Evolution of the means and methods of animal communication. Theme II

In the history of the development of communication media, five main periods can be distinguished.

1. preverbal period. This is the period of development of a caveman who does not yet own an articulate

speech (the word "verbal" means verbal). It went on for hundreds of thousands of years. Commu-

Communication between primitive people was carried out with the help of simple sounds, facial expressions, gestures,

rock drawings.

2. Period oral communication. Articulate speech as a means of communication appeared about fifty years ago.

thousand years ago. Language began to develop - a system of discrete, spontaneously arising in human society,

articulate sound marks. Gradually, language becomes the main means of communication and

knowledge transfer.

3. Period of appearance and development writing as a means of communication. It started about five thousand years ago

back. Writing developed differently in the West and in the East. The emergence of the possibility of fixation

knowledge with the help of written characters - first on stone and clay, and then on papyrus and paper - this

a qualitative leap in the development of communication and civilization as a whole.

4. The fourth period is associated with era of printing. It began about five hundred years ago with the advent of

in Germany the first printing press with movable type, the invention of which is associated with the name

Johannes Gutenberg (1399-1468), who first printed a 42-line Bible in Mainz. Meaning

this invention is difficult to overestimate. It is believed that this is the greatest achievement of mankind for

last millennium.

5. Fifth, modern, period covers the last hundred years. It is marked by the appearance of such means

communication (communications) like radio, cinema, television, computer networks, multimedia systems. Not difficult

see in them one thing in common

property: they all allow the use of non-verbal sign systems for communication - a person, as it were,

returns to those means of communication with which its development began. This is no coincidence: the need for

communication at the non-verbal level is determined by the very nature of man, the peculiarity of his consciousness.

The scheme in fig. 2 represents five of these periods. For greater clarity, the entire evolutionary path

development of means of communication (and at the same time - the development of civilization as a whole) is shown in the form of a zigzag,

reflecting the main turning points of history: the emergence of oral speech, the emergence of writing,

the invention of printing, etc.

Ageev Vladimir. Semiotics. M.: Publishing house "Ves Mir", 2002. - 256 p. - (The Whole World of Knowledge). eight

Yanko Slava (Fort/Da Library) || http://yanko.lib.ru 9

Fig 2. Stages of development of means of communication

The rapidity with which the development of means of communication, the means of communication, is obvious.

Several tens or even hundreds of thousands of years is a fairly small interval compared to time

the existence of life on Earth (according to various estimates, about two billion years). During the time elapsed from

the moment when primitive man first picked up a stone ax, and before the launch of the first satellite,

flora and fauna has changed very little. For example, evolutionary changes

during this time have happened to the horse, consist mainly in the fact that her toes have grown together

together, forming hooves - as a result, the horse began to run faster. But is it comparable to those changes

yami, which happened to a person during the same period of time?

Note that modern man outwardly differs little from primitive. If with the help

“time machines” managed to transfer some Cro-Magnon man (primitive man,

who lived in the Paleolithic era in Europe), dressed in modern clothes and taken out into the street, then

hardly anyone would pay special attention to him.

With regard to such qualities as strength, agility, speed of reaction, the primitive man is clearly

surpassed modern. So the results achieved by man in the process of evolution are not connected

as much with the anatomical changes and improvement of his senses as with the development

consciousness and thinking. Let's take a closer look,

due to which a person managed to achieve such impressive success in a relatively short period of time.

As you know, the main driving force of evolution in animals is natural selection: survival

the one who is stronger, who is better able to adapt to changes in the environment. Positive

the qualities by which individuals manage to survive are then passed on to their inheritance

offspring. Thus, from generation to generation, changes are accumulated that reflect the entire history.

development of this species. And, as we saw with the example of the horse, a lot of time must pass before

to make these changes visible.

Human development occurs according to other laws. The pace of human development is incommensurable with the pace

evolution in animals, primarily because in the struggle for survival, he, unlike the animal, is not just

adapted to the environment. People united in joint labor, created tools and

with their help, they transformed the environment in accordance with their constantly evolving


With the development of consciousness and thinking, a person had the opportunity in his activity to rely on

only on personal experience, but also, thanks to communication with their own kind, on the historical experience of the whole society.

