Soft consonant sounds: letters. Letters denoting soft consonants

Lesson objectives:

1. Learn to distinguish between first and second row vowels in syllables, words, sentences.
2. Learn to compare consonants in hardness-softness at the level of sound, syllable, word.
3. To form the ability to choose a vowel to indicate the softness of a consonant in writing.
4. Development of sound analysis skills.
5. Development of the skill of working with a deformed proposal.


For the teacher: computer presentation, images of fairy tale characters, colored balls with syllables, cards with words for sentences.

For students: workbooks, task cards.

I. Organizational moment.

Today we have an unusual lesson. We have guests. Say hello to them.

Let's start the literacy lesson.

II. Introduction to the topic.

We already know and know a lot. Therefore, one very famous fairy-tale hero turned to us for help. He doesn't like to study very much. He says he knows how to eat and play outside. And he doesn't need anything else.

He doesn't know anything...
Do you know him...
Answer me without hiding -
Who is visiting us? (Dunno) (2 slide)

Dunno in the lesson wrote sentences under dictation and did not cope with the task. Clever Znayka did not give him a single point for his work.

Read the sentences carefully, look for mistakes .. Think about what material Dunno did not learn? What does he not know? (3 slide)

Dunno didn't learn how to use vowels to soften consonants. Can we help the stranger?

We must earn 5 points for Dunno by completing 5 difficult tasks.

III. The topic of the lesson.

So, the topic of the lesson is "Designation of the softness of consonant sounds with vowels."

Let's repeat and consolidate what we learned in the last lessons of literacy. (4 slide)

IV Calligraphy.

l l l
lo le la ly liu li

Let's repeat the spelling of the lowercase letter l, the connection of the letter l with other letters.

What two groups can syllables be divided into? (syllables with hard consonants and soft consonants).

Mark in blue hard consonants in syllables, in green - soft consonants.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) - Look carefully at the table of letters. Name those letters that are used to soften consonants. Be careful. (5 slide)

To soften consonants, we use second-row vowels: I, E, Yu, I, Yo

2) Differentiation of hard - soft consonants in direct syllables. (On the board are images of fairy-tale heroes and balls with syllables)

The first task for you and Dunno.

Help Dunno's friends - Chipollino and Pinocchio - collect scattered balls. Pinocchio must collect balls with syllables in which solid consonant sounds, and Chipollino - with soft consonant sounds. (Children do the task at the blackboard)

Well done! You have completed the first task. You get your first score. (6 slide)

3) Differentiation of hard - soft consonants in small words.

Word models (7 slide)

Make up words using the vowel first of the first row, then the second row. We observe the meaning of the word.

- Conclusion: The meaning of the word depends on the choice of the vowel.

Next task.
- Prepare signal cards blue and green. With a signal card, show the hardness or softness of the first consonant in the word. Think about what vowel we will write after it.

Washed, sweet, son, seven, cake, grater, bear, mouse.

Well done! We get one more point for the work. (8 slide)

4) Independent work on options (in a notebook)

Option 1 writes down words that begin with a solid consonant sound,

Option 2 - words that begin with a soft consonant sound. (9 slide)

Soap, sweet, bow, sunroof, sheet, skis, pencil case, school desk.


Well done! We earned one more point together with Dunno. (10 slide)

VI. Physical minute. (11 slide)

VII. Fixing on the material of proposals.

1) Work with words-paronyms.

Insert the appropriate word. (12 slide)


The children planted vegetables. They tried to make even _______. Harvested in autumn. Everyone was _________.


Pinocchio _______ golden key. He likes to stick his _______ everywhere.


The cat ___________ was catching __________.

The work is done by the children on the cards on their own, followed by a check on the slide.

Well done! Earned the fourth point. (13 slide)

2) Visual-auditory dictation.

