Bouquet of white roses according to the dream book. What does it mean if you dream of roses

Waking up in the morning, you may remember a dream and wonder why white roses are dreaming. In general, the white color in a dream symbolizes purity, innocence and wisdom. Almost every dream book says that a dream with white roses is a favorable sign. However, in order to accurately determine and predict the symbols of sleep, you must first analyze the features of the plot.

Dream with white roses

In most cases, white roses dream of a serene and happy life in reality. You have a blessed period without worries and problems. With society and other people, you easily find mutual understanding. This dream is especially significant for single people. In accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, a dreamer or a dreamer who is not a couple will very soon meet in reality a person who is close in spirit and will find happiness in their personal lives.

Dream Interpretation of Flowers

It says here that seeing white roses in a dream is a warning sign of illness. In addition, there is a high probability of experiencing loss, crisis and disappointment in life. Dew drops on the petals are a positive sign, promising good health and long life.

If in a dream a young girl sees how she cuts the stems of flowers, she should pay special attention to the behavior of her lover. There is a good chance that he has evil plans for her. According to this dream book, dried roses predict loneliness, so let go of the hope of returning the old relationship, even with a very strong desire. In addition, you should not rush to start a new relationship with anyone, it is better to rethink what happened, realize your own mistakes, forgive the other and understand what kind of relationship you want next time.

If in a dream you were presented with a bouquet of white roses, you felt their pleasant smell, which means that a pleasant surprise awaits you very soon. Joy will be accompanied by a pleasant gift, friendly communication or unexpected news.

Other interpretations of sleep

Some dream books say that a rose bush that has just blossomed promises that in reality you will find stable material well-being. Perhaps you will have a new source of income. There is also the possibility of a promotion, which, of course, will have a positive effect on monetary profits.

Seeing a dried flower bush in a dream predicts many days spent in sadness, illness or despondency. Either you or your loved ones can get sick.

White roses in a bouquet speak first of all about your present state of mind. Beautiful fragrant flowers speak of peace and spiritual harmony, tranquility and purity of thoughts. If you were pricked with a thorn from a bouquet in a dream, this portends a severe emotional shock in reality. Most likely the cause will be the behavior of a spouse or loved one.

Seeing red and white roses in a dream may mean that in reality you will meet a person with whom you will feel the kinship of souls. The dream book says that a new acquaintance will turn your whole life upside down. The dream book recommends, however, to keep a sober mind, otherwise you risk making a serious mistake and ruining your life by falling into surging feelings. The correctness of building relationships must be observed even when you are sure that this is your soulmate.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

It says that white roses warn of the danger that threatens your loved one. Separation from a loved one for a long time is also possible, it will be very difficult for you to survive it. But do not forget that longing will certainly be replaced by the joy of meeting.

Giving white roses to yourself in a dream means taking care of your neighbor in reality.

Find out more

The white rose is a symbol of purity, purity and love. Based on this, it is possible to interpret a dream in which delicate flowers were dreamed from a favorable side. But different interpreters advise paying attention to what the dreamer experienced when he saw white roses, how he did with them, and at what time of the year the flowers dreamed.

Those who experience difficulties in business will finally be able to solve their problems, the lonely will meet their soul mate, new paths to happiness and mutual understanding with others will open in the fate of the sleeping person.

What does the dream mean

In most cases, white roses in a dream do not cause worries about future well-being. Seeing these flowers in a dream is a good sign.

According to the Dream Interpretation of Flowers, a rose is a messenger of all good things if she dreamed next to water. Positive changes await the dreamer if there were dew drops on the petals, the flowers stood in a vase or floated in a pond. It is very good if the sleeping person felt the aroma in a dream. This means that he will experience great joy, receive a pleasant gift or good news.

In all other interpretations, the Dream Interpretation of Flowers does not promise anything good if you dream of roses. For a young girl to cut flowers from a bush - to treason and betrayal from her lover. You should take a closer look at the young man in order to avoid deception. Dried roses are a sign of inevitable loneliness. Such a dream portends the final separation and break with a loved one.

For a girl who does not have a love relationship at the time when she had a dream, such a vision suggests that a fateful meeting should not be expected in the near future.

Trying to figure out what the vision means, you need to remember how many roses you dreamed of:

  • two roses - nothing threatens the relationship of a couple in love, ahead is enjoyment of each other and common happiness;
  • three roses - the dreamer is loved and respected by others, friends and relatives, they are ready to help at any moment;
  • a huge bouquet - for a girl, such a dream means the possibility of an early marriage.

