What is the derivative of a fraction. How to find the derivative of a fraction

It is absolutely impossible to solve physical problems or examples in mathematics without knowledge about the derivative and methods for calculating it. Derivative is one of the most important concepts mathematical analysis. We decided to devote today's article to this fundamental topic. What is a derivative, what is its physical and geometric sense how to calculate the derivative of a function? All these questions can be combined into one: how to understand the derivative?

Geometric and physical meaning of the derivative

Let there be a function f(x) , given in some interval (a,b) . The points x and x0 belong to this interval. When x changes, the function itself changes. Argument change - difference of its values x-x0 . This difference is written as delta x and is called argument increment. The change or increment of a function is the difference between the values ​​of the function at two points. Derivative definition:

The derivative of a function at a point is the limit of the ratio of the increment of the function at a given point to the increment of the argument when the latter tends to zero.

Otherwise it can be written like this:

What is the point in finding such a limit? But which one:

the derivative of a function at a point is equal to the tangent of the angle between the OX axis and the tangent to the graph of the function at a given point.

physical meaning derivative: the time derivative of the path is equal to the speed of the rectilinear motion.

Indeed, since school days, everyone knows that speed is a private path. x=f(t) and time t . average speed for some period of time:

To find out the speed of movement at a time t0 you need to calculate the limit:

Rule one: take out the constant

The constant can be taken out of the sign of the derivative. Moreover, it must be done. When solving examples in mathematics, take as a rule - if you can simplify the expression, be sure to simplify .

Example. Let's calculate the derivative:

Rule two: derivative of the sum of functions

The derivative of the sum of two functions is equal to the sum of the derivatives of these functions. The same is true for the derivative of the difference of functions.

We will not give a proof of this theorem, but rather consider a practical example.

Find the derivative of a function:

Rule three: the derivative of the product of functions

The derivative of the product of two differentiable functions is calculated by the formula:

Example: find the derivative of a function:


Here it is important to say about the calculation of derivatives of complex functions. The derivative of a complex function is equal to the product of the derivative of this function with respect to the intermediate argument by the derivative of the intermediate argument with respect to the independent variable.

In the above example, we encounter the expression:

In this case, the intermediate argument is 8x to the fifth power. In order to calculate the derivative of such an expression, we first consider the derivative of the external function with respect to the intermediate argument, and then multiply by the derivative of the intermediate argument itself with respect to the independent variable.

Rule Four: The derivative of the quotient of two functions

Formula for determining the derivative of a quotient of two functions:

We tried to talk about derivatives for dummies from scratch. This topic is not as simple as it sounds, so be warned: there are often pitfalls in the examples, so be careful when calculating derivatives.

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Definition. Let the function \(y = f(x) \) be defined in some interval containing the point \(x_0 \) inside. Let's increment \(\Delta x \) to the argument so as not to leave this interval. Find the corresponding increment of the function \(\Delta y \) (when passing from the point \(x_0 \) to the point \(x_0 + \Delta x \)) and compose the relation \(\frac(\Delta y)(\Delta x) \). If there is a limit of this relation at \(\Delta x \rightarrow 0 \), then the indicated limit is called derivative function\(y=f(x) \) at the point \(x_0 \) and denote \(f"(x_0) \).

$$ \lim_(\Delta x \to 0) \frac(\Delta y)(\Delta x) = f"(x_0) $$

The symbol y is often used to denote the derivative. Note that y" = f(x) is new feature, but naturally associated with the function y = f(x) defined at all points x at which the above limit exists. This function is called like this: derivative of the function y \u003d f (x).

The geometric meaning of the derivative consists of the following. If a tangent that is not parallel to the y axis can be drawn to the graph of the function y \u003d f (x) at a point with the abscissa x \u003d a, then f (a) expresses the slope of the tangent:
\(k = f"(a)\)

Since \(k = tg(a) \), the equality \(f"(a) = tg(a) \) is true.