Figuratively speaking, the advantage of man over animals is that he has the opportunity in the process

communication and information sharing learn from the mistakes and achievements of others.

Ageev Vladimir. Semiotics. M.: Publishing house "Ves Mir", 2002. - 256 p. - (The Whole World of Knowledge). 9

Yanko Slava (Fort/Da Library) || http://yanko.lib.ru 10

It is communication that is the driving force that allowed a person to switch to more and more

high levels of development.

Primitive man had primitive tools and the simplest ways of communication. But already in these

conditions, the inseparability of labor activity and communication was fully manifested: the results

collective labor are directly related to how coordinated people act, how well

they understand each other. Only thanks to communication people could exchange experience, accumulate it.

The emergence of new tools and household items led to the need to invent new signs for

their designations in the process of communication. This, in turn, provided new opportunities for development

social and individual consciousness and, consequently, stimulated the growth of mental and

human creative abilities. Thus, there is a close relationship between the development

human community and the development of labor, creative, cognitive activity of a person.

Human evolution is a triune process associated with the development, firstly, of tools and objects

everyday life, secondly, sign systems and the languages ​​of communication based on them, thirdly, social and

individual consciousness of the person himself.

Consciousness is the highest level of human mental activity as a social being. It

is manifested in the purposeful nature of its practical, cognitive, creative and in-

formational activity. The most important function of consciousness is to comprehend the environment.


Thanks to consciousness, a person can, in the process of communication, correlate his actions with actions and

life positions of other people, gets the opportunity to know himself. Self-knowledge is

development of self-awareness.

Cognizing objects and phenomena, their interrelationships and relationships, a person identifies essential

from the point of view of social practice signs, fixes them in his memory and passes them on to other people. Tem

thus forming personal and social experience, public knowledge. Our knowledge of the world is not

passive reflection. It is by nature active and connected with the social activity of man.

So, summing up the analysis of the periods of evolution of human communication, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Man is a social being, therefore one of the main conditions for his development as a person

is communication with other people in the process of labor, information and communication


2. The emergence of new means of communication is due to the fact that at some stage of social development the old

methods cease to satisfy the needs of social consciousness.

The idea that not only the language of communication, but also other systems of signs are used by a person as

instruments of interaction with the environment, you

said by the modern psychologist D. Bruner: “Language is a tool of the most general plan, because it gives

direction and instructions for our muscular efforts, our sense organs and mental

abilities ... To save muscle effort, we came up with specific tools. There are diagrams

saving us time and effort in perception, they are realized in the drawings, diagrams invented by us

and models. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there are time-reducing heuristics to help

us in planning actions ... ".

Each of the information revolutions experienced by mankind is the invention of writing,

typography, then cinema, radio, television and, finally, computer communication systems, -

led to a significant change in the human environment. At the same time, the information

stress on his various sensory systems. In order to better understand this issue (important for

understanding the essence of semiotic phenomena in society), let us consider in more detail how a person

receives and processes information.

Society --- it is, first of all, the joint life of many people actively interacting with each other. They inevitably enter into interaction with each other regarding the satisfaction of their vital needs. As a result, certain relations develop between them regarding the means and methods of satisfying their needs, based on existing living conditions. Over time, these relations acquire a stable character and society itself appears as a set of social relations. They are objective in nature, as they arise on the basis of the objective needs of people and the objective conditions of their existence. The system of general relations does not necessarily rigidly and unambiguously determine each step of a person's behavior. Ultimately, however, it directly or indirectly determines the main direction and content of its activities. Even the most outstanding personality acts under the influence of existing relationships, including class, social, family and domestic ones. General relations are one of the constituents in society.

The product of material wealth is the basis and necessary condition for the existence of any society. All societies, relations are divided into primary (material) and secondary (spiritual-practical). In social life, the objective and the subjective, the practical and the spiritual, are inseparable. Decisive structure. e-t of the entire system total. rel. prod. rel. They represent a 1) side of the method of pr-va societies, the form of function-I and r-I prod. forces; 2) vol. basis, cat. folding regardless of the general consciousness, defines it, over the cat. elevation not only common consciousness, but the whole set of ideological. rel th, forces, phenomena.

