Data on social studies. Dates in history: what exactly you need to know

In the 11th grade, it is not necessary to know by heart all the dates from the textbook. It is enough to master the mandatory minimum, which, believe me, will come in handy not only in the exam, but also in life.

So, your preparation for the OGE and USE in history must necessarily include the memorization of several of the most important dates in the history of Russia. Stay up to date major events in national history- and to make it easier to master them, you can, for example, write the entire minimum on cards and divide them by age. Such a simple step will allow you to begin to navigate the history by periods, and when you write everything on pieces of paper, you will unconsciously remember everything. Your parents and grandparents used a similar method, when there were no USE and GIA yet.

We can also advise you to say the most important dates in the history of Russia out loud and record it on a voice recorder. Listen to the resulting recordings several times a day, and best of all - in the morning, when the brain has just woken up and has not yet absorbed the usual daily dose of information.

But in no case do we recommend that you try to memorize everything at once. Have pity on yourself, no one has yet been able to master the whole school curriculum on the history of Russia. The USE and GIA are designed to check how well you know the full course of the subject. So don’t even think of somehow deceiving the system or hoping for the students’ favorite “night before the exam”, as well as a variety of cheat sheets and “answers to the GIA and the Unified State Examination in History 2015”, which are so many on the Internet.

With leaflets, the last hope of negligent schoolchildren, it was always strict at state exams, and every year the situation becomes even more difficult. Exams in the 9th and 11th grades are held not only under the strict supervision of experienced teachers, but also under the supervision of video cameras, and you know, it is almost impossible to outwit technology.

So get enough sleep, do not be nervous, develop your memory and memorize the 35 most important dates in the history of Russia. Relying on yourself is the best thing that can help you in passing the exam and GIA.

  1. 862 Beginning of Rurik's reign
  2. 988 Baptism of Russia
  3. 1147 First mention of Moscow
  4. 1237–1480 Mongol-Tatar yoke
  5. 1240 Neva battle
  6. 1380 Battle of Kulikovo
  7. 1480 Standing on the river Ugra. Fall of the Mongol yoke
  8. 1547 Crowning of Ivan the Terrible to the kingdom
  9. 1589 Establishment of the patriarchate in Russia
  10. 1598-1613 Time of Troubles
  11. 1613 Election to the kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
  12. 1654 Pereyaslav Rada.
  13. 1670–1671 Rebellion of Stepan Razin
  14. 1682–1725 Reign of Peter I
  15. 1700–1721 Northern War
  16. 1703 Founding of St. Petersburg
  17. 1709 Battle of Poltava
  18. 1755 Founding of Moscow University
  19. 1762– 1796 Reign of Catherine II
  20. 1773– 1775 Peasants' War under the leadership of E. Pugachev
  21. 1812– 1813 Patriotic War
  22. 1812 Battle of Borodino
  23. 1825 Decembrist uprising
  24. 1861 Abolition of serfdom
  25. 1905– 1907 First Russian Revolution
  26. 1914 Russia's entry into World War I
  27. 1917 February Revolution. The overthrow of the autocracy
  28. 1917 October Revolution
  29. 1918– 1920 Civil War
  30. 1922 Formation of the USSR
  31. 1941– 1945 Great Patriotic War
  32. 1957 Launch of the first artificial earth satellite
  33. 1961 Flight Yu.A. Gagarin in space
  34. 1986 Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  35. 1991 Collapse of the USSR

6th - 9th centuries Formation of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs

9th c. The creation of early state associations of the Eastern Slavs in the area of ​​the Dnieper and Lake. Ilmen

860 United sea campaign of the Dnieper Slavs and Varangians to Constantinople (Tsargrad)

862 (?) - 879 Rule of Rurik in Novgorod

862 - 882 Board in Kyiv of the princes Askold and Dir

882 - 912 Oleg's reign in Kyiv

907 Oleg's campaign against Constantinople. The first treaty between Russia and Byzantium on friendly relations, norms of international trade and navigation

911 Second Treaty of Russia with Byzantium

912 - 945 Igor's reign in Kyiv

941 Prince Igor's first campaign against Constantinople ended in failure

944 Prince Igor's second campaign against Constantinople. Agreement between Russia and Byzantium. (Rus lost the right to duty-free trade and was obliged to assist in the protection of Byzantium's border possessions).

945 - 969 Olga's reign in Kyiv (after the murder of her husband Prince Igor by the Drevlyans).

945 - 972 (973) Reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich in Kyiv

Around 957 Embassy of Princess Olga to Constantinople. Her adoption of Christianity (under the name Elena)

965 Defeat by Prince Svyatoslav of the Khazar Khaganate (on the lower Volga). Establishing control over the Volga-Caspian Sea trade route.

968 - 971 Campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav in Danube Bulgaria. Wars with Byzantium and the Pechenegs

968 (969) The defeat of the Pechenegs near Kyiv

971 Treaty of Russia with Byzantium

972 (973) - 980 Civil strife in Kyiv after the murder of Prince Svyatoslav by the Pechenegs

980 - 1015 Reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich in Kyiv

980 Creation of a unified pantheon of pagan gods in Kyiv 985 Campaign of Prince Vladimir against the Volga Bulgars

988 - 989 Baptism of Russia

990s Construction in Kyiv of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin (Church of the Tithes)

11th century:

1015 - 1019 Internecine wars of the sons of Vladimir I for the grand throne.

1019 - 1054 The reign of Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise in Kyiv. Drawing up a code of laws "Pravda Yaroslav" - the most ancient part of the "Russian Truth"

1024 Uprising in the Rostov-Suzdal land; suppressed by Prince Yaroslav

1024 Division of Russia between Yaroslav the Wise and his brother Mstislav along the Dnieper:

The Right Bank (with Kyiv) departed to Yaroslav

Left Bank (with Chernigov) - to Mstislav

1030 - 1035 Construction of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Chernihiv

1036 Victory of Prince Yaroslav the Wise over the Pechenegs, which ensured peace for Russia for a quarter of a century (before the Polovtsians came to the Steppe)

1037 - 1041 Construction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

1043 The last campaign of Russia (led by the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Prince Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod) to Constantinople; failed

1045 - 1050 Construction of St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod

1051 Appointment by Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the author of the "Sermon on Law and Grace" Hilarion (the first of the Russians) to the metropolitan cathedra in Kyiv. Founding by the hermit Anthony of the Pechora monastery in Kyiv

1054 Izyaslav Yaroslavich reigned in Kyiv. Compilation of "Pravda Yaroslavichi" - the second part of "Russian Truth"

1068 Polovtsian raid on Russia. Campaign of Russian princes (Yaroslavichi) against the Polovtsians; defeat on the river Alta. The uprising of the townspeople in Kyiv. Flight of Izyaslav to Poland.

About 1071 Uprisings in Novgorod and Rostov-Suzdal

1072 Transfer to the new church in Vyshgorod of the relics of Prince Boris and Gleb (sons of Prince Vladimir I), who were killed by supporters of Svyatopolk, who became the first Russian saints

1073 Expulsion of Prince Izyaslav from Kyiv

1073 - 1076 Great reign in Kyiv of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich

1078 - 1093 Great reign in Kyiv of Vsevolod Yaroslavich

1093 - 1113 Great reign in Kyiv of Svyatopolk Izyaslavich

1093 - The defeat of the princes Svyatopolk and Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh in the battle with the Polovtsians on the river. Stugna

1096 - Victory of Prince Svyatopolk over the Polovtsians in the battle of Pereyaslavl.

1097 - Congress of princes in Lublech

XII century:

1103 Dolobsky congress of Russian princes to prepare a campaign against the Polovtsy

1103 The campaign of princes Svyatopolk and Vladimir Monomakh against the Polovtsy

1108 Foundation of the city of Vladimir-on-Klyazma by Prince Vladimir II Vsevolodovich.

1111 Campaign of Russian princes against the Polovtsy

1113 Revolt in Kyiv against usurers. Calling Prince Vladimir II Vsevolodovich 1113 - 1125 Great reign in Kyiv of Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh. Strengthening of the princely power. Publication of the "Statute of Vladimir Monomakh"; usury restriction

1116 Victory of Prince Vladimir II Monomakh over the Polovtsy

1125 - 1132 Great reign in Kyiv Mstislav Vladimirovich

1125 - 1157 The reign of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky in the Rostov-Suzdal land 1127 - c.1155 The reign of Rostislav Yaroslavich in Ryazan

1127 - 1159 Reigning in Smolensk Rostislav Mstislavich

1131 - Campaigns of Prince Mstislav of Kyiv to Lithuania

1132 - 1139 Great reign in Kyiv of Yaropolk Vladimirovich

1135 - 1136 Unrest in Novgorod. Exile by decision of the veche of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich. Strengthening the "boyar republic" and the principle of inviting the prince

1139 - 1146 Great reign in Kyiv Vsevolod Olgovich

1147 First mention in the annals of Moscow

1149 - 1151, 1155 - 1157 Great reign in Kyiv of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky

1155 Departure of Prince Andrei Yurievich Bogolyubsky from Kyiv to the Rostov-Suzdal land

1156 First election of an archbishop in Novgorod

1157 Kyiv uprising

1157 - 1174 Great reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky in the Vladimir-Suzdal land

1158 - 1161 Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir

1164 Transfer to Vladimir from the Kyiv Vyshgorod Monastery of the icon of the Mother of God (Our Lady of Vladimir)

1168 Campaign of Russian princes against the Polovtsy

1169 The capture and sack of Kyiv by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky

1170 Battle of Suzdalians with Novgorodians. The defeat of Suzdal

1174 The murder of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky by boyars-conspirators

1174 - 1176 Strife and uprisings in the Vladimir-Suzdal land

1176 - 1212 Great reign in the Vladimir-Suzdal land of the brother of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky - Vsevolod Yurievich the Big Nest

1183 Joint campaign of South Russian princes against the Polovtsy. The defeat of Khan Kobyak on the river. Orel

1185 Unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians by Prince Igor Svyatoslavich of Novgorod-Seversky, which served as the subject for "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

1190s Trade agreements between Novgorod and the German Hanseatic cities

1199 Formation of the Galicia-Volyn principality

XIII century:

1202 - 1224 Capture by the Order of the Swordsmen (founded in 1202) of the lands of Livs, Estonians, Zemgalians, etc. in the Baltic

1203 - 1204 The campaign of the Galician-Volyn prince Roman Mstislavich against the Polovtsy

1205 - 1264 intermittently Reigning in Galicia and Volyn Daniil Romanovich

1209 The first annalistic evidence of Tver

1212 Division of the Vladimir-Suzdal land between the sons of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest

1212 - 1216, 1218 - 1238 Great reign of Yuri Vsevolodovich in the Vladimir-Suzdal land.

1216 Battle on the river. Lipice. The victory of Prince Konstantin Vsevolodovich over the brothers Princes Yuri and Yaroslav in the struggle for the Vladimir Grand Duchy

1221 Foundation of Nizhny Novgorod, an outpost for the fight against the Volga Bulgaria, by the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich in the land of the Mordovians

1224 Capture by the Order of the Swordsmen of Yuryev, a Russian fortress in the Baltics

1230 - 1243 Posadnichestvo in Novgorod of Stepan Tverdislavich - a supporter of orientation towards Vladimir

1236 - 1251 Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky reigned in Novgorod

1237 - 1241 Invasion of the Mongol-Tatar troops led by Batu Khan to Russia

1238 Jan. – Feb. The capture and destruction by the Mongol-Tatars of Kolomna, Moscow, Vladimir, Rostov, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Uglich, Galich, Dmitrov, Tver, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Yuriev, Torzhok and other cities of North-Eastern Russia

1238, 4 Mar. The defeat of the united army of the princes of North-Eastern Russia in the battle with the Mongol-Tatars on the river. Sit. The death of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich

1238 - 1246 Great reign in Vladimir Yaroslav Vsevolodovich

1239 The invasion of Batu's troops into the South Russian lands. The ruin of Pereyaslavl, Chernigov

1240 - 1241 Capture by the knights of the Livonian Order (founded in 1237 as a result of the merger of the Teutonic Order and the Order of the Sword) of the Russian fortresses of Izborsk, Pskov, Koporye

1240, Sept. – Dec. The siege and capture of Kyiv by the troops of Batu

1242, 5 Apr. The defeat by the army of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky of the knights of the Livonian Order on Lake Peipus("Battle on the Ice")

Beginning 1240s Formation of the state Golden Horde(Ulus Jochi)

1252 - 1263 Great reign of Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky in Vladimir

1250s Population census ("number"), organized by the Mongol-Tatars with the aim of introducing a centralized tax system

1257 Rebellion in Novgorod against the census

1261 Establishment of an Orthodox diocese in the capital of the Golden Horde - Saray

1262 Uprisings in Rostov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Yaroslavl against Mongol-Tatar tribute collectors and tax-farmers; tribute collection transferred to Russian princes

1262 Treaty between the Grand Duke of Vladimir Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Mindovg on a joint fight against the Livonian Order

1264 - 1272 Great reign in Vladimir Yaroslav Yaroslavich of Tverskoy

1266 - 1282 Participation of Russian princes in the campaigns of the Golden Horde in the Caucasus, Byzantium, Lithuania

1268 Campaign in Livonia and the victory of the troops of Pskov, Novgorod, Vladimir-Suzdal over the German and Danish knights at Rakovor

1269 Campaign of the Livonians against Pskov. Peace with the Livonian Order. Stabilization of the western borders of Novgorod and Pskov

Between 1276 and 1282 - 1303 The reign of Daniil Alexandrovich in Moscow. Founding of the first Danilov Monastery in the vicinity of Moscow (circa 1282)

1281 - 1282, 1293 - 1304 intermittently Great reign of Andrei Alexandrovich Gorodetsky in Vladimir

1285 - 1318 The reign of Mikhail Yaroslavich in Tver; Grand Duke Vladimirsky (1305 - 1317)

1299 Metropolitan Maxim moves from Kyiv to Vladimir-on-Klyazma

XIV century:

1301 - 1303 Accession to Moscow of Kolomna and Mozhaisk

1303 - 1325 The reign of Yuri Danilovich in Moscow. The beginning of the struggle between Moscow and Tver for the great reign

1315 - 1316 The campaign of Prince Mikhail of Tver and the Horde army against Novgorod. The defeat of the Novgorodians at Torzhok

1317 - 1322 Great reign in Vladimir Yuri Danilovich of Moscow

1318 Murder in the Horde of Prince Mikhail of Tver

1319 - 1326 Reign in Tver of Dmitry Mikhailovich Terrible Eyes

1323 Bookmarking by Prince Yuri of Moscow and Novgorodians of the Oreshek fortress at the head of the river. Neva

1325 - 1326 The murder of Prince Yuri of Moscow by Prince Dmitry of Tver in the Horde. The execution of Dmitry Tverskoy by order of Khan Uzbek

1325 - 1340 Great reign in Moscow of Ivan I Danilovich Kalita; from 1328 - Grand Duke of Vladimir

1325 Metropolitan Peter's move to Moscow from Vladimir

1325 - 1327 Great reign of Alexander Mikhailovich of Tver

1326 Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow

1327 Uprising in Tver against the Horde

1333 Construction of the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow

1339 Murder in the Horde of Prince Alexander Mikhailovich of Tverskoy

1340 - 1353 Great reign of Simeon Ivanovich the Proud of Moscow

Around 1340 Sergius of Radonezh founded the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

1348 Treaty of Pskov and Novgorod on the recognition of the independence of the Pskov Republic

1352 - 1353 Plague

1353 - 1359 Great reign in Moscow and Vladimir of Ivan II the Red

1354 Appointment to the Russian Metropolis of Alexy, a native of the Moscow boyar family

1359 - 1386 Great reign of Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy; from 1362 - Grand Duke of Vladimir

1367 - 1369 Construction of the stone Kremlin in Moscow

1368 - 1399 Reign in Tver of Mikhail Alexandrovich

1368, 1370, 1372 Campaigns of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd against Moscow

1374 Appearance in Novgorod of the heresy of the Strigolniks, who advocated the worship of the laity

1374 Uprising in Nizhny Novgorod against the Horde

1375 Campaign of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich to Tver. Refusal of Tver's claims to the great Vladimir reign

About 1377 Compilation " Laurentian Chronicle»

1379 - 1396 Baptism by Stefan of Perm Zyryan (Komi)

1380, 8 Sep. Kulikovo battle. The victory of the united Russian army led by Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy over the Horde army of Mamai on the Kulikovo field (at the confluence of the Nepryadva river into the Don river)

1382 March of the Tatar-Mongol army led by Khan Tokhtamysh to Moscow. The siege and ruin of Moscow and other cities of North-Eastern Russia

1382 The first mention of firearms in Russia

1382 Beginning of minting coins in Moscow

1389 - 1425 Great reign in Moscow of Vasily I Dmitrievich

1392 Accession of the Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal and Murom principalities to Moscow

1395 The defeat of the Golden Horde by the troops of Timur (Tamerlane). The ruin of the outlying lands of Russia. Destruction of Yelets

1395 Transfer of the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir to Moscow

1395 Establishment of vassalage of Smolensk from Lithuania

1397 - 1398 Annexation of Novgorod possessions - Bezhetsky Verkh, Vologda, Veliky Ustyug to Moscow

1399 - 1425 Ivan Mikhailovich reigned in Tver. Strengthening Tver

Late 14th century Accession of the Komi lands to Moscow. The campaign of the Moscow army against the Volga Bulgars and the capture of their capital

15th century:

Early 15th century Creation by Andrey Rublev of the Trinity Icon for the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

1404 Capture of Smolensk by the army of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt. Accession of the Smolensk principality to Lithuania

1408 Grand Duke of Moscow recognizes the power of Lithuania over Smolensk and the Verkhovsky principalities (in the upper reaches of the Oka)

1408 Invasion of the Horde troops of Edigei into North-Eastern Russia. Siege of Moscow

1410, 15 Jul. Battle of Grunwald. The defeat of the united Polish-Lithuanian-Russian army of the knights of the Teutonic army

1420 Beginning of coinage in Novgorod

1425 - 1462 intermittently Great reign of Vasily II Vasilyevich Dark in Moscow

1425 - 1453 Internecine war in the Grand Duchy of Moscow

1425 - 1461 Boris Alexandrovich reigned in Tver

1426 - 1428 Campaigns of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt against Novgorod and Pskov

1433 - 1434 The beginning of the open struggle of the Galician princes for the Moscow Grand Duke's table

1436 Founding of the Solovetsky Monastery

1438 Mission of Metropolitan Isidore to Florence to participate in a church council that discussed the question of the union of the Orthodox and Catholic churches under the leadership of the Pope

1440 Lithuanian recognition of the independence of Pskov

1441 Return of Metropolitan Isidore to Moscow with a letter of the Florentine Union of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. His removal by Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark from the metropolitan throne

1444 - 1448 Livonia's war with Novgorod and Pskov, ending in a 25-year peace

1446 Capture of Moscow by specific prince Dmitry Shemyaka - brother of Vasily Kosoy. Blinding on his orders of Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark

1448 Proclamation of the autocephaly of the Russian Church. Election of Jonah, Bishop of Ryazan, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia

1449 Moscow and Lithuania recognize the independence of Novgorod and Pskov

1450 Expulsion of Dmitry Shemyaka from Galich (died 1453)

1450s The first mention of restrictions on the transition of peasants

1456 March of Grand Duke Vasily II the Dark against Novgorod. The defeat of the Novgorodians near Staraya Russa. The conclusion of the Yalzhebitsky treaty between Moscow and Novgorod, which limited Novgorod's liberties 1458 The final division of the Kyiv metropolis into Kyiv and Moscow

1462 - 1505 Great reign of Ivan III Vasilyevich.

1463 Accession of Yaroslavl Principality to Moscow

1466 - 1472 Travel of the Tver merchant Athanasius Nikitin to India ("Journey beyond the three seas")

1467 - 1469 Campaigns of the Moscow army to Kazan

1470s The appearance in Novgorod of the heresy of the “Judaizers”, who denied the divine nature of Christ

1471 Ivan III's first campaign against Novgorod. The defeat of the Novgorodians on the river. Shelon. Recognition of Novgorod as the “fatherland” of the Grand Duke of Moscow

1472 Marriage of Ivan III with Sophia (Zoya) Paleolog, niece of the last Byzantine emperor

1472 The final annexation of the Perm land to Moscow

1474 Accession of the Rostov Principality to Moscow

1475 - 1479 Construction of the stone Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin (architect Aristotle Fioravanti)

1477 Ivan III's second campaign against Novgorod. Annexation of Novgorod to Moscow

1480 Khan Akhmat's campaign against Moscow; standing of the Horde and Russian troops on the river. Ugra. Akhmat's retreat. The actual elimination of the Horde yoke in Russia

1483 Campaign of the Moscow army in the Trans-Urals and Yugra land

1484 - 1486 Fyodor Kuritsyn's heretical circle formed in Moscow (denying monasteries and monasticism, preaching the idea of ​​free will)

1484 - 1485 Secret alliance of Prince Mikhail of Tver with the Polish king and Grand Duke of Lithuania Casimir IV. Campaigns of Ivan III to Tver. Accession of Tver to Moscow

1485 - 1489 Construction of brick walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin by Italian masters

1487 "Withdrawal" of boyar families from Novgorod and their settlement on the lands of the Moscow Grand Duchy

1487 Moscow troops march on Kazan. The coming to power in Kazan of the pro-Moscow party

1489 Moscow troops march on Vyatka. The final annexation of Vyatka, as well as Arsk land (Udmurtia) to Moscow

1490 Condemnation at the church council of the heresy of the "Judaizers"

1490s Spread of ideas of non-possessiveness (Nil Sorsky) and Josephism (Joseph Volotsky)

1492 Foundation of the Ivangorod fortress on the river. Narva (opposite the Swedish fortress)

1492 - 1494 War of the Grand Duke Ivan III with Lithuania. Accession to Moscow of Vyazma and the Verkhovsky principalities 1493 - 1494 Termination of the Hanseatic trade in Novgorod

1496 - 1497 War with Sweden

1496 - 1497 The first Russian embassy to Istanbul to Sultan Bayazet II

1497 Edition of the Sudebnik of Ivan III; the establishment of a single deadline for the transition of peasants (a week before and a week after the autumn St. George's Day, November 26)

16th century:

About 1500 Compilation of the "tale of the princes of Vladimir" with the rationale for the origin of the ruling dynasty (Rurik) from the Roman emperor Augustus

1503 Controversy between Nil Sorsky (died 1508) and Joseph Volotsky (died 1515)

1503 Truce for 10 years between Ivan III and Grand Duke of Lithuania Alexander Kazimirovich. Chernigov, Bryansk, Putivl, Gomel and part of Smolensk land were assigned to the Moscow State

1505 - 1533 Great reign of Vasily III

1505 - 1516 Construction by Alevizrm Fryazin (New) of the Archangel Cathedral and fortifications of the Moscow Kremlin

1507 The first raid of the Crimean Tatars on Moscow

1510 Annexation of Pskov to Moscow

1510 Message from the monk of the Pskov Eleazarov Monastery Philotheus to the Grand Duke Vasily III, in which the idea of ​​"Moscow - the Third Rome" is put forward

1514 Capture of Smolensk by the troops of Grand Duke Vasily III

1514, 8 Sept. The defeat by the Lithuanian troops of the troops of Grand Duke Vasily III near Orsha

1516 Treaty of Basil III with Denmark on a military alliance against Sweden and Poland

1519 Basil III concluded a military alliance with the Crimean Khan Mohammed Giray against the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund I and the Kazan Khanate

1521, Jun. – Aug. The invasion of the Crimean Khan Mohammed Giray and the Kazan Khan Sahib Giray on Moscow

1525 Church councils condemning Maxim the Greek, I. N. Bersen-Beklemishev and others.

1533 - 1584 Great reign (from 1547 - reign) of Ivan IV Vasilyevich the Terrible

1533 - 1538 Regency of Grand Duchess Elena Glinskaya, widow of Vasily III

1535 - 1538 Completion of the creation of a unified monetary system Russian state

1547, 7 Jan. The wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom, the official adoption by Ivan IV of the title of "Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia"

1547 Rise of townspeople in Moscow

1547 - 1548, 1549 - 1550 Unsuccessful campaigns of Russian troops against Kazan

1549 Convocation of the Zemsky Sobor. Creation of an order system

Con. 1540s - 1550s Activities of the Chosen One

1550 Edition of the Sudebnik of Ivan IV. Creation of the archery army

Around 1550 Founding of the fair at the Makaryevsky Monastery on the Volga

1551, summer Accession of Chuvashia to the Russian state

1552 Campaign of the Russian troops led by Tsar Ivan IV against the Kazan Khanate. Capture of Kazan (October 2). Accession of the Kazan Khanate to the Russian state

1552 - 1557 Accession of most of Bashkiria to the Russian state

1555 Education in Moscow (Russian) England trading company and granting her privileges to trade in the Russian state

1555 Recognition by the Siberian Khanate of vassal dependence on Moscow

1555 - 1560 Construction of the Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral) on Red Square in Moscow. 1556 Capture of Astrakhan by Russian troops. Accession of the Astrakhan Khanate to the Russian state 1558 - 1583 Livonian war

1559, summer Armistice with the Livonian Order

1561 Disintegration of the Livonian Order

1563, 18 Feb. The capture of Polotsk by Russian troops

1564 Edition by Ivan Fedorov in Moscow of "Apostle" - the first Russian printed book

1564 Defeat of Russian troops near Orsha

1566, Jun. Conclusion of a truce between Tsar Ivan IV and Polish King Sigismund II August 1569, Dec. –1570 Feb. Tsar Ivan IV's campaign against Novgorod and Pskov

1572 Abolition of the oprichnina

Con. 1570s - Early. 1580s Yermak Timofeevich's campaign in Siberia

1581 Beginning of the introduction of reserved years (prohibition of the transition of peasants)

1581, Sept. The capture of the fortresses of Narva, Ivangorod, Yam, Koporye by the Swedish troops

Feb. 6, 1582 Yam-Zapolsky peace with the Commonwealth

1583 Truce of Plus with Sweden

1584 Founding of Arkhangelsk

1485 - 1598 The reign of Fedor Ivanovich

1586 Founding of Voronezh, Tyumen, Samara, Ufa, Tobolsk

1589, 26 Jan. Establishment of the Patriarchate in the Russian State. Election of Metropolitan Job as Patriarch (died 1605)

1589 "Sudebnik" of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich

1590 - 1593 War with Sweden. Return of the fortresses Ivangorod, Yam, Koporye

1591, summer Campaign to Moscow of the Crimean Khan Kazy-Girey, battle (July 4) at the Danilov Monastery near Moscow (retreat of the Tatar troops)

About 1593 - 1593 Completion of the introduction of reserved years. Cancellation of St. George's Day (autumn)

1594 Official appointment of the boyar Boris Godunov as the ruler of the state under Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich

1595, May 18 Tyavzinsky "eternal peace" between the Russian state and Sweden. Sweden conceded Yam, Korely, Ivangorod, Koporye, Nyenschanz, Oreshek

1596 Proclamation by the Brest Church Council of the union of the Orthodox and Catholic churches in the territory of the Commonwealth

1597, 24 Nov. Establishment of a 5-year term for the investigation of fugitive and forcibly exported peasants in order to return them back

1598 - 1605 The reign of Boris Fedorovich Godunov

17th century:

1601 - 1603 Famine in Russia

1603 Revolt of peasants and serfs led by Cotton

1604 Founding of Tomsk

1604 Entry of troops of False Dmitry I into the territory of Russia

1605 - 1606 Board of False Dmitry I

1605 - 1606 Patriarchy of Ignatius

1606 - 1610 Reign of Vasily IV Shuisky

1606 - 1607 Peasant uprising led by I. I. Bolotnikov

1606 - 1612 Patriarchate of Hermogenes

1606, Oct. – Dec. Siege of Moscow by Bolotnikov's army. The defeat of Bolotnikov's troops in the Kolomenskoye area near Moscow