And now we interpret the definition of the derivative in terms of approximate equalities. Let the function \(y = f(x) \) have a derivative at a particular point \(x \):
$$ \lim_(\Delta x \to 0) \frac(\Delta y)(\Delta x) = f"(x) $$
This means that near the point x, the approximate equality \(\frac(\Delta y)(\Delta x) \approx f"(x) \), i.e. \(\Delta y \approx f"(x) \cdot\Deltax\). The meaningful meaning of the obtained approximate equality is as follows: the increment of the function is “almost proportional” to the increment of the argument, and the coefficient of proportionality is the value of the derivative in given point X. For example, for the function \(y = x^2 \) the approximate equality \(\Delta y \approx 2x \cdot \Delta x \) is true. If we carefully analyze the definition of the derivative, we will find that it contains an algorithm for finding it.

Let's formulate it.

How to find the derivative of the function y \u003d f (x) ?

1. Fix value \(x \), find \(f(x) \)
2. Increment \(x \) argument \(\Delta x \), move to a new point \(x+ \Delta x \), find \(f(x+ \Delta x) \)
3. Find the function increment: \(\Delta y = f(x + \Delta x) - f(x) \)
4. Compose the relation \(\frac(\Delta y)(\Delta x) \)
5. Calculate $$ \lim_(\Delta x \to 0) \frac(\Delta y)(\Delta x) $$
This limit is the derivative of the function at x.

If the function y = f(x) has a derivative at the point x, then it is called differentiable at the point x. The procedure for finding the derivative of the function y \u003d f (x) is called differentiation functions y = f(x).

Let us discuss the following question: how are the continuity and differentiability of a function at a point related?

Let the function y = f(x) be differentiable at the point x. Then a tangent can be drawn to the graph of the function at the point M (x; f (x)) and, recall, the slope of the tangent is equal to f "(x). Such a graph cannot "break" at the point M, i.e., the function must be continuous at x.

It was reasoning "on the fingers". Let us present a more rigorous argument. If the function y = f(x) is differentiable at the point x, then the approximate equality \(\Delta y \approx f"(x) \cdot \Delta x \) holds. zero, then \(\Delta y \) will also tend to zero, and this is the condition for the continuity of the function at a point.

So, if a function is differentiable at a point x, then it is also continuous at that point.

The converse is not true. For example: function y = |x| is continuous everywhere, in particular at the point x = 0, but the tangent to the graph of the function at the “joint point” (0; 0) does not exist. If at some point it is impossible to draw a tangent to the function graph, then there is no derivative at this point.

One more example. The function \(y=\sqrt(x) \) is continuous on the entire number line, including at the point x = 0. And the tangent to the graph of the function exists at any point, including at the point x = 0. But at this point the tangent coincides with the y-axis, that is, it is perpendicular to the abscissa axis, its equation has the form x \u003d 0. There is no slope for such a straight line, which means that \ (f "(0) \) does not exist either

So, we got acquainted with a new property of a function - differentiability. How can you tell if a function is differentiable from the graph of a function?

The answer is actually given above. If at some point a tangent can be drawn to the graph of a function that is not perpendicular to the x-axis, then at this point the function is differentiable. If at some point the tangent to the graph of the function does not exist or it is perpendicular to the x-axis, then at this point the function is not differentiable.

Differentiation rules

The operation of finding the derivative is called differentiation. When performing this operation, you often have to work with quotients, sums, products of functions, as well as with "functions of functions", that is, complex functions. Based on the definition of the derivative, we can derive differentiation rules that facilitate this work. If C is a constant number and f=f(x), g=g(x) are some differentiable functions, then the following are true differentiation rules:

$$ C"=0 $$ $$ x"=1 $$ $$ (f+g)"=f"+g" $$ $$ (fg)"=f"g + fg" $$ $$ ( Cf)"=Cf" $$ $$ \left(\frac(f)(g) \right) " = \frac(f"g-fg")(g^2) $$ $$ \left(\frac (C)(g) \right) " = -\frac(Cg")(g^2) $$ Compound function derivative:
$$ f"_x(g(x)) = f"_g \cdot g"_x $$