Prod. Rel-I, considered in different aspects, call. open diff. types of connections, which is fixed in categories, allowed. express these manifold connections. To do this, Marx introduces the concepts of basis and superstructure. B. - economical. system of the island, the system of production. rel-th, above the cat. elevation superstructure, including societies. consciousness, ideological Rel-I and fixing their societies, institutions and org-tion. With poi these categories have been singled out, relative to primary. and secondary. depend. Impact basis. on the superstructure (state device), superstructure tzh. affects the basis, since this is the realm of practice. activities of people seeking to strengthen / change / transform the existing. general system rel. The reason is interests (primarily mater.). Pos. social groups in the island def. their relation to the property, ate. interest in appropriation/protection Wed-in.

By covering the scope of relations that arise in the process of production of goods, the exchange of their distribution, people cannot produce without connecting in a certain way for joint activities, the nature of the relationship is determined by the way the producers connect with the means of production, those form of ownership. Rent, possession, wages, etc. These are property relations. New ones --- corporatization, equity participation, etc. Private, collective, state property, etc. Lagging behind the arbitrariness of forces lead to antagonism in society ..

Other general relations arise on the basis of rel. For example, according to --- relations of exchange of activities based on the division of labor. Exchange of results of practical activity between representatives of different professions. Relationships of distribution of goods come from the relations of ownership and terms of payment.

The social sphere --- the relations of classes and ethnic groups, age groups of generations, professional strata. Social protection, people's living conditions, conditions of education and healthcare are also here. relations are associated with the satisfaction of social needs, they reflect the level of welfare in general. Here, domestic relations, family structure, and accepted relations in social groups.

Political --- production of political activity of classes, social groups, national communities, movements, general organizations. Aimed at political interests. These are rallies, demonstrations, strikes, political actions, negotiations, wars and peace, elections. They are determined by the general political device. The extreme form is revolution. All forms of state functions. Now it occupies an important place in the life of the community. his role has been greatly enhanced. Political relations develop under the influence of the totality of co-economic and ideological relations. In turn, they influence them. At the same time, the force of influence is very different and depends on the perfection of a given political system and the established mechanisms of its interaction with social institutions. The leading link in the political system is the state, which carries out the activities of power in the interests of dominance in the general social class forces. With the help of the apparatus of state power, they consolidate their influence in all spheres of life. In addition, there are also functions of the state administration, related to the interests of the vast majority of members of the community, such as the national without, ecology, and so on.

Spiritual Realm --- attitudes of people about various kinds of spirit values, distribution and assimilation of them by segments of the population. NOT only painting, music, etc., but also people's knowledge, science, morality, norms of behavior. This includes the entire system of education and science, upbringing, religion. It influences the formation of the spirit of principles in life, in behavior. It develops historically, embodies many factors, such as geographical, national and other features of the development of the general, national character and self-consciousness. The history of the people, its neighbors and the influence of other cultures. Now the media, original folk art and professional art. The role of this sphere is difficult to overestimate. The moral and psychological climate in society, family, etc., also acts as a spirit of value. Spiritual needs have one or another direction, which is determined by the nature of the existing general relations, including moral, aesthetic, religious, etc., the level of the spirit of people's culture, their social ideals, their understanding of the meaning of their own lives. Spiritual consumption is to some extent spontaneous, “a person chooses the spirit of value according to his taste, independently joins them. At the same time, the spirit of consumption can be imposed by advertising, ideology, consciousness is manipulated. spirit relations. They exist as the attitude of a person to some specific spirit values, as well as his attitude to other people about these values ​​--- production, distribution, consumption, protection. Types of spirit relations --- cognitive, moral, aesthetic, religious, relations between the teacher and the student, the educator and the educated person, they create the general background of interpersonal communication, manifesting themselves in family, industrial, international relations.

Relationships cannot develop in the absence of communication and means of communication. This is not just an exchange of information, but also includes all the conscious and unconscious depth of people's involvement, the mutual enrichment of others by their lives. All common relations are the embodiment of communication, this is their essence. At the same time, the availability of mass media does not guarantee the quality of communication.

