then first pour boiling water over them. Otherwise, they will not allow the jelly mass to harden.

Preparation for registration

To start decorating a cake with fresh fruits and berries is to prepare the fruits.

For this you need:

  • choose beautiful, ripe, but strong fruits or berries;
  • wash them thoroughly under running water and dry on a towel;
  • remove leaves, seeds, stalk, from citrus fruits - peel, film;
  • remove seeds and cut.

For a beautiful design of a confectionery, fruits are cut in a certain way:

  • cut apples, pears, mangoes, kiwi and others into thin slices, circles;
  • apricots, peaches - in halves, as well as slices or quarters;
  • bananas - elongated circles;
  • fresh berries are usually put whole, it is allowed to cut only large grapes into halves.

If decorating with chopped apples, then sprinkle with lemon juice so that the used fruit does not darken.

From large fruits at home, you can cut roses, plates or various other shapes. Beautiful cutting will be obtained by using a knife with a thin blade or a special slicer.

The use of canned fruits involves leaning back on a sieve / colander to drain excess liquid.

When making a product, select fruits according to shape, size, color. Usually large fruits / berries are placed in the center, smaller ones - at the edges. The choice of color combinations depends solely on your imagination and artistic abilities.

How to decorate a fruit cake with your own hands

Decorating cakes with fruits is a simple (if you do not take into account complex options), fast and beautiful technique for decorating confectionery. There are many ways to decorate a cake with fruits and berries at home. We offer some options suitable for a novice confectioner:

  1. Minimalism. Requires a small amount of fruits and berries. They can be laid out on a cake smeared with cream, at a small distance from each other along the edges, in the center, on one side of the cake, based on what shape it is and how well your imagination works. Decorate the center of the product with a large fruit. Combine according to the color scheme: fruits of a contrasting color look optimal on a light cream.
  2. Rainbow. You will need fruits of several types and different colors (preferably from a rainbow palette). Cut the fruit and arrange in a circle, starting from the center and alternating in color. The sides can be decorated with fruit slices or cookies. You can conditionally (or gently with a knife) divide the surface of the cake, smeared with cream or whipped cream, into several zones, including the sides (triangles, stripes), then fill them with one layer of berries / fruits of different colors.
  3. Mono. A very elegant way to decorate sweets, when one type of fruit and berry is taken as the basis, a color contrasting with the creamy mass. For example, white and red, white and black, white and green, etc. Let your imagination run wild: there are a lot of options.
  4. Randomness. Cut fruits, take whole berries. Mix the prepared fruits in a cup and spread evenly over the top cake, the surface of which should be sticky. Usually they use kiwi, pineapple, currants, cherries, blueberries, citrus fruits.
  5. Flowers and ornament. From thinly sliced ​​apples, oranges and other fruits with a slicer, form beautiful voluminous flowers. Collect the slices into a rosette and place on the surface of the cake. Decorate the edges with grapes or other fruits. From berries of large sizes, you can lay out an ornament.
  6. Cubes. A delicacy in the shape of a hemisphere, decorated with fruit cubes, looks unusual and interesting. Cover with sticky cream. Lay out a circle of strawberries in the center, divide the remaining space into 6 equal parts and decorate them with cubes of orange, pineapple, banana, kiwi, currant berries.
  7. Volume. Prick prepared fruits and berries for decoration on a toothpick, and place on the surface of the cake. Any form can be chosen. This method will add volume to the confectionery product. Medium-sized fruits are optimal: strawberries, apricots, raspberries, cherries.
  8. A combination of large berries and fruit slices. Prepare tangerines, large grapes and mangoes (fresh or canned). In the center, lay out a flower from the mango slices, slightly overlapping each other. Lay grape halves and tangerine slices alternately around the perimeter.

As you can see, it is very easy to make an original fruit decoration of a confectionery product with your own hands. Do not be afraid to experiment: you can’t spoil the cake with fruit.

Fruit picking and decorating video

How to decorate a cake with frozen fruit

Frozen fruits are often used to decorate the cake with berries. The main thing is that fruits / berries do not lose their appearance after defrosting. Optimal for confectioners are pineapples, cherries and any berries. In this case, it is important to defrost them correctly. To do this, send the fruits taken out of the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator, and only then, after a few hours, continue defrosting at room temperature. This approach will keep the berries in shape and attractiveness.

