Why the cat is shitting in a dream: possible changes in the dreamer's fate. What is dreaming about if a cat or a cat has spoiled: meaning from dream books

Feces in a dream often dream of money or unexpected surprises. How to understand the meaning of a dream in which a person dreamed of cat feces? Most interpreters are sure that seeing cat excrement in a dream is auspicious events. However, if they happened to be removed or eaten, the meaning of the dream may change.

What if you dream of cat feces?

In Miller's dream book, feces, regardless of who they belong to, are harbingers of wealth. The interpreter is convinced that money after such a dream will fall on a person’s head unexpectedly and without much effort on his part. The more feces were present in night dreams in the cat's tray, the more he will have to enrich himself in reality.

Did a man dream of cat excrement in a manure pit? In real life, a pleasant gift awaits him. For a farmer, a dream with such a plot portends a successful harvest. Did you happen to step foot in cat feces in a dream? Such a nuisance will turn a person in reality into receiving an insignificant monetary reward.

If a cat in a dream put a bunch on the dreamer's plate, then in the near future he is not afraid of hunger and lack of money. A dream in which cat excrement was found under the bed promises a sleeping person an increase in offspring. Did the dreamer have fecal masses on the threshold of the apartment? In reality, they will pay him for the work done long ago.

A pile on the windowsill promises a sleeping person the return of a long-standing debt. If in dream cat feces the dreamer met at every turn, then in the near future he should expect the arrival of rich relatives or friends to visit.

Had a dream about removing feces from the tray of your fluffy pet? According to David Loff, a dream with such a storyline warns a person that soon he will have to look for an explanation for his actions, deeds and words. The interpreter recommends that the dreamer follow emotions and statements, otherwise he will not be able to avoid awkward moments and all the efforts that he will make for his own justification will be unsuccessful.

The Eastern dream book is sure that cleaning cat excrement from the tray portends the dreamer to conclude an important financial deal. If during the cleaning process a person gets dirty in feces, then the business he started will bring solid profits and allow him to secure a comfortable existence for himself and his family for many years. In a dream, did a person clean up a pile after a cat and stay clean? In reality, he should only count on a small income.

What portends?

How to decipher a dream in which cat excrement was seen in a person's mouth? The ancient soothsayer Nostradamus did not see a bad omen in such a dream. He was sure that the feces in the mouth promise a sleeping person an improvement in his financial situation. To get rich, he does not need to work hard and long. Money will flow to the dreamer in an endless stream if, in communicating with others, he begins to use his innate eloquence and ability to convince.

In Longo's dream book, a dream with cat feces in the mouth is considered evidence of the greed and greed of a sleeping person. The interpreter recommends that the dreamer think less about money and help people with good intentions, without thinking about rewards. In the Gypsy dream book, such a dream testifies to the excessive talkativeness of a sleeping person. Not knowing how to keep his mouth shut, he risks running into serious trouble. The dream book advises a person to be silent if no one asks him to speak.

Almost all interpreters are sure that seeing cat excrement in a dream is a sign that portends receiving money and solving material problems. However, dream books warn that wealth will bring joy and happiness to the dreamer only if he manages to properly dispose of it.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: "If a cat is shitting in a dream" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

interpretation of sleep cat shat

The dream book interprets a dream with a cat as a harbinger of a problem, unless, of course, you were lucky enough to drive it away. When you dream that a cat has spoiled, a dream predicts a collision with an ill-wisher.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

interpretation of sleep cat shat

Cat feces or urine is interpreted as a harbinger of the immoral behavior of the sleeping person, as well as his fall into sin.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

what is the cat dreaming about

The dream interpretation describes such a dream as a warning. You have to get a “knife in the back” from a loved one.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dreamed cat shat

The dream interpretation also interprets cat feces in the house as treason or betrayal. If you saw in a dream that a cat or a cat urinated, then expect a scandal with your loved one.

Freud's dream book

what does it mean if a cat shat in a dream

To see that a cat or a cat has spoiled (a) portends a fall into sin, as well as a meeting with a greedy and selfish person.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

the cat shat in a dream what is it for

A dream with a cat that has shat, portends to the sleeper that he will be ashamed of his immoral deeds.

French dream book

cat shat in a dream

The dream book interprets a dream with a cat walking in the house as an upcoming quarrel with a person from a close circle.

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The feces seen in a dream, whether it be human feces or animal excrement, usually symbolize unexpected profit or a gift. But is this interpretation applicable to all stools? Let's take cat feces as a basis and check with dream books what they dream of.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller believed that any feces, whether human or cat, meant a quick enrichment. Moreover, it is easy - money seems to “fall from the sky” on the dreamer.

Do you see in a dream how a cat put a pile in a dung pit? An excellent dream, which means a pleasant surprise, and for farmers and all those involved in farming and vegetable growing, this dream promises a good harvest. Stepping into cat feces is a sign of receiving a small amount of money as a gift.

The location of the feces will tell about further events

An important factor for obtaining an accurate interpretation of sleep is the thorough decomposition of dreams into details. Sometimes, the smallest detail seen in a dream radically changes the meaning and meaning of the dream. In order not to get into trouble, interpreting what cat excrement is dreaming of, specify exactly where you saw them in a dream. So:

  • on your own plate - you are not afraid of “hungry years”, you will have enough money;
  • a bunch lies at your doorstep - you will receive money for work done a long time ago;
  • the cat shat under the bed or on the bed - perhaps an addition to the family awaits you;
  • dreamed of many heaps scattered around the garden or yard - for the arrival of wealthy guests;
  • on the windowsill or balcony - you will be returned the old debt.

Cleaning up "disgrace", or From shame to success

A separate topic for interpretation of what cat feces dream of is their cleaning. If in a dream you had to clean your cat's toilet, then be prepared that soon you will have to make excuses to someone for your actions or words. Learn to restrain your emotions so as not to suffer from embarrassment, advises pastor Loff's dream book.