The means of communication are evolving all the time, lately at an amazing pace. If earlier the main and only means was oral conversation and correspondence, now more and more. The pace of communications determines the pace of society. In addition, the pace of information exchange determines the amount of possible unity. If earlier the outskirts of the empire were virtually ungovernable, the news was from a neighboring village, and the departure of the king lasted for years, now everything is different. Different historical periods in the development of culture can be associated with the technology of storing and transmitting information. Storage of information in the form of oral creativity, transmission of ancient Indian hymns from Brahmins to students. Big burden on those responsible for information. Loss of information. Slow, distorted transmission.

writing --- the luxury of the few, rare books are written by hand by specialized scribes. The next step is printing. But books are not durable either, but gradually the primer became a symbol of overcoming illiteracy, the possibility of learning without a teacher appeared. The nature of the human psyche becomes dependent on the means of transmission and storage of information.

Means of quick communication --- telegraph, telephone, radio, television. There is a process of informatization of society. Its essence lies in the increase in the volume of information, and of a different nature, necessary for solving various problems of the production plan, etc. Hence the increase in the pace of life. At the same time, the growth of information processing tools lags behind the growth in volume by several times.

Mass media --- the process of distributing information to a numerically large audience. This is a means of ideological, political, economic and other influence on the psyche and consciousness of a person. Propaganda, the phenomenon of mass culture, the creation of psychotronic weapons are new problems caused by the means of communication. With the development of televisions, a new television generation of children arose. At the same time, the means of air are different --- then persuasion and suggestion before informing. At the same time, the information environment has expanded. The means of communes make it possible to expand the circle of contacts, go far beyond the immediate environment, and serve as an integration tool. They can serve both the development of the personality and its destruction.

Informatization led to the creation of a worldwide computer network and related problems, the backlog of those bases from the shaft of information. At the same time, almost any information necessary for him is available to everyone. On the one hand, this should lead to an increase in creative opportunities, but at the same time, problems of human communication, family, New crimes associated with kmp. dating, sex, maniacs. The balance is becoming more and more unstable, new ethical values ​​of the individual, while changing the professional structure of society by increasing the proportion of people employed in the means of communication. There is also the issue of data storage. Workplace at home, no need to build buildings to control the process, vehicles.

escape to the virtual world. Ability to store dossiers on members of the society, their control.

Those living organisms, the set of communication abilities of which was better than the rest, received in the evolutionary process more chances for survival and further reproduction of offspring. What specific information is being discussed? First of all, about what can be attributed to the 4F factors mentioned above: information about the degree of danger, about the location of food, that these animals have reached sexual age.
Our minds have largely made it easier for us to copy all sorts of ideas - strategy memes, association memes, difference memes. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of reproducing ideas for the subsequent evolution of human culture and sciences. If our very consciousness were completely deprived of the ability to copy ideas and, thus, the ability to transmit them from person to person, we would all have to be content with only the knowledge that we managed to accumulate during the period of our lives. what is this?

At a single stage of evolution, the mind received an additional tool, which we call language. Speech has been able to revolutionize the process of human communication. Thanks to language and speech, it became possible to recreate new concepts, make certain distinctions, develop connections between associative things, and also transfer certain strategies to other people. The lower animals are not endowed with the possibility described above. The struggle for the improvement of communication organs continues today, because it should greatly contribute to the survival and reproduction of man.

There are two ways to facilitate communication between people: speak louder or listen more carefully. It seems obvious that in the processes of natural selection, those animals that will be different sounds, their appearance, or in any other way praise their sexual attractiveness will be able to gain an advantage. Those animals that will shyly wait to be noticed by That or That One, of course, will lose. It is more difficult to understand, after all, why "selfish" selection in its own way favors those species that, with the help of a sound or other signal, notify others of the danger or the location of food. All this will be easier to understand if we understand that this "screaming" gene is probably present not only in the "screamer" itself, but also in his listeners. It should not be forgotten that genetic evolution produces a careful selection of genes, not specific individuals.

With regard to the perception of signals, selection will favor those groups of animals that can drop everything and pay special attention to newly received information, and not those species that will tend to ignore it. From the point of view of understanding a gene, important information is anything that will increase and protect the number of copies of that particular gene: that is, certain information about danger, sex and food. If Bambi's mother had been able to hear the crackling of a branch under the hunter's feet a little earlier, then today she could still tell some story.