1607, 9 Mar. "Code" of Tsar Vasily IV Shuisky. Establishment of a 15-year term for the investigation of fugitive peasants 1607, 10 Oct. The capture of Tula by the troops of Vasily Shuisky. Arrest of Bolotnikov (exiled to Kargopol, drowned) 1608 Beginning of False Dmitry II's campaign against Moscow. Creation of the "Tushino camp"

1609 - 1611 Siege of Smolensk by Polish troops

1609 - 1618 Polish-Swedish invasion of Russia

1610 Treaty of the “Tushins” with the King of the Commonwealth Sigismund III on the calling to the Russian throne of Prince Vladislav

1610 - 1613 Board of the "Seven Boyars" headed by Prince Mstislavsky

1610, Sept. The entry of Polish troops into Moscow

1611 Jan. - Mar. Formation of the first militia against the Polish troops led by P. Lyapunov

1611, Mar. Uprising in Moscow against Polish troops. Fire in Moscow

1611, Sept. – Oct. Formation in Nizhny Novgorod of the second militia led by Kuzma Minin and Prince D. M. Pozharsky

1612, 26 Oct. The entry of troops of the second militia in Moscow. Capitulation of the Polish garrison in the Kremlin

1612 - 1633 Patriarchate of Philaret

Feb. 21, 1613 Election by the Zemsky Sobor to the Russian Throne of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov

1613 - 1645 The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich

Feb. 27, 1617 Stolbovsky "eternal peace" with Sweden

1619, Jun. Return from Polish captivity of Mikhail Fedorovich's father, Filaret. His elevation to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow (until 1633)

1628 Foundation of Krasnoyarsk

1630 - 1632 Military reform. Formation of regular regiments and regiments of a foreign system

1632 - 1634 War between Russia and the Commonwealth for the return of Smolensk

1634 Polyanovsky peace with the Commonwealth. Renunciation of King Vladislav IV from claims to the Russian throne 1634 - 1640 Patriarchy of Joasaph I

1635 - 1638 Introduction of new defensive structures- "notch lines" on the southern borders of Russia

1636 Founding of Simbirsk

1640 - 1652 Patriarchy of Joseph

1643 - 1651 Campaigns of V. Poyarkov and E. Khabarov for the Amur

1645 - 1676 The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich

1647 Founding of Okhotsk

1648" salt riot" in Moscow. Uprisings in Solvychegorsk, Veliky Ustyug, Solikamsk, Kozlov, Kursk, Voronezh, Tomsk, Surgut, etc.

1648 Campaign of S. Dezhnev. Opening of the strait between Asia and America

1649, 29 Jan. Adoption by the Zemsky Sobor of a new code of laws - the Cathedral Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

1650 Uprisings in Pskov and Novgorod

Around 1650, a circle of "zealots of piety" was formed in Moscow, who advocated the implementation of church reform.

1652 - 1658, 1667 Patriarchy of Nikon.

1652 Establishment of a state monopoly on the trade in bread wine (vodka)

1653 The beginning of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon

1654 - 1667 Russian-Polish war

1656 - 1658 Russian-Swedish war

1661 Founding of Irkutsk

1663 - 1664 Revolts in Siberia and Bashkiria 1666 Establishment of a post office in Russia

1666 - 1667 Church Cathedral. Condemnation of Patriarch Nikon, deprivation of his patriarchal rank

1667 - 1672 Patriarchy of Iosaph II

1667, 30 Jan. Andrusovo truce with the Commonwealth. Return of Smolensk and Chernigov lands to Russia

1668 - 1676 Uprising in the Solovetsky Monastery (“Solovki Sitting”)

1670 - 1671 Peasant-Cossack uprising led by S. T. Razin (executed on April 26, 1671) 1672 - 1673 Patriarchate of Pitirim

1674 - 1690 Patriarchy of Joachim

1676 - 1681 War of Russia with Turkey and the Crimean Khanate

1676 - 1682 The reign of Fedor Alekseevich

1679 Introduction of house-to-house taxation (instead of field tax)

1682 Abolition of parochialism (a system of feudal hierarchy that had existed since the 15th century)

1682, Apr. The struggle for power of the boyar groups of the Naryshkins and Miloslavskys after the death of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich. Shooter riot.

1682 - 1696 Joint reign of brothers Ivan V and Peter I

1682 - 1689 The reign of Princess Sofya Alekseevna - regent for minor sovereigns

1687 Foundation of the Hellenic-Greek (since 1701 Slavic-Greek-Latin) Academy in Moscow

1687, 1689 Crimean campaigns of Russian troops under the command of Prince V.V. Golitsyn

1689, 27 Aug. Nerchinsk treaty with China. Establishment of the Russian-Chinese border along the Argun and Gorbitsa rivers

1690 - 1700 Patriarchy Adrian

1696 - 1725 The sole reign of Peter I (after the death of Tsar Ivan V)

1697 - 1698 "The Great Embassy" of Peter I to Europe

1698 Revolt of archery regiments. Mass executions of archers

1699 City government reform. Creation of the Burgmeister Chamber 1699 Disbandment of the archery troops

18 century:

1700 - 1721 Northern war of Russia with Sweden

1700 Death of Patriarch Adrian. Appointment of Metropolitan Stefan Yavorsky as Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne

1701 Opening of the School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences in Moscow

1703, Apr. The capture by Russian troops under the command of B.P. Sheremetyev of the Nyenschanz fortress at the mouth of the Neva

1703 The publication of the textbook "Arithmetic" by L. F. Magnitsky

1704, summer Siege and capture of the fortresses of Derpt and Narva by Russian troops

1705 Introduction of annual recruitment duty

1705 - 1706 Streltsy uprising in Astrakhan. Suppressed by B.P. Sheremetev

1705 - 1711 Bashkir uprising

1706, Mar. The retreat of Russian troops from Grodno to Brest-Litovsk, and then to Kyiv

1707 - 1708 Peasant-Cossack uprising under the leadership of Kondraty Bulavin, engulfing the Don, Left-bank and Sloboda Ukraine, the Middle Volga region

1708, Jun. The invasion of the Swedish army of King Charles XII into Russia, crossing the river. Berezina 1708, Jul. Speech by Hetman I. S. Mazepa on the side of Sweden against Russia

1708, 28 Sept. The defeat of the Swedish corps near Lesnaya by Peter I

1709 Destruction of the Zaporozhian Sich

1709, 27 Jun. Poltava battle. The defeat of the Swedish troops. The flight of the Swedish king Charles XII and Mazepa to Turkey (June 30)

1710 Capture of Riga, Reval, Vyborg by Russian troops

1710 Household tax census

1711, Feb. Establishment of the Governing Senate

1711, 12 Jul. The conclusion of the Prut (Iasi) peace between Russia and Turkey. The return of Azov to Turkey, the obligation to destroy the fortresses in the South and the Azov fleet

1712 Decrees of Tsar Peter I on the creation of the Armory Yard in Tula and the Foundry Yard in St. Petersburg

1712, Mar. The wedding of Peter I with Marta Elena Skavronskaya (after the adoption of Orthodoxy - Ekaterina Alekseevna)

1713 Russian offensive in Finland. Capture of Helsingfors and Abo

1714 Decree of Tsar Peter I on single inheritance

1716, Mar. Adoption of the "military charter"

1716, Sept. The flight of Tsarevich Alexei abroad

1717 Trip of Tsar Peter I to France

1718, Jan. Return of Tsarevich Alexei to Russia (at the request of Peter I). Manifesto depriving Tsarevich Alexei of the rights to the throne

1718, Jun. The death of Tsarevich Alexei after he was sentenced to death on charges of organizing a conspiracy

1718 - 1721 Liquidation of Orders, establishment of Collegiums

1718 - 1731 Construction of the Ladoga Canal

1719 Administrative reform. Division of provinces into provinces. "General Regulations" of Peter I (charter of the civil service)

1720 - 1737 Compilation by V. N. Tatishchev "History of Russia from the most ancient times"

1721, 30 Aug. Nishtad peace between Russia and Sweden. End of the Northern War. Assignment to Russia of Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland, part of Karelia with Vyborg and part of Southern Finland

1721 State post office

1721 Start of construction of the Yekaterinburg fortress

1721 Establishment of the Holy Synod (instead of the patriarchate)

1722, Jan. 13 The publication of the "Table of Ranks", the division of all civil servants into 14 ranks (ranks) 1722 - 1723 Russian-Persian war. Persian campaign of Peter I

1722 Elimination of Hetmanship in Ukraine

1723 Capture of Derbent, Baku by Russian troops

1723, 1 Sept. Russo-Persian peace treaty. Recognition by Persia of Russia's rights to the western and southern coasts of the Caspian Sea

1724 Establishment of the Academy of Sciences. Grand opening of the Academy in St. Petersburg

(December 27, 1725) 1724, Jun. Treaty of Constantinople between Russia and Turkey on the delimitation of possessions in Transcaucasia

1725, 28 Jan. The death of Peter I. The struggle for power between court factions led by A. D. Menshikov and Dolgoruky. Enthronement by the Menshikov group of Catherine I

1725 - 1727 Reign of Empress Catherine I

1725, Jun. Marriage of the eldest daughter of Peter I Anna Petrovna with Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorn

1725 - 1730 The first Kamchatka expedition of V. Bering

1726 Feb. Establishment of the Supreme Privy Council chaired by Catherine I

1726 Opening of the Academic Gymnasium and the Academic University at the Academy of Sciences

1727 - 1730 Reign of Emperor Peter II (son of Tsarevich Alexei)

1727 Restoration of the hetmanship in Ukraine (until 1734)

1727, Sept. The deposition and arrest of A. D. Menshikov, the elevation of Dolgoruky

1727, 21 Oct. Treaty of Kyakhta between Russia and Kiraly on the establishment of boundaries and conditions for Russian-Chinese trade

1730 Jan. Election to the Russian throne of the widow of the Duke of Courland, daughter of Tsar Ivan V - Anna Ivanovna 1730 - 1740 Reign of Empress Anna Ivanovna. Removal from power Dolgoruky. "Bironovshchina" 1730, Mar. Cancellation of the decree on single inheritance

1730 Cancellation of the primacy in the inheritance of estates

1730 - 1732 Transfer of part of Northern Kazakhstan under the protection of Russia

1731 Declaration of landowners' lands as their hereditary property

1732 Jan. Resht Treaty between Russia and Persia. The return to Persia of the southern coast of the Caspian Sea, acquired by Russia during the Russian-Persian war (1722 - 1723)

1733 - 1743 The second Kamchatka (Great Northern) expedition of V. Bering (the final confirmation of the existence of the strait between Eurasia and America). Academic expedition of I. G. Gmelin and G. F. Miller in Siberia and the Far East

1733 - 1735 Russia's alliance with Austria and Saxony in the war with France for the Polish inheritance. Recognition by France of Augustus of Saxony (August III) as Polish king

1733, Sept. The entry of Russian troops into Warsaw (during the War of the Polish Succession)

1735 - 1739 Russian-Turkish war

1736 Decrees on fixing artisans in manufactories, prohibiting factories from buying settlements with land, on forcibly recruiting beggars and vagabonds to work at manufactories 1736 Construction of the Kizlyar fortress in the North Caucasus

1739, 18 Sept. The signing of the Belgrade peace with Turkey. Return of Azov and Zaporozhye

1740, 17 Oct. Death of Anna Ivanovna. Enthronement of Ivan VI Antonovich (born August 2, 1740), son of Anna Leopoldovna (granddaughter of Tsar Ivan V) and Duke Anton-Ulrich of Brunswick, proclamation of Biron as regent

1741 - 1743 Russian-Swedish war

1741 - 1761 Reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, daughter of Peter. She was elevated to the throne as a result of a palace coup (November 25, 1741)

1743, Aug. Signing of the Russian-Swedish treaty in Abo (Finland), Russia receiving part of Finland 1743 Founding of Orenburg

1743 - 1747 "Diplomatic revolution". Russia concludes a series of treaties with Western European countries

1750 Appointment of Count K. G. Razumovsky as Hetman of Ukraine

1754 - 1761 Work of the Elizabethan Statutory Commission

1754 Beginning of economic reforms by P. I. Shuvalov. Customs regulations. Establishment of the Noble and Merchant Loan Banks

1755, 12 Jan. Foundation of Moscow University (initiated by M. V. Lomonosov, under the auspices of I. I. Shuvalov)

1756 - 1762 Russia's participation in the Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763) on the side of Austria, France, Spain, Saxony and Sweden against Prussia, Great Britain and Portugal

1757, 19 Aug. The defeat of the Russian troops under the command of S. F. Apraksin of the Prussian army at Gross-Egersdorf. The subsequent withdrawal of Russian troops to Tilsit

1757 Introduction of a protective customs tariff

1758 Jan. Manifesto of Elizabeth Petrovna on the inclusion of East Prussia into the Russian Empire 1759, August 1 The victory of Russian troops under the command of P. S. Saltykov over the Prussian army of Frederick II at Kunnersdorf (near Frankfurt)

1760, 28 Sept. Capture of Berlin by Russian troops

1761, 25 Dec. Death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Accession to the throne Peter III Fedorovich - the son of Anna Petrovna (daughter of Peter I) and Karl Friedrich, Duke of Holstein-Gottorn

1762 Feb. Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility. Manifesto on the destruction of the Secret Chancellery and the abolition of the investigation on oral denunciation

1762, 13 Apr. Peace with Prussia. Russia ceded to Prussia all its conquests during Seven Years' War

1762, 29 Jun. Palace coup. The overthrow of Emperor Peter III and the erection of his wife Catherine II Alekseevna (nee Sophia Frederica of Anhalt-Zerbst)