For the base of the cake, take a cream with a dense consistency (cottage cheese or butter), which does not let the fruit juice that stands out after freezing. A confectionery product will have a more spectacular and delicate look if you pour its jelly on top.

Decoration with fruit and chocolate is considered popular. Experienced confectioners practice freezing fruits in chocolate. Immerse them in melted chocolate, spread them on parchment paper and send them to the freezer for a quarter of an hour. Then lay them on the chocolate cake, combining with citrus slices.

Cakes decorated with fruits and chocolate

Chocolate is recognized as universal for decorating confectionery products, which goes well with most products suitable for decoration.

Commonly used:

  1. Chocolate chip. Cover the sides and top surface of the cake, smeared with cream mass. Preparing it is very simple: grate a chilled chocolate bar or cut it with a knife.
  2. Chocolate glaze. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, mix with a little cream / milk. Treat the surface of the product with the prepared glaze or make chocolate smudges. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours before frosting the cake.
  3. "Lace" made of chocolate. Melted chocolate is a great opportunity to draw any pattern, figure, picture. Draw them on parchment, let them dry, and decorate the cake.
  4. Glazed fruits and berries are the best decoration for a chocolate cake. Dip the fruit in powdered sugar and then in hot chocolate icing. Place on oiled foil to set and decorate the cake with them.

Chocolate icing can decorate fruits and berries. Fill a confectionery syringe or parchment bag with melted chocolate, and paint the fruits as much as your imagination allows.

Decorating the cake with sweets, other sweets and mini chocolates will be a great addition to the chocolate and fruit decor.

How to decorate a cake with fruit in jelly

The best solution for decorating a biscuit is fruit in jelly. This allows you to create high multilayer products. Jelly-coated fruits and berries can decorate not only the surface, but also apply as a layer. In the latter case, a layer of thick cream, fruit jam, jam or soufflé is placed between the cake and the jelly-fruit mass. It is important to follow the recommendations of experienced confectioners when preparing jelly for decorating cakes with fruits.

You will need:

  • gelatin - 1 pack (20 g);
  • drinking water or juice - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.

First you need to prepare the jelly mass:

  • dissolve gelatin with water, mix thoroughly and let it brew for half an hour;
  • pour juice into an iron container, pour sugar and put on fire;
  • bring the mixture to a boil and pour in the gelatin with a stream, remembering to stir constantly until completely dissolved;
  • wait for the mixture to cool and thicken slightly.

Then, to decorate the cake with berries and fruits in jelly, the following work order:

  1. Apply a thin layer of confiture, jam on the surface of the cake. This will prevent the jelly from soaking into the cake.
  2. Place the sweet product in a detachable form, put on a confectionery ring of a suitable diameter and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours. Fruit for decoration should also be chilled.
  3. You need to start pouring the jelly cake in a spiral, moving from the center to the edges and evenly distributing the gelatinous mass. The jet must be very thin.
  4. It is important to choose the color of the jelly. Universal option - colorless. Red color is suitable for decorating strawberries, raspberries, currants, yellow - for bananas, pineapples, apricots, citrus fruits, etc. In this case, a small amount of dye must be added when cooking the gelatinous mass.

Be careful when gelling kiwi, pineapple, and citrus fruits. They can prevent freezing. To avoid this, pour boiling water over them.

Berries and fruits are cut into thin slices and laid out arbitrarily, based on the individual preferences of the novice confectioner or members of his family.

Decorating cakes with carving

A complex way to decorate cakes with fruits is carving - figured cutting. However, this technique is within the power of even novice masters. The main thing is to cut the fruits in a certain sequence with a thin knife.

You must have special tools - a slicer, a thin carving knife, a vegetable peeler.

It is better to start experiments with familiar fruits.