For a married woman, a bouquet of roses dreamed of at night promises calmness, stability and peace in relations with her husband.

What roses did you dream about?

The interpretation of dreams with white roses is also influenced by the accompanying events, and how the dreamer saw the flowers. Psychologist Z. Freud assures that such visions are always associated with the spirituality of a person, with his inner experiences and have a pronounced psychophysics. By what kind of rose you dreamed about, you can determine the state of mind of the sleeping person, understand what worries him in life. The actions of the sleeper with roses in a dream are also important.

Color appearance:

Condition/view Interpretation
Live artisanal with blossoming buds Relations with a lover or husband move to a new level, a period of "quiet" happiness begins
Withered with crumbled petals Trouble or trouble is approaching in the lives of loved ones and loved ones
Huge, long, big Fate decided to reward the dreamer with a joyful event, a long-awaited rest, new impressions
withered Someone close to you gets sick
With beautiful decor, ribbons, in wrapping paper Someone from relatives or colleagues is preparing a conspiracy against the dreamer, wishes him harm, wants to interfere with the achievement of goals
artificial A bad sign - there will soon be mourning and grief in the family.

Actions with roses:

How to determine if a guy suits a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage

Interpretations of various dream books

The most famous seers, esotericists and psychologists at different times tried to give their own explanation for the vision. Some saw this flower as a symbol of beauty and interpreted the dream as a harbinger of good news, pleasant changes, success and wealth.

Others were sure that a rose that has thorns is a symbol of deceit, therefore, behind the external attractiveness of this flower lies deceit, deceit, the risk of being compromised or humiliated.

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

The famous psychologist recommended that dreamers pay attention to everything that was connected in a dream with white roses. Illuminated by bright sunlight with fresh leaves sprinkled with dew, the flowers promise peace, happiness, well-being to the sleeping person. A young girl, having seen such a dream, can be sure that a marriage proposal will soon arrive.

But if roses grow on a bush and look lethargic, and the dreamer has a feeling of pity for the flowers and a desire to put them in water and save them, then a disease is inevitable, the news of which will be unexpected.

White roses according to the Love dream book

Any person who saw white roses in a dream should understand that radical changes will soon come in his life. Lonely people will meet their half, couples will be able to re-evaluate their relationship, business changes, moving, travel are coming.

The dream book predicts that you need to think about your spiritual perception of the environment. Looking at what is happening with different eyes, you can see new ways that will lead to success in business, the normalization of any conflicts, happiness and mutual understanding.

Hasse's predictions

A luxurious bouquet of flowers symbolizes pleasant impressions of what will happen in the near future. Picking white roses is to meet a person who will change life for the better. Perhaps he will become a companion for all the remaining years.

If the buds wither, a crisis will soon come in a relationship. It can be avoided if you stop being too trusting, pay attention to the opinions of loved ones. A bouquet received as a gift is a symbol of fidelity and sincerity with a husband or fiance.

Interpretation of Vanga

If a young girl dreams of a white rose and she admires the flower, its fragrance, then in the near future she will receive a declaration of love from a true friend.

White color, according to Vanga, promises only pleasant, sublime and important for the dreamer. Changes in his life will definitely come, but they will not bring negative emotions and strong feelings.

White flowers, as a symbol of purity and purity, should not alert the dreamer and upset him. They portend new achievements in various areas of life, promise good news and important events.

What this or that dream is about, a simple person without extrasensory abilities can find out by looking into the dream book. For example, flowers are invariably associated with something joyful and positive, but depending on the context, a floral bouquet can bode both good luck and misfortune. Therefore, many are interested in knowing what a bouquet of white roses is dreaming of. What if the dream is not a simple interior decoration, but a full-fledged plot tied to picking flowers, or, for example, the act of presenting such a fragrant gift? The dream book of the seer Vanga focuses on the fact that the white rose is a very noble plant, which means that when receiving a bouquet of white roses in a dream as a gift, a person seems to be convinced of his own purity and innocence. If the sleeper in his sleepy vision cuts flowers, then this action is a harbinger of a trusting relationship on the part of others.

When interpreting a dream with the main symbol in the form of a bouquet of white roses, it is important to take into account not only the plot components, but also pay attention to the condition of the flowers. For example, if the bouquet seen in a dream turned out to be wilted, then this is an unfavorable sign of pretense on the part of relatives, and most likely, the partner himself.