1762 - 1796 Reign of Empress Catherine II

1764 Feb. Secularization of church and monastery lands

1764, Jul. Attempt of a coup d'etat with the aim of returning Ivan VI Antonovich to the throne, undertaken by lieutenant V. Ya. Mirovich. Assassination of Ivan VI. Execution (September) of Mirovich

1764, Oct. Election to the Polish throne of the protégé of Catherine II Count Stanisław Poniatowski

1764 The final abolition of the hetmanship in Ukraine

1766 Trade treaty with Great Britain

1767 - 1768 Activities of the Commission on the Code, created to codify laws

1767 Publication of the "Instruction" of Catherine II for the Commission for the drafting of a new Code

1768 - 1774 Russian-Turkish war

1768 - 1774 Academic expeditions to study the eastern and northern regions of the Russian Empire 1769 Issue of banknotes (the first paper money in Russia)

1769 Russia's first external loan (in Amsterdam)

1771 Occupation of Crimea by Russian troops

1771 Plague epidemic in Moscow. "Plague Riot"

1772, 25 Jul. Petersburg convention on the first division of the Commonwealth between Russia, Prussia and Austria. Accession to Russia of the Dvina, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Mstislav and part of the Minsk provinces, the Polish part of Livonia

1772, Sept. The victories of the Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov near Karasu and Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhi

1773 - 1775 Peasant-Cossack uprising led by E. I. Pugachev

1775 Publication "Institutions for the management of the provinces of the Russian Empire". Division of the country into 51 provinces

1779 Foundation Black Sea Fleet

1780 Declaration of Catherine II on "armed neutrality" in order to protect merchant shipping during the struggle of the British colonies in North America for independence

1783, 28 Mar. Manifesto of Catherine II on the annexation of Crimea to Russia

1783, 24 Jul. Treaty of Georgievsky - an agreement on the voluntary acceptance of the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti (Eastern Georgia) under the auspices of the Russian Empire

1784 Creation by G. I. Shelekhov of the first Russian settlements in Alaska

1785, 21 Apr. "Charter to the nobility" and "Charter for the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire"

1786, 31 Dec. Trade agreement between Russia and France 1786 Secularization of church and monastery lands in Ukraine

1787 - 1791 Russian-Turkish war

1788 - 1790 Russo-Swedish War

1788, Sept. – Oct. The expedition of the squadron under the command of D.N. Senyavin and his victory over the Turkish fleet at Sinop

1788, 18 Sept. The capture of the Khotyn fortress by the Russian-Austrian troops under the command of I.P. Saltykov and the Prince of Coburg

1788, 6 Dec. Capture by Russian troops under the command of G. A. Potemkin Turkish fortress Ochakov

1789, 21 Jul. The victory of the Russian-Austrian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov and the Prince of Coburg at Focsani

1789, 11 Sept. The victory of Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov at Rymnik

1789, 28 Sept. Ackermann's surrender

1790, Mar. A number of defeats of Russian troops in Finland

1790, 28 Aug. The victory of the Russian fleet under the command of F. F. Ushakov over the Turkish fleet at Tendra 1790 Decree of Catherine II on the return of all Russians from revolutionary France

1793, 12 Jan. Petersburg convention between Russia and Prussia on the second division of the Commonwealth. Transfer to Russia of most of Ukraine and Belarus (with Minsk)

1793 Replacement of lifelong soldier's service by 25 years

1794 Russian troops suppress the uprising of T. Kosciuszko in Poland

1795, 13 Oct. Petersburg convention between Russia, Austria and Prussia on the third division of the Commonwealth. Transition to Russia of Lithuania, Courland, Western Belarus and Western Ukraine

1796 - 1801 reign of Emperor Paul I

1797 Introduction of succession to the throne by genealogical seniority

1799 Participation of Russia in the wars of the second anti-French coalition

1799 Russian-Turkish expedition to the Ionian Islands under the command of F. F. Ushakov, the formation of the Ionian Republic under the protectorate of Russia (until 1807)

1799 Feb. Storming of the French fortress on the island of Corfu by F. F. Ushakov

1799, Sept. Swiss campaign of A. V. Suvorov. Break through the St. Gotthard Pass and Devil's Bridge Gorge

1799 Formation of the Russian-American Company

19th century:

1801, 11 Mar. Palace coup. Assassination of Emperor Paul I

1801 - 1825 Reign of Emperor Alexander I

1801, 24 Jun. Establishment of the Unspoken Committee for the preparation of reforms, consisting of the "young friends" of the emperor

1802, 8 Sept. ministerial reform. Replacement of collegiums by ministries. Establishment of the Committee of Ministers 1802 Founding of Dorpat University

Feb. 20, 1803 Decree on "free cultivators"

1803 - 1804 Accession of Megrelia (Mingrelia), Imertia, Guria and the Ganja Khanate to Russia

1803 - 1806 The first Russian circumnavigation of the world by I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lisyansky on the ships "Nadezhda" and "Neva"

1804 Foundation of Kazan University. Adoption of a unified university charter; introduction of university autonomy

1804 - 1808 Decrees prohibiting the slave trade in the Caucasus

1805 Foundation of Kharkov University. Foundation of the Moscow Society of Naturalists

1805 - 1807 Participation of Russia in the 3rd and 4th coalition wars against France

1805, 20 Nov. (December 2) The defeat of the Russian-Austrian troops in the battle with the French troops near Austerlitz

1805 - 1812 Construction of Russian forts in Alaska and California

1806 - 1812 Russian-Turkish war

1807, 13 (25) Jun. – Jun 28 (July 9) Appointment of Alexander I with Napoleon in Tilsit. Peace of Tilsit between Russia and France: Russian recognition of all Napoleon's conquests, obligation to join the continental blockade against Great Britain

1808 Appointment of M. M. Speransky as head of the Commission on drafting laws

1808 Foundation of the Siberian Cossack Army

1808 - 1809 Russian-Swedish war. Accession (according to the Friedrichsham Peace, signed in September 1809) of Finland to Russia

1809, Mar. The convocation by Emperor Alexander I of the Borgos Diet of representatives of the Finnish estates. Formation of the Grand Duchy of Finland as part of the Russian Empire

1809 M. M. Speransky’s reform project, which provided for a gradual transition to a constitutional type of monarchy. Establishment of a State Council (with advisory functions)

1810 Beginning of the organization of military settlements

1810 Annexation of Abkhazia

1812, May 16 (28) Peace of Bucharest between Russia and Turkey. Accession of Bessarabia to Russia

1812, 12 Jun. The invasion of Napoleon's "Great Army" into Russia. The beginning of the Patriotic War of the Russian people

1812, 4 - 5 Aug. Smolensk battle. The connection of the armies of M. B. Barclay de Tolly and P. I. Bagration

1812, 1 Sept. Military council in Fili (near Moscow). The decision to surrender Moscow

1812, 2 Sept. The entry of Napoleon's troops into Moscow. The beginning of the Moscow fire

1812, Sept. – Oct. Tarutinsky maneuver Kutuzov

1812, 14 - 16 Nov. The defeat of the remnants of the "Great Army" of Napoleon while crossing the river. Berezina

1813 - 1814 Foreign campaigns of the Russian army in Europe

1813, 4 - 7 (16 - 19) Oct. The victory of the Russian-Austrian-Prussian army over the French troops in the battle of Leipzig ("Battle of the Nations")

1813, 24 Oct. (5 Nov.) Gulistan peace with Persia. Accession of the territory of Northern Azerbaijan and Dagestan to Russia

1814, Mar. The entry of allied troops (including Russians under the command of Emperor Alexander I) to Paris. The abdication of Napoleon and his reference to Fr. Elbe

1814 Opening of the Public Library in St. Petersburg

1815 Construction of the first steamship in Russia

1815, Jun. Signing of the final documents of the Vienna Congress. Duchy of Warsaw divided between Russia, Austria and Prussia

1815, 14 (26) Sept. The act of creating a sacred union, signed by the Russian emperor Alexander I, the Austrian emperor Franz I and the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm III (later almost all European monarchs joined the union)

1815, 8 (20) Nov. The Second Paris Peace Treaty, which provided for a 5-year occupation of France by the troops of the allied powers (terminated ahead of schedule in 1818)

1816, Feb. Creation of the "Union of Salvation" - the first secret "Decembrist organization"

1816 - 1819 The abolition of serfdom in the Baltic provinces

1817 Formation of the Astrakhan Cossack Army

1817 - 1834 Construction of the highway St. Petersburg - Moscow

1817 – 1864 Caucasian war. Conquest of the North Caucasus

1817 - 1823 Construction of a line of cordons along the river. Sunzha in the North Caucasus

1818 The formation of the "Union of Welfare" - a secret "Decembrist" society

1819 Founding of St. Petersburg University

1819 Unrest in the Chuguev military settlements

1819 - 1821 Expedition of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev. Discovery of Antarctica

1820 Unrest in the Semyonovsky regiment

1821 Formation of secret Northern and Southern societies

1823 Formation of the secret Society of United Slavs

1824 Removal of restrictions on peasant trade

1825 - 1855 Reign of Emperor Nicholas I

1825, 25 Dec. The uprising in St. Petersburg, prepared by members of the Northern Society ("Revolt of the Decembrists")

1825, 29 Dec. - 1826, 3 Jan. The uprising of the Chernihiv regiment, prepared by members of the Southern Society

1826, 4 Apr. Petersburg Protocol of Russia and Great Britain demanding Turkey to grant autonomy to Greece

1826 - 1830 Compilation of the Complete Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

1826 Establishment of the Corps of Gendarmes and the Third Branch of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery (secret police agency). Tightening censorship ("cast-iron" charter)

1826, 13 Jul. The execution of the Decembrists M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. G. Kakhovsky, S. I. Muravyov-Apostol, P. I. Pestel, K. F. Ryleev

1826, 25 Sept. (11 Oct.) Akkerman Convention between Russia and Turkey. Recognition by Turkey of the accession of Sukhumi to Russia, restoration of the autonomy of the Danube Principalities, recognition of the autonomy of Serbia

1827, 24 Jun. (July 6) London Convention between Russia, Great Britain and France on the autonomy of Greece and joint action against Turkey

1827, 8 (20) Oct. Navarino battle. Destruction of the united Anglo-Russian-French squadron of the Turkish fleet

1827 Helsingfors University founded

1828, 10 (22) Feb. Turkmenchay peace between Russia and Persia. Accession of Eastern Armenia to Russia

1829, 2 (14) Sept. Adrianople peace between Russia and Turkey. Transition to Russia of the mouth of the Danube and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (from the Kuban to Poti). The right of passage of Russian ships through the straits. Recognition of the autonomy of Greece, Serbia, Moldavia and Wallachia

1829 First All-Russian Manufactory Exhibition

1830 - 1831 Cholera epidemic. "Cholera riots" in a number of provinces

1830 - 1837 The activities of the circle of N. V. Stankevich in Moscow

1830 - 1834 The activities of the circle of A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev in Moscow

1831 Uprising in the military settlements of the Novgorod province

1832 The Minister of Public Education, Count S. S. Uvarov, put forward the formula "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality", which became the basis of the theory of "official nationality"

1832, Feb. Replacement of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Poland with an "Organic Status" that limited Poland's autonomy within the Russian Empire

1833 Manifesto on the introduction (since 1835) of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire

1833, 26 Jun. (July 8) Unkar-Iskelesi Treaty between Russia and Turkey on a defensive alliance 1834 Foundation of Kyiv University

1834 - 1859 Imamat Shamil in Dagestan and Chechnya

1835 New university charter. Abolition of university autonomy

1837 Opening of the first in Russia railway(between Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo)

1837 - 1841 Reform of the management of state peasants (reform of Count P. D. Kiselev). Establishment of the Ministry of State Property

1839 - 1840 Khiva campaign of General V. A. Perovsky

1839 - 1843 Monetary reform of Count E.F. Kankrin. The introduction of the silver ruble as the basis of monetary circulation

1840 - 1843 "Potato riots" of state peasants

1840 Cancellation of the Lithuanian statute, which had been in force since 1588. Extension of all-Russian laws to the western provinces

1842 Act obligated peasants, according to which peasants could, with the consent of the landowner, receive personal freedom and land for hereditary use

1843 Creation of the Sixth Department of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery for the Management of the Transcaucasus

1845 - 1849 Activities in St. Petersburg of the circle of M. V. Petrashevsky

1845 - 1847 Activities in Kyiv of the secret Cyril and Methodius, who advocated the abolition of serfdom and the creation of a Slavic federation

1840s The beginning of the controversy between the "Westerners" and the "Slavophiles"

Feb. 1848 Mobilization measures of the Russian army in connection with the revolution in France. Establishment of a secret committee to oversee censorship

1848, Mar. Order of Emperor Nicholas I on the return of all Russian subjects from France. Prohibition on the publication of messages from Europe in the press

1848, Apr. Establishment of a committee for supreme oversight of the spirit and direction of works published in Russia (the "Buturlin Committee")

1849, May - Aug. The campaign of the Russian army under the command of I.F. Paskevich to suppress the revolution in Hungary, undertaken at the request of the Austrian government

1849 - 1855 Expedition of Captain G. I. Nevelsky to the Far East, exploration of the Amur mouth, foundation of Nikolaevsk (1850). Announcement of the Amur Region and Sakhalin as possessions of Russia

1851 Opening of the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway (since 1855 - the Nikolaevskaya railway)

1852 - 1853 E. V. Putyanin's mission to Japan. "Opening" Japan for Russia

1853 Feb. Creation in London of A. I. Herzen’s “Free Russian Printing House”

1853 Kokand campaign of General V. A. Perovsky

1853, 18 Nov. The defeat of the Russian fleet under the command of P. S. Nakhimov of the Turkish fleet in the Sinop Bay

1853, Dec. The actual entry of Great Britain and France into the Crimean War. Anglo-French fleet entered the Black Sea (December 23)

1854 Foundation of the Zaili military fortification (Verny, modern Alma-Ata)

Feb. 9, 1854 Russia's declaration of war on Britain and France

1854, Sept. The landing of the Anglo-French troops in the Crimea

1854, Sept. - 1855, Sept. The defense of Sevastopol under the leadership of V. A. Kornilov and P. S. Nakhimov (taken by the Anglo-French troops on September 28, 1855)