We offer some ideas for carving with an apple and pears:

  1. Apple basket. Cut the fruit in half, scoop out some of the pulp from one half with a spoon to simulate a basket. Cut a flower from the second, string it on a toothpick and insert it into the lower half (basket). Fill it with other fruits and berries. Such baskets can also be made from other oval-shaped fruits - mango, peach, etc.
  2. Flower. Cut the apple into halves, remove the stones and cut into very thin slices. Form a flower out of them. Apple slices can be blanched in syrup or covered with a thin layer of jelly.
  3. Leaves. In the center of the apple quarter, make a longitudinal notch, the edges are jagged, resembling leaves.
  4. Pear hedgehog. On the narrow side, peel the fruit by two-thirds. Simulate needles by inserting toothpicks with strung grapes into the pear. In the peeled part, make a nose and eyes with currants or blueberries.
  5. Strawberry flowers. You can cut the berries into thin slices, and put flowers out of them in the center of the cake. The best solution for a voluminous composition is to place it in a deepening of the cake or a chocolate vase. You can cut the berries to the base and slightly open the resulting petals. Then thread onto a skewer / toothpick and attach to the cake.
  6. Asterisks. Cut parallel notches along the peeled banana with a knife, and then cut into circles. Decorate the cake with the resulting stars in accordance with your idea.

With the help of berries and fruits, you can make original decorations without special tools. For example, small berries of different colors are suitable for laying out congratulations, pictures or other patterns on the cake that can be covered with jelly.

Decorating cakes with fruits and berries does not have strict standards and does not require special skills. The end result depends on the imagination, taste and invention of the confectioner. In any case, fruit and berry decoration always looks bright, festive and will be appropriate for any event.

The choice of decoration depends on the theme of the celebration.

  • for berry-fruit decor, cakes of any shape are suitable: round, oval, square, figured, etc .;
  • for children, figures of animals and fairy-tale characters carved from fruit are ideal;
  • flowers, geometric and other shapes (heart, sun, etc.) are considered universal decor;
  • fruits and small berries of different colors cut in various ways - the best solution for laying out ornaments and plot pictures;
  • cakes that are decorated with fruits doused in chocolate or sprinkled with powdered sugar, cinnamon, ground nuts, coconut flakes, poppy seeds, almond flakes, etc. look advantageous and original;
  • large fruits are placed in the center, small ones are laid out at the edges;
  • the best cream for a fruit cake is considered custard, protein or oil;
  • fruits or berries with sourness will help to balance the taste of dessert with too sweet cream;
  • pieces of fruits and berries can be put between the cakes: they are most often stuffed with canned peaches, pineapples, cherries;
  • Mint is recognized as the best addition to fruits, however, vegetables can also be chosen for decoration.

When using powdered sugar as a sprinkle, remember that the fruit must be dry.

Even if you randomly arrange fruits and berries on the cake, they will look original and beautiful on a lush cream layer.

A cake made and decorated with your own hands is always a favorite of any celebration. And if not everything conceived can be translated into reality the first time, do not despair. Spice up your confectionery masterpiece with a good mood, saturate it with love for loved ones. Do not be afraid to go too far with creativity, and then success and admiration of your relatives are guaranteed.

It is often difficult for an ordinary hostess to compete in decorating cakes with venerable confectioners, but fruit is a win-win option. They are always available for sale, do not require special culinary talent, and always look advantageous as a decoration due to their bright colors, different shapes and textures. Moreover, there are more benefits from such decoration, because. there are more vitamins than dyes and flavors in creams. Also, fruits go well with curd and yogurt creams, whipped cream and chocolate, jelly. The main thing is to make a layer of cream, jelly or icing on top of the cake so that the cakes do not become sour.

How to decorate a biscuit cake with berries and fruits in jelly?

Any berries and fruits, both seasonal and canned, will do, only if it is fruit from a jar that should be drained and allowed to drain on a sieve.

The combination of fruits and berries used for decoration, choose according to color, flavors, size, etc. depending on your preferences and those for whom you are cooking.

Choose fruits that are fresh and juicy in color, not overripe, without dots and cracks, if it is a strawberry, then you can use it with a stalk.

Wash and dry fruits before starting work. Remove pits (cherries, plums) and skins (citrus, pineapple, banana…).

For cutting, use a thin knife or a special slicer.

From large fruits, cut out fragments of decorations, circles, plates, etc., but remember, apples darken quickly, so sprinkle them with lemon juice.