Table of derivatives of some functions

$$ \left(\frac(1)(x) \right) " = -\frac(1)(x^2) $$ $$ (\sqrt(x)) " = \frac(1)(2\ sqrt(x)) $$ $$ \left(x^a \right) " = ax^(a-1) $$ $$ \left(a^x \right) " = a^x \cdot \ln a $$ $$ \left(e^x \right) " = e^x $$ $$ (\ln x)" = \frac(1)(x) $$ $$ (\log_a x)" = \frac (1)(x\ln a) $$ $$ (\sin x)" = \cos x $$ $$ (\cos x)" = -\sin x $$ $$ (\text(tg) x) " = \frac(1)(\cos^2 x) $$ $$ (\text(ctg) x)" = -\frac(1)(\sin^2 x) $$ $$ (\arcsin x) " = \frac(1)(\sqrt(1-x^2)) $$ $$ (\arccos x)" = \frac(-1)(\sqrt(1-x^2)) $$ $$ (\text(arctg) x)" = \frac(1)(1+x^2) $$ $$ (\text(arctg) x)" = \frac(-1)(1+x^2) $ $ Derivative calculation is one of the most important operations in differential calculus. Below is a table for finding derivatives simple functions. For more complex differentiation rules, see other lessons: Use the given formulas as reference values. They will help in solving differential equations and problems. In the picture, in the table of derivatives of simple functions, there is a "cheat sheet" of the main cases of finding the derivative in a form that is understandable for use, next to it are explanations for each case.

Derivatives of simple functions

1. Derivative of a number zero
с´ = 0
5' = 0

The derivative shows the rate at which the value of the function changes when the argument changes. Since the number does not change in any way under any conditions, the rate of its change is always zero.

2. Derivative of a variable equal to one
x' = 1

With each increment of the argument (x) by one, the value of the function (calculation result) increases by the same amount. Thus, the rate of change of the value of the function y = x is exactly equal to the rate of change of the value of the argument.

3. The derivative of a variable and a factor is equal to this factor
сx´ = с
(3x)´ = 3
(2x)´ = 2
In this case, each time the function argument ( X) its value (y) grows in from once. Thus, the rate of change of the value of the function with respect to the rate of change of the argument is exactly equal to the value from.

Whence it follows that
(cx + b)" = c
that is, the differential of the linear function y=kx+b is equal to angular coefficient slope of the straight line (k).

4. Modulo derivative of a variable is equal to the quotient of this variable to its modulus
|x|"= x / |x| provided that x ≠ 0
Since the derivative of the variable (see formula 2) is equal to one, the derivative of the module differs only in that the value of the rate of change of the function changes to the opposite when crossing the origin point (try to draw a graph of the function y = |x| and see for yourself. This is exactly value and returns the expression x / |x| When x< 0 оно равно (-1), а когда x >0 - one. That is, at negative values variable x, with each increase in the change of the argument, the value of the function decreases by exactly the same value, and for positive ones, on the contrary, it increases, but by exactly the same value.

5. Power derivative of a variable is equal to the product of the number of this power and the variable in the power, reduced by one
(x c)"= cx c-1, provided that x c and cx c-1 are defined and c ≠ 0
(x 2)" = 2x
(x 3)" = 3x 2
To memorize the formula:
Take the exponent of the variable "down" as a multiplier, and then decrease the exponent itself by one. For example, for x 2 - two was ahead of x, and then the reduced power (2-1 = 1) just gave us 2x. The same thing happened for x 3 - we lower the triple, reduce it by one, and instead of a cube we have a square, that is, 3x 2 . A little "unscientific", but very easy to remember.

6.Fraction derivative 1/x
(1/x)" = - 1 / x 2
Since a fraction can be represented as raising to a negative power
(1/x)" = (x -1)" , then you can apply the formula from rule 5 of the derivatives table
(x -1)" = -1x -2 = - 1 / x 2

7. Fraction derivative with a variable of arbitrary degree in the denominator
(1/x c)" = - c / x c+1
(1 / x 2)" = - 2 / x 3

8. root derivative(derivative of the variable under square root)
(√x)" = 1 / (2√x) or 1/2 x -1/2
(√x)" = (x 1/2)" so you can apply the formula from rule 5
(x 1/2)" \u003d 1/2 x -1/2 \u003d 1 / (2√x)

9. Derivative of a variable under a root of an arbitrary degree
(n √ x)" = 1 / (n n √ x n-1)