1855 - 1881 Reign of Emperor Alexander II

1855, 16 Nov. The capture by Russian troops under the command of N. N. Muravyov of the Kars fortress in Transcaucasia 1856, 18 (30) Mar. Peace of Paris that ended the Crimean War. Neutralization of the Black Sea with the prohibition of Russia and Turkey to keep a navy on it, the abolition of the exclusive protectorate of Russia over the Danubian principalities

1857 Liquidation of military settlements

1857 - 1858 Mission of E. V. Putyanin to China

1858 Formation of the Main Committee on the Peasant Question. Formation of provincial committees for the preparation of the peasant reform

1858, May 16 (28) Treaty of Aigun between Russia and China. Declaration of the left bank of the Amur (from the Argun River to the mouth) as a possession of Russia, lands from the Ussuri River to Pacific Ocean co-ownership

1859, Mar. Establishment of editorial commissions to consider projects of peasant reform submitted by provincial committees

1859 Occupation by Russian troops of the entire territory of Chechnya and Nagorno-Dagestan. Capture of Shamil

1860 Establishment of the State Bank

1860 Foundation of Vladivostok

1860, 2 (14) Nov. Peking treatise of Russia and China. Securing the Ussuri Territory for Russia. Opening for Russian merchants of Beijing, Urga, Canton and Kashgar

Feb. 19, 1861 Manifesto on the liberation of the peasants from serfdom

1861 - 1864 Activity secret society"Land and Freedom"

1861 Student unrest in St. Petersburg and Moscow against the restriction of students' rights. Temporary closure (December 20) of St. Petersburg University

1862 - 1874 Military reforms of D. N. Milyutin

1863 The abolition of wine farming and the introduction of excise duty. Abolition of corporal punishment

1863 - 1864 Polish uprising

1863 - 1866 The activities of the circle of N. A. Ishutin and I. A. Khudyakov (“Ishutins”)

1864 Zemstvo reform. Judicial reform (introduction of jury trial). Reform of secondary education 1864 - 1868 War with the Kokand Khanate and the Emirate of Bukhara

1865 Foundation of the Novorossiysk University (in Odessa)

1866 Law on the land arrangement of state peasants

1866, 4 Apr. The attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II, committed by a member of the Ishuta circle D. V. Karakozov

1867, 18 (30) Mar. Agreement on the sale of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands by Russia to the United States

1868 "Bukhara Campaign" of the Governor-General of the Turkestan Territory K. P. Kaufman

1869 - 1874 Activities in St. Petersburg populist circle "Chaikovites"

1870 City reform. Replacing estate city dumas with all-class ones

1870, 19 Oct. Circular of the Minister of Foreign Affairs A. M. Gorchakov on Russia's refusal from the terms of the Peace of Paris (1856) on the restriction of its rights in the Black Sea

1870 - 1888 Expeditions of N. M. Przhevalsky to Central Asia, China, Mongolia and Tibet

Similar information.

965 - The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate army of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav Igorevich.

988 - Baptism of Russia. Kievan Rus accepts Orthodox Christianity.

1223 - Battle on the Kalka- the first battle between the Russians and the Mughals.

1240 - Neva battle- a military conflict between the Russians, led by the Novgorod prince Alexander and the Swedes.

1242 - Battle on Lake Peipsi- a battle between the Russians, led by Alexander Nevsky and the knights of the Livonian Order. This battle went down in history as the Battle on the Ice.

1380 - Battle of Kulikovo- a battle between the united army of Russian principalities led by Dmitry Donskoy and the army of the Golden Horde led by Mamai.

1466 - 1472 - journey of Athanasius Nikitin to Persia, India and Turkey.

1480 - The final deliverance of Russia from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

1552 - Capture of Kazan Russian troops of Ivan the Terrible, the cessation of the existence of the Kazan Khanate and its inclusion in the Muscovite Russia.

1556 - Accession of the Astrakhan Khanate to Moscow Rus.

1558 - 1583 - Livonian War. The war of the Russian kingdom against the Livonian Order and the subsequent conflict of the Russian kingdom with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Poland and Sweden.

1581 (or 1582) - 1585 - Yermak's campaigns in Siberia and battles with the Tatars.

1589 - Establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia.

1604 - The invasion of False Dmitry I in Russia. Beginning of the Time of Troubles.

1606 - 1607 - Bolotnikov's uprising.

1612 - The liberation of Moscow from the Poles by the people's militia of Minin and Pozharsky End of the Time of Troubles.

1613 - Rise to power in Russia of the Romanov dynasty.

1654 - Pereyaslav Rada decided to reunification of Ukraine with Russia.

1667 - Andrusovo truce between Russia and Poland. Left-bank Ukraine and Smolensk went to Russia.

1686 - "Eternal Peace" with Poland. Russia's entry into the anti-Turkish coalition.

1700 - 1721 - North War- fighting between Russia and Sweden.

1783 - Annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire.

1803 - Decree on free cultivators. The peasants received the right to redeem themselves with land.

1812 - Battle of Borodino- a battle between the Russian army led by Kutuzov and the French troops under the command of Napoleon.

1814 - The capture of Paris by Russian and allied troops.

1817 - 1864 - Caucasian war.

1825 - Decembrist revolt- armed anti-government rebellion of officers of the Russian army.

1825 - built first railroad in Russia.

1853 - 1856 - Crimean War. In this military conflict, the Russian Empire was opposed by England, France and the Ottoman Empire.

1861 - The abolition of serfdom in Russia.

1877 - 1878 - Russo-Turkish War

1914 - Start of World War I and the entry of the Russian Empire into it.

1917 - Revolution in Russia(February and October). In February, after the fall of the monarchy, power passed to the Provisional Government. In October, the Bolsheviks came to power through a coup.

1918 - 1922 - Russian Civil War. It ended with the victory of the Reds (Bolsheviks) and the creation of the Soviet state.
* Separate outbreaks of the civil war began in the autumn of 1917.

1941 - 1945 - War between the USSR and Germany. This confrontation took place within the framework of the Second World War.

1949 - Creation and testing of the first atomic bomb in the USSR.

1961 - First manned flight into space. It was Yuri Gagarin from the USSR.

1991 - The collapse of the USSR and the fall of socialism.

1993 - Acceptance of the constitution by the Russian Federation.

2008 - Armed conflict between Russia and Georgia.

2014 - Return of Crimea to Russia.

Dates of Russian history

This section presents important dates in the history of Russia.

Brief Chronology of the History of Russia.

