100 days for health and longevity.

One hundred days for health and longevity

Preliminary Instructions The Taoists taught that the period of time necessary for the development of the Immortal Embryo is one hundred days. And this Immortal Germ will then require many years of care and feeding until it is able to actually leave the body and exist independently. In practical terms, one hundred days is the amount of time it takes to build a solid foundation in the practice of Taoist Yoga. By the end of 100 days, you should begin to feel warmth in your lower abdomen. One hundred days is a little more than fourteen weeks, or a little over three months. So we begin a fourteen week program of authentic Taoist practice using the Threefold Approach: regulation of breath, body and mind. We begin immediately to “nourish the Three Treasures”: qi, jing and shen (Energy, Essence and Consciousness). I will try to explain each exercise or technique in all the necessary detail so that you can practice on your own without the presence of a teacher. I will try to anticipate your questions so that there is no confusion about how to properly perform the techniques. Most workouts will be built on the principle of gradual complication; Week after week, month after month, we will slowly build up our arsenal of techniques. For a hundred days, as you progress, you will be presented with new techniques and practices that you were not ready for from the very beginning. It is very important to take your time and practice each step well. This is one of the enjoyable aspects of learning from this book. You can work at a relaxed pace and not rush to the next step until you are ready for it. It is very important. In our vain life on those of us who have

Question: What advice can you give to people who want to lose weight?

Answer: Hello, Ksenia Sergeevna! We talk about moderation all the time. I don't think people know what moderation is. You can eat foods that you really like, but eat a little less of them. It is not necessary to completely abandon them. Don't even think about giving them up! Better try to diversify your favorite dishes with others that are no less tasty and healthy.

Question: Doctor, have you ever violated your diet?

Answer: Hello Alexandra! I became a nutritionist not because I love learning about nutrients, but because I love to eat. Ironically, when I was writing an article about stomach shrinkage, my own stomach was getting bigger. I gained 9 kilos! My cholesterol level was 238! I realized that I was not following my own recommendations. I got a wake-up call after checking my cholesterol levels. In a month, I lost 5 kilos and my cholesterol level dropped to 168. A healthy plate of oatmeal, which I consumed every morning, played a key role. I added a handful of almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans, as well as a few cherries, raspberries, pomegranates to oatmeal. Every day I ate this healing food. In addition, I ate three pieces of oily fish a week. I also did physical activity for half an hour every day. What is very important - I did not refuse any of my favorite dishes. In fact, on the day I was going to check my cholesterol levels again, I stopped by my friend, who cooked a dinner of pork chop and various sauces. I was eating one chop and realized it might not be a good idea on the day I'm going to check my cholesterol. But the most interesting thing was that my cholesterol level dropped by 70 points. Imagine what my cholesterol level would have been if I hadn't eaten a pork chop before!

Question: What is your opinion on hormones and menopause? Do they slow down aging?

Answer: Good day! The concept of estrogen replacement therapy is based on this. The only difficulty lies in the side effects of this concept, which potentially increase women's risk of developing heart disease. There are estrogen-rich foods that can help keep skin nice and soft. Soy is a good source of these substances. Beans and legumes are generally high in phytoestrogens. Flax is also a source of these substances. The main thing is that these foods should be consumed throughout your life, and not wait until you are 50 years old. Start eating these foods from childhood, but in moderation. Many people believe that the more soy or other foods they eat, the healthier they will be. In Japanese culture, for example, soy is not a staple food. A handful of green soybeans and a small amount of tofu will suffice. You don't have to eat a whole kilo of tofu. A lot doesn't mean it's useful.

Question: How strongly do genetic data influence the aging process? Can you do something to control your genes?

Answer: Hello Julia! I'm not an expert in genetics, but what I find really surprising is when it's hard to tell who's the daughter and who's the mother. So, of course, genes play an important role. But I also believe that, along with their genes, mothers pass on their healthy lifestyle habits to their children.

1. Place your right hand on the back of your left hand. The fingers of your right hand go around the little finger of your left hand and reach the middle of your left palm.

2. Grab your left hand tightly with your right hand and pull your arms in different directions.

3. Repeat several times, then change hands.

Daoyin: Part Four

This week you will be practicing four different types of exercises. These positions are especially beneficial for the upper back and shoulders. They are a bit more difficult to describe than most of the exercises you have learned so far. If you follow the instructions carefully, you won't have any problems. All exercises Daoyin, given in this book, I learned from Master Mantak Chia. Most of them have never been described in books before.