A large bud of a white rose in a dream is a messenger of some kind of misfortune, which can very soon happen to people who are not indifferent to the dreamer. It is also worth considering if during sleep the sleeper used white roses as an ornament for a headdress, since such a plot has the meaning of deception, including vain hopes or expectations.

But any active actions in watering white roses or caring for them are harbingers of very interesting consequences in the form of romantic adventures.

What does a bouquet of white roses portend, appearing in a dream? Fragrant flowers blooming in full force definitely promise those who see them the joy of communicating with friends and the exceptional fidelity of the second half. It makes sense to be wary only if the dreaming bouquet was drooping and withered - this indicates secrecy, isolation, coldness, but even such a gloomy sign is not fatal. Most likely, such a bouquet is a reflection of the inner state of the dreamer himself, who is trying to appear strong and not reacting to trifles and emotions.

You should not dwell on the first interpretation of a dream you read, but study several dream books and interpretations, because individual details can significantly affect the meaning of the information transmitted in a dream. For example, a prick on thorns turns the positive symbol of a bouquet of roses into a harbinger of a dangerous situation.

You should not treat sleep as an important event that must definitely happen in life. In any case, although dreams warn people about upcoming events, nevertheless, all the possibilities for preventing troubles are within the competence of the dreamer himself.

Why dream of white roses?

White roses are a symbol of tender friendship and love, while red ones are a symbol of passion. Given in reality, they speak of love and bright feelings. And so the question invariably arises, a flower bouquet - why dream? White roses, one can say for sure, do not carry any negative aspects.

A presented bouquet of white roses in a dream indicates that the sleeping person has tender feelings for the one to whom he gives them. Or, on the contrary, if white roses are given to the dreamer, then this means that this person should take a closer look at the donor in reality. It is possible that this bouquet symbolizes that relations between people are developing quite well, and may well move to a new level, from friendship to friendship, from friendship to love, from love to family, etc. Accepting white roses as a gift during dream, it should be noted whether they have thorns. The absence of thorns symbolizes the fact that in this relationship there were and will not be problems that can hurt and offend. If, on the contrary, prickly needles are present in the presented bouquet, then this is an occasion to think about what exactly in the relationship causes pain and suffering. It is possible that these problems are solved and eliminated without much effort.

In addition to white roses, there are many other flowers, but it should be understood that the interpretation of sleep in each such case should be based on what kind of flowers the person dreamed about. Even the color of roses matters, not to mention other varieties and types of plants.

Cutting white roses means that the dreamer wants to end any relationship, and do it with a minimum of emotional outbursts and losses. If the roses are cut carefully, with scissors or secateurs, then they are put into the water and taken care of, then this makes it clear that the person himself understands how important it is to end the relationship in friendship, without quarrel and mutual reproaches. His behavior shows that he strives to do just that, both in a dream and in real life. But sometimes you may also have such a dream when roses, instead of being cut, are trampled, uprooted from the ground, thrown out. This version of sleep can definitely be interpreted as the fact that a person is tired of relationships, he is tired of them and he does not care how they end. He even agrees to quarrels and insults, if only they end as soon as possible. Having seen such a dream, you should carefully consider whether it is necessary to interrupt the relationship in reality in this way, since this can hurt a loved one.

Planting white roses is a very interesting dream, and its interpretation carries a double connotation. On the one hand, planted roses indicate that the dreamer is ready for a new relationship, or even such a situation is possible that the relationship has already begun. Just now, subconsciously, a person is trying to take them to a new level. By planting and growing a rose bush in a dream, the dreamer is trying to reconcile himself with the world around him, to show that he is kind and open to everyone who is close to him. If, in addition, in a dream, thorns are removed from flowers and stems, then this means that a person simply radiates love, good nature and a desire to be equal with everyone, without offending or belittling anyone. There is another interpretation of such a dream. Planted white roses may hint that children will soon appear in the family. Especially if such a dream is a dream of a young girl who wants to get pregnant.

Looking at how roses look in a dream, you should pay attention to their condition, aroma, freshness. All these characteristics describe how the sleeper himself subconsciously evaluates the relationship that he thinks about. Accordingly, the better the quality and quantity of white roses, the better and stronger the relationship will be.

