Sound analysis of the word: what is it and how to do it correctly. Sound letter analysis of the word

Phonetic, or sound-letter analysis of words perfectly shows the knowledge of the child in practice. This type of analysis in Russian contains many topics: from elementary grades to high school. To perform it correctly, you need to do several analyzes with the child, notice which topics he does not know very well, and repeat them several times. Be careful when doing this analysis, because there are many words that have the same spelling, but different stresses: such words are parsed differently, you must take this into account. Learn to pay attention to details step by step.

Where to start the sound-letter analysis of the word

To facilitate the further process of analysis, make a transcription of the word. This stage is also provided for by the rules of the Russian language: no matter how the parsing differs in different textbooks, transcription is performed without fail every time.

Correctly writing sounds in transcription is quite simple: pronounce the word as you say it in normal colloquial speech. Do not pay attention to what letters are written in the word itself, because the sounds are very different from this depending on the stress. As a rule, unstressed vowels in Russian also have a different sound, only the stressed vowel sounds clear and difficult to confuse.

Here are some examples of simple words with transcription:

  • Oak - [d at n]
  • Family - [s’ e m’ y a]
  • Rain - [d about st ']
  • Sun - [s o n t e]

The following notation is used in transcription:

  • The symbol ” ‘ ” denotes the softness of a consonant sound, it can be either from a soft sign or from vowel sounds.
  • The stress symbol is placed above the stressed vowel.
  • Sometimes, syllables are broken with a hyphen "-" so that the child is better able to endure them and understand the structure of the word.

How to make a sound-letter analysis of a word - consonants and vowels

After performing transcription, you need to write the letters in a column - each on its own line. Nearby, in square brackets, the sound for each letter is recorded. The sound for the soft sign is simply deleted, and the iotized vowels are split into two sounds.

What are the consonants

For consonants, the following characteristics are recorded:

  • Voiced or deaf. Just pronounce it to determine. It will be very useful to know the pairing of consonants, such as “d - t”, “v - f”, “g - k”, “s - s”. One of the sounds in this pair is deaf, and the other is not. Deafness and sonority do not depend on the word as a whole, it remains unchanged for each sound separately.
  • Hard or soft. You determine this at the transcription stage. If you put the sign ” ‘ “, then the sound is definitely soft.
  • Paired or unpaired sound. All pairs are described above and it is better to memorize them.

These characteristics are written on the right side of each sound in a line, separated by a comma.

What are the vowels

With vowels, everything is easier:

  • They are shock and unstressed. As a rule, there is only one stressed vowel in a word.
  • Iotated. Letters such as “i, e, u” can be divided into two sounds, for example, as in the word “family”.

As you can see, the main thing is to say the word out loud correctly.

How to complete the sound-letter parsing of a word

After analyzing each sound separately, you must draw a line under the column and write the total number of sounds and letters. These values ​​can be the same, or they can be very different - this is normal. Just count the sounds according to the transcription, and the letters according to the word itself.

When performing phonetic analysis, it is important to pay due attention to pronunciation. By correctly placing the stress, you can easily hear all the sounds in this word.

As soon as parents begin to think about how to teach their child reading skills, in addition to letters and syllables, the concept of “sound analysis of the word” appears. However, not everyone understands why it is necessary to teach a child who cannot read to do it, because this can only cause confusion. But, as it turns out, the ability to write correctly in the future depends on the ability to correctly understand words into sounds.

Sound analysis of the word: what is it

First of all, it is necessary to give a definition. So, the sound analysis of a word is the definition in order of their placement of sounds in a particular word and the characteristics of their features.

Why do children need to learn to perform sound analysis of a word? To develop phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish sounding sounds and not confuse words, for example: Tim - Dima. After all, if a child is not taught to clearly distinguish words by ear, he will not be able to write them down correctly. And this skill can be useful not only when studying the grammar of the native language, but also when studying the languages ​​of other countries.

The order of parsing a word by sounds

When performing a sound analysis of any word, it is necessary first of all to put stress, then divide it into syllables. Then find out how many letters are in the word and how many sounds. The next step is to gradually analyze each sound. After that, it is calculated how many vowels and how many consonants are in the analyzed word. At first, it is better for children to give simple one-syllable or two-syllable words for analysis, for example, their names: Vanya, Katya, Anya and others.