Other interpretations of dreams in which you remove cat excrement are given by the Eastern Dream Book. According to him, such stories may be dreamed of before concluding an important deal. You see that you managed to clean up, but you are smeared from head to toe - you can count on solid dividends. Cleaning up and staying clean is a worse interpretation, as it predicts an insignificant income.

What do cat feces in the dreamer's mouth promise?

A rather strange and unpleasant plot, surprisingly, is found on the pages of many dream books. And each of them has their own opinion on this matter.

The interpreter of Nostradamus assures that dreaming of cat excrement in the mouth promises an increase in capital to a person who has seen this in a dream. And he will achieve this solely by his ability to speak and convince.

The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician, interpreting why such pictures dream, speaks of the dreamer's greed and self-interest. But the interpretations of the medium Miss Hasse and the Gypsy dream book coincide, and they mean the inability of a person to remain silent and not speak out when he is not asked.

Why is the cat dreaming according to Azar's collection of dreams? You should not expect specific failures, but take a closer look at those who “softly spread” you and try with all their might to ingratiate themselves, say a lot of pleasant words, praise you in person. These people are not as affectionate as they try to show themselves. Behind the dreamer's back, they spread dirty rumors. Azar's dream book suggests moving to the side. Cats can also be aggressive. If this is an adult cat, expect similar reactions from your enemies to blocking your activities. When we see a rabid kitten in a dream, the people around you have a different attitude towards you, but they can appear outwardly in the same way.

Azar's dream interpretation interprets your dream as follows:

What do cats do in their sleep.

The small dream book of Veles explains the cat as a warning about imminent danger. They want to use the money of the owner of the dream, robbery on the street is not excluded. An absurd situation - I dreamed of a cat splashing on the waves. In life, the situation with the participation of the dreamer in it will be so ridiculous and, like a long-drying cat hair from water, it will not be necessary to quickly eliminate all the consequences of an awkward situation.

If you come across a skinny, miserable and dirty cat - expect bad news: one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover. What is the dream of a cat shitting on the floor A biting cat, according to the interpretation of Veles' dream book, broadcasts trouble for both a man and a woman. for a man, a pet biting him means slander and persecution against him, and a woman will experience mental trauma associated with the betrayal of a loved one or his betrayal.

Sleep results:

To catch a cat is to discover the source of gossip. A black cat is evil from an unknown enemy / any evil acting from the outside as a result of weakness and disharmony of mental life / evil spells in the power of a person / demonic personality. , the dream book advises to remember

In dreams, a cat symbolizes female attractiveness, magnetism and sensuality.

Its presence in the house has a positive effect on the economy and livestock.

A caressing cat (cat) is an insidious temptress (seducer) and her machinations / misfortune in the cat's owner's house.

The cat is walking towards you, crossing the road - a meeting with the enemy, a fake person / adultery, debauchery and bad consequences from them.

The cat is running - you missed something.

Being bitten or scratched by a cat is a disease / slander / evil machinations or resentment of its owners against you.

Blog answers.

New entries. Tryffelka on Parents dreamed of a man in a towel smile dressing table sleepy husband Discussion online.

To dream if a pregnant woman gives birth to a cat is interpreted as a fear for the upcoming birth. Why is the cat dreaming of spoiling the interpretation of sleep from dream books.

Kukriniksy on Do not be afraid, this is a Gravatar It is needed to be able to change the profile picture.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

To cause harm, pain to a cat - to have an unclean conscience. the cat shat on the dream book.

Why dream of a cat shitting on the floor in other dream books

  • Assyrian dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Azar
  • Dream Interpretation of David Loff
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation
  • Lunar dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Miller's dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Dreams for pregnant women

The cat in the dream is a rather curious character. And it is impossible to interpret it unambiguously. In a dream, this character can symbolize ingratitude or independence, as well as reflect the current situation or warn of future changes. Popular dream books will help answer the difficult question: why is the cat dreaming?

Opinion of D. Loff's dream book

Dreamed of a cat? Traditionally, a character in a dream has several basic meanings. First of all, it is associated with intuition and even magic. If a cat appeared in the night, then he can safely rely on his inner gut.

Koshak also symbolizes the desire to learn the secret witchcraft art and occult science. If your own cat appeared in a dream, then, most likely, we are talking about the transfer of everyday life to dream events.

What does the female dream book think

Why is the cat dreaming at all? He is identified in a dream with some kind of trouble and irritation of the dreamer himself. Moreover, the streak of bad luck will last until you kill the cat in a dream.

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful fluffy cat, then she would fall into a trap set by enemies. The dream interpretation recommends relying on common sense and not taking hasty steps. If a dirty, skinny, tortured cat appeared in a dream, then you will suffer from something bad deed.

The answer of the modern combined dream book

What is the dream of a very dirty, skinned cat? This means that bad news about an absent person will soon come. But if in a dream you managed to drive the cat away, then everything will cost literally “little blood”.

If a cat was dreamed of by a person engaged in trade, then competitors can bypass it. To avoid this, devote maximum time and attention to work. Hearing a loud cat meow in a dream means that an imaginary friend wishes you harm and is ready to do insidious deeds.

What does it mean if in a dream a cat made friends with a snake? A fierce competition is coming. Moreover, the opponent is too well aware of your plans, so put things in order and protect important information.

Interprets the dream book from A to Z

Dreamed of a cat? The dream interpretation believes that a person whom you completely trusted will deceive. If in a dream a cat attacked and scratched, then in reality there is a risk of encountering hooligans or rapists.

At night, you looked in the mirror and saw an unfamiliar cat there? Prepare for loss and disappointment. If the cat jumped onto the bed, then an intimate date is coming. Did the dreaming cat look like a scary monster? A long period of continuous failure is approaching.

Why is a cat meowing loudly dreaming? Next to you is a deceitful and unreliable person. The interpretation of sleep is greatly enhanced if there were several cats in a dream. Have you ever heard the mournful meow of a stray cat at night? The closest people will no longer understand you, which will cause a wave of discontent and irritation.