You can make roses from apples or oranges. To do this, cut them into very thin slices. Apples should be slightly boiled in order to soften them. Twist one slice into a tube, and wrap the rest around each previous one.

Lay out the drawing guided by your imagination and artistic abilities, whoever has what, or if your imagination is not very good, use the options below.

Usually, small fragments of decoration are laid out along the edges, and large ones in the center.

In order for the composition not to fall apart and the fruits to look brighter and more appetizing, cover the finished decoration with special jelly for cakes. It is sold in any major store. They can generously grease the fruit with a brush, or you can pour it in a thin stream from the center to the edges. This must be done very quickly, because. this jelly hardens almost instantly. Of course, you can also take ordinary jelly, but it is worth remembering that such a filling will not freeze on kiwi and pineapple due to the content of specific substances in them.

How to decorate a cake with frozen fruit?

Only a few frozen fruits are suitable for decorating a cake, these are fruits that will not lose their shape, color and texture. For example, pineapple. But on the other hand, berries such as blueberries, currants, blackberries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries are wonderful.

The most important thing is to defrost them correctly so that they do not lose their shape, do not crack and do not drain much. It is better to do this slowly, gradually, for example, on the top shelf of the refrigerator, and then in the room. So there will be no strong temperature drop and all the berries will remain intact.

You can also freeze the berries already in chocolate, dipping each one and laying it on parchment.

For the base for decorations, a thick protein, oily, custard cream is suitable, such that the juice will not pass on the cakes.

The edges of the cake can be masked with cream, and on top, decorate everything with mint leaves. Decorate the sides with a carelessly flowing cream or lay out cookies around the circumference.

From above, it is better to cover the berries with a film of jelly, so they will look more spectacular.

How to decorate a cake with chocolate and fruits at home?

Chocolate is a universal decoration, because. Combines with almost any creams and foundations. And in combination with fruits, this is generally one of the most delicious and beautiful options.

You can dip fruits and berries in chocolate, squeeze out jewelry from a bag or syringe on top, sprinkle with crumbs, process corners, make streaks on the sides and, in the end, you can create whole plots with chocolate.

Fruit decorates not only store-bought cakes, but also homemade ones. True, in order for the cake to retain its beautiful appearance, fruits must be laid out according to certain rules. Otherwise, the pastry may simply get wet and blurry.

How to decorate a cake with fruits

First you need to prepare the cakes. As a base, any biscuits are suitable. After all, the main part of the cake is precisely fruits, protein cream or jelly layers. Prepare the cake, grease the cakes with cream. Top also grease the cake with cream, but only in a very thin layer. Any fruit is suitable for decorating the cake - citrus fruits, apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, grapes, etc. Berries are also very popular - currants, blackberries, strawberries, cherries and gooseberries. Some of them can be used whole, others can be cut into slices, circles, squares and other figures. To consolidate the result, it is best to fill the fruit with jelly. This is necessary so that the fruits do not lose their appearance: they do not wind up and do not dry out.

Alternatively, fruits can be boiled in sugar syrup before being placed on the cake. Such jelly does not need further pouring

Lay out a beautiful figurine from fruits. It can be a heart, a bow, a fish or some other picture. You can also lay out the fruits in a chaotic manner - in a circle or in stripes.

You can additionally decorate the fruits with which you will decorate the cake by dipping them in powdered sugar or melted chocolate.

If you are going to dip fruits or berries in powder, remember that they must be dry. Otherwise, the powder will simply be absorbed. Get wet and lose all its attractiveness

How to make fruit cake decorations

Fruit roses are very popular. One of the variants of such a decorative flower is made from apples and peaches. To prepare a flower you will need: - 1 glass of sugar; - 1 glass of water; - 1 apple; - 1 peach; - lemon peel.

Peel inside apples and peaches - remove seeds and cores. Cut fruits into thin slices. Cut the zest from the lemon. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water and bring them to a boil. Throw the fruit into the syrup and cook until it becomes translucent. Remove fruit and place on a plate to drain the syrup. Then roll each plate into a roll, wrapping one inside the other. It takes about 6 slices per rosette.