When the child has gradually figured out how to correctly analyze simple examples, it is worth complicating the parsed examples of words.

Sound analysis of the word: scheme

When working with the youngest children, special colored cards are used to better assimilate information.

With their help, children learn to create a sound analysis scheme.

The scarlet color card is used to represent vowel sounds. Blue - hard consonants, green - soft. To designate syllables, two-color cards in the same color scheme are used. With their help, you can teach your child to characterize sounds and whole syllables. You also need a card to indicate stress and a card showing the division of the word into syllables. All these designations, which help teach a child to make a sound analysis of a word (the scheme plays an important role in this), are approved by the official school curriculum in Russia.

Vowels are their brief description. diphthongs

Before starting to analyze a word, it is important to know what features all phonetic sounds (vowels / consonants) have. When teaching children in the early stages, it is necessary to give information only about the simplest properties, the child will learn everything else in the senior classes.

Vowels (there are six of them: [o], [a], [e], [s], [y], [and]) are stressed / unstressed.
Also in Russian there are letters that in a certain position can give a couple of sounds - e [yo], yu [yu], i [ya], e [ye].

If they follow consonants, they sound like one sound and give softness to the previous sound. In other positions (the beginning of the word, after the vowels and "b" and "b") they sound like 2 sounds.

Brief description of consonants

There are thirty-six consonants in our language, but only twenty-one signs represent them graphically. Consonants are hard and soft, as well as voiced and deaf. Also, they may / may not form pairs.

The table below lists voiced and unvoiced sounds that can pair, and those that do not.

It is worth remembering: the consonants [y`], [h`], [u`] in any position are soft, and the consonants [g], [c], [w] are always hard. Sounds [c], [x], [h `], [u`] - absolutely always are deaf, [m], [n], [l], [r], [d `] - (sonorous) or voiced .

Soft and hard signs do not make sounds. The soft sign makes the previous consonant soft, and the hard sign plays the role of a sound separator (for example, an apostrophe plays a similar role in Ukrainian).

Examples of sound analysis of words: "language" and "group"

Having dealt with the theory, it is worth trying to practice.

For example, you can conduct a sound analysis of the word "language". This word is quite simple, and even a beginner can understand it.

1) In this example, two syllables "I-language". 2 syllable is stressed
2) The first syllable is formed using the diphthong "I", which is at the beginning of the word, and therefore consists of 2 sounds [y'a]. The sound [y`] is a consonant (accord.), soft (soft) (green card), the second sound [a] is a vowel, unstressed (scarlet card). To designate this syllable in the scheme, you can also take a two-color green-red card.

4) Syllable 2 "language". It consists of three sounds [h], [s], [k]. Consonant [h] - solid, voiced (blue card). Sound [s] - vowel, stressed (red card). Sound [k] - acc., solid, deaf. (card in blue).
5) Stress is placed and checked by changing the analyzed word.
6) So in the word "language" there are two syllables, four letters and five sounds.

It is worth considering one point: in this example, the word "language" was understood as for first-grade students who do not yet know that some vowels in an unstressed position can give other sounds. In high school, when students deepen their knowledge of phonetics, they will learn that in the word "language" unstressed [a] is pronounced like [and] - [yizyk].

Sound analysis of the word "group".

1) In the analyzed example, there are 2 syllables: “group-ppa”. 1 syllable is stressed.
2) The syllable "gru" consists of three sounds [gru]. The first [g] - acc., solid., ringing. (card in blue). Sound [r] - acc., solid., ringing. (card in blue). Sound [y] - vowel, percussion. (scarlet card).
3) A card is placed in the scheme, indicating the division of syllables.
4) There are three letters in the second syllable "ppa", but they produce only 2 sounds [n: a]. Sound [p:] - acc., solid, deaf. (card in blue). It is also paired and pronounced long (blue card). Sound [a] - vowel, unstressed (scarlet card).
5) Emphasis is placed in the scheme.
6) So, the word "group" consists of 2 syllables, six letters and five sounds.

The ability to do the simplest sound analysis of a word is not something complicated, in fact it is a rather simple process, but a lot depends on it, especially if the child has problems with diction. If you figure out how to do it correctly, it will help you pronounce words in your native language without errors and will contribute to the development of the ability to write them correctly.