Dreaming of white roses is a great reason to change your life. You can start these changes by talking to the person you like. It is quite possible that these feelings are mutual, and then it turns out that white roses were not dreamed in vain, but were practically a prophetic dream.

Dream Interpretation White Rose, why dream of a White Rose in a dream to see

To dream of a white unblown rose - soon to get a promotion, to material profit.

A dream interpretation of a white rose is a dream of a single guy or an unmarried girl - this is a symbol of imminent marriage. A white rose is interpreted in almost all dream books as a bright symbol of innocence, wisdom, beauty and femininity.

For men to see a white rose in a dream - to meet their beloved. For married men and women, a white rose dreams of strengthening relationships, happiness and harmony in marriage, long and beautiful love.

Women's dream book

What is the dream of a white rose? Admiring a blooming rose is the fidelity of a lover, good news in the near future.

Pluck a blooming white rose - soon receive a marriage proposal, a sign of mutual love, which will develop into strong marriage bonds.

Seeing a white rose bud is the birth of a female child.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What is the dream of a White Rose in a dream:

Why dream of a white rose that has withered or withered - sadness, anxiety, unforeseen expenses, health problems in a mother or daughter. Seeing a white withered rose in a dream is a bad sign. Sudden changes in family life, betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

Dream interpretation of a white rose covered with dew drops - prosperity and success in business. The right choice of partner, possibly a marriage proposal in the coming days.

Modern dream book If you dream of a White Rose:

Solves a dream book: A white rose for the elderly - to recovery, a good offer from friends or relatives. For the wedding of children or the appearance of a granddaughter.

A widow dreams of a white rose as a sign of fidelity to her dead husband. It symbolizes the strength of their marriage and eternal love.

To a remarried widow - as the approval of the late husband, his consent to the union.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Why dream of a white rose - a mystery, surprise, an unpredictable outcome of affairs.

Azar's Bible dream book Dream Interpretation: Seeing a white rose in a dream

What is the dream of the White Rose - happiness in marriage, the ideal choice of the second half, pure love.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist Z. Freud What is the dream of a White Rose for:

According to Freud, the white rose symbolizes the flowering of love relationships and well-being. A thorn, as a phallic symbol, can warn of unfounded distrust of a partner, his betrayal (to be pricked with a thorn). Being pricked with a thorn in a dream can also warn that in reality you will soon be sexually harassed.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream of a White Rose?

To see in a dream Why is a white rose dreaming - a symbol of fidelity, devotion, innocence. To prick with a thorn of a white rose - to betrayal, the desire to hide a bad deed, pangs of conscience.

Why dream of a bouquet of roses?

Many things in a dream can mean something completely different than in real life. Death, fear, murder and troubles, for example, seen in a dream, may indicate positive events in reality. However, there are images that are pleasant in reality, and in a dream they become a good omen. One example is a bouquet of roses.

The flowers that a person sees in a dream, in general, have a fairly positive symbolism. A flower is a sign of love, friendship, warmth, openness, good luck in business. Flowers belong to the positive forces of the earth, they can also testify to vivid emotional upheavals, to the fragility, defenselessness of the dreamer's nature. Flowers can also be an image of strength, vitality, a deep and powerful connection with the real world, the ability to endure adversity and be reborn again from the earth.

Oddly enough, a bouquet of flowers is an image that is not directly related to love or emotions, on the contrary, it is quite mundane, indicating career prospects and promotion. Why? Initially, bouquets were not given to girls - flowers collected in a multitude were presented to rulers, victors, kings and other important people in recognition of their greatness.

From the world of flowers, the rose is perhaps the most pronounced positive mood. There are almost no dreams in which a rosebud would serve as an unkind sign. The rose is a flower of great symbolic meaning - one of the symbols of Christianity, it is also the heart, love, peace, passion. Seeing a rose in a dream is almost always fortunate.

To understand why a bouquet of roses is dreaming, what it can mean and what kind of dream message it hides, it is useful to remember some details of the dream. As in real life, the symbolism of color is more important in dreams. So, a pale pink flower can mean chaste love. Bright red - stormy, "adult" passion. Yellow flowers are a sure sign of betrayal, deceit. Blue flowers hide dreams and pure happiness.