Working with deformed sentences. (cards with words on the board) (14 slide)

children are happy in winter
Nina Petit and sled
rollercoaster kids with a ride

Collect scattered offers. (Children work at the blackboard)

Children are happy with winter.
Petya and Nina have sleds.
The kids were rolling down the hill.

Dictation recording with preliminary preparation.

Self-test. (16 slide)

Work analysis.

Who wrote sentences without errors?

Who has 1-2 mistakes?

For this work, you and Dunno earned one more - the fifth point. (17 slide)

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

So our lesson has come to an end. We helped Dunno understand very difficult material. Remember what we talked about in class?

What vowels soften a consonant?

IX. Homework.

The text with errors that Dunno wrote at the beginning of the lesson. Write off correcting mistakes.

Dusheiko Oksana Yurievna,
teacher - speech therapist MBS (K) OU "SKOSH-I for children with TNR"
Berezniki, Perm Territory

Phonetics- This is a branch of the science of language, in which sounds and their alternations are studied, as well as stress, intonation, syllable division.

Graphics- This is a branch of the science of language, in which the outlines of the letters of the alphabet and their relationship with the sounds of speech are studied.

Modern Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters, 10 of which are intended to denote vowels and are respectively called vowels. 21 consonants are used to designate consonants. In addition, in modern Russian there are two letters that are not sounds do not mean: b(hard sign) b(soft sign).

Vowels and consonants

All sounds of the Russian language are divided into vowels and consonants.

1. Vowel sounds are the sounds that are formed with the participation of the voice. There are six of them in Russian: [a], [e], [i], [o], [y], [s].

2. Consonants- these are sounds that are formed with the participation of voice and noise or only noise.

but) The consonants are divided into hard and soft. Most hard and soft consonants form pairs by hardness-softness: [b] - [b′], [c] - [c′], [g] - [g′], [d] - [d′], [h] - [h′], [k] - [k′], [l] - [l′], [m] - [m′], [n] - [n′], [p] - [n′], [p] - [p′], [s] - [s ′], [t] - [t ′], [f] - [f ′], [x] - [x ′] (the apostrophe at the top right indicates softness consonant sound). For example, bow - [bow] and hatch - [l′uk].

b) Some consonants do not have correlative pairs of hardness-softness, that is, there are unpaired hard consonants[g], [w], [c] (i.e. they are always only solid) and unpaired soft consonants[sh ′], [th], [h] (i.e. they are always only soft).


  • for sounds [th], [h], it is not customary to denote softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated;
  • the sound [w ′] is indicated on the letter by the letter SCH;
  • overline means double (long) sound. For example, cheek - [sh ′ika], thicket - [cup ′a], bath - [van a], cash desk - [cas a]. In some textbooks, long consonants so: [van: a] - bath.

in) Consonants formed with the participation of voice and noise are called voiced(for example, [d], [d′], [h], [h′], etc.); if only noise is involved in the formation of sounds, then such sounds are called deaf consonants (for example, [t], [t′], [s], [s′], etc.). Most voiced and voiceless consonants in Russian form voiced-deafness pairs: [b] - [p], [b′] - [p′], [c] - [f], [c′] - [f′], [g] - [k], [g′] - [k′], [d] - [t], [d′] - [t′], [h] - [s], [h′] - [s′], [g] - [w]. Wed: beat - drink, year - cat, live - sew.

G) The sounds [th], [l], [l′], [m], |m′], [n], [n′], [p], [p′] do not form a correlative pair with deaf consonants, hence they are unpaired voiced(unpaired voiced consonants are also called sonorous, these are sounds in the formation of which both voice and noise participate). Conversely, voiceless consonants that do not pair with voiced ones are unpaired deaf. These are the sounds [h], [c], [x], [x′].