Had a dream that a domestic cat caresses and meows softly? You will have to make a difficult choice. The worst thing is to hear the piercing cry of a fighting cat. The dream interpretation is sure: it portends the beginning of a fierce struggle with competitors. And it can end with your own ruin.

Had a dream about petting or feeding a cat? In return for a good deed, you will receive blatant ingratitude. If you managed to kill a cat, then be prepared for the betrayal of a loved one.

Seeing a black cat, according to the dream book, can be unfortunately and a dangerous situation. The white cat symbolizes in a dream a cunning trap that you will avoid thanks to sanity. Did you happen to see that two cats rush to fight? Serious difficulties are coming in a romantic relationship.

Interprets Miller's dream book

If a young girl dreamed of a beautiful young cat, then she risks falling into a bad story with unpleasant consequences. In a dream, a completely white cat hints at a cunning deception. But the dream book is sure: you can avoid problems if you turn on common sense and logic. It seemed that the snake bit the cat? In reality, ill-wishers will try to harm you, but in the end they themselves will suffer.

What is the dream of a dirty, ragged cat of a motley color? This is a sign of external tinsel, after which the essence should be considered. Seeing a dark-colored cat means that for some time you will literally be haunted by minor troubles. You can stop this situation only by killing any cat in a dream.

Opinion of the dream book Denise Lynn

Why is the cat dreaming? In a dream, he can be identified with the subconscious and intuition. At the same time, it is a symbol of strength and independence, nobility and self-sufficiency.

Dreamed of a black cat? The dream book predicts: in the real world, a character can become a guarantee of fantastic luck, or the cause of many troubles. It all depends on how the dreamer himself relates to this animal.

Contrary to expectations, the white cat is just as negative a symbol. He warns of confusion, uncertainty, as well as a situation that will entail a long period of difficulties.

Interpretation of Dasha's dream book

Dreamed of a cat? In a dream, this is one of the most difficult symbols to interpret. But the dream book believes that most often he personifies an unreliable man leading a wild life.

If a man dreamed of a cat, then there is a possibility that he will soon meet an independent and self-sufficient lady. Seeing several fighting cats in a dream means that a chain of minor but tedious troubles and conflicts is approaching.

Tells the eastern female dream book

Why does a dirty cat dream most often? His appearance in a dream marks the receipt of bad news, especially about people who are absent at the current time. But to kill or drive away a cat in a dream literally means to avert trouble from a loved one.

Have you ever heard a cat's loud and nasty meow at night? The person you thought was a friend will turn out to be your worst enemy.

Dreamed of a snow-white cat? Troubles are approaching that you will not betray, but as a result they will turn into a big disaster. The black cat, according to the dream book, in a dream symbolizes the dark thoughts or intentions of the dreamer himself.

Decoding according to the general dream book

Dreamed of an unfamiliar cat? You will have a new assistant. If you manage to injure or even kill a cat, you will gain wealth. Seeing how another character did it means that a loved one will get rich.

Why dream if the cat has bitten hard? Be prepared for a series of small worries. But if the cat pretty much bit someone else, then the dream book suggests that serious changes are coming that will affect others. And you in this event assigned one of the main roles.

In a dream, you decided to buy a cat? In reality, you have to spend a lot. If you sold a pet, then life, in particular family life, will soon get better.

Feeding a cat in a dream means that all troubles will happen through your own fault. Did you dream that you gave the cat water or milk? Be careful at the holiday: you run the risk of getting drunk and embarrassing or blurting out too much.

Why dream - the cat is gone, the cat that has disappeared for a long time has returned

If you dreamed that a cat that had disappeared for a long time had returned, then events from the past will soon remind you of themselves. The same plot hints that you are aware of your great guilt before someone, perhaps this is a loved one or even a child.

Why dream that your own cat is gone? A period of trouble is coming, but they will be of much lesser significance and scope, because the cat literally “led away” trouble. Such a vision most often promises good changes.

But if in a dream a completely unfamiliar cat appeared in your house, then expect trouble. If, in addition, the cat has also turned into a person, then the enemy or competitor will cause serious problems. Did you see your beloved cat, who has long been dead? In his person, you received support from the Higher Forces.

Dreamed of a dead cat

In general, the hand-made killing of a cat in a dream is an ambiguous phenomenon. On the one hand, it’s good to kill a dirty cat, thereby you will avoid troubles in reality. On the other hand, this action symbolizes the betrayal of a lover. Another interpretation of the dream says: if you intentionally killed a harmless cat, then a series of major troubles will begin.

What is the dream of an already dead animal? Most often, vision promises health difficulties and general decline. If you dreamed of a corpse with a bad smell, then difficulties will come from the past, or you will be suddenly disappointed. If the dead cat did not cause discomfort, then suddenly luck or big money will fall on your head. A half-decomposed corpse also warns of the collapse of planned events due to an unusual set of circumstances.

Talking cat in dreams

Sometimes in a dream you can see real miracles and they always have their own explanation. What is the dream of, for example, a talking cat? Be prepared for serious financial losses. If you dreamed of a very unusual cat, then get ready for waking miracles or experiences.

Tip: try not to pay much attention to the words of the cat and generally, if possible, do not enter into a conversation with him .. Under the appearance of a cute cat, an unfriendly otherworldly creature may be hiding, which will lead you on the wrong path or harm in another way.

What does a cat in the blood mean

What is the dream of a cat in the blood? This is a sign of anxiety and illness. Difficulties in the business field will also be added to them. Seeing cat blood on your hands means that you will fail if you do not pay attention to your household and your health. Worst of all, if in a dream it happened to find your own cat in wounds or with a cut throat. This is a sign of serious witchcraft directed at you.

Why dream if a cat bites, scratches

Had a dream that a cat scratched you? In reality, hear accusations and condemnation. But the most annoying thing is that most of the words will be true. If a cat scratches in a dream, then for some time you will be constantly annoyed and unhappy with everything in the world.

Why else dream that the cat is scratching? You will be offended and humiliated, and you will not be able to answer. Cat scratches on the body symbolize betrayal and deceit. If it seemed that in the night you were bitten and scratched by a cat, then a major quarrel is coming, up to scuffle. In a dream, the cat literally attacked, tried to scratch out his eyes, and bitten hard? You risk losing property and money.