Also, for a thorough understanding of the message of the dream, in which a bouquet of roses appears, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the flowers. So, withered flowers can become an alarming sign, and dry and dead ones can be completely gloomy. It is necessary to try to notice whether there were flaws on the petals, whether sharp thorns were hidden behind the buds, how bright the bouquet was, the absence of saturated colors can become an unpleasant symbol.

A bouquet of red roses, presented in a dream, can be a symbol of love and passion, if a woman gives it to a loved one, they will have many years of happiness. A pale pink bouquet can mean a quick loss of virginity for a virgin, and for someone older, an opportunity to deflower the object of their sighs. A bouquet of juicy, lively, bright red roses may indicate violent passion, an imminent romantic adventure, or simply great luck. A bouquet of roses, the color of which the dreamer did not remember, may indicate a "classic" promotion on the career ladder, good luck in business. If the roses are white - a sign not too pleasant, they promise imminent losses, failures.

Also, a bouquet of withered roses can become an unkind sign, and even worse - a mourning wreath instead of a bouquet, this is a symbol, if not of death, then of a serious illness and emotional upheaval. Dry roses presented in a dream by a loved one can be a sign of the end of a close relationship. Artificial flowers or a bouquet of yellow roses is a symbol of other people's intrigues and betrayal.

Many dream symbols associated with a bouquet of roses may not be directly related to the bouquet. It is important to pay attention to additional signs of sleep. For example, to prick on thorns - expect danger. Flowers sucking blood (biting, for example, with thorns) are a sign of betrayal of a loved one. Also, pay attention to the color of the wrapping paper.

A bouquet of roses in a dream is one of the best symbols for a person who wants to find love, good luck in business, career growth, just to succeed. Roses almost always become a good sign. And if flowers in a dream carry an evil sign - do not despair, it is important just to pay attention to the warning of sleep in time, and trouble can be avoided.

The dream of roses portends a new love, the beginning of an incredible romantic adventure that you will not be able to forget. Blooming fragrant flowers promise a happy love relationship, the onset of good events.

Who had a dream about roses? What color rose did you dream about? How many roses did you dream about? How did you get roses in a dream? Did you dream about some fragments of roses? Did you dream of artificial roses? In what state did you see roses in a dream? What did you do with roses in a dream? What rose did you dream about?

Who had a dream about roses?

A pregnant woman dreamed of roses

A pregnant woman dreams of roses - an easy birth awaits her, so you can put your worries aside. Ahead is a happy family life, a complete idyll in relationships with her husband.

What color rose did you dream about?

Red roses White roses Pink roses Black roses Yellow roses Blue roses

I dreamed of multi-colored roses

If you dreamed of multi-colored roses, joyful events are approaching, thanks to which life will be filled with bright colors, it will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Happiness will come in your personal life, new romantic relationships are just around the corner.

Scarlet roses

Dreaming of orange roses

Seeing orange roses in a dream - in reality, expect a joyful event to come. Any thing can serve as a reason for positive emotions, in any case it will be a pleasant surprise and a good surprise.

Dreamed of blue roses

The dream of blue roses speaks of your ability to cross out past grievances, past failures and start a new page in your own life. Leave the bad in the past, start from scratch.

burgundy roses

Dreamed of purple roses

Felomena's dream book interprets purple roses as an eccentricity of the object of your passion and affection. His enigmatic, extravagant behavior leaves you pleasantly surprised every time.

Why dream of green roses

I dreamed of green roses - you hope to find happiness, you believe that you will meet your true love. Keep up the good work, one day fate will present you with a generous gift.

How many roses did you dream about?

Bouquet of roses Rose bushes

I dreamed a lot of roses

A young girl dreams of many roses as a harbinger of a joyful event. Your relationship with your loved one will reach a new level. There is a high probability that it will come to a wedding.

Seeing a bunch of roses in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Felomena considers an armful of roses for a young girl as a joyful omen. Your boyfriend will finally mature for a more serious relationship and make an offer.

Why dream of two roses

Seeing two roses in a dream is a bad sign. Luck will leave you, and the plan will not come true. An even number of roses is always a harbinger of sadness, sadness, in some cases, grief.

two roses

How did you get roses in a dream?

gave roses

Did you dream about some fragments of roses?

Rose petals

Dreamed of rosebuds

Rosebuds dream of disappointment, unnecessary worries and tears. You will probably fall into depression and become sad for a long time. You need to somehow escape from the routine, recover a little and calm your nerves.

Did you dream of artificial roses?