3. In the flow of speech, the sound of one sound can be likened to the sound of another sound. Such a phenomenon is called assimilation. So, in the word life, the sound [z], standing next to the soft [n′], also softens, and we get the sound [z′]. So the pronunciation of the word a life is written like this: [zhyz′n′]. Rapprochement of sounding is also possible for sounds paired in sonority-deafness. So, voiced consonants in a position before deafs and at the end of a word sound closer to paired deafs. Therefore, it happens stun consonants. For example, a boat is a lo [t] ka, a fairy tale is a fairy tale [s] ka, a cart is in [s]. The reverse phenomenon is also possible, when deaf consonants in a position in front of voiced ones also become voiced, that is voiced. For example, mowing - ko [z ′] ba, request - about [z ′] ba.

The designation of the softness of consonants in writing

In Russian, the softness of consonants is indicated in the following ways:

1. Using a letterb(soft sign) at the end of a word and in the middle between consonants: benefit - [pol′za], elk - [los′], etc.

Note. The soft sign does not indicate the softness of consonants in the following cases:

a) if it serves to separate consonants, the second of which th(yot): leaves - fox [t′ya], be-lye - be [l′yo];

b) to distinguish between grammatical categories: rye (3 cl., f.r.) - knife (2 cl., m.r.);

c) to distinguish word forms (after hissing): read (2 lit., singular), cut (form of the imperative mood), help (indefinite form of the verb), as well as adverbs: jump, back.

2. Through lettersAnd,e, yo, yu, i, indicating the softness of the preceding consonant and conveying vowels [i], [e], [o], [y], [a]: forest - [l'es], honey - [m'ot], lil - [l′il], hatch - [l′uk], crumpled - [m′al].

3. With the help of subsequent soft consonants: cog - [in′t′ik], plum - [s′l′iva].

The sound meaning of the letters e, e, u, i

1. The letters e, e, u, i can denotetwo sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]. This happens in the following cases:

  • at the beginning of a word: for example, spruce - [ye] l, hedgehog - [yo] zh, yula - [yu] la, yama - [ya] ma;
  • after a vowel sound: washes - mo [ye] t, sings - po [yo] t, give - yes [yu] t, bark - la [ya] t;
  • after dividing b, b: eat - c [ye] m, drink - drink [yo] t, pour - l [yu] t, zealous - ry [ya] ny.

In addition, after the separation b two sounds will be denoted by a letter And: nightingales - nightingale [yi].

2. The letters e, e, u, i indicate the softness of the preceding consonant in a position after consonants, paired in hardness-softness: fur - [m′eh], carried - [n′os], hatch - [l′uk], crumpled - [m′al].


  • Sounds [th], [l], [m], [n], [r] - voiced (do not have a pair of voiced-deafness)
  • Sounds [x], [c], [h], [w ′] are deaf (they do not have a pair in terms of hardness-softness)
  • Sounds [w], [w], [c] are always solid.
  • Sounds [th], [h], [sh ′] are always soft.

Phonetic analysis of the word (sound-letter analysis of the word) is an analysis of the word, which consists in characterizing syllabic structure And sound composition of the word; phonetic parsing of a word involves elements of graphical analysis. The word for phonetic analysis in school textbooks is indicated by the number 1: for example, earth 1 .

When conducting a phonetic analysis of a word, it is imperative to pronounce the word aloud. It is impossible to automatically translate a letter entry into an audio one, this leads to errors. It must be remembered that it is not the letters that are characterized, but the sounds of the word.

Phonetic order(sound-letter) word parsing (according to school tradition):

1. Write down the given word, divide it into syllables, orally indicate the number of syllables.

2. Put the stress on the word.

3. Write down the phonetic transcription of the word (we write the word in letters in a column, opposite each letter we write the sound in square brackets).

4. Describe the sounds (put a dash in front of each sound and write its characteristics, separating them with commas):

  • characteristics of a vowel sound: indicate that the sound is a vowel; percussion or non-impact;
  • characteristics of the consonant sound: indicate that the sound is consonant; hard or soft, voiced or deaf. You can also specify paired or unpaired in terms of hardness-softness, sonority-deafness.