What does it mean if a cat crap

I dreamed. what did the cat shit in the middle of the room? Expect small profits. In a dream, did you manage to step into cat poop? You are trying to achieve the goal, not shunning the use of prohibited methods. Beware: this approach can be too costly.

Why dream if the cat pooped the whole apartment? This is a good sign - you are destined for wealth and respect. Sometimes the interpretation of sleep is not so rosy. For example, if a cat shits in shoes, then expect meanness from friends. But if you accidentally joined a bunch, then the moment has come when you should get rid of everything superfluous, whether it be emotions, relationships or business.

Why in a dream a cat catches a mouse

Did you dream that the cat caught the mouse? Safely get rid of troubles and enemies. The same plot hints at difficulties due to gossip. In a positive interpretation, a cat that catches a mouse symbolizes a gift or a good purchase.

It's good to see a cat holding a mouse in its mouth. Get friendly support at the right time. But if in a dream the mouse ran away from the cat, then you will have to participate in a scandal that will happen in a strange house. This is also indicated by the plot in which the cat eats the rat.

What does it mean if a cat climbed out the window, ran into the house

If before your eyes a cute cat climbed out the window, then in reality you show excessive curiosity. Sometimes the vision reflects self-knowledge and spiritual quest. If the cat, climbing out the window, broke it, then you will be unreasonably accused of treason, and in general they will spread dirty gossip about your non-existent adventures.

Did you dream that a dirty cat ran into the house? You will suffer from someone else's bad deed. If a skinny shabby cat has nailed to the house, then expect dirty tricks from ill-wishers. It is also a sign of uncertainty or ruin.

Why does a cat dream of a woman, a man

A cat in a dream most often personifies a person who will have an important impact on your destiny, both in a negative and a positive way. If a man was scratched by a cat, then he risks twisting the relationship with deceitful people.

If a woman dreamed of a cat, then she would meet a young man who would bring confusion into her life and cause major emotional experiences. If the sight of a cat literally fascinated you in a dream, then your loved ones love you and others respect you.

Cat in a dream - approximate transcripts

It is impossible to say unequivocally what exactly the cat is dreaming of. This animal has the unique ability to live in two worlds at the same time, so do not be surprised that your own pet accompanies you on nightly adventures. But it is better to be wary of unfamiliar cats and not to enter into direct contact with them. It is necessary to interpret the dream image taking into account the personal life situation and the circumstances of the vision. In addition, there are common transcripts:

  • fluffy, energetic - prosperity, close luck
  • thin, sick - irritability, trouble
  • white - acquaintance, it is possible that with a gigolo
  • black - misfortune or, conversely, great luck
  • redhead - passionate romance, money
  • gray - monotony, boring problems
  • smoky - calmness, stability
  • spotted - married man
  • brindle - threats, persecution
  • Siamese - adventure, boyfriend
  • dead - deceit, loneliness, money
  • stray - mercy, understanding
  • wild - scandal with neighbors
  • young - betrayal of a friend
  • old - wisdom, knowledge
  • own, dirty - pet disease
  • home - cheating spouse is possible
  • with green eyes - deceit, recovery
  • with yellow - danger, direct threat in a dream
  • with different - extraordinary talents, including magic
  • laps milk - affectionate friend, profit
  • washes - there will be guests
  • climbs a tree - the visit of an unkind person
  • on the table - trouble, misfortune
  • on hands, knees - a new thing
  • sharpens claws - enemies are activated
  • scraping the floor - weather change
  • broke dishes - family scandal
  • fell out of the window, from the balcony - a big surprise
  • ran into the house - misfortune, problems
  • presented - evil intentions, chores
  • crap - trouble / money
  • wrote to bed - serious changes for the worse
  • played - good luck, a surge of energy
  • sneezes - fantastic luck
  • runs away - general improvement
  • crosses the road - bad luck / incredible luck
  • sitting at the door - profit, gossip
  • on the road, prevents you from passing - a threat, danger
  • scratches - lies, gossip
  • bites - betrayal, the need for resistance
  • hisses - change of situation, unkind thoughts
  • meows - shame, trial
  • haunts - money / bad luck
  • sleeping on the couch - peace in the house
  • a lot of cats - a false environment
  • let into the house - problems due to children
  • buy - useless chores
  • give away - getting rid of problems
  • feed - wait for profit
  • ironing - idleness, a dangerous occupation
  • train - good luck in business
  • to beat a cat - ingratitude
  • kick out of the house - danger, trouble
  • to catch is a new friend
  • knock down by car - victory over the enemy
  • drown - gloomy prospects, bad changes
  • to see cat meat - cruelty, savagery

If in a dream you personally managed to eat cat meat, then a great misfortune will come to the house that will affect the whole family. Had a dream that you tried to kill a cat, but could not do it? In reality, you will get a lot of problems due to false rumors.

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    General interpretation. Human and animal feces seen by us in dream, almost always to the benefit and profit. If you blindly follow this, then in any business you will not be required to make any efforts, and everything is based on banal luck. But not everything is so simple, friends! This dream book also contains an alternative interpretation of what dreaming poop. feline excrement - to small money scams from your enemies, dog shit - to a meeting with former classmates, which will end in a grand scandal! Read completely

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    Dream interpretation mouse poop in dream. Manure, shit, feces, feces, poop animals. Dung is a symbol of income and profit. If in your dream shit a cat or cat, dream means meanness from a person from your environment. How to call prophetic dreams? if you dreamed your own shit, then you yourself will be disgraced. If someone else's, and in dream you will see everything from the outside, in the same way in reality you will witness someone else's shame. Read completely

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    Kal, poop in dream dreamed your own shit, then you yourself will be disgraced. If someone else's, and in dream Read completely