So that the finished flower does not darken and dry out, cover it with a thin layer of jelly

Alternatively, you can make a flower from an orange. For this you will need: - 1 orange; - cool jelly; - egg tray.

Wash the orange well and cut into thin circles. Dip each circle in jelly and roll the slices into a roll. Put the roll in the egg cavity in the tray, then the second, the third - and so on until you get a rose. Leave the flowers until completely solidified and then you can decorate the cake.

About the recipe for cooking Ukrainian dumplings with potatoes, you will read in the next article.

In order for the cake to turn out beautiful, you need to have certain skills. Young housewives, who have only recently started baking cakes, prefer fruit decorations. Indeed, this is the easiest way to make dessert attractive, however, it also has its own nuances.

You can decorate the cake with fruits in different ways. The choice depends on the preferences of those who will eat it, on the time of year and on what kind of fruit is used.

If it's summer outside, you have a huge selection of fruits and berries. It is best to use them fresh. The cake in the form of a berry basket looks very beautiful. Almost any garden and forest berries are suitable for her: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, currants, blueberries. In the cold period, you can take apples, grapes, kiwi, pears, plums, oranges.

Cake in the form of a berry-fruit basket

How to cook:

1. Take a biscuit cake, cut it lengthwise into several pieces about 1.5 cm thick. Soak the cakes with sweet syrup.

2. Prepare a light cream based on cottage cheese or yogurt, or take whipped cream for a layer. Oil creams are best not used in combination with fruits.

3. Assemble the base of the cake.

4. Make the walls of the basket. For this, wafer rolls, narrow long chocolates such as KitKat or savoiardi biscuit cookies are suitable. Glue them vertically to the sides with melted chocolate.

5. After you make the walls of the basket, secure them with a beautiful tape so that they stick more securely. This ribbon will be optional. It is cut at the time of serving.

6. Wash and dry the berries first.

7. Peel them from twigs and bones and put them on top of the cake. You can lay them in one layer or a slide. If you use different berries, lay out the large ones first, and fill in the gaps with the smaller ones.

8. Additionally, you can decorate such a cake with a few mint leaves or sprinkle it with powdered sugar just before serving.

Cake-basket can be prepared not only from berries, but also from any fruit. At the same time, they must be cut and put on the cake right before serving, otherwise they will become weathered and lose their attractive appearance. If you need to prepare everything in advance, coat the fruit with a special quick setting cake jelly. It grabs in seconds and does not spread.

How to make fruit arrangements

From fruits, you can lay out beautiful compositions, combining different tastes and colors. Any berries, fresh or canned fruits are suitable for this.

1. Large fruits are cut into plates about 5 mm thick and laid out like slices, overlapping one slice with another.

2. Small berries are used whole or cut in half, removing the seeds.

3. The grapes can be skinned. To make it easy to clean, just dip it in boiling water for a couple of seconds, then rinse in cold water.

How to make fruit flowers

Fruit flowers also look very beautiful on the cake.

1. Beautiful roses are obtained from canned peaches.
To make them, cut the fruit into very thin slices. Take a small piece of peach as the center of the flower, and wrap a few sliced ​​petals around it.

2. Beautiful rosebuds come from strawberries. To do this, cut it in several places to form petals.

How to make fruit jelly

Compositions of fruits must be covered with jelly to fix them and so that they do not fade and lose their appetizing appearance. You can cook it yourself from gelatin.

1. You will need a detachable form according to the size of the cake so that the mass does not leak out, because such jelly hardens for a very long time.

2. In addition, kiwi and pineapple cannot be used in such cakes, because. they contain an enzyme that breaks down protein, and jelly with these fruits does not freeze.

3. For cakes with fruit compositions, it is best to use a special quick-setting jelly, you can buy it at any supermarket.

4. You can also make agar agar jelly. It is combined with any fruit and hardens much faster than gelatin.

For information on how to make a grapefruit and pear pie, see the Sweet Stories program:

By decorating cakes with fruits, you can improvise and be creative, creating simple or intricate arrangements. The peculiarity of such cakes is that they cannot be repeated. Even taking the same set of fruits and placing them in the same sequence, each cake will turn out to be unique.