The evolution of the means of communication was developed to speed up the transmission of information about three subjects: about food, about danger, and, in fact, about sex. Therefore, as an evolutionary product, we tend to prefer to talk about safety, sex, and nutrition, and we pay much more attention to these topics than to others. Memes that are directly related to danger, sex, and food spread much faster than others, since by nature we are quite sensitive to all of them - in our minds of objects of this kind there are our own “buttons”.

The emergence of human speech about 40 thousand years ago in communication science is often called the "first communicative revolution". Language has become the main means of communication and transmission of information.

The first communication revolution was followed by three more, also related to the improvement of the means of transmitting messages: the emergence of writing, the invention of the printing press, the development of electronic mass media. Speaking in the language of communicativistics, the second revolution turned oral speech into written symbols of information transmission, the third - transformed them into printed ones, and the fourth - into electronic-computer ones.

Writing. The emergence of writing, which marked the beginning of the transition from verbal to written culture, dates back to about the 3rd millennium BC.

The earliest forms of writing were subject writing, in which various objects served as means of conveying meaning, as well as knot writing, which became widespread among pastoral tribes to account for the number of herds, where the number of knots corresponded to the number of animals.

The immediate predecessors of modern writing were pictographic (pictorial) and hieroglyphic writing. They are still used by some peoples. In pictography, simple figurative signs, sometimes capable of evoking visual associations, denote individual objects, actions, processes, etc. In hieroglyphic writing, each individual character stands for a word or phrase.

A real revolution in writing was the invention of phonetic writing, in which each individual sound was designated by a special symbol. It connected speech and writing. Such a letter turned out to be an effective, flexible and highly adaptive means of communication, convenient for learning and memorization, since thousands of hieroglyphs do not have to be learned. Phonetic writing has been simplified to a set of several dozen letters of the modern alphabet.

The classical Greek alphabet, which includes 24 letters, has survived to the present day with minor changes. It was borrowed by Byzantium, and later became the basis of Slavic writing thanks to the selfless educational activities of the brothers Cyril and Methodius, who created in the 9th century. Slavonic alphabet and translated the first liturgical books into Slavonic.

The emergence of writing, especially in its phonetic version, played a colossal civilizational and cultural role. The written language, unlike the oral language, was fixed on a material carrier - parchment, paper, etc. Its communicative capabilities are exceptional: with the help of writing, people got the opportunity to accumulate, store and transfer knowledge not only from person to person, but also from generation to generation. The letter solved the problem of the volume and accuracy of the transmitted information (it is not difficult to imagine how much it exceeded the capabilities of human memory). Thanks to writing, science and education began to develop, society itself began to change faster.

Typography. The third communication revolution is associated with the invention of the printing press. Printing led to the transition from oral (mainly) culture to book culture and significantly increased the scope of communications. The book, printed in a typographical way, became the property of a wide circle of readers.

Cultural historians note that the Chinese at the end of the 9th century. were the first to use type-setting in the form of carved wooden blocks. Around 1440, typesetting was discovered in Germany by I. Gutenberg, and the printing of the first famous Gutenberg Bible was completed in 1456. Scholars still have not come to a consensus whether Gutenberg invented his machine on his own or borrowed it from the Chinese, moreover , some experts claim that printing from typesetting matrices was discovered in Holland earlier than in Germany.

Russia entered the "Gutenberg era" a hundred years later, under Ivan the Terrible, when in 1564 in Moscow I. Fedorov and P. Mstislavets published the first book in Russian - "The Apostle".

At the beginning of the XIX century. The printing press was replaced by printing presses, which were much more productive.

The industrial production of books had significant sociocultural consequences. First, the rapid growth of the scientific and educational sphere of society and the increase in the proportion of the literate population.

Secondly, the development of printing has affected the development of librarianship. Thirdly, it led to the emergence of an entire branch of production - the paper industry.

From the point of view of communicativistics, the book turned out to be a reliable means of communication - a repository of information and a means of its transmission, increasing the possibilities of communication contacts both between contemporaries and between generations and representatives of different cultures.