  • 6th century n. e., from 530 - the Great Migration of the Slavs. The first mention of the people grew / Russ
  • 860 - the first campaign of the Rus against Constantinople
  • 862 - The year to which the "Tale of Bygone Years" relates the "calling of the Norman king" Rurik.
  • 911 - Campaign Kyiv prince Oleg to Tsargrad and an agreement with Byzantium.
  • 941 - The campaign of the Kyiv prince Igor to Constantinople.
  • 944 - Treaty of Igor with Byzantium.
  • 945 - 946 - Submission to Kyiv of the Drevlyans
  • 957 - Princess Olga's trip to Tsargrad
  • 964-966 - Campaigns of Svyatoslav against the Kama Bulgarians, Khazars, Yases and Kasogs
  • 967-971 - The war of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantium
  • 988-990 - The beginning of the baptism of Russia
  • 1037 - Laying of the Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv
  • 1043 - Prince Vladimir's campaign against Byzantium
  • 1045-1050 — Construction of the Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod
  • 1054-1073 - Presumably during this period, the "Truth of the Yaroslavichs" appears
  • 1056-1057 - "Ostromir Gospel"
  • 1073 - "Izbornik" of Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich
  • 1097 - The first congress of princes in Lyubech
  • 1100 - The second congress of princes in Uvetichi (Vitichev)
  • 1116 - The appearance of the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the edition of Sylvestor
  • 1147 - The first annalistic mention of Moscow
  • 1158-1160 — Construction of the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir-on-Klyazma
  • 1169 - The capture of Kyiv by the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • February 25, 1170 - Victory of the Novgorodians over the troops of Andrei Bogolyubsky and his allies
  • 1188 - Approximate date of the appearance of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  • 1202 - Foundation of the Order of the Sword (Livonian Order)
  • 1206 - Proclamation of Temujin the "Great Khan" of the Mongols and the adoption of the name of Genghis Khan by him
  • 1223 May 31 - Battle of Russian princes and Polovtsy on the river. Kalka
  • 1224 - Capture of Yuryev (Tartu) by the Germans
  • 1237 - Unification of the Order of the Sword and the Teutonic Order
  • 1237-1238 - The invasion of Khan Batu in North-Eastern Russia
  • 1238 March 4 - Battle on the river. City
  • 1240 July 15 - Victory of the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich over the Swedish knights on the river. Neva
  • 1240 December 6 (or November 19) - The capture of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars
  • April 5, 1242 - "Battle on the Ice" on Lake Peipsi
  • 1243 - Formation of the Golden Horde.
  • 1262 - Revolt against the Mongol-Tatars in Rostov, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl
  • 1327 - uprising against the Mongol-Tatars in Tver
  • 1367 - Construction of the stone Kremlin in Moscow
  • 1378 - The first victory of Russian troops over the Tatars on the river. vozhe
  • 1380 September 8 - Battle of Kulikovo
  • 1382 - Khan Tokhtamysh's campaign against Moscow
  • 1385 - Kreva union of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Poland
  • 1395 - The defeat of the Golden Horde by Timur (Tamerlane)
  • 1410 July 15 - Battle of Grunwald. Ragrom of German knights by Polish-Lithuanian-Russian troops
  • 1469-1472 — Travel of Athanasius Nikitin to India
  • 1471 - Ivan III's campaign against Novgorod. Battle on the river Sheloni
  • 1480 - "Standing" on the river. Acne. The end of the Tatar-Mongol yoke.
  • 1484-1508 — Construction of the Moscow Kremlin. Construction of cathedrals and the Palace of Facets
  • 1507-1508, 1512-1522 - Wars of the Muscovite state with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Return of Smolensk and Smolensk land
  • 1510 - Annexation of Pskov to Moscow
  • 1547 January 16 - The wedding of Ivan IV to the kingdom
  • 1550 - Sudebnik of Ivan the Terrible. Creation of the archery army
  • 1550 October 3 - Decree on the use of the "chosen thousand" in the counties adjacent to Moscow
  • 1551 - February-May - Stoglavy Cathedral of the Russian Church
  • 1552 - The capture of Kazan by Russian troops. Accession of the Kazan Khanate
  • 1556 - Accession of Astrakhan to Russia
  • 1558-1583 — Livonian war
  • 1565-1572 — Oprichnina
  • 1569 - Union of Lublin. The formation of the Commonwealth
  • 1582 January 15 - Truce of the Russian state with the Commonwealth in Zapolsky Pit
  • 1589 - Establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow
  • 1590-1593 - The war of the Russian state with Sweden
  • May 1591 - The death of Tsarevich Dmitry in Uglich
  • 1595 - The conclusion of the Tyavzinsky peace with Sweden
  • 1598 January 7 - Death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich and the end of the Rurik dynasty
  • 1604 October - Intervention of False Dmitry I into the Russian state
  • 1605 June - The overthrow of the Godunov dynasty in Moscow. Accession of False Dmitry I
  • 1606 - Uprising in Moscow and the murder of False Dmitry I
  • 1607 - The beginning of the intervention of False Dmitry II
  • 1609-1618 – Open Polish-Swedish intervention
  • 1611 March-April - Creation of a militia against the interventionists
  • 1611 September-October - Creation of the militia under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky in Nizhny Novgorod
  • October 26, 1612 - The capture of the Moscow Kremlin by the militia of Minin and Pozharsky
  • 1613 - February 7-21 - Election by the Zemsky Sobor to the kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
  • 1633 - Death of Patriarch Filaret, father of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich
  • 1648 - Uprising in Moscow - "Salt Riot"
  • 1649 - "Cathedral Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich
  • 1649-1652 - Campaigns of Yerofei Khabarov to the Daurian land along the Amur
  • 1652 - Nikon's consecration to the patriarchs
  • 1653 - Zemsky Sobor in Moscow and the decision to reunite Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654 January 8-9 - Pereyaslav Rada. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia
  • 1654-1667 - War between Russia and Poland over Ukraine
  • January 30, 1667 - Andrusovo truce
  • 1670-1671 - Peasant war led by S. Razin
  • 1676-1681 - The war of Russia with Turkey and Crimea for the Right-Bank Ukraine
  • January 3, 1681 - Truce of Bakhchisaray
  • 1682 - Abolition of parochialism
  • May 1682 - Streltsy uprising in Moscow
  • 1686 - "Perpetual peace" with Poland
  • 1687-1689 - Crimean campaigns of the book. V.V. Golitsyn
  • August 27, 1689 - Treaty of Nerchinsk with China
  • 1689 September - The overthrow of Princess Sophia
  • 1695-1696 - Azov campaigns of Peter I
  • 1696 January 29 - death of Ivan V. Establishment of autocracy of Peter I
  • 1697-1698 - The "Great Embassy" of Peter I to Western Europe
  • 1698 April-June - Streltsy revolt
  • December 20, 1699 - Decree on the introduction of a new chronology from January 1, 1700.
  • 1700 July 13 - Constantinople truce with Turkey
  • 1700-1721 - Russia's Northern War with Sweden
  • 1700 - Death of Patriarch Adrian. Appointment of Stefan Yavorsky as locum tenens of the patriarchal throne
  • 1700 November 19 - the defeat of Russian troops near Narva
  • 1703 - The first stock exchange in Russia (merchants' meeting) in St. Petersburg
  • 1703 - Edition of the textbook "Arithmetic" by Magnitsky
  • 1707-1708 - Uprising on the Don K. Bulavin
  • 1709 June 27 - The defeat of the Swedish troops at Poltava
  • 1711 - Prut campaign of Peter I
  • 1712 - Decree on the establishment of commercial and industrial companies
  • March 23, 1714 - Decree on uniform inheritance
  • July 27, 1714 - Victory of the Russian fleet over the Swedish at Gangut
  • 1721 August 30 - Treaty of Nystad between Russia and Sweden
  • October 22, 1721 - Acceptance of the imperial title by Peter I
  • January 24, 1722 - Table of Ranks
  • 1722-1723 - Persian campaign of Peter I
  • January 28, 1724 - Decree establishing Russian Academy Sciences
  • January 28, 1725 - Death of Peter I
  • 1726 February 8 - Establishment of the Supreme Privy Council
  • May 6, 1727 - death of Catherine I
  • 1730 January 19 - Death of Peter II
  • 1731 - Cancellation of the decree on single inheritance
  • January 21, 1732 - Treaty of Resht with Persia
  • 1734 - "Treatise on Friendship and Commerce" between Russia and England
  • 1735-1739 — Russian-Turkish war
  • 1736 - Decree on the "eternal fixing" of artisans in manufactories
  • 1740 from November 8 to 9 - Palace coup, the overthrow of the regent Biron. Announcement of the regent Anna Leopoldovna
  • 1741-1743 - War between Russia and Sweden
  • November 25, 1741 - Palace coup, enthronement of Elizabeth Petrovna by the guards
  • 1743 June 16 - Peace of Abo with Sweden
  • January 12, 1755 - Decree on the founding of Moscow University
  • August 30, 1756 - Decree on the establishment of a Russian theater in St. Petersburg (troupe of F. Volkov)
  • 1759 August 1 (12) - Victory of the Russian troops at Kunnersdorf
  • September 28, 1760 - Capture of Berlin by Russian troops
  • February 18, 1762 - Manifesto "On the Liberty of the Nobility"
  • July 6, 1762 - The assassination of Peter III and accession to the throne of Catherine II
  • 1764 - Establishment of the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg
  • 1764 from July 4 to 5 - Attempted coup by V.Ya. Mirovich. The murder of Ivan Antonovich in the Shlisselburg fortress
  • 1766 - Accession to Russia of the Aleutian Islands
  • 1769 - First external loan in Amsterdam
  • 1770 June 24-26 - The defeat of the Turkish fleet in the Chesme Bay
  • 1773-1775 - The first section of the Commonwealth
  • 1773-1775 - Peasant war led by E.I. Pugacheva
  • July 10, 1774 - Peace of Kuchuk-Kainarzhi with Turkey
  • 1783 - Annexation of Crimea to Russia 1785 April 21 - Letters of grant to the nobility and cities
  • 1787-1791 — Russian-Turkish war
  • 1788-1790-Russian-Swedish war of 1791 December 29 - Peace of Iasi with Turkey
  • 1793 - The second partition of the Commonwealth
  • 1794 - Polish uprising under the leadership of T. Kosciuszko and its suppression
  • 1795 - Third Partition of Poland
  • 1796 - Formation of the Little Russian province 1796-1797. - War with Persia
  • 1797 - April 5 - "Institution of the imperial family"
  • 1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov
  • 1799 - Formation of the "United Russian-American Company"
  • January 18, 1801 - Manifesto on the annexation of Georgia to Russia
  • 1801 from March 11 to 12 - Palace coup. Assassination of Paul I. Accession to the throne of Alexander I
  • 1804-1813 — Russo-Iranian War
  • 1805 November 20 - Battle of Austerlitz
  • 1806-1812 - Russia's war with Turkey
  • June 25, 1807 - Treaty of Tilsit
  • 1808-1809 - Russo-Swedish War
  • 1810 January 1 - Establishment of the Council of State
  • 1812 - Napoleon's "Great Army" invades Russia. Patriotic War
  • 1812 August 26 - Battle of Borodino
  • January 1, 1813 - The beginning of the foreign campaign of the Russian army
  • 1813 October 16-19 - "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig
  • 1814 March 19 - Allied forces enter Paris
  • 1814 September 19 -1815 May 28 - Congress of Vienna
  • December 14, 1825 - Decembrist uprising in St. Petersburg
  • 1826-1828 — Russo-Iranian War
  • October 20, 1827 - Battle in Navarino Bay
  • 1828 February 10 - Turkmenchay peace treaty with Iran
  • 1828-1829 — Russian-Turkish war
  • 1829 September 2 - Treaty of Adrianople with Turkey
  • July 26, 1835 - University charter
  • October 30, 1837 - Opening of the St. Petersburg-Tsarskoye Selo railway
  • 1839-1843 - Monetary reform of Count E. f. Kancrina
  • 1853 - Opening of the "Free Russian Printing House" by A.I. Herzen in London
  • 1853 - Cocaid campaign of the gene. V.A. Perovsky
  • 1853-1856 - Crimean War
  • 1854 September - 1855 August - Defense of Sevastopol
  • 1856 March 18 - Treaty of Paris
  • May 31, 1860 - Establishment of the State Bank
  • 1861 February 19 - Abolition of serfdom
  • 1861 - Establishment of the Council of Ministers
  • June 18, 1863 - University charter
  • 1864 November 20 - Judicial Reform Decree. "New judicial statutes"
  • 1865 - Military judicial reform
  • January 1, 1874 - "Charter on military service"
  • Spring 1874 - The first mass "going to the people" of revolutionary populists
  • 1875 April 25 - Petersburg Treaty of Russia with Japan (about South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands)
  • 1876-1879 - The second "Land and Freedom"
  • 1877-1878 — Russian-Turkish war
  • 1879 August - The split of "Land and Freedom" into "Black Repartition" and "Narodnaya Volya"
  • 1881 March 1 - The murder of Alexander II by revolutionary populists
  • 1885 January 7-18 - Morozov strike
  • 1892 - Russian-French secret military convention
  • 1896 - Invention of the radiotelegraph by A.S. Popov
  • 1896 May 18 - Khodynskaya tragedy in Moscow during the coronation of Nicholas II
  • March 1-2, 1898 - I Congress of the RSDLP
  • 1899 May-July - I Hague Peace Conference
  • 1902 - Formation of the party of socialist revolutionaries (SRs)
  • 1904-1905 — Russo-Japanese War
  • January 9, 1905 - "Bloody Sunday". Beginning of the first Russian revolution
  • 1905 April - Formation of the Russian Monarchist Party and the Union of the Russian People.
  • 1905 May 12-June 1 - General strike in Ivanovo-Voskresensk. Formation of the first Soviet of Workers' Deputies
  • May 14-15, 1905 - Battle of Tsushima
  • 1905 June 9-11 - Uprising in Lodz
  • 1905 June 14-24 - Uprising on the battleship "Potemkin"
  • 1905 August 23 - Treaty of Portsmouth with Japan
  • October 7, 1905 - Beginning of the All-Russian political strike
  • 1905 October 12-18 - Constituent Congress of the Constitutional Democratic Party (Kadets)
  • 1905 October 13 - Creation of the St. Petersburg Council of Workers' Deputies
  • October 17, 1905 - Manifesto of Nicholas II
  • 1905 November - The emergence of the "Union of October 17" (Octobrists)
  • 1905 December 9-19 - Moscow armed uprising
  • 1906 April 27-July 8 - First State Duma
  • 1906 November 9 - The beginning of the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin
  • 1907 February 20-June 2 - II State Duma
  • 1907 November 1 - July 9, 1912 - III State Duma
  • 1908 - Formation of the reactionary "Union of Michael the Archangel"
  • November 15, 1912 - February 25, 1917 - IV State Duma
  • 1914 July 19 (August 1) - Germany declares war on Russia. The beginning of the first world war
  • 1916 May 22-July 31 - Brusilov breakthrough
  • December 17, 1916 - The assassination of Rasputin
  • February 26, 1917 - Beginning of the transition of troops to the side of the revolution
  • February 27, 1917 - February Revolution. The overthrow of the autocracy in Russia
  • March 3, 1917 - Abdication led. book. Mikhail Alexandrovich. Declaration of the Provisional Government
  • 1917 June 9-24 - I All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies
  • 1917 August 12-15 - State meeting in Moscow
  • 1917 August 25-September 1 - Kornilov rebellion
  • 1917 September 14-22 - All-Russian Democratic Conference in Petrograd
  • 1917 October 24-25 - Armed Bolshevik coup. Overthrow of the Provisional Government
  • October 25, 1917 - Opening of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets
  • October 26, 1917 - Decrees of the Soviets on peace, on land. "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia"
  • November 12, 1917 - Elections to the Constituent Assembly
  • December 7, 1917 - Decision of the Council of People's Commissars to create the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution (VChK)
  • December 14, 1917 - Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the nationalization of banks
  • 1917 December 18 - Independence of Finland
  • 1918-1922 — Civil war on the territory of the former Russian Empire
  • January 6, 1918 - Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly
  • January 26, 1918 - Decree on the transition to a new calendar style from February 1 (14)
  • 1918 - March 3 - Conclusion Brest Peace
  • May 25, 1918 - Beginning of the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps
  • July 10, 1918 - Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR
  • January 16, 1920 - The blockade of Soviet Russia by the Entente is lifted
  • 1920 - Soviet-Polish war
  • 1921 February 28-March 18 - Kronstadt uprising
  • 1921 March 8-16 - X Congress of the RCP (b). Decision on the "new economic policy"
  • 1921 March 18 - Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland
  • 1922 April 10-May 19 - Genoa Conference
  • 1922 April 16 - Rappal Separate Treaty of the RSFSR with Germany
  • December 27, 1922 - Formation of the USSR
  • December 30, 1922 - I Congress of Soviets of the USSR
  • January 31, 1924 - Approval of the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1928 October - 1932 December - The first five-year plan. Beginning of industrialization in the USSR
  • 1930 - Beginning of complete collectivization
  • 1933-1937 — Second five-year plan
  • December 1, 1934 - The murder of S.M. Kirov. Deployment of mass terror in the USSR
  • December 5, 1936 - Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR
  • August 23, 1939 - Soviet-German non-aggression pact
  • 1939 September 1 - German attack on Poland. Beginning of World War II
  • September 17, 1939 - Entering Soviet troops to Poland
  • September 28, 1939 - Soviet-German treaty "on friendship and borders"
  • 1939 November 30 - 1940 March 12 - Soviet-Finnish war
  • June 28, 1940 - The entry of Soviet troops into Bessarabia
  • 1940 June-July - Soviet occupation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
  • April 13, 1941 - Soviet-Japanese Treaty of Neutrality
  • June 22, 1941 - Attack Nazi Germany and its allies in the USSR. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 May 8 - Act of unconditional surrender of Germany. Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War
  • 1945 September 2 - Japan's Unconditional Surrender Act
  • 1945 November 20 - October 1, 1946 - Nuremberg Trials
  • 1946-1950 — Fourth Five-Year Plan. Restoration of the destroyed national economy
  • 1948 August - Session of VASKhNIL. Launch of the campaign against "Morganism" and "Cosmopolitanism"
  • 1949 January 5-8 - Creation of the CMEA
  • 1949 August 29 - The first test of the atomic bomb in the USSR
  • June 27, 1954 - Start-up of the world's first nuclear power plant in Obninsk
  • 1955 14m; 1st - Creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (WTO)
  • 1955 July 18-23 - Meeting of the heads of government of the USSR, Great Britain, the USA and France in Geneva
  • February 14-25, 1956 - XX Congress of the CPSU
  • June 30, 1956 - Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union "Overcoming the cult of personality and its consequences"
  • 1957 July 28-August 11 - VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow
  • October 4, 1957 - Launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR
  • April 12, 1961 - Flight of Yu.A. Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft
  • March 18, 1965 - Pilot-cosmonaut A.A. Leonova in open space
  • 1965 - Reform of the economic mechanism of economic management in the USSR
  • June 6, 1966 - Decree of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the public appeal of young people to the most important construction projects of the five-year plan"
  • 1968 August 21 - Intervention of the countries of the Warsaw Treaty Organization in Czechoslovakia
  • 1968 - Open letter of Academician A.D. Sakharov to the Soviet leadership
  • 1971, March 30-April 9 - XXIV Congress of the CPSU
  • May 26, 1972 - Signing in Moscow of the "Fundamentals of Relations between the USSR and the USA". The beginning of the policy of "détente"
  • February 1974 - Expulsion from the USSR A.I. Solzhenitsyn
  • 1975 July 15-21 - Joint Soviet-American experiment under the Soyuz-Apollo program
  • 1975 July 30-August 1 - Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki). Signing of the Final Act by 33 European countries, the USA and Canada
  • October 7, 1977 - Adoption of the Constitution of "developed socialism" of the USSR
  • December 24, 1979 - The beginning of the intervention of Soviet troops in Afghanistan
  • January 1980 - Link A.D. Sakharov to Gorky
  • 1980 July 19-August 3 - Olympic Games in Moscow
  • May 24, 1982 - Adoption of the Food Program
  • November 19-21, 1985 - Meeting of M.S. Gorbachev and US President R. Reagan in Geneva. Restoration of the Soviet-American political dialogue
  • April 26, 1986 - Accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • 1987 June-July - The beginning of the policy of "perestroika" in the USSR
  • 1988 June 28-July 1 - XIX Conference of the CPSU. The beginning of political reform in the USSR
  • 1989 May 25-June 9. - I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, elected on the basis of amendments to the Constitution of the USSR
  • 1990 March 11 - Adoption of the Act of Independence of Lithuania.
  • 1990 March 12-15 - III Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
  • 1990 May 16-June 12 - Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR. Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia
  • 1991 March 17 - Referendum on the preservation of the USSR and the introduction of the post of President of the RSFSR
  • June 12, 1991 - Presidential elections in Russia
  • 1991 July 1 - Dissolution in Prague of the Warsaw Treaty Organization (OVD)
  • 1991 August 19-21 - An attempted coup d'état in the USSR (Case of the GKChP)
  • September 1991 - The entry of troops into Vilnius. Coup attempt in Lithuania
  • 1991 December 8 - Signing in Minsk by the leaders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus of the agreement on the "Commonwealth of Independent States" and the dissolution of the USSR
  • January 2, 1992 - Price liberalization in Russia
  • 1992 February 1 - Declaration by Russia and the United States on the end of the Cold War
  • March 13, 1992 - Initialing of the Federal Treaty of the Republics within the Russian Federation
  • March 1993 - VIII and IX Congresses of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation
  • April 25, 1993 - All-Russian referendum on confidence in the policy of the President of Russia
  • 1993 June - The work of the constitutional meeting on the preparation of the draft Constitution of Russia
  • September 21, 1993 - Decree of B.N. Yeltsin "On a phased constitutional reform" and the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation
  • 1993 October 3-4 - Demonstrations and armed actions of the pro-communist opposition in Moscow. Storming of the building of the Supreme Council by troops loyal to the President
  • December 12, 1993 - Elections to the State Duma and the Federation Council. Referendum on the draft of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • January 11, 1994 — Beginning of the work of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Russian Federation in Moscow