To surprise your household and guests, it is not enough to bake a delicious cake, you still need to decorate it beautifully. Decorating with chocolate is one of the most popular types of decorating desserts. You can decorate a cake with them in several ways, depending on the chosen idea.

Cake decoration with chocolate butterflies

The basis for decorating cakes with chocolate is the use of melted chocolate bars. It can be of any kind - black, chocolate or milk, it all depends on your wishes. Using, you can add any dye to it, giving the mass a certain color. It is necessary to melt a chocolate bar in a water bath, over low heat, in a microwave oven or by lowering the chopped chocolate bar into hot water, after wrapping it in plastic wrap.

To decorate the cake with chocolate butterflies, follow these instructions:

1. Having melted the chocolate, let it cool a little and put it in a pastry bag or a regular plastic bag.

2. Now take the parchment and cut it into strips measuring 2 cm × 10 cm.

3. Brush the parchment strips thoroughly with a brush, connect them with confectionery clips so that they are in contact with the edges. Send these chocolate blanks to the refrigerator to harden.

4. When the chocolate is completely hardened, carefully separate the parchment from it and fold a large lush bow from the resulting blanks. To connect the chocolate parts to each other, it is necessary to use melted chocolate mass.

Decorate the finished cake with such a decorative element.

Chocolate leaves for decorating cakes

To make chocolate leaves, you need to pick any leaves you like, wash them and wipe them dry with a paper towel. Lubricate the green leaf liberally with chocolate on top, put it on a plate and send it to the refrigerator to harden.

You need to grease the leaves with melted chocolate on the reverse side, since there are much more veins there, so the leaves will turn out to be more beautiful.

These blanks can be used to decorate cakes with chocolate and fruits, beautifully laying chocolate leaves and raspberries on it. This dessert looks very beautiful and appetizing.

Openwork chocolate elements for decorating the cake

There are many ways to decorate a cake with chocolate. In addition to traditional roses, bows and leaves, openwork chocolate elements are popular with confectioners. Such an unusual decoration of the cake with chocolate in this photo:

It looks so chic that many housewives do not believe that such a decoration can be made at home.

The process of creating openwork elements:

1. Melt the chocolate bar over low heat.

2. While the chocolate is melting, on parchment paper, draw anything - flowers, ornaments, butterflies, hearts, snowflakes.

3. Dial the hot chocolate mass with a confectionery syringe, and circle all the drawings on the parchment along the outline.

4. When all the work is done, send the cake decorations to the refrigerator to set.

5. Carefully separate the frozen openwork decorations from the parchment and use as directed.

Here in the photo, chocolate decoration in the form of openwork elements gives the cake a festive and appetizing look:

Making fruits in chocolate with your own hands

Fruits in chocolate icing look very appetizing, they can be served on the table in the form of treats or decorate a birthday cake with them. Decorating fruits in chocolate can be entrusted even to children, as it is an easy and exciting process.

For such a beautiful decoration of fruits, you will need quite a bit:

  • chocolate bar;
  • fruits or berries;
  • nuts, coconut flakes - optional;
  • parchment paper;
  • toothpicks.

The process of decorating fruits looks like this:

1. Wash the fruits, cut if necessary and dry well on a napkin.

2. Prepare coconut flakes and nuts for fruit garnish, pour out of the bags into bowls.

3. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces and melt in a water bath or microwave until liquid.

4. Take fruits or their pieces in your hand or pierce with a toothpick and completely or half dip into the melted chocolate mass.

5. Dip fruit after chocolate in coconut flakes or chopped nuts.

6. Fruits or berries in chocolate glaze Lay carefully on a parchment-lined platter.

7. Put the fruit dish in the refrigerator so that the chocolate icing hardens well.

If you chose apples or pears for chocolate decoration, peel them first. Before dipping fruits in the chocolate mass after you have washed them, they should be dried well, otherwise the chocolate will drain from them along with the water.

Such delicious and beautiful decorations are great for decorating a birthday cake. Possible options for decorating cakes with fruits and chocolate in this photo:

Making chocolate with your own hands is easy, pleasant and exciting. Having shown imagination, you can create the most unusual and original decor for sweets prepared at home.