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    Such dream portends big trouble. Kal, poop in dream mean that you will find yourself in an unpleasant, awkward situation and will experience a feeling of shame or disgrace, and the situation itself will arise spontaneously and will not particularly depend on your actions. How to cause prophetic dreams? if you dreamed your own shit, then you yourself will be disgraced. If someone else's, and in dream you will see everything from the outside, in the same way in reality you will witness someone else's shame. Read completely

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    Kal, poop in dream mean that you will find yourself in an unpleasant, awkward situation and will experience a sense of shame or disgrace, and the situation itself will arise spontaneously and will not particularly depend on your actions. If you dreamed your own shit, then you yourself will be disgraced. If someone else's, and in dream you will see everything from the outside, just as in reality you will witness someone else's shame. Stepping on, getting into a mess, getting dirty, getting dirty in shit means shame and disgrace. Read completely

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    dreamed feline poop▼. dreamed poop, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming poop in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it!Read more

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    dreaming in dream Bowel movements - mostly dream dreaming to large incomes, and which will bring even losing operations. dreamed crap one's pants - and see full panties poop, it's bad dream, he predicts waste. For what dreaming poop - if you wanted to fart and pooped in your pants, then you really need to be on the alert - somewhere you don’t calculate the syly at all. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Clean feline poop dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Clean up feline poop? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Such dream portends big trouble. Kal, poop in dream mean that you will find yourself in an unpleasant, awkward situation and will experience a feeling of shame or disgrace, and the situation itself will arise spontaneously and will not particularly depend on your actions. How to cause prophetic dreams? if you dreamed your own shit, then you yourself will be disgraced. If someone else's, and in dream you will see everything from the outside, in the same way in reality you will witness someone else's shame. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonvryky"

    dreamed mouse feces, mine, human (human), dogs (canine), rats, cats (feline, cat). Dream serves as a warning to a person that in life one should take care not so much of the accumulation of material wealth as of the purity of one's soul. poop dream book of Juno. Excrements in Juno's dream book are interpreted as treasures and various material benefits. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "somn"

    acquaintance from the institute (Czech, trainee, student, and even teaches with us). I tell him that my kitten (4 months old) sometimes gets into his poop when doing things in the tray. he says that he has a 5-month-old kitten that also suddenly began to get into his poop. said it had to do with puberty. So it goes. Actually, I don't talk to this guy. never. To quickly move from one found sleep to another, use on the page sleep wonderful arrows ← and →. Looking for in dream books dreamed symbol?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams and dreams Bed feline poop Mom's apartment. Didn't put the chicken heart in dream. to me dreamed that it’s like I’m going with my mother to a road McDonald’s (where cars are serviced) and all this happens in America and I speak English, but I speak English rather poorly, just like in life, which means we take food from the side of the street and it is, as it were, in a closed box in it a set of different foods, and all this. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    See poop in dream. Interpretation dreams poop online for free, dream book - Interpretation dreams Houses of the Sun. This is the name and surname and he will stay with us overnight and wakes him up to sleep where he made a bed for him. Then I went into the kitchen, and there were a lot feline I apologize for the expression. Why is this dreamed. such dream: I was in my apartment, in the company of a large polar bear, a white rat, and cats (cat dreamed own home is not white). Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming The Bears poop in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    A little later I dreamed that I walk in the rays, but I'm in rubber boots and don't get wet. In general, I often dreaming dreams when someone is rushing to my apartment (room), but I don’t let it in. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming The Bears poop in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Bed feline poop Mom's apartment. Dream Interpretation - Magic in dream. Dream with complex plot and complex images. To interpret it correctly, all the smallest details are needed. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming IN poop boy in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "5.hidemyass"

    Meaning sleep according to Dream Interpretation Toilet, dream Toilet without a toilet bowl, value sleep Toilet feces, interpretation sleep Toilet urine, and other interpretations dreams: toilet paper, excrement, clean up feces, feces, feces in mouth, feces eat, feces poop, Cal feline, Feces with worms, Feces with blood, Feces with worms. You can find out the details and ways to implement the planned changes in reality by remembering and analyzing each image of what you saw. dreamed excrement, feces, poop in dream, Liquid human feces - to wealth. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Analysis sleep The Bears. Bear in dream. dreamed that we are with children and other people (there are acquaintances) in the forest (it’s very good there, everything is green), I don’t remember what we were doing there, but suddenly we saw a bear, huge, that didn’t say anything, he was just a giant, and here he is moving towards us, climbing over some pipes[ Home | Interpretation dreams]. See in dream. Bear Cage Polar Bear Bear Apples Bear Inheritance Bear Three Bears Bear Wedding Dress Bears poop poop bathroom in poop feline poop.

Here people with experience do not talk about what a poop is dreaming of. Many of them, in the course of their own lives, have come to a pleasant truth. Feces appear in dreams as a harbinger of profit. Often the amount of this unpleasant mass is proportional to the size of future income. Our ancestors were especially happy if they happened to see the results of a child's life.

After such a dream, there is nothing to worry about. Children's poop is dreaming - you will be surprised at the significant amount that came from nowhere. It will be a very pleasant surprise. The subconscious is trying to prepare you for a miracle. If you notice the sex of the child, then you can develop a clue to sleep. The boy crap one's pants, which means they will pay you for the work done.

Why do poop dream, many sources interpret. The modern dream book considers this a favorable sign. Agreeing with the grandmothers, the authors of this authoritative interpreter believe that this image promises a pleasant receipt of money, the opportunity to break out of the clutches of economy at least for a while. In addition, such a vision suggests that you can take on risky business.

Dream interpretation

Consider what options various dream books offer us.

In addition, we give some general interpretations of feces in a dream according to sleep situations.

  • Swim in feces. It promises a possible income, but you will most likely refuse a profitable offer, and in the end you will regret it later.
  • Poop in the water. You have enough money but overspend. As a result, you doom yourself to continuous work.
  • Poop in the mouth. A double symbol, it can also talk about your dirty speech and incontinence, and about earning money thanks to your own eloquence.
  • Lots of faeces. Often interpreted as a symbol of your weak will. You cannot refuse anyone and show your own position, and you suffer from this.
  • Light feces. Talks about your optimistic attitude towards reality. You look much more positively than others at the environment, but now your optimism is drying up. You need to find new resources and regain a positive attitude towards everything.
  • Dry feces. Talks about general stagnation and routine in your daily life. It is useful for you to somehow diversify your everyday life, and reconsider your existence. You are stuck in outdated opinions and habits, you need something new.