Daoyin 13: bending to the knee and lifting the shoulder

This is an amazing exercise for stretching the tendons of the body. You stretch your arms, legs, spine, back, and shoulders. Pay special attention to the final step as you slowly rotate your back muscles and lift your shoulder. Start turning from the lower back, then turn the muscles of the middle part and only at the end turn the muscles of the upper back. Deploy one department at a time, not all at the same time.

2. Your right leg on the ground, knee bent, and the foot pulled up to the groin and resting on the top of the left thigh. Breathe in with Abdominal Breathing.

3. Slowly begin to exhale, lean forward with your body and grab the foot of your left foot with your left hand. If you can't bend down that deep, try grabbing your left ankle. Your right hand rests on your right knee.

4. Slowly bend the left lo-

cat to the left knee. Honey-

Slowly lower your head towards your left knee. Starting from the lower back, feel the vertebrae open one by one.

5. When you lower your head to the left knee as much as possible, rest your right

hand to the right knee and straighten the right arm. This will pull your right shoulder up and back.

6. Slowly turn the body to the right, and with the right hand continue to rest against the right knee and straighten the right arm. Start turning from your lower back.

7. Then turn to the right a little more, now engaging the muscles of the middle back.

8. Finally, turn the upper back muscles to the right, lifting and retracting the right shoulder as far as possible. As your right shoulder moves up and back, your head will turn to the right. Don't use your neck muscles to turn it around.

9. Relax, do a total of 3 reps, then switch sides.

Try to get into the habit of turning your shoulders when you want to turn your head. This will result in much less tension in the muscles and tendons of the neck. This exercise and the next are designed specifically to open and relax tense shoulders.

Daoyin 14: Pushing and stretching the leg

Here is another three-part exercise. It is quite simple and provides an excellent stretch for the muscles and tendons of the whole body, but especially the upper back and shoulders. The idea here is to keep one hand on the outstretched leg, right on top of the knee. This is your pushing hand. In each of the three positions, you straighten one arm and press on the leg, just as in the previous exercise. While leaning forward with your other hand, you grab and hold the same extended leg in three separate positions:

1. On the top of the calf, just below the knee.

2. Mid-calf, halfway between knee and ankle.

3. On the foot.

This is the pull position. You pull in any of the three positions while using your other hand to press on your knee.

Start in the same position as Daoyin 13.

Part A:

1. Sit on the ground with your left leg extended in front of you.

2. Your right leg is bent at the knee, and the foot is pulled up to the groin and rests on the top of the left thigh. Breathe in with Abdominal Breathing.

3. Place your left hand on your thigh, just above your knee.

4. Lean forward, extend your right arm and grab the top of your left calf, just below the knee.

5. Begin to exhale slowly. With your right hand, stretch your left calf.

6. At the same time, push your left leg away from you with your left hand. Push until your arm is straight.

7. When you simultaneously pull and push your leg, your body turns to the left, your right shoulder goes down, and your left shoulder pushes up. Stretch as much as possible.

Do you want to improve your health, rejuvenate yourself and explore new dimensions of your sex life in just a few weeks by doing just twenty minutes a day?
But you demand that these be real oriental exercises, and not their modern adaptations? Then this book is for you! Eric Yudlove, a student of Mantak Chia and an experienced instructor of Taoist yoga, compiled from several authentic Chinese systems (Yi Jin Jing, Baduan Jin, Daoyin, Nei Dan, `Iron Shirt`, Sexual Kung Fu, etc.) the first ever practical course for independent work, in in which everything is literally `painted to the smallest detail`.

These 14 weekly lessons with over 200 illustrations will allow you to:
- become strong, flexible and hardy;
- remove toxins from the body;
- establish a smooth flow of qi along the meridians;
- improve memory, concentration, vision;
- Refresh your face and correct your posture;
- master Taoist sexual secrets.

And that's not all! Start your Taoist practice with this book, and if you are already an experienced qigong master, use it as a teaching aid for teaching students.

Eric has been practicing Taoist yoga and qigong for a long time. He takes very complex things and makes them simple and easy to understand. He serves the people of the world by teaching these secret practices. All this and more in this book. 100 days for health and longevity. Guide to Taoist Yoga and Qigong (Eric Yudlove)