5. Specify the number of sounds and letters.

Phonetic patterns(sound-letter) word parsing(a basic level of)

Earth - earth-le
z [z ′] - consonant, soft, sonorous
e [i] - vowel, unstressed
m [m] - consonant, solid, voiced
l [l′] - consonant, soft, sonorous
e [e] - vowel, stressed
5 letters, 5 sounds

Blacken - black-né-yut
h [h] - consonant, soft, deaf
e [i] - vowel, unstressed
r [r] - consonant, hard, voiced
n [n ′] - consonant, soft, sonorous
e [e] - vowel, stressed
yu [th] - consonant, soft, sonorous
[y] - vowel, unstressed
t[t] - consonant, hard, deaf.
7 letters, 8 sounds

1. Read expressively.

      Ate warmed up in the sun b.
      thawed with about sleep.
      AND April b, calls to but sang b.
      V l e su have us in e sleep.
      (3. Aleksandrova)

  • Explain the spelling of the letters underlined in the words. Write down any offer.
  • Say all the consonants in the word April. Which one is hard and which are soft consonants?

2. Consider items.

  • Say each word-the name of the subject. Listen to the sounds they make. Which one is hard and which one is a soft consonant?

Remember! We denote hard consonant sounds like this: [l], [k], [m], [h], and soft consonant sounds like this: [l "], [k"], [m"], [h"].

3. Read each pair of words. Say the sounds that are indicated by the highlighted letters.

  • What letters indicate the hardness and softness of the consonants [p], [p "], [c], [c"], [l], [l "], [m], [m"] in these words?
  • Write down words in which the first sound is a soft consonant.

4. Pronounce the words according to their sound designations. Say what each word means.

[m "etr] [ski" a] [cl" he]

  • Explain how you will indicate on the letter the softness of the consonants in these words.

5. Read.

Hard and soft consonants and their designation in letters

Pay attention! Some consonants form pairs hardness-softness: [b] - [b "], [d] - [d"], ....

  • Say each pair of sounds. Do they have the same letter on the letter?
  • Now say unpaired consonant sounds. Which ones are hard and which ones are soft?
  • Guess why in this table the letters denoting vowel sounds and the letter "soft sign" are given.

6. Read.

      Anywhere in any country
      The guys don't want war.
      They will have to enter into life soon,
      They want peace, not war...
      (E. Trutneva)

  • What idea is expressed in the poem?
  • Write the first sentence. Underline the letters in the words that indicate the softness of the preceding consonant.

7. Read the riddle. Guess her.

      Hanging outside the window
      Ice cube.
      It's full of drops
      And it smells like spring.
      (T. Belozerov)

  • How to find out which words have soft consonants? Say these sounds.
  • Write the first sentence. Underline in it the letters that denote soft consonants.
  • Write out a word from the riddle that has three soft consonants. Underline the letters that represent these sounds.

R e byata

8. Read. Should the letter “el” be read the same way or differently in each word?

  • Divide the words into two groups: in the first - words where the letter l denotes a soft consonant sound, in the second - words where the letter l denotes a hard consonant sound.
  • Write down the words in which the letter l stands for a solid consonant sound.

9. Read.

      On St..there is a cat..ta -
      Kasianka, Tom and Plut.
      And there is a n..x owner..yka,
      I don't remember the call..t.
      R..z the owner said:
      “I’m going to buy .. letter ..,
      Illiterate cat .. nok -
      Ignorant and wild..”
      (I. Tokmakova)

  • Explain what letters are missing in the words. Say the sounds they represent.
    Why is the stressed vowel sound [a] in words And housewife should be marked with different letters?