Dreamed of artificial roses

The dream interpretation interprets artificial flowers as disappointment and longing in reality. A bouquet of artificial roses portends lies and dishonesty. See such flowers - get ready for discord in the family. Feelings fade, pleasant moments have become commonplace or tired.

If you dream of living roses

Live roses dream of finding happiness and enjoying reality. Everything will develop according to your scenario and no one can destroy the idyll. Blooming live roses symbolize prosperity and longevity.

In what state did you see roses in a dream?

Dream about withered roses

Withered roses dreamed - your current chosen one is not the only one with whom you will stay until the end of your life. This symbol means loneliness, philosophizing, thirst for communication. For a lover, it promises separation.

To see withered roses, being in a strong relationship, is to learn about deceit on the part of your other half, to experience grief.

What did you do with roses in a dream?

Buy roses in a dream

A dream about buying roses promises a careerist good luck at work, and a girl - success in communicating with guys. The dream also portends financial stability, growth in income and cash.

I dreamed that you were sorting out roses

It is a dream that you are sorting out roses that are drying up and withering - in reality, you have to go through the collapse of hopes. The soul will become cold and lonely, and others will only disappoint.

Plant roses in a dream

Plant roses in a dream - create difficulties in your path. You can quietly bring the situation to a critical point. In other cases, a dream promises the realization of fantasies of a romantic nature.

What rose did you dream about?

Dreaming of a rose with thorns

Felomena's dream book considers roses with thorns as love failures, problems and fears. To prick with a thorn - to experience unexpected disappointment in reality. Perhaps it will concern your second half. In some cases, such flowers symbolize harassment.

Tea rose in a dream

I dreamed of a tea rose - get ready for the sad news. Often they relate to romantic relationships. It is possible that the situation could get out of control and lead to separation.

If you see in a dream a large bouquet of white roses in your hands, what is it for?



white flowers speak of the purity of your thoughts and portend good luck, health and well-being in the house..

Anton Grizzly

Maria Ivanova

Maybe for love?


Blooming and fragrant roses in a dream promise the approach of some kind of joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one. If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon be made an offer of marriage, which she will like. Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love. If you see white roses in a dream, on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, then a serious illness awaits you. If in a dream you inhale the aroma of roses, this will bring you unalloyed joy. If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she cuts roses and makes bouquets of them, then she will be very happy to receive an offer from a person whom she appreciates very much. If you see in a dream a rose bush that has not yet blossomed, you will have lasting material well-being. A dried rose bush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows. A bright bush of scarlet roses portends the fulfillment of great hopes in your family. If a lover decorates her hair with a scarlet rosebud in a dream, this promises her deception. To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in spring - fortunately, in winter - to a futile expectation.


1) Rose
Roses in a dream symbolize a great feeling. The pink color of the petals is a sign of tenderness. A blooming rose bush promises family happiness and prosperity.
A red rose in a dream means passionate friendship.
White roses are a sign of purity and defenselessness. If your chosen one gives you white roses in a dream, then in this way your heart tells you about the purity and sincerity of his thoughts.
A black rose portends mental suffering. If her appearance attracts you, then this dream promises you a fatal passion.
Broken roses are a symbol of separation and tears. A prick of rose thorns is a warning of possible treason.
Withered roses promise disappointment. Perhaps in reality you are trying to revive feelings that have long been burned out. (Dream Interpretation of Winter)

2) Roses
Blooming - joy and happiness; pluck - imminent marriage; receive as a gift - true love; with large spikes - trouble and fear; yellow roses - treason and fear; white - a happy choice of a couple; fading - habits will change. (dream book Hasse)

3) If in a dream you saw roses, then consider that fortune smiled at you. Blooming roses seen in a dream promise you the approach of some joyful event and an amazing relationship of souls with your chosen one. If you dreamed of withered roses, then this means that true love has not yet come to you. The dream in which you see white roses portends you a spiritual or physical connection that will turn your whole life upside down and make you look at the world with different eyes. You will feel true pleasure and experience hitherto unknown feelings. If you dreamed that you were inhaling the scent of roses, then life would be favorable to you and bestow its blessings on you, let you taste the fruit of love and reconcile with those around you.