In tasks in the Russian language, there are those where it is necessary to make a sound-letter analysis of a word. In terminology, such an exercise is called phonetic analysis and is indicated in the task by the number 1 above the word, for example - “notebook¹”. Compared to other analyzes (lexical, morphological, etc.), phonetic is one of the easiest exercises, and after several trainings, the student will be able to competently and quickly cope with it. Today I will tell you how to correctly do sound-letter analysis of words, which will help not only schoolchildren, but also students who have already forgotten school material, and parents who help children complete homework exercises.

What you need to know before doing a sound-letter analysis of any word?

The simplicity of the exercises on the phonetic analysis of the word lies in the fact that they are performed on the perception of the word by ear. You don't have to look for spellings or morphemes, you just need to know what characteristics apply to each sound. Therefore, the first step is to learn the table:

Tape of letters for phonetic analysis

Red cells show vowels, blue cells show consonants. First, let's analyze the vowels: the top row is reserved for hard sounds (from [A] to [E]), the bottom row is for soft sounds (from [I] to [E]). Now let's turn to consonants, there are more of them, and they are classified differently. As can be seen from the table, there are paired sounds (from [B] - [P] to [Z] - [S]) and unpaired ones (voiced from [L] to [Y '] and deaf from [X] to [Sch '] ). No sound load is carried by b and b.

It is not indicated in the table, but you need to remember that:

  • sounds [Ж], [Ш], [Ц] - always solid;
  • the sounds [H '], [Sch'] and [Y '] are always soft (which is indicated by the apostrophe ['] in the sound-letter parsing of the word);
  • sonorous sounds (during the pronunciation of which there is no vortex movement of air in the vocal tract) - these are [Y '], [L], [L '], [M], [M '], [N], [H '], [ P], [P'].

Another interesting point regarding the letters E, E, Yu and I: these letters denote both the vowel itself and the softness of the consonant in front of them, and two sounds at once.

The double role of the letters E, Yo, Yu, I

Having understood these initial requirements, you can proceed to the sound-letter analysis of the word.

How to make a sound letter analysis of a word

After the tables given above have been studied, the schoolboy or student will be able to competently make a sound-letter analysis, since now he has a basic knowledge of letters and sounds. The task is done according to the following plan:

  • the parsed word is correctly recorded (for this, dictionary words, spelling and spelling rules are remembered);
  • the correct stress is put (an orthoepic dictionary will help);
  • to the right of the word being parsed, its transcription is recorded and the word itself is divided into syllables;
  • sounds are recorded in a column from top to bottom along with all their characteristics:
    • vowels - stressed / unstressed;
    • consonants - voiced / deaf (paired / unpaired), hard / soft (paired / unpaired);
  • it is indicated which letter denotes each of the sounds;
  • the total number of letters and sounds is counted.


Let's make a sound-letter analysis of the word " Day"According to the above scheme.

  1. To begin with, we will correctly write down - “Day”. It is not necessary to stress and disassemble the word into syllables, since it consists of one syllable (there is only one vowel in the word).
  2. We write down the transcription [d'en '].
  3. We put the letters and sounds in a column along with their characteristics:
    1. d [d '] - consonant, voiced / double, soft / double;
    2. e [e] - vowel;
    3. n [n '] - consonant, voiced / unpaired, soft / paired, sonorous;
  4. We count the total number of letters and sounds: letters - 4, sounds - 3, since "b", as already mentioned, does not mean any sound.

Now let's analyze the word “Key” by sounds and letters.

Phonetic parsing of a word is increasingly difficult, although such tasks are already performed in elementary school. The essence of the analysis hear and put on paper the sound of a word. For most children, the task is difficult and incomprehensible. Let's try to help the guys analyze the word, answer the main question, how many sounds are in the word.

In contact with

Features of phonetics

The science of language has its own classification. One of its sections is phonetics. She studies the sound composition of the language. The sound ratio in human speech is interesting:

  • you can pronounce several hundred sounds;
  • used to convey thoughts over 50;
  • in written speech, there are only 33 images of sounds.

To understand phonetics, one should highlight sounds and letters, clearly distinguish them.