10. Read expressively.

      For a little son
      Mother looked tenderly;
      rocking the cradle,
      Silently sang a song:
      “Ai! be quiet, storm!
      Don't make noise, eat!
      My little one is napping
      Sweet in the cradle."
      (A. Pleshcheev)

    How should this poem be read: loudly or quietly, quickly or slowly? Can you sing a poem? Try to compose your own melody for a lullaby.
    Write down the highlighted sentence. Underline in the words of the sentence the letters that denote soft consonants.

Consonants sound differently in different words. Sometimes hard, sometimes soft. In this lesson, we will learn to distinguish between soft and hard consonants and designate the softness of consonants in writing with the letters I, E, E, Yu, I and L. We will find out which consonants form pairs of hardness-softness, and which are only hard or only soft.

Compare the first consonants. When pronouncing a sound in the word KIT, the middle part of the tongue rises to the palate, the passage through which air flows narrows and a sound is obtained, which scientists conditionally called soft. And the opposite sound is called - solid.

Let's complete the task. You need to arrange the vegetables in two baskets. In the first place, we put those in the names of which any soft sounds are heard, in the second, those in the names of which all consonant sounds are hard. Beetroot, turnip, eggplant, cabbage, onion, tomato, onion, pumpkin, cucumber.

Let's check. In the first basket put: beets(sound [in ']), turnip(sound [p ']), tomato(sound [m ']),cucumber(sound [p ']). Second: cabbage, pumpkin, eggplant, onion .

It is important to listen to the sounds of spoken words. If you say the word HES otherwise - with a solid first sound, we get a completely different word - NOSE.

Let's listen and observe the movement of our tongue:

row - sound [p '] - glad - sound [p]

hatch - sound [l ’] - bow - sound [l]

Rice. 3. Bow ( )

crumpled - sound [m '] - small - sound [m]

Sounds can be written (conditionally) with icons. Musical sounds are recorded in notes, and speech sounds are written in letters, but in special square brackets - in transcription. In order not to confuse hard and soft sounds when reading the transcription, scientists agreed to show the softness of the sound with an icon very similar to a comma, only put it on top.

Most consonants form pairs of softness - hardness:

Some consonants are only hard or only soft. They do not form pairs in hardness / softness:

Only hard consonants: [w], [w], [c]. Only soft consonants: [th '], [h '], [u '].

Let's complete the task: indicate the paired sound.

[h] - ? [g] - ? [R'] - ? [h '] - ? [from'] - ? [l] - ? Let's check the correctness of the task: [s] - [s ']; [p '] - [p]; [s '] - [s]; [l] - [l ']. [g], [h ’] - unpaired soft-hard sounds.

In writing, the hardness of consonants is indicated by the vowels A, O, U, Y, E, and the softness of consonants is indicated by the vowels E, E, I, Yu, I.

There are words with soft consonants at the end of words or in the middle of words before other consonants. Listen to the words: salt, horse, notebook, coat, ring, letter. Then a soft sign will come to the rescue. Even his name suggests - a sign soft, for soft consonants.

Let's make a memo on how to act while writing words:

I hear a solid consonant sound - I write letters after it in place of the vowel sound: A, O, U, Y, E.

I hear a soft consonant sound before a vowel - I denote its softness with vowels: E, E, I, Yu, I.

I hear a soft sound at the end of a word or before a consonant - I show softness b.

Rice. 5. Hard and soft consonants ()

So, today we learned that consonants can be soft and hard, and the softness of consonant sounds in writing in Russian is indicated by the letters i, e, e, u, i and y.

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M .: Astrel, 2011. ().
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M .: Ballas. ()
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book / Textbook.

Additional web resources

  1. Knowledge hypermarket ()
  2. Russian language: a short theoretical course. ()
  3. Logosauria: site for children's computer games. ()

do at home

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. M .: Astrel, 2011. Pp. 35, ex. 6, pp. 36, ex. 3.
  2. Count how many soft consonants are in the word electric train? (In the word train - 3 soft consonants ([l '], [p '], [h ']).
  3. Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, make puzzles or charades with words, where the softness-hardness of the sound changes the meaning.