4) white roses - a happy choice of a couple, pure love (Azar's dream book)


Blooming and fragrant roses - the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one;
for a girl - cut roses - you will soon be made a marriage proposal that you will like;
withered roses - you do not have the only favorite;
white roses, on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no dew drops, are a serious illness;
inhaling the aroma of roses is an unclouded joy;
for a girl - in the form of a bunch of roses or cut roses and make bouquets of them - you will be very happy when you receive an offer from a person whom you value very highly;
see a rose bush that has not yet blossomed - lasting material well-being;
dried rose bush - a disease among your loved ones or other sorrows;
a bright bush of scarlet roses - the fulfillment of great hopes in your family;
for lovers - decorating your hair with a scarlet rosebud is a deception;
to receive a bouquet of alch roses in spring is happiness;
in winter - a vain expectation.
According to Miss Hasse's dream book: §
Blooming - joy and happiness;
pluck - quick marriage;
receive as a gift - true love;
with large spikes - trouble and fear;
yellow roses - treason and fear;
white - a happy choice of a couple;
fading - habits will change.

mila aidinova

to a romantic attitude Arrange a holiday for two!

Narina Moore

To love, perhaps about the news of the marriage of your loved ones.

Why dreamed of a bouquet of pink roses?


This is me

Interpretation according to Hasse >>>>>

Blooming - joy and happiness; pluck - soon
matrimony; receive as a gift - true love; with
large spikes - trouble and fear; yellow roses -
betrayal and fear; white - a happy choice of a couple; fading
- Habits will change.

Interpretation according to Miller >>>>>

Blooming and fragrant roses in this promise the approach of some joyful event and the fidelity of your chosen one.
If a girl cuts roses in a dream, it means that she will soon be made an offer of marriage, which she will like.
Withered roses indicate that you do not have the only one you love.
If you see white roses in a dream, on which the rays of the sun do not fall and on whose petals there are no drops of dew, it means. A serious illness awaits you.
If in a dream you inhale the aroma of roses, this will bring you unalloyed joy.
If a girl dreams of armfuls of roses or she dreams that she cuts roses and makes bouquets of them, then she will be very happy to receive an offer from a person whom she appreciates very much.
If you see in a dream a rose bush that has not yet blossomed, you will have lasting material well-being.
A dried rose bush portends illness among your loved ones or other sorrows.
A bright bush of scarlet roses portends the fulfillment of great hopes in your family.
If a lover decorates her hair with a scarlet rosebud in a dream, this promises her deception.
To receive a bouquet of scarlet roses in a dream in spring - fortunately, in winter - to a futile expectation.

What is the dream of a white rose

Miller's dream book

A white rose that has withered or withered - sadness, anxiety, unforeseen expenses, health problems in a mother or daughter. Seeing a white withered rose in a dream is a bad sign. Sudden changes in family life, betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

Dreaming of a white rose covered with dew drops - prosperity and success in business. The right choice of partner, possibly a marriage proposal in the coming days.

What is the dream of a white rose

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the white rose symbolizes the flowering of love relationships and well-being. A thorn, as a phallic symbol, can warn of unfounded distrust of a partner, his betrayal (to be pricked with a thorn). Being pricked with a thorn in a dream can also warn that in reality you will soon be sexually harassed.

What is the dream of a white rose

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep: a white rose is a symbol of fidelity, devotion, innocence. To prick with a thorn of a white rose - to betrayal, the desire to hide a bad deed, pangs of conscience.

What is the dream of a white rose

Dream Interpretation of Azar

White rose - happiness in marriage, the ideal choice of the second half, pure love.

What is the dream of a white rose

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

White rose - mystery, surprise, unpredictable outcome.

What is the dream of a white rose

Modern dream book

White rose for the elderly - to recovery, a good offer from friends or relatives. For the wedding of children or the appearance of a granddaughter.

A widow dreams of a white rose as a sign of fidelity to her dead husband. It symbolizes the strength of their marriage and eternal love.

To a remarried widow - as the approval of the late husband, his consent to the union.

What is the dream of a white rose

Dream Interpretation Nancy Wagaiman

A dream about white roses in the warm season is always interpreted as well-being. And in the cold season, the interpretation has the opposite meaning. Blooming white roses in dreams portend sweet events, as well as receiving cheerful news. Sometimes a dream with such a plot portends a marriage proposal. To receive a white rose as a gift in a dream speaks of good luck in work and improved health. The only thing is, if such roses presented to you have a shabby appearance - it is worth waiting for betrayal of a loved one. Weaving this flower into hair portends happiness and reliability in love, strengthening tender feelings. Breaking a white rose to a quarrel. Throw out - break off a relationship with a loved one.