Is sleep always good?

In general, interpreters agree that feces almost always portend good. Nevertheless, when figuring out what a poop is dreaming of, it is necessary to pay attention to the nuances of interpretations. It is worth remembering if you had any unpleasant feelings when the night vision actions developed. Maybe the image caused squeamish sensations, a desire to urgently wash?

Then the vision must be interpreted differently. Most likely, a person will fall under the scope of evil gossip. It's annoying, but there's no need to despair. A lot of poop is dreaming, which means people have seen something unworthy in your behavior. One said, the other passed it on to the neighbors, the third misunderstood, and so on. From all the conversations, gossip appeared, which will become known to you and obviously will not please you. It is worth considering such a vision as a warning. That's what a poop is dreaming of, arousing negative feelings.

To whom do they belong?

First, consider the interpretation of the feces of various animals. It should immediately be noted the importance of such a dream for people who have pets.

If on the day of your sleep you cleaned up after your dog and were unhappy with it, or the cat shat, somewhere where it is not necessary, sleep may just be a processing of your daytime emotions. Sometimes in the afternoon you just got some information that ended up in your brain. In a dream, this information is simply processed and remains in the subconscious, or is utilized.

Cat feces as a symbol in a dream are not so harsh, you just need to be vigilant in reality, but dog feces are a serious matter. Try to refrain from dubious enterprises, do not get involved in new incomprehensible affairs. If you dreamed of dog feces, be careful in society, there is a danger of looking unprofitable or experiencing a sense of shame.

Although there are other interpretations that are similar to the previous ones, they consider the sign in a positive way. For example, dog feces, according to some dream books, really indicate some projects and enterprises that may appear in the future, but speaks of this as an opportunity to get a better position.

Such dream books advise, on the contrary, to take advantage of the position and use the chances that have appeared, and even recommend not to miss the new chances that will appear after the dream where the dog feces were.

Now let's turn to human feces and start with your own. If you see your own bowel movements in a dream, you should remember exactly what properties of feces you observed:

  • Liquid fecal matter- can be interpreted as vain efforts or betrayal by loved ones, in addition, the sign may indicate vain rumors that someone will spread about you.
  • Solid - you can strive to help someone, but your help will not be accepted, the dream where you want to go to the toilet, but you are tormented by constipation, has the same meaning.

Human feces in a dream indicate your conservatism. Probably, you are overly attached to something established, to some habits. It is useful for you to reconsider your own personality traits and your own life.

Other dream books talk about their own shit, seen in a dream as a symbol of their own shame and inconvenience. Maybe in the future you will experience a sense of awkwardness in society, you should be vigilant.

About animal feces

Exotics sometimes visit our night visions. If a certain animal defecates next to you or directly on your hands, then you should guess based on the nature of the beast. For example, when figuring out what cat poop is dreaming of, you first need to determine what purring means. This animal indicates the presence of an evil enemy in your environment.

Cats are not a good sign. And if she also began to stain you with feces, then it is clear that you should take a closer look at your friends. Some of them are already doing their best to defame your name, trying to cause irreparable harm. But dog feces are more likely to talk about gifts. The dog is a friend in a dream.

From the point of view of dream books, if you wipe your own bowel movements in a dream, then someone has learned something about your past. You should think about possible compromising evidence, since this person may disclose some impartial information about you and generally wants to use this data not in your favor.

On the other hand, cleaning up feces is a positive sign that speaks of your future prosperity. Especially if you are removing cow feces. It is considered one of the best signs in a dream where feces appear.

Cleaning feces may indicate a manipulative effect on you. If you clean up the feces and see a familiar person in a dream or feel someone's presence, in reality this person is trying to control you for his own benefit. It is best to get rid of such dependence and try to become more independent.

Baby poop: what do they mean?

The interpretation of such dreams is directly related to whose feces a person dreamed of, and in what place they were.

The following types of dreams with excrement are interpreted as follows:

  • human feces in a dream;
  • feces in bed
  • faeces in the toilet;
  • own excrement;
  • baby poop;
  • feces in all places;
  • other people's excrement;
  • animal feces.

Human feces in a dream

Seeing poop in a dream, even when disgusted, is often a positive sign. But the interpretation of such a dream depends on the type of bowel movements. Dreaming of fresh feces means a person's satisfaction with his own life. A dream can be interpreted as a happy life of a person in which he does not want to change anything at the moment.

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Feces in bed

Dreaming of feces on a bed in a dream can portend two possible outcomes in real life:

  1. A person will have a generous sponsor who will noticeably improve his financial situation.
  2. A man is waiting for a stormy romance that will not last long time.

Poop in the toilet

The human feces observed in a dream in the toilet promises a good profit for a person. But at the same time, the money will not get him the easy way. Such a dream portends possible financial success, but indicates the need for hard work for this. Most often, feces in the toilet are dreamed of by workers before they are paid bonuses at work.

A dream is interpreted somewhat differently in which a person saw excrement on the floor in front of a pot or toilet. A dream portends a person easy money that he will win in the lottery. Excrement near the toilet in a dream often portends a person an unexpected cash find.

Own excrement in a dream

Own excrement in dreams is the embodiment of people's inner fears. In real life, a person may experience some kind of discomfort and be afraid of something or someone. Such a dream indicates the need to overcome fear.

Baby poop in dreams

Children's feces most often serve as a harbinger of good events. For different people, a similar image in dreams is deciphered in its own way:

  • in women - an early pregnancy or an internal desire to become pregnant;
  • men have an inner desire to take care of someone.

For women with children, such a dream emphasizes their satisfaction with life and the happiness of motherhood.

The dreamer can not only see poop in a dream, but also carry out various actions with them. Their interpretation depends on their nature.