  • letters are a symbolic image of what is heard, they are written and seen;
  • sounds are a spoken unit of speech, they are pronounced and heard.

The spelling and pronunciation of the same word most often does not match. Characters (letters) can be less or more than sounds. A variant is possible when one sound is pronounced, and the letter image of the other is fixed on the letter. Such inconsistencies are explained by spelling and orthoepic rules. Phonetics reserves only the norms of pronunciation. What concepts are found in the section "Phonetics":

  • sound;
  • syllable;

Each concept has its own characteristics, the number of terms. This is how a whole science is created. What is phonetic analysis of a word? This is characteristic of its sound composition of the word.

Phonetics - scheme

Principles and rules

The main difficulties that appear during phonetic analysis are the frequent discrepancy between a letter and its pronunciation. It is difficult to perceive the word not as written, but as audible. The principle of phonetic analysis - focus on correct pronunciation. A few tips for sound analysis of words:

  1. Determine the features of the sound.
  2. Write down the transcription of each letter.
  3. Do not adjust sounds to letters, for example, zhi or shi sound [zhi], [shy].
  4. Make adjustments by clearly pronouncing each minimal unit of speech.

Phonetic parsing of a word is performed in a certain sequence. Some of the data will have to be memorized, other information can be prepared in the form of a memo. Special sections of phonetics need to be understood. Phonetic processes that are considered basic in school education:

  1. Stunning and voicing. The positions at which the consonants become deaf are the end of the word. Oak [dup].
  2. Softening consonants in position before soft ones. More often they become soft: s, s, d, t, n. Here - [z'd'es'].
  3. Stunning voiced consonants before deaf ones. Teeth - [zupk'i].
  4. The voicing of the deaf before the voiced. Make - [zd'elat '], mowing - [kaz'ba].

In higher educational institutions, there are more phonetic processes studied by philology students:

  • accommodation,
  • dissimilation,
  • reduction.

Such processes give a deeper understanding of phonetics and transformations of speech norms. They help future teachers see where children can go wrong, how to explain complex topics.

Phonetic parsing of a word is an example.

Characteristics of vowels and consonants

When dividing a word into sounds, the science of language recognizes the distribution into two large groups:

  • consonants;
  • vowels.

The main difference is in the anatomical formation. Vowels - pronounced in a voice without obstacles with the participation larynx and oral organs. The air leaves the lungs without interference. Consonants in the formation meet obstacles. These can be various organs or a combination of them: tongue, lips, teeth.


There are only 6 of them in the language: a, o, y, s, e, and, and 10 alphabetic characters are required for transmission in writing. Is in semivowel. In the school course, she is considered agreeable - it's "y". It helps to hear the letters i, e, e, yu. In this case, two sounds will be heard:

  • ya—I;
  • ye - e;
  • yu - yu;
  • yo - yo.

The split appears under certain conditions:

  1. At the beginning of the word: Yura, Yasha, Elena.
  2. After vowels: quiet, blue, blue.
  3. After hard and soft signs: blizzard, congress.

In other positions, after consonants, they soften, but do not create a double sound.

Vowels can be divided into two groups.

  1. Point to the previous solid consonant: a, o, y, s, e.
  2. They warn that there is a soft consonant ahead: I, e, e, i, e.

The main characteristic that is required to perform word parsing by sounds in school concerns stress. Vowels can be of 2 types: shock and unstressed.

Phonetic construction, how many sounds in a word becomes clear only after analyzing and presenting it in the form of a diagram.

Speech sounds


In russian language only twenty consonants. They can be distributed according to the characteristics that will be required for analysis:

Paired by voiced and deaf have the same articulation, which is why they can replace each other during pronunciation. Voiced in certain positions becomes deaf.

Attention! To memorize paired students, students can be asked to remember the first consonants of the alphabet.

word model

For figurative perception and understanding of the structure of a speech unit, a sound model of the word. What is such a dissection of words? In simple words, this is drawing up a diagram in the form of colored cards of different shapes: a square and a rectangle. Color differentiation:

  • hard consonants - blue square;
  • soft consonants - green square;
  • vowels - red square;
  • a syllable where a solid consonant with a vowel is a rectangle divided diagonally, blue and red (two triangles);
  • a syllable where a soft consonant with a vowel is a rectangle divided into two parts diagonally, green with red.