The development of printing and paper industry led to the emergence and rapid growth of the magazine and newspaper industry. This is how a powerful channel of mass communication arose - the press, the impact of which on the mass consciousness rightfully earned it the title of "fourth power".

Electronic communication. The fourth communicative revolution is associated with the emergence and development of electronic means of communication.

The emergence and development of electronic communication solved a number of problems associated with the transmission and receipt of messages, due to the enormously increased speed and volume of information transmitted over long distances.

The beginning was laid by the creation of telegraphy technology. In 1746, the English naturalist Watson transmitted electrical signals over a wire about two miles long. Thus, the idea of ​​long-distance communication with the help of some invisible substance arose a very long time ago, but it was realized only in the 19th century.

In our country, the Russian scientist P.L. is considered the inventor of the electromagnetic telegraph. Shilling. In 1832, he created the first practical electromagnetic telegraph machine and demonstrated the first telegraph transmission. However, his apparatus had a limited range and did not record the received signals. A more advanced version of the telegraph (relay telegraph apparatus) was proposed by S.F. Morse is an American portrait painter turned technician. His invention provided for the remote transmission of messages using a special binary code - "Morse code".

The inventor of the telephone was A.G. Bell is a Scot who emigrated to America. In 1876, Bell and his assistant T.A. Watson received a US patent for a telephone device. In Russia, the first city telephone exchanges began to operate in 1882 in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Odessa and Riga. By the end of the XIX century. telephone communication spread throughout the world.

At the same time, the search continued for faster and cheaper means of transmitting messages over long distances than telephone, which could only be provided by wireless communication. In 1894, the Italian radio engineer and entrepreneur G. Marconi began his experiments, and during 1895 he achieved success by sending the simplest signals over a distance of more than 3 km.

In Russia, work on the creation of a radio transmitting and receiving device was carried out by the physicist and electrical engineer A.S. Popov. In the spring of 1895, he demonstrated the world's first radio receiver, which he had invented.

By 1901, Marconi managed to significantly increase the range of radio communication - he sent the first radio message across the Atlantic Ocean, using a receiving antenna over 100 m long suspended from a kite.

Active work on its creation of television was carried out in Russia. Professor of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology B.L. On May 22, 1911, Rosing made the world's first experience of transmitting images over wires over a distance. He created a cathode-ray tube - the prototype of a modern kinescope (by the way, B. Rosing's student V. Zworykin became the creator of the first television camera). The Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) hosted the world's first public television broadcast. In 1940, the first test color television programs appeared - this was the beginning of color television. Gradually began to form interethnic television links. So, in 1959, television networks of 12 European countries united in the Eurovision network. The creation of telecommunications satellites has allowed television broadcasting to become a truly worldwide phenomenon. The first artificial satellite was launched in 1957 in the Soviet Union. Now our planet is surrounded by a ring of satellites that create an invisible electromagnetic network that links the world together by a constant exchange of visible and audible information. In the last 20 years, satellites have been competing with fiber optic communications. Fiber optic cable is more reliable in terms of transmission stability and security. Communication over it is faster, audibility is much better, and the cost of its production is many times less than the production of a copper cable.

The rapid development of computer technology was of great importance for the development of communications. Today, computers and communication technologies are becoming more and more closely related. As a result, incoming information can be processed in immeasurably large volumes and much faster than before. The key moment of this convergence was the transformation of information into digital, i.e. its expression in a sequence of binary numbers. Thus, satellites, fiber optics and modern computer technologies have created the foundation for a fundamentally new system of communication links. It has become truly global. New communication systems make it possible to transmit at the speed of light any information in any form - sound, text, numbers or images - to any person, located anywhere in the world. Modern technologies of communication, storage and processing of information in their totality create such an integral quality that, without exaggeration, can be called the information society, the closest expression of which has become the worldwide communication network Internet.

Public communication system (OCS) is a structured (ordered in a certain way) set of communicants, recipients, semantic messages, communication channels and services that have material and technical resources and professional staff. If culture is a combination of reified and non-reified cultural, i.e. artificial social, meanings, then OKS is part of a reified culture, ensuring the movement of cultural meanings in social space and time. In other words, the CCS as a whole and its elements are reified communication culture in various historical epochs.