In dreams, a person can:

  • flush feces;
  • hold it in your hands;
  • soil their clothes and themselves;
  • step into it;
  • have excrement;
  • smell the faeces.

Wash off feces in dreams

This is a positive sign. In real life, the dreamer is waiting for monetary replenishment. Its size directly depends on the amount of faeces washed off.

Hold feces in hand

Dreamers holding excrement in their hands in a dream can in reality count on successful cooperation with an influential person. It will help improve the financial situation of the dreamer.

Dirty yourself and clothes with feces in dreams

A person who gets dirty with feces in a dream should in reality be on his guard. This is a sign that they are plotting against him or that he has already become the object of gossip.

If the dreamer simply holds excrement in his hands, then in real life he will find great wealth and success. Wiping another person's clothes from feces in a dream indicates a person's desire to provide support and help.

step into bowel movements

This action in dreams is an unkind sign. This means that all the secret affairs of a person will become public, and he will lose the support of influential people. Stepping into feces in dreams is a sign of imminent exposure and punishment for bad deeds and fraud.

There is excrement in a dream

This dream is the most unpleasant and bad. Often such dreams are a harbinger of financial failure and loss of reputation. Often dreams are dreamed of by those who have taken up a complex and obviously unpromising business. Such a vision portends imminent failure and loss of trust from colleagues.

The smell of feces

The smell of feces can be interpreted in different ways in people's dreams:

  • not strong and at the same time pleasant - a profitable offer;
  • the smell of excrement in their absence is a dubious money offer, which is better to refuse;
  • fetid fecal smell - a person has problems in communicating with friends, partners.

Here the interpretations depend on your situation in reality as well. For example, baby feces can indicate pregnancy. If there are prerequisites for this, it is advisable for you to check.

This interpretation can be considered an indication of profit. Baby poop also indicates income that you can get from trading or something similar. At the same time, you may begin to experience negative emotions in relation to some loved one.

General features of dreams with feces

An important factor for obtaining an accurate interpretation of sleep is the thorough decomposition of dreams into details. Sometimes, the smallest detail seen in a dream radically changes the meaning and meaning of the dream. In order not to get into trouble, interpreting what cat excrement is dreaming of, specify exactly where you saw them in a dream. So:

  • on your own plate - you are not afraid of “hungry years”, you will have enough money;
  • a bunch lies at your doorstep - you will receive money for work done a long time ago;
  • the cat shat under the bed or on the bed - perhaps an addition to the family awaits you;
  • dreamed of many heaps scattered around the garden or yard - for the arrival of wealthy guests;
  • on the windowsill or balcony - you will be returned the old debt.

When figuring out what a poop is dreaming of, pay attention to the plot. If feces appear in an unnatural setting, then you will encounter oddities in real life. Sometimes this suggests that you are entering a period characterized by unusual changes, contacts with sometimes incomprehensible people.

The sequence of events can be described with some degree of probability based on the vivid plots and images that you remember the most. For example, if you decide to defecate in a graveyard, then you should start solving the problem with what the very place in which you ended up in a dream means. And then weave the meaning of feces into the interpretation.

Or another example. Imagine that you saw how you appeared in society completely soiled with poop. This may mean that you will have to endure the shame in the dream place or among these people. Often, feces do not mean a storyline of interpretation, but color it with peculiar tones and details, often unpleasant.

When such a dream appears, a person needs to remember in what situation the images of excrement appeared to him. He should pay attention to certain points:

  • whose exactly feces were in a dream (child, their own, animal feces);
  • what he did in a dream with excrement (dirty, just saw, searched);
  • type of feces (fresh, dried);
  • the place where the excrement was located.

Get dirty in them

In fact, here the interpretation is in many ways similar to the reality that many people know. As you know, if you walk along the road and step into the feces, then the omen is considered to be money. Dreams are interpreted in a similar way, where you step or get dirty in feces.

If you are lucky enough to fall into shit, then a dream means that you enjoy wealth and luxury.

For example, Loff's dream book considers such an omen an almost 100% guarantee of any profit or income. Therefore, one should not be sad about such a slightly unpleasant dream.

Worms: why?

As you know from the previous material, feces often also promise something positive, in particular income.

However, if you dream of worms crawling in the feces, such a dream is a negative omen. You probably need to be more careful.

Nevertheless, if you openly see such a picture in a dream, then the sign may indicate the opportunity to reveal other people's dirty tricks and find out who exactly is preparing evil against you. Therefore, in a sense, the dream is positive, you can find out exactly who wants to harm you.

There is also a simpler interpretation. To see a lot of worms - in the future you will get to know a lot of people, like a new team or something like that.

Friends are enemies

Some interpretations are practically not in demand, as they explain very rare images. So, figuring out what a poop is dreaming of, you can find information about what the stools of other people mean. For the most part, they are negative. If you see a friend smeared with feces, get ready to help this person.

There is a possibility that he will come to you to borrow at a time when you yourself are in need. Try to find a mutually acceptable solution to the problem so as not to lose a friend. When an enemy appears in such a situation in dreams, do not rush to rejoice. No, it won't do any harm. But the information about his illness will upset you.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller believed that any feces, whether human or cat, meant a quick enrichment. Moreover, it is easy - money seems to “fall from the sky” on the dreamer.

Do you see in a dream how a cat put a pile in a dung pit? An excellent dream, which means a pleasant surprise, and for farmers and all those involved in farming and vegetable growing, this dream promises a good harvest. Stepping into cat feces is a sign of receiving a small amount of money as a gift.

the cat shat in a dream what is it for

The dream book interprets a dream with a cat as a harbinger of a problem, unless, of course, you were lucky enough to drive it away. When you dream that a cat has spoiled, a dream predicts a collision with an ill-wisher.

French dream book

cat shat in a dream

The dream book interprets a dream with a cat walking in the house as an upcoming quarrel with a person from a close circle.


Why dream shit? It is believed that feces dream of prosperity and financial gain.

The more bowel movements you dreamed about, the more benefits you should expect.