1. Russia from ancient times to the beginning of the 17th century.

9th century - Formation of the Old Russian state.
862 - "The calling of the Varangians" to Russia.
862–879 - The reign of Rurik in Novgorod.
879–912 - The reign of Oleg in Kyiv.
882 - Unification of Novgorod and Kyiv into a single state under Prince Oleg.
907, 911 - Oleg's campaigns against Tsargrad. Treaties with the Greeks.
912–945 - The reign of Igor in Kyiv.
945 - The uprising of the Drevlyans.
945–962 - The reign of Princess Olga in the early childhood of her son Prince Svyatoslav.
957 - Baptism of Princess Olga in Constantinople.
962–972 - The reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich.
964–972 - Military campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav.
980–1015 - The reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Holy.
988 - Adoption of Christianity in Russia.
1019–1054 - The reign of Yaroslav the Wise.
1037 - Start of construction of the church of St. Sophia in Kyiv.
1045 - Start of construction of the church of St. Sophia in Novgorod the Great.
OK. 1072 - The final design of the "Russian Pravda" ("The Truth of the Yaroslavichs").
1097 - Congress of princes in Lyubech. Consolidation of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state.
1113–1125 - The great reign of Vladimir Monomakh.
1125–1157 - The reign of Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky in Vladimir.
1136 - Establishment of a republic in Novgorod.
1147 - The first mention of Moscow in the annals.
1157–1174 - The reign of Andrei Yurievich Bogolyubsky.
1165 - Construction of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.
1185 - The campaign of Prince Igor Novgorod Seversky against the Polovtsians. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign".
1199 - Unification of the Volyn and Galician principalities.
1202 - Formation of the Order of the Sword.
1223, 31 May. - Battle on the Kalka River.
1237–1240 - Invasion of the Mongol Tatars led by Batu Khan to Russia.
1237 - Unification of the Teutonic Order with the Order of the Sword. Formation of the Livonian Order.
1238, 4 March. — The Battle of the River City.
1240, 15 July. - Battle of the Neva. The defeat of the Swedish knights by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich on the Neva River. Nicknamed Nevsky.
1240 - The defeat of Kyiv by the Mongol-Tatars.
1242, 5 April. - Battle on the Ice. The defeat of the Crusaders by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky on Lake Peipus.
1243 - Formation of the state of the Golden Horde.
1252–1263 - The reign of Alexander Nevsky on the grand princely Vladimir throne.
1264 - The collapse of the Galicia-Volyn principality under the blows of the Horde.
1276 - Formation of an independent Moscow principality.
1325–1340 - The reign of Prince Ivan Kalita in Moscow.
1326 - Transfer of the residence of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church - the Metropolitan - from Vladimir to Moscow, the transformation of Moscow into an all-Russian religious center.
1327 - The uprising in Tver against the Golden Horde.
1359–1389 - The reign of Prince (from 1362 - Grand Duke) Dmitry Ivanovich (after 1380 - Donskoy) in Moscow.
OK. 1360–1430 - The life and work of Andrei Rublev.
1378 - Battle on the Vozha River.
1380, 8 September. - Battle of Kulikovo.
1382 - The defeat of Moscow by Tokhtamysh.
1389–1425 - The reign of Vasily I Dmitrievich.
1410, 15 July. - Battle of Grunwald. Defeat of the Teutonic Order.
1425–1453 - Dynastic war between the sons and grandchildren of Dmitry Donskoy.
1439 - Florentine church union on the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches under the leadership of the Pope. The act of union was signed by the Russian Metropolitan Isidore, for which he was deposed.
1448 - Election of Bishop Jonah of Ryazan as Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church and All Russia. Establishment of autocephaly (independence) of the Russian Orthodox Church from Byzantium.
1453 - Fall of the Byzantine Empire.
1462–1505 - The reign of Ivan III.
1463 - Joining Yaroslavl to Moscow.
1469–1472 - Travel of Athanasius Nikitin to India.
1471 - Battle of the Moscow and Novgorod troops on the Shelon River.
1478 - Annexation of Novgorod the Great to Moscow.
1480 - "Standing on the Ugra River". Liquidation of the Horde yoke.
1484–1508 - Construction of the current Moscow Kremlin. The construction of cathedrals and the Faceted Chamber, brick walls.
1485 - Accession of Tver to Moscow.
1497 - Compilation of the "Sudebnik" of Ivan III. Establishment of uniform norms of criminal liability and judicial procedural norms for the whole country, restriction of the right of a peasant to move from one feudal lord to another - a week before and a week after November 26 (St. George's Day in autumn).
Late 15th - early 16th century – Completion of the process of folding the Russian centralized state.
1503 - Controversy between Nil Sorsky (the leader of the non-possessors who preached the rejection of the church from all property) and hegumen Joseph Volotsky (the leader of the acquirers, a supporter of the preservation of church land ownership). Condemnation of the views of non-possessors at the Church Council.
1503 - Accession to Moscow of the South-Western Russian lands.
1505–1533 - The reign of Basil III.
1510 - Accession of Pskov to Moscow.
1514 - Accession of Smolensk to Moscow.
1521 - Accession of Ryazan to Moscow.
1533–1584 - The reign of Grand Duke Ivan IV the Terrible.
1547 - The wedding of Ivan IV the Terrible to the kingdom.
1549 - Beginning of the convocation of Zemsky Sobors.
1550 - Adoption of the Sudebnik of Ivan IV the Terrible.
1551 - "Stoglavy Cathedral" of the Russian Orthodox Church.
1552 – Annexation of Kazan to Moscow.
1555–1560 - Construction of the Intercession Cathedral in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral).
1556 - Accession of Astrakhan to Moscow.
1556 - Adoption of the Code of Service.
1558–1583 - Livonian war.
1561 - The defeat of the Livonian Order.
1564 - Beginning of book printing in Russia. The publication by Ivan Fedorov of The Apostle, the first printed book with a fixed date.
1565–1572 - Oprichnina of Ivan IV the Terrible.
1569 - The conclusion of the Union of Lublin on the unification of Poland with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state - the Commonwealth.
1581 - The first mention of "reserved years".
1581 - Yermak's campaign in Siberia.
1582 - Signing of Yam Zapolsky truce between Russia and the Commonwealth.
1583 - Conclusion of the Truce of Plus with Sweden.
1584–1598 - The reign of Fedor Ioannovich.
1589 - Establishment of the patriarchate in Russia. Patriarch Job.
1597 - Decree on " lesson years”(five-year term for the investigation of fugitive peasants).
1598–1605 - Board of Boris Godunov.
1603 - The uprising of peasants and serfs led by Cotton.
1605–1606 - The reign of False Dmitry I.
1606–1607 - The uprising of the peasants led by Ivan Bolotnikov.
1606–1610 - The reign of Tsar Vasily Shuisky.
1607–1610 - An attempt by False Dmitry II to seize power in Russia. The existence of the "Tushino camp".
1609–1611 - Defense of Smolensk.
1610–1613 - "Seven Boyars".
1611, March–June. - The first militia against the Polish troops led by P. Lyapunov.
1612 - The second militia under the leadership of D. Pozharsky and K. Minin.
1612, 26 October. - The liberation of Moscow from the Polish invaders by the Second Home Guard.
1613 - The Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom. Beginning of the Romanov dynasty. 1613–1645 - The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.
1617 - The conclusion of Stolbovsky "eternal peace" with Sweden.
1618 - Deulino truce with Poland.
1632–1634 - Smolensk war between Russia and the Commonwealth.

2. Russia in the 17th-18th centuries.

1645–1676 - The reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.
1648 - Semyon Dezhnev's expedition along the Kolyma River and the Arctic Ocean.
1648 - The beginning of the uprising of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Ukraine.
1648 - "Salt Riot" in Moscow.
1648–1650 - Uprisings in various cities of Russia.
1649 - Adoption by the Zemsky Sobor of a new code of laws - the "Council Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The final enslavement of the peasants.
OK. 1653–1656 - Reform of Patriarch Nikon. The beginning of the church schism.
1654 January 8 - Pereyaslav Council. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia.
1654–1667 - The war between Russia and the Commonwealth for Ukraine.
1662 - "Copper Riot" in Moscow.
1667 - The conclusion of the Andrusovo truce between Russia and the Commonwealth.
1667 - Introduction of the New Trade Charter.
1667–1671 - Peasant war led by Stepan Razin.
May 30, 1672 - Birth of Peter I.
1676–1682 - Board of Fedor Alekseevich.
1682 - Abolition of parochialism.
1682, 1698 - Streltsy uprisings in Moscow.
1682–1725 - The reign of Peter I (1682-1689 - under the regency of Sophia, until 1696 - together with Ivan V).
1686 - "Perpetual peace" with Poland.
1687 - Opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.
1695, 1696 - Campaigns of Peter I to Azov.
1697–1698 - Great Embassy.
1700–1721 - North War.
1703 May 16 - Foundation of St. Petersburg.
1707–1708 - Peasant uprising led by K. Bulavin.
1708, 28 September. - Battle of the village of Lesnoy.
1709 June 27. - Battle of Poltava.
1710–1711 - Prut campaign.
1711 - Establishment of the Senate.
1711–1765 – Life and work of M. V. Lomonosov.
1714 - Decree on uniform inheritance (repealed in 1731).
1714, 27 July. - Battle of Cape Gangut.
1718–1721 - Establishment of boards.
1720 - Battle of Grengam Island.
1721 - Treaty of Nystadt with Sweden.
1721 - Proclamation of Peter I as emperor. Russia has become an empire.
1722 - Adoption of the "Table of Ranks".
1722 - Signing of the decree on the succession to the throne.
1722–1723 - Caspian campaign.
1725 - Opening of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.
1725–1727 - The reign of Catherine I.
1727–1730 - The reign of Peter II.
1730–1740 - The reign of Anna Ioannovna. "Bironovshchina".
1741–1761 - The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna.
1755 January 25 – Opening of the Moscow University.
1756–1763 - The Seven Years' War.
1757 - Foundation of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.
1761–1762 - The reign of Peter III.
1762 - "Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility."
1762–1796 - The reign of Catherine II.
1768–1774 - Russo-Turkish war.
1770 - The victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the battle of Chesme and the Russian ground forces over the Turkish army in the battles near the Larga and Cahul rivers.
1774 - The conclusion of the Kyuchuk of the Kainardzhy peace following the results of the Russian Turkish war. The Crimean Khanate passed under the protectorate of Russia. Russia received the territory of the Black Sea region between the Dnieper and the Southern Bug, the fortresses of Azov, Kerch, Kinburn, the right of free passage of Russian merchant ships through the Black Sea straits.
1772, 1793, 1795 - Partitions of Poland between Prussia, Austria and Russia. The territories of the Right-bank Ukraine, Belarus, part of the Baltic states and Poland were ceded to Russia.
1772–1839 – Life and work of M. M. Speransky.
1773–1775 - Peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev.
1775 - Provincial reform in the Russian Empire.
1782 - Opening of the monument to Peter I "The Bronze Horseman" (E. Falcone).
1783 - The entry of Crimea into the Russian Empire. Georgievsky treatise. The transition of Eastern Georgia under the protectorate of Russia.
1785 - Publication of letters of commendation to the nobility and cities.
1787-1791 - Russian Turkish war.
1789 - Victory of the Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov at Focsani and Rymnik.
1790 - The victory of the Russian fleet over the Turkish in the battle of Cape Kaliakria.
1790 - The publication of the book by A. N. Radishchev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow."
1790 - The capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail on the Danube by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov.
1791 - Conclusion of the Iasi peace following the results of the Russo-Turkish war. The accession to Russia of the Crimea and Kuban, the territory of the Black Sea region between the Southern Bug and the Dniester was confirmed.
1794 - Uprising in Poland led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
1796–1801 - The reign of Paul I.
1797 - Cancellation of the order of succession to the throne established by Peter I. Restoration of the order of succession to the throne by birthright in the male line.
1797 - Publication by Paul I of a manifesto on the three-day corvee.
1799 - Italian and Swiss campaigns of A. V. Suvorov.