The sound model of a word is colored cards laid out in a certain sequence. The model is used in preschools and elementary grades. She is helps children learn to read. With a correct explanation, the teacher creates conditions for the merging of units of speech into a single whole. Training is based on pictures simple and easy. In addition, the model of parsing words into sounds and letters is a way to hear the difference in the pronunciation of consonants and vowels.

Table of sound-letter parsing of a word.

Analysis algorithm

Consider how the sound analysis of the word is carried out. The word is analyzed in writing. The process can be compared to transcription, which we are used to when learning foreign languages. Analysis order:

  1. Recording the spelling of the concept being analyzed.
  2. Division into syllabic parts, into a possible division into syllables (hyphenation).
  3. Placement of stress, the correct location of its place.
  4. Distribution in order of their sound.
  5. Characteristic.
  6. Counting the number of letters and sounds.

To simplify the task, the word written in a column by individual letters, then next to each letter is decomposed into sounds with a description of their characteristics.

Example. Phonetic analysis of the word "everything"

Everything - 1 syllable

in- [f] - acc. hard, deaf and double;

s - [s '] - acc., soft, deaf and double;

e - [o] - vowel and stress.

Phonetic analysis of the word yula.

Phonetic analysis of the word "laser", an example

Lazer - 2 syllables

l - [l] - acc., solid, voiced and unpaired;

a - [a] - vowel and stress;

s - [h ’] - acc., soft, voiced and paired;

e - [e] - vowel and unstressed;

p - [p] - acc., solid, voiced and unpaired.

All stages of analysis develop phonemic hearing. It is needed not only for future musicians.

Hearing helps with learning oratory, mastering Russian spelling, it is actively used by polyglots.


The sound scheme of a word begins by dividing it into syllables. The smallest unit of oral speech structure is a syllable. The clue for the child is the number of vowels: how many there are, how many syllables. In Russian, syllabic division into significant parts is subject to certain requirements. Phonetics rules do not always match with division of words into parts for transfer.

Types of syllables:

  • open - end in a vowel;
  • closed - into a consonant;
  • covered - uncovered, which begin with a consonant.

Parsing a word into syllables is built according to the rules:

  1. The syllable necessarily contains a vowel, one consonant (even a significant part, for example, a prefix) cannot be a syllable: s-de-la-t is wrong, do-lat is right.
  2. A syllable begins more often with a consonant, if it is followed by a vowel, it cannot remain a separate part: ko-ro-va - right, kor - ova - wrong.
  3. Signs, hard and soft, are included in the previous one: horse - ki, drive - drive.
  4. The letters that form a single sound are not divided into parts: according to - zhe [zhe], learn - tsya [ca].

AT attention! The order of parsing changes over time.

Parents often find they were taught differently. In syllable division, new rules also appeared.

  1. Previously, doubled consonants in the middle of a word were distributed in different parts. Now they are introduced into the syllable that they begin: kla - ssny, ka - ss, ma-ss.
  2. Voiceless consonants go to the next syllable, voiced consonants go to the previous one: bul-ka, then - chka.

Phonetic analysis of words

Russian lessons. Sounds and letters


Now you know how a sound analysis of a word is done and a scheme is created that conveys its sound in live speech. Parsing helps develop phonetic awareness, strengthens memory, clarifies some spelling rules. Knowing the parsing algorithm will allow you to do everything quickly and competently.

What is phonetic analysis of a word?
What is transcription?
How to make a sound-letter parsing of a word?
What characteristics of vowels and consonants are given in phonetic analysis?

In spoken language, words are made up of sounds. In written language, words are made up of letters. We make and hear sounds. We write and see letters. In writing, sounds are represented by letters.

Phonetic analysis of the word is an analysis of the sound composition of a word. To perform phonetic analysis means to characterize all the sounds that make up a word.

Note. In elementary school, this analysis is usually called sound-letter parsing the words.

Designations used in phonetic parsing

The phonetic notation of a word is called transcription. The word given for phonetic analysis is denoted in the text by the number 1 .

Phonetic notation uses square brackets. Each sound corresponds to one sign. The capital letter is not used. The words must be stressed. The softness of a consonant is indicated by [❜].