Moreover, making a profit will not depend on your efforts, but solely on momentary luck.

Dreamed of animal feces. Such a dream portends good news and cash receipts.

For those who grow vegetables and fruits, a dream predicts an excellent harvest.

Dreamed of cat feces. Get ready to communicate with unpleasant people. Most likely, you will be forced to endure their company on duty.

Dreaming of human feces. The dream informs that among your friends there are two-faced persons who weave numerous intrigues behind your back. Bringing them to clean water will be your main task.

Dreamed of dog feces. Predicts a meeting with childhood friends and a magnificent celebration on this occasion at your expense. But anyway, you'll have a good time.

I dreamed of pigeon feces. Such a dream promises a warm meeting with distant relatives and possible financial assistance from them.

Get dirty in a dream in feces. If you get dirty in feces in a dream and want to wipe it off, then in real life you will find yourself in an awkward situation.

Most likely, this will happen as a result of the fact that certain moments from your personal life that you carefully hide will become known to someone.

Also, such a dream may mean that you will learn secret information about loved ones.

Remove cal. A dream in which you clean up feces predicts a possible robbery in your house and imminent financial losses.

Slip on shit. If in a dream you fell because you stepped on a bowel movement, in reality you are leading a wrong lifestyle.

The dream warns that you need to reconsider a lot in your actions, otherwise you will face big financial losses.

Look for feces in a dream. If you dreamed that you were looking for excrement and could not find it, then a lot of people would want to interfere in your personal life. It will be very difficult for you to get rid of their obsessive attention.

I dreamed of feces with worms. If you had such a dream, expect a meeting with hypocritical people.

Also, this dream says that some events will make you take a different look at people from your immediate environment.

Swim in excrement. A very promising dream. It portends you success in all areas of life.

You will feel like a real lucky person. It is possible to receive a large inheritance or win the lottery.

Scatter feces in a dream. The dream speaks of the imminent receipt of unpleasant news. Financial losses and other failures are possible.

Defecate in a public place. Such a dream tells you that you will have to endure unpleasant moments of shame. Your secrets will become known to a large number of people.

The support of family and friends will help to survive the consequences of these troubles.

I dreamed of excrement in my own house. The dream predicts a possible change of residence due to unpleasant events in your life.

Feces that appear in dreams are not harbingers of life's difficulties. More often, excrement dreams of success and financial well-being. But in different dream books, dreams in which images of feces appear are interpreted differently. Why a person dreams of poop, some details of the dream will prompt.

What do cat feces in the dreamer's mouth promise?

A rather strange and unpleasant plot, surprisingly, is found on the pages of many dream books. And each of them has their own opinion on this matter.

The interpreter of Nostradamus assures that dreaming of cat excrement in the mouth promises an increase in capital to a person who has seen this in a dream. And he will achieve this solely by his ability to speak and convince.

The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician, interpreting why such pictures dream, speaks of the dreamer's greed and self-interest. But the interpretations of the medium Miss Hasse and the Gypsy dream book coincide, and they mean the inability of a person to remain silent and not speak out when he is not asked.

The feces that appeared in a dream can be interpreted in different ways depending on the specific details and the behavior of the person himself when they are seen:

  1. Admiring children's excrement in a dream means a person's complacency. Baby feces in a dream are a good sign for a person. This means that he is happy at the moment, and this state will last for a long time. Touching baby excrement in a dream is a sign of complete happiness and success.
  2. Watching children's excrement in a potty, toilet bowl is a sign that you should pay attention to possible cash receipts.
  3. Seeing feces in your own bed does not mean anything bad. This is a good sign, as a significant increase in finances is expected for a person.
  4. Contemplation in a dream of dried human feces is a sign of internal dissatisfaction with oneself.

An interpretation of a dream about excrement is proposed, which is not entirely pleasant to see in a dream, but such dreams do happen.

Dream interpretation of someone else's feces, bird (birds), with worms, worms, a child, a lot on hand

Seeing someone else's feces in a dream is a good sign, despite the fact that the vision itself was not pleasant. Unexpected monetary gain awaits you.

The baby's feces are an honestly earned reward.

Getting dirty with excrement is also a good sign, predicting some kind of material amount that will be in your hands.

Dream interpretation clean the toilet, get dirty feces, from the mouth (in the mouth), eat, in pants, in the toilet, white

Cleaning or washing the toilet is a dream that portends an unpleasant, but monetary job. If a child (baby feces) poops on a plate, it is difficult for him to defecate and he has to wipe everything, you should pay attention to your health.

The dream in which you saw feces, anywhere, means that fate will thank you for all the troubles that you had to endure and your cherished dreams will soon come true. Eating for poor health.

If you dreamed of a white toilet, then in reality you are expected to make large acquisitions, and you will spend a lot of money to ensure a comfortable life.

I dreamed of mouse feces, mine, human (human), dogs (dog), rats, cats (cat, cat)

If you dreamed of mouse or rat feces, you will become a victim of scammers, but something will scare them away, and you will have only an unpleasant aftertaste from everything that happened.

The feces of any pets, whether it be a dog or a cat, means that prosperity will come to your home.

Human feces are a sign of well-being, you will not need anything.

Dream Interpretation Vanga cal

Vanga interpreted the feces she saw in a dream as a sign of satiety. You will have an abundance of everything you could wish for. A dream serves as a warning for a person that in life one must take care not so much of the accumulation of material wealth as of the purity of one's soul.

Juno's poop dream book

Excrements in Juno's dream book are interpreted as treasures and various material benefits.

If you dreamed that you were given an enema, then this is a sign that in real life you will suffer losses and experience need.

Poop Miller's dream book

Solid cash income - this is how Miller interpreted the dream about the feces he saw.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova cal

In Miller's dream book, the feces you see is a sign that in real life you can lose the line between greed and frugality, squandering and generosity, which will push others away from you.

Freud's dream book cal

Freud pointed out that this dream can be dreamed by a person who is tormented by some kind of problem, which he is ashamed to tell others about.

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