The tree of communication channels, discussed in Section 4.5, is an evolution of one of the elements of the CCS. Now let's try to imagine the evolution of public communications systems in general. The direction of this evolution is quite obvious: from oral communication to documentary communication and further to electronic communication. It is also clear that the evolution of social communications is organically linked with the evolution of culture, which is presented in the form of five stages: praculture - archeoculture - paleoculture - neoculture - postneoculture (see Introduction). Hence it follows that the stages of culture evolution coincide with the stages of ACS development and can serve as a basis for developing the ACS chronology.

The successive change of the OCS does not occur spontaneously, but due to crisis communication channels, which consists in the fact that these channels cease to satisfy the communication needs of individuals and society as a whole. The resolution of the crisis is achieved by bifurcations(separation) of overloaded channels. On fig. 4.7 shows four bifurcations that took place at the junction of archeoculture and paleoculture (III millennium BC), at the junction of paleoculture and manufacturing neoculture (1440s), at the junction of manufacturing and industrial neoculture (early 19th century), and finally, in our time - the transition from neo-culture to post-neo-culture (end of the 20th century). "Points" of bifurcation are the boundaries between different OCS. Of course, in historical time, a “point” is not an instantaneous change, but rather a long period, so the bifurcation must be understood as transition period between different OCs.

Communication culture is determined by the norms and methods of fixing, storing and disseminating cultural meanings that prevail in society, that is, by the type of social communication. The following levels of communication culture are distinguished: literature - bookishness - multimedia. Moreover, bookishness is divided into three generations: paleocultural (handwritten book), manufactory neocultural (manufactory book printing), industrial neocultural (machine printing). The levels of communication culture correspond to different types of ACS. Given this correspondence, it is possible to present the chronology of public communication systems in the form of a table. 5.1. It should be noted that the chronology of the change of the OCS for different geographical regions is not the same due to the unevenness of their cultural development. In table. Figure 5.1 shows a region called "Western civilization" (Western Europe and the Middle East), which has always been the leader of culture.

Table 5.1

Timeline of public communication systems in Western Europe and the Middle East


Levels of communication culture

Chronological framework


Number of communication channels

I. Community CCS

The dominance of iconic documents The dominance of archaeocultural literature. Bifurcation I

  • 40 -15 thousand liters n.
  • 15 -5 thousand liters. n.
  • 25 thousand
  • 10 thousand

II. Handwritten OKS

Combination of literature and paleocultural literacy. Bifurcation II

III thousand. BC e. -

Ipol. XV century AD

IIIIII. Manufacturing OKS

Manufacture neocultural bookishness; dominance of manufactory printing. Bifurcation III

IV. Industrial OKS

Industrial neo-cultural literacy; dominance of machine printing.

Bifurcation IV

Ipol. 20th century

V. Multimedia OKS

The dominance of multimedia television and computer channels

IIpol. XX century - ?

Let us pay attention to the fact that, due to the law of cumulation of communication channels (KKK law), later OCS include communication channels of previous systems, however, in a technically modernized form. Thus, handwritten OKS did not at all abolish the channels of literature; industrial literacy modernized the channel of book publishing, opened by manufactory book printing, and introduced into circulation a new channel of documents - the press; multimedia OKS accumulates the possibilities of both literature and books, including them in the multimedia environment. The level of communication culture is determined by the dominant means of communication.

Literature- a level of communication culture, when all cultural meanings are transmitted in social space and time through oral communication. bookishness is the state of culture when main(not all!) cultural meanings are transmitted through documentary communication. multimedia is achieved when main cultural meanings are transmitted through electronic communication.

Pra-culture is the time of the formation of communication channels, when there is no need to talk about the existence of social communication systems, because the basis for their formation has not been formed. Therefore, in Table. 5.1 the stage of praculture is not taken into account. Early archeoculture (the Paleolithic era) was marked by the priority of symbolic-iconic documents in the form of Paleolithic painting and sculpture (see section 4.1); in the Neolithic, priority shifted to oral communication, and primitive communities of farmers and pastoralists began to take shape communal OKS, where the spoken word dominated. Let us consider in more detail the relationship between the levels of communication culture (literature - book - multimedia) and the stages of human culture (archeo-, paleo-, neo-, post-neo-culture).