For example: pebble[checkmark], leaf[l❜ist❜ik]

There is one more additional icon - the sign of the longitude of the consonant sound [dash above]. It is used when two letters make one sound: long[long❜long❜], sew[sh yt❜].

The order of phonetic parsing of a word

  1. Pronounce the word, set the number of syllables and the place of stress.
  2. Make a phonetic record of the word.
  3. Describe each sound in turn:
    a) name the vowel sound, define it as stressed or unstressed;
    b) name the consonant sound, determine whether it is voiced or deaf; hard or soft.
  4. Write down how many letters are in the word and how many sounds.

A brief explanation of the content and sequence of phonetic parsing operations

  1. Speak the word and listen to yourself. To determine the number of syllables, you should pronounce the word chanting, i.e. by syllables. To determine the stressed syllable, pronounce the word in its entirety, together.
  2. Write down the transcription of the word (make a phonetic record).
  3. The characteristic of sounds is the naming of sounds in the order in which they appear in a word. This point is actually sound analysis.
    You should stretch out or highlight the first sound in the word (and not how this sound sounds separately, one), then also highlight the rest of the sounds.
    After that, characterize the sound: a vowel - is it stressed or unstressed, a consonant - is it voiced or deaf, does it have a pair of voiced-deafness, hard or soft, does it have a pair of hardness-softness.
  4. Count how many letters are in the word, and write down; count how many sounds in the word, and write down. Set their correspondence, i.e. whether the number of letters and sounds is the same or letters (sounds) are more or less. Explain the reason for the different number of letters and sounds.

When conducting a phonetic analysis of a word, the following options are allowed:

1) in addition to the characteristics of sounds, it is possible to indicate which letter the analyzed sound is indicated on the letter;
2) the softness of sounds that do not have a pair of hardness-softness may not be indicated by the sign [❜].

Nightingale 1 fables are not fed

Sample oral phonetic parsing

1-2. I speak the word nightingale- [salav'y'aʹaʹ].
This word has three syllables - nightingales. The stressed syllable is third. The stress falls on the sound [a]. The first and second syllables are unstressed.
Vowel sounds. In the first and second syllables, the sound [a], denoted by the letter o, is heard and pronounced indistinctly, because unstressed. In the third syllable, the sound [a], denoted by the letter i, is heard and pronounced distinctly, because shock.
consonant sounds. The sounds [s] and [l] are heard and pronounced distinctly, because are in front of vowels. The sound [in '] is heard and pronounced distinctly. These sounds are designated by the letters es, el, ve. The sound [y ’] is heard and pronounced distinctly, because. is located before a vowel and is separated from the previous sound by a dividing b.

3. Vowel sounds.

[a] - unstressed, marked with the letter o;
[а́] - percussion, denoted by the letter i.

consonant sounds.

[c] - deaf double, solid double, indicated by the letter es;
[l] - voiced unpaired, hard paired, denoted by the letter ale;
[in '] - voiced double, soft double, indicated by the letter ve;
[y '] - voiced unpaired, soft unpaired, indicated by the letters separating b and i.

4. The word nightingale has 7 letters and 7 sounds. The number of letters and sounds is the same: b I has two sound values.

nightingale; so|lo|vya; 3 syllables.

c [c] - consonant, deaf double, hard double;

o [a] - vowel, unstressed;

l [l] - consonant, voiced unpaired, solid paired;

o [a] - vowel, unstressed;

in [in '] - consonant, voiced double, soft double;

[y '] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft unpaired;

i [а́] - vowel, stressed.

7 letters, 7 sounds.

The number of letters and sounds is the same: b has no sound value; I has two sound values.

Will be on our street holiday 1.

Sample written phonetic parsing

holiday; holiday; 2 syllables.

n [p] - consonant, deaf double, solid double;

p [p] - consonant, voiced unpaired, solid paired;

a [а́] - vowel, stressed;

z [h '] - consonant, voiced double, soft double

n [n '] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft paired;

and [and] - vowel, unstressed;

k [k] - consonant, deaf double, solid double.

8 letters, 7 sounds

The number of letters and sounds does not match, because the letter d has no sound value.

Remember: letters cannot be in transcription: I, Yu, E, Yo, b, b!