What is the dream of a white rose

Women's dream book

White Rose? Admiring a blooming rose is the fidelity of a lover, good news in the near future.

Pluck a blooming white rose - soon receive a marriage proposal, a sign of mutual love, which will develop into strong marriage bonds.

Seeing a white rose bud is the birth of a female child.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream you see is related to emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of a sleeping person. A picture with a good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An inexpressive dream promises a routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

Each predictor. It all depends on some details. It can be a bouquet of roses on the table, wilted flowers or petals. Every little thing counts. Only then can the meaning of sleep be correctly interpreted.

I dreamed of a white rose: Miller's dream book

This great predictor claims that when a person dreams of something, this is a warning or an indication from above. If you saw a fresh white rose with dew drops, which is brightly lit in the sun, this means a favorable outcome of the work begun.

If you are a family man and saw in a dream, then nothing threatens your marriage. You will live a calm and measured life. No one can stop you, as you have a strong union.

For an unmarried girl, fresh white roses signify new relationships, love and possible marriage. Therefore, when you meet a young man, do not push him away, but take a closer look at him. Perhaps he will become a reliable support for you in the future.

If you see roses that have faded, become lethargic and ugly, beware. It has to do with your health. Do not joke with this, but try to be examined by a doctor. Remember that white roses have warned you of something important. You only need to correctly interpret the dream.

Vanga's predictions

The famous Bulgarian prophetess claims: if you dreamed of living white roses, this is the approach of great happiness. In her opinion, white is love, purity of relationships and honesty. A bouquet of these wonderful flowers symbolizes devotion and recognition.

Vanga predicts: if a girl dreamed of a big bouquet of roses, strong love is expected. Her admirer will admire her femininity and openness.

When you dream of roses with thorns - this is to chagrin. If a girl is pricked with thorns, it means that she has a secret from her beloved.

Sometimes a person dreams that he cuts white roses in his garden. Such a dream suggests that you are always ready to help not only your friends, but also any person who needs you.

If a girl dreamed that roses quickly wither, then insincere love should be expected. Most likely, the hypocrisy of the chosen one will upset you in the near future. Such a dream warns, so be careful.

If you saw a bouquet in a dream, and there were unpleasant bugs or slugs on them, you don’t need to waste your time on a fan. He still does not appreciate you and your actions. After this dream, try to avoid chance meetings. They will bring disappointment.

You found out what the white rose dreamed about. Wangi's dream book offers several options. It is worth listening to him. After all, the soothsayer was very rarely wrong.

Freud's dream book

The Austrian physician and psychologist has been researching the human subconscious for a long time. He came to the conclusion that dreams are dreamed only when fatigue has overcome. At this time, a person is sleeping, but his subconscious is working. It is it that warns of good or bad.

Freud says: to see white roses in a dream - great and pure love awaits you. If you are pricked with thorns, then sexually you will be disappointed. After all, the fan will harass you, despite your refusal.

Did you dream of a gift of white roses? The opposite sex will be interested in you. For both men and women, new relationships are expected. Therefore, if someone is interested in you, do not push him away. Perhaps you have begun a new, white streak.

If you dreamed that you were giving flowers to your soulmate, most likely you do not have enough acute sexual relations. In this case, try to diversify your personal life.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

You don’t know why you dreamed of a white rose? Hasse's dream book will help you understand your dream. Withered flowers, where the leaves fall, dream of a change in relationships with loved ones or employees.

Red and white roses in a dream mean happiness in your personal life and success in your career. This applies to spring and summer. If you dreamed of these flowers in winter, then you should not expect new proposals in vain.

Sometimes they dream that they don’t want to open up, then expect strong material well-being. Finally, the financial side will not upset you. However, Freud believes that you should not spend money thoughtlessly. After all, as they came, so they can go.


Now you know what sleep means. White roses in a dream can be wilted, unopened and blooming. You need to pay attention to every detail. Even the color of roses changes the direction of interpretation.

Pay attention to sleep. White roses are given in a dream by both fans and colleagues. These details have different meanings. The colleague respects, and the chosen one has tender feelings.

As a rule, roses are a symbol of love and deep recognition. Therefore, fresh and not withered flowers dream only for good. Only dried roses can mean insincerity, hypocrisy or illness. Only when you pay attention to your dreams can you avoid trouble.