3. Russia in the 19th century.

1801–1825 - The reign of Alexander I.
1802 Establishment of ministries instead of colleges.
1803 - Decree on "free cultivators".
1803 - Adoption of the charter, which introduced the autonomy of universities.
1803–1804 - The first Russian round-the-world expedition led by I. F. Kruzenshtern and Yu. F. Lisyansky.
1804–1813 - Russian-Iranian war. It ended with the Peace of Gulistan.
1805–1807 – Participation of Russia in III and IV anti-Napoleonic coalitions.
1805 December. - The defeat of the Russian and Austrian troops in the battle of Austerlitz.
1806-1812 - Russo-Turkish war.
1807 - The defeat of the Russian army near Friedland.
1807 - Conclusion of the Treaty of Tilsit between Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte (Russia's accession to the continental blockade of England, Russia's consent to the creation of the vassal France of the Duchy of Warsaw).
1808–1809 - Russo-Swedish war. Accession of Finland to the Russian Empire.
1810 - Creation of the State Council on the initiative of M. M. Speransky.
1812, June–December. - Patriotic war with Napoleon.
1812 - The conclusion of the Bucharest peace following the results of the Russian-Turkish war.
1812, 26 August. - Battle of Borodino.
1813–1814 - Foreign campaigns of the Russian army.
1813 - "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig.
1813 - The conclusion of the Gulistan peace following the results of the Russian-Iranian war.
1814–1815 - Vienna Congress of European States. Solving the problems of the structure of Europe after Napoleonic Wars. Accession to Russia of the Duchy of Warsaw (Kingdom of Poland).
1815 - Creation of the "Holy Alliance".
1815 - Granting of the Constitution by Alexander I to the Kingdom of Poland.
1816 - The beginning of the mass creation of military settlements on the initiative of A. A. Arakcheev.
1816–1817 - Activities of the Union of Salvation.
1817–1864 - Caucasian war.
1818–1821 - Activities of the Union of Welfare.
1820 - Discovery of Antarctica by Russian navigators under the command of F. F. Bellingshausen and M. P. Lazarev. 1821–1822 - Formation of the Northern and Southern societies of the Decembrists.
1821–1881 - The life and work of F. M. Dostoevsky.
1825, December 14. - The uprising of the Decembrists on Senate Square In Petersburg.
December 29, 1825 - January 3, 1826. - The uprising of the Chernigov regiment.
1825–1855 - The reign of Nicholas I.
1826–1828 - Russian-Iranian war.
1828 - The conclusion of the Turkmenchay peace following the results of the Russian-Iranian war. The death of A. S. Griboyedov.
1828–1829 - Russo-Turkish war.
1829 - The conclusion of the Adrianople peace following the results of the Russian-Turkish war.
1831–1839 - The activities of the circle of N. V. Stankevich.
1837 - Opening of the first railway St. Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo.
1837–1841 - Carrying out by P.D. Kiselev of the reform of the management of state peasants.
1840s–1850s — Disputes between Slavophiles and Westernizers.
1839–1843 - Monetary reform of E. F. Kankrin.
1840–1893 – Life and work of P. I. Tchaikovsky.
1844–1849 - The activities of the circle of M. V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky.
1851 - Opening of the railway Moscow - St. Petersburg.
1853–1856 - Crimean War.
1853 November - Battle of Sinop.
1855–1881 - The reign of Alexander II.
1856 - Paris Congress.
1856 - Founding by P. M. Tretyakov of the collection of Russian art in Moscow.
1858, 1860 – Aigun and Beijing treaties with China.
1861 February 19 - The abolition of serfdom in Russia.
1861–1864 - The activities of the organization "Earth and Freedom".
1862 - Formation of the "Mighty Handful" - an association of composers (M. A. Balakirev, Ts. A. Cui, M. P. Mussorgsky, N. A. Rimsky Korsakov, A. P. Borodin).
1864 - Zemstvo, judicial and school reforms.
1864–1885 - Accession of Central Asia to the Russian Empire.
1867 Sale of Alaska to the USA.
1869 - Discovery of the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements by D. I. Mendeleev.
1870 - Reform of city government.
1870–1923 – Activities of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions.
1873 - Creation of the "Union of the Three Emperors".
1874 - Carrying out military reform - the introduction of universal military duty.
1874, 1876 - Implementation of populists "going to the people."
1876–1879 – Activities of the new organization “Land and Freedom”.
1877–1878 - Russo-Turkish war.
1878 - Treaty of San Stefano.
1878 - Congress of Berlin.
1879 - The split of the organization "Land and Freedom". The emergence of the organizations "Narodnaya Volya" and "Black Redistribution".
1879–1881 - The activities of the organization "Narodnaya Volya".
1879–1882 - Establishment of the Triple Alliance.
March 1, 1881 - Assassination of Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya.
1881–1894 - The reign of Alexander III.
1882 - Cancellation of the temporarily obligated position of the peasants. Transfer of peasants to compulsory redemption.
1883–1903 - Activities of the Emancipation of Labor group.
1885 - A strike at the Nikolskaya manufactory of T. S. Morozov in Orekhovo Zuev (Morozov strike).
1887 - Adoption of the circular "on cook's children".
1889 - Adoption of the "Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs".
1891–1893 - Registration of the Franco-Russian Union.
1891–1905 - Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway.
1892 - Transfer by P. M. Tretyakov of his collection of Russian art as a gift to the city of Moscow.
1894–1917 - The reign of Nicholas II.
1895 - Invention by A. S. Popov of radio communication.
1895 - Creation of the "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class".
1897 - The first general census of the population of Russia.
1897 - Monetary reform S. Yu. Witte.
1898 - I Congress of the RSDLP.
1899 - The Hague Peace Conference of 26 powers on the problems of disarmament, convened at the initiative of Russia.

4. Russia in the 20th century.

1901–1902 - The creation of the party of socialist revolutionaries (SRs) as a result of the unification of neo-populist circles.
1903 - II Congress of the RSDLP. Creation of a party.
1903 - Creation of the "Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists".
1904–1905 - Russo-Japanese War.
1904, August. - The battle near the city of Liaoyang.
1904, September. - Battle on the Shahe River.
January 9, 1905 - Bloody Sunday. Beginning of the first Russian revolution.
1905–1907 - The first Russian revolution.
February 1905 - The defeat of the Russian army near the city of Mukden.
May 1905 - The death of the Russian fleet near the island of Tsushima.
1905, June. - Uprising on the battleship "Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky".
1905, August. – The conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace Treaty following the Russian Japanese war. Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, lease rights to the Liaodong Peninsula and the South Manchurian Railway.
1905 October 17 – Publication of the Manifesto “On the improvement of the state order”.
1905 November - Creation of the "Union of the Russian people".
1905 December. - Armed uprising in Moscow and a number of other cities.
1906 April–July - Activities of the First State Duma.
November 9, 1906 - Decree on the withdrawal of peasants from the community. The beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform.
1907 February–June - Activities of the II State Duma.
June 3, 1907 - Dissolution of the II State Duma. Adoption of a new electoral law (June 3 coup).
1907–1912 - Activities of the III State Duma.
1907, August - Russian-English agreement on the delimitation of zones of influence in Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet. The final formalization of the Entente alliance.
1912 - Lena execution.
1912–1917 - Activities of the IV State Duma.
1914, August 1 - 1918, November 9. - World War I.
1915, August. – Creation of the Progressive block.
May 1916 - Brusilovsky breakthrough.
February 1917 - February bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia.
March 2, 1917 - Abdication of Nicholas II from the throne. Formation of the Provisional Government.
May 1917 - Formation of the 1st coalition Provisional Government.
1917, June. - Activities of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies.
1917, July. - Formation of the 2nd coalition Provisional Government.
1917, August. - Kornilov rebellion.
1917, September 1st. - Proclamation of Russia as a republic.
1917 October 24–26 - Armed uprising in Petrograd. The overthrow of the Provisional Government. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets (Proclamation of Russia as a Republic of Soviets.). The adoption of decrees on peace and land. 1918, January. - Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly.
March 3, 1918 – The conclusion of the Brest peace between Soviet Russia and Germany. Russia lost Poland, Lithuania, part of Latvia, Finland, Ukraine, part of Belarus, Kars, Ardagan and Batum. The agreement was canceled in November 1918 after the revolution in Germany.
1918–1920 - Civil war in Russia.
1918 - Adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR.
1918–1921 March - The Soviet government's policy of "war communism".
July 1918 - Execution royal family In Ekaterinburg.
1920–1921 - Anti-Bolshevik uprisings of peasants in the Tambov and Voronezh regions ("Antonovshchina"), Ukraine, the Volga region, Western Siberia.
1921, March - The conclusion of the Riga Peace Treaty of the RSFSR with Poland. The territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus departed to Poland.
1921 February–March - The uprising of sailors and soldiers in Kronstadt against the policy of "war communism".
March 1921 - X Congress of the RCP (b). Transition to NEP.
1922 - Genoa Conference.
December 30, 1922 - Formation of the USSR.
1924 - Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR.
1925, December - XIV Congress of the CPSU (b). Proclamation of a course for the industrialization of the country. Defeat of the "Trotskyist-Zinoviev Opposition".
1927, December - XV Congress of the CPSU (b). Proclamation of a course towards collectivization Agriculture.
1928–1932 - The first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
1929 - Beginning of complete collectivization.
1930 - Completion of the construction of Turksib.
1933–1937 - The second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.
1934 - Admission of the USSR to the League of Nations.
1934, December 1st. - The murder of S. M. Kirov. The beginning of mass repressions.
1936 - Adoption of the Constitution of the USSR ("victorious socialism").
1939, 23 August. - Signing a non-aggression pact with Germany.
1939, September 1 - 1945, September 2. - The Second World War.
1939, November - 1940, March. - Soviet-Finnish war.
1941, June 22 - 1945, May 9. - The Great Patriotic War.
1941 July–September - Battle of Smolensk.
1941, December 5-6 - The counteroffensive of the Red Army near Moscow.
November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943. - The counteroffensive of the Red Army near Stalingrad. The beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
1943, July - August. - Battle of Kursk.
1943, September - December. - The battle for the Dnieper. Liberation of Kyiv. Completion of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War.
1943, November 28 - December 1. - Tehran Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
1944, January. - The final liquidation of the blockade of Leningrad.
1944 January–February - Korsun Shevchenko operation.
1944, June - August - Operation for the liberation of Belarus ("Bagration").
1944, July - August - Lvov-Sandomierz operation.
1944, August - Iasi Chisinau operation.
1945, January - February - Vistula-Oder operation.
1945, February 4-11 - Crimean (Yalta) Conference of the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
1945, April - May - Berlin operation.
April 25, 1945 - Meeting on the river. Elbe near Torgau advanced Soviet and American troops.
May 8, 1945 - The surrender of Germany.
1945, July 17 - August 2 - Berlin (Potsdam) conference of the heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.
1945, August - September - The defeat of Japan. The signing of the act of unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces. End of World War II.
1946 - Beginning of the Cold War.
1948 - Severance of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia.
1949 - The beginning of the campaign against "cosmopolitanism".
1949 - Establishment of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA).
1949 - Creation of nuclear weapons in the USSR.
March 5, 1953 - Death of J.S. Stalin.
1953, August. - Report on the testing of a hydrogen bomb in the USSR.
1953, September - 1964, October. - The election of N. S. Khrushchev as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Removed from office in October 1964
1954 - The Obninsk NPP was put into operation.
1955 - Formation of the Warsaw Pact Organization (OVD).
February 1956 - XX Congress of the CPSU. Report by N. S. Khrushchev "On the cult of personality and its consequences."
1956 October–November - Uprising in Hungary; crushed by Soviet troops.
October 4, 1957 - The launch in the USSR of the world's first artificial Earth satellite.
April 12, 1961 - Yu. A. Gagarin's flight into space.
1961, October. - XXII Congress of the CPSU. Adoption of a new Party Program - a program for building communism. 1962 - Caribbean crisis.
1962, June. – Strike at the Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant; shooting demonstration of workers.
1963, August. - The signing in Moscow of an agreement between the USSR, the USA and England on the prohibition of nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, under water and outer space.
1965 - The beginning of the economic reform of A.N. Kosygin.
1968 - Entering the troops of the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact in Czechoslovakia.
May 1972 – Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 1) between the USSR and the USA.
1975 - Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki).
1979 - Signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT 2) between the USSR and the USA.
1979–1989 – “Undeclared war” in Afghanistan.
1980, July - August. - Olympic Games in Moscow.
March 1985 – Election of M. S. Gorbachev general secretary Central Committee of the CPSU.
April 26, 1986 - The Chernobyl accident.
1987 - The conclusion between the USSR and the USA of an agreement on the elimination of intermediate and shorter range missiles.
1988 - XIX Party Conference. Proclamation of a course for the reform of the political system.
1989, May - June. - First Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.
March 1990 - Election at the Third Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR MS Gorbachev President of the USSR. Exception from the Constitution of the 6th article.
June 12, 1990 - The Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted.
June 12, 1991 - Election of Boris N. Yeltsin as President of the RSFSR.
July 1991 – Signing of the treaty between the USSR and the USA on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (START 1).
1991, August 19–21 - Attempted coup d'état (GKChP).
December 8, 1991 - Belovezhskaya agreement on the dissolution of the USSR and the creation of the CIS.
December 25, 1991 - Addition of MS Gorbachev powers of the President of the USSR.
1992 - The beginning of the radical economic reform of E. T. Gaidar.
1993, January. – Signing of the treaty between Russia and the United States on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (START 2).
1993 October 3–4 - Armed clashes between supporters of the Supreme Council and government troops in Moscow.
December 12, 1993 - Elections to the Federal Assembly - the State Duma and the Federation Council and a referendum on the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation.
1994 - Accession of the Russian Federation to the NATO program "Partnership for Peace".
1994, December. - The beginning of large-scale actions against Chechen separatists.
1996 - Russia's accession to the Council of Europe.
July 1996 - Election of Boris N. Yeltsin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
1997 - Creation of the state TV channel "Culture" on the initiative of D.S. Likhachev.
1998, August. – Financial crisis in Russia (default).
1999, September. - The beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya.

5. Russia since the 2000s.

March 2000 - Election of VV Putin as President of the Russian Federation.
2000 - Awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics to Zh. I. Alferov for fundamental research in the field of information and telecommunication technologies.
2002 - Treaty between Russia and the United States on the mutual reduction of nuclear warheads.
2003 – Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to A. A. Abrikosov and V. L. Ginzburg for their work in the field of quantum physics, in particular for studies of superconductivity and superfluidity.
March 2004 - Election of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation (for a second term).
2005 - Creation of the Public Chamber.
2006 - Launch of the program national projects in agriculture, housing, health and education.
March 2008 - Election of D. A. Medvedev as President of the Russian Federation.
2008, August - The invasion of Georgian troops into South Ossetia. Conducting an operation by the Russian army to force Georgia to peace. Russia's recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
2008, November - Adoption of a law on increasing the term of office of the State Duma and the President of the Russian Federation (5 and 6 years, respectively).
